The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Zelda was glad that Link liked this...she'd keep it in mind for later. A good trick Sona knew...maybe she did this all the time for Ike. Their tongues were in unison together until Zelda took his half hard dick all the way into her mouth while Sona licked up what was left on his balls and inner thighs.
"Nn..." Link moaned, hand slipping through Zelda's hair in appreciation as he slumped back again, legs spreading faintly. "You two..." he panted faintly, licking his lips. "That's enough..." He couldn't believe the way this night turned...
Both Sona and Zelda lifted their heads to look up at him. A content smile was on Zelda's face, but Sona just looked more exhausted than anything. Zelda pulled her cloak on top of form as she fell asleep curled up to Link's form and then laid next to Zelda. "When all this is over, Link..I want to get married and have a child with you." Zelda told him. Completely out of the blue but...she really...loved him. Always had.
Link blinked at that, glancing at her a moment in surprise. "R...Really?" he said, ears flicking faintly in embarrassment as his cheeks flushed...and not from exhaustion. His stubborn half erection twitched, and he almost willed it to stop. That...was not an unpleasant thought.
"Yeah. I think you'd make a great father...and well...if you married me you be King. I don't think anyone would be bothered by that." Zelda said as she leaned over and gave him a pleasant kiss on the lips.
"...Well," Link mumbled in faint agreement, returning the kiss. "...I wouldn't mind," he smiled easily. "King Link doesn't sound very good, though," he joked. No, it really didn't...
"No. I'm content with just calling you Link. Or my hero." She told him as she laid her head down on his shoulder. She knew what she would be dreaming of tonight.

Chi walked into Death Mountain and looked around. This had been her first time here, though Lady Medusa had requested her presence personally. Something about a secret mission or something. Chi didn't least she was getting up there in the ranks. Oh, and that cute boy was here, too. She had seen him flying around with a sour expression on his face. She was sure he'd be fun to play with.

Speak of the devil, there he was. "Hey there!" Her voice was kind of...scratchy. Made sense, she never really spoke. But nonetheless, she was pretty cheery. "Hey you! Can you tell me where Medusa is?"
"...What, are you kidding?" Pit mumbled faintly in annoyance, wings bristled as he glanced at....him? Maybe? Who was this? Wait, why did they look like they were wearing his clothes? And the Was Medusa sneaking around behind his back again? Ugh...whatever. He didn't care. He pointed his thumb to the large, majestic door that seemed to be carved out of the stone. A pair of statues nestled between it, both of them rather...generous and lovely depictions of Medusa naked, cradling the door as if it were Ganondorf's arm. The many followers of her name and word seemed to delight in being given the honor of painstakingly making every curve and inch of her and the stairs on the way up. This place had changed, indeed...much of it was filled with devout worshipers, pregnant concubines and gerudo women.

Disgusting animals, feh. Either way, he headed toward the stairs.

"Come on," he muttered. "You must be that idiot she mentioned."
"Idiot? I'll have you know that I am not an idiot. Wow, you're just as rude as I thought you'd be." She grinned. He seemed a little confused when he looked at her...a reasonable reaction. "I'm Chi. You got a name? Idiot?" She grinned at him as she followed him, her arms behind her back. Oh yeah, he'd be fun to mess with. Though this place was pretty nice. She'd expect nothing less of Lady Medusa.
His wings bristled in annoyance as they moved up the stairs. "...Pit," he mumbled. Terrific, just what he needed...another cheerful pain in the rear in his miserable life. Might as well take them to Medusa anyway...ugh. He was tired of doing nothing, why did Ganondorf seem so content to wait?
"That's dumb," She started, stretching her wings cheerfully as she walked as well as her arms. She then rested her hands back behind her head. "That's a dumb name, you know that? I knew a guy name Pit. Looks just like you, except not nearly as cute. I hate him, he was Palutena's favorite pet. So what, you're Medusa's favorite, huh?"
"...And what are you?" Pit said in annoyance. "Medusa's next favorite pet? Because if you want it, take it." Why did she seem to find people that were built to annoy him?
"What you don't like being Lady Medusa's favorite? Hanging around this amazing fortress and seeing all these pretty Gerudo women? I would love to be around here all day. You're spoiled, Pit. Ugh I don't even want to call you that. We need to give you a better name. Something that fits your sour face. Well...your handsome, sour face." She walked closer to him, uncomfortably so. "I know. I'm going to call you Pet. That's better, right? Much more fitting."
"Ugh," Pit grimaced, taking a half step away from her as they headed up the stairs. "How about you just keep quiet until we see Lady Medusa instead?" What an annoyance. He preferred it when it was just him, nobody bothered him then.
"Fine. If you insist, Pet." Chi closed the distance between them again, her gray feathers grazing against his wing. She liked invading his personal space...he was so wonderfully uncomfortable and that flustered look was adorable.

Medusa was waiting for the two to arrive, holding her sleeping baby close to her large bosom. She was slightly annoyed. Chi was late...and she didn't like being kept waiting. Especially since what she wanted to ask of Chi. She needed to get to that woman before that Mercenary came back. She knew exactly what to offer to make her change sides. She just needed a messenger who could slip into Castle town without being noticed.
Pet's-...Pit's wings bristled at that, face heating up with either annoyance or arousal, hard to tell with him. Either way, they made their way to where Medusa resided. Not that anyone but Pit would know, but Medusa had taken a rather casual approach to...motherhood. It wasn't uncommon to see her breastfeeding the fire haired baby girl, her eyes as yellow as the bright sun.

"Lady Medusa," Pit mumbled. "...The...supposed girl you requested has arrived." he said, bowing in respect.
So he did think she was a girl? No, he didn't sound too sure. All the better, really.

Chi bowed as well, one of her red eyes that wasn't covered by dark blue hair rising to see the baby in Medusa's arms. Her skin was a sharp contrast to the child's..though somehow those eyes just reminded her of Medusa's...they seemed to be staring straight at her, too. Which was strange for a baby, but she seemed aware.

"You're late Chi," Medusa ignored Pit for a moment. She actually needed to...discuss something with him later. She hadn't gotten a chance, or rather it was something that wasn't of much importance. Ganessa was her first priority. "You know I don't like to be kept waiting." Before the girl could open her mouth she raised her hand. "Silence, I am not interested in hearing any excuses. But there is a task I need you to complete. I need you to fly to Castle town...unnoticed. Find the woman they call "Samus"...and then deliver one simple message. Tell her I have the power to fix her vessel, and I can help her get off this planet...if she joins me. If she's interested, you are to lead her here, do you understand?"

"Yes but...What if she isn't, Lady Medusa?" Chi asked, her gaze shifting to the floor. Medusa had a way of..scaring her. She hadn't even realized she was late.

"If she isn't, then you will stay in Castle town and await further orders. There is something else there that needs to be taken care of." She glanced at Dark Pit and narrowed her eyes. "Now go, get out of my sight." She told Chi. "Pit, stay here. There is something we need to talk about."
"...Of course, my lady," Pit mumbled, still bowed in respect. Not that he didn't get a minor sense of satisfaction seeing Chi squirm unpleasantly for a change. "I am at your service." What now?
Chi left, and Medusa waited until she was out of earshot before she turned back to him. "Do you have something to tell me about? Something that happened a few nights ago?"
Pit blinked a little, glancing up at her. A few nights ago...? What was he...oh.


"...Nothing that I felt worth mentioning, my lady," Pit mumbled, however honest it sounded, it was true. What did that matter? "And if you know anyway, why are you asking me?"
"Why didn't you kill her?" Medusa asked as she raised an eyebrow. She was sure he knew how much she wanted that little gold haired eyesore out of the way. Though him being close to her could prove useful she wasn't too angry with him. Yet..depending on his reasoning.
"I was planning to," Pit admitted. "...I was, but then she...did...what you and Ganondorf do, to me. Whatever you call it." he mumbled, glancing away from her in shame...and slight embarrassment. "...She thinks that I am a slave, under your control." True, to a point. He didn't like telling her that, but it was what happened. "I didn't know what to do, so I just left."
Medusa raised an eyebrow at that before she gave him a very...warm smile. Something she only showed Ganondorf or the child in her arms. It was..manipulative, but very convincing. "'re not a slave. You're my child.." She said as she rose up from her throne. True, he would never amount to what Ganessa would, but still. There was some affection there, especially when he had helped Ganon get the second triforce piece. "And a child should obey their mother, right?" She asked as she pulled him towards her beautiful, motherly form with her free arm.

A soft cry came from the bundle that was in Medusa's other was pleased. Ganessa apparently liked Pit..otherwise she would have probably stayed quiet. At least his "sister" liked him too.
Pit felt his cheeks growing somewhat hot as he found himself nuzzled against her other breast, not really out of wanting to...but he just felt compelled to do so. "I...yes," Pit mumbled. "...I'm...I'm sorry, I just..." He hated this, he hated how easy it was for her to just...shatter every bit of defense he thought he had. It infuriated him more than anything. He knew there was more to it, but there wasn't anything that he could do about that feeling of feeling wanted.
"Shhh." Medusa knew that if she didn't treat this situation carefully she might end up having to destroy one of her favorite creations, and she did not want to do that. She would make sure he did not betray her. "I will forgive you, because you experienced your first girl. You had sex for the first time. She was confusing you, and it's hard to think straight when you experience pleasure...not to mention...she seems to trust you now, right?" She smiled, though this time it was far more sinister.
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