His Impossible Girl {Celebstars}

"Talk dirty? I dunno, I have quite a sailor tongue on me," Thirteen replied with a small snicker. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll be walking bowlegged for a week. I'll make you cum so bloody hard that you'll be hooked on me," he hissed in her ear. Sure enough he was feeling her legs pinning him in place, and yet he was still probing forth with a vigorous passion, the bed rattling beneath he as he grew rougher.

"And you're gonna love every second of it..."
Her sex felt so warm, contracting against his hard meat which was slithering inside of her delicately but with a pounding and roughness she craved. She loved that he was some type of alpha male, yet he had that innocence about him to, something she loved more so than anything else. Each of her hands rested on his shoulders as he lay above her, those big brown eyes of hers focused all around his face, every slight tiny spec of skin.

Those gorgeous lips parted with a glorious moan and her mouth opened wide as she came on to his cock, her beautiful juices soaking him in her scent. "Doctor!" She screamed.
He felt that contraction, the shift of pressure that heralded her sweet juices further lubricating him. Thirteen didn't hold out much longer than that, feeling a sense of heat race into his groin before he too came. Toned muscles shuddered, thick spurts of hot alien cum painting the interior of her magnificent pussy. He slumped forth a bit, letting out low pants from the exertion, and then he slowly pried his cock free, letting some of the hardness leave him.

"Aw man... we really... we really should've done that sooner," he said with a ragged laugh, reaching up and scratching at his raven hair.
Clara wasn't sure if it felt different, having a different specie of sperm inside of her. She hoped it was, hoping and praying that it did something to her, wanting to have every part of the doctor inside of her. When he pulled out, she bit her bottom lip with a naughty grin and watched him scratch at his hair.

Whatever the consequences were of her sleeping with him, she didn't care, she had slept with him and that is what she wanted.

"Did you enjoy yourself, because I did." Rolling on to her stomach, her hands held her chin and her legs went in to the air and started to sway. Her naked form so curvy and beautiful, hopefully the most beautiful and radiant creature in the universe.
"Certainly. It was just a little awkward getting back in the saddle... I'll get it right next time," he said, now taking a seat beside her on the bed. "These new hips are great. So quick and fluid!" he said with a quick laugh. Thirteen reached over and stroked down Clara's back, fingertips now brushing the softness of her ass. "We should do that more often... hm, I think our adventures are going to get much more interesting."
As she laid on the bed, she watched him and smiled. "Well your better looking than the last" Clara teased. Her hands still held her head in her palms with that silky smooth long brown hair falling over the sides of her cheeks. The girl then felt his finger tips run down her back, over her soft flesh before reaching that plump little ass.

"Much more interesting" she then moved in to kiss his mouth, moving from her relaxed posture. "So where are we going next? Who can we help?"
Once their lips parted it seemed Thirteen was once more filled with a youthful excitement. "Mm... well I need to check about with the instruments," he said with a shrug. "So, you know... feel free to rest up for a bit. Can't have you running around out of breath, it would be a criminal offence in this line of work." He reached down and donned his discarded shirt and trousers, but seemed just a touch haphazard in how he did the buttons.

Giving her another quick wink Thirteen headed on his way through the nebulous corridors toward the entryway. It was safe to say their travels were set to get much more interesting.
When he left, she stared at the empty doorway for a few more seconds and smiled, before rolling on to her back in her naked form and looking up at the ceiling of the TARDIS. She couldn't believe what she had just done, it was magical, amazing, yet old..he was really old...but that added to the excitement for Clara, all of it did. He wasn't even human yet he appeared human. No one would believe her in the their wildest dreams. She liked that...this was her special world now, and only she knew about it, it was her secret place and secret time.

After five minutes or so, she appeared in the center with him, she always looked at the numerous buttons and controls. Wearing something knew, she must of had a closet in there surely, Clara had on a pair of denim jeans with white sneakers and a t-shirt along with a black cardigan on top.

"You do know I am a teacher right? I do have a life to go back to?"
"Hm? Oh certainly. But of course we can head back whenever you want without an eyebrow being raised," the marginally older man said, giving the console before him a light pat "After all... time machine." Thirteen seemed to ponder this for a moment before turning focus back to the tan beauty, a hand pressing into her perky rear and pulling the curvy beauty in close, their noses lightly touching in this intimate embrace.

"We could head back if you want. You know, let you do some 'normal' things before we meet back up again," Thirteen said. He knew maybe a little break from the wild adventures wouldn't be too bad for her, give Clara the means to catch her breath.
"Your trying to get rid of me?" She said, walking around the control panel. "I give myself to you and that's how you repay me?" She turned her head, peeping in to view of his eyes with a cheeky grin. "I could do with a break, I am a bit tired of trying to be killed. But you promise me, you will be back on time OK? No making me wait years for you because you have made a miscalculation?" Her finger pointed directly at him as she moved closer.

"You promise?"
"When have I ever made a miscalculation like that?"

There was a bit of a pause before he waved one hand up "Don't answer that actually," he said with a small sigh. Much as he didn't like admitting it, he was a bit 'accident prone' at times. Thirteen shifted his attention back to the panel and got to working the dials nearest to him. "In any event, if it puts your mind at ease I could spend a few days of normalcy at your place. Might do me a bit of good really."
She was going to give him examples of when he had mistimed his visits, Clara was looking forward to telling him and then pulled a displeased face with his hand in the air.

"Spend a few days at my place? No no no no no!" She said, the last Doctor who did that, ended up working at my school and it did not go well. I had my students coming in and out of the Tardis!"

Walking away, she soon quickly spun on the spot, her long brown hair flying upwards before she ran close to him. "But! If you promise not to do anything stupid, and act normal...scrap that bit you aren't normal. Just don't...Just....Just blend in OK?" She poked his chest with her finger.
"Just blend in?" he replied. He mulled the idea in his head for a moment before giving a shrug "I'm sure I can do it. 'Hello, I'm a human. I like cups of tea and watching football and... going to the pub.'" Thirteen pondered the idea again before grinning "Yes, this will work out splendidly. It's not too hard to act, it's basically the same as lying- and I am a magnificent liar!" he boasted, drawing upon the centuries of knowledge locked up in his alien brain.

"And I promise I'll keep away from your students," he added a moment after. Schools seemed a massive drag as far as he was concerned.
Her mouth opened wide in shock, her hands went on to each hip and that cute face looked angry while her head tilted to one side. "Did you just stereotype my people? That we just drinks cups of tea and go to pubs and watch football! That is low for you mister two hearts!" Clara wasn't exactly hurt, she at least just wanted to say something back to try and belittle his people, although that was hard as it was only him left.

"Look, just blend in, or you aren't getting any of this." Her hands lowered as to show herself off to him.

Once they had stopped travelling, Clara opened the door and found herself in her bedroom. "Smooth...very smooth." She smiled. "But you Sir are sleeping on the couch. I will see you in the morning. Goodnight!"
"I've been travelling with English people since oh... I suppose the fifties. Trust me, you people don't change all that much," came his casual, teasing response. He was convinced he was in the right on this, and when he was convinced of something he was unlikely to change his mind on the matter. "The couch! Well, it is a comfy old couch," he said, closing the TARDIS doors behind him with a snap of his fingers.

"Night," he said casually, striding from the bedroom to the adjacent living area.
Clara was never sure why this happened, but after travelling to numerous places with the Doctor, it had an affect on her for a few nights. Wearing a silk black nightie and resting under the covers, she tossed and turned a lot, sweat poured from her forehead, droplets resting on her cheeks and nose as she breathed and panted heavily.

"No....No..." she said in her sleep, her head shaking back and forth from one side to another on the pillow.

Sitting up on her butt, her big brown eyes looked wider than ever as she sat up, staring across the room. Gazing at the TARDIS, she remembered the Doctor was sleeping here to. It didn't make much difference anyway, she had these crazy wild dreams when he was away.

Getting up, tossing the duvet over to one side, she stood up barefoot and walked in to the kitchen. Going to the sink, she turned the tap on to get some water before gulping it down.
Over the course of the night, Thirteen had found he quickly grew bored of sleeping. He had found Clara had no such issue, and as she was in slumber when he went to check he felt it best to find some other way to amuse himself. Fortunately he could be a silent sort, and had managed to reel a blackboard from the TARDIS and into the living room without making much noise in the process.

By the time Clara came to her kitchen he had already scribbled great swathes of equations, scribbling the range of numbers and letters onto the board with a piece of chalk he found in his pocket. When he heard her Thirteen turned and gave her a smile. "Ah, hey. Did you get bored of sleeping too?" he asked politely. "I wanted to put my mind to work, so I started working on a formula that guarantees longterm economic stability."
Turning back from the sink, she saw him, looking his usual smug self, not realizing she was a little bit flustered with her dreams. "Get bored of sleeping? No, I woke up, you haven't slept have you? Working on a formula? For economic stability?" Her left eyebrow raised higher than the right and a hand rested on her hip. Walking past him, she went in to the living room to see the giant blackboard.

"You got that out of the TARDIS? You were in my bedroom as I slept!" Clara seemed out of sorts. "I said, not to delve in to, or mess with anything while you were here and it hasn't even been a night and your trying to fix the economy!"

Clara was sweating on her forehead, she was panting to. She didn't seem....alright.
"Well I didn't make a noise if that helps any." He tossed his chalk from hand to hand and then set it on the outcropping of the blackboard. Turning his attention to her he did indeed realise she was upset about something. "Dear oh dear," Thirteen said, looking her over. His hand reached over and came to rest on her left shoulder. "Everything alright?" he asked softly. "I know I upset you easily, but I get the feeling that's not what's wrong."
"I...I don't know what is wrong with me, it happens every time I travel with you, well after every time, as soon as I go to sleep, I have really bad dreams, I sweat a lot, I can't get comfortable. I thought it might just have been some space travel sickness or something? No?" Clara started to feel worried about it now, like it may be more than what she originally thought. "Doctor? I'm going to be OK aren't I?"

With his silence lingering on, she felt more scared and paranoid that something was going to happen, she was travelling with a time lord, so something obviously was.
Thirteen pondered her question for a moment, causing him to reach up and scratch up at his chin. "It's likely some combo of stress and excitement from what's transpired. You are going through things that are ah... well space and time travel are uncommon to humans." He managed a smile, set his hand on her shoulder and turned his attention to her kitchen. "I suppose the standard remedies would help you get back to sleep. Anything to calm the mind and whatnot..."
Following him in to the kitchen, she didn't seem all to convinced about this. "I know we all call you Doctor...but....you aren't a doctor? Right? I mean, your just a time lord. What could you know about remedies and whatnot?" Standing in the doorway of the kitchen and corridor, Clara witnessed him as she stood in the little black nightie, brown hair near her shoulders and hands on her hips.

"Doctor! Talk to me!"
"I'm a few centuries old, I picked up some things," he said quickly. He paused and then set his attention on her. "Maybe a change of scenery would help?" Thirteen offered. The apartment was a touch cramped by his standards, not that he would say as much aloud for fear of offending Clara. Ultimately he was willing to bet that somewhere more open would help clear her head a bit, help her keep calm.

"I know a planet with dandelions the size of skyscrapers, and the smell of them can make your cares melt away. Oh, oh! Or, there's this one planet that orbits a purple star, and the light can soothe away anxiety through a specific psychosolar frequency. As far as worlds go they are quite remote- we're unlikely to run into any trouble at either spot." He smiled and then set both hands on her shoulders "Anywhere you want to go, I'll show you- because making you happy is now my current mission."
A change of scenery, meaning a journey, to another planet, and probably danger. She was sure it was his middle name, if he had one. The sounds of the planets he mentioned did seem magical, she always wondered why he never bothered to take her to places like that to often. It was always systems with things trying to kill her.

"Take me where you want to I trust you for some reason." Pulling her hair behind her ear she shook her head, seeming like it was a second ago that they only arrived and now they were leaving, typical. "Well I need to get dressed, not going out in just a nightie."

Getting changed, she was in a new outfit, almost ready for like a new adventure, she knew she wasn't going to be home in a while.
"Really? I think adventuring in a nightie would be quite a nice change of pace..."

Soon enough the magnificent machine had transported the two across the spacetime gulf, depositing them on the large yellow petal of one of the towering dandelions he had spoken of. The smell of the air was delightfully sweet, a sound of birdsong moving on the breeze. As Thirteen led the way he allowed one of his strong arms to settle around Clara's shoulders. "This is just a brief trip- only an hour or so so you can calm your nerves. So please, do tell what's on your mind."
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