His Impossible Girl {Celebstars}


Sep 28, 2013
The Cybermen had taken on a myriad of forms over the many thousand years he had fought them, from the Mondasians, to the Telosians and lastly the Cybus Cybermen. One thing remained consistent in all forms of Cyberman- they were exceedingly dangerous. It seemed that was something his 12th incarnation had remembered all too late at the end of his line.

It was supposed to be a routine trip with Clara- with her coming on the heels of some break-up he had wanted to take her on a wild adventure that would get her smiling. A trip to see mankind's first ever Dyson Sphere, being constructed around the star called Manifold. It had been fun and cool to see... for about ten minutes until a group of cyber-ships appeared, hoping to draw the energy from that same star for themselves.

Both of them were seperated by the roaming squads of steel monsters, forced to flee to different parts of the station. The Doctor, try as he might, hadn't been able to stop himself getting struck in the gut with a lethal electric burst. In his final moments he had killed his cyborg assailant, and then he was struck with the golden energy burst of a new regeneration.

It took some time for his brain to rewire itself, but once it did he took in a sharp gasp and jumped to his feet. "Whoa! Spry this time! Welcome change from bein' an old man again... is that my voice? Damn growly... did I swallow gravel..." He looked down at himself, brushed some ash off his lightly burnt suit. "Agh... this'll have to go. Soon as I get back to the TARDIS... wasn't there someone else on that? Oh right! My sweet impossible girl... I better go get her before the Cybermen make her all... metal-y."

He plucked his sonic screwdriver up off the cold metal ground, walked on and then took a brief moment to check his reflection. He looked good... young again, though a bit scruffier than those other squeaky clean lads. He kind of liked it actually...

With a wry grin he took off, jogging down the length of the metal corridor. With any luck Clara had found herself a secure hiding spot.
"He doesn't let me down....He doesn't let me down" she muttered to herself in a room which had all of these controls beeping and buzzing. She hated hiding, but as always, or most of the time she had to do what he asked of her. Clara found it hard being with this Doctor but she was slowly warming to him, his idea of this trip certainly made her feel better until they were attacked by these robotic men thingy's she thought.

Her big brown eyes bulged as she heard footsteps. Loud noises hit the floor with a heavy metal, they were walking her way and she couldn't do anything.

"Doctor where are you" Clara whispered, scared out of her mind and wondering where he was. Little did she know he was regenerating after being killed. Taking a few deep breaths, Clara opened the door quietly and saw the place was clear, she remembered a sign which read 'Decontamination' on it which was wear the TARDIS had landed. Tip toeing in her black shoes, her short skirt bounced up and down against her black nylon tights and she made her way down some stairs to see the big blue box standing tall out of harms way.

Heading inside, her navy blue cardigan got caught on the door and ripped, showing off her white shirt underneath. Running to the centre, she put on the camera feed to watch outside.
It took some fiddling with the remote controlled windows and the power relays of the two cyberships orbiting the sphere, but by now he was certain he had what he needed. The Doctor, unaware that the camera of his big blue box was picking up on his movements, stopped in one corridor as a squadron of the ironclad army marched toward him. They halted, all looking at him with dead black eyes.

"Ah hey there, my favourite metal men... well... second favourites. You guys are great and all, but I prefer the mechanoids in all honesty." The Cybermen, undistracted by his banter, all raised their hands his way, their digits glowing with lightning. "Oh now, don't take it personally. You know what you lads need? A healthy dose of vitamin D... SUNLIGHT!"

The screw driver in his hand lit up with a vibrant green light, the panel of space age metal beside the cyber-squadron catching light as a corridor of solar fire burst through the crack for only a split second, that brief gap of time proving to be more than enough to melt them to slag. "Hm... maybe doctor's orders aren't the best... let's see how well those ships handle a healthy dose of starlight." His screwdriver aimed at one control bank, and suddenly the signal caused two great columns of fire to burst from the open portions of the dyson sphere. They hurtled through space, smashed into the energy conductors of the twin cyber-ships. Both were quickly vaporised in the surprise attack, leaving the sphere safe for the time being.

"One hour of life and I pulled that off... I am good." He snickered a bit to himself and then traced his steps from memory, heading to where the TARDIS was 'parked.'
She slowly stepped back away from the monitor with the camera feed on. Weirdly, Clara was more scared of this new man rather than the Cybermen who were trying to kill her.

Her human mind could not process what she had just seen, was that....the Doctor? Was it another Doctor? Clara felt the sudden urge to see if 'her' one was OK, she assumed the enemy had been defeated and ran out of the TARDIS in a hurry, her shoes clapped against the floor as she ran.

"Doctor!.......Doctor! Where are you?!" The running soon stopped as she came to a creepy looking corridor with it's lights flickering. It was like one of those horror films, one of them times when you shouldn't go down to investigate.

But knowing Clara, she started to take steps forward towards the darkness of the station. "Hello? Is anybody there? I'm...Clara? Doctor? Is that you?" Her throat gulped, she was scared, who was that man she had seen.

Only time would tell.
"Yeah yeah it's me... relax would ya? I'm just wearing a new face is all," he called out. He had to check his memories, which seemed to expand each second as he could look further and further back into the tapestry of his old lives... yes 'Clara' had seen this happen before, she saw the change from his eleventh self into his twelfth, and now it seemed she had the chance to meet lucky number thirteen.

His little trick had drained a bit of the power from the ship, so he was left in darkness most of the walk toward the TARDIS... too hard to see, he had no idea where Clara was, but he had definitely heard the schoolteacher call out to him... at least she had evaded the metalclad death squad, so she had gotten into the ship without injury.

He reached the blue box, whistled a disjointed tune, and the doors opened in response to his melody. Thirteen glanced over his shoulder into the darkness "Well c'mon then out of the darkness, wherever you are. I won't bite." He stepped inside and gave a low exhale of relief. "And I can't wait around all day for that cute bum of yours to get in here."
"Wait! What?!" She shouted, her English voice echoing throughout the station. "Doctor!" She looked around as he went silent, this place was far to creepy for her now, the trip was meant to be a happy one and it had turned in to a nightmare.

Looking back, she started to head towards the TARDIS again, although it took her longer as she lost her bearings and now had to follow his voice. Clara wondered how he got there without seeing her, he must of gone around her in a different corridor.

"I'm coming!" She shouted, finding his voice odd and weird, she would have to get used to it.

His last comment shocked her, "what did you say?" Seeing the TARDIS, Clara stepped inside and saw the Doctor for the first time.
There she was, his much beloved impossible girl with the sunkissed skin and the silky hair. His previous two selves had been far too asexual to notice how good Miss Oswald looked. (Right now he couldn't understand how his old self had been interested in River over her...)

"What? Your bum looks good, no need to be embarrassed... Anyway, I kind of died... Again. I'm making much too much of a habit of it. Oh well, I still need to make you happy."

Thirteen paused and drummed his fingers on the TARDIS controls. "Oh, what if I take you to the first drive-in theater on Mars? That'd be fun, right?"
The door shut behind her and she was safe again by the Doctor's side in the TARDIS. When he mentioned her bum again, she looked around as if to try and gaze at it. Her hands then went over her cheeks to try and protect them from view. "Don't stare at my bum" Clara insisted.

"What do you mean you died, you can't die, I mean you can, but it can't happen that quick...again? Can it? How did it happen?"

Tilting her head, she looked confused, "Still need to make me happy? You remember? Anyway, I think you have done enough today, I went away with an old man and come back with a youngish man" she shrugged, walking up to the controls with him.

"The first drive-in theatre on Mars? There is a whole universe and you take me to that. You sure there won't be anyone after us there?"
"Don't judge me for looking, judge yourself for looking that good," he commented in turn, now swiftly sorting through the dials and knobs of the main console. He hummed and turned one larger dial, trying to look as if he was working while at the same time groping for any memories he could find on how to actually fly this damn thing... harder than it looked, and it looked hard enough to start with.

"Oh i die all the time, and that body had a good life relatively speaking. One hundred and sixty years, that's longer than some get," he remarked. Finally the TARDIS started moving, the central tube rising and lowering down at a set rhythm.

It was moving, travelling through space and time as it hurtled back toward the sol system- mainly to Mars of the 24th century. "First though I think I'll need to change..." He hummed and slipped his burnt shirt and jacket off, letting them fall to the floor and revealing his upper body... the youth of the new body was clear- fit but not excessively muscular, so he seemed to be in fairly good shape.

"Give me a moment to get dressed... wonder if I still have that old rainbow coat," the Doctor commented, walking down one corridor with his shirts tucked under one naked arm.
Clara didn't know what to think of this Doctor, he was certainly more blunt and open than the previous one. Looking at him use the machine, it didn't seem like he knew what he was doing, she was pressing buttons which even she hadn't seen pressed in her time here.

The brunette was just about to ask if he knew what he was doing when a sudden burst of sound filled the room and a shake make her stumble on the spot. As they travelled, Clara saw him take off his upper clothing, she gulped and waved a hand in front of her face to stop herself from blushing although it never worked.

Thankfully he never say as he walked way. "Rainbow coat?" She questioned, wondering what he was talking about.
He returned not too long after, taking his sweet time by the way things seemed. All too soon he returned, and his sense of wardrobe was another thing that had changed with this particular regeneration. When he came into view Thirteen was dressed in a button up white shirt with a black tie lazily tied around his neck, wearing a red leather jacket that he kept opened up fully for the time being.

Thirteen had decided on changing his trousers too, as the last pair were coated in a light film of ash from the battle with the Cybermen. Black slacks and clean brown moccasins that fit his feet just perfectly. He adjusted his sunglasses, gave Clara a wry smile, and then flicked them up to reveal that they were normal glasses with the lightproof black lenses being ones that could be flicked up and down at the wearers leisure.

"What do you think? Been too long since I wore a leather jacket... but I think I can pull it off." He gave his companion a smirk "What do you think? You get fashion a little better than I do..."
This wasn't something Clara expected to see, she loved the way he looked, he looked.....cool, which neither of the other two who she had met did. One wore a bow tie and the other...well the other wasn't cool in anything.

"Wow Doctor you look....amazing" she smiled, giggled and laughed, leaning on to the TARDIS with her elbow. It suddenly dawned on her however that she had lost yet another man in her life. Although she was told they were all the same, Clara was easily attached to the individual.

"I got him killed, I killed him didn't I? I mean you? You brought me here, he brought me here, to cheer me up. This is all my fault" she was starting to breath heavy and feel guilty.
"Ah come on, don't start getting all mopey... and don't cry either. Your eyes will get all puffy, and that lil' bunny nose of yours will start twitching," Thirteen replied. He strode closer with casual sways of his feet. He sighed and reached over, stroking the back of her hair in a manner that could almost be construed as affectionate. "I just took a wrong turn is all... probably my fault for not double checking what was going to happen on that day."

"And besides," the slightly scruffy time lord smiled, stuffing his spare hand into his jacket pocket. "Your whole life has kinda been all about saving mine. I'dve died a million times more if you weren't around... my impossible girl."

He paused and stood still for a moment, their eyes locked together in that warm manner. Thirteen's eyes roamed over her fae, the unblemished skin and soft lips proving to be the main draws of his hungry gaze. Darn, he really wanted her. But he'd hold off for now. The TARDIS lurched to a halt and he proceeded to look up. "Ah, we're here. Well come on then we'll have a good view of the screen from the doors. Hopefully the Daleks won't take a sudden interest in Martian cinema," he remarked as he headed for the twin doors and opened them outward.
It was certainly more scary him being this affectionate she thought, although she loved it. He commented on her nose, he touched her hair, it was like he was the Doctor she had been waiting for this entire time. It had all started with number eleven, she loved him although he didn't seem to know what love was and twelve was...just twelve.

Once he headed to the twin doors of the TARDIS, Clara turned sharply, her long brown hair swinging back over her shoulders before she walked over to him. Rubbing her eyes and hiding that she had cried, she looked out in to the open world of Mars hundreds of years in to the future.

"So they did put people on Mars eventually then" she said, hopping out of the time machine and getting her shoes all dusty with red sand. "Well they could have built some roads! Ugh!"
"Well, celebrate the little victories," Thirteen replied with a small laugh. The TARDIS had parked itself on one ridge over looking the drive-in, a vantage point that allowed them to see the rows of cars parked before the twenty foot tall projection screen. As he had predicted a decent flick was playing, some romantic comedy starring Jennifer Anniston's fifth clone (The past four had all had some particularly grizzly accidents) that played much like her classic roles.

Still, having Audrey Hepburn's clone as a co-star did wonders to make the flick marginally more interesting.

"What do you think?" Thirteen asked softly, glancing over to the sexy single brunette. He smiled her way in an almost playful manner. She looked good in the red light of Mars, even better than usual. "Dunno what kind of movies you like... I guess spending time like this with you was something my past selves never did."
Standing on the ridge over looking the drive-in, Jenna went near the edge to look down and saw roads and buildings. The planet wasn't completely civilised yet with large portions of the land in the distance still red. Looking over to the screen, she had never seen anything like it before and decided to sit her peach of her bum on the sandy ground. Bending her knees, her arms rested on them as she watched Jennifer Anniston speak.

"No, they never did do anything like this....." Jenna then paused, she wasn't even looking at the screen but beyond it. "Is...is this a date?" She asked, turning her head so fast that her brown hair swung in the air before finally resting back down.

"It is isn't it?" She couldn't hide he smile, but then she thought she looked to eager. Turning her head back, she quickly glanced that screen in embarrassment.
"I unno. Never been on a date before, it's just one of those human things I've never really done before," Thirteen replied. Not that he particulary abhorred the idea, if anything he was quite excited she had gone that route before he did. Yes, a date did indeed sound quite lovely... a date with a notoriously lovely woman.

If his older selves were here, well no doubt they'd lecture him about these matters and just how many issues there were... and they'd probably be right too. But right now that didn't matter to him, he was all too happy to throw caution to the wind and just go for Clara while she was here.

One hand moved over as they watched the movie, a strong arm wrapping around her slim shoulders as the credits began to roll.
Her firm butt had it's own seating available in the red sand as her cheeks worked their own groove in. When he put his arm around her, Clara didn't know what was going on but liked it. Had she found a more intimate Doctor? Taking advantage of the situation she leant her head in to his chest and smiled at the screen.

"I think this is the first time you haven't put me in danger before Doctor. I like it."

Suddenly, she wanted to go, she sprung up and bounced on to her feet with all the energy she could muster. "I want to go to France. To Paris, if your going to take me on a date, I want it to be really romantic."

It then dawned on her that she had a time machine at her disposal but she chose something rather dull. "What is the most romantic place in the Universe? This is OK, but well...your taking me to the movies. I'm not a kid."

"What place do you most love in the world"
"Romantic places?" He said in turn. Interesting proposal... really romance was something so often evaded by his past selves. Troublesome, hard to understand... so he didn't have much grasp on places that could be construed as romantic. "Well there's this really cool black hole I saw that... no, wait... well the planet Alekmor has the biggest old battlefield in the Andromeda galaxy and... no, girls wouldn't be interested in that."

Thirteen paused, sighed and racked his brain for a good place for a 'date.' He was over a thousand years old, surely he knew somewhere that could... He snapped his fingers and grinned like a madman "Aha! perfection! Follow me!"

Back into the TARDIS they went, and he spent some time working the dials and keypads to set in a place and time to visit. The ship whirred to life, vanished from the sands of Mars. Moments later it was reforming in the midst of a lush green clearing, flanked by an infinite stretch of beautiful platlife- great fruit trees, multicoloured flowers, and lovely rays of sunlight that illuminated the place perfectly.

"This here is Elderra. A planet that's almost perfectly like the Garden of Eden. Perfect, unspoiled, beautiful. Great scenery. We could have a great meal here, and do plenty of relaxing on the greenery."
Clara held on to his hand and let him pull her in to the TARDIS before he started messing with the dials. She stood back, resting against the railing before she went up to him and stared in to his eyes. She looked puzzled, she even lifted a hand to flick his head. "Is everything OK up there? In here?" She now tapped his temple.

Suddenly, they arrived at this place he deemed the most romantic and Clara was certainly surprised. As the doors swung open she gazed at the natural beauty. Stepping out, the grass below flattened under her shoe. She was in front of him at moment and still had the red sand of Mars on her tight firm ass.

"It is beautiful" she said to herself. In the background was a roaring waterfall that whispered it's sound given she was some distance away from it.

"Thank you for bringing me here" Clara said, turning to face him now.
"Oh wow, I got it right? Well I'll be, I really am a genius," he said in a somewhat boastful tone, taking the time to grin at the younger woman. He approached her and closed up the double doors of the time machine on the way, just to make sure they didn't wind up with an infestation of what ever little critters called this woodland their home.

Now Thirteen stopped, coming to a halt beside her as he wondered just what to do with his hands. He shrugged then and simply laced one large arm around her shoulders, feeling how dainty she was compared to his sturdier build... she had a wonderous scent to her too, it mixed well with the natural odours of the neighbouring flowers.

"So ah... wanna have some food or go exploring?"
"I want to walk and look around, this is beautiful, why would I want to sit around eating with you? We could of just done that in the TARDIS" she said, shooting him a look and then looking at his around her shoulder. Clara started to feel like she was being hit on in an odd way but she loved it.

"I'm going to change" the girl then walked back in to the time machine and shut the door, she seemed to always have a different outfit no matter what planet or city they visited.

In ten minutes or so, Clara returned wearing a white t-shirt and some tight blue denim jeans. She had a bag on her back which she held by the straps. "Let's march on!" She said, walking past the Doctor and going through the trees. Stepping on some branches and twigs, she saw weird looking plants and animals. The latter were only small, they looked rabbit like and very cute. Clara instantly fell in love with them.
Changing already? He'd never figure this woman out... Still he had no qualms in continuing on once she returned, walking close to her side as they stepped over one track hewn into the dirt. "You don't need to worry about the wildlife," he said, watching one of the stumpy rabbit-like creature spirited past them as fast as it's hopping legs could carry it. "Most of them are about that size. Nothing really carnivorous we need to worry about."

A hand came to rest on her shoulder as they reached the peak of the trail, reaching a vantage point from which they could look down and examine a distant lake gleaming in the sunlight. A flock of rainbow-coloured birds flitted overhead and even from this distance they could see different species of fish hopping about in the clear blue.
She stood back straight, arms folded and looked at him with that look she always gave like he wasn't telling her everything. "Nothing really carnivorous to worry about? Why do I get the feeling we will bump in to whatever it is you are talking about Doctor."

Her shoes pressed against the grass below as they looked down at the lake with all the fish inside. Then overhead all of the birds were singing and chirping as they flew in their formation. "So why did you bring me here? Did you want to get me alone with you, in the middle of nowhere where we wouldn't be disturbed" she smiled, poking his chest with her finger.

"Well? What about food? Did you bring a picnic for our 'date?' I can't believe it, I am the first person to go on a date with the Doctor, aren't I lucky?"
"Well... there was nothing carnivorous the last time I was here..." he replied. Granted that was about.... a thousand years ago in this planet's history, but he was sure that this planet wouldn't evolve anything too lethal. Thirteen smirked "As if I'd be so callous Miss Oswald. If I wanted you alone, well we could've just stayed in the TARDIS, and give you a tour in the ah... cordoned off areas," he said slyly.

A hand reached into his interior coat pocket, rustling about slowly, and then from the ether he managed to pull out a fully loaded picnic wicker basket which he proceeded to set down on the grass. "Dimensionally transcendent pockets. Similar technology to what's in the TARDIS," he said, now reaching into his coat again.

A split second later and Thirteen had pulled out a checkered brown and white blanket which he then immediately unfurled and set down on the lush green grass. "There we go. Picnic basket, picnic blanket. All we need now is Yogi Bear and we'd be set," he said coyly.
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