- Joined
- Aug 30, 2014
Selectively looking, for a good reliable writer!
This is my very own list! I will try to keep it short and sweet and failed
These days I am very much into MMF, so ask. Also anything in my sig. And NOT: bad things happening to kids, poo/pee/pet, nor "ow" drama - no other woman, no pesky ex, no your character wanting another woman. If you want him to be attracted to someone else, let it be a man. In any case he must at least be physically attracted to mine.
as an introduction, I require a pm to let me know if away, and enough consideration not to say "I was away" when you were posting left and right - I'll prefer the Truth
*First, mistakes happen but please let it be readable. I’m not spelling obsessed and English is not my first language though
I don't demand a certain length (though a short first post followed by shorter and shorter is a red flag), we'll adapt and see whatever suits us. But if you keep sending one liners to my paragraphs, or if you can't establish a setting and just jump into smut, or if you can't send me a quick pm to tell me you're busy... I won't be very motivated. While length should be appropriate to the particular scene, if your posts are always shorter than mine, I may wonder if you are motivated. I'm primarily looking for someone (any gender) who wants to write! Story, background, details and surroundings to create an atmosphere or build on later. One message can be 3 lines and the following 3 pages (expect neither regularly), if that's what the story asks for. But please, no text speak, let's develop characters and relationships, and not just rush to smut. Just so it's clear, please no fade-to-black, either.
I am really trying to offer posts with some length and content, and unfortunately I find it hard to keep replying like this when I always get much smaller posts in return... It kills my inspiration and I end up not liking what I post either... Not that I need a novella, but I'm sorry, this won't work unless you can work on it?
**If we both go for a faster rhythm over time because that's what suits our story- all good! On the other hand if you expect me to write a novel (or even a short story
***I would really appreciate at least 2 posts a week as an average. This is a guideline especially for the right writer. Huge, researched or complex posts can take longer so for those 1 is fine. PMs or Google docs or Emails, now opened to threads despite drama!. I've just downloaded discord but this isn't happening until we're friends and I'm not typing down posts on that. Sometimes life happens... just tell me your schedule for that month and it will be ok, but I am one for a faster speed or I just lose interest. Don't come into the game expecting it's ok to just not respect this. Of course I will do the same or more, I can often post daily but not necessarily reply so, especially for those long posts. I'm sorry to have to make this a precise requirement! But sometimes it's just Too. Long! If I am contacting you about your own plot, it means I'm ok with your stated speed. I RP with anyone fitting the aforementioned, males, females and goats, as long as they write a convincing male
****I know that I come off as a strong personality, which I think I am. But I have no interest in submissive or meek men. I develop this point under but basically, please only equals or stronger personalities as characters. This doesn't mean no vulnerability, I love characters with feelings.
If you want to do something Shadow and bones (Darkmalina, Darklina), WWII, Troy/Achilles, Hux or Krennic, Homeland, the Americans, Troy/Achilles, something Victorian or Georgian arranged/forced marriage, 1920's-1950's mafia, Star Wars you have top priority. High priority for something in the worlds of (no order) Jamestown, Legend of the Seeker/Sword of Truth, Banished, The Walking Dead, Handmaid's Tale, Stargate SG-1, Harry Potter, Léon/The Professional. I have a plot for some of them, others not.
for interesting gifs, search LOOK AT ALL THOSE BEAUTIFUL GIFS on the first page of this thread
for men I find good look, search LOOK AT ALL THOSE GOOD LOOKING GUYS on the first page of this thread
for cravings, search LOOK AT ALL THOSE BEAUTIFUL INSPOS and LOOK AT ALL THOSE VIDS on the THIRD page. Sadly the cap on pictures prevents me from offering a collection like on Elliquiy.
Curious, aren't you?
So you can call me RedRose, or Rose (or Red?
). Rose is not my name but it's not too far either. I'm a girl who loves to RP. I roleplay since I am 15 or so unless you're counting the kind of natural RP all kids do, in all kinds of settings. So if you have an idea that sounds like something I could enjoy, really, just ask! I live in Europe (French RP?!) and I am not my character(s). I am not Abigail, Adelind, Adina, Aia, Cassie, Emma, Ginny, Irina, Julie, Matilda, Mélanie, Rachel, Samantha, Sansa or even really Rose #psycho... On that topic, my main characters are always females, 99,99% human, probably somewhere in between 16 and 36 - not that I would refuse a great RP where I write an older character, but it could be more difficult to relate to something really out of my realm. I also happen to think I write terrible male main characters. My characters are heterosexual, as am I. They can be teens or long-married women, onlies or one of many, virgins or escorts, damsels in distress or hitwomen, heroines or villainesses (caveat: neither will be 100% and stereotypical). Most of the time, they are somewhere in between unless the plot calls for that. They live anywhere from a Southern plantation to a space ship. If you want to check what type of character I write, just look at the plots and pics and at my RP history alllll the way down. While I do enjoy writing and I guess, playing opposite a certain type of character, the most important for me is that they fit the setting, physically and mentally. I write with everyone, but anything romantic or sexual is only happening between my female character and your male character (some"]Login"]Login[/URL]"]Login[/URL] guys I find good looking[/URL]) actually branching out with minor male characters being involved with men or women is a possibility if I know you well
So you can call me RedRose, or Rose (or Red?
What my co-writers have said 1 2 3 4 3 5 6 7 (there used to be more testimonies and I don't know what happened)
Some ideas in no particular order: (except cravings are in bold - please check my various threads for more details and pics)
Something in Français!
Dedra Meero and Syril Karn, or Syril Karn and M
Captive muse...
Lord and Dame Vaako
Achilles and Patroclus...
Director Krennic and Jyn Erso, love hate corruption (MF and MM with Galen but no incest) OR Tarkin and Leia
Alina and Aleksander (Shadow and Bone) (MMF with Mal)
Nazi officer x Jewish girl (WW2 request thread)
Arranged/Forced Marriage somewhere in between Renaissance and Victorian
Handmaid's tale
Stargate SG-1 with a PLOT
Crime boss and lawyer with a past/revenge
Dictator x Hitwoman
Léon/The Professional 10 years later
darker, modern, realistic RP
Roman general x Gaul princess (request thread)
Prohibition Mob boss x Rival mob boss’ daughter/wife (Film noir request thread) (MMF with the two men?)
Detective and widow…
Imposter/Conman and target's niece
Tom Riddle's Diary and Ginny - Harry Potter
Walking Dead Governor type x Wife or Daughter of rival town governor (TWD request thread)
Wounded enemy officer or sniper x military nurse (he wants to get away, she wants information and/or preventing other victims?? historical or modern or sci-fi, many possible settings)
Enemy officer or Intelligence service type x female Spy (cold war, WW2, sci fi, modern? convince me with a great plot)
Not-so-moral Private Eye x High Class Prostitute / Escort (maybe her client’s wife sent him to investigate - convince me with a great plot, film noir, modern or sci fi)
English officer x American rebel’s daughter/wife (American Revolution request thread)
Crooked Cop x Prostitute / Happy Ending Masseuse (the wrong client? knew of his bad rep and hoped to avoid him forever?)
Lawyer or Broker or Businessman x Stripper or lap dancer
I believe in second chances!! And maybe more - but not to those who contact me to push their plot and disappear on me. I set the NO gracias diNO on them.
And now... My Ons and Offs! They're written down for a reason, do read them and avoid losing time if we're not compatible.... Most of them are really common sense and easy to deal with but too many pms obviously come from people who didn't read! I'm making it reaaaally easy for you here, guys!
knowing where it's going (a general story arc so the RP doesn't peter out, not every single detail!)
some info and a pic of the main characters, or of yours only if you don't want to see one, doesn't mean you need to post pics of everything under the sun but one character pic? girls too are visual
vocabulary roughly fitting the era/fandom (see above - also about character's thoughts or point of view... I don't write the 201
enthusiasm, inspiration and creativity (if it becomes a chore, let's change something or stop, and let the other know what you want)
seduction (seducing and being seduced), with or without resistance, but always desire both ways
being pursued romantically, or less than romantically, or a mix - depends on plot
feeling desired by the MC (not necessarily romantic, love/hate and lust/disdain work)
power play
flirting, teasing, wit, good dialogue
passion, attraction, kissing and all that jazz
sexual tension, build up, flirty words, (not so innocent) touches, hot glances
good looking, intelligent characters who know what they want
realistic building of attraction/relationship
gentlemen and bad boys, the mix is irresistible
English or French please! (foreign words totally ok when it's such a historical RP, and if you can RP in French I'll love you forever)
fine spelling (mistakes happen!)
realism as opposed to anime world (the Victorian dandy doesn't say yolo, the hitman and the male ballet dancer don't express themselves the same way or have similar interests)
realism "within the fandom"
characters with self control (and when they lose it - see sexual tension)
a little subtlety goes a long way... (this does NOT mean fade to black or that aforementioned teen will be speaking like Shakespeare)
details, character's thoughts, why does s/he do that? the psychological side is a must!
attention to detail and hooks left by your partner
long term stories, hate smutty one shots
manly men and boyish boys? sorry for stereotyping, but I can't handle a guy who cries more than I do (emotions exist though)
(non stereotypical) heroes, antiheroes and villains (spineless characters need not apply)
co-writers who tell me what they expect and what they like. I don't read minds. The more plotting/feedback the better
my character can tend to test limits... sometimes she'll get away with it, sometimes not , and don't feel like she always has to!
YES when it makes sense
manipulation, corruption, mind games... both ways! lies, uncertainty, danger! I like this from characters as much as I hate it from partners.cheating
taboo relationships and hiding them, inappropriate feelings and hiding or embracing them
power struggle, power imbalance... powerful man vs (non) powerful woman (power be it financial, mental, physical, social...)
loyalty to family/marriage vs ... lust? morality? money? safety?
being stalked/obsession when done right
the nice/helpful stranger who isn't really that safe (and she may know it and still play along because he's hot/she's bored/she thinks herself too clever)
dry humour, irony
make up, long hair, heels and all for my character, classy well dressed men (period and setting-appropriate, no fashion and manicure on a desert island...)
perfume/cologne when setting and charater appropriate (I'm French, I don't "find it gay" LOL)
modern or noir mafia, dirty cops and their twisted moral codes
double agents, treason, weapon trafficking
good guys with a dark side, bad guys showing a good side
dystopian divided societies with wealthy heaven skyscrapers and poverty ridden favelas
dictators, resistants/rebels, civil wars
advanced technology, near or distant future, space colonizing/travel
ruthless heroes and relatable villains
femmes fatales, naive girls, moral women, naive girls who think they're not naive
con(wo)men (successful or crappy), criminals, spies, hit(wo)men, mobsters, corrupt(ible) cops (can start off as moral), detectives, corrupt(ible) army officers (can start off as moral)... work in so many settings
2 cops, 2 criminals, 1 cop 1 criminal
back stabbing, double crossing, for fun, money, lust, safety...
double life
HANDSOME sugar daddy
moral ambiguity
courting/courtship, period appropriate
tough leaders
pursuit and capture - physical or mental -, struggling a little, or more than a little (dubcon), always with at least physical attraction
slutty clothing
broken trust and betrayal
strip tease, lap dance
paid sex, escort
conflict between our characters and/or external
1st person RP can be interesting if both understand it's not real, same for present ! please don't be the jerk that gives 1P a bad rep by disappearing after the first smut scene
clothed/half clothed sex
blackmail (attractive blackmailer only, what a good excuse to give in)
lust/hate, love/hate (probably more interesting if it develops into something else over time)
enemies (whether both know it or not) in love/lust
reluctance, dub-con, a little force to break down the last defences (she may not want it because forbidden/married/jerk/scary/wrong but she does desire him)
roughness (how rough is too rough? no long term marking?)
roughness/tenderness: alternating as appropriate, fitting my yes/no and the plot, what's not to like
fast and rough, slow and sensual - pin her against the wall, grab her, call her a whore... but not all the time. Compliments and courting too, please
frisking that turns into something else, if only trouble for both and less than appropriate innuendo/stares/feel up/groping (I'll say no gracias to the cliché anal and vaginal cavity search)
male who knows what he wants and will show female she wants it to, knows how to touch/look at/speak to her even if it means pressing her against a wall or holding her in place until she gives in
light slapping or light hairpulling to keep her nice and obedient and just where you want? -see above
lap sitting
virgin guy is fine unless he's also shy and emo and... no gracias
bi guy if he's not girly actually, yes please, if he comes with a plot and why not another guy
kidnapping (not as a kidnapper/victim pairing but in a story)
incest (ONLY when it makes sense in the fandom or story, not those cliché, storyless scenes)
oral, handjob (can't believe I didn't think of including it... anyway, don't expect the Victorian virgin to know how to do that but a scoundrel could teacher her…)
facial can be very hot for the right blowjob characters (not blinding her/covering her in it)
anal (much like incest, some people seem totally obsessed and make me want to downgrade it to an off...)
humiliation, dirty talk... when fitting the period and character, within reason and not over the top, or I may just laugh
realism yes, the most horrible details? not necessarily (do tell me how detailed you like)
gore, not in a sex scene
zombies (as a "context", not sexually puh-leez)
power imbalance (very slight is interesting, so is very blatant)
spies (military, industrial, whatever, read the "example" spoiler)
interrogation, forced truth telling, that may or not turn indecent (both sides, within yes/no limits)
men competing for my attention
slice of life - would need to be mega interesting and/or tons of my ons
arrogant men and women
slightly forced oral - blackmail, or physically - read the operative word slightly
psychological seduction and control are more interesting than a beating, but some force coupled with the aforementioned psychological is hot
gold diggers (to attractive, older or not older, men only)
using seduction to get advantages (up to sexual favors though hoping to avoid going that far, probably failing? again only attractive men)
historical (read the "more on that one" spoiler)
arm candy/trophy wife/showing her off (NO cuckhold)
dark romance, heck even not too sappy romance
Gothic romance (not as in Goth kids, as in the genre)
megalopolis, backwater village, isolated location, exotic country, derelict ghetto, devastated space station, suburbia... I love it all
action (more realistic - James Bond-y can be fun with the right scenario, not into comic/anime)
male/female/racial/social stereotypes, to an extent, depending on settings too and can be hot when done right - certainly period appropriate racism and sexism won't freak me out - check "excerpts"
age difference within reason
vampires (NO Twilight... think Dracula or maybe Anne Rice, and only with a great plot) - they're also the only reason some light blood play would take place
cigs, alcohol, drug use just not as a fetish or plot
GM (you)
using my NPCs, just don't kill them and keep them in character
I don't mind if you say "you" referring to my character during planning as long as you don't appear to be delusional it's just a way to speak
handsome strangers and stalkers
young characters resenting being treated as immature and trying to prove you/themselves they aren't... of course it doesn't turn right
pregnancy risk ok for the right plot and not going on and on forever lol (see pregnancy under)
men who appear to be cold at first
possessive men
some level of fear or mistrust in the right context - not scared to death/eldritch horror type!
abuse of authority (within the limits of this thread as usual)
hostage, prisoner (being or having)
political intrigue
arranged marriage (to someone physically attractive)
forced marriage (to someone physically attractive)
Lovecraft/Cthulhu Mythos... SANS TENTACLES, ok? at least not in a sexual way. Maybe Lavinia was into them, but I ain't no Lavinia
a powerful (rich, noble, high ranking, wtv) man obsessing/wanting me
threesome, with a good reason, and only one lady
one night stands obviously evolving into something else (there can still be dozens of posts before they get to it, I don't do smut from start as a rule but if there was a good reason plot wise, then go ahead)
light knifeplay, no one getting bloody puh-leez, and only for the right character
bars and night clubs, casinos...
world building, for a very long term RP and if not expecting a novella - you better be willing to contribute half + and committed!
gunplay for the right character may fit a (dark, fucked up) RP, again no one getting shot!
Those emphasized are not more important, but often overlooked.
Those emphasized are not more important, but often overlooked.
"other woman" business, your character being into her or mine competing is just an instant turn off
asking for the villain or antihero to be all nice and misunderstood - choose a hero character
submissive males as primary characters
anime pics (especially for a main character, it's neither realistic nor appealing)
dozens of posts to describe how they're having sex will get boring very quick (I can't give you a ratio or %, well-written RPs will mix plot and smut)
odd metaphors and bad porn dialogues (unless you want me to laugh)
smut from start unless the plot absolutely calls for it, still waiting to read of such a plot
manga and marvel
I don’t RP through chats OK I now do threads
Spoiler: because
I used to RP on those, too and then I stopped. Here’s why:
No chat. It’s simply impractical.
- I like to keep the RP to re-read (pms have a thread mode that I love, Google doc is also great and emails are relatively simple)
- Most though not all co-writers tend to go for “quick and short” on it, which is absolutely not my style
- It ends up mixing the RP with OOC comments and even chit chat
- I don’t want to keep it open for hours
- I don’t have accounts anymore, except the Google chat that comes with my email and I never use. I would be open to using it for OOC/chit chat.
The problem with threads…
- “Why did you post here but not there?” is the main reason why I gave up. I can’t stand the drama, the pming my other co-writers (yes it happened), the hounding and comparing and envying…
- Getting judged on the content. Too vanilla, too extreme, too historical, too modern, I’ve heard it all. The truth is I’m very versatile and people judge at first reading much too often.
I still provide 7 co-writers opinions on top of my thread, and examples of my writing in many styles and no less than two languages. That’s more than many thread players can claim
I used to RP on those, too and then I stopped. Here’s why:
No chat. It’s simply impractical.
- I like to keep the RP to re-read (pms have a thread mode that I love, Google doc is also great and emails are relatively simple)
- Most though not all co-writers tend to go for “quick and short” on it, which is absolutely not my style
- It ends up mixing the RP with OOC comments and even chit chat
- I don’t want to keep it open for hours
- I don’t have accounts anymore, except the Google chat that comes with my email and I never use. I would be open to using it for OOC/chit chat.
The problem with threads…
- “Why did you post here but not there?” is the main reason why I gave up. I can’t stand the drama, the pming my other co-writers (yes it happened), the hounding and comparing and envying…
- Getting judged on the content. Too vanilla, too extreme, too historical, too modern, I’ve heard it all. The truth is I’m very versatile and people judge at first reading much too often.
I still provide 7 co-writers opinions on top of my thread, and examples of my writing in many styles and no less than two languages. That’s more than many thread players can claim
casual sex world, the boss fucking all his employees, sex acts in the street and no one calls the police... Not remotely exciting
doormats - if she submits to everyone what's the interest?
don't use horrible, tacky colors
time travel has been downgraded to a no... No interest in that enlightened, preachy character teaching the old timers how to become tolerant
master/slave (power play is great)
ritualized BDSM - I prefer more organic encounters, dominance is great when it fits setting and characters, so is switching and plain vanilla
F/F (I write with everyone ftr! this applies to characters)
exhibitionism (some risk of getting caught ok)
problem magically disappearing (they find out they're not related, her husband doesn't mind being cheated on, and they win the lottery, too?)
toilet stuff
odd sizes/amounts/parts
animal parts, animals in a sexual context (elves, Goa'ulds, human-like aliens don't count)
beasts and monsters in a sexual context are not happening - not even you, Cthulhu
kids (under 16) in a sexual or gory context
Unfortunately, I've determined that too many people end up writing pretty disturbing stuff about children, so from now on... Unless it's canon, my plot mentions it, or I bring it up, NO KIDS except as background: "Rose was eating her dinner while her cousin's children were running around the table". I belong to a very close-knit family with lots of babies / children and I just can't handle the weird stuff some people come up with
huge height difference (not a hard no, just doesn't do anything for me - basically only if canon)
interracial (same as above, just not my thing... and no, the Irish/Italian mobster plot is not interracial and is totally cool)
much older men ("grandfather" type)
women older by 10+ years unless canon or vampires
casual sex world, zero interest! doesn't have to be taboo or a big deal, but no thank you!
unbirthing, wtf??
full-on rape/zero attraction
cervical Penetration (reach it and fill her, don't do that horror lol)
"he's dominate" wtf
cybering - we can do a present tense, 1st person hot RP but it's a RP, we can joke around but it's still not cybering
ballbusting (I have a strong personality but am not a literal ballbuster
awkward attempts at cybering... please don't pm me and ask to cyber out of the blue. It's weird and frankly creepy. Those things should evolve naturally. If they don't, it means NO. Expect it to be NO.
telling me I'm "not a feminist" because of myYes/no... LOL don't bother, I have a stronger personality than many guys
out there/made up names except in sci fi/fantasy
Japanese words and name, I don't know them (welcome in a Japanese RP where I will do research but don't talk to me of tsandere lol)
If I tell you MC has a sister Jane, avoid naming YC's mother Jane too unless that's part of the plot
foot fetish
perfect characters (flaws are much more interesting)
ass licking
very shy, meek males (they're cool as secondary characters)
hate micro/macro anything... and as a result I also dislike most extremes - very hairy and waxed, giant and really shorter, almost unnatural red hair...
food play... yuck, and I'm not even a germaphobe. Sharing strawberries is fine, repainting the room in Nutella isn't (luv Nutella though)
I can't commit to putting a relevant pic on every single post but I love using a few pics
over the top teenage type romance, campy RPs, as well as absolutely gloomy, brooding, life is hellish characters
two cute heroes as leading couple, I'd rather at least one of them be an anti-hero or even villain - unless you have a plot to kill for
one dimensional characters
one liners unless actually needed, smileys inside the RP or *leaves the room* (answer shall be *leaves the RP*)
no pleasure just pain, no attraction just yuck - YUCK
our characters not being physically attracted
having to chase your character around, - this isn't seduction
a scenario built on my character competing for a man's attention
mental destruction - it shouldn't go quite that far even if kidnapping or abuse
let's not kill characters we get attached to unless absolutely needed
no knowledge of fandom when it's such a story
extreme humiliation (slave stuff, licking food off the floor, "hi cumbucket!", using as a chair wtf basically keep it subtle enough)
It's actually hard to pinpoint exactly... Humiliation should be non-existent between a knight and his princess, and is basically built-in for Nazi kommandant/Jewish girl story, right?
Apart from the yes/no limits, I'd say hinting or even saying outright that MC is dumb, childish, a slut... works as long as it doesn't get repetitive. Get creative with the hints I guess. So does your character obviously acting superior. BUT There should be a feeling of attraction toward her that your character either fights or doesn't. If there's no attraction it's no different than recess bullying and not very interesting... "Your mom is so fat" LOL. Unless she really IS a slave or considered as non human, calling her so isn't very relevant. It would be very WTF for a captured Russian spy to be labelled so, but it works for the slave you just bought off the market this morning, for a twylek prisoner or for the conquistador's victim. See what I mean?
Apart from the yes/no limits, I'd say hinting or even saying outright that MC is dumb, childish, a slut... works as long as it doesn't get repetitive. Get creative with the hints I guess. So does your character obviously acting superior. BUT There should be a feeling of attraction toward her that your character either fights or doesn't. If there's no attraction it's no different than recess bullying and not very interesting... "Your mom is so fat" LOL. Unless she really IS a slave or considered as non human, calling her so isn't very relevant. It would be very WTF for a captured Russian spy to be labelled so, but it works for the slave you just bought off the market this morning, for a twylek prisoner or for the conquistador's victim. See what I mean?
RPs that peter out or stay into smut mode after the first hot scene
RPs with a lame story because they're an excuse to play out your fetish, typically what the random guys pming me with a pairing and no plot offer
RPs that stay perfectly chaste forever and ever (it's not a hard no, I actually started RPing that way, but please, no)
godmodding (by all means if you need my character to follow yours to move the plot forward, write it! If you're unsure ask me - ime if you hesitate you're clever enough to avoid godmodding)
"they discover they're not related/enemies/don't care about their whole system belief and proceed to live happily ever after on post 4" (see realism)
navel fetish, foreskin fetish, random body part fetish
harem unless the plot calls for it
romantic comedy (like both, not together)
historical fantasy (love both, not together)
breeding unless canon
unless there's a plot reason, they're not dealing with condoms and diaphragms and stuff (mentioning their existence is fine of course)
there's a limit to how much alt history I can take. That awesome invention but 30 years early? Yes. 300 years? Nope.
writing pages after pages about how some sci fi device works... I can't
the cuckhold thing... cheating? sure - showing his wife off? sure - cuckhold? see "submissive" and "spineless"
famished models and really obese characters, let's keep it slim to plump, 'kay?
(If it's not above, just ask!)
My characters have a strong personality. They need a man on their level
Please do not assume I only do my most extreme storylines or kinks and need a dubcon-adultery-WW2-incest plot with lots of angst and oral to be happy. I like classy Tolkien as much as gritty Game of Thrones, obscenely luxurious settings as much as post-apoc, I've played a damsel in distress and a hitwoman - you get it. Character-wise, I am very flexible, but no goody two shoes, no dummy, no domme! Even my strong characters play against someone as strong or stronger. I just don't enjoy it otherwise. Of course sometimes she has the upper hand, especially if she managed to steal his heart - or his gun! But no submissive/submitted male.
two spies, both pretending to be what they are not, both leading the other on in a desperate attempt to find out what they really know? What's not to like
In that case clearly two dominants or very strong switches. Trained to win, strong personalities and egos. It's obvious that sometimes he'll get "on top" (no pun intended?) and sometimes she will and both are hot. Maybe that's clearer?
I am flexible also in my tastes, just in case it wasn't clear from my Yes/No. I love both courtship and dub-con, compliments and humiliation, a handkiss and being pinned against the wall, the man who makes you feel safe and the one your mother warned you all about, the fearless hero and the ruthless villain, Ashley Wilkes and Rhett Butler, do I need to go on with more lousy examples?
For me it depends on the plot, the characters, the relationship... It has to make sense. But per se? Both can be hot and just because I love one doesn't mean I can't love the other just as much. Sometimes they can mix well (remember the gentleman/bad boy thing?), and that's perfect, sometimes they can't and that's great too.
Not all my RPs are dark, some are quite funny at times actually, but if there's zero drama... I might as well go take a daily walk around the block
I only play the lady, sorry no exception. I think I play terrible male primary characters. Maybe they could fly in a non-adult RP...
I generally play one MAIN character, not more. You can play one or several, if you like and can handle it well. This doesn't include background, I'll be the old butler serving my princess character
I've been RPing for many years. I'm very flexible and I have and will RP in many settings, modern, espionage, historical (Ancient Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance, American Revolution, Victorian, WW1, Prohibition, WW2...)
There is no time or place I would refuse to RP in. Simply, I may need to do a LOT of research to be convincingly writing XIVth century Polynesia and as such, I may not have TIME to do it. So I may say nay, I may pm you when I have fewer RPs, or I may ask you if you'd mind some inaccuracies... on that topic, if you need something only invented 30 years later and it would make for a much better plot - go for it. 300 years later not so much 
Some Historical Settings I Love (both the novel like, idealistic version and the gritty, darkly realistic one)
Middle Ages Castles: ruthless rulers, pretty princesses, arranged marriages, courtly love and brave knights
Royal Courts: the intrigues, the flirting, the royals and the lesser, pennyless nobles
Italian Renaissance: temptations, inventions, religions... absolutely Machiavellian in their desire for power and money
Victorian: the wit, the costumes, the social rules, oh my
XIXth century Nobility and Bourgeoisie: the mix of modernity and backwards, the class issues, the duels
Gangsters/Outlaws/Mafia: NY, Chicago, Europe, Western... 1890s to 1950s... low lives and loose women, turbulence, corrupt cops, gang rivalries
WW2 anything tasteful
This nice French clip has so many settings I love
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MIKA - Boum Boum Boum - YouTube[/URL]View]View]View:]View]View
MIKA - Boum Boum Boum - YouTube[/URL]View[/i]View: MIKA - Boum Boum Boum - YouTube[/I]]View[/url][/i[/url][/i]
Horror, Lovecraft/Cthulhu Universe, steampunk, mafia (Prohibition, 50s, up to modern), sci fi, fantasy (high and low), survival/post apoc (zombies, disease, nuclear, flood, war, abandoned cities...), mystery, historical, thriller, spy/espionage, noir, intrigue, adventure, Gothic, Western (non cliché), modern with a great plot/one of mine, crime, detective, exploration/discovery, steampunk. I do fanfic, both OC and canon character - if I'm feeling it/one of my plots. Not sure the name, but I'm into worlds of contrast, very rich and very poor people, hardcore police protecting aforementioned rich, Citizen informants and decadence - will the poor ever rebel?
Some Historical Settings I Love (both the novel like, idealistic version and the gritty, darkly realistic one)
Middle Ages Castles: ruthless rulers, pretty princesses, arranged marriages, courtly love and brave knights
Royal Courts: the intrigues, the flirting, the royals and the lesser, pennyless nobles
Italian Renaissance: temptations, inventions, religions... absolutely Machiavellian in their desire for power and money
Victorian: the wit, the costumes, the social rules, oh my
XIXth century Nobility and Bourgeoisie: the mix of modernity and backwards, the class issues, the duels
Gangsters/Outlaws/Mafia: NY, Chicago, Europe, Western... 1890s to 1950s... low lives and loose women, turbulence, corrupt cops, gang rivalries
WW2 anything tasteful
This nice French clip has so many settings I love
View]View]View]View: View]View]View[/size']YouTube]
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MIKA - Boum Boum Boum - YouTube[/URL]View]View]View:]View]View
MIKA - Boum Boum Boum - YouTube[/URL]View[/i]View: MIKA - Boum Boum Boum - YouTube[/I]]View[/url][/i[/url][/i]
Horror, Lovecraft/Cthulhu Universe, steampunk, mafia (Prohibition, 50s, up to modern), sci fi, fantasy (high and low), survival/post apoc (zombies, disease, nuclear, flood, war, abandoned cities...), mystery, historical, thriller, spy/espionage, noir, intrigue, adventure, Gothic, Western (non cliché), modern with a great plot/one of mine, crime, detective, exploration/discovery, steampunk. I do fanfic, both OC and canon character - if I'm feeling it/one of my plots. Not sure the name, but I'm into worlds of contrast, very rich and very poor people, hardcore police protecting aforementioned rich, Citizen informants and decadence - will the poor ever rebel?
I'm probably opened to others, just ask.
I'm probably NOT opened to a RP centering on martial arts, arena, Pokémon (as much as I love Pokémon go), most animes (I don't get the culture!), superheroes/marvel (don't get it either), high school/college as a setting (our characters can be teens) UNLESS you're up for Ginny Weasley and Tom Riddle's diary.
I like my RPs on the dark side, definitely with less intense moments, some intelligent comic relief and not tragedy. Which means I'm all for realism, even if it means some grit - but I hate brooding, depressed characters. I suppose some of them are extreme, though not because of the sex acts or ratio but simply because of the storyline and elements. Yet again, checking my suggested stories will be simpler
? The most familiar. No agonizing over using a too modern or casual word, and all that technology at hand, our characters can snap selfies together. Its main risk is a trite plot.
Historical? The vocabulary, fashion, social rules... make for a very interesting frame to the story. But you must find a way around alllll those modern things that would make your life easier!
Sci fi? If you need a mega special device, you can make it up. Yay! Escapism +++ Beware of stereotypes and shallow tropes.
Horror? Gothic, Lovecraftian, zombies... help define a mood but see above.
Fantasy? same as sci fi, replace technology with magics and/or creatures
I could go on
Sci fi? If you need a mega special device, you can make it up. Yay! Escapism +++ Beware of stereotypes and shallow tropes.
Horror? Gothic, Lovecraftian, zombies... help define a mood but see above.
Fantasy? same as sci fi, replace technology with magics and/or creatures
I could go on
It's always nice to exchange pics (no anime please) or profiles of characters! I totally understand those who don't want a pic, but I need at least some info.
Communication is key, either "OOC" in the text or in another pm. We're humans, let's behave as such! If you need a break, please be brave
About sending me an opener... and just an opener
Some people absolutely refuse this. I have actually no problem with it IF you are willing to discuss, read my O/O, and all that jazz before I reply (or choose not to). Fine with that? Shoot!
Also getting allergic to: "I'll do it tomorrow", and tomorrow turns into one week and counting and not even a small line to explain. I would rather hear the truth.
Or those who come to me with tonz of ideas, writing a wall of text, and then suddenly disappear, again not finding it in themselves to write a couple words of explanation.
I'm pretty social and friendly, so talk to me and tell me what you liked and what you would want to see in our RP... I love feedback. Don't need it for my own satisfaction, but if I don't get it then I can't always guess what you prefer. You can even ask me for a courtesy bump on BMR if we're writing together, and I always welcome them too.
As I wrote, I actually need to know whether you enjoy our RP and what you enjoy in it unless you don't care if I'm not able to give you more of that. It's also ok to tell me that you find our RP or a precise scene hot. Now, I don't necessarily need allllll the details - basically like gore in a RP
It's also much creepier if we've been writing for a week than a year...
Random Gifs and Random Guys that may or not inspire
How do you know if you wanna write with me?
You can check my co-writers' opinions on the top of the page, my various posts and threads, plus my excerpts on this thread : search "excerpts"
It happens that several people ask for the same scenario, it will go to the most interested one, the one who contributes most or simply the one I will want to RP with the most. After all, I RP for fun
On a similar topic, I try to reply in a fair way, first come first served, but long posts will take longer, sometimes it's a crazy day and I can't craft a post, or it's a slow day and I can post twice, or I'm craving our RP and will be answering like now because I must even though I should be doing something else. Please don't read anything personal into it unless it's positive :-*
I will be crossing off the plots I have already started or am not craving for now. I won't just delete them so you can still see what style I enjoy.
If you are MIA or otherwise not responding to pms, I can and will start the RP with someone else. I may pester you once or twice, if I really like our RP, but yeah
Btw I just don't drop a RP without a word
constant tiny posts, regularly having to nag, a couple disappearing acts killing my inspiration, my ideas or yes/nos being ignored... I hate to drop a decent-ish RP even, so that's why I don't commit if I'm not feeling it, be it no real plot, you not being able to tell me a bit about your character, or unfair as it may sound a lack of chemistry...
I may not answer every 3 minutes but I haven't dropped it or forgotten or moved to outer space. If you really got no answer - sometimes my connection messes up. Let me know please.
Last thing, allow me some time to answer, I’m not constantly online (really!). Have a good day !
THIS IS THE OLD POST AND IT IS A MESS, check at your own risk….
Here’s a short presentation of what I look for
*First, mistakes happen but please pay attention. I’m not spelling obsessed and English is not my first language though ;-)
I'm looking for someone who wants to write, develop the characters and relationship, not just jump to the smut, not just quick one-shots, and is able to send me a short pm if they are busy. If writing several sentences or even, gasp, paragraphs is a chore and you prefer a quick kik (pun intended) then we're not ideally suited. I'm sorry to require it but please be at least semi-literate and be able to string sentences together... PMs or Email (Google docs ok) only.
**The ideal partner (any gender) writes 2 posts a week as an average. This is a guideline, especially for the right writer. Huge, researched or complex posts can take longer so for those make it 1. Sometimes life happens so just tell me your schedule for that month, but I am one for a faster speed... Of course I will do the same or more, I can generally post daily except again for those long posts. I'm sorry to have to make this a precise requirement! But sometimes it's just Too. Long!
***Please know the period/fandom if it's such a RP, and check my Yes/nos under to see if we are compatible
What my co-writers have said 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Some ideas in no particular order: (except cravings are in bold - please check my various threads for more details and pics)
Something in Français!
Crime boss and lawyer with a past
Dictator x Hitwoman
Léon/The Professional 10 years later
darker, modern, realistic RP
Roman general x Gaul princess (request thread)
Nazi officer x Jewish girl (WW2 request thread)
Prohibition Mob boss x Rival mob boss’ daughter/wife (Film noir request thread)
Wounded enemy officer or sniper x military nurse (he wants to get away, she wants information and/or preventing other victims?? historical or modern or sci-fi, many possible settings)
Enemy officer or Intelligence service type x female Spy (cold war, WW2, sci fi, modern? convince me with a great plot)
Not-so-moral Private Eye x High Class Prostitute / Escort (maybe her client’s wife sent him to investigate - convince me with a great plot, film noir, modern or sci fi)
English officer x American rebel’s daughter/wife (American Revolution request thread)
Walking Dead Governor type x Wife or Daughter of rival town governor (TWD request thread)
Random Gifs and Random Guys that may or not inspire
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