Broken Apart (lady/krys)

Lina sighed softly, shrugging a little. “I know.”She muttered not responding more then that as she watched tj and chris, cause no matter what she did, the woman had been hurt badly, horribly in the past, before doug even, so she couldn’t trust being loved. She just tried to relax. “I want some ramen to.”Lina smiled a little as she settled into her seat, amused that everyone was ordering something from different cultures as settled in and talked.
Krystal smiled. "So, what do you guys wanna do, after we eat? I was thinking of taking Chris on a show of DC. He's never really seen the city. You guys wanna tag along?" She askkked and TJ nodded happily. He loved showing people around his city. "Chris, you coming to the club tonight?" She asked, and he nodded. "Wouldn't miss it. I've heard TJ's club is amazing." He said, smirking. He wanted both of them so badly.
“That’d be fun.”Lina smiled a little tilting her head a little as she ate, smiling slightly as she looked up at chris. “It is. Fairly.”She said mentally cringing away from the memories, hating this. Hating that she was going to ruin things, simply because she was skidding on emotional and mental ice, hating it when she could see how much chris wanted tj, not realizing the lust was directed at her to.
Krystal wanted wanted to slap lina right now with how oblivious she was. She wanted to scream "he likes both of you!" But she didn't. Knowing Chris she'd figure it out soon. He was very outgoing when he wanted something. She should know, they dated. It was nothing serious, but they had.
Lina's shoulders hunched a little as she sensed what the other wanted to do, but the woman was trying to deal with suddenly being in love after so long not having anything. By the time they got to the club that night, the woman had relaxed some, smiling as she watched the others enjoy the club, sipping her water, glancing up at chris as he settled on the barstool next to her. "You look happy."She smiled sipping her drink, looking amused.
Chris smiled, sipping a glass of of rum and coke. "Yeah, I am. But I would be happier if you agreed to go out on a date with me." He said, smirking toothily. TJ was in the corner, simply giving both he and lina a thumbs up. He really liked both of them. He really wanted both of them too, and he knew Chris felt the same, as he had told Teej his plan earlier.
Lina choked a little on her water, startling as she looked over at him, turning her head to look at TJ, before flushing as she realized that TJ was okay with this, looking utterly lost and not sure what to say. “I...I guess. I mean. That’s okay right?I mean...I’m dating TJ..”She stuttered looking lost and a little confused, she’d never really been popular, so having two famous men wanting her, made her feel lost.
Chris smirked. "I know you are. Maybe I want you both to myself." He said, his grin only widening. He enjoyed making her blush, it was very cute. Krystal walked over, taking a sip of her raspberry ginger ale. "Told you lina." She said simply before walking away, smirking to herself.
Lina tilted her head looking at the other, blushing harder as she watched Krys walk away, looking utterly lost. “...Why?”She muttered looking at chris. “I mean, I get TJ. He’s handsome, amazing, beautiful, makes you want to take care of him, famous so you aren’t dragging him into the spotlight but I’m not...any of those things...”She bit her lip looking down at the floor
Chris smiled. "You my dear, are prettier than you let yourself believe. That's why." He said, before moving some hair out of her face. "The fact that you don't think of yourself as beautiful is exactly why you are. " he added, smiling warmly at her as TJ came over. He smirked. "Good. You told her she's beautiful. See, lina? I'm not the only one who thinks so" he said, squeezing her hand discreetly.
“Oh.Well...okay.”Lina said blushing brightly as she looked up at him, smiling quietly before looking up at TJ, swallowing hard as she held onto his hand. Not sure about this but knowing she wanted them. It was just going to be interesting, because she knew things were going to blow up in their faces when the press....and elaine...figured this out. “...No, I guess you’re not. Though considering you two, I’m the ugly duckling of this relationship.”She snickered a little
TJ scoffed. "My mother can suck it right now for all I care." He said, somehow knowing her fears. He smirked at her. So, how about we retire to the office? Annie's working the scene for us." He said, smiling. He had no in tensions of sex, but if it lead to that, so be it, he really would not complain. He loved lina, and while he didn't love Chris yet, he sure liked him.

Meanwhile, Krystal was in her office with Thor, cuddling with him on the couch. "There's something I need to tell you, Thunderball." She said, looking nervous a minute. She had wanted to wait until after he proposed, but at this rate she'd have the baby by then! She looked into his clear blue eyes with her glacial blue ones. "Thunderball, I'm pregnant." She breathed out, just waiting for a reaction, expression unsure but full of emotion.
Lina smiled a little at his words, leaning up to kiss his cheek before nodding.”Let’s go then.”She said smiling as she headed for the office, swallowing hard as she stepped into the room. Because while she enjoyed the peace and quiet, it was still where she was raped, and hard for her tothink on something else.

“Hm?Me to.”The man looked down at her, raising a eyebrow as he studied her, looking worried before looking started at the words, “I want to marry you.”He said at the same time she admitted to being pregnant, having been working around to ask before stopping, staring at her. “What?”
TJ pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek as he came in, having purposely redecorated the quaint office. He wanted her comfortable. Chris smiled a little as he sat in the desk chair, reclining lazily. "Nice office." He commented, unaware of what had happened here.

Krystal's eyes widened. "You do?" She asked, her eyes showing love, but her body language showing uncertainty. Not about him, just that, she never thought he'd ever ask... or well, start to ask. She blushed. "Yeah.. while you guys were busy eating I took a few... the all said positive." She said, shuffling nervously as she pulled a clear blue test out of her pocket, flushing harder.
“You redecorated.”Lina said looking startled as she looked around, shuddering a little as she realized he’d done it simply so she’d be comfortable here, in a place that he once just been his. He really did want her around. Lina smiling looking at chris, tilting her head a little, wondering just how much they needed to tell him before getting involved with him, smiling slightly as she settled onto the couch, tugging TJ down next to her.

“I do.I’ve just...been considering’s just...we have two different lives...I don’t want to live apart from you if we’re actually married...I was trying to figure out how to make it work.”Chris blushed slightly before swallowing hard as he looked at the test, leaning down to kiss her.”Well.Okay. This is okay.”He smiled holding her close.
TJ sat down with lina, wrapping his arms around her. "I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, so I had krys's decorator's redo everything. I want you with me." He whispered in her ear, giving her a light kiss. Chris just smiled as he watched them. He didn't know what lina had gone through, so he took it as affection. "You two are so sickenly sweet I may have to jump you right here." Chris commented, chuckling a little, only half serious.

Krystal smiled genuinely. "Yeah, I know what you mean, but TJ has lina. He doesn't need me so much anymore." She commented, brows furrowing as she tried to figure out how to make this work. She was a fashion designer, she could basically work anywhere. "What if we lived on and off between California and DC?" She offered, unsure. She kissed him back, cuddling into him. She didn't really want leave his arms right now. "you're not mad? I dunno, I just kinda thought you would be" she commented, cuddling into him.
“Ah.Thanks.”She muttered turning her head a little towards him, resting her head against his chest, smiling a little at Chris. “Hm, if you want.”She muttered blushing brightly, swallowing hard.”Teej....we should tell him. If you were serious about including him...”She trailed off, letting tj be the one to decide just how much he wanted chris to know.

“True.I’m glad he found her. And chris. They’ll take care of him.”She smiled before grinning,”We could do that.”he smiled pressing a kiss to her head as he held her, shaking his head.”It’s unexpected, but no I’m not angry.”
"You're welcome love." He said softly, cuddling into her before he chuckled, moving the hair out of her pretty face. "You big flirt." He commented to Chris with a grin before he sighed. "Us usual, you're right, lina." He said before explaining everything to Chris, whose eye's widened. "Oh god Teej, I'm so sorry! It stays here. I won't breathe a word. You're on the mends with him right? He sure looked guilty when we saw him this morning. You're okay, right lina?" He said in a nervous jumble of words, concern written all over his face, looking once again like Steve rogers, this time without trying to.

"Yeah, they will. Especially Chris. He seems really attached to them, and you know how Chris gets." She said, remembering her brief stint with him. He was so sweet and caring, it was almost to bad they had decided to stay friends. In the long run though, this was better. He'd take care of TJ, and that's all she needed to be able to marry Thor. Krystal let out a sigh of both happiness and relief. "Good. I admit, i'm rather excited its been my dream for awhile to have your kids." She said, kissing him softly.
“He is a flirt isn’t he?”Lina snickered a little before nodding. “Yea, I usually am.”She muttered quiet as she watched the boys before nodding.”He didn’t...he really didn’t understand what he was yes. We’re on the mend sorta of. We’re waiting to see if it lasts.”Lina said because she really did want tj to have his twin, but hurting to badly, the memories to fresh to be really sure about it. “I’m fine.Really.”Lina smiled getting up and moving to sit on the arm of the chair next to chris, leaning down to kiss him lightly.”’re going to hyperventilate if you keep it up...”

“He really does. It’ll be okay.”Thor snickered because chris really was good with other people. “Ah, well good.”he muttered glad she wasn’t upset about being pregnant, smiling quietly. “It’s goign to be good.”
TJ nodded. "He totally is." He agreed, chuckling a little. Chris nodded his head as she talked, taking it all in. That explained why Doug was in the hospital. While he didn't think it was Krys who had hurt dough, because he knew even she was not that cruel, it did explain his reaction to everyone, particularly his father and brother. Chris took a deep breath, kissing lina back and deepening it just slightly. He ran his fingers through her hair, smiling as they parted, exhaling as he relaxed. "Okay, I can do that" he muttered, blushing.

Krystal cuddled into Thor. "Right, exactly. They'll be fine." She said, smiling at him as she kissed him softly. "I love you, you know that? It is gonna be good. I know you'll be a great father." She said, still cuddling into him.
“And before you ask, he hurt himself. We didn’t hurt him.”lina said smiling softly as he watched chris’ face, sighing quietly, tensing a moment at the touch before relaxing, smiling a little as she rested her forehead against his. “Good. No need to freak out.”She smiled a little watching him. “You’ll have to forgive me though...I’m still...”She shrugged looking slightly worried that he was going to be upset with her for what happened. Studying the blond’s face.

“I love you to. And I know you do.”Thor smiled stroking her hair, tilting his head a little, “And how do you know this?”He said looking interested in how she knew he’d be okay.
Chris smiled. "I could tell it was self inflicted. When I was a teenager and my father left because I came out, I started cutting. Still have a few scars." He said, turning his arm over so that they could see the faint marks on them. He looked at her and smiled again, stroking her cheek. "No, no need." He agreed, giving her a light lists in the forehead. "Don't worry, you're safe with us. Chris soothed, knowing she would be worried, TJ walked over and hugged her from be hind, giving each of them light kisses. "How about we make better memories, huh lina?" He asked, nodding tows the now transformed into a bed couch.

Krystal smiled. "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way." She said softly before giving him a soft kiss. "How do I know? I've seen you with your brother's kids. They adore you, Thunderball." She said with a smile, cuddling into him. It wasn't just that though. Her intuition told her too, and it was seldom wrong.
Lina tilted her head a little, fingers stroking over the scars, sighing quietly. “My poor broken boys.”She muttered leaning into the touch, sighing softly as she relaxed, shuddering a little. Because despite the reassurances, she was still shaken, still dealing. Swallowing hard as she kissed tj back, smiling a little as she grinned.”on;y you would have a bed in your office.”She teased but nodded a litle.

“Ahhh. They do. But I’m great with them, cause I can send them home. I mean, other people’s kids are amazing, cause I can give them back to their parents.”He muttered because he just wasn’t as sure as she was.
Chris close his eyes for a moment as she stroked his scars. "Does this mean you've claimed me too?' he asked with captain like grin, though there was uncertainty in his blue orbs. He had been take advantage a lot in his past relationships, so that was why he was wary. TJ chuckled. "its a couch too lina, that's gotta count for something." he said as chris nodded teej ddid have a point.

Krystal chucked a little as she cuddled into him. "while that is true, i think you'll find you'll love our kids. besides, mom always says the fact that you worry proves you'll be good." she said, giving him a soft kiss.
“Hm, yes.If you want me to.”She muttered, the answering uncertainty in her eyes, wary because like him, she’d been hurt badly before. Its why no matter what tj said, she still had to work on simply trusting him. “Well, I guess.”She snickered a little before stepping back, sliding back onto the bed with a smile, looking at the two of them, looking curious to see what they’d do.

“Hm, I guess.”He smiled a little kissing her back, sighing. “So. Do we disturb the others or just leave them here?I doubt we’ll see them again tonight.”he snickered well aware that they’d probably be together soon. Chris was very bad at impulse control after all.
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