Broken Apart (lady/krys)

TJ smiled a little,”Awesome. And yes.”Lina said sounding slightly manic and scared, numb. Simply walking with him, quiet as she watched the scenery, barely stirring as she was picked up, frowning a little as she looked up at him, “...Nothing.”She muttered sighing softly as she rested her head on his chest, “I...I’m okay...”She muttered shuddering, starting to cry.”i’m pregnant...”
TJ looked confused. "Then why are you crying mi'love? That's the best news I've heard all day!" He said, rubbing her back soothingly and pulling her close as he kissed her head. Ironically enough, Chris a and he were talking in the car this morning about wanting kids. He loved kids. "I've always wanted to be a father, and Chris and I were just talking about what it would be like to be a father this morning. He'll be just as excited as I am" TJ soothed, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. He wanted her to feel better.
Lina looked even more upset at that, nearly choking because seh was crying so hard. “N-no, can’t...I mean...”She stuttered rubbing her face, trying to dry her tears burying her face against his chest, refusing to kiss him, sounding and looking so miserable. “....It could be doug’s.”She muttered miserably.
TJ looked a little deflated when she refused to kiss him, but all the same rubbed her back and let her cry all she wanted. "Its possible, but all the same, I'd raise them as my own, unless you want to abort the pregnancy, which I admit would make me sad, but I would certainly understand." He soothed, surprised when Chris came in. He had finished his cap thing early. "What's wrong love? " he asked lina gently as he stroked her cheek, sharing a worried glance with TJ.
Lina flincehd when she saw his look, shuddering a little, curling up against him, trying to be calm and rational, and hating how calm he was being about this, when the prospect of having a child of her rapist,even if they had made up, scared her to death. Startling when chris came in, she looked up at him, trembling a little as she turned her face into his hand, closing her eyes. “...I’m pregnant...’
Chris kept stroking her check, laying down on the bed. "You're terrified its Doug's right?" He asked gently and TJ nodded as Chris looked thoughtful. "They have tests to check that now. If you like, we could go to the doctor tomorrow and ask for one." Chris told her soothingly as TJ rubbed her back, worried for their love.
Lina swallowed hard, relaxing as chris spoke, the tears slowing as she shuddered,”Y-yes.”she muttered, starting to calm down even if she was still terrified, so scared of hating the child if it was doug’s,but knowing they wanted kids, she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it, even if it did turn out to be doug’s. “..okay.We’ll go.”she muttered sounding exhausted.
Chris kissed her head, and TJ rubbed her back. "Good. Now go to sleep. You need the rest. I'll cancel the reservations, and change them to tomorrow." TJ said soothinglly as he rubbed her back and kissed her head. Chris stroked her cheek. "Its gonna be okay, lina. Its not Doug's." He reassured, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips, before TJ started to play the piano in the room, trying to make her calm.
Lina frowned a little,”Thought we were going to did...we can still go...”She muttered tiredly even as she shifted to snuggle chris as TJ got up. “...not doug’s. Don’t want it to be...”She muttered exhaustion dragging her under as she started to relax
Chris kissed her head. "No, you need to rest. The stress isn't good for you." He told her soothingly, pulling her closer as TJ got up and started to play the piano. He stroked her hair softly as she slept, the other hand at the small of her back. "You're really good Teej." Chris commented, eyes closed as he listened to the other play. "Thanks. Its a passion of mine. I could have been a professional, but I didn't want to be anymore famous than I already am." Chris nodded in understanding, kissing lina's head. "I understand. Especially with your family." He said, sighing happily as he listed to TJ play.
“Kay.”Lina muttered relaxing slowly.

In the morning Lina yawned as she snuggled against the two men holding her, sighing quietly as she rested a arm around chris’ waist, not wanting to get up but knowing she had to. “....we should go see doug before we go to the doctor...see how he’s doing.”She muttered knowing TJ was still worried about his twin
"Good" Chris said, kissing her head as he cuddled close to the distraught woman.

TJ and Chris both nodded. "That's a good idea, lina. Krys has a doctor we can go to after we see him." He said, kissing the tired woman's head. When they were all dressed and ready, TJ drove them to see Doug. "Hey dougie." He said softly, glad neither parent was there. The 3 of them were to strained as it was.
“Hey Teej.”Doug smiled a little, “Annie says I can go home today. I can’t work, but at least I’ll be out of here.”he smiled pleased at the idea looking at them, worried. “What are you worried about?”he said watching them all.
TJ threw an arm around lina, looking worried, but smiling. "That's good. Krys says you can do her paperwork if you like." He said before looking at lina, asking her in that look if he should tell Doug or not. He knew his brother shared the same view on kids as he did.
“I might like that.”Doug smiled a little staring at them. Lina sighed quietly, looking so lost and confused, shrugging a little to simply let TJ decide.”If you want.”She muttered quietly.
Chris chuckled a little before speaking. "She figured you would. Knows alll to well how blood loss can mess you up." He said, shuddering as he remembered the time krys almost died doing a stunt for avengers. TJ kissed her head. "Okay lina. I think he should know" he said, stroking her back as he looked at his brother, eyes showing unexplained emotion. "Lina's pregnant. It could be yours." He said, looking unsure.
Lina swallowed sighing softly.”If you think so.” “What?What happened?”doug said pushing up to sit up looking at the two anxiously, eyes widening as he looked at Lina, tears spiking his eyelashes.”I am so sorry Lina....if..if you want...”He trailed off. “No...I.. It’s okay...”
TJ raised an eyebrow. "We don't know for sure, but its either yours or mine." He told his twin, knowing they had both had had sex with her. She was willing with him, not so much with Doug. TJ ran his fingers through his hair, looking at his brother sadly. "She's really scared. I wish it wasn't like this." He said, sighing.
Doug swallowed shakily, looking away from them, looking so so upset, he so wanted to die. Simply to stop from seeing both of them looking so upset. They’d have to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. “I’m so sorry...”He said crying softly, “Sorry....” “I’m going to..go_Out there.”Lina muttered pulling away and stepping out into the hall with chris to let the twins have a moment.
TJ nodded as he took Doug's hand, understanding why she needed to leave. "Its okay dougie, we'll figure this out together, okay?" He told his brother soothingly, running hand gently on his brother's shoulder. He hated seeing his brother so distressed. It scared him, because when Doug got like this, he was liable to hurt himself, and he just wanted his brother with him and safe. "Krys is gonna look after you, dougie, and so will I. We're gonna work this out, no matter what. You're my brother and I love you. Besides, do you really want Annie to cry again cause you hurt yourself?" He asked, now getting into the bed with his distressed brother, trying to calm him before the inevitable visit of his mother and the blame being pointed at him, as it always was. He was the fuck up, after all.
“Okay. We’ll be okay.”Doug looked upset as he looked up at his twin, biting his lip. “I love you to...and no. I don’t want her to cry.”He muttered shifting to give TJ room to lay down, resting hsi head against his shoulder,calming slowly. Glancing up in startlement when their mother walked in. “What happened?What’s wrong?”Elaine said looking at her upset twins, trying to figure it out.
"Good. Now stop moping. We will be okay." TJ soothed, hugging his twin, scowling as his mother came in. He so didn't want to deal with her right now. Not after all the shit he's been through cause of her. "I'm not telling you. You'll only yell, tell me I'm lying and then we'll get in a screaming match again." TJ said flatly, looking at his mother looking annoyed with her.
“Wasn’t moping.”Doug frowned. “Thomas, I wont yell. Just tell me what’s wrong now, otherwise it’ll just get out later.”Elaine ordered looking worried about them. “Mom...just don’t. Please. We’re okay.”Doug muttered not wanting to fight, and not sure how to stop them from fighting really.
TJ muttered a thank you to Doug, knowing the woman would listen to him, even if she didn't ever repect his wishes. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he cuddled into his brother. "Doug can come home today. Krys is gonna look after him while his and Annie's house is remodeled." He said, hugging his brother protectively, wanting to know for sure it wasn't Doug's before telling his mother, and his brother thankfully understood.
“Good. Thanks good. But Doug, you could stay with me...”Elaine said watching them. “No. I’ll stay with Krys. TJ’s staying there to, so I wont be alone.”Doug said watching his mother, waiting for the yelling. “..If that’s what you want.”Elaine said wanting to know what they were hiding, but willing to let it go for now.
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