Broken Apart (lady/krys)

Lina sighed softly, not worried about anything but taking care of TJ. "I know. You're okay. I promise, I got you."She muttered gently stroking his back, barely flicking up a glance as Elaine and bud walked in, ignoring their slightly shocked look at finding their son in her arms. Barely waving them off in time to stop the yelling when she realized TJ was asleep. Sighing softly as she put off things for now, knowing it was going to be bad.

"TJ?How are you?"Elaine said as the man woke, looking at her son worriedly, having shooed both Lina and the others out so she could just have a moment to watch over her boys.
TJ looked at her as he rubbed his eyes a little. "I'm okay momma. worried about Doug. He really hurt himself." He muttered softly, as Bud walked over to the chair next to him. "Yeah, poor dougie. But you're okay, right? You look sober." He said, not beating around the bush. He had never been one to mince words. TJ sighed. "I am. Completely. I want to so bad because of the stress, but at the same time, the stress is what's keeping me sober. I don't wanna end up next to my brother." He said, whipping a few tears as he hugged himself. "Where's Lina? Is she okay?" He asked, voice suddenly on edge again.
"He did, but he's doing well."Elaine said from where she was sitting next to Doug, gently stroking her fingers over doug's knuckles, looking over at TJ, studying her son. "Good.I'm proud of you Teej."She muttered before moving over, wrapping her arms around him,pressing a kiss to his hair, "She was falling asleep. I sent her to get some coffee and maybe a cot. She didn't want to leave, but she was falling down. she should be back soon."Elaine said sighing softly, looking at him."Tj, what is she doing here?"She asked quietly, suspecting, the tightly controlled anger still there, but restrained as he looked down at her son.
TJ let out a sigh of relief. "Good. I hope he recovers quickly." He said, be fore smiling a little. "Thank you momma." He added, cuddling into her as she sat down, just needing the contact. He nodded at what she said next, relief washing over his face before he stiffened again slightly at her question. Bud stayed silent, just taking this all in. He wasn't sure what to make of it. "Well, most people don't know this, but I'm bi. I've tried to tell you many times, but your usually busy, so it falls to the wayside. Lina and I.. well, what you thought happened that night wasn't anything to do with her. She was taken advantage of by one of the bars patrons. Raped on roofies." He told her, before taking another breath, leaning back into the chair. "She's my girlfriend." He stated, waiting for the yelling to start and for him to feel like that poor 5 year old kid who stole a cookie again.
"Me ot. He'll be okay TJ."Elaine muttered holding her son, sighing quietly as she looked down at TJ, anger in her features as she studied him, shaking her head. "TJ, you should have said something. You always take the more difficult road then to take the simple-"Elaine said starting to yell, for once, completely ignoring doug in favor of talking to TJ. And it was nearly ten minutes before it was broken for a moment, "Hey Te-"Lina said walking in, looking tired as she walked into the room, flinching as Elaine turned on her, yelling at her to. Looking anxious and scared, to overwhelmed and still traumatized by the rape, to deal well with her boyfriend's mother, turning to look at him for help
It was bud who came to the rescue though, winking at TJ reassuringly. "Now sweetie, I'm sure he would have told you soon enough, but you have to realize, he has a lot on his plate. He obviously didn't want want the rape to go public for
Lina's sake. You're scaring the poor girl, elaine. Can you see that?" He asked, looking to his ex. It was lucky that Doug was so sedated, otherwise all this yelling might have caused him another nervous breakdown. TJ sighed. "Mom, what you fail to realize is the only reason I do the shit I do is to get away. You're political career is all that's ever mattered to you, even if you think you care for us? That's bullshit. If you really cared about us you would know the real reason Doug hurt himself was because he felt bad about hurting me!" TJ almost yelled back, ready to storm out of the room with lina and never come back. Krys would take care of them because unlike his mother, she actually loved him.
Elaine paused wincing as she turned to look at Lina, sighing quietly as she shoved the anger aside. "I am sorry, Lina."she said her voice gentle, even if it made her cringe. "TJ?"Lina muttered quietly, edging towards the door, wanting to go. Looking ready to bolt, but the only thing keeping her in the room was the need to stay with tj, even as she watched for once, the former first lady be at a total loss for words as she considered how her son might have been hurting the other one.
TJ sighed, looking at his mother. "You never even give me a second thought. Doug has always been your golden boy, all you ever paid attention too. I could have died and I think the only reason you'd show up to the funeral would be for political appearances. "Madam president mourns death of son" the headlines would read, and the only real people who would miss me? Probably doug, Annie, Krys Chris and lina! You know what mom, I love her. Say what you want, but I do. I may not have ever taken the easy way out, but you know why? Because I was to fucking worried about my wonderful mother who's political career would be smashed if the truth about anything came out! I wznt you to be president, really I do. You'll do great things. But I really don't wanna be a third wheel. I'm stuck in a perpetual paparazzi frenzy because you are a diplomat!" This time he was yelling. Holding onto lina or dear life so he didn't start to shake from all the rage. Years of it pent up because of someone he wasn't even sure loved him.
"Tj of course IW would miss you. What-"She broke off as she let him yell, looking wounded and pained as he yelled, glancing as doug's heartrate spiked."TJ...let's go...we're not going him any good"Lina said softly, dipping his head a little looking worried about them all."This...this conversation can wait till later. When Doug can referee instead of doing it over his body."Lina muttered sighing quietly tugging him towards the door. "Stay out of this, Catalina this is none of your business, and I want to knwo what else he's been hiding."
TJ looked to lina, nodding his head, deflating a little. "You're right lina. Doing this now is only gonna damage him later." He said calmly, before he whipped around to face his mother. "Not her business? You paid her to keep me off drugs, guess what? I'm off! But this I'd her business, mom. This is everybody's fucking business. Maybe I should just leak to the press saying how you paid so little attention to us that I'm manic and on drugs, and dougie's suicidal! How would that work for a campaign killer this time?" He said, voice calm this time so that Doug would be okay. He knew enough about medicine to know a spiking heart rate while getting transfusions was a bad thing.TJ let out a breath. "Mom, she's as much a part of me as Annie is to Doug. Its her business too." He added with finality, kissing his brother's head before stalking away, ready to be done with tts for today. Lina was right. They truly did need a mediator.
"It wi-"Lina muttered wincing as Tj whipped away from her, grabbing at his arm, wincing at feeling the tight muscles in TJ's arm, just wanting to get out of the room. "It'd kill it."Elaine answered staring at them, deflating a little as she calmed, looking at doug, knowing this wouldn't be okay without talking it out, and they were all to upset to talk. "TJ...let's go."Lina said quietly wanting to bolt for the door, to upset, to hurt, to scared, to overly emotional to deal with this. Following TJ outside, she grabbed his hand, pulling him closer to her. "Let's go. Your apartment, you need to yell, and privacy to calm down. Let's go."She said sighing quietly, looking worried for him
TJ breathed out. "I'm okay lina. I just need friends and pizza right now." He said, deflating like a balloon. He really did just need the comfort of the family he had claimed for himself, and a nice big eggplant pizza with olives mushrooms and peppers. It would be great, just them, some movies and lots of soda. A perfect sleepover. Krystal put her hand on his shoulder. "You're welcome back at my place. I'll oder pizza and we can go to red box and pick out some movies. How about winter soldier? You know you think my ex sebby is hot." She said with a chuckle, giving him a hug which her returned. He really needed that,
Lina looked at him worried before nodding, resting her head on his shoulder, hugging him as she sighed softly."well, okay. Movies and pizza it is."She muttered making a face."I'll even let you order that disgusting stuff you get."She muttered before nodding."I'll get the winter soldier. It looked good."Lina smiled before making a face at TJ, leaning up to kiss him. "I'll even let you oggle hot actors to make you feel better."She teased as they left to go get everything.
TJ smiled at that. "Brilliant! Your the best lina." He said, chuckling a little at her face. "Its not just me. Krys like eggplant on her pizza too." He added, hugging her back and kissing her back as well.

Once everyone was back at Krystal's place, 6 pizzas and all, that sat down in the living room theatre and Krys popped the blueray into the the player. She smiled ad sat in Chris's lap, piece of eggplant pizza in hand and remote in other, smiling as TJ walked in. "OK Kay, I'm starting the movie." She said, smiling. Later into the movie, TJ's eyes were wide. "He's gay, right Chris?" Was all he asked, looking hopeful.
Lina smiled a little from where she was laying in TJ's lap, raising her head to look at her boyfriend, raising a eyebrow."You look hopeful."She made a face, though there was a quiet vulnerablity to that look. Chris laughed quietly, looking amused."He's bi."
TJ chuckled. "Only because he's hot, and Krys says that he'd like us. Three ways can be very fun." He said with a chuckle, his smirk widening at Chris's answer. Excellent. I want to meet him." He said, stroking Lina's back, giving her a kiss as she looked up. "I still love you lina. Stop being paranoid, or I'll start comparing you to a kitten again." He said, smirking at her wickedly.
"...I could get behind seeing the Captain's abs upclose."She snickered a little smiling a little shuddering a little, relaxing quietly at the reassurance, "...I am not a kitten."She muttered."and I'm not paranoid."She muttered sighing quietly looking up at him, sounding defensive and tired. to stressed, to emotional to be easy.
TJ chuckled and kissed her. "That's my girl." He said with a smile, laughing a little at her next commeNuts. "Okay, whatever you say love." He added with a smile, rubbing her back to soothe her emotional turmoil. He hated seeing her like this, even if the slight jealousy was adorable, he didn't want to think he hurt her, his love, his lina.
Lina smiled slightly relaxing under his hand, soothed simply by the touch, muttering tiredly as he relaxed. It was okay, she was okay, her and tj were okay.

In the morning Lina smiled tiredly as she walked into the kitchen, padding barefoot into the room, looking so cutely adorable before pausing midstretch, staring at the man sitting at the kitchen table. "uh...hello." Thor snickered as he watched the couple stumbling into the kitchen, before slanting a look at chris. "Told you they'd be shocked speechless."
TJ chuckled. "You should know, I'm never speechless." He told Thor, smirking at the new guest at the house. He was even handsomer in person. Krystal came in a moment later, practically gloaming Chris, who just chuckled. "Krys, its good to see you to penguin." He told her and Krystal grinned at him. "You're dar right it is" " she said, Texan lilt coming out just slightly. Chris smiled at TJ and lina. "Pleasednto meet you two. I'm Chris." He said, smiling one of those loveable captain smiles you couldn't resist. If TJ hadn't of thought lina would feel bad, he'd have kissed Chris right there. Chris smirked at Thor. "I like them." He said, stating it like a fact.
“I stand corrected. Nearly speechless.”Thor snickered rolling his eyes a little. “Hello....Oh my god. He really does have the Captain smile....just how much is he really like that in life?” “Alot. He’s fairly adorable and cute.”Thor snickered before nodding, smirking.”I knew you would. And your about to get kissed by the former first son, just so you know. It’s all I heard about last night, you and your abs.”Thor rolled his eyes amused that Lina blushed as she got breakfast, even if it had been chris who hadn’t managed to ever shut up.
Chris chuckled. "Yeah, I've been playing Steve so long its kinda become part of me." He said, smiling at them, watching as Krys got some pizza out of the refrigerator. Hem smirked at TJ, then at Thor. "Well, kiss away, lover boy." He said, smirking wider as he actually kissed TJ, who's eyes widened, looking at lina a second, unsure. Krystal just chuckled. "Hey, no seducing in the kitchen, Chris!" She said, eating a piece of eggplant pizza. She had no idea she was pregnant. Chris broke the kiss and smirked at both of them. "Well, maybe we should go to my private rooms." He said, his smirk widening. Krys had a room for each of her friends in her mansion. She was just that cool. TJ smiled. "Food first, Chris. I'm no good to you out of energy." He said, making a bit of a sex joke, flirging right back. Chris chuckled. "Think it'd be weird if I dated him? I mean he looks so much like Sebastian. Sebby'd be mad at me off I implicated him." Chris asked Thor, frowning a little. He really wanted both TJ and lina.
Lina's eyes widened as tj was kissed for a moment looking at a loss for words as she considered that before offering a shy wasn't so bad she guessed,though she had no idea what to think.for thr moment pushing her thoughts of tj making out with someone else away before settled at the table with a small smile as she started to eat,ignoring the flirting going on around her. Thor snickered a little rolling his eyes."seb would find it amusing and wonder if you were trying to tell him something. Which,since you've been pining, id say yes."thor teased because it was pretty much a open secret that chris liked sebastian, even if neither really ever did anything about it.prefering to remain friends rather then risk fucking up their friendship....the fact that there was now tj and lina who he could tell chris really wanted to was going to rither brilliant,or a disaster
Chris chuckled. "Yeah, you're right about that. We should totally introduce seb to TJ. He'd probably love him." He said, moving the hair out of Lina's face as she sat down, blushing a little. He was much more accustomed to flirting with guys than girls, having gone to a lot of gay clubs before he was famous. TJ smirked. "I'd love to meet bucky." He said, squeesing lina's hand, somehow sensing something was wrong. He gave her the "I love you, stop worrying look" and kissed her across the table as Krys sat in Thor's lap, leaning into him. She would have to get a pregnancy test later, but right now, she was content to be with her boyfriend, who she hoped would someday be her husband.
"He probably would. Hes coming back next week isn't he?for jeremy and scarlet's wedding right?"chris said tilting his head a little smiling. Lina started a little as chris touched her,looking up at him with confusion and utter vulnerability in that look as she shied away from him,staying close to tj,fingers tight arounf his hand as he took her hand
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