Broken Apart (lady/krys)

TJ kissed her head. "Its okay lina." He told her softly, wrapping him in her arms as he ate a piece of pizza, as chis nodded at Thor's comment. "Yeah, he'll be here for the wedding. Can you believe it? Scarlett and Jeremy? Its so funny sometimes, considering their characters." He said, chuckling a little. "Bet you any money though that if you weren't with Krys, Jeremy would be. He adores her." He added, smiling at him. Krystal went back into her room to change, and TJ piped up. "So, Thor, when are you going to propose to Krys? You guys have been together for 5 years, after all." He asked, and Chris raised an eyebrow, his expression showing the same question. They could all hear the shower, so all 3 of them would know Krystal would be in other for awhile. She took extremely long showers. Chris looked at Thor. "So, when are you gonna propose?" He asked, knowing his friend had waited for Thor to propose to her for almost 3 years now. For the first 2 years, she didn't think she deserved him. She loved him to be sure, but Krystal was strange. Being so lonely her whole life caused her to think herself not worthy of having someone she loved so deeply, having only ever really had TJ her whole life. He was best friend.
"I know, it's fairly amazing."Thor snickered a little before shrugging."Maybe."He said looking amused before staring at TJ, "When are YOU coming out to the world and getting married?"Thor scowled annoyed with the question.
TJ frowned. "That depends on if she'll have me." He stated simply, knowing the woman would need to surly adjust before he could even think about proposing. He had a plan in his mind about how he would do it, but he knew he couldn't do it quite do it yet. Chris laughed. "Seriously though Chris, she's been waiting 3 years for you to propose. Do it already or you'll loose her." Chris told Thor, looking at him.
Thor stared at the other man, tilting his head a little."Leave him alone guys. Can't you tell he doesn't want to talk about it?"Lina said watching them, sighing softly before nudging TJ a little, trying to think about something else, anything else except chris flirting with her boyfriend and her. feeling out of sorts. "We should go see doug this morning."
TJ nodded. "Yeah that's a good idea. I hope my parents aren't there. I so don't wanna deal with them right now." He said with a sigh, and Chris nodded. He didn't blame the other. He'd probably be manic to if he had parents like them. TJ leaned into lina, needing the support. He needed to feel loved for more than just a few minutes. He had such issued.
"I know. Hopefully they aren't."She smiled leaning into him, pressing a kiss to his head as he leaned into her. "Let's go.If we get there early, maybe your parents wont be there."She muttered stroking his back, glancing at chris, hesitating before sighing. Willing to accept that her boyfriend was attracted to him, not to mention, he wasn't bad looking to stare at. "You want to come to?"She said nudging chris, figuring if his parents were there, chris would be distracting.
Chris nodded. "Sure. I'll be as distracting as I can be if they're there, okay, TJ?" He reassured, smiling at the man and his girlfriend, just wanting to be of some help if he couldn't be with either of them, though he wanted to be. Krystal came back in a few minutes later, Hugging Thor. "So, are we all ready to go? The quicker we get their the less like freaking Elaine Barrish will be there." She said, making a face. She believed in her friends mother's dream, she just hated how TJ got shoved to the wayside because of it. It made her crazy.
"You're plenty distracting. Though I doubt the hospital'd let you in shirtless."Lina teased a little blushing ever so slightly as she snuggled TJ. Thor smiled looking up at her, hugging her back before nodding. "Yea.let's go."he smiled as they headed out.

And indeed, when they got there doug was alone, the man blinking stupidly up at the group walking into his room, frowning."Tj...did you just bring the whole cast of avengers with you..."Doug said frowning tiredly, looking so confused.
Chris chuckled. "Probably not. Good thing I'm wearing one then, huh?" He said as he slipped on his captain america t shirt that had been a gag gift from Krystal when they finished filming the second captain america. Krystal nodded at her boyfriend. "Okay." And all of them piled in the car, driving to the hospital.

TJ chuckled a little and kissed his brother's head. "No dougie. Just Thor, Krys and Cap. How are you feeling?" He asked, looking concerned as he sat by the bed, looking his brother over. He was so glad his parent's weren't here. He needed some time away from them after what happened last night.
Doug sighed softly, relaxing as his brother kissed his forehead. if tj was here, tj couldn't hate him forever. he had a chance of making up, he didn't want to lose his twin. that would have killed him. sighing quietly as he focused on the other, trying not to look at the others, knowing they were angry at him, or lina...oh gods, lina.He shuddered swallowing hard before focusing on lina's face. "I feel sick...sore...lost..."She muttered
Krystal sat next to TJ, her blue eyes looking concerned. "I'm not mad, dougie. Not anymore." TJ soothed, looking at his brother. He knew it wasn't so much Doug's fault he was the way he was, he just had helped a little. Krystal smiled at Doug, stroking the hair out of his face. "Its okay dougie. We're not mad at you." She soothed, sensing how freaked out the man was. Chris simply watched the door, hoping the twins parents didn't make a an appearence for their sake.
" should be..."Doug frowned a little sighing quietly as he leaned into krystal's hand, even if he was worried about them being angry, it felt nice. "'s angry...woke up last night...they were still yelling after you left..."Doug muttered. Lina sighed softly as she walked towards the door, giving the boys privacy as she looked up at chris, tilting her head a little and about to say something before cursing slightly. "Come on."She muttered tugging on his arm and stepping out into the hall and shutting the door when she saw Bud walking down the hall."Hey, mr. president."she said wanting to get a read on the man before tj saw him. hoping that without his ex-wife there, the man would be reasonable.
Krystal looked to the door. "'Your father's here." She commented, sighing as Chris followed lina out, smiling at the man, being a distraction, if nothing else. "Hello lina. Dougie doing okay?" He asked in that southern lilt, looking concerned. The reason he and wife divorced was because he killed her campaign last time, not because they didn't love each other. He didn't approve of how his sons had fallen by the wayside, but he was unsure how to help. "So, TJ's still pretty mad, isn't he? Not that I blame him. We messed him up pretty good." Bud admitted, looking in on his two sons and Krystal. "She really is amazing, that Krystal. You too, lina. You both are healing the scars on his heart. I hope that all of them will heal" he added, looking a bit deflated. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" He asked, curious.
"yea. He's sleepy and confused. Blood loss messes with you."Lina said tilting his head a little before sighing as she nodded. "Fairly. But he's being...well, you know, TJ. Calm."she shrugged because she knew it was rarity that even if he hated it, hated what was happening, it was rare for tj to be able to stay angry for long. Flushing a little at the praise she studied the former president, wondering just how much he'd figured out that had happened, and exactly what doug had been doing. "Nothing, just wanted to see if you were going to be calm before I let you in.I wont let you upset either of them...or Elaine."She said tilting her head but looked relieved that the secretary of state wasn't anywhere near.
Bud nodded. "That's good. His brother needs him. Whatever happened between them must have hurt him pretty badly, but it looks things are on the mend." He said, looking pleased. He knew that the brothers needed each other. "I am calm. Last night I was yelling at Elaine. She's making the same mistake I did.I didn't want her to." He said, looking deflated. He doesn't like this whole situation.
Lina bit her lip, knowing better then to tell the other what had happened, especially since Chris was with her, and TJ wouldn't want everyone to know, but she nodded."They are. They'll figure it out."She sighed quietly before opening the door. "Elaine can figure it out, maybe you guys can figure this out. But come on in. They need you to."She muttered wrapping a arm around him in a hug, holding onto him for a moment before blushing realizing what she'd done, hugged him without asking before stepping back into the room."Tj?Your dad's here." "Dad..I'm sorry..."Doug frowned a little looking up at his father.
TJ smiled. "Hey dad." He said, getting up to hug him. He could never stay mad long, and it wasn't really his father he was mad at anyway. It was his mother. Bud hugged him back, then looked at his twin sons confused. "What are you sorry for, dougie?" He asked, not aware of what had really been going on with the twins.
Doug frowned a little looking at TJ, paling slightly as he realized the other hadn’t told him. That even now, tj had protected him.”Didn’t...didn’t mean for this to’s going to be pissed for getting myself in here...”Doug blinked closing his eyes as he rested, still exhausted and recovering.
Bud smiled. "Its okay dougie. Nobody blames you. You're mother on the other hand? Well, she's the same as ever. Bitch on a campaign trail." He said with a laugh, stroking the hair out of Doug's face gently. TJ smiled knowingly at his brother. "You, sir, heat some rest. I'll smuggle you in some donuts if you do." He said, smirking, Krystal already on it, figuring on Boston Creme's Doug's favorite. She would have them made at her resturaunt.
Doug sighed softly, closing his eyes as he leaned his face into bud’s hand, “It’ll be okay...”he muttered already planning on getting back to work as soon as he could, before smiling up at TJ sleepily. “Okay...I’ll get some sleep. You to Teej, no need to run yourself into the ground...”Doug muttered looking up at the man, worry for his twin showing in his face even as he drifted off to sleep. “See?I told you he’d be okay.”lina muttered wrapping a arm around tj’s waist, kissing his cheek before stepping back, because she was feeling out of sorts and at a loss, and not able to get her head clear.
TJ smiled warmly at his brother. "I'm fine dougie. Slept plenty last night." He told the other soothingly, just watching his brother, leaning into Lina's touch as she hugged him, pleased look on his face. "Yeah.. he is. I'm glad. I was so worried." He told his girlfriend as Krystal looked on, coming over to hug her friend as well. "He's not gonna like having to not work for awhile. Blood loss is a serious thing. Dougie won't be able to work for at least a month. He'll need time to let his body recover." She said, rubbing TJ's back a little so he wouldn't worry. She knew it was a good thing though, because with all the time off, the twins would have time to reconnect, which she knew they needed.
“Good.”Doug muttered. “I know. But you two are tougher then you look.”Lina smiled ruffling his hair, sighing softly as she looked over at krystal, biting her lip as she considered that. “He wont like it....we should find something easy for him to do from home.”She said tilting her head before smiling a little. “We could go get lunch.”Lina muttered not wanting to say why she really wanted to leave, but she did. She knew the later in the day it was, the more likely elaine was going to actually have a chance to get time off and come visit her son.
TJ nodded. "You're right, we are." He said, cuddling into lina. Krystal nodded at his next comment. "Dougie can work on my fashion paperwork. I've been to busy lately to do it, and he's actually rater good at it." Krystal said, smiling at them before nodding once again at Lina. "Good idea. TJ, how about we go get Sodom food at my resturaunt?" She asked, and TJ nodded. "Sure. I'm starving." He said, knowing the real reason, and appreciating their kindness.
“He really would be.”Lina smiled a little nodding at krystal.”That sounds amazing.”She smiled as they left, going quiet as she listened to the other’s talking as they walked, frowning slightly as she listened to chris and tj to flirt, trying really hard to relax.
Krystal wrapped an arm around Lina's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. He loves you. This is just harmless flirting. Trust me. I've known TJ since he was like, 5." She soothed lina, walking back to the car and then driving to the resturaunt, where there was a table ready and waiting. "So, pick anything. Its on the house." Krys said happily, and TJ grinned. "Eggplant rolatini please?" He asked, and Krystal seconded that while Chris got a bowl of ramen. The resturaunt was one of many cultures, just like Krystal.
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