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Krystal cuddled close to him clinging to him . "Jonesy.. oh god jonesy... I still love you. That's not a good thing... oh god..." Krystal was panicing now, looking at him. "This is so bad.. but so good.. damn.. I missed you too. I do.. I love you, jonesy. Oh.. what am I gonna do? Jeremy's gonna be crushed.. " she was nervously rambly, shaking from stress. He probably felt depressed now because she felt to guilty. She had no idea what to do.

Rob looked at him confused. "Of course I am, El. I love you. I was mad and confused last night. I didn't want to deal with my issues about indio using again. Don't ever doubt I love you, Elena. Really. Please. Marry me again." He breaghed out, showing her the ring he had gotten from indio's house.
Indio stared down at her as he pulled out, looking at her worried as he collapsed onto the bed next to her, eyes pained.”I’m sorry Krys...I’m so sorry...”he muttered starting to cry as he clung to her.

Elena stared up at him, relaxing at his words, raising a hand to take the ring, looking up at him, insecure and tired, hurting. “...are you sure?”She whispered quietly, flinching at the picture flash through the window, looking up startled at the sight of the reporter pressed against the glass on the outside of the building, realizing that the papparazzi had used the window washers equipment to figure out who not only robert downey jr was visiting, but the rest of the cast was keepign watch to.
Krystal pulled him closer, wiping away his tears. "Shhh.. shhh, its okay. We'll figure this out. We will." She soothed, now feeling absolutely terrible. She probably shouldn't have come, but she knew he needed her. Things would work out, at least that's what she hoped.

"Of course really." He told her, putting the ring back on her finger as he saw a camera flash, turning his head to see the paparazzi. "Damn. Well, looks like the cats out of the bag now. " he said, looking sad. He had wanted to keep this a secret longer, for her sake.
Indio swallowed hard, pressing tighter against her, burying his face against his chest.”Okay...”He muttered trusting her, nearly jumping out of his skin when her phone went off....realizing belatedly he’d been hearing it for awhile and just ignored it.

Elena smiled a little as she took the ring, looking up at him, wincing as she watched the cameramen disappear as security chased them off. Sighing quietly looking up at rob,gently touching his cheek.”It’s...okay. They don’t know I’m pregnant, just getting married. It could be worse,love.”She muttered.
Krystal magics her phone to her, knowing indio knew about her powers. "Hello?" She said as she answered, kind of groggily, sounding as if she fell asleep. "I'm sorry baby. I'll be home soon. I'm with indio." She told the other on the line, waiting for him to explode that she was with her ex. She grabbed her clothes, putting them, annd handing indio his sweats. If he was just shirtless it wouldn't look so bad.

Rob gave her a chaste kiss. "You're right, as usual. I love you." He said, cuddling into her looking at her leg sadly. "I hope to bring you home soon." He said, smiling a little.
“hey. It’s me.”Jeremy said even as he ran up the front steps.”I know. Rob told me you were coming to see him. We have to go-”Jeremy said as he pushed open the front door and walked in, having snagged Rob’s keys to place when he left the hospital, pausing in confusion at the sight in front of him. “We...uh...Elena’s in the hospital. We have to go.”he said refusing to deal with what he was seeing as he headed for the door.

“I love you to.And I’m always right.”She smiled as she kissed him back, sighing quietly. “I’m sure I’ll be able to leave soon.They just wanted to make sure that both of us were okay before letting me go home.”she smiled a little rubbing a hand over her stomach,”Hey rob?Will you go get some food?I mean, hospital food sucks.I want something real.”
Krystal's eyes widened. "Elena's in the hospital? What happened?" She asked, Indio looking very frightened for his fathers girlfriend, and also because Krystal's husband was standing right in front of him, and he was half naked, only in his jeans. He thew on a t'shirt. "I'm coming with you." He muttered with finality, looking freaked. He hoped Jeremy didn't notice Krys smelt like sex, even as she pulled some vera Wang love struck out of her purse and sprayed herself. "Pregnancy make me all sweat, Jeremy." She pouted, hoping he wouldn't realise.

Rob kissed her back."yes you are." He said simply, smiling at her before he chuckled a little. "Sure, what are you craving?" He asked, looking a bit amused at her cuteness.
Jeremy frowned slightly between them, sensing something was up but to distracTed from it with worry."her and see went for a walk this morning and a car ran a red light and hit her. Rob's sitting with her and said she was awake and the baby's fine but she's still hurt and under observation.'Jeremy explained as they headed for the hospital

"Hmm how About thai? "She smiled a little watching him. But when he returned it was to something out of a nightmare, the nurses refusing to let him in even if he could hear the pained whimpers and crying happening behind the closed door
Krystal and indio's eyes widened in unison. "Oh rah, poor Elena." Krystal said sadly knowing how that felt. She was in a car accident with indio, and lost the baby because of it.

They got there as rob did, and Krystal's body trembled, flashback of loosing rob Jr happening. She fainted, and indio was there to catch her, looking scared. Rob looked that way too. "What's happening with my fiancee?" He demanded, lookin had g utterly broken and every bit like tony. Indian meawhile held Krys close, stroking her hair as a nurse came over. 'She fainted ma'am. She's pregnant." He told her, looking utterly scared, both for his father and for his moonpie.
Jeremy swallowed hard as the nurse looked krys over to make sure she was okay, fussing over both her and indio, getting them to sit as he knelt at his wife’s side, gently stroking her hair, glancing at indio.”Go be with your dad. I can take care of her.”He muttered worriedly.

The nurse looked at rob in sorrow, tilting her head. “She miscarried. They are cleaning her up now, but with her leg broken it is slow can go in in a few moments.”The nurse said gently, glancing up as the door opened to let him in, elena looking so broken and lost in the huge bed.
Indio shook his head. "No, moonpie needs me" he said, the look in his eyes showing the love he still felt for her. Rob looked at the sight in front of him. "I'm okay Jeremy. Let him stay with Krys." he aid as he frowned, running to his fiancee as the doors opened. "El, oh god El.. i'm so so sorry..." he said, tears in his eyes. He felt like this was his salt, just like he had felt when Krys miscarried her and indio's son. He held her hand. "Its okay.. we're okay. There's always next time?" He said, looking hopeful. He loved her to pieces, and wanted a piece of her that would be his forever, just like he wanted her to be.
“Okay.”Jeremy said, something sad in his eyes as he looked at htem, looking up at rob. “Okay.We’ll be here.”Jeremy muttered as he straightened, moving down the hall to talk to chris and steve as they appeared with seb. “Rob...”Elena cried quietly reaching out, gripping his shirt, pulling him into the bed, flinching at his question. Feeling emotionally raw and hurting, enough to lash out at the man who had done nothing to deserve her anger, but needing to get the emotions out, utterly torn apart. “Next time?Next time rob?We’re not even through this time, and you already want to forget?!”She yelled the anger and pain thick in her voice.
Indio stroked krys's hair, looking so worrried for her, feeling like this was his fault. He put to much stress on her. He wanted to run, to go score and fforget abouut her, but he coldn't. Not only would it make her cry, it would also put even more strain on her. He would feel juust terrible if she lost her baby because of him, yet again. She'd lost to much already.

Chris and Steve looked at Jeremy. "What's wrong? Something happen to little sister?" Steve asked worried, seeing how strained Jeremy was. While he knew how worried the other was about Elena, there was something else there too.

"Its okay, El. I'm right here," he soothed, pulling her close to him, wincing as she yelled. He didn't blame her. What he'd said was stupid. He looked at her, eyes sad. "No, I don't want to forget, I just thought it might be a comfort. I'm sorry, it was stupid of me." He apologised, looking at her like a kicked puppy.
“She past out.She’s okay I think though.”Jeremy said not about to tell them what he was thinking, not wanting to damage their feelings for krys until he was sure what had happened.

Elena winced a little as he moved her, her whole body aching as she leaned against his chest. Crying quietly as she held onto him,”I’m sorry...I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention this is my fault...I’m sorry...”Elena whimpered so upset and miserable that it’d probably be a good idea to sedate her to let her get some rest.
Indio kept stroking krys's hair, until a small sound escaped her mouth. "Jem..." was what he heard, coming from her mouth as he sat next to her in the room next to Elena's. They had decided to admit her for observation. "Jem..." she repeated, and Indio walked away, going to get her husband. "Jeremy, she's awake. She's asking for you.. I think? Or for some kind of Gem?" He asked, staying in the waiting room to give the newlyweds time.

"Well, let's hope. She's under a lot of stress with everything's that's happening. Little sister has a knack for miscarriages" Steven said, and Chris looked at Jeremy sadly. He knew there was something else there he wasn't saying. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Maybe he'd ask him later.

Rob hugged her close, stroking her back. "Shh, shh, its okay. This is not your fault. I love you. Please Elena, stop crying." He soothed, kissing her head softly, hugging her close to him. He needed her. "El, really, its okay. Don't blame yourself." He said softly, as a nurse came in to give her something to help her rest. He just held her.
“I know she is.but she’ll be okay.”Jeremy muttered something fragile and broken in that look, before looking up at Indio as he walked in, for a moment anger filling his eyes before it was gone, hidden for now.”Yea, I’ll be right there.”Jeremy said quietly pushing past Indio and stepping into the room, smiling quietly as he sat down on the bed. ‘shush, Krys.I’m here.Thor is to.”He muttered as thor settled on the other side of the bed.”Just rest.We can talk later....”

Elena shuddered, swallowing hard as she leaned into him. “Sorry...”She muttered going quiet as her tears soaked into his shirt, calming slowly, slumping into him as she was sedated, feeling utterly lost and hurt, only knowing she needed him.

A few days later Elena sighed quietly, leaning against Rob as he helped her stand up, bracing herself on the crutch with her other hand.”It’s okay. I;m okay.really.”she muttered though she was still sore and hurting, she was managing, and while she was quieter and more withdrawn then usual, she still responded when rob asked her stuff. She was just mourning and hurt.
Indio looked at Jeremy, misunderstanding the anger for jealousy. He took in a breath a he sat, watching the two go into Krys's room before curling up in one of the chairs, looking guilty and sad as rested his head on his knees. "Oh god.. what have I done.. I've ruined her marriage, ruined her happiness" he thought to himself, a sigh escaping his lips as he wrapped his arms around his knees, looking to the others. "I'm okay. Just worried about Elena and Krys." He was bending the truth, but that was okay for now.

Krystal took their hands weakly. "Okay, I'll rest. Just stay with me, you two." She said strained, closing her eyes and she was out in a few minutes, but not sleeping well. She was having a nightmare about Jeremy dying in her arms from iron poisoning. She whimpered in her sleep. "Jem.. no! I can fix this! The iron can't poison me. Just take my blood. Don't die on me" she whimpered, tears in her eyes as she slept.

Rob hugged her close. "Its okay Elena. I love you. Rest." He ordered, kissing her lips and head softly.

Rob smiled. "To bad. I'm helping you anyway." He said with a smile, giving her a light kiss. He was hurting too, but he hid it much better, wanting to be strong for Elena. He hated seeing her so sad, but he knew that came with the territory. He had watched it destroy his son's relationship with Krys, and with Thor a few years later.

Krystal was still in the hospital, but today was the day she was allowed home. She waited patiently for visiting hours to start so Jeremy and Thor could take her home, the nurses having already set her up for the day. When they came in, she would be sitting up in bed, watching an episode of 'what's new Scooby doo' on cargoon network, laughing a little at shaggy. she had always liked him.
Elena smiled a little kissing him back, but not protesting more as he helped her into the car, sighing quietly. “...How are you doing?”She said quietly, looking worried for him to.

Jeremy grinned as he stepped into the room, leaning down to kiss her head, “You ready to go?”He said looking worried for her. “You look better.”Thor muttered gently stroking her hair out of her face, sighing quietly.
Rob smiled a little, helping her into the wheelchair. Hospital policy. "I'm.. okay. Holding up. Been drinking a lot of water, and listening to indio's music a lot. I believe he calls it emo? Its what Krys likes." He said, smiling as he was kissed her head.

Krys nodded, squeaking a little as he kissed her head. She kissed his lips. "So ready. I've been so lonely in this bed at night." She said, before smiling at Thor, nodding her head. She smiled as he moved the hair from her face, giving him a kiss in thanks. "I am. Much better. Doc says I have to eat more though. Says part of my problem was hunger." She said, smiling at them both before dressing, and then waving the nurse in with the wheelchair, signing the exit papers and sitting in it. So ready to go home, have some lunch, and maybe lie down again.
Elena smiled a little as she sat down, letting him push the wheelchair out to the car, “Yea, emo.And good. I’m...sorry I can’t be better at this...I mean...being strong for you to...”She sighed quietly.

“Let’s go then.”Jeremy smiled pleased that she eas feeling better as they helped her outside, and into the car. Looking down at her as he helped her into the car.”El’s going home today to.”
Rob smiled. "Its no big deal mi'love. I'm holding up fine. I love you." He said as he pushed the wheelchair quit to the car, putting the crutches in back with Indio before putting her in the car bridal style. "Elena, do you know if moon pie's okay?" Indio asked, looking worried.

Krystal smiled as she sat in the wheelchair, purse and presents in her lap. Also on her wrist was a gold and sapphire bracelet that indio had given her while Jeremy and Thor were at lunch. "Yeah, let's go home then." She said with a smile, rubbing her belly which was protruding just slightly. She smiled again. "That's great. I was worried." She said, letting him help her into the car.
“I love you to.”Elena smiled a little as she settled into the car, tilting her head. “As far as I know, she’s doing okay. Jer said she was going home today if you wanted to stop and see her.”Elena said smiling slightly.

“You think her and rob can deal with this?I’s ruined every relationship I know of...”Jeremy said glancing at the other two, looking worried, and wondering just how much more Rob and Elena could handle, especially because he knew the press was going to be waiting for them at home, at set.everywhere people were going to follow them as they tried to recover from this.
"Good. I wouldn't have it any other way." He said with a smiled, kissing her head. Indio smiled but shook his head. "I'm glad she's okay, but if Jeremy's with her, its probably not a good idea to see her. He doesn't like me much..." indio explained, eyes showing no emotion as they drove off.

Krystal smiled. "Rob and el will be fine. He was a rock I could cry on when I lost lil' Robby in the accident. He'll be the same for her." She said, knowing Jeremy had not known why she and indio had broken up, but now he would. She played with the bracelet on her wrist, smiling a little. "They'll probably bunk at jonesy's for a few days. Press has no reason to follow him." She said, still playing with the bracelet.
Elena frowned a little looking at Indio, curious about what could get a usually laid back man hating indio, but not asking before sighing. “Thanks for letting us stay with you, Indy.”She smiled a little.

“I know.”Jeremy said reaching over and squeezing her hand, looking worried for her for a moment before smiling. “That’s true. They probably will.”
Indio grinned. "Its no problem, really. Besides, somebody's gotta make sure I stay sober. Been that way since moonpie landed in the hospital. Couldn't take hurting her." He said, smiling, though it was different from the grin he had had on just moments before.

Krystal smiled brightly up at him. "I'm okay. It was a long time ago." She reassured, squeezing his hand back. She smiled and nodded. "Yup, they will. He needs them. He won't stay sober without someone with him. Trust me." She replied, playing with the bracelet. She kinda wondered if Jeremy had noticed it, but she didn't voice it.
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