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Krystal nodded and chuckled a little. "Yup. Apparently the fans know I ship stucky. What they don't know is I also ship evanstan." She said smirking at the boys. Chris blushed a little at the detailed sculpture, amused. "We can have this, right Krys, who simply nodded. She had already made a duplicate for herself with her magic. Rob smiled reassuringly at Elena. "He'll love you as much as I do, el." He said, and Krystal, Chris and Steve all nodded agreeing. "He's right. Indio will love you." He said, smiling.
Seb blushed a little smiling as he looked at his fiancee,"I feel like we should send the fan a picture of us making out or something."He snickered making a face before nodding."He will.Indy's fairly cool." "Is it all that obvious I was worrying?"Elena made a face before sighing."I'm trying to remember that. It's just...I never really did well with meeting new people."She shrugged a little
"I thought about it, but I didn't think you'd like that to much, sebby." She said, smiling at him. "How about we send her all signed pictures of all of us? She's a huge avenger's fanatic, this girl." She added, showing seb and Chris the letter that came with the sculpture, explaining all about herself. Krystal was a sucker for the fans. She always was nice to them, and ones she particularly liked she invited to spend time with her. The fans tend to call her "mother moon" its kinda hilarious, Given her character. Krystal smiled. "He'll like you. We dated in highschool. That's how I met rob. Kicked indio of his drug habit too. Luckily." She said, rememberkng. She wondered if Jeremy had known that fact? She didn't think so.
"No, but we could send a cute couply picture. Since she is a fan, she'd probably not sell it."Seb said, indeed he was trying to break his shyness a little. "Im sure he will."Elena smiled a little. "...You just dated everyone didn't you?"Jeremy teased kissing his wife's cheek showing he wasn't being seriously upset, just teasing
"Krystal nodded. "That's a good idea. I'll take a few later. Oh, Chris, when can we go to Australia? I miss liam!" She whined a little, smiling. It was no secret Krys and Liam had basically been friends since miley met him. he adored Thor's brother. Treated him almost a good as she did Jeremy or Thor himself. People always used to wonder why she chose the older twin, and Krystal would always smile and say "that's my secret." She chuckled at Jeremy's comment. "No, not everybody. I never dated TJ Hammond." She said, smirking at seb, remembering the cameo she had made in the last episode of political animals.
Thor looked startled at the change of subject before shruggin.”Whenever I guess.”He said smiling a little.”...well, that’s true. You didn’t date seb.”Elena snickered a little.

When they got to indio’s Elena looked up nervously at rob, knocking on the door and wrapping a arm around rob’s waist, leaning into him a little, more touchy feely the more nervous she got. Despite the reassurances that it’d be okay, she was still nervous.
Krystal smiled widely. "Brilliant! Let's not tell him we're coming. Let it be a surprise! I wonder if he'll think the ring on my finger is yours again? He wasn't aware I was dating Jeremy.. well, we'll see. Ooh, we have to go tomorrow! The tour starts in a few weeks, and I want as much time as possible with Li. I see him so seldomly! No, Jeremy, its not like that. Liam is like my brother. Hell, for all intents and purposes he almost was!" She said, rambling excitedly. She had a knack for that when she was happy, especially after drinking tea. Which judging by the drink in her hand was right now. Krystal looked thoughtful. "Jeremy, do you wanna come?" She asked, knowing liam hadn't met him yet, and they had just gotten married. She chuckled at Elena's comment, as did Chris. "Yes, that's my job" he said, as he and Steven kissed seb's cheeks chastely, though it was just them, he never liked to take chances.

Inido opened the door and beckoned his dad and Elena in. He could tell she was nervous. "Hi dad." He said as rob smiled, hugging the woman next to him close to comfort her. "Well, she's certainly pretty. I aproove." Indio commented, smiling reassuringly at Elena. While he was extremely comfortable with his dad dating someone only 6 years older than him, it could be much worse. He could be dating Krys. That would just be awkward on so many levels, considering he had dated her as well. "So, dinners ready for us in the dining room" he said with a smile, showing Elena where it was, because his father already knew. "I'm glad you approve." Rob said as he pulled out Elena's chair, sitting next to her. "Elena, why don't you tell me about yourself' Indio asked, looking curious. He wanted to know all he could about this woman.
“Well, we can do that.”Thor smiled a little looking amused at the idea, before smiling. “We will. Tomorrow morning, first thing.”Thor promised. “..You are so excited.”Jeremy snickered rolling his eyes before nodding a little, “Yes...I don’t want to leave you two alone. I mean...I don’t want to be alone.”He muttered smiling. “So it is.I might even let you two take me out for dinner or a date before I start showing to much.”

“hey.And thank you.”Elena smiled a little at the compliment, tilting her head a little as she followed them inside, smiling as she settled in to talk. “I grew up here, in LA. Went to private school. Went to college for cosmotology...nothing really exciting. Got hired out of college to work on Iron Man, and you know how that turned out.”Elena smiled looking over at Rob, smiling happily as they started to eat. “And we’re getting married. Soon...I’m uh...pregnant, and I want married before the world knows and I’m starting to show...”
Krystal grinned widely. "That's perfect Thor! We'll take the private jet!" She exclaimed, cuddling into Jeremy as she drew hearts on his chest absentmindedly. "Jealous, jem?" She whispered in his ear, purposefully using the loving nickname for him. She didn't want him to feel like that, even it it led to amazing and heated sex. Chris smiled. "That sounds great seb. Really." He said, chastely kissing the other mans head.

Indio grinned. "Your welcome." He said as they walked to the dining room, fresh spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and salad on the table,. Indio smiled, watching them, congradulating them before his eyes widened. "You're pregnant? Dad must be over the moon. He loves kids. I think its fantastic." He said with a grin, as rob studded him. He didn't really believe his son felt that way, but he'd talk to him about it later.
“Hm, not really. Just don’t want to be alone.”Jeremly smiled looking down at her. “Jem?”Seb grinned as he rested his head on Chris’ chest, smirking at jeremy. “Shut up. I’m sure your boys have embarrassing names for you to.” “Hm, not really.”Seb snickered a little.

Elena smiled happily when she saw the food, starting to eat before nodding, looking up at the two downey men. “I am. And he is. Couldn’t hold still for hours after I told him. Sorta like a overexcited puppy.”She teased her fiancee, looking over at rob, though she looked calm,there was anxiety in her eyes, showing that even if they’d never met, she’d figured out Indio wasn’t happy either.
Krystal smiled, nuzzling into his neck. "'Okay love. I'll pack for Australia when we get home." She said, giving him a kiss. Chris chuckled. "Of course we do, sebbybear." He whispered to his lover, winking at Jeremy. Steven just grinned. "Don't feel bad. She used to call me fireball." He said, chuckling.

Indio took a bite of his garlic bread, then chuckled. "Sounds like dad. He usually is an over excited puppy when it comes to kids. Remember the kid in iron man 3? Dad still spoils him rotten."' He said, chuckling a bit more. He was happy for his dad, but it was still weird for him. Rob chuckled. "Look at it this way kid, at least I didn't impregnate your ex!" Rob chuckled, knowing indio knew full well about Krys and Jeremy.
“....I do not respond to that. I am not a bear.”Seb said blushing a little shuddering as the other whispered in his ear, swallowing thickly. “And Chris of course we don’t need to as Chris’ name, it’s Cap, I mean, he’s so overly eager and adorable.”Jeremy snickered a little.

“He really is. It’s fairly adorable for a man in his early forties.”Elena teased leaning over to kiss Rob’s cheek, smiling as she nodded. “I know. I walked in on them talking gameboys and new games the other day. It was fairly amusing.”Elena said smiling a little, “Yea. It could have been worse.Krys is younger then me to...”Elena said biting her lip, trying to figure out if this was going to make things horrible between father and son.
Chris chuckled, smirking a little as he nibbled seb's ear. "You did last night" he purred, referring them the three of them and the kinky sex.Krystal cuddled into Jeremy, kissing him softly. She enjoyed cuddling him. It was soothing to her manic hyperness.

Indio chuckled. "It really is." He said, smiling as he ate some spaghetti, calming. He sure liked his dad's fiancee, even if she were young enough for him to date. He smirked. "Yeah well, Krys and I came close once to that. You know that dad." He told his father, who nodded. He looked kinda pained. "Ask Krys if you wanna know. We don't like talking about it." He told Elena with a smile, kissing her head in return.
Seb moaned shuddering a little. “Hm, true.”he muttered swallowing hard trying really hard to not think of kinky sex.

“Elena tilted her head watching the two, sadness tightening her features, even if she didn’t know, she could tell it had hurt them both. “No, I wont. It’s not...I don’t want to upset you guys.”Elena smiled quietly at them both, resting her head on rob’s shoulder, sighing softly. “...I’m tired Robby.”she muttered smiling a little.
'That's right." Chris said with a smirk, nibbling on seb's ear like he did last night.

Rob smiled a little as did indio. "It doesn't bother me so much anymore, but its very sad. Sometimes its hard to talk about." He said, as rob nodded, agreeing. "When Krys and her were 18, and still dating, they got in a car accident. Krys lost the baby. I almost had a grandchild." Rob said, looking very unlike himself. Indio came over and hugged his dad. "Don't worry. You'll have a little irom man or girl sometime soon." He said, and rob smiled. He knew it would all be okay.
Elena tilted her head, looking sad, gently squeezing Indio’s arm as he got near them. “I’m sorry for bringing it up.”She muttered smiling a little up at him, wrapping her arms around rob, snuggling against her fiancee, trying to get him to relax, finishing her food. “Come on. Lets go watch tv or something.”She smiled quietly ruffing his hair just how he liked.
Indio smiled a little, as did rob. "Its alright Elena. I kinda brought it up myself, not you." He said, smiling a little more as she squeesed his arm. Rob smiled as she ruffled his hair. "You really know how to make a guy feel better." He said nodding at the TV, as did indio.
“Hm, well I could really make you feel better.”Elena teased with a flirty little smirk as she looked at him in amusement as she moved to the living room, before blushing. Realizing she was flirting with rob, while his son watched. It was sorta embarrassing and amusing all at once. Settling on the couch she smiled as she turned on the tv, laughing as she realized prince of persia was on. Rob often teased her that she only liked the movie cause jake gylenhaal spent alot of it half dressed, but it was good!
Rob chuckled. "And you say I'm the flirty one." He teased, and indio just rolled his eyes. He didn't find it funny. It was weird, although kinda amusing. He was happy his father had bounced back. He never really had. That's why usually he stayed away from Krys unless she was alone. Chris was to intimidating, and he didn't particularly like Jeremy for stealing his girl away. While he'd never admit it, he still loved her, and he had been using since the day she told him about the engagement. He needed a way to get away. Granted, it wasn't nearly as bad as the first time, as he wasn't using heroin, but he was using meth again. When Krystal found out she was gonna kick his ass. What would his son think if he were here!? Truth be told though, Krystal would probably still be with Indio I'd Lil' Robby had survived.
“You are the flirty one.”Elena snickered as she snuggled up against him, settling in to watch the movie. Later after making sure Rob had settled in bed, having decided it was easier to stay the night with Indio then drive across town to their apartment, she headed for the kitchen, frowning as she walked in.”...Does your dad know your using again?”Elena said tilting her head a little as she looked at the other, her voice soft and worried.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said with a chuckle, pulling her into his lap as they watched the movie. Indio was startled when she entered the room. "No, he doesn't and neither does moon pie." He said, gesturing to the picture of Krystal with him on the wall by the dining room. He hated deceiving his family like this, but, he needed an escape. The pain of loosing both his son, and Krystal as well was getting to him, driving him insane. He had no idea how many nights since Krystal told him he cried himself to sleep. It was even to painful to go to the wedding, though he had been invited. He knew by the way Krystal glowed she was pregnant again, and it broke his heart in two. "Why couldn't she pick me?" He muttered softly, hoping Elena hadn't heard.
“ can’t...”Elena looked distressed, biting her lip. Wondering what to do before swallowing hard. Gently resting a hand on his arm,squeezing gently. “It might have been to painful to stay Indio...”She muttered, gently urging him to his feet. “Come on. You need rest.”she said quietly getting him to sleep before going to wake rob. “Robby?”She muttered leaning down to kiss him. “Rob?”She muttered sounding worried.
"I need to talk to moonpie. But she's always with HIM." Indio said looking utterly depressed, defeated and heart broken. Krystal had shattered his heart again when she showed him the ring on her finger. A finger he dreamed of putting a ring on, since the moment he came in and brightened his nightmare, like a big full moon. He nodded about going to bed. "You're right.." he said, following her to his room, letting her sort of tuck him in. When he was finally asleep though, you could hear him moaning out "moonpie."

Rob awoke, looking at her worried expression. "Is something wrong, mi'love?" He asked, his eyes meeting hers, fear for her and fear for his unborn child in his features. Rob always got like that with the prospect of someone being hurt.
“Call her, and talk. I promise, she’d talk to you Indy.”She muttered gently stroking his hair, smiling quietly, sadly as she got him into bed.

“I’m okay. I promise.”She said realizing what he was worried about, rubbing a hand over her stomach.”We’re both okay.”biting her lip a little as she looked down at him, having no idea how to tell him, but...”Indio’s using again.”She muttered quietly, waiting to see what he’d say.
"I have to see her, Elena. Need to hold my moonpie." He muttered groggily, looking utterly broken.

Rob relaxed at the reassurance she was okay. His eyes widened when she told him what was wrong. "What? No he isn't. Krys would kick his ass and he knows it." Rob says in disbelief, his features showing that he didn't really want to believe. That it was to painful to believe, especially after his own use of drugs.
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