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Elena winced a little at the look she was getting, “Yes, he is.He’s hurting,Rob. And he’s using again...he needs help. And he wont ask, so we have to give it to him.”Eleena said gently touching his hair, looking so upset for having to be the one to tell him.
Rob looked at her with worry in his eyes. "why's he using again?" He asked, the look in his his eyes conveying slight disbelief, but lots of worry as well. He would have to tell Krys, whether he really believed it or not. She would take care of him, just like she always had.
“He’s still in love with krys. He’s using to forget.”ELena said biting her lip, relaxing a little. Maybe this wouldn’t explode into the fight she thought it would be, not realizing she was relaxing to soon.
'Oh... I see. We better tell Krys then. She's the one who got him sober last time." He said, the concern in his eyes showing through the disbeleif. He didn't quite want to believe, but he knew Elena well enough to know she wouldn't lie to him. 'I need to not think, el. Let's go to sleep, and we can tell Krys in the morning. She'll fix him."' He said, talking a bit nonchalantly, which he didn't realize would set off a mood swing, and a fight.
“Yea, she did.”Elena smiled a little swallowing hard as she watched him before frowning at him, tilting her head shoving at his shoulder, “You’re not going to go talk to him now?He’s upset Rob. And you can’t just fix someone. She wont be able to help when she’s the one causing this.”She said her mood shifting from concern to anger and worry.
Rob sighed, running a hand through his hair. "What am I supposed to say, el? That he needs to stop loving Krys? That he has to stop using? He's never listened to me el. That's not gonna change because he's fucked up on drugs again." He almost yelled, looking worried and frustrated. He ran a hand through his hair again, sighing. "Krys has ways of getting through to him I'll never understand. That's why she needs to be told." He said flatly, getting out of bed, and leaving out the door, slamming it. When he got to the car, he cried in his hands, about indio, about Elena. What off she didn't wanna marry him now because of this?

The next morning, rob went to krys's place, red eyed and deflated. When she hoped the door, he hugged him, pulling him into the living room and to the couch. "Oh god Robby, what happened?" She asked, worried about him, worried about Elena, and worried about Indio.
“I don’t know, but I doubt Krys will be the best for him.”Elena scowled a little frustrated at getting yelled at when she was simply trying to help, before her eyes widened, watching him go. He was leaving?What...swallowing hard she shuddered slipping off her engagement ring. Because he’d never walked away from her before, so she was taking this worse, taking it as him leaving her. Staring after him she sighed quietly before checking on Indio, making sure he was okay before heading back to their apartment, just needing to be away.

“Hey Krys have yo-”Seb paused as he walked into the room, looking relieved to see Rob. “What happened?”He said looking worried and tired, like he hadn’t slept the night before. And he hadn’t. After having gotten to talk to Elena, he was worried. And since Elena wouldn’t tell him what happened, he’d come looking for the missing Rob.
Rob looked utterly broken and angry as he left. "you don't know him like I do. He needs her." He said flatly, eyes widening as she took of the ring. He knew it. She didn't want to marry him now. He was distraught and cried himself to sleep in the car, looking as if his world was falling apart. And to him, it was.

Rob looked up, eyes rimmed with red from so much crying. "Indio's using again. Elena and I had a fight and now she doesn't want to marry me." He said defeated, and Krys hugged him, rubbing his back. "Its okay Robby. I'm sure this is alla misunderstanding. I'll talk to indio" he told him soothingly, so utterly no abreast to why Indio was using again.

Later that day, once rob was calmed enough to stay with seb, Thor and Jeremy, Krys drove over to indios. "Jonesey? You home?" She said, using the familiar nickname as she knocked lightly, not having a key to his apartment anymore. She waited at the door, looking utterly worried and scared. How could Indio do this to her after he promised?
“Well...”Seb bit his lip, cause he didn’t want to be the one to tell him, but knowing it needed to be done. “El’s moved out....”Biting his lip a little. “She thinks you don’t want to marry her....she stayed at our place last night.”Seb said watching Rob sitting down next to him.

“Krys?”Indio perked up a little as he opened the door, looking battered and coming down from a high, studying the other.
Rob looked shocked. "But I do.. more than anything. I'll have to talk to her." He said softly, looking utterly broken. It was just to painful to see.

"Yeah, its me Jonesy. Just me." She said with a small sad smile as she looked him over, and it was obvious the man had been using again. "Why don't you let me in and we'll talk it over. Its gonna be okay, Jonesy. Really." She said, stroking his cheek.
“I know that. But she’s pregnant and hormonal, and you left in the middle of a fight. Which you’ve never done. Just talk to her tonight. She’s at home with Chris right now. They were doing a iron man marathon.”

Indio looked up at her, wincing before shaking his head.”No, no it wont be.”he said sadly even as he stepped back to let the other in.
Rob nodded. "Okay, I will." He said with a sad smile, looking still broken.

Krystal stepped into the house like she'd done since they were teenagers. She pulled him over to the couch, and kissed his head as she put him in her lap. "You look like you've been hit by a truck. Okay, jonesy, spill. what's wrong?" she asked, her glacial blue eyes showing concern for one of her oldest friends and also ex.
“...I miss you Krys...and I think El left cause I’m using...I didn’t...mean to mess things up for dad...”He muttered looking worried and upset as he leaned against her.
!Krystal stroked Indios hair softly. "Its okay jonesy. Its not your fault. Its just a misunderstanding on your dad's part. You know how dense he can be." She soothed, pulling him close to her, knowing he needed the comfort. She kissed his head, looking into his eyes. "I'm here now, jonesy. You're moonpie's here." She soothed, this whole ordeal making her pregnant body want to cry. She ached because Indio was in so much pain. "Just let it out, jonesy. Tell me what's really bothering you. You know I'm always here for our if you need me." She told him softly, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips out habit more than anything, going red as a tomato when she did so. "Sorry jonesy..." she apoligized, unsure.
“He is pretty dense...but El was pretty upset when she left here...I don’t know if she’ll believe him if he says he still wants her...”Indio said looking worried before sighing softly “I want you. I miss you so much, it just hurts...”Indio muttered eyes widening as she kissed him, swallowing hard before kissing her again.
Krystal smiled. "You know your dad. He's got a way of being like tony stark." She muttered with a small chuckle, stroking his hair softly. She wasn't sure how to respond, her eyes showing love and hurt. This was a can of worms she had never expected to worry about again. It was her turn to look shocked as he kissed her, but for some reason she couldn't stop herself from kissing him back. All the feelings she had buried when she miscarried and walked away coming back to her as she tangled her fingers in his hair. This was bad, but she couldn't stop herself, even though she was a newlywed, but not to the one she kissed.
“He really does.”indio snickered a little moaning as he was kissed, shifting to lean back against the couch as he drew her closer, pulling her into his lap as he snuggled against her, kissing her slowly as he stroked her back.

“Rob?”Seb said as he knocked on the apartment door, swallowing hard. He so, so didn’t want to talk to him, at least not right now. Not when he was going to be the one to deliver a blow that was going to hurt. Glancing at Chris, he sighed.”Are you sure I can’t convince you to tell him?I can go hide at the hospital...”He muttered as he waited for rob to open the door, trying to not look as worried as he felt.
"Mhm." Krystal muttered, not protesting as she was pulled into his lap. she moaned a little as he stroked her back, her pregnancy hormones making her ever horny. "Jonesy.." she purred, not really sure why she was indulging this when she had a husband and a boyfriend waiting at home, but to horny to care.

"Because she asked you, seb. Sorry, but I can't you have to." Chris said, looking at his fiancee. When rob opened the door, he took one look at seb and panicked, pulling them both in. "Oh god, what happened? Is something wrong with el? Are the babies okay? What about Indio?" He asked in rapid fire, sounding as much like tony stark as any of him had heard him out of character.
Indio moaned softly, shuddering as she looked up at her, swallowing hard.”Moonpie.”he muttered before shifting, getting up, hands on her ass, holdign her against him as he walked for his bedroom, groping and undressing her the whole way.

“...I don’t want to.”Seb whined a little yelping as he was pulled into the room, “Indio’s fine. And El and the baby are...fine.”He paused looking for the right word, before swallowing hard hating to see Rob so upset that he was reverting to being tony stark to just handle it. “She...Rob, sit.”The romanian ordered making the man sit down before sighing quietly. “She was hit by a car, rob. Outside the apartment....A car ran the red light as she crossed the street. Doctor says she’s going to be fine, and that she didn’t miscarry she’s just....not waking up yet.”Seb said swallowing hard.”Thought you there might get her awake...”
Krystal smiled. "That's right. Moonpie." She purred, wrapping her legs and arms around him as she was carried, letting him undress her. It was just like old times. She could cry about cheating on the boys later, blame it on hormones. But she knew deep down it was more than that. She still loved him. Loosing their son had broken her, but she did still llve him. This was a mess, but she couldn't stop herself.

Rob looked panicked, but relaxed a little when seb told him that the baby was fine. "Oh el..." he said worried, looking to the boys. "Bring me to her." He said, looking freaked out.
Indio grinned against her lips, groaning as he tossed her onto the bed, sighing as he looked down at her, undoing his pants and undressing, even as he reached for a condom. “You are amazing.Always.”He muttered as he lowered himself on top of her, smiling as he kissed her again, not thinking about anything but this moment.

“Come on then.”Seb said looking a little relieved that the other wasn’t freaking out to badly yet. Nodding as they left. When they got to the hospital the room was a private one, out of the way.”We got her a private one, figured you guys didn’t need the publicity on top of everything else...”Seb muttered opening the door for rob, before stepping back to leave them alone, the girl looking so small and childlike in the hospital bed, her leg in a cast, having broken it as the car had tossed her around like a ragdoll
Krystal smiled at him, her eyes showing love. She made a tiny meeping sound when he threw her on the bed, and watched hungarly as he undressed, watching him put the condom on. "You really think so, jonesy?" She asked, looking almost guilty, and insecure. Her mind was cursing her though, calling her names for indulging her ex when she was happily married. She looked at him. She needed to leave, but she couldn't break his heart again, not when, He was using because of HER. She was so guilty, but she couldn't stop. It was wrong, but she couldn't help herself. She loved him to much. It had been buried to long. Jeremy was gonna kill her. Little did she know they were busy worrying about Elena.

Rob partially rant to her bedside, stroking her cheek as he kissed her lightly. "El, please, please wake up. I'm nothing without you. Please.. I love you. I wanna marry you, more than anything just el, please.. wake up!" He sobbed into her chest, being careful not to hurt her. He was so worry.
“Indio smiled a little looking her over, sinking into her with a thrust of his hips, holding her close, slowly making love to her like he’d imagined so many times, sighing quietly as he kissed her, enjoying the moment, not aware that the world would crash into them soon enough.

Elena’s cheek turned into the other’s hand as he touched her, not responding otherwise. And it was hours before anything but the sound of the heartrate monitor sounded, and even then it was a simple, quiet pained whimper.”...r...”she muttered blinking slowly.
Krystal moaned as he pushed into her, kissing him. She just knew something bad was about to happened, but she ignored her senses, falling into the moment, holding him close, and keeping on kissing him. She loved him. She was guilty, but she loved him. She could just kill herself for being such a terrible person, but she know that would destroy all three off her boys, and indio, she knew would follow if she died.

Rob's head picked up as he heard her voice. "El!" He said excitedly but not loudly, hugging her close. "Oh god I was so scared. So scared I'll loose the love of my life." He cried a bit, hugging her close.
Indio moaned as he made love to her, resting his head against hers, shuddering as he came, clinging to her like he’d never let go.

Elena frowned quietly, looking confused and hurting.”what....what are you doing here? I thought....”She trailed off, looking confused before realizing of course he was here. Even if he didn’t want to marry her, she was still carrying his child. Well.” the baby okay?”she muttered sounding scared, even if it would kill her to not have him in her life, at least she'd have a small part of him, as long as the baby survived.
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