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The Majestic Tale of a Box and a Uniform (Starring Froggy and Nexs)

Jikan's eyes widened as Nevada pulled the older man down for a sudden kiss. In honesty after talking with Nevada about Koji two weeks ago he had assumed she had put any affectionate feelings for him past her. Seems like Jikan now understood the feeling of being wrong and quite honestly it did bug him. For awhile Jikan actually thought he had helped his wearer get over her crush on her mentor. It was either that or this is what humans refered to 'payback' for not going any further during their little incident earlier that very same day.

A moment later did the door creak open and H.G. entered clapping her hands with a smirk on her face. "Congratulations for the first time since I have ever known Koji you have managed to do the impossible. You made him blush from your sudden action." she said shutting the door behind her and tossing her duster coat onto a nearby chair. Moving towards the console H.G. began flicking several switches along with pushing several buttons. "It's going to take a little bit to get back to your time. You need to rest first before anything else." H.G. said pulling the throttle down as the TARDIS came to life for the first time in a month and departed from Fedual Japan.

Meanwhile back during the present day Satsuki watched impassively from throne within the Academy tower while down below the sight of Noriko begin bombarded by tennis balls was a common sight within the academy grounds. It would seem Omikio is enjoying herself quite well. Taking a sip of the bittersweet tea her butler and life long friend always made for her Satsuki sighed as the sound of footsteps approached her from behind. It was Takaharu Fukuroda president of the Honnuji Academy Boxing Club.

"You summoned me Lady Satsuki?" Takaharu said kneeling on one knee before the Student Council President. It was a both an honor and privilege to be summoned before the head of the Academy. Something the boxer ensured he showed her the respect she deserved despite his excitement. As Satsuki turned in her seat to face him however it was revealed she held a file in her seat which she immediately tossed towards him. It was H.G. Wells personal Academy file.

While this occurred however a wheezing noise filled the air within one of the many janitor closets within the Academy as none other than the TARDIS began to materialize. With a creak the doors open and out emerged H.G. "Right Honnouji Academy approximately..." H.G. said looking at the nearby clock. "Five minutes after we originally left." she said before turning to the interior where Nevada stood. "Ready to go save your friend?" the Time Lord asked
Payback's a bitch, and fun to execute when the target deserves the punishment or embarrassment... however, that wasn't the case this time. Nevada let her head fall back, brown curls tickling the back of her neck while she went over the kiss in her mind. "Bye, Koji..." she murmured under her breath, her dark, indescribable eyes drifting closed as she let go of the feelings she had for the man. Easier said than done, him that kiss did help, somehow or another. It was a minute later when the girl noticed how...tight Jikan felt, especially around her breasts, and directed her attention onto him. "Uh...Jikan? Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. Her eyes warm with the emotion, she ran both hands over the skirt...looking for the source of his discomfort.

I Koji reacted to that kiss... Nevada thought for the briefest of moments, before brushing the thought aside. Her fingers traced along the skirt's plates, right as H.G. entered the TARDIS with a smirk and clapping. Her eyes widened, a smile creeping its way onto her features. "Really? Well, I didn't imagine that he'd blush..." Chuckling, she pushed away from the wall, and followed the older woman to the console. Her hands came to rest on both hips, the girl's head tilting. "Yeah, you're probably right... I'm still tired from all the training, so I'm going to lay down for a bit... Come on, Jikan." Running a hand over the navy blue uniform, she went ahead and went to sit on the nearby couch, relaxing into its soft embrace.

A little while later, the TARDIS materialized in a janitor's closet of Honnouji Academy. Nevada jolted awake, sleep clinging to her features even while she gripped onto the black bundle containing her two swords. Breathing hard, she tried to calm her racing heart, and ran a hand over her face. "Wait a second...five minutes after we originally left? I'm not even going to ask..." After shaking her head, Nevada picked up the dual swords, letting the cloth fall back onto the seat. "I'm definitely ready," she reploed, tone and expression one of determination. "Omiko better be ready to get her butt handed to her."

Nevada ran down the familiar hallways, ignoring the curious glances, the confused questions and murmurings. It wasn't just the haircut, she knew that, the reason behind it all was probably because of the fact that everyone saw her getting beaten to a pulp not even five minutes ago, and taken away. Her eyes narrowing at the memory, she slowed down to get around a corner, ending up in the courtyard. Omiko and her little minions were doing their one hundred and ten million serves, each one directed at the captive Noriko.

"Oi!" Nevada called out, unaware that she was picking up British sayings from H.G. In a few quick steps, the girl was standing between the Tennis Club and Noriko, both swords raised in order to ward off the balls. "Jikan, let's do this..." came her whisper, one blade moving to slice through her palm, and ran it along her blouse. Bright shimmering lights flashed about her...and within seconds, she was standing before the student body exposing quite a bit of skin. Several jaws dropped, the boys whispering and pointing to her breasts. Blushing pink, she readied herself, not sure what to expect.
Just prior to Nevada's arrival the Tennis Club Captain was busy watching her subordinates continue their rigorous practice to prepare for the upcoming match against the rival school. Lady Satsuki was putting a considerate amount of faith in obvious by the new two-star Goku uniform she now proudly wore. All was going as according to plan, or at least it was until familiar sight from just a few moments ago reappeared causing her eyes to widen. "Hey your supposed to be out cold!" Omikio said noticing the distinct changes in Nevada.

The air that surrounded the young school girl was definitely different. Not only this but none of the welps or bruises that Nevada was suppose to have from the tennis club's attack were present. Not only this but the obvious change was the length of the girl's brown curls. However that was definitely what not drew Omiko's attention the most. "Oh my that looked painful and embarrassing." the Tennis Captain said as Nevada activated Jikan's awakened form. "You Masochist Stripper." she taunted with a grin as Jikan's eyes narrowed dangerously towards the comment.

Not only that but the entire courtyard now smelt like an all you can eat buffet to the Time Robe from all of the Nose bleeds that were occurring from the male population present. "Nevada remain focused block out her words." He said his golden eyes blinking several times as he watched the Tennis Team form up behind Omiko. "I have a plan. Ignore the other members of the team and focus on Omiko. If you defeat her that will kill the morale and spirit of her club members." he theorized.
“I just need to relax… Keep calm, and stay focused...right?” Nevada murmured under her breath, adjusting her grip on the twin blades. It didn’t exactly help that the entire male population present was currently sporting nosebleeds, and a few had summoned the courage to call out names and suggestive remarks. “Ignore the other members, and focus on Omiko… Hm, won’t be easy, but I think I can do it…” Their relationship -while not the best- has definitely improved during their time in Feudal Japan. There was a tentative trust, a trust which could use some improvement...but there nonetheless.

Nevada tilted her head back, brown curls dancing while she brought both swords up into position. “Sorry to disappoint you, Princess, but I really can’t stay down for long! Noriko, get out of here!” A quick slice, and Noriko was freed from her bonds, and she quickly retreated without saying a word. “Now then… Down to business…” Nevada readied herself just in time for the order for an attack to be called, not to mention a hundred tennis balls to start raining down. There was a moment...just a moment...where she could have sworn the balls were moving slower than they should, however she didn’t linger on it long. Quickly she side-stepped each and every one, only to end up right behind the Tennis Club President.

“Hm… Is that the best you got? I have to say… I’m not impressed.” Nevada couldn’t help but laugh when Omiko jumped around, eyes wide with shock, and the other students scattering. A rogue wind passed between the two, emphasizing the sudden pause in battle. Of course… it also teased her top, and caused her breasts to bounce a bit. Male calls of appreciation rose up yet again. Blushing pink, she pushed it all aside for now, and jumped forward, using one blade as a shield while she used the other to attack. “Leave Noriko alone!” she yelled, slicing through a tennis ball like it was butter.
"Fault!" Three Star Athletic Commite Chair person Uzu Sanageyama said with a smirk on his face while his arms were crossed over his chest. "Your disqualified new girl." he said causing Jikan's eyes to blink in confusion towards the elite's statement. "I'll give you credit for stopping her attack but slicing balls is against the rules! Sure you won the fight but you lost the match."

"The match?" Jikan said aloud despite only being audible to Nevada as Uzu began to explain that they were coincidentally standing atop an actual tennis court with no netting. In fact as Uzu continued to explain that somehow this fight turned into a tennis match out of nowhere. If Jikan had a mouth he would in fact be gaping at the older student before them. "He can't be serious." Jikan bluntly said looking up at Nevada "This guy think's just because we are on a tennis court that it is a match?" he said in disbelief. "Are these people idiots?" He asked

"Oi!" H.G. said approaching with her hands in her coat pockets. "You lot really can't be serious can you?" she asked as the group looked at her in disbelief. "You tie a girl up and then beat her with hundreds of tennis balls and cause this one to lose consciousness? Then we she can fight back now you want to change it so you still win?" she asked before looking at Nevada and Jikan a moment with raised brows before the air filled with the musical sound of her laughter. "What do you think of this nonsense Nevada?" she asked wiping a tear away as Uzu was on the verge of blowing steam at the teacher's disrespectful tone.
Obviously taken back, Nevada lowered the two swords, resting both fists on her hips while she tried understanding what’s going on. “Disqualified? What the hell are you talking about, huh?” Uzu Sanageyama proceeded to ramble on about how he’d give her credit for stopping the attack, but how slicing through the balls was against the rules. Eyes narrowing… she drew in a deep, deep breath...debating whether or not she should put her two cents in about everything. That particular decision was made in a heartbeat, however.

Tilting her head, brown curls fell against the curve of a cheek. “You can’t be serious,” Nevada called out, voicing Jikan’s opinion along with her own. “We may be on a tennis court, but this isn’t a tennis match. Do you see a racket in my hand…?” One hand lifted from her hip, light glinting off the sharp edge of the blade held within the palm. “Either you are seriously dense...or incredibly stupid. I don’t know which one’s worse, to be honest.” The girl’s attention drawn by a familiar voice, she turned towards H.G. and couldn’t help but chuckle under her breath. I should have known she’d come to watch… she thought, a faint smile pulling at her lips.

“What do I think of this nonsense?” Nevada repeated, no longer faintly smiling, but grinning at this point. “I think...the Tennis Club is full of cowards. First, they tie up Noriko in order to give ‘punishment’... knock me out with tennis balls, and then have the nerve to say I’m disqualified? Hm… Well, I think it’s about time for payback.” Both swords held onto firmly, she jumped forward...disappearing from their sight, only to appear behind the blonde, one blade slamming into her side. The other blade met Uzu Sanageyama’s side at the same time, and so caused both people to fly away. Nevada heard whispering from the crowd, and realized her skirt had flown up...revealing black panties. Now red, she fixed the problem quickly.


Takahara Fukuroda is not one for discretion… In fact, it goes against his very nature. Having been dismissed from Lady Satsuki’s presence, his grayish-green eyes reading over the file he was given. H.G. Wells...the new History teacher. I have seen her around school, but I never would have suspected that she was a...Time Lord? What in the world does that mean? After letting that question revolve around his head for a minute, he shrugged it off… not really caring either way. If Miss Wells is standing in Lady Satsuki’s way… he will take care of the problem, no matter what.

Sliding his red gloves on, Takahara walked through the crowd with relative ease, many One-Stars recognizing him, and moving away nervously. His eyes narrowed on the older woman only adding to the chaos, a cheeky grin making its way onto his rough features. “H.G. Wells!” he yelled, drawing several pairs of eyes while he lifted a fist in her direction. Murmuring broke out among the students, several not sure who to watch -this, or the fighting between Nevada and the Tennis Club President...not to mention the glimpsed of panties. “Lady Satsuki want you brought in, and knelt before her!” he tacked on, grinning still. “Why don’t you surrender now, before I have to hurt you?”
Uzu was shocked at the sudden attack by the No-Star student. One moment she was standing before them the next she was right in front of him and Omikio and actually succeeded in landing a hit on both upper class students. Crashing into the One-Star club members sending them all to the ground Uzu growled ready to draw his bamboo sword and punish this brat for the attack. However before he could the sound of Omiko stopping him.

"No...I want to take care of this hooker." Omiko said with a smirk bearing her razor sharp teeth. "Lady Satsuki entrusted me with this uniform and expects greatness out of me and my club. If I can't deal with this little girl then I don't deserve any of that." she said as Uzu smirked impressed by the integrity of the Tennis Captain before nodding and crossing his arms. After all if Omiko could not beat her then that will leave her that much weaker against him and his Three Star Goku Uniform.

"Nevada I think I have an idea." Jikan said speaking up. "Look at that monocle she is wearing." the Time Robe said while Omiko's monocle changed to a red scope and extended as she served three tennis balls straight towards them at lighting speed. "She's utilizing it as a targeting scope." he said as the Captain sprinted forward swinging her life fiber racket at the pair.


While watching the fight occur H.G. frowned when she heard her name shouted out. Turning to the source she was confronted by a shorter young man who was wearing a ridicoulsy large set of boxing gloves. Hearing the demand did H.G. raise one slender brow "Mhmmm nahh don't feel like it." she said her face breaking out into a mischiveous smirk while the crowd was again stunned by her rebellious nature. "Unfortunately for you and 'Lady' Satsuki" She said with air quotes around the title. "I choose not to listen to the demands of students. So run along and tell your mistress that if she wants to come and talk she can find me in my class room between classes." She said with a wink knowing that Takahara was probably not going to respond kindly to her statement. Judging by the crowd they acted like H.G. had just signed a death warrant.
The light glinted off one sharp edge...and then off its partner's. Nevada adjusted her grip on both hilts, and noticed how fast her heart was racing...not to mention the excitement surging through her blood. I can't believe I hit them... she thought, shifting one leg forward so that she was ready whenever one -or both- upperclassmen decided to attack. I feel... It feels so... exhilarating... Dust rolled from where the two landed, coiling into whimsical spirals until the dust finally settled. A wind stirred it a little, but mostly played with her brown curls, much like a lover would. The handful of students still watching the fight glanced from one person to the other, anticipation building until she could practically choke on it.

"Excuse me, hooker?" To say she was offended would be the understatement of the, of the century even, yet Nevada tried not to let it get to her. Instead, she tilted her head...those dark brown eyes studying the older girl. "Well...if anything, then... I think you'd be called a shark. I mean, look at those teeth! Damn! And seeing as how you're not all that good at tennis... maybe it'd be better if you just gave up, and joined the Academy's swim team. You would be accepted in a heartbeat!" Biting back a laugh, she wasn't all that surprised when Omiko threw three tennis balls into the air...sending all three speeding her way with an impressive spin.

Nevada shifted her weight onto her back foot, one blade at the ready while she kept an eye on the balls. "Omiko is using that thing as a targeting scope...? Hm, are you thinking what I'm thinking...?" A smile began to curve the girl's having a touch of devious charm around the corners. Her decision made, she made quick work of the tennis balls, cutting each and every one in half...and sending the fuzzy green halves in different directions. One Time Skip later...and she was right in front of Omiko yet again. "Peek-a-boo." Before she could even react...a hilt slammed into the monocle, making it shatter into a million pieces. Shards embedded into her elbow and forearm...but she only winced as she jumped back out of range.


"What?!" Takahara Fukuroda's jaw dropped, his eyes widening in complete and utter shock. "You dare defy Lady Satsuki's orders?" His teeth coming together to grind, those grayish-green depths narrowed...he no longer acting confident, but rather serious and intense. Silence fell over the crowd, numerous pairs of eyes big as dinner plates, hands wringing together nervously. "Well then... I guess I just have to bring you in myself! For Lady Satsuki takes orders from no one!" Both gloved hands up, he broke through what remaining students were standing between he and the Time Lord, until there was only about five feet separating them. "Prepare yourself for defeat!" he called out, before several gloves formed around the one. With a confident grin peeking out from his serious expression, the gloves were sent flying towards the woman...each one with perhaps deadly accuracy.
Omiko was forced to repress a snort at Nevada's remark. This new girl definitely needed a course in insults if she thought the head of the Tennis Team would be offended by her razor sharp teeth. Really why would Omiko be offended by such a remark concerning her teeth? After all it never did bother her in the past. It did however help when she cosplayed as a vampire last year for a convention with her friends.

However Omiko's eyes widened when Nevada literally vanished in thin air before her. "W-what?!" she said in shock as her eyes darted in every direction in an attempt to locate her opponent. Yet she was nowhere to be found, it was impossible she had to have gone somewhere. Then the next thing Omiko realized was Nevada was in front of her slamming the hilt of one of her blades into the monocle shattering the glass prompting the Tennis Captain to release a glass shattering shriek defaning everyone nearby. Stumbling back gripping her eye and ripping the remains of her scope free she would feel blood covering her hand as small shards of glass had cut the skin around her eye and had barely spared her the loss of it instead. "You B***!!!" Omiko shouted in agony and rage.

"Oh I think we did it now partner." Jikan said watching the Tennis Captain snap her fingers as her team assembled in a circle surrounding Nevada. Once the circle was complete did Omiko grin watching as every other girl in the line prepared to serve while the other half held the ball firmly in their hand. "Nevada are Time Jump won't work here." Jikan said his golden eyes scanning the situation. "Even if we did dodge those about to hit us the other girls will fire as soon as we reappear." He said

H.G.'s eyes narrowed as the Boxer charged forward towards her. It was clear based on his tone, expression, and body language Takahara would beat her to a pulp before taking the Time Lord to Satsuki. As he declared victory and fired his attack did H.G.'s training and instincts kick in. Her pupils widened as the adrenaline surged through her veins and the world slowed down around her. A Time Lord was by far easily superior to a human in standards of phsyical attributes and reflexes. In the second the gloves were sent towards her was the same moment that H.G rolled out of harm's way.

'Remember my student use the gifts of a Time Lord to the fullest against your opponent.' the words that were drilled into her head rang out as H.G. quickly recovered onto one knee before reaching into her vest pocket. 'The Sonic Screwdriver it is not a weapon designed to harm, maim, or kill. It is the ultimate tool and if used properly will sever you better than any blade or gun ever will.

Using her vest and coat to keep it concealed from the masses H.G. aimed her Screwdriver towards Takahara and a with a faint buzzing noise in the air did the unexpected happen as Takahara's cell phone in his trunk's pockets suddenly exploded with a series of sparks designed to distract him. By the time he managed to turn his attention back to H.G. did she find her standing right in front of him grabbing the sides of his head with her hands. Dark brown drilling into green. "Let me in." H.G. whispered as Takahara would feel something, a probe trying to gently penetrate his mind.
“Uh oh, I really did it now…” Nevada murmured, not really all that concerned or even worried about it...though she probably should be. Landing gracefully, she tried not to cringe from the deafening shriek Omiko let out, and only watched as the Tennis Captain ripped out what remained of the targeting scope with another curse. Blood trailed down the older girl’s cheek, only giving her a more ghastly appearance. A jolt of pain made Nevada wince, and glance at her right arm, where several cuts could be seen along her elbow and forearm.

It doesn’t look too bad… At least Jikan is getting a little more blood, while I’m fighting. Nevada’s shoulders tensed when the team of nondescript tennis players assembled in a circle around them, both hands raising her swords. Rackets were lifted, green balls bouncing off the cement before being thrown up. “I have an idea…” Nevada whispered under her breath. Time Skip was a novelty power of theirs, one she can now use freely and whenever she likes… so what if...she can use something more powerful than that? Ideas going round and round in the girl’s head, her eyes followed as each racket hit a tennis ball...however, when those dark brown eyes blinked, the balls slowed, until they were moving only a millimeter per second. Her lips curved into a surprised grin, pink creeping along her cheeks until the pink was emphasizing the dark brown. I can’t believe that worked! Now then…

“Come on, partner… Let’s take care of the trash.” Nevada dodged all the tennis balls easily enough, Time Pause only lasting for about five seconds before time began speeding forward, the fuzzy green balls slamming into the girl standing opposite of the one who hit the ball. One blade hit Omiko’s racket, making it to where she couldn’t move it, while the other cut through her white uniform. “Bye bye, now~” Nevada told the upperclassman with a cheeky grin, shreds of white littering the air around the two. A shocked scream left Omiko while she plummeted towards the ground.


Eyes glaring openly at the woman, Takahara Fukuroda did not like how easily she dodged his gloves of inevitable pain...not one bit. No one avoids his one. His teeth grinding together, he was about to send more hits in her direction, when...unexpectedly, his cell phone exploded within his pocket in a series of sparks. “What the hell?!” he yelled, reaching into his pocket to pull out said phone...little flames licking and melting the plastic, until it was almost dripping. With a small curse he threw the phone away from himself...which caused several One-Star students to run away from the vicinity, for it landed on one student’s head. Hair caught on fire, he began dashing around comically...though he paid that person no mind.

“Now then… Back to business-” Takahara’s words were cut off when he realized that H.G. disappeared from where she was standing not just a minute ago...yet, his heart up and lodged itself somewhere in his throat as he found her right in front of him, grabbing onto the sides of his head. “How...How did you do that?” he demanded to know, grayish-green eyes bouncing about in a wild panic.

It was in the next heartbeat that he felt a gentle...probing in his mind, which caused his heart to skip beats yet again. Takahara didn’t know what to think...but inside, he was panicking. He didn’t let it show, however, and instead put on a brave front, puffing out his chest and gritting his teeth. “‘Let you in’? What the hell does that mean? Huh?” Quickly he drew back a gloved fist, getting ready to unleash more gloves onto her person...even at this close of a range.
Jikan's eyes widened in shock as the students fired the tennis balls at the duo. However it was Nevada that truly stunned the Time Robe when she mentioned she had an idea. He could feel Nevada tapping into their combined power slowing the world down around the pair to nothing but a crawl. To say that Jikan was impressed by Nevada's quick thinking was a gross understatement. "Amazing Nevada!" Jikan complimented as time returned to normal around them.


H.G. eye's immeaditly darted towards the raised glove before glaring back into Takahara's eyes. "This." H.G. said and in an instant the gentle probe became a flood as H.G.'s mind crashed into his own. Images, memories, feelings. H.G. saw them all but was careful to ensure Takahara saw none of her own, the collective knowledge was something a human mind could not handle. Soon the answers began to appear. Satsuki handing the boxer a file, it was hers. The file was vague however their was one thing that immediately caught her eyes. Stamped over the image of her face in large red letters. Time Lord. They knew.

With the knowledge collected H.G. severed the connection hearing Omikio scream. Turning her gaze towards Nevada's fight H.G. rose a brow as she watched the Two-Star Uniform disperse with a single red thread gently float down towards Nevada as it dissolved into Jikan causing his golden details to glow brighter. "Now that is an interesting development." H.G. said under her breath before a light bulb went off in her mind as she looked at Takahara then back to Nevada before a grin formed on her face. "Oi! Nevada!" H.G. shouted at the top of her lungs as she gripped Takahara by the collar and the belt of his uniform. "Batter up!" she shouted before hurling the boxer directly towards her student.
Nevada chuckled under her breath, not quite sure how to take the compliment. Her features taking on a light pink blush, brown lowered to meet gold, a little, tiny smile forming on the girl's lips. "Heh... No, not really... I mean, that was really all you. I don't have any powers, remember? Everything I can because of you." After sticking her tongue out at him playfully, and laughing, she looked up just in time to see Omiko hit the ground, sending pieces of asphalt in all directions. "Ouch...that's gotta hurt..." she commented, wincing in sympathy. "It'll be embarrassing, too...having to go home without any clothes on..."

A single red throat gently floated down towards the duo, before Jikan absorbed it into his stitching... causing the gold accents to glow brighter. Nevada noticed this, and studied her navy blue gloves, the mid-thigh boots, and the shorts she was wearing. "Huh... That's interesting..." she murmured, before directing her attention elsewhere. H.G. was gripping onto Takahara Fukuroda's head between her hands, him struggling against her grip, but proving to be unsuccessful. A grin was on the woman's face. "Oi! Nevada!" H.G. shouted at the top of her lungs, now holding onto the Boxing President by the collar and the belt of his uniform. "Batter up!"

"Ooh... How can I resist?" Nevada adopted a cheeky grin, already lifting both hands. "Batter up!" she repeated, the light shining along her blades' edges, both molding together until it could very well be one. Takahara Fukuroda was hurled towards her...and laughing, she swung...the twin blades slamming into his belly, and cutting through the uniform he wore. Shreds of fabric fluttered about, and another red thread floated through the too being absorbed into Jikan. that next heartbeat, their connection died...sending Nevada falling back to the ground, since she jumped up in order to hit the President. A surprised cry left the girl's lips...but it was quickly replaced by a grunt, for she hit someone before she made contact. Kendrick grunted himself, tripping backwards with the girl in tow...only to fall back, she ending up on top of him. Her knees fell to either side of his hips. Nevada ended up on his chest, straddling the poor boy, and unaware of doing so.
"And it is a home run!" H.G. said imitating an American accent despite her British Accent still being audible while she spoke Japanese. However the quick humor vanished as a familiar sea of shimmers engulfed Nevada and Jikan reverted once again to his base form. "That's...odd.." she said tilting her head why did Jikan feel the need to revert to his dormant state in mid air? "Great now we have another mystery to solve." H.G. mumbled under her breath moving through the crowd towards her student.

"Ugh..." Jikan groaned his eyes barely open his entire form considerably loose on her body while his coloring in fact looked like it had faded from navy blue to sky blue. "I...don't feel so good." he mumbled before making what sounded like a burping noise. "I had plenty of blood...but I feel empty..." the remaining words died in his threads as he processed just where the pair had landed right on top of that kid Nevada met before. In an erotic position for that matter something that was definitely noticed by the crowd surrounding them.

However the crowds present did not know how to react. The One-Star students wanted to laugh their behinds off while the females present wanted to make a snide remark concerning how she was acting like such a slut for first dressing up in such a skimpy outfit then jumping an unexpected boy. However considering that the 'slut' had just destroyed two separate Two-Star Club Captains with ease, the words died in their throat. Except for one.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Gamagori boomed as he approached the crowd immediately feeling and dispersing in fear of the man bigger than everyone else. "Assaulting two students and then performing PDA with another student on such a level is strictly forbidden!" he boomed looking as if his face grew three times its size with each statement.
“Nn…” Nevada slowly lifted her head, brown curls falling back into place on either side of her face. It was a few minutes until she tried opening her eyes...and even then, she winced and quickly closed the pair. “Damn… What the hell happened…?” she murmured, lifting a hand to rub at the pounding headache that was forming. At Jikan’s words she opened one eye, looking down at the navy blue uniform -now sky blue- and frowning with concern. “Uh oh… That can’t be good…” Both hands resting on Kendrick’s chest, her brown eyes glanced here and there, making sure no one else was going to attack.

Kendrick let out a soft groan, lifting himself up while rubbing the back of his head. The boy’s glasses were slightly askew, and his black hair disheveled...making him look rather cute. “Are...Are you alright, Nevada…?” came the question, though when he finally opened his eyes to take a look and see if she truly was alright...the brown pair widened, a dark red blush forming along his cheeks. Temptation, surprise, and a thousand other emotions passed over his features. His face was but inches away from her breasts...and for a split second, he was tempted to reach out, to see if one was as lush and full as it looked to be… but he resisted the urge with a shake of his head.

Instead, Kendrick gripped onto her hips for balance, and rose into more of an upright position. “You...You’re not hurt, are you…?” His fingers sank into the sky blue material at her hips, the tips going down more towards the girl’s shapely behind...while his eyes lifted to meet hers. An electric moment came next, for now their faces were separated by millimeters of space… or, to be more specific, their lips. Nevada noticed a lump had formed in her throat...and quickly she swallowed it, and moved back.

“Y-Yeah...I’m okay…” Nevada managed, before her attention was stolen by Gamagoori’s booming voice. Jumping onto her feet, she placed both hands onto her hips, and rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh… Should I be worried about you?” she asked, glancing over in H.G.’s direction. If Jikan wasn’t feeling well...that means she shouldn’t try and fight. “Anyway~ Bye!” With a wave of her hand, she leapt off, dust rolling over the scene...and strong winds whipping at everyone’s hair.
Jikan let out a small weak growl when Kendrick placed his hands on his wearer. Really why did this kid have to pop up now when Jikan was unable to protect his wearer? Oh and judging by the perveted gaze he aimed towards Nevada's chest where the Time Robe's eyes were the kid considered reaching for something he shouldn't. "Don'" Jikan mumbled in an angry tone that sounded more sickly than intimidating.

As Gamagoori shouted towards them and Nevada made a hasty goodbye did Jikan's eyes gently slide shut. For a moment the uniform debated on thanking Gamagoori for breaking up the moment with Kendrick.

The sharp sound of a whistle filled the air as Nevada would see it was H.G. "Oi you two time to make a tactical retreat!" She said pointing to inside the school. They needed to get back to the TARDIS to escape and diagnose and treat Jikan of his condition.
Dust coiled and obscured the scene that was starting to unfold, students coughing meanwhile. Several tried to look through it, to figure out what’s going on...but none could. Nevada kept one arm up over her nose, and ran through it with relative ease. Luckily she knew the Academy like the back of her hand...and so, it wasn’t very difficult to navigate around it, even with her vision lacking. “Meet you there!” she called out, her words intended for H.G.’s ears only. It wasn’t long before she burst out of the dust cloud, and was running up the steps towards the Academy itself. Every breath burned through her lungs...but the girl fought through the pain and the dull ache already sinking into her bones, and continued onward. The doors burst open under her touch, the empty hallways beyond welcoming her with open arms.

“H-Hey...Jikan…” Nevada panted, now running up a flight of stairs to get onto the second story. “Are you...Are you feeling okay…? I mean, I felt you...and heard you growl...and… you tried to say Kendrick… I couldn’t...really hear you, though…” Brown curls flew out behind the girl like a banner until she finally stumbled to a stop, and leaned against a nearby wall to catch her breath. There was a dark pink blush along her cheeks...and her blood was pumping through her veins with adrenaline.

After a minute or two has passed, Nevada continued, albeit slower this time. It was obvious no one was coming after least, not for the moment, so she didn’t see a reason to hurry. Her footsteps echoed off the walls, and it wasn’t but five, maybe even ten, minutes later when she was at the janitor’s closet, opening the door to see TARDIS.
"Sorry..." Jikan groaned listening to the footsteps Nevada produced as they headed back to the TARDIS. "I'm not sure what is wrong with me." He weakly muttered his eyes remaining close causing the scarf to appear as commonly worn one. "I feel weak...and tired..bleh" Jikan said before the door to the Janitor Closet opened up to reveal H.G. as she hurriedly shut it behind her.

"Quickly you two inside." H.G. said inserting the key into the lock and pushing the door open. Quickly moving to the council H.G. flipped several switches and pushed a few buttons before grabbing a lever and engaging the TARDIS. With a sigh of relief H.G. looked at Nevada. "Coordinates are set to take us back you your home's living room." she said before pulling out her screwdriver. "Now lets take a look at Jikan shall we?" she said
"No, don't be sorry... I'm just worried about you." Nevada hurried inside the TARDIS, the door closing behind her while she and H.G. moved to the console. H.G. flipped several switches and pushed a few buttons, before grabbing a lever and engaging the time-traveling ship. "Okay, that's fine," she replied, giving a little nod as she did so. Really, her mind was mostly on the uniform...and the strange reaction he was having, due to...absorbing those glowing red strands of fabric. Jikan even changed color...which was definitely in the realm of bizarre. Her hand passed over his clos eyes, going down after a few moments. It may be silly, yet...she had the thought of checking his temperature, and almost smacked herself upside the forehead for it.

Nevada lifted her eyes...the green light coming off the screwdriver reflecting off the brown depths, and exposing the worry she felt. "Ah...yeah... Let's do that," the girl murmured, removing her hand from the sky blue fabric and moving closer. "It's strange... I never heard him complain of feeling bad or anything... and here he is, saying that he feels weak and tired?" Giving a little shrug, she started gnawing on her lip, torn. "Maybe I should take him you can look at him better?" came the suggestion, tilting her head meanwhile. Brown curls fell against her cheek, all while the pink blush faded from her cheeks. Her heart rate was gradually slowing down...and after that heady dose of adrenaline, she was starting to feel tired herself.

At least this time, I haven't gotten beaten to a pulp... Her muscles aching, but not in a bad way, Nevada rolled her shoulders, one hand reaching up in order to rub at a sore spot. Next she stretched her neck this way and that, letting out a groan whenever she felt a pop. It hurt...but damn, it felt good.
"I wouldn't take him off just yet if I were you." H.G. said as the green light of the Sonic Screwdriver continued to travel along Jikan's form while the buzzing noise the device produced was mixed with the wheezing noise of the TARDIS in flight. "Just give me a moment to see what exactly is happening with him." She said before looking at the extended shaft of the screwdriver before frowning. "That's odd.."

"What?....." Jikan asked weakly as one gold eye cracked open to look at the Time Lord's confused face. "If I am dying just tell my mother I love her..." He chuckled as H.G. could not help but chuckle back at well.

"Very cute Stitches but if my hand little toy is right....your not fact your stronger than the last time I scanned you. If I had to bet its a result from absorbing those threads from the destroyed Goku Uniforms." H.G. said sliding the Screwdriver into its closed position. "If I had to bet...this is indigestion." she said as now both of Jikan's eyes opened to look at her with a perplexed expression. "You were both not only using a new power but also for the first you absorbed something foreign into your threading. If I had to bet your adapting to ensure that you can absorb more in the future." H.G. said
Relief flooded throughout Nevada's body at the conclusion. Not willing to show it, though, she lifted a hand and scratched at a cheek. There was a light blush already forming on the flesh...painting it a rather becoming shade of pink, which slowly started spreading down the curve of her neck. "Eh... I don't know if that was a new power or not..." the girl murmured, now giving H.G. a sheepish little smile. "Basically, Jikan had told me we were surrounded, and that there wasn't a way to get out... but I had the idea of slowing down time around the balls, so... I just thought that I'd try and see if it worked. And it did." Stitches, huh? I like that nickname... I atta start calling him that from now on... she mused, the hand at her cheek playing with an unruly brown curl.

"Well, at least we got that cleared up," Nevada spoke up again. "It's better to know than to not...right?" With a little shrug, she tried to come across as nonchalant...but not so distant where it seemed like she didn't care. Her hair deciding to defy any kind of restraining, the curls fell against her cheeks yet again...this time, in a manner that was starting to annoy the teenage girl.

Nevada glanced down at Jikan, one hand lifting to caress the fabric under his right eye. "Hey... By the way, you never did answer my questions earlier," she reminded him. "I'll let you off the hook for now, seeing as how you're not feeling too good... but I expect to get some answers here soon. Got it?" Softly laughing, she directed her attention onto H.G. next. "Do you think it would be better for me to take him off? I mean... he probably wants to be left alone...and my wearing him isn't gonna do that. I can lay Jikan down on the bed, and he can just relax there for a little while... It doesn't much matter to me. I was just thinking of taking a bath, to wash off all that dust." Now crinkling her nose, she ran both hands over her legs...revealing just how much dust was accumulated there. I was also thinking of heading back to the Academy... Just to thank Kendrick for worrying about me... she thought.
"Got it" Jikan mumbled tiredly knowing he would have to cross that bridge eventually. At least this way he would have some time to figure out a way to avoid telling her what Jikan had said to Kendrick. Hearing Nevada speak about her plans of removing him and taking a bath prompted him to relase a tired sigh. "I wouldn't mind a bath myself and a good ironing" the uniform mumbled as his eyes slid shut again. Only to hear a faint whispering voice causing him to reopen his eyes again and look around the control room.

"I know what I plan to do." H.G. said walking back towards the console as the mechanisms within the center column continued to move while the wheezing noise was still audible in the background. "We need to find that bloody nudist again assuming the Autons didn't kill him." she said before looking at Nevada and Jikan. "He was an associate to that Matoi fellow and was in possession of Jikan I would bet my Screwdriver he knew more than he let on in that restaurant." She said flipping another switch or two as the TARDIS suddenly rumbled violently shaking the entire interior to the point several books fell off of the shelves while other items tipped over or fell off the tables present.

"No no no no no!" H.G. said circling the entire perimeter of the console hitting a number of buttons, levers, and switches. "Where are you trying to take us!" the Time Lord said as the whisper became more audible to Jikan. "Where you need to go." The voice uttered as Jikan's eyes widened and began to quickly look in every direction possible before the TARDIS began to slow and came to a halt. "We landed..." H.G. said "Question is where?....Well only one way to find out." she said strolling towards the wooden doors and pulling them both open.

Once H.G.'s eyes adjusted to the light she took in her immediate surroundings. It was indoors presumably high above the ground with numerous windows providing natural lighting. Another glance would indicate that it was an expensive set up designed as a command center with a touch of luxurious comfort for extended use of the room. Finally H.G. noticed the two current occupants in the room. The first was an elderly chap holding a silver tray with a tea pot dressed as a butler looking at H.G with a look of shock. While the second figure seatedwas looking directly at H.G. with a mix of shock, confusion, and anger. Those cold, calculating blue eyes framed by long black hair surrounding her face said only one thing. Satsuki Kiryuin was mad. "Oh." H.G. said turning to the interior towards Nevada. "We seem to have landed in the lion's den."
"Good, I'm glad you understand, Stitches." Nevada couldn't help herself. It was a cute little nickname, after all... one that fit him perfectly. A hand continuing to run over the weary fabric, she listened to his words and thought it over. "I think that would do you a world of good, Jikan. The hot water will help tons. I know that when I take a bath, I feel so much better afterwards... I bet it would be the same way with you...and throw in ironing...well, that's just what the Doctor ordered." A low, almost inaudible chuckle rumbling in her chest, her fingers traced along the scarf that served as his eye. "I'm sorry you're not feeling good, though..." she murmured under her breath.

Nevada lifted her gaze and directed her attention onto H.G., watching as she walked back towards the console. "I think you're right... There's no need to bet your Screwdriver, though. I have a sneaking suspicion he knows more than he let on, as well... You said it yourself. He was a friend of Matoi, and had Jikan in his possession. It's more than likely he knows why Jikan is able to absorb all those...glowing red threads, and what the hell those threads are." There's also the question of why Jikan was stronger, once he absorbed those threads...but she didn't bring it up. Her eyes widened when the TARDIS began to shake violently, both of her hands reaching out to steady herself. "What the hell is going on?" she called out over the noise, a bit unnerved by it all.

H.G. clearly didn't know...if her circling the entire perimeter of the console, hitting a number of buttons and switches, pulling levers while asking questions was any indicator. Luckily the shaking didn't last long...for the TARDIS soon began to slow, before stopping altogether. "We landed..." H.G. said. "Question is, where...? Well, only one way to find out." Nevada gave a nod, following her to the wooden doors, and stepping back as both were pulled open. Her eyes took in the enormous room...not recognizing it, but taking in what few details she could. Of course, she couldn't see everything, for H.G. was blocking the way. The room was luxurious, with high vaulted ceilings, and numerous windows to provide amble light.

"Damn..." Nevada breathed with a whistle. "Whoever stays here, really has some coin..." H.G. turned around right at that moment... revealing the last person she wanted to see at that moment. Satsuki Kiryuin was sitting in a chair that was very much like a throne...holding onto a cup of tea, with those cold, calculating blue eyes focused on her. There was a butler standing nearby...but he didn't pose any threat...or was all that important. The urge to rush in, to demand answers about her mother, surged forth...however, she restrained herself, knowing this wasn't the time or the place to do so. After all... Jikan wasn't feeling good. If she was to fight with just the swords, though... Playing with the idea, she wrapped her fingers around their hilts. "It seems so..." she answered H.G., her eyes narrowing. "What should we do about it...?" tempting it was, just to go in and point her swords at that woman... Eyes narrowing, she lifted both swords up higher...unable to resist. "OI! Satsuki! Where's my mother?!" she yelled, nudging past H.G. to stand before the TARDIS.
"Improvise." H.G. whispered before turning to Satsuki with a smile. "No need to be alarmed and call security on us." H.G said her tone of voice sounding as if she had little to no care in the world towards the current situation. "You sent your crazy boxer to come and fetch me after all. So here I am." She said taking a single step forward only to hear a rush of air approaching prompting the Time Lord to quickly duck as a large sewing pin flew just over head before being reeled back by the same type of vibrant red thread the pair had seen earlier.

"Who said Security was not already here?" a new voice spoke up emerging from the shadow the Thread Blade retreated to revealing a tall slender blonde haired woman with bright emerald eyes whose body had all the right curves. Her attire was something else entirely standing in a blood red sailor uniform with a silver scarf and gold details. In fact save for the lack of golden eyes the uniform mostly resembled Jikan. "Any other questions?" she asked with a smirk pointing one of the large sewing pins at H.G. while another was secured to her back with an additional sword that was obscured by a number of bandages wrapped around it.

"Reya" Satsuki said before taking a sip from her tea. "Stand down" she ordered calmly as the blonde looked ready to protest only to be silenced by a glare courtesy of the Student Council President. "I did demand H.G. Wells' presence, but not at the expense of neither Omikio or Takahara's Goku Uniforms...Time Lord." she glared as H.G. shrugged her shoulders before Satsuki's eyes darted towards Nevada. "Why did this student come with you in" She said looking at the TARDIS as well.
Patience...was not one of Nevada’s virtues. In fact, far from it. If anything...a healthy dose of patience would do a world of good for the brunette. Improvise? What the hell does that mean, H.G.? Nevada thought, keeping a firm grip on her dual swords while watching things unfold before her. No disrespect, but...normally, when we doesn't end well... Letting out a soft sigh, her eyes shot back open whenever she felt a rush of air...and without a second thought, she lifted one of her blades to parry the large sewing pin flying over both their heads. It was more instinct than anything else...but at least it prevented their heads from being...sliced off.

Nevada's eyes rose...only to land on a tall, slender blonde with the curves she herself had. Her eyes were bright emerald pieces, and her attire consisted of a blood red sailor uniform, much like Jikan, with a silver scar and gold details. "Security, huh?" Nevada murmured under her breath, studying the large sewing pins that had a long glowing red thread attached...and its partners, which was secured to the girl's back. "Another one of Satsuki's goons, no doubt about it..." Satsuki decided to speak up right then, telling her little dog to heel, basically...before directing her attention onto H.G. Really? Did you seriously expect H.G. to be brought in without a fight? How stupid can you possibly be? Shaking her head, she noticed how the Student Body President just noticed her...and scoffed.

"Hi, nice to see you finally noticed me," Nevada threw out there with a smoldering glare. "I can see where your priorities lay... Anyway~ Does it really matter why I'm with H.G.?" A metallic click followed, the light passing along the blade's sharp edge while she gestured towards Satsuki with it. Her expression was anything but pleasant...and there was a determination in her eyes that demanded answers. "My questions is... Why would Honnouji Academy's Student Body President break into a fellow student's home, ransack the place...only to abduct her mother?" she asked, her voice thick with venom. "This is the last time I'm going to ask... Why the hell is Mother?!" The words echoing off the walls, she didn't flinch, but rather stayed firm, eyes locked with Satsuki's cold, calculating blue pair.
Satsuki watched with mild interest as the student before her stated her reasons for being present with the Time Lord. It was not even much of a surprise to hear Nevada's disrespectful tone towards the Student President. Satsuki was certain if Gamagoori was present he would already be expressing his anger towards the No-Star student's insubordination. A lone eyebrow arched higher than the other as Satsuki's icy blue eyes darted back and forth between Nevada and H.G. "What makes you think I know?" She finally asked. "It could have been a set up." She countered.

"Oh rubbish" H.G. interjected with a scoff as she turned and began to walk about the room. "I assume you and your little gang are the ones who hacked into UNIT. Makes since how you found out about me and my box." She said stopping in front of a bowl of fruit on a table against the wall. "Now let's pretend for a moment you did know something concerning Ms. Ash's mother" H.G. said picking up several pieces of fruit before settling on an apple. "What would you be willing to trade for the information." She said turning around to face the group again taking a large bite of the apple.

Satsuki didn't flinch as she took another sip of her tea before nodding to her butler whom returned the gesture. "Information for information is a fair exchange." She stated returning her empty cup to the tray as the butler refilled it along with the additional empty two cups present as well. "I want to know who you both are and about that uniform." Satsuki gesturing towards Jikan.

"There is no point in hiding it Nevada."Jikan spoke up weakly his eyes still shut while he spoke. "She found out who H.G. was with ease." He mumbled knowing if this young woman had people who could hack government level security it was only inevitable for Satsuki to find about him. "If we are going to find out about your mother I am willing to expose myself.....that sounded dirty." He chuckled the vibrations gently rippling over his form .

"Oh alright then...." H.G said tossing apple out the open window which plummeted to the ground below and bonked an unsuspecting One-Star student on the head. "I am H.G Wells I am a Time Lord from the planet of Galifrey. I am Two Hundred years old. I have been an adventurer, librarian, archeologist, a pirate, a harem girl, a Queen, and more, I enjoy long walks on the beach, My favorite wine is red wine. My favorite movie is Star Wars Episode XX....oh sorry spoilers.." For the next hour and a half H.G. went on about her interests to the point Satsuki and Reya sweat dropped in disbelief.

"Will. You. Shut. Up!" Reya finally shouted with a tick mark on the blonde's brow prompting H.G. to simply grin back.

"Ok then guess you already know about my box then" she said amuses that she discovered a means to get under their skin.
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