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The Majestic Tale of a Box and a Uniform (Starring Froggy and Nexs)

Nevada’s eyes narrowed, anger replacing the embarrassment within the blink of an eye. The red blush remaining, but for an entirely different reason, the brown depths flashed with just a hint of what she was feeling. I can’t stand being called a child! she thought, gritting her teeth and fighting against several, half-formed comments. “I agree… It would be safer if I use those...both for me...and especially for you…” This last part murmured softly under her breath, she picked up the two bamboo swords, and tested their weight in her palms.

“There is one more thing, Koji,” H.G. said, catching her attention. “In order for this training to work in its fullest, we had to make a few wardrobe choices to Nevada’s outfit… isn’t that right, Nevada? Go ahead and take the robe off,” the evil, madman -er, woman in this case- said with a grin. The girl’s fingers gripped tighter onto the bamboo...almost tempted to smack the pair onto her head.

“Hell with you.” Nevada thrust her chin forward, the embarrassment back and bright as ever… not to mention her expression one of forced bravado. “I swear, I’m going to get you back for this…” A shaking hand lifted to the black robe carefully folded to hide her body...and tugged, sending it to fall in a liquid pool at her ankles. Nevada was a pretty young girl, developing into a young woman...and this fact was proved by such exposure. Her breasts are full and lush, held in a white, almost threadbare bra. Her hips were small and narrow, though not painfully so, and her legs...nice, long, and firmly toned. There were little imperfections, of course, for no woman is perfect...but still.

Nevada cleared her throat, not meeting anyone’s gaze. “If...If everyone is done gawking… I have...I have to start training now…” she murmured, gritting her teeth and rushing out of the room in a hurry.
Watching as the now half naked Nevada exited and headed outside to the back yard where they would be training did he turn to H.G. and Jikan. "What is the meaning of this Wells? Why are you forcing her to train in her undergarments?" he asked as H.G. stepped forward and began to explain what she had observed whenever the school girl activated her Kamui the first two times. To say the least it was an odd concept what kind of obscured logic allowed for increased protection from less clothing?! More so increase the girl's abilities to superhuman level? Oh what had Koji gotten himself into?

Koji however soon found the answer to his question as he began training his student in the way of the sword. Each day Koji would focus on drilling the basics into the half naked girl's mind to the best of his ability. Sadly however it became very apparent that because of her state of undress Nevada was struggling to remain focus without blushing out of embarrassment. It was now two weeks into Nevada's training and despite the progress that had been made Koji still had much to teach her. After all before Nevada may see her new blades she must first master her bamboo ones.

"Dodge!" Koji shouted as he swung his practice sword at her again while the sun began its lazy descent into the horizion while a sheet of sweat coated Koji's impressive form as once again the sword master chose to forgo to adorn his torso with any form of clothing.
“Ah!” Nevada noticed the oncoming sword in her peripheral vision, and already began going through the motions of dodging it. If there was one thing she has learned thus was how to take a hit, and how to go about dodging hits. Her foot shifted into position, her weight going from one to the other while she brought both bamboo swords up. There was fading bruises along her biceps, thighs and along one side...however, that was to be expected, given the training she was undergoing. Her eyes narrowing slightly, she did, indeed, dodge the swing...and seeing an opening...she moved forward to take advantage. Of went horribly wrong within moments.

Nevada was a lot better at using the sword than she was two weeks prior, much better. Faster, stronger...yes, but confidence was the key thing the girl needed to improve on, that, learn that she should not be embarrassed in her state of undress. Her fingers tightening on the wooden hilts, she kept one sword up, as a block...while she brought the other forward in an attempt to strike. The sword cut through the air, despite it not being steel or any type of metal...and before it could connect with skin, or any part of his body… her world tilted on its axis. From what she could tell...what little she could tell, her foot had made contact with a particularly slippery rock, causing her to slip. It did rain the night before.

What Nevada didn’t realize, though...was that she dragged Koji into her fall. In an effort to prevent herself from doing as such, she struggled to find anything to hold onto, finding something firm and holding on tightly. “Oof!” came her grunt, once she made contact with the pebbles that made up the ground. A heavy weight was laying against the lower half of her body...and with another groan, those dark brown eyes opened...only to meet deep, dark blue. Her eyes widened, while her mind tried to grasp what she was seeing. Their sweaty bodies meshed looked like an erotic scene straight out of a movie, especially with one of his arms near her head. “S-Sorry…” she finally managed to say.
It took Koji a moment to realize that he was being pulled down to the ground by accident along with Nevada in attempt to cling to him for support. The sudden grip the young woman had on him threw off his own balance and forced the sword master to throw his arm out in front of him to prevent himself from crushing Nevada under his larger body. After all if Koji accidentally squished one of H.G.'s Companions who knows what sort of cruel and evil punishment the crazy woman would unleash upon him. The last time was when Koji use to travel with H.G. and had eaten a delicious treat he found in her cooling box she called 'chocolate pudding'. Next thing Koji knew he was waking up on a deserted island where he stayed for the entire day before the Time Lord returned.

Dark blue eyes soon connected with brown ones as he heard his student meekly apologize for the accident that resulted in the pair ending up in such an intimate position. "It is alright." Koji stated his breathing slightly ragged from how long the pair had been sparring. For a moment Koji remained there gauging the reactions emitting from Nevada based on this close and intimate encounter. Her breathing was quick with the rise and fall of her chest barely held back by the flimsy bra. Eyes dilated as she continued to take in his body against hers. Her skin was red as embers from a hot fire. If the swordmaster was younger he would dare go further with this encounter and meet his lips with hers. Sadly for Nevada such an event would not be happening in the foreseeable future. "Come..." He said pulling himself off of her before offering a hand to help her up.

"You have shown improvement Nevada-chan in the past two weeks." He said with a small bow before handing her the black bath robe indicating they were finished for the day as the sounds of crickets began to fill the evening air. "Though I must express my disappointment in one area." he said with his hands folded behind his back as they walked towards his home. "When you first arrived H.G. told me of why you must practice in your state of undress. She said that in order for you to succeed in your goals you must be comfortable with your own body." he stated before turning around to face her as his eyes looked directly into hers. "In one word and one word only do you feel you have grown any more comfortable in displaying your body?" he asked. This was a method Koji normally employed with students. It is easier to create lies and excuses with words then with one word alone.
An electric, heart-pounding moment later...Nevada found herself both relieved...and disappointed. Their intimate position was the perfect opportunity for something, anything to happen...yet...nothing did. Her cheeks flushed pink now, instead of that dark, lovely shade of red, the girl accepted the hand offered, climbing onto her feet with its assistance. "Th...Thank you..." she breathed, her own breathing ragged because of how long they were sparring. Her skin was glistening with sweat...the little drops catching whatever light was left in the sky, and reflecting said light off her flushed body. I guess this means he just doesn’t… find me attractive… she thought, for a second running that thought through her mind, before brushing it aside. I knew I shouldn’t bother with men...or boys… It’s just a big waste of time…

“You have shown improvement, Nevada-chan, in the past two weeks,” Koji said with a small bow before handing her the black bathrobe she wears to hide...everything. It indicated that their training was done for the day. Nevada wrapped it around her, the warm fuzziness enveloping her small frame like a familiar blanket. “Though I must express my disappointment in one area.” Hands folded behind his back, Koji began walking towards his home, her in his shadow. “When you first arrived, H.G. told me of why you must practice in your state of undress. She said that in order for you to succeed in your goals, you must be comfortable with your own body.” Koji turned around to face her at this point, those eyes gazing directly into hers...and making her heart melt around the edges. “In one word and one word only, do you feel you have grown any more comfortable in displaying your body?” he asked.

Nevada really wished she could say yes...after all, that would be the better answer, but it wouldn’t be telling the truth. With a soft sigh, she shook her head...curls swaying about her features. “No,” the girl replied. “I don’t feel like I have become any more comfortable displaying my body… Not in the least.” Disappointment, shame, and guilt rolling together inside her chest, she left him standing there, having decided to see Jikan and H.G…. or at least, hide in the TARDIS. Really...she couldn’t see how she’d save the world, when she couldn’t even get comfortable in her own skin. The TARDIS’ doors opened for the girl, and silently she went down the hallway towards the room she claimed as hers. It had light purple walls, a darker accents just about everywhere she looked. While it wasn’t reminded her enough of it to make her heart ache. After closing the door behind her, she threw aside the bathrobe, and collapsed onto the bed as she was.

What am I gonna do...if I’m I should be, in another two weeks? Nevada asked herself, burying her head into the pillow. I want to save Mom...and...and I want to end Satsuki’s tyranny...but I don’t see how I can… Rolling onto her back, her dark brown eyes gazed up at the ceiling, her fingers playing with the comforter. An hour rolled by...and then two, with the girl not emerging from her room.
While Nevada had been busy training with Koji, H.G. had been out in town gathering several herbs and spices she wanted to experiment with in her food. Hopefully the TARDIS would be able to replicate this with the food processors on board. With the bag slung over shoulder the Time Lord began her journey back to Koji's home. With each step she grew closer H.G. had hoped that the pair were making progress with the training. However the answer to that question came upon her return where Koji stood waiting for the Time Lord along with Jikan right before the TARDIS.

"So she hasn't come out since nightfall huh?" H.G. asked Jikan as they stood inside the TARDIS large and expensive kitchen. "Well....its understandable really....poor girl." she said snapping her fingers. "Picture it Jikan...your entire life everything that you knew and understand gone in a heartbeat." she said heading to the refrigerator and pulling out a bowl of cream and placing it on a platter next to a small dish of strawberries along with a large steaming bowl of rice and chicken.

"I really wouldn't know H.G. I have only been 'alive' for a few weeks now since Nevada's blood awoke me." Jikan said "Still...I am concerned for her...are you sure this idea will work?" He asked his gold eyes blinking several times.

"No blood idea whatsoever. Come along then." she said with a smile picking up the platter along with a pitcher of tea.

Soon the gentle sound of knocking on Nevada's door would be audible. "Nevada...dinner is ready." H.G. said as Jikan turned the knob and the pair entered the room regardless if she gave them consent or not. "I brought you some dinner and desert young lady." H.G. said sitting down on one side of Nevada while Jikan hoped up onto the other side of the bed with her. "I hope you enjoy. I am not the best...but a certain crime lord said I am a good cook." she said with a smile setting the platter down on Nevada's lap.
Gentle knocking broke the silence, making Nevada stir and roll over onto her side. One brown eye opened, the depth darker and with a hint of sleepiness. “Nevada… Dinner is ready,” came H.G.’s voice next, right before the door opened...without the girl expressing that she can come in. Jikan hopped into the room alongside the Time Lord, both making their way to her bed. “I brought you dinner and dessert, young lady,” H.G. said, sitting down on side, while the living uniform hopped up onto the other side. "I hope you enjoy. I am not the best...but a certain crime lord said I am a good cook." The platter was set down in her lap...but she wasn’t interested in the least.

“I’m not really all that hungry…” Nevada grumbled, rubbing one eye while nudging the platter away. Her hair was a cute mess about her face, several curls laying against her cheeks in a way that was just rather...endearing. There was even a hint of a pink blush on her skin… though she wasn’t embarrassed or anything at the moment. The loss of appetite was normal, for she hasn’t eaten much lately because of her metabolism speeding up. It happens to people often. After letting out a yawn, she glanced at both Time Lord and Time Robe, suspicion entering the brown depths.

Okay… These two never bring me dinner to my room, so something is up… Did Koji say something to make H.G. and Jikan worried about me? Nevada pulled the comforter up over her hips, not feeling entirely comfortable that they could see her in the bra...but trying to be for now.

A heartbeat later, Nevada reached out for the tea, finding that her throat was bone dry. Whenever she wakes up, that happens, but not lately. At least she has something to drink, to help with that.

Her eyes fell onto the platter, going from one thing to the next. Nevada cleared her throat once she noticed a small dish next to the creme, and drank about half the glass of tea. “By the way… I’m allergic to strawberries, just to let you know,” she decided to point out, indicating the dish. “I have been since I was small… It gives me a bad rash, and then my… my throat closes up. I can’t breathe… Again, I just thought I’d let you know. It’s not a big deal or anything.” With a little shrug, she set the glass down onto the tray, turning her attention onto Jikan. Two questions came to mind...ones she wanted to ask the uniform, but she brushed them away, and laid back against the pillows. “What’s this about?”
"Oh you are?" H.G. asked slightly shocked concerning her allergies pertaining to the fruits on the dinner tray. "Oh well more for me." she chuckled shrugging her shoulders before hearing Nevada question of why the two had come to visit her. It was no brainer that the ruse wouldn't last long, personally it felt like the plan actually worked longer than what the Time Lord was expecting.

"We heard about the training session today Nevada." Jikan stated in a calm voice with a hint of kindness in it. "He said you were upset with yourself and ran off after you answered about how you are uncomfortable still." the Time Robe said placing one of his soft silk like sleeves on Nevada's shoulder for comfort. "We were both worried about you and wanted to come and check up and make sure you were ok." he said kindly

It was strange to say the least the way the pair acted around Nevada. H.G. was an alien time traveler from another world whom had seen and experience things well beyond the young girl's understanding yet here she was taking Nevada to a place that would only benefit her alone and even went through the trouble of making her dinner. Then there was Jikan, by all standards he was nothing but a school girl's sailor uniform. Yet he could talk, think, and feel as if he was human and had a level of curiosity that was equivalent that of a child yet he felt a bond between the two that formed from being awakened by her blood and began to grow the first time she washed and ironed him. Now here were both of these strange individuals offering a girl they have only known for two weeks comfort and support when she needs it most.
“You have?” Why does that not surprise me? Nevada turned her head towards the uniform when he placed a soft, silk-like sleeve on her shoulder, comfort radiating from that simple contact. A faint smile began making its way across her face. Though she hasn’t worn him since the Auton incident, their bond has grown deeper over that one night spent in her ransacked house...and honestly, she wouldn’t mind trying to get to know him better. Yes, he might be just material...but he had feelings...right?

Nevada let out another sigh, and lifted a hand to pat the sleeve. “Thanks, guys, but...there’s really no need to be worried or anything. I’m just resting. I’ve been training with Koji for the past two weeks, every day… getting up at sunrise, and going through vigorous training. Wouldn’t you feel tired, too?” Sticking her tongue out at Jikan first, and then H.G., she sat up and stretched her arms high. A pop or two could be well as a grunt issuing forth as a result.

“Thanks for the thought and all...but I’m okay.” Nevada knew she was lying, question is, however...could they tell? It was hard enough, having to deal with this on her own… but for others to be included in on the drama...that would make things ten times worse. Leaning forward, she dipped her finger into the creme, and gave it a taste. “Mm… Not bad,” she announced, before dipping her finger into the white fluff again. This time, she licked it off, savoring its taste. Before too long, she had the small dish in one hand, and doing that with the other. Her eyes glanced towards Jikan...and with mischief twinkling in her eye, she dipped one finger in...and smeared it near the hem of the navy blouse. “Here, it’s your turn to taste,” she told him, trying hard not to laugh. It wasn't long before her lips curved into a rather cute, mischievous grin.
"Oh haha." Jikan chuckled wiping the crème off of him. "You know I prefer blood" he chuckled as H.G. scooped up her dish of strawberries and began to eat them since the young school girl would have nothing to do with them. "I am not convinced." H.G. suddenly said breaking the comfortable silence between the three. "Your a bad liar Nevada....something is bothering you." she said popping a strawberry into her mouth. "I am three hundred years old...I know when a teenage girl is uncomfortable talking about her feelings.." she said turning to look at her placing a hand on her other shoulder as well. "What's the matter?" She asked
Nevada rolled her eyes, the mischievous grin waning around the corners, but remaining. “I know, I know...and it’s been a while since you’ve had blood. Do I need to...feed you, or are you okay? I don’t know how that works and all…” A heartbeat later, H.G. interrupted the comfortable silence that fell over the trio, making the girl let out a long exasperated sigh. Her dark, chocolate brown eyes narrowing, she brushed off the hand off her shoulder, and started climbing out from underneath the comforter. “I’m perfectly fine. There’s nothing the matter...or anything. I was just tired after all the training. Now if you’ll excuse me… I’m gonna go ahead and take a bath.” Sheets falling away from her body revealed all the bruises she’s been dealt, not to mention the physical toll behind such training.

Brown curls falling against her cheeks, Nevada pulled a robe off the back of her chair, and wrapped it around herself. “Oh! That reminds me… Do you need a bath, Jikan? It’s been a little while since I washed you last… and I’m sure you’d appreciate it. After all… you seem to really like it.” Her grin returning, she turned back towards him, and extended a hand towards the living uniform. “Coming, or no?”
H.G. was about to retort before noticing Jikan slightly shaking the upper section of his body as if it was his head. Jikan knew all to well if they continued this straight forward approach they would get nowhere fast with the young girl. Right now it was best to be subtle and hope Nevada would come out of her shell sooner than later. Hearing the offer for another bath made the Time Robe's eyes widen with excitement as he turned his golden gaze to his wearer before hopping off of the mattress.

"I would love that immensely." Jikan said bouncing over to Nevada and placing one silk soft sleeve in her hand and followed her out of the bedroom leaving the Time Lord alone. "Could you perhaps....iron me afterwards?" Jikan asked looking up at her as they headed down the halls. Jikan knew that the ironing was normally part of the routine, however that did not stop him from asking loving the thought of the hot steaming iron pressing against him melting away all of the wrinkles that would build up along his form.

(I was thinking of this for the bathroom)
“Why does that not surprise me?” Nevada laughed softly, the sound like a melody without actually having any notes. Her hand holding onto the silk-soft navy blue sleeve, she led him down the hallway towards the bathroom, footsteps echoing off the walls. “Of course you can be ironed… You don’t, you know...have to ask every time I give you a bath. H.G. is right… You are like a little brother… I don’t have one, but I can imagine.” Chuckling this time, she opened an ornate door with tan-colored tiles here and there, revealing the spacious room. Having reached their destination, she let go of his sleeve to close the door behind them. One of her hands ran through her hair, sending several brown curls flying about her features.

Nevada cast aside the robe, only to lay it on the counter. Light played along her naked skin, making the bruises appear darker...but also bringing out subtle things, like the freckle on her right shoulder. “Do you want your bath in the sink again, or do you want to try the tub this time? If you use the bathtub, I can wait on using it until you’re done… or we can simply have our baths together. Not a big deal.” A shrug rolling her shoulder, she opened the nearby cabinet, pulling out a big, fluffy towel that she can dry herself off with later on. It was funny, how she’s already gotten used to being in the TARDIS...despite its origins, and its purpose.

Once that was done, Nevada lifted her arms above her head in a languid stretch… grunting when a joint or two popped in response. “Aah… that feels much better…” the girl murmured, lowering her arms and leaning forward to make sure she has everything she needs, such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash...and his soap. While she doesn’t give him baths often, it didn’t hurt to have it on hand, in case he did need a bath. At this point in time, it was more of a luxury than a necessity...but he seemed to like it. Nevada reached out, twisting the knob and letting hot water fill the tub.
Jikan chuckled back when she mentioned his behavior. "I suppose so...though you have to admit no sibling is like me save for my own brother." He said his mind returning to the black and red uniform that Matoi created alongside him. While Nevada trained with Koji, Jikan could not help but find his mind drifting back to before he was put to slumber. What had happened to both his brother and creator? Someone was planning something and whatever it was involved both that uniform and Matoi. The question now however was who was the mastermind behind this riddle. Of course the most probable candidate was undoubtedly Satsuki Kiryuin but what if it wasn't? There was questions the Time Robe needed answers to and the only way he would find him was by sticking with these two girls. The school girl who awoke him with her blood and the strange woman with a box.

Even now the gentle humming of the TARDIS hallways felt as if it was a gentle lullaby relaxing him and loosening him up to the point his entire form felt like nothing but the finest silks available. There was just something about being inside this strange machine that made Jikan feel at ease as if there not a threat in the world. Whatever it was though the Time Robe did not care writing it off as a time relation thing since it was his attribute.

As the pair entered the bathroom and Nevada prepared the water Jikan blinked curiously at the offer presented to him. For some reason inside his stitching he sang internally at the notion of being able to take a bath at the same time with his wearer. However his mind was not able to process it for one or two reasons. "Oh? I would not mind however I do not believe it is recommended for you to bathe in the soap that is meant to clean me." he said before his eyes narrowed into what could be classified as a grin. "However if you want to bathe with your uniform I will not mind." he said
Nevada tested the water with just her fingertips, steam rising in whimsical coils and spirals off what water has already collected. “Mm… You have a point.” A few brown strands fell against her cheeks, the tips tickling the underside of her jaw. One hand lifted instinctively, tucking the rogue curls behind her ear. “I haven’t met or seen anything who is like you… and I bet even your brother isn’t like you...despite the relation. There are brothers and sisters who are really different… That might be the same way between you two.” Her fingertips playing in the stream of water, she cast her gaze over in his direction, the chocolate depths darkening while she thought back on their initial meeting. Isshin Matoi created him...and he knew my parents, but...why did he make Jikan, just so that I can wear him…? It makes no sense… A sigh escaping her lips, and with a small shrug, she found herself thinking back to the earlier incident involving Koji...and of all the possibilities that could have happened, but didn’t.

“Oh… The soap won’t hurt me, or anything like that… Hell, you can even bathe in my body wash, if you really wanted to. It’s not gonna make you unravel or anything.” Nevada chuckled under her breath at the thought...deep down, disturbed by it at the same time. Is it possible for the living uniform to come apart at the seams...or to unravel? Maybe she should quit ironing him so much...and only do it every once in a while? No, he enjoys it too much… He’d miss it...

Realizing what direction her thoughts were taking, Nevada shook her head, brushing the thoughts aside to focus on the here and now. “If you don’t want to, that’s completely fine with me… I was just thinking it’d be easier. Hm...I can go ahead and fill the sink, and when I’m done washing you, the bath water should cool off enough…” That thought foremost in her mind, she turned the water so that it was blazing hot, and pushed away from the tub. Both hands ran through her hair...causing several wild curls to dance about her features. Her eyes lowered onto the Kamui, a smile working its way onto her lips. "You look excited," she noted with a small laugh.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Jikan asked looking up at her with his golden gaze. "If there is two things I have come to enjoy in my short lifespan it is blood and being cleaned." He said looking at the water dipping one of his sleeves into the water quickly before pulling it out quickly as if it burned him. "Didn't feel a thing." Jikan said sticking his sleeve back into the steaming hot water and kept it there turning back to look at Nevada. "I suppose I can't feel certain things unless there is force behind it" he said figuring it made sense. After all he maybe special but at the end he was still an article of clothing.

"Nevada...tell me is this water really hot?" He asked pulling his sleeve out and flicking several drops of water towards Nevada before breaking out into a small laugh from his sudden action.
“Which reminds never did answer my question earlier.” Nevada’s brown eyes met gold, the two pairs remaining connected for a long moment...before she was forced to look elsewhere. A navy blue sleeve was dipped into the burning hot water, and quickly pulled back out...before it was dipped back in again. “Mm, maybe… who knows? It could be where you can only feel certain types of things…” Having been lost in thought for just a moment, she lifted her eyes at the question, literally jumping out of her skin as several hot drops of water fell onto her exposed skin. A hiss leaked through her gritted teeth. “Ouch! Yes, that’s hot!” she exclaimed, unaware that one strap of her bra had fallen...or of the skin that revealed.

After sticking her tongue out at him, Nevada reached behind her to unhook said bra. “You never did say whether or not you needed blood… I mean, I know it’s been a while since you last had any… I wasn’t sure if you rely on it, or what…” Adding a bit of cold water to the hot, she glanced over in his direction before she slipped off her panties...and lowered herself into the water. Instead of a hiss, a long, blissful sigh escaped the girl, a smile working its way onto her face. Her fingertips dipping into the water, she flicked water at the uniform with the smile still intact. “Well? Are you going to join me, or are you gonna skip out on the bath?” she asked, pretty sure what his answer will be.
Jikan shook his head when Nevada asked whether or not he needed blood. "No I do not need to consume blood regularly in order to sustain myself." the uniform said with a shake of the upper section of his body as if it was a head. "It's weird to describe. When I consume blood its more like a pleasurable experience one that makes me feel pulsing with energy and ready to release it." he said hearing Nevada offer him to join her in the bath.

"Where with a bath." He said climbing into the tub releasing a relaxing sigh as his eyes closed in delight. "I can feel the water soaking into my very threads loosening them up tremendously." he sighed his body floating on the surface of the water. "Then with ironing...the heat, the sensation of the wrinkles fading away....I cannot describe how well that feels..." he said as his body slowly drifted against hers not paying any attention or caring.
Nevada ducked her head underwater for a heartbeat, her fingers running through the curls before she broke through the surface. Her curls now just a wavy mess, dripping water onto her shoulders and her breasts, it wasn’t long until she was leaning her head back against the tub’s rim, gazing up at the ceiling. “Mm...that’s good to know…” she murmured, arms laying out on either side, fingertips just barely grazing the water’s surface. Her thoughts started going inward...the day’s events rewinding in her mind...and playing over again. Why didn’t anything happen…? Am I just not...attractive, or desirable as a woman…? It wouldn’t surprise her, really… After all, she’s more of a tomboy than anything else.

One eye opened, the light playing with its color and causing it to appear darker than it normally does. Nevada glanced down at Jikan, torn between two different outcomes. On one hand, it might put her mind at ease, and finally stop these thoughts from haunting her… yet...on the other, it might not. It could just very well embarrass her...especially given who she was spending company with. Lightly biting her lip, she continued to think about it… before finally giving up, and setting forward with it. A small sigh escaped her lips, mostly to calm her nerves.

“Jikan… Do you think I’m...pretty?” Nevada asked, her words quiet, hesitant. The one question revealed a great deal of insecurity she felt and never showed...among other things. “I mean… I just…” Growing aggravated, she ran a wet hand over her face, causing water to drip down her cheeks. “Earlier today...when I was training with Koji… I...I tripped, and I accidentally pulled him down...on top of me… and...and he didn’t try to do anything. There was no kiss, no...anything. I must be reading too much into it, but… I really wanted him to at something. See me as a woman...or, you know…” Now lost for words, Nevada gave a helpless shrug.
Jikan sighed as he used his sleeves to pull himself and mirror Nevada's relaxed position against the rim of the tub. The comfortable silence was soon broken however when Nevada came clean about the days events. When she spoke it had not come as a surprise really since the events were identical to what Koji told him and H.G. earlier. However what was different was her own emotional input on the subject and inside Jikan felt a little annoyed. Why was it every time someone of the opposite gender continuously was in the same room with her did the uniform grow so annoyed internally. It just didn't make sense to him he wasn't human yet these strange emotions kept annoying him every time. Regardless his own feelings would have to wait because right now after hearing Nevada speak about how she felt from today's events.

"Perhaps the more important question is do you consider yourself pretty." Jikan said opening his golden eyes to look at the young school girl. "Koji's actions were his own it may not be that he didn't find you desirable maybe it was his own personal reasons as to why he didn't go further." the Uniform mused. "Yes he is a man that many women would fantasize about, but if he doesn't make a move doesn't mean that lowers your own self worth by an ounce." he said before turning to look at her.

"Who to say that you are not a woman?" Jikan asked "Look at you, stood up for a new teacher you did not know and could have died in the process like a student did mere moments prior. Fought armed opponents in a bid to save the world from destruction against plastic men wearing a talking sailor outfit. Barely recovered from that incident and you still challenge a Two-Star student and her team to protect your best friend. You are then willing to train in a time period not of your own to become stronger even if it means fighting in your underwear to learn how to save your friend." Jikan said looking at her placing one of his wet sleeves over her hand. "So tell me is a woman defined by when a man is intimate with a girl on any level? Or when a girl looks beyond her self and chooses to stand and fight for what she believes in?" Jikan asked "I find you are the latter...and that in my opinion is pretty." he said
"Ah...I don't...I don't consider myself pretty, no." Nevada hated to admit it, but...she never felt confident when it came to her appearance. Whenever she looked at the chocolate brown eyes gazing back, the lighter brown curls, and the high cheekbones...well...there were times where she didn't recognize herself. Already flushing a light shade of pink, her eyes lowered...dark lashes sweeping the tops of her cheeks, and casting shadows. "Mm... I guess you have a point... I mean, I could be just not his type...or something like that... There...There are guys who prefer blondes, or redheads, know, girls with pretty black hair..." Just now realizing that she was rambling, she cut herself off, and glanced up at the living uniform through her eyelashes. Quietly she listened to his next words...wondering when he had gotten so wise. One moment, he's inquisitive, and curious about the world around him...and the next, he's giving sound advice on a matter he's never found himself in before.

"Who is to say that you are not a woman?" Jikan asked, taking her by surprise. "Look at you. Stood up for a new teacher you did not know and could have died in the process, like a student did mere moments prior. Fought armed opponents in a bid to save the world from destruction against plastic men wearing a talking sailor outfit. Barely recovered from that incident, and you still challenge a Two-Star student and her team to protect your best friend. You are then willing to train in a time period not of your own to become stronger, even if it means fighting in your underwear to learn how to save your friend." Well, when you put it that way... Nevada thought, almost chuckling to herself. Not many teenagers do all that...or adults, for that matter...

A wet sleeve was placed over her hand, golden eyes set onto the girl. Nevada lifted her eyes at last, and found herself...embarrassed by his words. "I should be focused more on saving Mom, not...kissing Koji..." she murmured, her fingers playing over the gold threads in his sleeve. "Thanks, though...for saying all that... You're really sweet." Her lips curving into the faintest of smiles, she leaned away from the bath's rim... drifting through the water until they were but inches apart. "I mean...I just feel sort of...lost, in all this chaos. I feel useless, too...because I can't seem to get comfortable in my own skin... I can't...fight while not wearing clothes, apparently...and...and I wish I could. The thing is, though, I'd much rather be wearing you than not wear anything at all." With a soft sigh, she gathered the wet uniform to her, giving Jikan a hug. The folds plastered to every curve of her body, leaving nothing to the imagination. "Sorry...I just...I don't even know..." she told him next, lost for words. There was no describing this feeling... this warmth, spreading through her chest. "I just could use a hug, I guess..."
"Then you will get one." Jikan replied before Nevada would feel two dripping wet sleeves wrap around her body and hold her back. "Hmmmm." the uniform hummed in thought at Nevada's words revolving around her current feelings towards fighting half naked before her mentor. To be fair it was understandable Nevada was still a teenage girl who was self conscious about her body. For that matter who wouldn't be if the only way to become stronger was to flaunt what you had around complete strangers, loved ones, and enemies.

"Then maybe its time you start wearing me when you train." Jikan said looking up at her from their embrace. "I am your outfit Nevada, your armor. It is time that we start learning how to operate together. You will not be able to fight Koji as before however...but that should not be a problem." he said blinking before his eyes averted hers. "He has commented on your skills also and says that at your current level feels that all you require is refinement." he mumbled feeling uncomfortable talking about the man complimenting her.
Tendrils of hot water traveled down Nevada’s back...making the girl shiver, and hug the uniform tighter. “Are...Are you sure I’m ready to wear you, though…?” she murmured, sounding hesitant. “I mean… I don’t know if I am all that good yet at using the two swords… I feel like a child playing whenever I am up against Koji…” Feeling ashamed and embarrassed all at the same time, she buried her face into his wet collar...not wanting him to see her expression. It was bound to be something she wouldn’t let anyone see in a normal situation. Not noticing his discomfort, her thoughts returned to the handsome young man teaching her these past two weeks.

Nevada leaned back against the tub’s rim, the uniform draped over her lap, and over her torso still. If he was human...he’d be straddling her, but that’s beside the point. “I need to stop focusing on love...and romance...and focus on what I need to do,” she finally spoke up. “After all...there’s time for that later… I need to concentrate, and don’t forget why I’m learning how to fight…” Despite this, she could picture Koji’s bare chest in her mind...and how his rich, velvety voice made her bones practically melt at times. Blushing scarlet, the young girl tried not to give away her thoughts...only to fail. There’s only so much she can do to hide such things, really.

Her fingertips started tracing along the gold stitching...this time, underneath Jikan’s scarf, where his eye was. Nevada followed her fingers with her eyes, lost in thought still.
Jikan hummed in thought sending ripples throughout his stitching as he listened to Nevada speak. "I certainly believe you are ready to wear me Nevada. I trust you, and you alone to be my wearer." he said confidently. "You might say we are the perfect fit." he chuckled to himself as his eyes closed shut to relax in the water as his mind began to drift to the thought of the hot iron pressing against him and smoothing him into a fresh new outfit. However those thoughts vanished when Nevada's fingers traced his stitching did the uniform's eyes open suddenly as he began to squirm somewhat. "Uhh...ha...ha....stop!" he said suddenly realizing Nevada had found his ticklish spot.

The next two weeks soon became a blur for both wearer and uniform. After gaining Koji's approval of using Jikan in his activated state did Nevada's training take a new turn in development. Each session incorporated the use of practice dummies that Nevada had to strike utilizing a specific technique. Sometimes Koji would have her attack multiple targets using a chain of different techniques. All the while H.G. would watch the training quietly watching her student train under the sword master.

Finally the last day of the month had arrived. "Our time is up Nevada Ash." Koji said with his arms crossed as Jikan reverted back to his usual form with a shimmer of light while the sun began to set in the distant landscape. "I have taught you to the best of my ability with the limited time before us." he said turning towards his home and moving past the doorway before returning with a small bundle of black cloth. "In that time you have proven your will to learn, your desires to succeed, and your determination to those you care about. You are ready to wield these blades." He said opening the cloth up to reveal her katana now reforged into two smaller blades.
Pink, violet, orange and yellow created a beautiful mosaic of color in the distance, bathing the world in warm light before the sun started to hide behind the clouds. Nevada didn’t notice any of this, though, having been too wrapped up in training to do such. Every day, it became increasingly difficult, pushing the girl to her limits...seeing just how far she can go. While today may be the last wasn’t the last day to fight. Skidding to a faltering stop, she bent over, panting heavily. Her hands resting on her knees, Jikan reverted back to his usual form in a shimmer of lights, more material hiding her womanly curves from view. “I...I know it’s the last day…” she panted, finally finding the breath to speak. Brown curls fell over her eyes, hiding whatever expression she had on from view.

I just hope I’m good enough to go up against Satsuki… I’ve heard she’s wicked good with that sword of hers… Nevada dusted off her knees and the navy blue skirt, before straightening into an upright position. The brilliant colors did wonders to her hair, bringing out highlights that normally don’t stand out, and casting shadows along her features. Not to mention that...Elite Four group… I probably have to fight them first, before I can even lay a finger on Satsuki… Ugh, that is gonna be fun… Not! Almost tempted to roll her eyes, she noticed Koji coming back with a small bundle of black cloth.

The Katana was no longer one blade...but two. It was impressive, Koji’s skill with forging, for it didn’t even look like it used to be just one sword. Nevada reached out and found the hilts, fingers wrapping around each one as though it was made for her hands...and her hands alone. “They’re beautiful…” she whispered, bringing both up and letting the light play along their sharp edges. “Thank you, Koji...for training me, and for doing this.” Her eyes glanced in H.G.’s direction, who looked both pleased...and impatient, it looked like. A soft sigh left her lips, which came together to make a cute pout. “As much as I’d love to stay and chat… I believe it’s about time we go. I really appreciate all you did for me, and…” Now blushing a pretty shade of pink, she contemplated whether or not she should go through with the sudden impulse.

Before Nevada could think too much on it, a hand reached out, fingers laying against his strong jawline...before giving a rough pull to bring him down to her level. Her lips met the man’s in a brief kiss, it only lasting about five seconds or so before she released him. “Bye!” the girl said, waving as she rushed towards the awaiting TARDIS. The pink was darker, more red than pink along her cheeks...which brought out the dark color of her eyes. Wind picked up the skirt she had on, revealing white panties and the barest peek of lace before she fixed the problem. Inside the ship, she leaned against the nearest wall...hardly able to breath, much less believe what she just did.
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