No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve made a face. "How can someone be a king if all his subjects are dead?" She said and moved to grab the plate. "Plus, haven't you ever heard of Ladies first?"
"No! Fuck off!" Nieve held onto the plate of chicken, avoiding the Espada as she clutched the chicken with the small fires tightly.
Nieve tried to hold the chicken out at arms length, struggling to get out from under Grimmjow. "At least split it!"
"Fine.." Grimmjow huffed, "But I will split it." He moved and unsheathed Pantera, cutting it in half and taking his, "Thurr." He said, mouth full of meat
Nieve picked up her half and started to tear chunks of cold meat from the chicken, scarfing it down hungrily.
Nieve sat on the kitchen floor, eating in silence, then some of the ruble shifted. She stopped eating and stared at the pile, watching in surprise as a chicken popped out from under the rubble , shaking the dust from it's feathers.
"Cluck, cluck." The sound came from one of the chicken's two heads, more than likely something Szayel tried making for her so she could have food. Clearly, he was right in saying that chicken was not his fortè.
Nieve set down the half eaten chiken and crawled over to the two headed one, her eyes shining. "Beautiful." She murmured, flinching when the wall behind her groaned and gave way, falling in toward her. Nieve yelped and hugged the chicken close, but the wall didn't crush her. It had landed with a very loud boom against the other wall, trapping her in the small corner.
Nieve brushed the dust from both of the chickens heads, deeming that more important than the fact that she was stuck under a large slab of rock. "I shall name you..." She thought for a while. "Salsa."
Nieve sat there with the chicken for what seemed like hours, but she didn't mind, she enjoyed the birds company.
"Hai! But Nieve found a friend!" She called excitedly, hugging the chicken to her chest.
"Hai!" She turned away from the slab and covered her face and Salsa the chicken. "Okay!"
As soon as Szayel entered, Nieve popped to her feet and held out the chicken. "Otou-sama, meet Salsa!"
Nieve smiled happily, hugging the chicken tightly, which earned her a loud squawk from it. "Can we keep it?"
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