No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

A childish grin crossed her face and she reached the arm out to touch Grimmjow with it.
"Hey Grimmy," She pressed the palm of the cold arm against his cheek, a shit eating grin on her face. "Love you!"
Nieve grunted and was sent into some metal slabs, them crumbling under her before she jumped up, weilding a metal leg from the table.
Nieve swung first, laughing joyously as she aimed for a toying blow, not fighting seriously at all.
Nieve dodged, causing more beakers to be knocked to the ground in the process. "Ha!" She swung the table leg hard and smashed the table behind Grimmjow, where he had been sitting moments ago.
Nieve stopped, dropping the metal pipe and facing Szayel. "Otou-sama! H-How long have you been there?"
"I just got here." He said firmly. Grimmjow flicked the arm so the index finger popped forward, pointing at Nieve, "She started it!" He said. He then noticed what he was still holding and threw it at Nieve's head
Nieve made a firm 'oof' noise as the arm hit her in the head and sent her sprawling on the ground. "Traitor!"
Nieve stood beside Grimmjow and nodded, waiting until Szayel left before she looked at Grimmjow. "Hey, you've got one of Ichimaru's fingernails in your hair." She lied, pointing to the left side of his head.
Nieve snickered and left Grimmjow to clean up, making sure she diluted any chemicals spilt on the floor before cleaning them up.
Nieve smiled softly as she busied herself with cleaning, allowing the silence to be the only noise other than Grimmjow's grumbling. After cleaning up the mess, Nieve returned to Szayel to see what needed to be done, tending to the more minor wounds Gin and Tesla suffered, working on seeing up the deep cut going down Tesla's middle.
Nieve nodded, making sure she went slow and was very precise, hoping Tesla would stay asleep a little longer.
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