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Pokemon Tablefuck Adventures: Cyndry

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"Well I only eat rocks and minerals." Roma replies, the rock girl not having the best time running, but she coped. Better than Gly was who wasn't much for exercise.
"Well, I'm sure we'll be able to find stuff like that for you easy enough, Roma." Michael responded with a smile, before deciding to go up and give each of the girls some individual pats on the shoulder or head, whichever they preferred, for putting up with the training. "You all did good, I'm proud of you. This was just sort of a test thing, I'm sure we'll fall into our own regiment style soon enough." he mused, glancing at them all.

Playfully he patted Gly, the most shapely of the bunch so far, on the backside. "Might not have been the most fitting thing, Gly, but watching you jog is a nice motivational tool." he joked to the Slowpoke.
Gly blushed with a smile at the compliment and touch. The slowpoke looked over at Michael. "Thank you sir... Glad you enjoyed the show." Slightly nervously wiggling her backside in his hand.
Michael smirked a bit more at Gly's receptiveness. While Clawra might not have been as accommodating yet, she probably would reciprocate at some point, and for the time being, it seemed he had at least two Pokemon with him that didn't mind a little attention. He stroked her tail with his other hand while she wiggled her ample behind into his grip, making him get a bit excited. "Hmm...maybe later I can enjoy more?" he whispered into her ear.

He'd have to check on Roma's attitude towards this at some point, too. While idle flirtations and the like probably wouldn't risk himself getting injured, he was serious to Clawra about the other night when he said he didn't want to force anything on the girls. Flirting and occasional gropes would likely be all he risked on those he wasn't sure were comfortable with it yet.
Gly shuddered as he stroked her tail, the base seeming a sensitive point for her. She looks him over, blushing again at his words. "I think... Could do my best for you, sir." She replied with a shudder, certainly more willing than Clawra. Granted Clawra wasn't far behind, she was just a more independent one. Roma on the other hand he'd yet to try anything on so the rock girl was a mystery to him thus far.
"I'm sure you'll do fine." Michael said confidently to Gly, giving the base of her tail another stroke. By that point he let her go and continued to mingle a little bit, finding himself glancing at Roma. Now was as good a time as any, perhaps. "Roma, good work today." he complimented. "Sorry if it was a discomfort or a nuisance, that kind of training. Just trying new things, you know?" he said.

Stepping a bit closer, he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "If I may be a bit blunt, would you like to try certain 'new things' with me some time?" he asked, Might as well be relatively honest and see where they stood for now.
"It is quite fine, this body just does not move at any real speed. Wasn't built to run." Roma replied, turning to him, once again standing still like a statue. When he touched her shoulder he found it had not give in it, like the rock he expected. "New things? I like experiencing new things." She replied, not knowing what he had in mind.
She was so firm and rigid to the touch, Michael noted, but the way she talked, her attitude seemed quite flexible, or amiable at the least. She didn't seem like a metaphorical stone wall to talk to. Seeing as how she didn't seem to fully grasp his implications--he was never really good at these sort of subtle things--but seemed receptive to new things, he smiled and leaned in closer for a more quiet whisper. "Perhaps you wouldn't mind having sex with your trainer sometime, then?" he said, now even more directly. "I'm a little interested in seeing what a Rock-type like yourself feels like."
Matt nods. "A fruit basket and some eggs, along with pancakes? Maybe some sourdough muffins, along with a few pounds of rock for breakfast then? And, would cranberry or orange juice, with the possibility of lemon juice to add a bit of kick agreeable to all parties?" The question is addressed as much at the various girls as Michael. But, turning his eyes to the Nosepass, he addresses her about the rock piles. "Though please do not eat the ones already in piles, those are meant to act as weights for the after breakfast exercise."
Roma gave a soft smile at his suggestion, a hand moving and gently stroking against his groin. "If you think you can handle me." She replied with a grin, more than willing to try this out. She looked back over at Matt as he suggested the breakfast and gave a nod. "Sounds good and I won't don't worry, don't eat every rock I see." She replied, the other girls seeming agreeable to the breakfast.
Matt nods, jogging off to the closest breakfast joint to place his order, a telepathic message to Nyx that while he was gone she was in charge. It may be one way, but it was useful.

As he made it to the joint, he walked up, and placed his order, for what would be a varied breakfast, for pokemon of different likes and requirements.

So, how much does breakfast cost?
(Per person so would be 40 total since Roma and Nyx both wouldn't be eating this.)
Handing over the money, he jogs back to the track in good time, a few bags holding the teams breakfast. Quickly grabbing a few interesting stones for Roma, he unpacks it near the girls, only taking his portion after the girls grab their share.
It seems that once he got the message across, Michael had found a quite willing and quite resilient partner in the Nosepass. "I'd certainly like to try." he said, letting the Rock-type Pokemon feel at the bulge in his pants, only so far along at the moment but later to become a bit more mighty. Between the hesitant Clawra, the shy and pure Morgana, the somewhat-flirty Gly, and the very receptive Roma, Michael currently had quiet the variety in potential partners.

The time for flirtations was over for the moment, though, it seemed, as breakfast was served thanks to Matt footing the bill for the whole of them. "Hey, thanks." Michael said gratefully. At least the man wasn't above minor acts of kindness towards someone like him, despite their different attitudes and mannerisms.
The girls from both sides move over and take their share of the food, grateful to Matt. Each to a varying amount depending on their size and diet ranging from Morgana having the smallest share, to Gly having the largest. This of course excludes Nyx who just lurks and watches the group, her sustenance tending to be on emotions and dreams, even that was just for taste, she was already dead after all.
Michael enjoyed sampling his part of the food as well, once his girls and Matt's had made to grab their own sustenance for the moment: their nutrition had a lot more riding on it at the moment. The food was nice, and the portion was nicely distributed, too, so it made sure that Michael wasn't leaving breakfast hungry. For the sake of a little entertainment while he ate, Michael sat between Morgana and Roma, rubbing their legs subtly and alternating which one felt his touch, while they ate together.
Morgana blushed as he began rubbing her leg, her white skirt being slightly pushed up by his action. She tried her best to keep eating, though was easily distracted by his touch. Roma was a different story though, grinning as she felt his touch. She instead spread her legs a tiny bit, eating a rock as she watched Michael play with the two of them.
Michael smirked and softened up a bit on Morgana, letting her eat for the moment, but giving her a playful glance as he pulled away. He hoped a little that her orgasm from before had rendered her curious enough to want to become a bit more intimate. For now, though, he'd continue playing with Roma: he liked willing girls. A lot. It was almost a little surprising to see the statuesque girl respond so well, but then again all Pokemon and types were different, so he shouldn't make too many assumptions.

His hand moved to brush against her inner thighs and her junction between her legs while he finished the last few bites of his food. He smirked over at Roma, and whispered to her. "I know something that's hard as a rock that I can't wait to give you." he said, chuckling at his joke.
Roma gave a light shudder, the most he'd seen her body move when she wasn't running. He could feel between her thighs a softer spot, a soft opening that he could easily figure what it was. She purred softly and looked him over. "Careful sir, I have a habit of swallowing stuff like that." She teased with a grin.
A nice little softer spot, a nice opening that probably wrapped nice and tight around him, Michael thought as he felt over Roma a little, smirking at her response. "Oh, I'd like to give you something to swallow, alright." he joked crassly. He teased a little more down there, before humming a little sound of arousal next to her ear. "Mmm, your body's nice and firm...I bet I could take you as hard as I wanted and you'd be able to handle it, easy, huh?"
Roma smiled and leaned back, giving a soft groan as he played with her, not caring they were doing this around others. "Mmm as hard as you like, you'll bruise long before I will." She comments, spreading her legs just a tad more as he teased her.
Watching him play with his girls, Matt shakes his head just a bit. Yes, it is one thing to show affection in public, but to try and masturbate your girls while others watch? Really, some people have no sense of what belongs where. Still, he is silent, even as unseen hands give Nyx's shoulders a rub. Nothing sexual, as that is reserved for private moments, but rather affection and comfort, connecting with her, and projecting feels for her to feed on.

Still, he was nearly finished himself, and was just waiting for the others.
Michael smirked at Roma, but then decided to cease for the moment, figuring out a little belatedly that the previous attempts at being subtle, however successful or unsuccessful they might have been, had been dispensed for some more open flirtations, in the face of company. Clearing his throat lamely, the young trainer finished up his food and allowed his girls to finish in peace, waiting for whatever it was next for them in this joint training system they were sampling.
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