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What made you say FUCK today?

When all of my work was lost due to my cat knocking over a glass of soda onto my recording equipment. Thank you Anubis. you are a fuzzy sociopath.
Doing select all on a post you just wrote up on a seperate document and pressing paste instead of copy...
Whelp, in two scenarios I managed to say Double fuck. I was building a nursery safety guard for my nephew who's one years old and the stupid thing fell on me as you have individual pieces. Then, the second time stood on a plug I swear it's one of those days today.
Only have ONE more prison to get out of, and it's really tough, there's cameras in all the cells and there's a contraband detector everywhere. Only way out is to escape through a vent but the camera in my room is watching, I can block it temporarily with toothpaste but I can't get any cell camera sucks
wiki234 said:
Think I finished an amazing new anime it's so good ^^
So curious as to which anime...

Standing in my living room, lost my balanced and ate shit over the coffee table.
Didn't trip on anything. Wasn't moving. Must be a brain tumor killing me slowly.
When you RP at work and have two tabs open in your Notepad++, one for you super important notes for a report you're working on and has a deadline on, the other where you draft up all your posts for BMRP. You copy the content of one tab, close the program and paste it into the report you've been working on for the past few days, only to find you copy pasted your smutty BMRP post and closed down your super important report notes.
Oh god that sucks XD

Internet for my damn game, was playing Exo zombies lag is real

The anime is called is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon, I wanna do an Rp for it now
Having your boss cut your hours at work, not tell you, and then proceed to not answer your text messages asking what was going on.
Not audibly, but after I got off the bus that led me back to the rotary after spending about an hour and 15 minutes out on the highway. And it was packed to the seams with people heading for the beach, no less!

Oh, and also, having to go all the way to a Wal-Mart in a rough part of a neighborhood I used to be in close to 15 years ago.
Coming in on a Friday morning and knowing that I have already worked 60 hours this week.
Kept getting my tracks blown off in the AT2 ( tier 5 td) a lot of tier 5 and lower tanks can't pen my 250mm of front armor
Episode 9 ending of panty and Stocking made me cry, it was so amazing

But now I'm pissed because this anime has a total WTF ending to it
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