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What made you say FUCK today?

I'm no longer working at the stables but my fuckin dog keeps waking me at 5 am EVERY DAY. :mad: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!
Hitting my little toe on the table and spilling hot coffe all over me right after.....F-U-C-K
When my girl crawled under my dest and started to suck me while studying, only to stop when I stopped studying.

Teasing me and forcing me to do math... horrid... yet soo kinky

this legit happened
Watching an abridged series of hellsing ultimate and there was one really funny line, and I think I wanna make it into my catch phrase.

" sir pen wood....he was a..." -hits a dead body while they are driving- "SON OF A BITCH!"

So I guess I would use it as "____...he was a.."
I wrote a note on the back of my hand to bring home a snack that I bought at lunch to eat with dinner tonight.

I left it at work.

I live an hour from work.

*head desk*
Blood flowing down my arm after donating blood. I waited two hours before I took the bandage of. That was the first time that this happened, all the other times it was only a small drop of blood that was left behind after the syringe got taken out. I asked my mother to put a new bandage on my arm and when I took that one of after an hour everything was fine.
took a quiz at end of class and the teacher asked time for class ending which ended at 5 then this happened

Teacher: you guys still taking the quiz? We don't have enough time but I'll see you guys next class

-turns off lights and leaves-

Everyone else: wtf?

-everyone packs up and leaves-
I woke up twice during the early morning hours with a Charley Horse (same calf muscle). :(
Was looking at a vocaloid song and I heard it first then I went to the comments and they were talking about misheard lyrics for the chorus so I listened again and I was like "damn it I can't unhear it now!!" Thanks damn YouTube comments XD
Looking for my documents for work for about a few hours only to find them in our living room with a crayon picture on it. I said fuck about eight times. When this happens I remind myself my children are blessings :p
recently created a persona for myself to use on this site and its more or less "4fun" threads,
completely remodeled my introduction post wanting to use it in my signature in case someone wonders about my completely different character
but then I'm like "FUUUUUUUUUUU..." cant edit signatures cause I only got 8 posts! Site! Y U NO acknowledge my posts in the forum gaemz?!
Reading a Bluemooner's request thread, knowing I'd have an excellent 'play with them as well as general chit chat, though not having a good enough idea to put forward which lead to me not messaging them at all.

-Embla said:
Reading a Bluemooner's request thread, knowing I'd have an excellent 'play with them as well as general chit chat, though not having a good enough idea to put forward which lead to me not messaging them at all.


It's a diverse word, isn't it? Meaning such wonderful or such disappointing things. Message the person anyway. Let them know that you think you'd both click. Trust me, such a compliment is generally better than having a good idea. Then, the brainstorming can begin.

Got saddled with new work in a project I thought was already finished. Fuuuuuck...
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