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What made you say FUCK today?

Female friend asks me to choose between her and another female friend. #middleschool
Just because I'm French doesn't mean I can find you a cheap but good place for NEXT WEEK in Paris. Also, while I'm more than willing to help plan a trip somewhere I'm familiar with, I'm not going to be your free travel agent.

Also, if you tell me "2 pages" and it's more like 6, I WILL be pissed.
Is there a certain age above which cops/security guys stop hitting on you and trying to keep you around? I mean, I'm late now :dodgy:
Don't flirt with me in front of my mom. Especially if I'm clearly not interested in giving my number or writing down yours. Repeating I'm very beautiful and very blond borders on the creepy fast. #überanditscrazies
Accidentally smashed my finger in the washing machine door
I liked something on facebook while cyber stalking.

He posted it like 6 weeks ago.

I think he saw before I un-liked it.

Getting a call from my kid's elementary school notifying me that a "threat" was called in to the school and that police would be there for the day to keep things safe.
I did something that is either going to go very well

Or be the worst decision I've ever made
Guy I am vaguely familiar with (his face) approached me in my own street. Talked to me, saying 'tu' instead of 'vous', which immediately sets me on edge. He tried to get me to follow him to some place, claiming some guy who's well known in town is there too. I said no. So he grabbed my arm. Seriously. I yanked my arm away. He DID IT AGAIN. I said I was not going, and I left. The best in this story, is probably people telling me he's just a crazy, or that they hope I'll post it for metoo.
Realizing that I had to get to work early today, because of an event my work holds every month. It’s a great community thing, but it’s fucking chaotic.
Gave myself chemical burns because i didn't read a label.
my job and the feeling of being helpless to help someone who desperately needs it.
Went to a dress up party last night. I was wearing Something princessy/Southern Belle-y, not exactly precise, and though I'm very into those old costumes I didn't find it easy to get dressed! No Wonder they had servants (and servants helped each other)... Also there was some guy pinching kids' cheeks and petting their hair, then going on to do that to adults... STRANGE.
Remembering that my manager changed my schedule to be an hour earlier today... without telling me. Thankfully I had the good sense to check the schedule yesterday, so I got to work on time, but still.
People who feel the need to tell me to "flee Europe", or tag me into gaudy dramatic articles of things happening to European people/French women over the world/happening in my country/"migrants and blonde women" *shudder*. WHY? Do you think I am not an adult who can decide? Do you think USA is going to embrace me as a new Citizen so easily? Do you think I don't have my own local news? Do you think I necessarily want to trade a no-gun, social security, unemployment money country for USA? I don't get it.
Finding out the pest-control people can't make it until Friday after a family of crickets took up residence somewhere in my house over the weekend and merrily chirped away incessantly from dusk to dawn on Saturday and Sunday nights. Forcing me into a spare bedroom to get away from the noise where I still didn't get a wink of sleep. Damn, those things can be loud!
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