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What made you say FUCK today?

I modeled for a friend's brand and the pics/ads are up. Some guy found interesting to write lewd comments, I replied to frighten him off, so he posted that I'm a sociopath who uses her looks to appear nice. I need a giving the finger smiley.
It taking five phone calls before I was able to speak to someone from my own country about my home internet going down, who could actually help. Two days after the event and still unable to send a tech until tomorrow!
Headphone jack broke off inside of my computer. Now I have no audio and a toddler screaming for Owls (Angry Birds movie), She started throwing a tantrum because she can't hear anything. -_-
So I'm a good dancer, and all. But a friend invited me to a high level dance class: only the teacher, and 3 women (including 1 obviously lost). And I could only stare and think: omg, can the human body really do that? Not mine.
Went to a very nice event last night, except the guy I was with was drunk on the way back and as usual I didn't wear my seatbelt. We're fine, just a couple bruises (thanfully nothing on my face) but urgh. It's not even the first time, and I hope now I learn to use that stupid belt.
I can't drive (well, I know how to in theory but never do because that would be highly illegal sans license). Yet I almost suggested to my friend that I should drive instead of her. Sentence of the day: "Don't panic, but this is the tramway track" :eek:
Older relatives who go like "your outfit is sooooo nice, BUT I'd never do red nails/lips/open neckline". LOL. Okay.
My vent of the day will be about people who think others are mind readers, and about plans that keep changing.
Daughter could not make up her mind on what to watch on Netflix. Took us a good twenty minutes before she chose something, just to retract her choice and scream till I went back to the main page.

HeyThereLittleBear said:
Breaking my vibrator. :/

OMG that would suck!
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