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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Amazing what giving myself just that little mental break and a good night's sleep does. Now, not feeling overwhelmed in the slightest and ready and raring to go.

Except I need more stories!


Well, it's February 14th over here in Australia, that one day of the year where I allow myself to let go of my logical, analytical and cynical side to embrace that more feeling, loving, caring, empathetic and emotional part of my personality.

So, even though I know that it's not yet the 14th of the other side of the world yet, to my BMR friends, writing partners and all else who may stumble across this post:


May your Valentine's be full of roses without thorns and chocolates unlaced with arsenic.

As for mine, well:


At least it does make it easier to remember it's my Nephew's birthday!

And so happy to have my little fucked-up friends, Adam and Eve back in play. Latest post, which I had a lot of fun composing, and much thanks has to go to Aurelia for allowing me the leeway to be a little self-indulgent in my posts when writing to this theme. Without (apparently!) boring the crap out of her!

Adam and Eve[/color] - Quix and Aurelia]

"That's what love is, Eve." Adam squeezed her hands in his and scraped his nail across her palms, staring down at his sister with a gentleness and compassion that the man felt only for her. "Protecting the ones you care for, and doing everything possible to keep them safe and make them happy." His voice low, Adam withdrew one of his hands from Eve's and cupped her cheek in his palm, then ran it comfortingly down her back as she buried her head into his chest. "It's not what God tried to teach us, he doesn't know how to love properly, but Jerry and Betty do. They'd make the same sacrifice for us."

An eternity ago, it seemed since he'd initially awakened to David's visage on the television screen and from that time on he and Eve had spoken of naught else except their intent to murder God and his sycophants. As far as Adam was concerned, but had not mentioned to his sibling, also every piously hypocritical priest they encountered on their mission, and the empathy-free, condoning God's abuse of her son and daughter, Mother Mary Magdalene. Yet no lightning bolt had struck, the sky hadn't fallen in nor had the ground opened up and swallowed the duo. The remained safe, dry and unharmed as the storm continued its relentless rage outside.

Was it because they'd switched off the television before God had noticed his disobedient children?

Or had he appraised them through the glass, then turned away when he'd witnessed that Adam and Eve were no longer scared little kids, caned and browbeaten into submission, unable to defend themselves from his damnation? Had he recognised the unbreakable bond that had blossomed between the two. A bond, forged by shared pain and consummated in love and physical union, so strong that it contained the potential to destroy any who moved to threaten it. Even Him.


A long dormant power ignited inside him. He looked up to the ceiling as lightning flashed, thunder clapped and the rain pounded down on the tin roof, wanting to scream at the top of his lungs. To dare God to appear, to come out from hiding and face him and Evie in a battle to the death.

Right here, right now.

Akin to a partially charged battery, the energy swiftly dissipated, leaving Adam to wonder if it had been real or imagined as he instead turned to his assigned task.

Whilst Eve worked on her list, he collected their clothing from the wardrobe and packed it into two canvas hold-alls, then added their undergarments from the dresser adjacent to the bed. Adam trusted his sister's instincts and organisational abilities implicitly, she was much better at the list thing, so didn't interrupt or offer any suggestions. Until eventually one word she muttered aloud garnered his undivided attention and he turned to face her. "Masks?" Quizzical brow raised, Adam stared at Eve for a good ten seconds, chewing over the concept.

"Masks are a good idea." After sweeping their bathroom items into a plastic bag, packing done, he dropped it all at the trailer exit, approached Evie and placed his hands on her hips. A smile flitted across his face. "I'm starting to think he's not totally omnipotent or omniscient. He lied about that as he does everything else, because we're still alive, aren't we? He needs time and as long as we stay disguised and on the move we should be okay. Plus, even if He's aware it's us, God won't dare reveal that his own children intend to kill him."

Oh, no, some might question why, and the truth would tarnish his reputation of unblemished perfection. David had likely explained their absence by assuring people that the siblings were on a missionary sojourn in Africa or some such bullshit.

"We can wear the mask of Satan and instill the fear of the Devil in his minions, leave his sign on those we kill. The Wizard of Oz, remember, Evie, he rules by fear and intimidation. If God's Army is more terrified of us than they are him, they'll scatter to the four corners of the earth like the cowards they are. Then we can take Him. Alone."

Despite the confidence Adam exuded in speaking to his sister, and the budding belief that David wasn't quite as powerful as he'd made himself out to be, the fear that he could be instantly and fatally proved wrong lurked in the recesses of his mind. Each minute they delayed further endangered the town and its residents. Grasping Eve's wrist gently, he raised his gaze to the breaking dawn light, easier for a deity with eyes everywhere to see them by. "Are you almost ready?"
Love it when I'm randomly reminded of an awesome song that I'd completely forgotten existed. I might have to change my screen name to:

Mr Damage[/color]]


And since that's led to me listening to The Angels, led by legendary Australian frontman, Doc Neeson, full Best of 'Live' album on You-tube, another favourite of theirs, which does receive a lot of airplay. Not sure how well-known or successful they ever were internationally, though I do know they went under the name 'Angel City' in North America.

No Secrets[/color]]

Stumbled across the below today, which I found hilariously enlightening in a shake-my-head-in-disbelief kind of way!


Unfortunately, if that guy's any indication, I don't think any hope at all for USA gun control legislation being successfully introduced anytime in the near future!

But, at least - and this is what I was originally looking for after reading about it on a article - there are similarities between the US and Australian when it comes the hypocrisy of some socially conservative, self-proclaimed 'family values' politicians!

I've recently learned (been reminded of!) that some people don't take well to being declined.

Apparently, the one as below, replicated in full:

Hi there,

Thanks for the interest, but having had a look at your threads, and without you having any other history on here, I'll decline the offer. Particularly as I didn't really appreciate you throwing the onus at me, on you approaching, to come up with story suggestions.



To someone who approached me with no salutation or greeting, demonstrated no interest in any plot ideas from my thread or displayed any hint that she'd even read them, nor threw me any of her own, but instead just asked for what I wanted to play was, in her words, 'unconscionably rude,'

Whist her response to that reply:

Wow, well, you just missed out on some fun oportunities on a whim, didn't you?

Well, what a dickhead is all I can say.

Congrats on being the inaugural member of my blocked list.

Wasn't, in fact, the pot calling the kettle black, but totally called for under the circumstances.

Go figure!

Damn it, despite my ranting and hyperbole and the impression that might give those who don't know me, when it comes to one-on-one interactions I'm actually big on little courtesies, and people always get off on the wrong foot when it's straight down to business without even so much as a friendly hello to start off with!

Not to mention, no writing at all on the boards, and a request thread that contains everything I despise when it comes to those who portray female characters, and that I tend to automatically reject on principle; a direct stated preference/ability to play only 'victim/submissive' types.

To offset that, am waiting on an opener for a new story that should be up in the next few days after being in planning for a while. Don't you love it when your collaborator offers to write the starter because they want to!

Also, have another couple of potentials in the works, though they're kind of slow-burning, "How about we chat, and if a story idea pops up as we do, awesome. If not, can never have enough friends anyway," kind of deals. Either way, a positive.

In other good news, looks like I'm headed to Vietnam for two-week holiday in October. Can't wait, it's been a while since I've had a proper vacation
Why you should never your boyfriend out alone on a (supposedly!) simple shopping expedition:



Ah, haven't many of us been there! :)
New story has started, which looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, and good timing, too, with a couple of other partners caught up with real-life and our stories on semi-hiatus.

One of those, unfortunately, is Ducle Periculum, which could be on hiatus for an extended period. However as I know my partner desperately wants to return to it, and will as soon as she is able, it'll stay open forever. I doubt I'd ever find another collaborator on exactly the same page with what want to do with the theme and the dark places we intend to take it.


On another note, I hope everyone had their cornflakes this morning.

Article here:

CORN Flakes are one of the most popular breakfast cereals in the world and for countless people it is an integral part of their morning routine.

As I write this article, people around the world are pouring themselves a bowl of Corn Flakes and as they chow down on that first delicious spoonful all their minds are immediately cleansed of any impure thoughts — at least that was John Harvey Kellogg’s original intention.

Mr Kellogg, the man who created Corn Flakes, produced the cereal in the late 19th century and marketed it as a “healthy, ready-to-eat anti-masturbatory morning meal”.

He was a Seventh-day Adventist and worked as a physician who staunchly believed in celibacy and that sex was unhealthy and immoral.

Mr Kellogg was such a firm believer that sex was damaging to the mind and body that he slept in a separate room from his wife and never consummated the marriage, choosing instead to adopt all their children.

So if having sex with your wife was bad, then masturbation was just about as sinful as you could get.

“If illicit commerce of the sexes is a heinous sin, self-pollution is a crime doubly abominable,” Mr Kellogg wrote.

Anyone else see the irony of having a big rooster on a bowl of ‘anti-masturbation’ flakes?

In his book, Plain Facts for Old and Young: Embracing the Natural History and Hygiene of Organic Life, he listed some of the damaging symptoms of masturbating, including mood swings, bad posture, acne, epilepsy, palpitations and a fondness for spicy food.

But Mr Kellogg had a solution to all this suffering, believing that meat and rich flavoured foods increased sexual desire, while plain foods like nuts and cereals suppressed it.

With this in mind he set about making a range of plain tasting breakfast foods that would once and for all put a stop to these impure desires, which resulted in the cereal we know and love today — Corn Flakes.

So if you have ever noticed that your thoughts are particularly wholesome while having your morning cereal, then you have Mr Kellogg to thank.

I knew there was a reason not to eat breakfast!
Mr Quixotic said:
Mr Kellogg was such a firm believer that sex was damaging to the mind and body that he slept in a separate room from his wife and never consummated the marriage, choosing instead to adopt all their children.

Mr. Kellog: Now, it's this so much better than your ridiculous suggestion for me to "eat" you?

Mrs. Kellog, who now makes regular twice weekly appointments to her doctor to treat her "hysteria": Yes dear.
xanaphia said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Mr Kellogg was such a firm believer that sex was damaging to the mind and body that he slept in a separate room from his wife and never consummated the marriage, choosing instead to adopt all their children.

Mr. Kellog: Now, it's this so much better than your ridiculous suggestion for me to "eat" you?

Mrs. Kellog, who now makes regular twice weekly appointments to her doctor to treat her "hysteria": Yes dear.

It's okay, Xana. I don't think his wife would have needed to worry about him not meeting her needs. For, if she happened to start getting a little tingly down there, the enlightened Mr Kellog had a remedy for that, too, before it got out of hand.

"In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid (phenol) to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement."

If nothing else, it'd make her think twice about raising the subject again, and personally I think it remains sound advice to this very day. As far as I'm concerned every woman should, by law, be required to have a bottle of phenol in her possession at all times!
Just reading that made me cringe a little bit.... *shudder*
HeyThereLittleBear said:
Just reading that made me cringe a little bit.... *shudder*

I know, Bear, same here. There's two words there that do not belong in the same sentence, and even worse on his Wikipedia biography.

Despite that, I still think the man deserves some credit where it's due!

So, a family of crickets decided to move into my house on the weekend. Was sitting at home Saturday night, about ten 'o'clock when I heard a small chirping sound, which gradually got louder and louder and more intense. Tried to determine exactly where it was coming from, but every place I went, it seemed to be coming from somewhere else! Auditory illusions, I guess.

The loudest place was where the noise echoed down the skylight well and off the tiled walls and floor of the two-way bathroom adjacent to my bedroom, but what the hell, I decided to try to get some sleep anyway. Three hours later, at 3am, I escaped to a spare-bedroom. Could still hear them, but not quite as bad.

Must have eventually fallen asleep, because when I rose Sunday morning, not a chirp to be heard that day. Not until, that was, the second it got dark about 9pm that night and exactly the same thing, and then again last night!

This is pretty much what it's sounded like inside my house from dusk to dawn the last few days:


All I can liken having to listen to that for eight hours straight is chinese water torture!

When I called on Monday, the earliest any pest-control company could make it to come get rid of them is Friday, by which time I'll hopefully still be sane! Or I could go stay at a friends, but I'm too stubborn for that, so I'll just whine and bitch instead :)
After attempting every DIY trick recommended by google to lure him out of hiding, and with each of them failing abysmally, I've had to rely on the experts.

Now they've been and gone and, in a case of it was either him or me, reuinited this little but hugely annoying fucker's cousin with its obviously sadistic maker:




and I'm still relatively sane, with a holiday weekend coming up I plan on catching up on some much needed peaceful, chirp-free sleep. I might even be capable of mustering up the concentration levels to get some writing done. And be able to hear the television after 9pm!
xanaphia said:
Have you tried sleeping with white noise? Since we don't get enough rain in SoCal for my tastes, I play rain sounds to help lull me to sleep.

No, I haven't actually. Though I love the sound of rain at night, and especially thunderstorms, I generally sleep okay and am good with the radio playing softly, but I might give it a try. Just the last week or so, I'm serious, that damn cricket didn't stop for a second from dusk to dawn and no matter how loud I turned the radio, the incessant high-pitched chirp cut through the music.

Plus, to be totally honest, whilst I may be playing it up the tiniest bit, it's as much to do with the fact it was doing my head in because I couldn't find the bastard or where the noise emanated from, and my competitive nature hated being bested by an insect. A damn insect, for fuck's sake!!!

And, I mean, it's his mating call, which was obviously wasn't working. So, you'd think he'd realise after a couple of nights without success that the females just weren't interested and shut the hell up before he embarrassed himself in front of his peers any further, wouldn't you!
I don't watch many movies at all, but occasionally the premise of one will grab my attention, and I'll make the effort to see it. The latest was ''Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri'

I won't spoil too much of it here for anyone who doesn't know it, or plans to see it, suffice to say it's a character-driven dark comedy and definitely not of the feel-good variety; the kind of movies, of fiction in general, I'm intrinsically drawn to.


For those who have seen it and know me, you won't be surprised at my favourite scene!


Absolutely brilliant movie, and I can see why Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell won Oscars.
Had two more stories officially go on hiatus yesterday, so that makes three now on hold due to that bastard of a thing called real-life, with a potential for another to go that same way in the near future! What I really appreciate is my partners keeping me up to date and knowing with certainty that they want/intend to return to the stories when circumstances permit, meaning as much as I adore every one of them and our collaborations, I'm more than happy to keep each open for forever and a day if needs be. Though, hopefully some will return in a much shorter time-frame than that.

The one thing is anticipating their return at some stage, but not knowing exactly when, can make it a little difficult to know precisely where I'm at, how many more I can/can't afford to take on and what type of themes to maintain that variety I need. However, that's a small price to pay for the ongoing potential of being able to continue to work with such brilliant, talented and fun collaborators and it's not like I'm inundated with other compatible offers anyway. I think I've been spoilt!


Whilst I'm in a slightly melancholy mood (it's funny how much you can come to miss certain characters, both your own and those of your partners) a song from the soundtrack of the movie mentioned above that I fell in love with on first hearing, and had to immediately google to find out what it was! The best fit of a piece of music to a specific film scene that I can ever recall.

Yep, rant today.

Things started off quite well, I actually had two approaches for the same plot on my thread in the space of a day.

After responding to each, it only went downhill.

What could have gone wrong, you may well ask?

Well, see, when coming up with the plot, I specifically and deliberately structured it to provide the female character with inherent sexual agency.

You'd then never guess what part both wanted to be stripped out, so that it could be turned into a Dom/sub game with them as the 'victim' and no longer in possession of even the slightest iota of sexual agency?

Not in a million years, I'm sure.

To be brutally honest, it's fucking pathetic, but not uncommon to be met with those who refuse (or are simply unable) to creatively move outside of their little submissive box. So much for no self-insertion!


On a brighter note, I did receive a nice compliment completely out of the blue from one of my E partners.

And I'm well aware I can be a fussy bastard when it comes to taking on new stories. A lot of the reason for that is because I realised what I joked about in my last post is true. I've been spoiled by the talents of those I am writing with, and their ability to portray a variety of independent minded character types and personalities, and now vehemently refuse to settle for less.

To all those awesome collaborators referenced above, I blame you!!!!

HeyThereLittleBear said:
Never settle for less than you are worth! :)

Thanks, Bear, as no-one ever should in any context :)

And, I mean, I'm not really that fussy.

As long as their proposed character's role in the story passes the






tests, I'm usually good to go.

Unfortunately, not many do, and we men need to take a stand on sexism and gender-stereotyping in fiction too.

Someone has to set a good example for our children to follow!
Mr Quixotic said:
And, I mean, I'm not really that fussy.

As long as their proposed character's role in the story passes the[/color]






tests, I'm usually good to go.

Unfortunately, not many do, and we men need to take a stand on sexism and gender-stereotyping in fiction too.

Someone has to set a good example for our children to follow!

I've got to take this moment to break my habit of just lurking and say, Hiya again! :)

Plus it is time to express my sympathy and empathy. I know how it feels quix, when I bump my thread and then I get messages from guys who want me to play the submissive archtype, which like you know well I just don't do. lol

Don't worry, you shall find more players who can satisfy your desire for independence!
Miss Eleanora said:
I've got to take this moment to break my habit of just lurking and say, Hiya again! :)

Plus it is time to express my sympathy and empathy. I know how it feels quix, when I bump my thread and then I get messages from guys who want me to play the submissive archtype, which like you know well I just don't do. lol

Don't worry, you shall find more players who can satisfy your desire for independence!

Well, hello, it's nice to see you break out of lurking mode. :)

Oh, yes, I do well know and it's much appreciated!

It's funny, I've actually, over the time, had quite a few comments from women telling me that my requests are refreshing because they're also constantly inundated with the same as you mention.

What I don't understand, and never will, is why so many guys are attracted to those submissive archetypes. They hold absolutely no attraction for me, nor have anything to offer that I'm interested in; sexually or otherwise.

Even more-so when it comes to writing opposite such in a collaborative story.

As Mr Chuck Wendig encapsulates my thoughts perfectly on the reasons for that, I'll repost a couple of excerpts from of an article of his that I've posted in full before.

"Character agency is, to me, a demonstration of the character’s ability to make decisions and affect the story. This character has motivations all her own. She is active more than she is reactive. She pushes on the plot more than the plot pushes on her. Even better, the plot exists as a direct result of the character’s actions."

"What gets interesting about a story isn’t when some Big External Plot is set into motion. What’s interesting is when the agency possessed by multiple characters competes. This push-and-pull of character motivations, decisions and reactions is how stories that matter are created. Because they’re stories about people, not about events, and people are why we read stories. Because we are all made of people. Our lives are made of us and all the other people around us. We live in a people-focused world because we’re solipsistic assholes who think that unless we behold it and create it, it probably doesn’t matter. And in stories, that’s pretty much true.

Stories must be made of people.

And that can only really happen when those people — those characters — have agency.

(Because after all, your characters shouldn’t be parenthetical to their own story, should they?)"

That's what makes a memorable story to me, and it's pretty damn boring when you're the only one writing a character who possesses any of that agency!
Mr Quixotic said:
Miss Eleanora said:
I've got to take this moment to break my habit of just lurking and say, Hiya again! :)

Plus it is time to express my sympathy and empathy. I know how it feels quix, when I bump my thread and then I get messages from guys who want me to play the submissive archtype, which like you know well I just don't do. lol

Don't worry, you shall find more players who can satisfy your desire for independence!

Well, hello, it's nice to see you break out of lurking mode. :)

Oh, yes, I do well know and it's much appreciated!

It's funny, I've actually, over the time, had quite a few comments from woman telling me that my requests are refreshing because they're also constantly inundated with the same as you mention.

What I don't understand, and never will, is why so many guys are attracted to those submissive archetypes. They hold absolutely no attraction for me, nor have anything to offer that I'm interested in; sexually or otherwise.

Even more-so when it comes to writing opposite such in a collaborative story.

As Mr Chuck Wendig encapsulates my thoughts perfectly on the reasons for that, I'll repost a couple of paragraph's from of an article of his that I've posted in full before.

"Character agency is, to me, a demonstration of the character’s ability to make decisions and affect the story. This character has motivations all her own. She is active more than she is reactive. She pushes on the plot more than the plot pushes on her. Even better, the plot exists as a direct result of the character’s actions."

"What gets interesting about a story isn’t when some Big External Plot is set into motion. What’s interesting is when the agency possessed by multiple characters competes. This push-and-pull of character motivations, decisions and reactions is how stories that matter are created. Because they’re stories about people, not about events, and people are why we read stories. Because we are all made of people. Our lives are made of us and all the other people around us. We live in a people-focused world because we’re solipsistic assholes who think that unless we behold it and create it, it probably doesn’t matter. And in stories, that’s pretty much true.

Stories must be made of people.

And that can only really happen when those people — those characters — have agency.

(Because after all, your characters shouldn’t be parenthetical to their own story, should they?)"

That's what makes a memorable story to me, and it's pretty damn boring when you're the only one writing a character who possesses any of that agency!

I must say, he certainly did put it well. :) It's so dreadfully boring to just be a bystander without agency in your own story. I truly cannot see the appeal of it. By all means let there be dominance in scenes, but it has to fit the moment and your character had best actually come equipped for the job. ;)

To often another thing I notice is that people ask about demure or reserved characters. And I am certainly willing to play that type. The problem is that people then expect said character to be a doormat. Uhm no. Those traits do not necessarily a doormat make. Just cause she isn't necessarily spouting off all the time doesn't mean there is no agency.

Of course our game is quite dynamic so far. And you don't have to worry. Elizabeth is certainly planning to remain a driving force behind the plot. In part because it will be extra fun to dangle hints in front of Lyle and see how it drives him crazy trying to figure things out. Which should make things all the more delicious when things do come out, if they do. :D
I agree with all that you've said there, and one of my all-time favorite characters to write opposite could be classed as innocent and naive, but so totally potrayed to perfection by my partner that it's those traits which actually provide her character the agency.

I look forward to it and don't you worry, Lyle will do the same. That's the fun of it for me, having nothing predefined, no attribution of 'Dom' and 'sub' or 'Winner' and 'Loser' before the first word even hits the page, but letting the characters and the story decide where it all goes and how it ends up.


Oh, and a special shout-out to Aurelia and our Adam and Eve story, which I've just noticed celebrated its one year anniversary on the 1st of March.

With eleven posts in total, it's fairly racing along, that's almost one a month between the two of us!

How the hell we managed over sixty posts on our first story, I'll never know!

(Aww, come on, as much as i adore you, I adore putting shit on you even more, xD)

You asshole. xD

You know it's more a wonder just why, and how, I've put up with you this long!! Or... is it the other way around...

If I wasn't already dripping sarcasm I would be drenched, as it stands, shout out back to you for keeping track of how flipping awesome we are and that eventually this story is gonna be going at the speed of sound, and I just don't know how we're gonna keep up with each other!
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