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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

That moment when you discover one of your stories has predicted real-life.

Is Trump a reincarnated King Cyrus, destined to herald the end of days?

It's official, Donald Trump is Adam and Eve's adoptive Father!

And to offset some of that potentially humanity destroying ridiculousness, another Atheistic band, NOFX, I stumbled across on my random internet wanderings last night!


Oh, and I totally forgot, talking about roleplays predicting real-life. Apparently, there's a big occasion tomorrow.


Let's hope it doesn't end with a catastrophic catering accident!

Then again, that could hasten Australia finally becoming a republic, and would the Royal Family really be missed?

All in all, I do consider it a bit rude and selfish of Harry and Meghan to steal the focus from the FA Cup Final!


Feeling myself slowly drifting further and further away from BMR, which is a bit of shame, but have two new stories in the final stages of plotting and soon due to start on E. Meaning the vast majority of my writing will now be on there.

And damn, doesn't time go fast. Just realised that one of those stories reached its twelve month anniversary a couple of days ago! So, a shout-out to Azure Rain for being such an awesome partner and fun to write with. So much for a quick one-shot; you hit the nail perfectly on the head with Elena Reston, xD!
Arggh, my brain's going crazy with the conversion to Xenforo.

I think overall, it's needed and will be great for the site. However, anyone who knows me is aware that it takes a fuck of a long time for me to become to anything new visually. As in, being Aphantasica and unable to conjure images in my head, I don't have an image memory bank to call upon. Therefore, how layouts work and what they 'look' like is more akin to a learned 'muscle memory' thing for me.

Anything visually different from the 'standard' or what I'm used to, totally throws out my programmed circuitry and strikes a discordant, "what the fuck, that's not right," note in my head. So much so that I can't even (my brain doesn't want to) deal with different coloured texts, font sizes, non left-aligned text or embedded images in a post. Despite having regularly used E for more than a year and now having most of my actives stories on there, I still copy and PM those partners posts to myself on here and draft my replies in BMR!

What the hell am I going to do without that, and the 'save draft' facility as it is!!!!! Particularly, as mentioned above, and with a lot of my long-term BMR partners pulled away by real life, I already feel myself slipping away from the site. That's one of the main reasons I do still continue to spend as much time/continue to bump my RT's on here as I do.

Whatever that answer is, it's going to take a little getting used to.

Stumbled across an interesting article the other day in relation to Reading Grade Levels of Bestselling Authors. It initially surprised me a little, but then not so much when I thought about it as it's what I'm attracted to in terms of styles. Simple and easy to take in rather than anything too convoluted, or that requires my brain to step outside the story to locate a mental dictionary or thesaurus to decipher or follow it.


This handy little app as well.

Found it amusing this morning; the tactics some companies use.

I got the premium movies package on my pay tv a few months ago, at a cost of $25 per month. Have no idea why, as I haven't watched a single movie in that time! Anyways, adding the package took like two seconds through my online account, but of course, it's not as easy to cancel it through there! No, indeed not, you need to call them and press a hundred buttons to get the department you're after. Only to find those buttons presses don't actually lead you to the department you're after, but to the new sales/upgrades Department instead.

Then, after telling the new sales/upgrades Department person at least half-a-dozen times that you're not interested, you're finally put through to someone in the right area. Whose first port of call is also to try to sell you an upgrade.

Following which, when you do finally manage to turn them to the actual reason you're calling, they'll interrogate you for a half-an-hour on the exact reasons you want to remove the package, and interject after each sentence to ask if you're sure before it finally gets done.

Fortunately, I'm such a patient human
I kind of love how a lot of the old PM's were restored with the upgrade.

Have spent the last couple of days reading through many of them, including the very first exchanges with people who turned out to be long-term partners/friends, both current and those who are no longer around. The latter were bitter sweet, because I cherish having had the opportunity to get to know them, and remain forever hopeful that one day they might return.

And others exchanges that had slipped my mind completely; some made me laugh, some mutter to myself, "Good work, that sarcastic response was well deserved," some reminded me of exactly why I hit it off with a person immediately, others reminded me of exactly why I didn't hit it off with a person at all, and yet more made me think, "Damn, you really were a bit - a lot?- of an ass there, Quix." C'est la vie.

All in all, quite fun, really, and I didn't realise I'd exchanged messages with so many bloody people in the time I've been here. No wonder new stories are so hard to find; there's no-one left that I haven't spoken to already!

Am surprised at how easily I'm adapting to new visual layout and features, and how much I like it. A pity I don't have more stories to write on here! But, as alluded to above, I do think I've pretty much exhausted my pool of partners potentially compatible in regards to what I look for in female characters. The days of having six or eight stories on the go on BMR at once are over. Unless real-life stops being an interfering prick and allows some of the already established ones on hiatus to be picked back up.

On a positive note, have had another two stories - one light, one dark- start on E in the past week, Surprisingly, although I've felt like things have been slow, May was my biggest posting month since January. Maybe, after all this time, the entire writing process has finally become a little quicker and easier for me?

Also happy official first day of Winter (it's my favourite season). Fuck waiting until the solstice; we do things on our own terms over here!
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I'm stoked. After a four-month hiatus, Flick has returned and Todd Lowry and Hannah Mckay (plus Mr Biggles, the cat) are soon to be back up and running in Dulce Periculum on E. I never thought I'd find a partner who I'd have the same chemistry with as I did the original Internet Killers, and it's dark theme, but this collaboration has bettered even that.

It's like we can read each other's minds with what we want to do and some of the fucked-up places we plan to take the story, naturally picking up on clues either of us leaves in our posts. And with an incredible dynamic between the mains; not easy to pull off when they're both narcissistic sociopaths! Not to mention, Flick's an amazingly talented writer, full of enthusiasm and encouragement, which helps pull the best out of me, and an all-around fun person OoC.

I could not be happier right now! (Well, except for if a couple of other partners on hiatus were also to return, but I can't expect the world! )
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I said I couldn't ask for the world, but I'm getting it anyway. As happy as I was in the post above, am doubly-so now. Woke up to my longest-term story, three and a half years in the running with an awesome partner, resuming after a four-month hiatus, this morning. I'm over the moon. :)
That moment when one of your roleplay partners posts a line that's so brilliant in its understated irony and execution that (after you stop grinning and shaking your head in admiration) you can't help but clap your hands and applaud!


And, and, and, it looks like one more of my on-hiatus stories may well be making a return. After guessed it....four month hiatus! What is with this time of year and four-months :)


A couple of random thoughts that have popped into my head, based on the few approaches and comments I've received lately. It appears so many still don't 'get' what I mean by independent agency, sexually and otherwise in my RT, and completely ignore my stated disinterest in self-labelled submissive female characters,

- Why do you see stories with stories with two Dom mains, stories with one Dom and one Sub main, stories where neither of the mains are Dom or Sub, but you never see a story with two Sub mains? I don't think that fair so I'm going to conjure up a plot for one and title it (in honour of a Joseph Heller novel I'll forever remember as one of only two books in my entire life I never finished once I'd started reading it, due to unspeakable boredom) "Nothing Happened.'

- Isn't the value placed on a gift dependent on the receiver, not the giver? Whilst submission might be desirable and much-wanted by some, I'd be more enthused by underwear and socks.

- If submission requires so much 'strength' then why are the majority of women not attracted to submissive men; are they not attracted to strength?

-Why can so may not comprehend that, for the same exact reasons they aren't attracted to submission in men, I'm not attracted to submission in women?

- Why do I see so a plethora of those who portray female characters (this more overtly evident on E, with their matrix) state they Sub and Switch, but not Dom? Isn't a Switch someone who both subs and Doms. Or is Switch, in this case - and considering one of, but not the other, two labels was intentionally selected in addition - simply meant to be interpreted as "For five minutes every three years or so they just won't be quite as submissive as they usually are?"
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A cover of a classic by one of my all-time favourite Aussie bands that I had pumped up full volume on the drive. Pretty much how I feel about work this week.



Looks like I'll soon have another story going on E. When I do drop a story, I always try to do so with respect and courtesy, so it's always nice when after you've done so, your partner pops you a message to ask if you'd be open to working on another.

Postings to Dulce Periculum remain erratic, but it is active and will resume more regular service once Flick's current real-life distraction eases in a few month's time!

The vast majority of active threads are still on E, leaving me without much of a writing presence here, but in good news on that front, there's a chance that at least one, if not two, of my on hiatus BMR stories will be recommencing in the near future.

I always figure that at any particular time a certain number of collaborators will be on hiatus, so if I ever get t the point of them all being active at once, I'm fucked!

But will that stop me bumping?

Not likely. I'll just bitch about being stressed if and when it happens :)


And I have no idea how I missed this, so thanks goes to Xana for bringing it to my attention:


It seques perfectly into me posting this trailer for a recently rekeased Australian made, Aussie inspired horror movie that should not be missed!

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It's always a good day when your annual performance review takes a total of three minutes and the pay increase you're offered is exactly what you intended to ask for. Then, you receive a story request from someone who offers up a female character who'll carry her own agency in the plot, without even needing to be prompted!. Unfortunately, that's again on E, rather than BMR. I do find there's many more writers over there creatively willing to take on a greater variety of roles.

Talking about that, I've found myself incorporating female characters (just in a minor way so far) in my own writing lately, so a couple of posts I had fun with. The first, Jeremiah Picket, the manipulative Old West Pastor and anything but the man of God he pretends to be.

The second, with a misogynist asshole in a non-con story. The thing I'm looking forward to this is that the opening scenes hare are just part of a flashback dream sequence that will be left and returned to throughout of the duration of the main story, which takes place ''ten years later' after he's released from Jail. It'll be interesting to see how that experience changed him (for the worse!) and to write him as two different people whilst also ensuring he remains the same person at the core in both.

After Mirella exited the coach and granted Jeremiah a smile, if only a brief one, he decided that discretion was the better part of valour and refrained from initiating conversation. Instead, he acknowledged her comment on fashion with only a polite nod, noting that she appeared to have overcome the worst of her fainting spell. She perked up further at the mention of iced lemonade.

"Come on, don't dally. Let the men do their work." Hannah tugged on Mirella's arm and glanced at Pickett. Her raised eyebrow queried what had brought this strange partnership about.

It hadn't been the goodness of his heart; she knew that with surety. The last pretty woman she'd observed him with had refused to service another client for a month afterwards, but Hannah hadn't minded. Despite the booming voice and rapturous sermons, she'd recognised on first sight that he was as much a real man of God as she was a virginal nun. The Pastor had compensated her generously for the loss of income.

As the two women entered the lodgings, Jeremiah supervised the unloading of the coach. The horses whinnied, and drank from the water trough, and all was unpacked, he ordered a boy to the feed store, slapped the steeds on the flank, and followed the luggage bearers into the parlour. Garish was the best word to describe the decor, and that suited Pickett's tastes down to the ground. It reminded the man of his coach.

"Excuse me, Dearie." Hannah paused the conversation with Mirella when the bags landed on the floor.


An elderly gentleman appeared at the top of the stairs. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Take these. Corner room." Hannah motioned to each piece of Mirella's luggage, distinguishable in their expensive finery from Jeremiah's.

The man nodded, walked down the steps, then headed back up with arms loaded. He didn't utter another word.

Before he reached the top, the girl Hannah had sent to fetch the tea returned. She placed a silver tea-tray and a plate of biscuits on the table, adjacent to where Mirella was seated, smoothed the fabric of her plain tunic and stared in fascination at the older one's dress. "Are you really from all the way out East?"

With Mirella distracted, Hannah sidled up to Pickett, who stood at the other side of the parlour, holding apart the curtains with one finger and peering out the window. She murmured from the corner of her mouth. "Such a demure thing."

"Indeed she is."

"Men would pay a pretty penny for an hour or two."

"I'm certain they would."

"Is she for sale?"

Restraining a laugh, Picket let the curtains fall back into place and met her eyes. "She's unbroken, Hannah, and that's a task for me, but who's to say what the future may hold? In the meantime, could you put in a kind word for the honourable Mr Pickett? The man who introduced the wayward folk of Redwood to the Lord's Gospel, and rescued many of their souls from the prospect of eternal damnation. A devout and loyal servant to his Maker, who should be forgiven a foible or two. I let it slip that I'm not immune to the sins of the flesh, and she did not take it well."

"Certainly, Preacher." Hannah's expression twinkled with mirth as they ambled in Mirella's direction. "You are but human, and only the Lord Himself is infallible." The gold pressed into the Inn-Keeper's palm disappeared up her sleeve her by the time the pair reached Jeremiah's charge.

"Genevieve; she's endured a long journey and too much sun. Leave the poor woman to regather her strength."

The girl muttered her apologies, then scurried off as Hannah sat across from her guest.

Pickett remained on his feet. "I have a call to make, Mirella. To offer comfort to a grieving widow and her now Fatherless children. Will you be okay if I leave you in the company of Hannah?" His parched throat was in urgent need of the type of drink that she wouldn't approve of.

Hannah poured tea and patted the young woman's hand when Jeremiah quietened. "If it is, when you're ready, I'll settle you in your room, and help you prepare for the bath." Her experienced gaze appraised Mirella's outfit before she graced her with a sympathetic shake of the head. "That corset must be incredibly uncomfortable in this heat, and a task to get in and out of."

"I guess she's not interested in pencil-dick losers." Adam clapped Josh Reynold's on the back, too plastered to notice he'd spilled half a Corona on his friend's shirt. Or how pissed the twenty-one-year-old was that Alice Ryan; a raven-haired beauty with an exquisite set of tits and an ass to die for, had rejected his advances.


Although to host a Frat party required no excuse, the professed reason for this one had been to commiserate the lacrosse team losing its final game of the season and missing out on the Divisional playoffs. A team that Ryan could not make as a starter. Although still lettered, that apparently hadn't been enough for that pretentious whore. The last time he'd seen her had been her tongue stuck down the team captain's throat before they'd headed out the door.

"Fuck off asshole, not like you're getting any pussy tonight, either."

"What are we?"

Josh pirouetted to glare at the girls who'd followed them from the kitchen. Cara, a bleached blonde, and Jenny, a brunette. Both were smashed; their faces streaked with mascara and lipstick, and dressed like five dollar whores. Breasts and asses hung out of denim shorts, twin halter tops and a red leather micro-skirt.

"Not even a last resort." He already had those two notches on his bedpost, and neither had been anything to write home about. Definitely not memorable enough to consider the prospect of having to wake up sober next to Jenny or Cara a second time in exchange for a wet dick worthy of contemplation.

"Prick." Jenny gave him the finger and poked out her tongue.

"All the better for me, I'll take both." Adam grinned.

"Think you can keep it up, big boy."

"For you lovely ladies, all night."

Like his buddy, Adam was a non-starting member of the lacrosse team. Except for possessing black hair and brown eyes, in contrast to Josh's light brown and blue, and standing at 6 feet-one, an inch shorter, he sported the same lean-muscled frame and the two could have almost been twins. Wrapping his arms around the girl's waists, he effortlessly lifted them off their feet.

The resulting high-pitched squeals assaulted Josh's eardrums and elicited a wince. "Screw this, I'm gonna crash."

The party had wound down anyway, with just a few stragglers left scattered through the Frat House. The remainder of the guests had either stumbled home, partnered up or alone, or fallen into an inebriated coma in the yard.

Josh turned for the stairs, but before he reached the landing, he stopped and stared through an open door into the den.

"Who's that?" Adam left Cara and Jenny in his wake, and joined him in peering in at the figure on the couch inside.



"Paige's roommate. The nerdy bitch, never fucking parties."

"What the hell is she doing there, then; she drunk?"

Josh, tilted his head and looked at his friend, then the girls behind him, who'd gone silent. A smile formed on his lips, and he held a finger up to his mouth, motioning them to stay quiet. "Let's find out."

Seconds later, he'd skulked into the room and hovered over Lily's prone figure. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty." He tapped a hand against her face. "You awake?"

Giggles came from the trio standing in the doorway, and Josh shot them a wink.

"I asked you a fucking question?" He tapped her face a second time. After receiving no response, and assuming she was either drunk or stoned and in no state to protest, Josh hooked his fingers into the hem of her top and hoisted it up to expose Lily's bra. "Well, if you ain't gonna talk, you can at least show us your tits."

That received full-on laughs from his companions.

And now it's time to lock the doors, close the windows, turn off the phone, hide under a blanket on this cold winters morning and immerse myself in the live action of the World Series of Poker Main Event final table.

I mean, who needs Games of Thrones or other fictional tv shows when there's this type of real-life, "you'd call bullshit if you saw it in a film," psychological drama to keep you entertained!
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In one of those, too tired to go to bed, totally mellow melancholy moods, and no musical artists work suits that mood better than the brilliantly talented Nick Cave:

And not quite as melancholy, but definitely one of his most amusingly fucked-up works!

Whilst my longest-running story has again gone on hiatus and I sadly may not see it returns, that two of my other on hold stories were both picked up again within the space of a week of each other, forever gives me hope. And, as that partner knows, it'll remain open for eternity and a day for her to come back to if real-life allows.

Anyways, a huge shout-out to the awesome

Mali, and the return of A Royal Catastrophe after five months on hold,


Xana, and the return of A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing after (damn, doesn't time fly!) over a year. Though, we have worked on another in the meantime.

I'm doing the:


It means, also having my story with the equally awesome Leatrix, I'll be more active writing-wise on BMR than I have been for quite a while.

Two more in planning on E as well, one almost ready to roll, and I'm kind of at the point of, "Enough is enough, Quix, you're a fucking masochist for stress."

Still, I do just need that one depraved sociopath on BMR to write to balance all my character dynamics and themes out :)
Heard this cover of one of my favourite tracks for the first time earlier this week. Not sure, but could ever be better than the Gary Jules version. Either way, a song I could listen to on repeat all day long!

This is how I sometimes think of my battle against the never-ending conga line of 'submissive female' tropes I'm approached to write opposite of.


As an unwinnable game of whack-a-mole. Knock one on the head and another immediately pops right back up to take its place.
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Nice to know I'm not the only one!

Never believed I'd see the day when I was begging for the return or Text Catchpa! Damn, don't they think of us aphantasiacs before they introduce these things!
Again, I love it when it when a character I introduce into a story who I expect only to have a line or two invades my head, and I feel the need to flesh them out.

This time, it led to my first ever post written entirely as a female character. She also epitomises one of my favourite archetypes to try and portray. That of a master manipulator who's outwardly kind and trustworthy persona disguises ulterior motives, and who's not at all what they seem. Sometimes to a dangerous and sadistic degree, as is the case with my main (male) character in the story, Jeremiah Pickett.

As much - although it's a rarity to find, so a huge shout-out goes to Xana and Leatrix for doing so - I love to pit them opposite strong female characters of the same manipulative capabilities/intelligence/agency. That speaks to intellectual traits I'm drawn to; the greater the challenge, the sweeter the victory!

Caught up in old memories, Hannah missed the young woman's question. She looked past Mirella, recalling her struggles and the cowboy she'd married at age eighteen. The man who'd died less than three years later, not over a gambling debt as she'd claimed, but from a gut shot after the drunkard had raped and beaten her once too many times.

Funny, considering her experiences, that the woman chose to become a Madame with a stable of young girls for men to use, but maybe not? After a harsh upbringing, life with Earle had further toughened Hannah's already thick skin and ripped away the last shred of empathy she possessed. The woman learned to relish her power over the girls and to see them being forced to endure that which she'd escaped, but they wouldn't. It made Hannah no longer a victim, but the equal of any man.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She realised Mirella had spoken. The girl was a fine specimen if ever she'd seen one. Her breasts were plump and firm in their youth, her waist thin, her legs long and lean and features refined, but they weren't her best attributes. Innocence and naivety were a rare prize that men would kill each other over. She caressed Mirella's cheek. "To survive, I did what I had to."

"But this isn't about me." Unwilling to risk being drawn into revealing more of herself than she'd like, Hannah returned to the matter of Jeremiah. "He did, Mirella. As you state, he's rough around the edges, but that's a product of this environment. If Mr Pickett was a cultured Preacher from the East would the folk of Redwood respect him? No, they'd mock his airs and graces and send him scurrying back from whence he came with his tail between his legs. To get through to them, Mr Pickett has to fit in. Spend enough time with people and some of them rubs off on you."

Years of deceit and saying one thing while she meant another allowed the lies to flow without pause from her lips as the water sloshed and rolled down Ms deChamp, and the steam clouded the bathroom. She refrained from laughing at the girl's doe-eyed expression and the way she danced around the subject of how Jeremiah had upset her; maintaining her faux sympathy. "Oh dear. I know what you're referring to, and it'll remain our secret." If the Pastor hadn't provided a hint before his departure, she'd have guessed. It was always about sex with these types.

When Mirella's hand clasped her, the older woman patted it comfortingly and squeezed. "I can't answer why God made men want the things they do, but he did, and above all else, Mr Pickett is a man. One who devotes his life to bringing the Lord's word to the wastelands." Hannah waved towards the exterior wall, indicating the environs of Redwood. "To remain celibate is an impossibility, Mirella, so what choices does he have? To take a wife and force her to accompany him on his travels? Or to make a life in a civilised city, leaving no-one to spread His Gospel where it's required most? Jeremiah has sacrificed the need that's writ into every human heart for love and lifelong companionship and in return seeks temporary solace in the pleasures of the flesh. I forgive him that weakness because I understand it. As you will one day."

After unintentionally parroting the justifications Jeremiah had used in the coach, she released Mirella's hand. "If you must go, then you must, although we received a telegraph from Junction City earlier this morning to tell us of the flooded tracks and." Hannah reached between her ample bosom, removed a fob watch and flicked open the cover. Her gaze returned to Mirella, and the woman's expression was tinged with sorrow; the bearer of bad news. "Your Aunt's locomotive departed, full-steam East, six hours ago. Another won't pass through for three weeks."

Now I want to know more about Hannah, and write a story with her as the main protagonist/antagonist in her younger days. Maybe not as her, but a male character opposite her?
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Aww, thanks for the shout-out, that's so sweet of you. And congrats on getting a side character stuck in your head, lol, I've been having a long line of issues with that recently. XD

She is nicely written, though, I can see why you're interested in fleshing her out some more. I'll have to keep an eye out for her story, I'm rather curious to see what comes of her.

Good luck! ;)
Thanks, I only decided to make the character a woman at the last minute, and from there she just sort of came to me, and I needed to flesh her out with that last post! I love it when characters do that, and I'm sure there'll be some more to get stuck in your head as our story goes along. As Hannah's in her mid-thirties or early forties as I'm writing her, I think she'd have an interesting history between gut-shooting her abusive husband and becoming the Brothel Madam she is now.

You deserved the shout-out. For both you and Xana, and the characters you're writing, after my "the greater the challenge, the sweeter the victory" line, I was going to add, "Or the more honour in defeat."

But as competitive as I am, and as much as I enjoy a challenge, I hate losing and wasn't going to admit in public that there's a slight chance of my character being out manipulated or outwitted in either of those stories.

And, I do mean slight!!!
Good omen or bad omen?

When you ask your partner for a new story if she minds providing the name of her character and your first thought on getting it is, "Damn, they're the same initials as one the characters played in a story by a long-term partner recently abducted by real life, whose female characters hit every one of my buttons and whom I miss writing with terribly."

Thanks for the reminder!! :)


The awesome news is that I have two stories due to start soon on E for plotlines/themes that I've long been searching for partners for, but have never been able to find those on the same page in regards to what I'm looking for from them;

Hypothetical: - a cat and mouse dynamic between a Psychologist and her "If he did this, is he is or is he not a rapist," client, full of word and mind games where all is couched in "wink, wink, we both know the truth here, but let's pretend we don't," hypothetical terms. That want for a focus on the word games aspect is what I've never been able to find before.


Good Guy Lucifer (aka God And The Devil Undergo Couples Counselling): - A Parody, where after an eternity of marriage, God and Lucifer's relationship is becoming stale, so they've decided it's time to seek professional help. Resulting in them reliving memories of their pasts while dealing with running Heaven, Hell and Earth in the present and attempting to move past Lucifer's long-standing annoyance that reputations would have been so different if she hadn't beaten him to the punch by publishing her (non-edited or fact-checked) book first.

As well as a dark version of my 'The Businessman and The Stripper' (Hey, I'm good with creative thread titles, but not much when it comes to stories!) plot, which is still in the early stages of planning.
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Good Omen or bad omen?

When you ask your partner for a new story if she minds providing the name of her character and your first thought on getting it, "Damn, they're the same initials as one the characters played in a story by a long-term partner recently abducted by real life, whose female characters hit every one of my buttons and whom I miss writing with terribly.

Thanks for the reminder!! :)
I will see you that one, and raise you the scenario where your partner introduces a side character with your own real name. :oops: Amusing coincidences.
I will see you that one, and raise you the scenario where your partner introduces a side character with your own real name. :oops: Amusing coincidences.

Lol, that would be a little freaky! Actually surprises me now that, considering my common first name, I've never encountered a character in a story with it. But then, that may be why?

Another thing I realised is that being lazy one to always find the most efficient way to do something, I'm writing a story now with four male characters, and three of them have four letter first names because the shorter they are, the less I have to type and the easier to remember.

If only I hadn't already used Ian, Max, Dan and Tom (the first three - or at least two of them - in our first ever story, I do believe, and the latter in Farewell!) it'd be even easier! :)
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And the day after I proclaim it, the start of my intended parody story unfortunately has to go on hold, whilst my collaborator deals with some real-life issues and is unable to devote time/energy to writing.

It remains a goer, but it could be a while until it's up and running, but we''re hoping to continue on with some plotting for it in the meantime.

Still, being a little sad, I'll console myself with:





Because how could that stunningly gorgeous woman fail to cheer any man up :)
Haven't posted in here in a while, but that's probably symbolic of the content of this entry.

I think I'm just bumping my threads on BMR these days out of pure stubbornness and in an attempt to keep burning the last embers of a dying flame that, after four years, my brain isn't quite ready to fully let go of yet. BMR used to feel like home, and I struggled to write, didn't want to write, anywhere but here. However, in the last few months, that's flipped around to E.

With BMR having become more juvenile, static, boring and increasingly filled with even more of the same-old-same-old monotonous one-dimensionsal characters I get asked to write opposite of, E has come to offer so much more. In terms of partners, writers capable of - or willing - portraying characters with agency who help drive a plot and contribute creatively to a story as much as they take from it, and community as a whole, there's no comparison.

Have migrated my A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing and, with the return of Aurelia, Adam and Eve stories to E -, although Xana and I will likely continue to post to both -, leaving me one active BMR partner who isn't on E. Except for her and our story, those friends I chat with regularly, and old partners who've been taken by real-life, but I forever hold out hope will be able to return -, I'd likely have stopped writing on BMR altogether by now. It's lost most of its allure and a few others I've spoken to feel much the same.
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Quix, when confronted with yet another in the never-ending conga line of 'submissive female' character tropes!

This weekend is AFL Grand Final weekend once again, our equivalent of SuperBowl Weekend. In my opinion, Australia Rules is the best spectator sport in the world.

And if that little glimpse isn't motivation enough to check it out, whilst we've exported quite a few athletes to play in the NFL and NBL, for the first time ever a born and bred American is playing in our big game.
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Still can't get another story on BMR to save my life, which means my presence on here is pretty much down to one active. Whilst I would like one two more to help keep me invested in the site, I'm not that worried, with a pretty full plate on E.

Had one partner return after a couple of month's hiatus and I figured I'd have a bit of fun with one or two of the minor characters; in that with my struggles to find women with agency, why not give a little to one myself.

What can I say, I'm attracted to manipulative women (or, more accurately, the mindset behind it) and I'll have to think of a way to bring Jenny back when the story moves from a decade in the past to the present after this initial set-up for what's to come in the future encounter is over.

"I won't," she hissed, and Josh laughed. Yes, she would, anywhere and however he wanted it, though she hadn't discovered that yet. Teaching her would be part of the fun. "Shut up, bitch." Spittle flew from the man's mouth as he tossed her on the floor, uncaring of the loud thump that came when her head banged the carpet. Except for the fact that if he knocked her unconscious, he'd have to wait for her to wake up again before he raped her. In the hall, Jenny called out encouragement and Cara shrank away.

Josh glanced up to see Jenny jumping up and down on her toes to get a look at Lily. Adam stood holding the camera with one arm around her waist. He slid his gaze to Cara, sensing disapproval and graced her with an ice-cold glare. Before he spoke, Josh was distracted by movement in his peripheral vision. "No, you don't."

As quick as a flash, he turned to Lily. Her yoga pant clad ass wiggled enticingly as she scurried across the floor, but Josh didn't chase. There was no need, for Adam had noted her attempt to escape first. The second man intercepted her path before Lily reached the door, stomped his foot down next to her fingers and clamped a hand on her shoulder.

Judging by the bulge in his pants, there was no doubt Adam was enjoying the situation as much as Josh. Beside him, Jenny's expression glowed with a combination of arousal and excitement. The girl was buzzed, drunk and on a power-trip high that had her dripping in her panties as she urged her friends on to give Lilly her comeuppance. The uptight, pretentious slut. A smug expression on her face, she kissed Adam's cheek and ran her palm over his crotch. "You gonna do her too, babe? For me?"

Josh caught up, and while Adam maintained a tight grip on his arm, he pulled his belt free from his pants and doubled it in his fist. A harsh cracking sound reverberated around the room when the leather struck her ass. Then came a second and a third, all in a matter of seconds with each louder than the next, before Josh buried his fingers in Lily's hair and twisted her head around.

Bringing her face-to-face with his erect cock, he arched a brow, "Are you sucking me off, bitch, or am I shoving it down your throat?" More laughs emanated from Jenny; Cara muffled a groan. Josh swung the belt around in lazy circles and flicked it against Lily's exposed tits, "If you even think about biting, I'll whip you to within an inch of your fucking life."

Also, started a dark version of my Stripper and Businessman story, which promises to be an intense mind-fuck for both characters, and am glad I've found such an awesome partner to come along for the bumpy emotional ride:

After serving the Don Equis, the waitress, Cassie according to her name tag, moved on to the next customer, and Aiden's gaze wandered to the stage.


His jaw dropped.


The loud bass and buzz of conversation dissipated, swallowed up by the frantic thump-thump of his heart that reverberated in his ears, and nothing else existed in his vision except the blonde who'd walked out to perform.


Time stopped.

"Sir, Sir, are you alright?"

"Huh, what?" A look of confusion passed across his face, before he relaxed his white-knuckled grip on the beer bottle, so tight that it threatened to shatter the glass. Cassie's sharp tone had brought Aiden out of his shock. He blinked twice and exhaled. A fatigue induced hallucination, and not the first time he'd experienced one of those. "Yeah, I'm fine; it's been a long day." He forced a smile and refocused on the girl who wasn't Amy.

With new-found composure, he appraised the differences between her and his daughter. The stripper's body was buxomer, she was taller and her cheekbones and bone-structure more classically defined. Still, the two shared uncanny similarities that kept his pulse racing. Including the way she danced as if she'd been born to it.

Gigi's fluid, graceful movements were reminiscent of Amy's on the sole occasion he'd fulfilled his promise and made it to her Cheerleading competition. An image that remained forever imprinted in his mind. That day in her Senior Year, every other girl had paled in comparison. Her school had won, and the evening had been one of the happiest they spent together as a Family. No arguments, fights or bitter recriminations afterwards. The calm before the final storm.

As she stepped around the pole, fanned her legs in the air and dropped to her knees, he couldn't look away. With her curves on display and that wicked smile, her sensuality drew Aiden to her like a moth to a flame, and he wasn't alone. Whistles and catcalls emanated from the audience and greenbacks were tossed up on stage. When she raised a hand, waggled her fingers and stared directly at him with Amy's blue-green eyes, a shiver snaked its way down Aiden's spine and froze him to the spot.

It took him a second to realise that it wasn't him she was looking at it, but someone beyond him and he swivelled to follow the direction of her gaze. Some greaseball, who responded to Gigi with an inaudible, but obviously crude, comment and grabbed at his crotch. Disrespectful asshole. Aiden's eyes narrowed, and he clenched a fist as the other male sensed the heat of Murphy's disapproval and met his cold stare in kind. A smirk curled up the corner of greaseball's lip, and he arched a brow in challenge. Aiden disengaged.

On turning back around, Gigi hung upside down with her legs artfully wrapped around the pole and golden locks framing her face. The visage was stunning, and amid calls by a couple of the younger clientele for her to hurry up and get her clothes off, the applause grew in volume. For the first time since he'd started attending the clubs, Aiden felt a touch of shame.

What if that was Amy up there?

What kind of life was it, stripping for a living; putting yourself on display, nothing but a piece of flesh to be ogled for the entertainment of men; and pretending to enjoy it?

When Amy had flunked out of College, with no career prospects, what had she done?

Sure, Lauren had received a substantial alimony payment, but by then, she and Amy weren't on speaking terms either. The girl had moved out, transiting from one's friend's house to another.

If she hadn't died, where would she have ended up?

In a place like this, stripping. Or worse, prostituting herself out because that was the inevitable next step down the rabbit hole, wasn't it?

What the fuck had his patriarchal negligence put in train?

But it wasn't all his fault. Damn it, he'd tried.

How dare that she leave him, how dare she disrespect her own Father like that. How dare that she die.

The selfish fucking bitch.

"Another, please." Kicking that final thought to the curb, Aiden waved the bottle he'd polished off in one gulp at Cassie. As she ambled up, he peeled a twenty-dollar bill from his wallet and dropped it on the counter. "That girl." He inclined his head towards the stage, "Can I talk to her once she's finished her show?" Aware that some of the establishments offered private dances, but having never availed himself of the service, Aiden didn't know the protocol. Or if this was one of those Clubs.

"Talk?" Cassie chewed on her lip and assessed Aiden. Thinking him a curiosity, but no more than the rest of the suits who frequented The Executive's Lounge, she nodded when he tossed a second twenty on top of the first, placed a fresh beer on the counter and pocketed the tip. "I'll have the floor manager let her know, then the rest is up to Gigi."

"Thanks." Although it wasn't his daughter, Aiden wanted to see the girl up close, to hear her voice, and he'd already returned his attention to her before the word left his mouth.
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My first-ever attempt at writing in a cyber-punk setting!

I don't know, it might be absolute shit, but it was a heck of a lot of fun to write. And, in even better news, Lincoln Mattix is going to sideline as a serial killer when he's not busy with his full-time occupation of drug-dealing!


"That's a good kitty." Lincoln Mattix extended his hand to the tawny cat, which sniffed at his fingers and peered at him with mistrust. Yellow feline eyes met steel-grey human ones and the duo engaged in a standoff before cat released the dead mouse from between its teeth and snatched the morsel of raw tuna from Lincoln's grasp.

How the fuck both a cat and a mouse had made their way up to his one hundred and twentieth-floor Century Apartment balcony, Lincoln had no idea, but for the mouse, the descent would be shorter than the ascent. Collecting it by the tail, he tossed the rodent's corpse over the railing. After it disappeared from sight, Lincoln surveyed the city.

A sea of neon lights flickered below, bathing the buildings and rain-slicked streets in a red and green glow. Situated in the centre of the commercial district the gleaming back-metal monolith of Century apartments was a much sought after location; surrounded by clubs, bars and underground establishments in which every service imaginable, and many unimaginable, could be purchased by those with enough credits.

Skyscrapers dominated the landscape for a mile in each direction, then as the eye travelled further the height of the buildings lowered. At the edge of his vision, Lincoln could barely discern the flat, featureless terrain of the badlands. Well outside the city limits, apartments and houses were replaced by shanty towns and shacks forged from materials scavenged for or stolen by the residents. It's where Lincoln had been born forty years previously and have vowed never to return to.

Hearing a meow, he turned to the tabby, which sat on its haunches, staring at him in the hope he'd produce more food. "Fuck Off."

Warned by the tone of his voice, the cat arched its back, stiffened its tail, bared its teeth and released a hiss that swallowed up the sounds of rain. Already on the move before Mattix launched with his foot raised, the animal scurried up the drainpipe and disappeared from sight. Lincoln was a dog person.

"Stupid damn thing." The episode having brightened his mood, he reentered his penthouse. Double-glass doors slid automatically closed behind him when he stepped onto the plush living-room carpet. An eight-piece red leather sofa stood as the centrepiece of the area, and images blared from six high definition monitors built into the walls. All except one was tuned into the cameras placed around the exterior of the building, capturing the activities outside, and showed the State-run news channel. He'd turned the sound down. Violence, beatings, drug-overdoses, death and destruction. Same shit, different day.

"Your drink, Sir."

"Thanks, Siri." Named as an ode to the past - Corporate greed had sent Apple the way of the Dodo in the 30's-, he took the bourbon on ice from the tray extended by his virtual assistant.

"Lincoln, you have a call waiting."

He raised his head as a second feminine voice interjected. Siri number 2. She and Siri number 1 were part of the same engineering organism. "Who?

"Viki Donovan. She's...."

"Stop. I know who she is." Oh, indeed he did. Lincoln had been wondering if she'd call. "Patch her through."

"Yes, Sir."

Lincoln belted his silk bathrobe and dropped onto the sofa to wait for the faint radiance that had appeared in the corner of the room to coalesce into a three-dimensional holographic image of Vikki Donovan. When it had, he reclined in his seat, raised his glass in greeting and shot her a smile. "Well, well, Viki, you look ravishing as always. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Why did Vin Diesel as a face-claim come so easily to mind? I usually struggle like hell with those!


Also, find it interesting that I have a couple of partners I'm writing lighter stories on E who've mentioned they've read a couple of my more fucked-up stories, and always being curious about writing something dark, but haven't because it's a matter of finding a partner they can trust. And would I write one with them after our current scene comes to an end? A nice compliment actually.


Damn, time goes fast.

Less than two weeks and I'm off to Vietnam for a fortnight. So, while I'm still actively looking for one more story to keep up a little bit of a writing presence on BMR, and am more than happy to chat and plot in the meantime, I'll be holding off actually starting any new stories until after I return around the 28th. On the miraculous chance, I do find a halfway compatible partner who writes other than your standard 'submissive female' trope :)
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Amen to this article;

Research Shows Traditional Gender Role Beliefs May Lead To Boring Sex Lives

And it goes doubly when placed in the context of so-called 'collaborative' storytelling.

Fortunately, there are still the odd few out there out who portray women capable of displaying an iota of independent sexual creativity, although that number does seem to dwindle ever further by the day!
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