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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Happy 2018 everyone, hope all had an enjoyable and safe New Year's!


Finally, after around thirty posts and forty-thousand words, Todd Lowry and Hannah McKay have met in person, in Dulce Periculum, and now the real depraved fun can start!

Dulce Periculum[/color] - (Quix & Flick)]

“Well, I'm at Tatiana's coffee shop. On the corner of Third. If you wanted to join me.”

The first words Hannah ever spoke to Todd coincided with the low rumble of an engine and his vehicle headlights illuminating the darkness. Soft and feminine with no hesitation or fear in her tone, blood turned to ice in his veins.




A combination of all. Arousal elicited by the memory of what they'd discussed over the dark web and the possibilities that lay in store and for Hannah herself. The fear and nerves brought on by the imminent reality of pursuing what up to now had still remained only a theoretical concept, and the thought that he'd lost control.

With his victim's Todd was an unstoppable supreme force, the man who selected the time and place, who grabbed, raped and tortured them. Who had them beg and plead at his feet for mercy and decided when the lives they grovelled to maintain reached a brutal end. He was God, and treated those women as inferior creatures, toys to play with, who existed solely to satiate his depraved desires. No differently than Biggles treated the occasional rodent he captured and brought inside, seeming to comprehend its Master's predilection for witnessing the weaker animal die slowly and painfully.

Would Biggles ever befriend a mouse, come to care for it as an equal? Didn't that deny the very laws of nature? Of the predator and prey dynamic?

So why would Todd invite a woman into his life?

That fear of the unknown and the knowledge that in sharing with another person he'd be handing at least some control of his own destiny over to her scared the shit of him. He should cut the cord before they met, however, was that even any longer possible.

Hannah knew his first name, the identities of Ellie Shaw and Cherise McMahon, information a skilled investigator could use to potentially track him. If he vanished or, alternatively, snuffed out Hannah McKay, what would be the result?

She could have left a note, a diary, in the event that something happened. On her computer, in a safety-deposit box, anywhere it would be found by someone before Todd. Had she painted the controlled and always-in-charge Lowry into a corner? Surprised by how just talking to Hannah, and the resultant unique notion of screwing a woman with her pleasure in mind rather than the infliction of pain, managed to excite him, had he been led by his cock instead of his brain.

Every one of questions and concerns ran through his mind, but ultimately each was irrelevant. Todd was going to meet up with Hannah simply because he was drawn to the woman like iron filings to a magnet, damn the consequences. She wasn't a victim, another Ellie or Cherise, she was a woman unlike he'd ever before encountered, and Todd had already mentally mapped out the quickest route to Third street.

"I'm a half-hour away, and I'll take a double-shot latte, two sugars and full-cream milk. Doubt I'll live long enough to need worry about high cholesterol."

A coffee-shop, where'd she'd be safe in a crowd. Todd pondered if Hannah was as calm and collected as she sounded, or if he wasn't the only one concealing his nerves and fear. What if it was a set-up? He was just about to place more trust in one person than he had in the rest of humanity combined during his thirty-one years on Earth.

"I look forward to seeing you. Don't disappoint me." Todd pressed the end call button. His hands shook too much and his mind remained too occupied to be able to concentrate on the road and speak to her at the same time.

Half an hour, he'd told her, although the drive was only fifteen minutes. Wary, but more composed when he arrived, he surveyed the coffee shop from a distance. After sensing no danger, he casually walked by the exterior, knees almost buckling and heart jumping into his mouth when he spotted a mane of blonde hair, and the woman it belonged to, seated at a table. Hannah.

Attired in a charcoal suit and cream dress shirt, sans tie, he appeared a twin to many of the other men who inhabited Taitana's. Todd collected a newspaper from the complimentary reading rack on his way in.

"Mind if I join you?" Thirty seconds later, the man, having courteously manoeuvred his way through the throng of customers, paused at her table. Blue eyes crinkled behind black-rimmed spectacles and he could have been a wall street banker, a stockbroker, a young advertising exec or a budding partner in a Law Firm, unremarkable in his boyish, friendly appearance and demeanour. "Not safe for a woman to be alone in this city."

He tossed the newspaper down in front of her, front-page up and displaying a high-resolution, full colour image of a beaming and beautiful Ellie Shaw, now a brutalised corpse lying on a slab in the morgue, flanked by her proud parents at her High School Graduation ceremony, and slipped into the seat opposite. If Todd Lowry didn't feel in control of the situation, he made a good pretence of it as he then shot the only human being he ever intended to be allowed to see beyond his facade of normality and survive to tell the tale, a smile. "Hello, Hannah. You're even prettier in person."

I have to say this is one of the most mentally draining stories I've ever written - in a totally enjoyable way - not only because I'm still a little intimidated by the ability of my partner to post a thousand word reply in an hour, but in trying to make a psychopathic, sociopathic serial-killer character who comes to care for a woman romantically, believable.

Anyone who knows me would be aware that, the characters - not the writing, exotic worlds, fantasy creatures or settings, 'epic' adventures and the like, but the internal drivers of people and their motivations - are the story to me, and to receive some validation that I've been able to achieve that above aim with Todd Lowry, not just from my partner, but from an unbiased observer, honestly makes it all worthwhile. In that regard, I've received some of the best feedback I've ever received on any story, from a reader on E.

"I enjoy perusing it because, well, honestly, I'm hooked on the story. The concept is intriguing, the characters are complex, the writing is brilliant. I've always had a fascination with stories dealing with characters who are definitely not psychologically normal. And, just gotta say, I love Mr. Biggles. The presence of the cat gives a chance to see how Todd can form connections with other living things that aren't people. Plus, that name is adorable..........I look forward to seeing their twisted romance play out."

That's what drives me to keep getting better, and I wouldn't be able to do it without an incredible partner who challenges me every step of the way.


And speaking of incredible partners - well, I think everyone I write with is incredible -, a special shout-out to Silv, and our The Heiress and the Hacker story, which has just celebrated its three-year anniversary!

Our second story together, I wasn't totally sure where it was headed when we first started, but I quickly came to love it. I can't recall whose idea it was to bring back Adam and Sophie from our original collaboration, but I'm so glad we did. That duo, plus Lexi and Richard, are definitely amongst my favourite pairings ever.

Thanks, Silv, for being such a fun, relaxed, reliable, easy-going, no-stress, no hassle collaborator, not to mention an amazingly talented writer whose characters are full of sass and personality and the epitome of the independent-minded type of women I look to pit my males with. I still plan on writing that Historical with you one day!
Finally, an expert has come out and said what I've always thought!

Disney Princes Are Sexual Predators[/color]]

Original Link Found Here

PRINCE Charming may not be so charming after all.

Disney’s fairytale princes are sexual predators, according to a Japanese gender studies and sociology professor.

Kazue Muta, an Osaka University professor and author of Sir, That Love Is Sexual Harassment!, a book on workplace sexual harassment, argued in December that princes from Snow White and Sleeping Beauty portray “quasi-compulsive obscene sexual acts on an unconscious partner”.


In other words, the feminist academic activist argues such fairytales allow sexual violence.

In a December 11 tweet, Muta accused the princes of sexual assault with a link to a news story of a real case where a man was arrested for kissing a sleeping woman on a train en route to Osaka.

The translation reads: “When you think rationally about Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, that tell of a ‘princess being woken up by the kiss of a prince,’ they are describing sexual assault on an unconscious person. You might think I’m ruining the fantasy of it all, but these stories are promoting sexual violence and I would like everyone to be aware of it.”

Muta’s comment brought a firestorm of reaction — both support and criticism.

In the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty, the prince is led to kiss Princess Aurora by the fairies with the belief that he can cure her of her curse, “not motivated by his own pervy will,” SoraNews24 pointed out in Japan Today.

Snow White features a prince kissing an unconscious Snow White, but SoraNews24 argues Disney tries to “soften the act by establishing a prior relationship between them in which she and the prince fall in love at first sight”. (Also, Snow White had eaten a cursed apple and the prince’s kiss dislodges the poisoned fruit.)


After the criticism was picked up by Yahoo! Japan, Muta responded with an article for the Women’s Action Network.

Muta argued that if someone doesn’t look at the fairytales critically, they are essentially saying sexual harassment is permissible.

“There were many critical replies that state, ‘Because the princess and prince lived happily ever after in the end, there is a presumptive consent regarding the kiss, so there’s no problem,’” Muta wrote.

“However, this understanding of it is actually dangerous. This kind of thinking fabricates the mindset of ‘the ends justify the means’ and to what extent does this allow sexual violence to occur?”

She elaborated on the tweet, arguing that beyond the Disney versions, and within Japanese fairytales, the male characters kiss “without confirming consent” so they’re actually committing sexual crimes.

Muta adds that many violent sexual crimes seem as if they “mimicked” the actions of male protagonists in fairytales and connected her argument to the #MeToo hashtag, highlighting sexual harassment which has been found to be especially rampant in Hollywood.

“Under such circumstances, changing society’s recognition of sexual violence is not an easy thing to do,” Muta said. “However, we must say these things loudly and boldly.”

As for the Disney Princesses, well, as I've posted before, they're even more pitiful role models:



Including that they could fall for:


Which, unfortunately, still references the vast majority of shallow and naive, lacking in personal agency, 'it takes a man to make them whole or awaken their sexuality and show them what they really want or like', types of female characters I'm requested to write opposite on here!



Damn, all that took a lot of effort and formatting; I'm starting to think this week off might be leaving me with a trifle too much time on my hands!
After what I think was my biggest writing week ever, posts to seven separate stories and over five-thousand words in total, I was almost up to date on replies there for a second. Until I hit the last.

Still, only two owed again is better than all. I honestly admire those who are able to keep up that pace regularly, including certain of my partners. Fortunately, we struck that iron-clad, "You can't reply within forty-eight hours of receiving a post from me," agreement, otherwise I'm certain I'd be in a loony-bin!

Returning to work tomorrow after a fortnight off, and my brain's already dreading it. So, for those who haven't yet replied, no rush :)

But yet...yet, since it's been the allowed month and I've pretty much exhausted my pool of compatible partners on here, I'm still contemplating bumping my E Thread.

What the hell is wrong with me!
That moment when your partner asks if it'd be okay if her character nudges the scene in a particular direction and your immediate reaction is;


so, of course, I love the idea!"

Is when you truly know you're on not only on the same wavelength in terms of the story, but in the intent of deliberate provocation as well!
I don't watch a lot of movies, but what I do watch is a lot of crime and human-nature documentaries. Most are forgotten soon after I've watch them, whilst once in a while comes along one that strikes me deeper.

That's generally because of their content, how well made they are and the questions raised around issues like the death penalty, child offenders and the nature or nurture debate. Also seeing the torment or injustice some are forced to endure is always a timely reminder of how fortunate, despite what problems we might have, most of us who'll never face anything like it in our own lives truly are.

Just got through one of those latter, highly recommended if, like me, when you watch something you want to be affected by it, but potentially distressing to some, particularly those with children.

The Family I Had[/color]]


What you see in the trailer is only part of the story, which includes what I took to be an admission of another murder from one of the most-featured interviewees. I always wonder why people agree to allow themselves to be filmed for such emotionally raw documentaries such as these.


Unfortunately had to drop one of my E stories the other day, never a fun thing to do, but I'm not on to ghost and worked out okay in the end. Also, although I had no idea it was going to happen at the time and wasn't any part of the reason for dropping, losing that story was offset by the return of A Royal Catastrophe, with the ever-awesome Mali back from hiatus.
I've missed that cheeky, smart-ass, Future Queen of England, Schuyler Lassiter
Came across this Ray Bradbury quote the other day, surprised I hadn't seen it before, that struck a chord with me.


The full quote being:


And slightly related, at least as it references characters, I'm hiding this next bit under a spoiler because, to be totally honest, it's really just a self-ego boost. The kind I sometimes need when I struggle to find compatible roleplay partners, and have to convince myself that it's not because my writing is absolutely terrible. However, apparently it could be, at least partly, because my preference for independent-minded female characters to write opposite of is 'too niche'.

Anyways, moving on, before I go off on a ranting tangent about how pathetic, if true, I find that last particular issue :)

Right after I'd written on here, a couple of posts up, in regards to 'being on the same wavelength' as a partner, I responded to our story. Ten minutes later, after she'd read it, I received the following PM:

Reasons I adore writing with you:

(Character name redacted) is amazing.
Your penchant for building tension is incredible.
I'd totally set up........ to allude to in the next few posts! XD

Do you know how many other people would have picked up on exactly my train of thought and run with it? Zero. That's how many. I haven't stopped grinning since I read the last line, I should have known your head would go to exactly the same place mine did! I honestly adore you, I can't state that enough!

The amusing thing is what she's referring to isn't the same longer-term scenario that I'd posted about earlier, and hadn't yet had the chance to relate my thoughts on, but a separate, more immediate plot strand contained within what could easily have been perceived as simply a couple of throwaway lines in her post.

Made my day, I can tell you, and a perfect reminder of why it's worth waiting forever, if that's what it takes, to find the right partners that you are intuitively on the same page with.
I'm starting to think God actually exists.

I mean, it would be just like that sadistic, egotistical prick to create an entire universe infinite in size, then place people he calls his children on an earth just the right distance away from the sun so that if they stay outside long enough they slowly and agonisingly fry to a crisp. Whilst he sits merrily up there on his comfortable cloud, watching and rubbing his hands together in glee!

God, the Almighty equivalent of a budding teenage sociopoath burning ants to death under a magnifying glass!

Anyways, my point is, xD The last few days here have been 100F+ and that looks to be continuing on into next week. The heat, or more the humidity that's accompanied it combined with a distinct lack of proper air conditioning, has sapped my energy and will to write or think. If I owe you a post or PM, maybe tomorrow

Does it irk anyone else's sensibilities when constantly read or hear someone refer to an achievement you believe with 99% percent certainty is complete and utter bullshit. However, you can't gain that last 1% of pure proof because it's almost impossible to prove something doesn't exist, at the very least not in the grandiose context it's said to exist in and the self-aggrandising results that's led to.

Nor do you have an opening to directly call them out, therefore doing so would just look like you're trying to create trouble.

The question that always gets me is, "Why?"
Now Quix, don't go blaming God for human's choice to live in a giant catbox placed square in a blast furnace. That's on people. Keep in mind a bunch of us instead live square int he middle of Natures icemaker and are currently cursing out the cold. God did grant man free will, so we could make our own stupid mistakes and blame him for it. :p
Alvis Alendran said:
Now Quix, don't go blaming God for human's choice to live in a giant catbox placed square in a blast furnace. That's on people. Keep in mind a bunch of us instead live square int he middle of Natures icemaker and are currently cursing out the cold. God did grant man free will, so we could make our own stupid mistakes and blame him for it. :p

You make a good point Alvis!

I hear the climate in Libya is nice this time of year, and I could use my free will to relocate there for the Australian Summer!

If not, the weather here's a good precursor for Hell, a place I'm surely destined for one day. Meaning, whenever I do arrive, I can just hop right to screwing a few hookers (safely, because I don't think using condoms is a sin there), snorting coke and conversing with interesting company over an alcoholic beverage, rather than needing to waste any of that valuable 'For the rest of Eternity' time becoming acclimatised!

I pity those who get sent into that heat straight from a Winter Icebox.

Wait, wait.

You're saying your leaning towards God now and getting a wicked ass tan? You Australians are so lucky! Lol We just usually get straight up humidity. Sweat everywhere. But you rest up mister, we need our deranged psychopath writer to keep us submissive women in place!

On the other though, Quix are you saying you're trying not to start trouble? Because if so, maybe there really is a god... I don't know if I'm comfortable with this. xD
Don't worry, it was just heat-stroke making me hallucinate. I woke up sane again this morning, fully aware that God does not exist! It's actually not as bad where I am as some other places, but definitely more than hot enough for me. Just hope we'll get a storm this afternoon.

And, that's right, I'm not, so deal with it or I will put you in your place. Anyways, you're enough


for the both of us! :)
Arggh, damnit, don't you hate it when you've composed what you believe to be amongst the best satirical pieces you've ever written, but can't share it in the public sphere! It's like my brain and heart wants to, however, common-sense tells me it's not a wise move. The struggle is real!

The weird thing is that whilst story posts take me days from first starting to finish - composing the initial draft, stepping away and returning numerous times to edit, revise and place all my jumbled musings in logically coherent sequence - and drain a copious amount of mental energy, when struck with inspiration, penning the kind of material as mentioned above seems to come without any conscious effort at all. Taking mere minutes and flowing directly from my mind to my fingertips in precisely correct order.

If I only I could find that someone intuitively on the same humour wavelength as me, who's also interested in writing a purely intentional parody!

My Western story is proceeding nicely and I'm becoming a lot more comfortable writing in that time period. Jeremiah Pickett has been well received and, as I thought would be the case, is swiftly becoming one of my favourite ever characters to write :)

The Chaperone [/color]- Quix and Bunny]

Long, tiring expedition, and comfortable in the heat or not, Pickett would have been surprised if the pretentious hag had not attired herself in the finest cloth available. He wasn't disappointed when he arrived, with the silk ensembles she and Vitrella wore a perfect accompaniment to the furnishing and utensils. Which appeared more suitable for a fine-dining establishment on the East Coast than a passenger train.

Although the same couldn't be said for the older woman, Mirella looked a treat. After greeting her with a simple nod, it required all of Jeremiah's resolve to keep his eyes off her, lest he betray his laviscious inner thoughts. He still hadn't heard the young one speak, and momentarily wondered if she might be a deaf and dumb mute. Then, as Vitrella took over the conversation, he realised it was exponentially more likely because she could never get a word in. Or was too scared to try.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Having courteously removed his hat before entering the carriage, Jeremiah placed it on the floor adjacent to the table. Dressed in immaculately tailored black trousers, shirt and waistcoat, replete with white clerical collar, he slipped into the seat. "Spiced tea sounds lovely." He'd fastidiously scrubbed the aroma of whiskey from his breath, however, the warmth it'd created in the pit of his stomach remained as he settled opposite Vitrella. Her whiskers stood out in the lamplight and the woman's elderly, lined face contrasted starkly against the youthful, unblemished beauty of her niece's. "The Devil's fire, liquor certainly is, Ms Vanderholm. I've never touched a drop."

An entire bottle at one sitting, but never as little as a drop, so it wasn't a total lie, Jeremiah had sensed a note of disapproval emanating from Mirella's direction. Maybe she wasn't as easy to fool as her Aunt? But what did that matter; it was abundantly clear whom of the two made the decisions for both. When Vitrella's hand fluttered to her bosom with the mention of Indians, Pickett refrained from grinning.

Instead, he pursed his lips, remained silent and maintained eye contact with Vitrella, in serious contemplation of how best to answer and how truthful to be. "It's possible. A party was attacked next State over a month past. Last I heard a posse was still searching for the Indian's responsible." He spoke quietly, darted his gaze to Mirella, then cocked a brow at her Aunt. Silently hinting that he'd prefer not to speak of the gruesome details in front of her young companion. "One survivor."

Jeremiah paused briefly and tapped his fingers against the china tea-cup as he considered how best to carry on playing the situation. He quickly decided. "However, on the train, you should be safe enough. I presume, given the presence of natives and the recent spate of foiled train robberies, the railroad has at least doubled the number of men. Hopefully, more reliable than yours." Poor fellow, if Jeremiah had to accompany the witch across country, he'd likely have thrown himself off a roof too. "It must be all that gold discovered in California, greed does terrible things to a man. In the end, a train's route is predictable and all it takes is a stick of dynamite to blow up the tracks and delay it indefinitely. God's Truth, I'm glad I travel by coach."

Vitrella's worries had opened up the door for Picket and he was content to keep trying to walk right on through it. "I possess a team of horses and a comfortable coach, gifted by the Church. It allows me to choose my own path and skirt the worst of the dangers. As to where next?" Jeremiah glanced out the window at the broad, dusty plains, his expression and tone thoughtful, "Where the Lord calls me," before he returned his attention to the old woman. "Could our meeting be a sign from Him that I should start making my trails back West?"

He left that thought with her, not daring to look at Mirella, and daintily picked up the china mug. "Ah." After he'd sipped at the tea and sighed in feigned contentment, Pickett placed it back down on the table, careful not to cause even the slightest spillage, and smiled sympathetically at Vitrella. "When does your journey resume, and how many more grueling months before you expect to disembark in San Francisco"

Whatever the time-frame, his trusty steeds would beat it.

And whilst I was looking up satire, stumbled across this video of the comedic Australian 'Chaser' team selling our famous landmarks to some not-so-geographically-aware Americans in order to hopefully attract more tourists. I found it amusing!!

I've been told troublemaker is my middle name so obviously that song and many others related work well. Despite that I'm really a sweet person I swear!

If it does counts, the piece was beautifully crafted and if anything, more believable than what it was referring too. xD

P.S. That video hurt me more because I know it's all so easily possible in America...
Psshhhh, you're only sweet when you're being all submissive and that's like....never!

You know, forget Trouble, I think it was this song you inspired!


I knew you'd appreciate it, considering we're scarily similar in our love of sarcastic shit-stirring. Which is why every story we ever write together, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, is eventually going to take a turn in the comedic direction.

And speaking of our stories, is it 2019 yet? :)

Lol, I cracked when he brought out the picture of Mount Rushmore, and again at the mention of the Trans-Siberian Railroad!
*Whip cracking noise inserted here* xD

Oh, is that what you have to say? Or are you trying to politely tell me that I'm this instead?


Well since I got the same, if anything else, even better appreciation, I'll take it! I don't know if it's comedic per say, but it certain is easy for us to fly right into the dark humor of most of it. That we do agree on. xD

Not yet! But give it a couple more months and another two posts might appear. I promise! <3
At least you can't use those swords whilst you're holding a whip! There's a silver lining in every cloud, xD

Huh, since when I have ever been polite?

That song suits you perfectly.

However, I'm a little caught between deciding on which of two I possibly inspired.

This one[/color]]


Or this one?[/color]]

I know how much you love country, xD

Maybe I should throw open a poll?

What, two posts in the next two months?

Come on, as much I miss poor fucked-up Adam and Evie and the chance to write that dark humour, you know too fast of a pace stresses my brain!

Except once I've worn you down with the whip I can get into sword/knife play!

You do it on the down low all the time and don't even notice. We do, but we let you believe you go around like a big old grumpy bear.

I'd say some how both but wouldn't want to push it. I was thinking songs like these.



Maybe I should just make a Quix album and see how that turns out! xD

Siiiigh. Fine, I'll make it three but dammit, I'm doing the best I can okay?
No, you can then get back in your damn box, that's what you can do!

And it's not fair, your song knowledge is much greater than mine, so whilst I spend hours trying to recall thematically appropriate fragments of lyrics, then trial-and-error googling what artist and song they belong to, you probably just pull yours straight from your head!

Saying that, forget all that's come before. I've found the perfect complementing set of songs for the two of us!



And, particularly fitting with it being the Australia Day holiday tomorrow.



Game Over!

You can do a Quix album if you like, but keep it under the radar and leave my picture off the cover. I don't want to attract even more fawning teenage girl and middle-aged women admirers than I already have!

You just take as much time as you need, Adam and Eve aren't going anywhere.

Except for.......[/color]]


So, we've got an eternity to finish their story!
Come make me! All I'll do is get upset and outburst calmly with no explanation points or anything! xD

This is true, I listen to a lot. I'd apologize but this gives me a head up on you so. Ahaha!

Though ironically fun because I was going to put the Bitch song and then realized/was reminded, I can only do two links so was going to save it for later! I think it wraps us up in a whole very nicely. If also because you have the parody version! xD

I mean I just was trying to give the fans what they wanted man! Are you saying you're just too amazing and don't want the world to know about you!?

If there is a hell I am going to it after suddenly bursting out laughing at that picture.

Oh my god, Adam and Eve I am so sorry. xD (Despite that I have had a draft started for the past two days. Excitement~!)
I'm not gonna make you. You were born with a mind of your own, so get back in your box by your damn self. Do I have to do everything around here? And don't go throwing any of those wild tantrums!

I do love the random music you send me, though, xD Well, some of it!!!

Isn't it Ironic that there's no irony in the song Ironic?

Exactly, now you're getting the gist. Too much hassle.

Lol, good! Don't worry, when you get to Hell, I'll be right here waiting for you.

As Mark Twain said:[/color]]


And honestly, apart from me, who else would you rather spend eternity with. The Devil,

Or this asshole?[/color]]


Come on, you know I'll use any excuse to

Post more Ingersoll[/color]]


Now, you're just teasing me with a reply :)
Why, oh why does my brain say, "A story in planning don't count towards what you've potentially committed yourself to because it's not actually 'real' yet, so let's just keep bumping and bumping," knowing full well that it starting is pretty much a fait accompli and the second I get ONE reply to any of my current roleplays, I'm immediately going to stress about already having way too much on!

I'll need to do some research on being a US Marshall!

At least this one should be easy to pick out a face claim for:


Just going to post this here in case Mali pops in.

Mail, don't watch!!![/color]]

It's the trailer for what's being hyped as 'The Scariest Movie Ever'

Why, when my I'm in the mood to write do I have nothing to reply to, and still waiting to hear back on a couple of potential stories I have in planning!

Whilst I'm all up to date, a little elaboration on what the differences between what I deem to be a 'faux independent' mindset and a 'truly independent' mindset to be found in approaches from this who portray female characters, motivated by a couple of distinctly different requests I've received in the last week or so:

The first, faux independence, and most common:

"I'll pretend to write a strong female character or give her a 'status' that is connected to strength. However, once she's within a hundred-foot radius of a Y Chromosome in a sexual context any facade of independence or equal capability and/or agency will fly out the window."

Not interested. Intellectually, I find that dichotomy in mindset/attitude simply because something is sexual in nature a complete turn off and a sure-fire way to lose any budding interest I may have had.

The second, a truly independent mentality, and extremely rare

"I don't care if I'm in the presence of a Y chromosome, I'm as perfectly capable of holding my own, displaying initiative and acting of my own free will in a sexual context as I am in all others." NOT to be confused with 'dominant.'

Fortunately my faith has been restored in the last few days that, outside of the partners I'm already writing with, more female characters who possess that latter type of inherently independent mindset do actually exist. Even if some of our other preferences don't align and we likely won't write together!

Now onto the topic of my RT, and my continued puzzlement as to to why it attracts so much sombre attention from people.

Oh, I know some of why it does, of course, because of its thrust, hyperbole and sarcasm. However, what I fail to understand is why people care, not even particularly about the content, but the why's and wherefores of the entire thread itself.

To paraphrase what I replied to one of those the other day:

"There's no great mystery. It's written to attract partners I'll mesh with OoC, who match my preferences and will portray female characters who maintain my interest. There's another 1,000 threads out there posted by people all attempting to achieve the same result in their own way, so not sure why you'd want to engage in a philosophical discussion about why mine, specifically, is structured and written as it is, and says what it says in the tone it does. Go ask the same about theirs."

Because, in the end, the ultimate purpose of my request thread is no different to that of any other on here!

Though, on a semi-contradictory note, I do love it when people recognise that it was composed in nothing but good humour and meant to be read the same way, and pop me a message simply for no other reason to thank me for making them laugh, which has also happened three times this week.


Life really is too short to want to waste time dealing with those who view everything through a totally serious lens!

I'm probably a little behind as likely everyone in the US has likely seen these before me. However, I do love the 'Crocodile Dundee' trailers produced as part of a teaser advertising campaign. With, for those who were/are in the dark like me, the reveal that it they were all just part of one big marketing drive by Tourism Australia taking place on an ad aired during the Superbowl.

Quite possibly the greatest Australian cast ever assembled to appear together on film!


A pity it's not real. Although, it has inspired a Northern Territory newspaper to create an online petition to try and convince Paul Hogan to produce another installment. So, hey, if anyone does want to see another, go ahead and sign! Last I looked there 5,000 signatures, including mine. But only on the proviso that the eminently gorgeous Margot Robbie reprise her role as Lil Donk.

From "I'm bored, I don't have enough to write," to "Holy shit, what the fuck are you doing to yourself," after not having any responses for a week, then receiving four in a matter of hours. As usual, my lovely partners have colluded! Well, not all, as I'm expecting three more to come shorty with another new story soon to start!

The heat's also returned over here, making night's a bitch for getting any sleep and my brain does not want to cooperate. Tried to draft a reply earlier and took me like two hours to finish a single paragraph I wasn't happy with at all.

So, I'm taking a complete mental "I need to respond to this" break from BMR and E for the rest of the weekend, not going to worry about writing or anything else I'm still to reply to, but put it all completely out of my mind. For those awaiting a PM, that likely won't be until Monday.

Instead, just going to chill and listen to some mellow music:


and let that energy it takes for me to gather my jumbled thoughts together and translate them into somewhat coherently structured sentences on the screen recharge.

I'm sure by the end of next week, if not sooner, I'll be sitting here again, looking at my threads and thinking, "Damn, I haven't got enough going on, let's bump! Especially as when I do respond to *cough, no names* one particular story, I won't have to worry about needing to reply to it again for at least another six months or so :)
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