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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
"Quix, you're a fucking dickhead, I hate you. You dumb, ignorant brain-dead excuse for a human being, you have no friggin clue. How dare you expect my character to be a relative equal to yours - sexist asshat, how dare you! - and exhibit independent personal agency. You're not a real man, just a pathetic little boy. And you probably have a micro-penis. Go die in a ditch. Prick!"

"Awww, thanks, that's the nicest compliment I've been paid in quite a while, and I'm glad we're on the same page. We should get together for a drink sometime."

Makes life so much less stressful, not to mention so much more fun. You should try it :)
I don't get Aussies. With your: "Insults are a form of camaraderie and respect is seen as an insult." and your "We just had a mass shooting, and should, therefore, ban all guns." I guess we just do things differently in America.
Mr Quixotic said:
And, no, I'm not Melburnian!

I am.

It works for me.

If you're a Sydneysider, you'll need to pull your nose out of the clouds, first. If you're from Adelaide, I'll send a few mice your way to help keep the lights on. If you're from Brisbane, I'm sorry; if you're from Perth, I'll speak slower for you; and if you're from Hobart, you'll have to let me know which head I should be addressing. ;)
xanaphia said:
I don't get Aussies. With your: "Insults are a form of camaraderie and respect is seen as an insult."

You don't need to get us, Xana, just appreciate us for our flaws. As the title of one of our iconic works of Australian literature and cultural commentary states:

“There is no better way of life in the world than that of the Australian. I firmly believe this. The grumbling, growling, cursing, profane, laughing, beer drinking, abusive, loyal-to-his-mates Australian is one of the few free men left on this earth. He fears no one, crawls to no one, bludges on no one, and acknowledges no master. Learn his way. Learn his language. Get yourself accepted as one of him; and you will enter a world that you never dreamed existed. And once you have entered it, you will never leave it.”
― John O'Grady
They're A Weird Mob

It's hard to explain, it's just ingrained, which I think dates back to our convict heritage and associated rebellious nature, disdain for authority and ideal that everyone should be treated as equals with none afforded special treatment or placed on a pedestal regardless of position or perceived status, whether it be the Prime Minister or the toilet cleaner.

If I put shit on you, then I'm saying you're an equal, not too haughty or full of yourself to be deemed above insult. If you give it back you're saying the same about me and that builds mutual respect and camaraderie. Combine that with our affinity for dry humour and sarcasm and, oh well!

You might have noticed that those who are at least somewhat on that same wavelength and will naturally take the piss and hurl their own sarcastic shit back at me are definitely the type of people I mesh best with on here, rather than those whose instinctive reaction is to treat me with trepidation or get all huffy, having taken me and my (occasional?) hyperbole and rants in a totally serious vein.

xanaphia said:
and your "We just had a mass shooting, and should, therefore, ban all guns." I guess we just do things differently in America.

This one, I do have to agree with you. Thirty-five people get massacred by a lone psycho and a few months later the Prime Minster implements a gun ban with a nary a complaint to be heard. In fact, most of the idiots just nodded and said, "You know, that actually makes sense, who needs a fully automatic assault rifle anyway. Can't eat a Roo riddled with ten-thousand bullet holes, you'll get lead poisoning."

However, as far as I'm concerned, it's fucking ridiculous.

Why are the rights of innocent citizens not to get slaughtered and have their heads splattered like squashed pumpkins all over the pavement when they're just going about their ordinary business any more important than my right to own sixteen fully automatic rifles, each designed with no other purpose in mind than to kill as many people as possible in the shortest possible time?

And yes, I do need sixteen because what if the other fifteen jam!

Plus, it's in the Constitution, it's my right, and the Constitution can't be changed.

Even if it's already an amendment.

The fact that in the over twenty years since they were banned over here we've not had one mass shooting is nothing but pure coincidence.

Just like the correlation between teaching proper sex-education in school rather than abstinence and a reduction in teen pregnancy and std's is.

And the worst part?

Since I'm no longer allowed to own a thick, long-barrelled, ferociously-shooting gun to stroke, I've had to compensate for it by turning to porn!


And whilst on the above topic, I'm in no way an expert on American History, or Culture as far as being borne or raised there goes, so have no particular opinion or comments on the below article. However, I did find the perspective of the Australian journalist to be an interesting read:

original article found here

AMERICA is the greatest country on earth. Indeed, in terms of sheer power, scale and sphere of influence it is probably the greatest country that has ever been.

No other nation could destroy the world as many times over should it so choose, nor has any other nation so charmed and enthralled the world with all it produces. It conquers its enemies with its armies and colonises them with its culture.

And that is because the United States of America isn’t just a people or a place. It’s an idea. And it is because of that idea that the United States seems determined to literally shoot itself to death.

There is probably no nation on earth whose foundations have been so idealised and mythologised. It was “discovered” by a great explorer so hopelessly lost he thought he had landed in India.

It was colonised by “persecuted” pilgrims who then killed people for witchcraft. And it was enshrined as a nation which cherished “liberty” by men who themselves owned slaves. Even the name America comes from a colourful Italian businessman who may have fabricated the very documents about the New World that now bears his name.

In this sense it was the perfect successor to the first great Western power, Rome — a city which was established as a haven for criminals and rogues and populated by the kidnapping and rape of women but which historians would later declare founded by two brothers raised by a she-wolf and a Trojan prince.

Little wonder that even in its earliest days America considered herself to be the New Rome and that Washington DC was carefully constructed to emulate the awe and spectacle of the ancient capital. It’s no accident the Capitol Building, like other landmarks in Washington DC is grandiose — the city was constructed to emulate ancient Rome.

But this is neither scandalous nor surprising. All great powers need more than land and armies; they need the mythology and founding principles that an army will fight for. They need that ideal.

In Rome the ideal was the humble citizen who diligently ploughed his farm until he was called upon to serve his country. This was embodied in the form of Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus, an elder statesman who was called upon to defend Rome from an invasion that was set to wipe out the fledgling republic — an event which could have completely recast Western civilisation as we know it today.

Cincinnatus accepted the role of dictator, saved the city and then gave up near-absolute power to return to his plough.

That was Republican Rome’s great myth, its great idea: That no matter how much power a man was given he would always be grounded in humility, hard work and service. Just like Elton John, even when he was offered the Yellow Brick Road, he would always go back to his plough.

But what has Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus got to do with America you might ask? Well, the Americans liked him so much they named a city after him. And not just any city but the first major city founded after the American Revolution: Cincinnati, Ohio — often referred to as the first “purely American” city.

And as soon as the War of Independence ended in 1783 its leading officers got together and formed an elite order to preserve the ideals of the Continental Army. They called it the Society of the Cincinnati and its first president was none other than the first president of the United States of America, George Washington himself.

Then in 1789, with another revolution afoot in America’s oldest ally of France, the Second Amendment to the Constitution proposed this now famous decree:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Just like in the Old Rome, the New Rome’s ideal hero was a farmer-citizen-soldier, a free man who, when duty called, would willingly down his tools and pick up a weapon in service of his country.

The only difference was that whereas the ideal Roman was supposed to down his weapon and return to his labours after the event, the ideal American was supposed to hold on to his weapon should the need arise again.

For Rome the national symbol was the plough, but for America it became the gun.

America’s War of Independence still defines the country to this day. In 1783 following their victory, leading officers — including Army Commander General George Washington worked together to preserve the ideals of independence. By 1789 the second amendment — the right to bear guns — was written into the American constitution.

America’s latest shooting horror is little different to the multitude of previous mass shootings the nation has tolerated in the past, it is just bigger and more bloody. And thus there is little reason to think it will change America’s mind.

Personally, I still cannot contemplate anything more horrific than the Sandy Hook massacre in which 20 six and seven-year-old children were progressively shot dead by a young man wandering through a primary school with a bolt-action rifle.

I mean honestly, just think about that.

If the mass murder of six year olds cannot persuade US lawmakers to tighten gun controls then God help a bunch of country music fans in Vegas.

The response of the gun rights brigade to this and other atrocities is typically to entangle the issue in absurd hypotheticals or childish logic.

For Sandy Hook they said that the teachers should have had guns so they could kill the gunman, yet clearly that would have done nothing to stop a sniper from a 32nd floor window above the Strip.

Or they will say that terrorists use trucks to kill people — should we ban them too? This is just as excruciatingly dumb as a certain infamous leftist argument that falling refrigerators kill more people in the US than terrorists.

It hurts my brain to have to say this but here we go: Trucks, much like refrigerators, have uses other than random assassination. They are not designed to kill. Guns and terrorists, on the other hand, are.

And of course there’s the famous “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” routine.

Well yes, people certainly do kill people, and they’re much more likely to kill them with a @#$%ing machine gun in their hand.

But all of these debates are actually completely beside the point. Because while the arguments of the American gun lobby are often painfully semantic, their basic position is in fact profoundly spiritual.

The belief among many Americans in the right to bear arms is an article of faith.

It’s not just a matter of a weapon for many Americans — being able to own a gun is part of the country’s identity — something many anti-gun lobbyists fail to fully grasp.

That right, moreso even than the arms themselves, is part of the idea of America that they were born and raised to believe in. The idea of freedom, of the individual’s supremacy over government and of the need to resist any imagined tyranny that might be around the corner. This is pretty much unique to any Western country but it just so happens that the Western country it is unique to is the most powerful on the planet.

And so whereas many liberal Americans think about gun control as just throwing away a deadly piece of metal, many libertarian Americans see it as throwing away a fundamental cornerstone of the American ethos. As far as they’re concerned we might as well be asking them to stop being American at all.

The gun control debate will never be won unless we understand this chasm and bridge it but as usual the left and the right are arguing at cross purposes. Liberals think they’re talking about a machine and libertarians think they’re talking about an ideal.

Then there is the practical problem, and that great Catch-22 question of whether America needs more guns precisely because it has too many guns — almost as many as it has people.

Just today a senior correspondent told me about an American bloke he’d met who refused to drive through Maryland because state law required him to keep his gun in the boot of his car.

“How am I ever gonna get to it?” he asked, as though it was a rhetorical question.

And why would he need to get to it? Well in case someone pulled a gun on him of course.

Indeed, it is impossible not to reason that many of the police shootings in the US that have sparked the Black Lives Matter campaign and torn the country in two have been fuelled perhaps not so much by blanket racism as skittish cops who never know when someone is going to pull a gun on them. How else to explain the equally bizarre shooting of a white Australian woman by a black police officer?

Thus America’s foundational obsession with the firearm isn’t just destroying people’s lives, it’s also destroying the very fabric of the union — which has always been stretched and frayed at best.

And this is deeply dangerous not just for Americans but for all of us.

Despite all its flaws and contradictions, America truly is the greatest nation on earth in terms of military might, economic prosperity and social, political and cultural capital.

There is still no power more vital to global security and stability and yet it is currently looking more insecure and unstable than at any other time in its century-long reign of influence.

More worrying is that this is occurring in a critical window of opportunity for China to become the dominant world superpower, Russia to reassert itself as a resurgent expansionist nationalist power and rogue elements such as North Korea and Syria to potentially spark seismic power shifts, if not all out war.

True American patriots might do well to wonder if continuing to allow unfettered access to all manner of firearms in this age of instability is really the best idea. They might also wonder if a bunch of innocent country music fans — of whom many were no doubt red-blooded Republican patriots themselves — deserved to be shot dead at random by a gun you can buy at a corner store.

If they really want to make America great again perhaps they could start by changing the laws so that Americans kill more terrorists than they do each other.

So a; You only like the word obsequious because it's submissive in a fancier term and thus dubs yourself able to get away with using a word we all know you love! b; If I capitalize anything for you, it will only be when discussing our relationship in the DD/little categorization that it is, you should know this by now. Suck it.

c; Well, I have to agree with him (as much as I'll hate to admit this) on the take everything as a compliment, shit upon those you love sorta lifestyle. I'm not saying over here in America that we don't love actually meaning to hurt people's feelings, but at least in my line of people, I'm mean to those I love. If I can't tell you to get back into the kitchen you dirty wench, while also telling you your outfit is fucking awful and you only reply back with a middle finger, we probably aren't friends. Learning to take everything with a grain of sand is, in fact, one of the best ways to live life. And quite an easy one.

and d; ..... I'm not gonna really touch on the gun subject as it always appears weird from a girl raised in bum fuck nowhere. Who, by the age of 8, had already been on her first hunt, and has a father with quite an extensive gun collection all his own. But we both understand the safety and regulations that should be put upon most guns out there. We've not had only one massacre, but many, and upon just looking, why is it we're basically the only place with a gun problem? But I guess, whatcha gonna do about it?

On a much lighter note


I like it, as it describes you perfectly! And damn, I've told you not to air our dirty relationship laundry in public but since you've started!

The only reason I agreed to be your DD is, well, because how else was I going to be able to get you to dress up as s pencil-skirted, bun-haired, horned-rim spectacle wearing Librarian who reads Shades of Grey out loud to me in an Irish accent! Just because I detest something doesn't mean I'm afraid to admit it can't also possess the occasional advantage.

You should be used to agreeing with me by now! Then, I guess that still doesn't mean you have to like it. See, that's an insult I'd never use, "Get back to the kitchen, wench." There's some that women can get away with that we men can't, xD As for commenting on outfits, I've learned the lesson the hard way that if you've nothing complimentary to say about them, then it's definitely best to say nothing at all!

That's cool, it's a divisive subject and I've never really been around them, or wanted to be, always a city-slicker and all. However, although I also don't really understand hunting as a 'sport' (I might if the animals were provided with guns too, and it was somewhat of a fair fight! xD), my brother is licenced to own a couple of firearms as he's on a property and needs them to control vermin such as rabbits, foxes and kangaroos. Yep, roo's can be considered vermin here. And they taste nice.

I enjoyed the Chris Rock routine, but you know the inescapable comedic logic of Jim Jefferies is the true way to my heart. I didn't actually realise he had his own show over in the US until a month or so ago when I stumbled across it on the Comedy Channel.

R.I.P Sarcasm - 2014-2017, you were the light of my life, appreciated and thought amusing by a few, and as equally despised and considered humourless by more! You'll be sadly missed, although, like Lazurus it's likely that you'll one day be resurrected from your grave!

After having my Dulce Periculum partner need to go on an extended, indefinite hiatus and realising that the last new compatible partner I managed to find and start a story with on BMR was over a year ago (though, thankfully pickings have been a bit richer on E), I've decided it's time to retire my sarcastic thread. At least for now.

I've completely revamped the entire thing and now have a request thread dedicated entirely to the portrayal of dominant male characters. Although, in line with my preferences, it is still not searching for willingly submissive female characters, but partners for extremely dark, non-consensual themes. I do still need that independent fighting spirit.

We'll see how it goes, but surprise, surprise, wouldn't you know it, although we already have a story on hiatus, the second I posted it, the lovely Xana jumped on me with an idea.

Shame on you, Xana! It could well be one of the darkest I've written yet!
A couple of items that have appeared in the news this week;

Who ever said that Australia has scary wildlife,



that we don't breed our woman tough


or that it's land critters with legs you should be most afraid of.


A doggie resident at my Brother's boarding kennels was bitten by one of these earlier this week, an Eastern Brown, the world's second-most venomous land snake (we also have the first, the Inland Taipan). Fortunately, he got it to the Vet in time and, two-and-a-half-thousand dollars later, it was fine!

However despite all that, as our latest tourism campaign makes clear, Aussie is still an awesome place to visit!


I'm surprised they didn't mention the 'Great Dividing Range,' the 'Great Australian Bite,', or the 'Great Sandy Desert' which, just like naming the Eastern brown snake the Eastern brown snake because it's brown and found in the East, demonstrates our true creativity in that area!
Happy that Dulce Periculum is active again. Although it may be intermittent for the next little while, I can safely say that the story will be long on term ogoing (I did slightly fear that, after the troubles with the original Internet Killers and my partner being unable to continue, it was one of those 'doomed' stories), and to make up for her short-term absence, she sent me a bloody fucking two-thousand-word+ post to respond to! I think it's just about to reach forty thousand words with my reply to get us onto the second thread page and the two major characters haven't even met in person yet! That's getting closer and closer all the time!

With its return and no interest in anything extremely dark here except for the potential of one with an existing long-term partner, I've had to turn to E and have another planning on there. Plus, still have my fingers crossed that another on here will be returning from hiatus.

Given that, I probably have my fill of those for now, so might as well go back to my forever futile quest for the:

"What's that you're offering?

To place your one-dimensional submissive object over there in the corner and all mine's gotta do in return is, for no good reason, chase, pursue, seduce, stalk, harass, demean, intimidate, abuse, capture, dominate and rape her...and make sure she enjoys it!



Hey, at least it stayed buried longer than Lazarus! :)
Why the hell do I do this to myself!

Have just have offered to play one of these:


Or these


More likely, a combination of both.

In an American Wild West setting.

Of course, the second I offer up the idea and hit the send button on a message that can't be retrieved, and although the concept does sound a lot of fun, I become immediately insecure about my ability to portray anything historical.

But maybe I've seen enough Westerns to at least not make a complete fool of myself?

Now, Just have to wait to hear if she's interested in what I've suggested.

Kind of hoping half-yes, half-no!
Oh, looks like it will be fun.

I'm sure you'll do fine in a western.
HeyThereLittleBear said:
Oh, looks like it will be fun.

I'm sure you'll do fine in a western.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Bear, xD And it looks like we're going to find out, because it's a definite goer.

Con-man Priests (is that a redundancy?), violence, bordellos, whiskey, gunfights, poker-games, loose women, lawless men, steam-trains and horsewhips! It should be fun!
HeyThereLittleBear said:
Oh, you think too much of me.

Nah, I've read your threads!

Plus, I know the basis of the depravity you and Mali are writing together, it was mentioned to me before she found a partner for it. And I think she found the perfect one.

Oh, and I was disappointed not to see a 'Quixotic' cat!

But, anyway, here's one for you:


It's a Bearcat!

Then this one's known as a Bearcat too, in Chinese.


Now I can't decide which suits best :)
Does the:


Had a story come off a six month hiatus today :) Though, not actually sure if it was on hiatus or if that's just our standard expected posting rate. I'll need to check!

So with that, and taking up a new story with another long-term collaborator, I should be more active writing-wise on BMR than I have been in quite a while, with an even split of stories between here and E.


Hopefully it'll help reignite some of that old keen enthusiasm I used to have for BMR as a whole, although I still feel the vibe of this site has changed in the last few months/year, and it does remain a constant struggle to find those who'll portray the independent-minded women I'm intellectually attracted to. Which I have found are far more abundant on E.

Every partner I currently have a story with on BMR, I've been writing with for around or over the three year mark, a couple closing in on four since I first became active on the site. Still amazed that any of you have put up with me for that long.

Your weekly payment is on its way!

Thank you all again for being so awesome, and for portraying female characters who are a joy to write opposite of, xD
Ahhh! The bearcat is adorable and I want 6 of them right now


I totally did forget to put a Quix cat but you're already up there like 2 times sooooo :p

And depraved is my thing. Soft n squishy is for the birds.
HeyThereLittleBear said:
Ahhh! The bearcat is adorable and I want 6 of them right now


I totally did forget to put a Quix cat but you're already up there like 2 times sooooo :p

And depraved is my thing. Soft n squishy is for the birds.

Totally agree, Bear, I prefer the first one over the Panda, and I think it'd suit me much better!

Can't disagree with you on the depraved thing either, xD

Aurelia said:
Mr Quixotic said:

What's he do? Bumps.


I figured if you never listen to me, why should I?

Plus, after you posted yesterday, I won't need to worry about receiving the next for at least another six months now!


Get back in your box.

Whilst I go bump my other thread; it's not like I'm exactly inundated with approaches from people who play what I ask for anyway :)
Mr Quixotic said:
Aurelia said:
Mr Quixotic said:

What's he do? Bumps.


I figured if you never listen to me, why should I?

Plus, after you posted yesterday, I won't need to worry about receiving the next for at least another six months now!


Get back in your box.

Whilst I go bump my other thread; it's not like I'm inundated with approaches from people who play what I ask for anyway :)

Huh... Oh, what?

You said you liked leisurely posting rates! Make up your mind!


Come make me! I'll fight you all day!
Aurelia said:
Huh... Oh, what?

You said you liked leisurely posting rates! Make up your mind!


Come make me! I'll fight you all day!

I didn't say a word!

Leisurely...glacial...same difference I guess, xD I'm kind of in a no-win situation here, because now next time you'll deliberately post within an hour to stress me!

Fine, it's on. As long as you promise not to cheat, and to come unarmed.


I don't quite trust you to fight fair!
Mr Quixotic said:
I didn't say a word!

Leisurely...glacial...same difference I guess, xD I'm kind of in a no-win situation here, because now next time you'll deliberately post within an hour to stress me!

Fine, it's on. As long as you promise not to cheat, and to come unarmed.


I don't quite trust you to fight fair!

You have a tiny brain, I was only trying to help! And you're right, I probably will get you one super quick now. Depending on work, but semi quick at least. xD

Well where is the fun when you call me out like that?! Of course it wouldn't be a fair right!

Now I'll go back to my box!
Aurelia said:
You have a tiny brain, I was only trying to help! And you're right, I probably will get you one super quick now. Depending on work, but semi quick at least. xD

Well where is the fun when you call me out like that?! Of course it wouldn't be a fair right!

Now I'll go back to my box!

I never claimed otherwise, and since when have you ever tried to help anyone!

You know, I'm sorry, but with that attitude, you're just not cut out for this being my 'submissive pet' thing.

Our contract is hereby voided!

So, it's coming down to just over a week until we Australians have to get our non-binding, non-compulsory plebiscite postal votes in, in regards to the legalisation of same-sex marriage.

So far over 77% of eligible Australian's have already done so (a greater percentage than voted in either Brexit or the US Election); a large turnout for what is obviously such an earth-shattering decision, with the disastrous implications it could have for civilised society as we know it. For instance, if the question was "should we bomb North Korea and risk Australia being obliterated in nuclear retaliation," I'd expect less than a 50% turnout because generally we don't really give a shit about much!

Considering my previous displays of support for its legalisation, I thought I'd provide some balance, hence the below arguments for voting no.

Which, in all honesty, I do find quite logical and might yet sway me!

You know what the most surprising thing about clicking on the news headlines to see that there's been a mass shooting in America is?

The fact that it's not actually surprising; we all just look at each other over here, shake our heads, shrug our shoulders and go, "another one."


I think it might be up to around 7,859 days now.

A favourite melancholy song I heard for the first time in a while on the way home from work. I really need to base a story around this and play around with the various ways it can be interpreted.

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