R.I.P Sarcasm - 2014-2017, you were the light of my life, appreciated and thought amusing by a few, and as equally despised and considered humourless by more! You'll be sadly missed, although, like Lazurus it's likely that you'll one day be resurrected from your grave!
After having my Dulce Periculum partner need to go on an extended, indefinite hiatus and realising that the last new compatible partner I managed to find and start a story with on BMR was over a year ago (though, thankfully pickings have been a bit richer on E), I've decided it's time to retire my sarcastic thread. At least for now.
I've completely revamped the entire thing and now have a request thread dedicated entirely to the portrayal of dominant male characters. Although, in line with my preferences, it is still not searching for willingly submissive female characters, but partners for extremely dark, non-consensual themes. I do still need that independent fighting spirit.
We'll see how it goes, but surprise, surprise, wouldn't you know it, although we already have a story on hiatus, the second I posted it, the lovely Xana jumped on me with an idea.
Shame on you, Xana! It could well be one of the darkest I've written yet!