Mitsu said:
Clipping. I cannot stand when I see clipping on a character model, or the objects that are attached to it. Developers KNOW that the sword is going to be attached to the character, so why is it STILL clipping through armor, horns, hair, ect. Why do legs and arms go RIGHT through bits of armor? If a character raises their arms, the shoulder pauldrons go right through the chest. It's so damn distracting and breaks immersion immediately. This is also ONE of the reasons that so many character creators (looking at you Bioware) avoid putting in long hair. They don't want to account for hair clipping through the various armors in the game.
Another thing that bugs the shit out of me is when a character is moving on the stairs, and the animation treats it like a slope. Why can't they just match each movement to each step? I've seen it done in some games.
Clipping in games bugs me, too, except when it comes to MMORPGs. I tend to ignore clipping without much problem in MMORPGs, mostly because I want to be able to customize my character as much as I want without restriction. I can literally spend hours customizing the appearance of my character and spend a fortune making the perfect outfit, and I love it when I can do that (though, unfortunately, there haven't been many MMOs lately with that depth... How I miss you, Star Wars Galaxies.) Too many developers lately are worried about clipping in MMOs so they make adjustments that drive me crazy... Like if your character has on a certain armor top, if you try to equip this other type of helmet the helmet will be invisible because the helmet model clips with the armor chest... Don't do that for me, let me decide whether or not the clipping bugs me enough. If I don't mind the clipping I'll wear the helmet, if it bugs me a lot then I'll wear a different helmet, let me make that decision.
It also bugs the heck out of me when the hair model changes when you equip a helmet or hat or something. You might give your character long hair and really like it, and then you equip a piece of headgear and all of a sudden your character has short hair or a shaved head. I know it's a clipping thing again but, again, let me decide if it bugs me or not... ><;;
To add to the list of things in games that annoy me... When there's no option to skip a cut scene. I don't know how many times I've watched a cut scene in a game, then there's a boss fight or something and I get killed, and instead of having the respawn checkpoint
after the cut scene the developers chose to put it
before the cut scene so I have to go through the scene again, and then give no way to skip the scene. So I end up watching the scene again, and again, and again, and again... Ugh, I hate that. Let me skip the friggin' scene! A relatively enjoyable game quickly becomes a chore and boring, and not to mention frustrating.
It's even worse when there's a loading screen between the cut scene and the gameplay... So you get a loading screen, cut scene, loading screen, game. Get killed... Loading screen, cut scene, loading screen, game... x.x