Knowing When to Fight GITS Vawnie Bear x Broomhandle45

After warm fingers caressed her thighs... breakfast was the last thing on her mind.
It took her a few seconds longer to shift into business mode, as she longed to vent some of that aching desire curling with in her. "Would you mind if I borrowed something until they arrive?" She asked Motoko. It didn't have to be much, she would be alright with just a large shirt while they found something for breakfast, and checked on Viv.

Speaking of Viv, the man was still quite asleep, what ever Motoko had given him left him totally out for what had remained of their night. He hadn't even moved since he fell asleep, a hand across his stomach the other falling off the couch.
"Help yourself," Motoko said with an easy smile, normally she had no real care about her nudity. But she supposed it wouldn't be very proper for Viv to find out her bodyguard had been nuzzling naked with Jeanne a few hours earlier. So she slid on a pair of panties and a tank-top to start breakfast. One of the few things Motoko supposed she missed was real food, but on the other hand...she barely remembered it. She was little more than a brain in the shell of a fake body, and that meant real food for her was absolutely pointless.

Still, she still had a small kitchen for drinks and when Togusa and others needed something. She decided the best thing would be to make a proper japanese breakfast for the Ambassador, she was a minor whirlwind in her small kitchen. Her dedication was as focused as holding a gun in her hands as she prepared the Miso Soup and began to work on the steamed rice and Natto as well as some dried seaweed and a bowl of soy sauce.

"I thought it'd be good for you to get some more of our culture," Motoko explained, sitting down the selection of items with an easy smile, as well as a bottle of soy sauce. "...Other than my bed, that is."
She pulled a shirt on with out worrying about bra or panties, it was long enough that it covered all the important parts if she didn't raise her hands above her head. The two half dressed women moved off to get breakfast started. She settled against a counter to watch Motoko work.

She seemed to be quite the artist with food, moving with practiced ease, and a focused flourish. Jeanne admired her... which she might have done if she gave her cup of noodles.

"Oh?" She asked about the whole "culture" thing and smiled a pretty flash of teeth. "Is that culture in Japan?" She asked as the Miso soup was placed down for her. She sipped on the soup in its little bowl and tried to hide her smile over the rim as she enjoyed Motoko's efforts in her and Viv's behalf... even if he wasn't awake to enjoy it with her.
"Maybe," Motoko said with an easy smile as she rested her arms on the counter, offering a tasty view of her cleavage. "It's the part I liked showing you," she purred. "More to the point, should be preparing for your first meeting."
"I look forward to seeing more." She said and licked her lips, her eyes dropping to the lovely view of cleavage from the Major. She smiled as she finished her breakfast, thinking about the woman. She was not at all what she expected a bodyguard to be. So much more real, more vibrant... sure there was all that technical jargon of her safety but Motoko was nothing like she knew body guards to be. It was refreshing to her, as if some how Motoko put humanity back into her profession... or rather her task as she was so much more than a body guard.

As if on que the sound of a vehicle arriving outside was heard. She raised a white brow at her hostess. "You timed that well." She commented, picking up a napkin and wiping her mouth. She let Motoko go answer her door, or deal with those who were bringing in their bags. One gaudy and loud and overly large the other a modest duffel... It surprised most people to learn the black bag was hers...

I will be in the bedroom. She said with a sweet inflection just for Motoko.

It went quickly after that. Jeanne settled into her duties as Ambassador going over the things she was suppose to address for the day, and the aid her government sought from Japan... It was never an easy task asking another person for aid let alone a super power. But Jeanne was up to the task. Her only pauses in preparation came when Motoko brought in her bag, and Slate eyes followed the sensual woman with more than a little hint of interest and desire.
Motoko pushed away from the counter when the men arrived, taking the bags with a somewhat amused smile. Viv was still snoring like a bear as she rolled the gaudy thing next to him and tapped his nose, his snorting as he stirred confused him...because Motoko was already up the steps, Jeanne's bag already draped over her shoulder as she headed back into her room.

"A practical woman, I see," Motoko chuckled, sitting the suitcase down as she headed over to her closet to get her uniform. "Your aide is a heavy sleeper, you know that?"
She looked up from her recitation when Motoko entered and smiled.
"That is why I insist on a suite, so that he can sleep as far away from me as possible. I swear he logs whole forests at night. It is really amazing the world isn't bereft of trees." She mused as she moved to the bed where her bag was sat. It had a bullet hole or two but was largely undamaged. She hoped she could find something with in that didnt have a hole...

The Ambassador spent a few minutes going through her well packed clothes and laid out those that were damaged beyond wearing and pieced together an outfit with what was left. Her undergarments were simplistic, functional, while not overtly sexual, they were classy small clothes, neat black low rise panties and matching bra. Over this she pulled on a dress slip, and slid into a neat black skirt. The blouse she wore was a soft creme color, frilly at the neck and cuffs, allowing her to be both feminine with out being ultra conservative. She pulled a classy scarf from her bag, she transformed from a sensual playful creature into a woman of power, and importance. The scarf helped to tame her thick mane of silver white hair, and it exposed the sensual curve of her neck while bringing out the intense color of her eyes. She completed her outfit with a pair of drop pearl earrings and a metal metal belt.

She used only eye shadow that complimented her slate blue grey eyes and a hint of lip gloss to accentuate her lips. The shirt Motoko had allowed her to don she folded neatly and lay on the bed she had already made.
Motoko watched her dress with some honest interest, and perhaps a hint of amusement as she slid into a pair of simple undergarments and then her hose, slipping into her her skirt and jacket to tuck it in and fold her cuffs and collar. And impressive change, she had to admit. She fitted on her belt, making sure it was secure as she settled on her magazine pouches and gathered her M5, chambering it with the practiced ease of a solider before she flicked the safety on and holstered it.

Finally, she turned to admire her in her 'Ambassador' attire, heading over to faintly adjust her scarf with a smile.

"You look good for someone who avoided death a few hours ago, Ambassador."
"I might could say the same." She said lifting her chin as her scarf was adjusted. Motoko cut an imposing figure, with her modern day battle gear and armaments, she certainly gave off the air of some one you didn't want to upset.

"I am ready when you are." She said to Motoko after pulling out her shoes from her duffel holding them until she could put them on.

Viv had managed to rouse himself during that time, struggle with his getting ready in privacy as the girls did who knew what together in the Majors room. He tried not to think about it. What Jeanne did with whomever was her business; she was a grown woman who could make her own decisions. Not that he disapproved of the woman the Major appeared to be, it simply was not his concern. He was sitting on the couch waiting for them when they came down stairs.

"Good morning." She said to Viv and he gave her a smile.

"Any morning you wake up is good, is it not?" He asked her.

"It is." She said while touching the shared file on their private com. The file that was her itinerary. Some changes need to be done. I think the gift we bring out families is ourselves this time.

While he did not say anything she still could feel his agreement in her head. They removed all extra additions to their schedule, and even the luncheons and dinner dates that they could. In two days time the Prime Ministers ball was still to be held, and so they were still going to attend, but everything else besides the important meetings were removed.

After they had trimmed her schedule she shot a copy of it to Motoko through the secure network they had strung between them.
Something new... she said to her guardian.

Her trimming of her schedule proved she was both wise and humble. Not always having to have her way.
Motoko arched a faint brow, but tilted her head in acceptance of the file. Well, it seemed that the good woman was a little more jarred than she cared to admit. Nonetheless, she said nothing about it and nodded, arms crossing under her breasts. Well, it would certainly make security far easier, Motoko supposed all of that free time meant more than enough...time for one another to be a little less professional and talk to each other on a personal basis.

As you wish, Motoko said with an easy smile. Like usual, her face was hard to read.
They had nothing short of an armed escort complete with escape routes and worst case scenarios going to the Commerce building. After yesterday Jeanne was grateful that aside from traffic it was uneventful. She surprised them by arriving intact and on time, complete with her aide and her personal guardian.

"Ambassador, I had heard of your scuffle yesterday, it is good to see our national zealots have not deterred you." The Minister of Finance seemed amused to see the young Ambassador. He barely even made note of her guard, and her aide had been totally dismissed all together. Jeanne bowed respectfully putting a hand on Viv's shoulder stopping him from doing so. She quietly dismissed him so that he could find a place to sit before he fell over.

"Please forgive my impertinence, my aide did not come out as unscathed as I from yesterdays activities." She did not go into details about it but the Minister didn't even show that he noticed Viv at all.

"Nonsense. You are always so proper..." His eyes looked over her soft creme blouse and fitted skirt as he said that.
It wasn't surprising, really. Jeanne was a beautiful woman, and at times the politicians of the world seemed to always think the pretty girls were nothing more than objects to stare at. With the whole aspect of could stay young forever if you really wanted. But that carried a stigma of narcissism and vanity, or possibly even worse mental issues and was rarely done. People were still people at heart, and acting as if they were immune to age was much of a tepid lie as anything else in the world.

Still, she handled herself quite well..but a faint, quiet stare from Motoko seemed to jar the Minister from his journey with his eyes as he cleared his throat, regaining his composure was probably a smart idea...especially when he recognized Motoko Kusanagi. Hirohito Anakoji, the Japanese Minister of Finance, an honest enough man as politicians went, she supposed. But now that Ishikawa was digging deeper and deeper with authorization, she wondered just how many politicians were actually part of Furinkazan? Just because they were didn't necessarily mean they could do anything, being a patriot wasn't exactly against the law.

Condoning extremist actions was, however.

"Well then," Anakoji smiled widely. "Please, why don't we come inside so we can begin, Ambassador? I'm sure you didn't come all this way for idle chat."
"Thank you." She said not missing the exchange between Motkoko and Anakoji. As he led her into his office she gave a glace to the Major and allowed a glimpse as to her mind set at that moment. Amusement... and gratitude.

It was a long quiet couple of hours for her silent guard, and her beat Aide. Viv tried to remain professional throughout his discomfort but as the time wore on it was clear he was once again in some bit of pain. His breathing took on a soft controlled labored sound as if trying to prevent more pain, or hide what he was feeling at that moment. His com lines were shut down pretty hard so hard in fact that at eleven after two hours of silence Jeanne called out to Motoko through their cyberlink.
Major, I can not get a hold of Viv, is he okay?

From the way the classy man was dressed it was hard to say if he was even awake at that very moment.
Motoko took a glance to Viv, who seemed to be somewhere between sleep or vaguely concious, she headed over to him to gently press her fingers against his neck for a pulse. It was there, but his breathing wasn't very regular.

Togusa, Viv's injuries from last night seem worse than I thought...we need to get him to a hospital as soon as we can. Be discreet. Motoko said, checking his forehead. It was long had he been ignoring the pain?

We're taking him to a hospital now, Jeanne. Stay focused. she reminded. This could be a potential problem if they weren't careful.
The ambassadors brow furrowed at Motoko's words, her lips tightening. As much as she wanted to fret over her friend, and go with them, she reminded herself she was here for millions of people... and that they too were depending on her to secure new trade agreements so that the American Empire could prosper.

She felt really bad that Viv was hurt, even more upset that the class 1 A-holes who attacked them had forced her to seriously injure her friend... they would not make her fail her task in coming all together. No she was even now more determined to secure new trade routes. Particularly the right to travel through Imperial waters to new markets.

"Minister Anakoji, please let me be honest... I would love an afternoon to do nothing more than spend our time trading niceties, I enjoy a good ego stroke as much as the next politician, but my time here is short, and as you know, what time I do have has become so much more dangerous than ever expected. I need your help Minister,..." She set the glass of water down with a sigh uncrossing her legs and leaning forward. Her fingers steepled, elbows on the arms of the over stuffed chair she sat in. "I need your help Minister, because with out you all of our people will loose out."

Hirohito Anakoji looked across at the young Ambassador, a pale brow rising in surprise at her sudden to the point words. "Miss. Sukoshitori, why don't you tell me what it is you are seeking?"

And so she did laying out the Empires plan to strengthen their trade not only with Japan, but through her markets to others. What she lay out sounded large scaled, but not a hurried idea lacking substance or patient planning. So impressed was he by her presentation and passion that he gave her tentative plans to run it through his people and after a few days come back with what he thought would be positive feedback as they refined the well made plan and shored up those shaky edges so that there would be profit to be made by all...
Time wore on as it usually did, Motoko leaning against the wall. The joy of a cyberbody is that you didn't exactly feel fatigued, so while her muscles weren't growing sore or tender for hours and hours of standing, your mind tended to wander if you weren't careful. Viv was in decent condition, but his injuries were a little more severe that originally anticipated. Security was high at the hospital, so she wasn't too concerned.

The only thing her mind could reasonably wander to without much trouble was Jeanne, and that feel of skin on hers...a faint smile graced Motoko's face. There were few times Motoko wasn't against a woman pressed against her, but she particularly liked this one.
The day ended on a positive note for Jeanne. She was pretty tired when they finally broke at about 3pm. It was a good time to stop, as much as she was trying to pay attention her stomach was complaining too loudly for the two of them to concentrate further. When she exited the Minister of finance's office, she had a weary but pleased expression on her face. One that shifted into something warmer when her eyes beheld the ever patient Major Motoko Kusanagi.

Briefly her mind brushed Motoko's and she would know that she was very pleased, though part of her was worried about her friend.
Motoko shifted from her spot against the wall, a polite smile gracing her face. Even if her eyes told a much more...intimate feeling. Nonetheless, she took her lead as the bodyguard and headed down the hall. She enjoyed that look that Jeanne had, the one of satisfaction.

Viv is doing fine, Jeanne. It's just complications from his injury...his ribs are broke, but they're doing what they can. Shall we take a visit to the hospital?
She gave a slight bow of her head to Motoko when acknowledged and offered the opportunity to see to her friend. I would like that, thank you.

They traveled in the armored car away from the Financial building towards the hospital, and as she sat in the vehicle she couldn't help but recollect the sensory memory of her guardians body pressed so firmly against her own. Their hips and thighs touching, Motoko's breasts against her back as they were squeezed into the mini tank.

Soon enough they were pulling up to the hospital, and Jeanne waited for Motoko's lead.
Ishikawa had done an excellent job as always, even if couldn't fight the news. Still, there was heightened security...and a handful of reporters. Motoko opened the door and briskly slid out, giving Jeanne enough space to get out while protecting her from the minor mass of clicking cameras. There were only so many hospitals the influential and political could go, after all.

Stay close to me, Motoko reminded, amusement settled in her voice. Or was it more than just amusement?
I will. She responded, her voice in Motoko's head was warm and inviting... It was hard for her not to be thus with the promise of what would most assuredly be exquisite pleasure at her guardians hands. But first business... with her that is how it always seemed to be. It made her feel like throwing in the towel... she wanted to be spontaneous, and call in sick to work for a day or something silly of that sort...

She stayed close to Motoko as they made it through the pressing crowd, giving a sigh as they entered the hospital where the press was kept at bay.

Viv was resting comfortably in a private room when they entered.
Motoko shut the door behind them, and rested against it with a cross of her arms. Security was solid, for once she felt like she didn't have to be completely on guard...which wasn't exactly an implication that she wasn't. But it'd allow her to give Jeanne the privacy she wanted with Viv, at any rate.

Take your time, Motoko said. She wasn't here to invade on her personal life. Then again...what exactly was what they did last night, then?
Viv was awake but a bit loopy on pain killers. He grinned at her as she looked to Motoko and thanked her out loud. He giggled as she turned and approached him.
"What are you laughing at?" She asked him glad to see he was at least in good spirits. He giggled again and reached for her hand. She slipped her's into his and gave a squeeze.


"Oh?" she asked getting another goofy grin.

"You like her." She smiled and pulled her hand free. "I do." She admitted honestly not hiding the answer or being shy about it. Motoko was a classy lady from what she saw, dedicated, and very good at what she did. What was not to like? She sparked Jeannes interest, and awoke her senses. It was good all the way around.
Motoko couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, head tilted to regard the two of them. Well, she didn't exactly hide her interest either, did she? She didn't mind candid honesty.

Major, Ishikawa murmured.

Go ahead, Motoko said easily, tilting her head back.

We've been hearing some ticks around Furinkazan's normal channels, it seems the Ambassador proposed something to the Minister of Finance that is going forward into the Diet, they're not happy. He murmured. I'll forward you the rough draft, but the good news is that we're starting to get a few waves in the higher levels...which might be an even worse problem for our Ambassador friend. I don't think they like how quick they turned over the Minister.

They better get used to it, Motoko mused. She's playing like her life depended on it...keep me updated, Ishikawa. In reality, it was probably the truth, too.

Yes, Ma'am.
She pulled a chair up and sat with him awhile and talked about the day. Nothing major, just light stuff so as not to tire her friend out. Eventually though he did fall asleep, and after a time of silent observance she rose up and turned to the Major. "I am ready to go." She said to Motoko not know at all what her conversation with the teams information specialist had found already. It proved one thing though, that there were some very high up members of the terrorist group that was giving them information.
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