Knowing When to Fight GITS Vawnie Bear x Broomhandle45

In this... no chance. She said. The staff of the hospital stood as witness to the entry of the Ambassador. Hand in hand they walked through the front doors and into a semi seclusion as the news hounds were not allowed to enter they building. Orderlies dressed in clean pressed scrubs were sent after them.
"Disperse this crowd." The hospital Liasion said as she looked to her high profile clientel. Jeanne squeezed Motoko's hand in silent gratitude, her thoughts expressing the same emotion before she released the Majors hand in the safety of the building.

"Ambassador Sukoshitori. I am sorry we could not have them removed for your arrival." The hospital's front face was a respectable woman of older years, her face softened with age, her hair pulled back into a professional bun, wire rim glasses rested on her nose giving her a distingueshed look as she peered through them with sharp dark eyes.

"It is alright Ms...?"

"Iwasaki." The older woman said helpfully.
"Mrs. Iwasaki."

"Ah." Jeanne said and bowed respectfully. Not only was she an older woman, but one of some status as the front face of the high profile hospital.

"I am so pleased to meet you Mrs. Iwasaki." Jeanne said in fluent Japanese. The woman bowed back to her though younger Jeanne was a dignitary and thus due the same respect if not more by she and their staff.

"I have reviewed the case of your aide personally and am pleased to inform you of his continued steady progress." Mrs. Iwasaki gestured for them to walk away from the door. They walked and talked on their way to Viv's personal room.
"Do you think he'll be able to be removed today?" Motoko asked easily. "How long do you think it'll be, Mrs. Iawasaki?" Like it or not, he was still a possible security risk. Motoko had to plan for every eventuality and hope it didn't happen, even when it usually did. The hospital lobby itself was a mess and a half trying to get the reporters under control, but she was grateful for the fact that it was quiet inside. She had to wonder what sort of dirty secrets this place usually kept...a fun question for Ishikawa, she was sure.
"Oh, Major, he is stable and after another night of observation I dare say able to be moved to a more secure facility under your tender mercies." Jeanne wondered if there was some sort of bad blood between Section 9 and the hospital with the slight condescending tone the Mistress of the Hospital took with her guardian. Perhaps it was just her thinking about how the Major wanted to more her friend... she wasn't sure and so before something could be riled between the two of them she spoke up.
"You are so very kind to have cared for my Aide Mrs. Iwisaki, I hope he has not been a problem for you. What with the extra security and precautions. No doubt you will be relieved when he is removed from your lovely building. I fear each day he remains means more time for this magnificent building to be subjected to the damages the hotel is dealing with." Jeanne... ever the ambassador... and still feisty enough to offhandedly throw in a reminder of the safety of the high tech hospital with its posh rooms and 24hour services for their more important clientele...

Honestly preferential treatment made her sick... But she didn't let that show.

Mrs. Iwasaki paled at the reminder of the damages that the last place Jeanne had stepped into had undergone.
"Yes, well, we do what we must." She said looking about a tad bit nervously at such a reminder. The hotel was now closed for repairs... and according to the news it was questionable if it would reopen or not.
Motoko didn't say anything to Mrs. Iwisaki, other than give her a polite smile. Far be it from her to fuel any speculation or whatever drew in her mind, while it was true that most high profile cases came here...but it wasn't always the fault of Section 9 or otherwise. An angry doctor was hardly a person to prod further, but she slid a hand smoothly through her hair, nodding to Jeanne to go in and see Viv.

In the meantime, she took her usual spot inside the door.

Ishikawa? Motoko asked idly. She didn't need to ask, because she knew that he was already on it...but some confirmation never hurt.

I'm looking into it, Major. Sometimes it was a leak of media information, other times it was something more. Not really seeing anything too insidious, I'll keep you updated.
Jeanne did some reassuring physical contact with the warden as it were and thanked her again slipping effortlessly into her aide's room. Viv was awake staring up at the television which was on soft with captions. He looked worried when she first glimpsed him then settled pleased to see her. He let out a sigh and she was sure it was because of what had put him here.
How are you feeling? She moved to his bed side as the Major slipped in behind her taking up her position with in the room.

They talked privately about his progress and hers. Despite her being Ambassador and him Aide, the two of them gave signs of being close. Small tell's though they didn't openly acknowledge one another with embraces or touch. A relationship forged no doubt in the face of opposition. It was not uncommon for Ambassadors and Aides to be entangled privately, but that was not the vibe here though they were close.
How are the talk's going? She made a face and shook her head a little.

A bit as expected. They have every right to hold out on us. It isn't like our two nations got along well before the last series of wars...

It was his turn to make a face and the two of them looked up at the news monitor that jumped to video of her entering the building under the onslaught of cameramen and news casters asking a myriad of questions. The Major led the way fearlessly through the crowd, her hand firmly on Jeannes. Viv looked from the monitor to Motoko.
"Thank you, for watching over her."
"It's my job," Motoko smiled easily. "It's my pleasure, I have a feeling she gets into worse problems if she's by herself." Her job with her had certainly been...exciting, in more ways than one, to say the least.
He smiled then and made an amused noise as his eyes moved from the Major to Jeanne.
"Even she knows you already." He said and Jeanne worked hard not to blush. Something that Viv recognized instantly and gave her a surprised look. It only made her blush just a hint more.
"Stop staring..." She murmured looking away from him.

He chuckled softly and grinned.

They spent about an hour together before Jeanne began nodding off at his bed side. As she leaned in against his shoulder he looked again to Motoko with quiet speculation. It was rare for Jeanne to allow her self such indulgences especially when on assignment. The Major had that bad girl aura. Aloof, dark, strong... and she had skills, and to some extent digression. You didn't head up an elite group when you were a blabber mouth... But he still worried if this would some how turn into an international scandal... He always feared for his friend. While homosexuality was more widely accepted, it was not something people discussed, or shared in public.

Be gentle with her... He said privately to the Major.
Don't worry, Motoko grinned easily. I think she'll be just fine, Viv. Just worry about getting better. Motoko thought she had woken up a tiger in the bedroom...not that she was complaining too much.
He gave an amused expression then nodded. I will work on that. Then out loud he called her name.
"Jeanne, time to go." He gently nudged her and she woke up with a bleary expression.
"Try to get some sleep tonight Jeanne, the ball is tomorrow night."

She groaned and rubbed her face. "Sleep is for the dead." She grumbled good naturedly.

Viv shook his head "Or the enfeebled?"

She blinked and then grinned. "Sounds about right."

They stared at one another for a long minute expressions turning somber. Their conversation private as they said their good byes. Jeanne pulled back from the bed smoothed her skirt and blouse before turning towards the Major.
Viv is very insightful, isn't he? she grinned easily at her, her heels clicking against the hallway tile as she focused her eyes ahead with a minor dilation from her pupils. The crowds had dispersed considerably, but the police were still around just in case. Good enough for them to leave, at least. Everything was all clear, Ishikawa hadn't noted anything out of the ordinary...but that didn't mean something wouldn't happen, they'd just have to be careful.

Still, though...such high connections meant that it'd be hard to implicate anyone without clear and concise proof. Even if they could find something, like they already had...being part of a political group didn't really make you a terrorist. Accusing politicians of being so would be a rather serious claim and they'd make more enemies than friends, probably more than they already had by protecting Jeanne in the first place.
He has his days. She grinned as she walked out of the room just a step behind her guardian. They walked to the elevator and stepped in standing side by side as they descended and then spilled out onto the ground floor. Jeanne was very grateful that the majority of the the news hounds had been shooed away, but only to the legal line of property that belonged to the hospital.
Will he be alright another day? There was some worry to her thoughts, having to do with the raid they had initiated for her life on the hotel... if they had Viv would she give her life for her friend? Yes... she would.
He should be, Motoko assured easily, opening the door for her with a polite smile. No sense in making his injuries worse, right? she said, slipping inside with her once she settled into the armored car. She leaned back against the leather seats easily, arm across the back and her leg folded in front of her. "More importantly, we do need to prepare for the ball, right?"
When Motoko put her arm up on the back of the seat Jeanne looked at it a moment before shifting so that she leaned into Motoko putting her back in against the Majors chest. She was tired, and despite having only known the Major for a few days now, she felt safe and comforted by her. Tired heavy eyes fluttered closed and she grunted about the ball.
"What type of preparation?" She asked her eyes still closed as she soaked in the warmth from the major.
"Security checks," Motoko said easily, arm slipping around her waist. It was an odd combination of affection and professionalism. "And what you're going to be wearing, of can't go in something that would be seen as a political disaster, now can you?" she smiled. "And you don't want me to plan your wardrobe," because her preferred state of dress for the Ambassador would probably not go over well.
"Mnnh." She murmured laying her head back against the Major's shoulder.
"What do these checks entail?" She asked with out opening her eyes. It was sort of clear she was slowing down from their night of amazing fun and her long day. What was more, the muscles in her face were struggling with her fatigue pulling harder on one side as the mechanics of her cybernetics continued to function flawlessly while what remained of her natural form was close to utterly exhausted.

She raised a hand to stifle a yawn.
"Making sure everyone is cleared to come in," Motoko smiled, pinching her human side to keep her focused. "Keeping track of all the guests...things like that. And making sure what you're wearing doesn't cause some kind of international disaster."
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