Knowing When to Fight GITS Vawnie Bear x Broomhandle45

Motoko moaned into her lips, letting her tongue plunge into her mouth as she rolled her hips into Jeanne's soaked pussy in turn. It was a beautiful sensation of friction, every little movement sending delightful shocks of pleasure across her body as Motoko kept her hands firm into her hair. It was possessive, even, her kiss rough and hungry as she growled into Jeanne's mouth.
She swallowed her lovers throaty growl as they kissed hard and returned a guttural noise of her own. The closer Motoko' got the silver white haired Ambassador to her release, the closer together those wordless cries of pleasure drew, and the higher their pitch became. She tore her mouth from that endless hard kiss and sucked in ragged breaths that spilled from her lips as cries just as quickly.

"Mmnh... unh.. Mmuuh... More!" At the rate that those sounds tumbled from parted lips it was amazing she could say much of anything at all.
Motoko complied with a throaty groan, shifting her front leg forward as she leaned over top of her with a hot pant, their breasts mashed together as Jeanne's left leg was up in the air while Motoko broke the kiss and focused completely on grinding her hot pussy against her lover, rolling her hips smoothly with hungry moans. This was heaven, every little movement drove her closer and closer...
Hot breath pulsed against her face and neck as Motoko leaned forward laying her back. Her leg kicked ineffectually at the air as they grew closer to their release. She arched and thrust, muscles in back, stomach, hips and thighs undulating as they continued grinding... this time harder as Motoko changed their position.

"OH GOD!" She cried as Motoko's efforts rolled onto the right spot and she thrashed uncontrollably a moment under her lover. Taking a great shaky breath before finding the right word... "THERE!" She cried out with utter abandon. Her hands tightened where they held onto her lover, grasping and releasing only to grasp again, sliding on slick flesh.

"FFff!" The overwhelming sensory to her body was like a white hot light you couldn't look into... and so the Ambassador closed her eyes as it culminated into her orgasm. The cries that left her mouth may have been wordless, but they were far from lacking in communication... Even as she her body raced for that edge she tried to fight it, tried to hold herself back, to give Motoko a few more seconds, just a few more... to join her in that brilliant pleasure, and the wait was exquisite torture that she would not have willingly gave up. But there were limits to the physical form... and despite her efforts her orgasm was torn from her hands and burst open pouring from her body as it was rent from her lips in those rich feminine cries meant only for her lovers ears.
Motoko wasn't long after her, ever as her hands tightened faintly and her body locked up with a shuddering breath. Her entire body shook, and went flush in satisfaction as Motoko let out a long, drawn out moan of pleasure...and still, her hips kept moving as she leaned down to kiss her greedily, her breath coming in staggered, frantic pants. She was being dead serious about not sleeping...she was going to taste every single inch of her Ambassador and Jeanne was just going to have to deal with it.
It was well into the morning before the Ambassador was too exhausted to respond to her partners advances just one more time… Her body was a live wire, stroked and fueled by her partner until every last ounce of her energy had been spent writhing in unabashed pleasure.

She lay now boneless, tangled in bed sheets, dead to the world as sleep claimed her. If her insatiable lover fondled or stroked, she did not know. She lay utterly defenseless on Motoko's bed, her body marked by their night of passion. . . pale hair splashed over the pillow, a faint smile curling full lips.

Despite the danger to her life, and the stress of her position and job… Jeanne slept well past breakfast and on into lunch.
Motoko was more than a little amused to find her lovely ambassador still tangled in the sheets. Motoko didn't really bother getting dressed, considering her day was supposed to be protecting her...well, she didn't have a whole lot of reason to, especially since her itinerary had been cleared for everything except the most important events. Still, she had made lunch for Jeanne and sat next to her, fingers running through her white hair.

"Jeanne," she said quietly, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Wake up." Mm, she looked beautiful. A lovely testament to Motoko's attention to detail, by nipping and marking everywhere she could...that could be hidden by anything professional. "Your lunch is going to get cold."
She groaned as Motoko ran fingers through her hair. She still felt like a puddle and wasnt quite ready to draw herself out of bed. She did reach for her lovers hand and pull it under her cheek. "Mnnh... no..." She murmured and a smile appeared on passion swollen lips. She looked utterly ravished peppered with love marks of many kinds.

"Not ready..." But time was running out . . . she had an afternoon meeting in a few hours and she still was feeling weak.
"It's twelve thirty, Jeanne," Motoko smiled in amusement, leaning down to kiss her. Not that it mattered, she scooped her up, putting an arm under her legs and one on her back. "You need a shower," and from how she looked...a very, very cold one.
She groaned again and hummed as their lips met. "Just a little looo -ah!" Being scooped up surprised her, and for a second her limbs flailed until she had the presence of mind to cling to Motoko. She was instantly more awake as Motoko turned from their bed.
"Wh..? Where are you taking me?" She asked as her arm wrapped around Motoko's shoulders, her other arm resting in her lap.
"The shower," Motoko said dryly. "You have an appointment at one thirty, remember? You need to be cleaned, dressed...and lunch, since you slept past breakfast." she smirked. "This isn't part of my job, you know." No, her dear friend was still recovering nicely in the hospital...she supposed that she'd take over for the moment.
"I didn't even go to sleep before breakfast..." She groaned as they walked into the bathroom with a warm chuckle. "Last night falls under your purview?" She asked as she bit her bottom lip and grinned. She held onto the Major as her feet were gently set upon the floor until she regained some of her own balance.
"Something like that," Motoko smiled in amusement, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Not that you were telling me no, at all." she purred, letting her hands drift around her hips. "You better hurry up if you want to enjoy your lunch." she teased.
The Ambassador flushed and shivered. Quite the opposite of those words she had begged for more... repeatedly. Her grip tightened on Motoko as her knees threatened to buckle. "I will do my best." She said in a breathy voice.

Jeanne slowly soaked in the hot water, pale flesh tinting pink as she leveled the cold down bit by bit. It helped to reach those kinks their night of passion had created, and soothe the aches and pains. After her shower she was much more able to manage standing on her own two feet... She came out of the bathroom with a towel around her neck, white locks falling heavy over her shoulders. She didn't bother with dressing quite yet, so she could sit and have a moment to enjoy her lunch before kicking into work mode...
Motoko had slid into a pair of panties and a bra, enjoying her breakfast bar with a faint smile. "Togusa told me earlier today that Viv is doing much better," she explained. "He's a little more awake now, as well. If you like, we could see him after your meeting." As it stood, things were...stable. Ishikawa was keeping an eye on the net for anything new, but they were keeping quiet...and rightfully so. Things were not exactly in Furinkazan's favor at the moment, and the police were combing just about anything they could for hints. It was clear these people were dangerous.
"That would be nice, if we could." She said to Motoko. She settled down into her meal, a nice salad with some meat. "Thank you, for lunch." She said looking up from her plate to the Major who stood so casually in her undergarments.

Slate blue eyes roamed over her generous form pulling the corners of her mouth once more into a smile as the nights activities rose once more to mind.

It took some time for her to finish her lunch, by that time she had to hurry with her dressing. Pulling herself together in time to travel to the Ministry of Finances for her 1:30 meeting. A meeting which she had to work twice as hard to pay attention. One of the Ministers actually looked at her after a bit and asked. "Are you alright?"

"I am." She said and gave a smile.

There was less progress today than the day before, something she had expected simply due to the fact there were more people. As the door opened Jeanne stood there a moment in it, her eyes searching for Motoko.
Motoko slid smoothly off the wall across from the doors, standing at attention. "Ambassador," she greeted, tilting her head. "I trust everything went well?" It was interesting seeing her walk out of that office, she had never really seen the signs of a diplomat in an afterglow...but she was pretty sure she was seeing one right now. The tiniest little smile graced her face, one of professionalism...and probably a little more.
A ripple slid under Jeannes skin and she had to pause a moment longer to control what would have become a full blown flush when she saw Motoko. Before she had thought her grace, and easy confidence... now it was like watching the epitome of sensuality just notice you, and walk your way. She bit her bottom lip and forced her body into motion.

"Major." And that too caused her features to twitch with a secret... How many times had she moaned that title last night?

She stepped into place at Motoko's side. "It went well enough." She would have liked it to go better, but what could you do? They have already proven physical harm didn't work very well for very long...

With Viv still in the hospital she carried her own small leather briefcase. That which she kept her notes in along with a bit of reading material she would have to know for their next meeting in two days. The two of them walked down the hall way at the Ministry of Finance towards the parking garage.
"Has there been any word on Viv?" She asked the Major as they walked.
If Motoko noticed any of her cute little pauses, she didn't say anything. She was still first, a Major...and her bodyguard...but she did find it rather adorable that she got flustered so easily, especially after the night they had. Guess you couldn't get rid of shyness, no matter what you did.

"He's improving, steadily," Motoko assured. "The doctors say the treatment is working, and his ribs are healing nicely...he's not so laced up on drugs," she smiled. "We have the time, if you would like." she offered, opening the door to her armored sedan for her.
She climbed into the vehicle and settled into her seat, pulling on the seat belt. "If you think it would be safe." She says to the Major before she closed the door. Jeanne rubbed her face and yawned while the Major walked around the car to her side.

With less medication Viv would be less likely to spill over on Jeanne when their minds touched, so while Motoko climbed in, she reached out for her friend opening that secure link between them. Viv?

Thankfully there was no sickening woozy sensation when he finally answered back. eanne. There was a hint of pleasure at their speaking, something she always sensed when she spoke to her friend.

Are you feeling up for company?

Are you bringing a get well present? There was a sense of hope to his thoughts.

One that made her smile as she answered Yes... myself.


She grinned as they pulled out and merged into traffic. Amused at his disappointment.
Motoko gave her a polite smile, head tilted a little in curiosity. "I'm sure we can find the time," she said easily, tapping the separator window to send the driver a short message. Their hospital was a notable place for dignitaries and other such important people, so security was always an issue. But the media couldn't be held forever, and sure enough...there was a rather large crowd of newscasters and cameras, ready to take a scandalizing shot for some horrible headline of one thing or another.

Ishikawa? Motoko asked faintly.

Can't hide everything from the press, Ma'am, he said in apology. I did the best I could

Ah, terrific...
Jeanne sat in the car looking at the amount of cameras already snapping pictures for a hope to glimpse what she wasnt sure... She sighed looking from the window to Motoko.
What now? She asked through their secure line.

The way she said it indicated she would defer to Motoko's judgment on the matter. Including foregoing a visit to Viv, who she could just speak to through their own secure link.
Stay close to me, Motoko smiled easily, opening the door. That facade of a smile faded the moment the door cracked open, and the stern faced Major Motoko Kusanagi was the first thing that got a thousand and one camera good thing about a cyberbody? Being able to adjust her eyes to compensate for all the light. She offered her hand to Jeanne easily, keeping the view of her blocked as much as possible.

"Major! Major Kusanagi!" They said in Japanese. "Is it true that a group of ultranationlists have started attacking police databanks!? That the Ambassador's life has been threatened more than once!?"
She swallowed and nodded. She was an Ambassador, she walked daily through fire but that didn't mean she liked it. Steeling her nerves she reached for motoko's hand and followed her out, doing just as her guardian bid her... and stayed close.

The people were like a tide that ebbed and flowed, with schooled features she put herself into Major Kusanagi's hands as it were and let her lead the way. Too many flashbulbs, and too many bodies left her with out a direction, if she did not stay close to her guardian she would have been swallowed by the sea of eager reporters.

"Ambassador! Are you hurt?"
"Will the talks continue?"

Sometimes it was easy not to answer things, like this afternoon while being pulled through the crowd, by her companion she had to focus on her steps rather than worry about what words next to say to a crowd...
Like a properly professional machine, the police officers formed a wall between the two ladies and the rest of the reporters as they headed inside the hospital. Don't let go of that breath yet, Motoko reminded. Even a moment of hesitation would be all over the news, and the last thing Section 9 needed was a wave of Nationalist speculation over what that meant would cause, and what sort of crimes that would happen because of it...or worse, political issues.
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