Knowing When to Fight GITS Vawnie Bear x Broomhandle45

"Yes, a bath," Motoko said easily, she was strong enough to not have to worry about his squirming as she rose up to get a first aid kit. "Just take some of my clothes for now, it'll be fine. You look like you need one." Viv would be out in short notice, but she didn't say anything about the uniquely shaped bruise. Seemed the rumors that Ishikawa picked up on were true, weren't they?
Jeanne stood there a moment sort of at a loss.
Finally after a few minutes of watching Motoko work she decided it didn't matter. If she had the clothes now or if she had them later she would get them so if she had a towel it would be enough. "Towels in the bathroom?" She asked and there was a husky tiredness to her voice. It would probably be a miracle if she didn't fall asleep in the tub...

Knowing that was a large possibility Jeanne worked brusquely and there by doing so, staved off the exhaustion a few minutes longer. She was wrapped in a towel less than fifteen minutes later, her long silver white hair laying against soft skin. A miracle considering the proof of the damage that had been done to her person...

There was some scar tissue, faint marks that could not simply be grafted away. Faint burns around her shoulder and neck leading down to the pristine skin of her bio mechanical arm, and leg which was equally with out clothing. Only a towel...

"Major?" She asked after exiting the bathroom wrapped only in a fluffy towel.
It was a bit of work, but Viv was fast asleep from the painkillers. He was practically exhausted as it stood, so he didn't need much encouragement to start snoring on the couch as Motoko headed up the steps in smooth strides, her eyes catching Jeanne as she came out of the bathroom. She didn't gape, or stare...well, she did...but the look in her eyes certainly wasn't because of her scars as she walked forward with a faint smile. Honestly? She was beautiful.

"My bedroom is this way...but I don't mind you keeping like that, either."
"Your bedroom?" Jeanne asked as she leaned against the door frame of the bathroom in just her towel for a moment. A smile crossed her lips despite her exhaustion. It was good to know she could still feel beautiful and desirous despite everything.

"You don't?" She asked as she pushed away from the wall and followed Motoko. She wanted to protest the idea of taking the Majors room, but her tired mind reminded her she needed clothes before she made it to bed, so it couldn't be that could it? Or maybe it was... if Motoko didn't mind her in this state of undress what was there left to get or do in her room? Her cheeks flushed a little at the idea and tired eyes looked again to the Major who was indeed beautiful... Flack jacket and all.

Her brain snapped back from that warm fuzzy confusion as the light shifted and the wet on her shoulder / back was once more revealed, reminding Jeanne that all was not well. "You are hurt." She said, it wasn't a question but rather a statement. One that caused pale brows to narrow, and the thought of clothes to slip her mind. She reached out a hand and brushed fingers over the wet spot expecting it to come away red like her own might, but she forgot that cyborgs have a white sort of blood rather than red. "Let me see it." She said with a gentle firmness to her voice, that pushed away that growling fatigue.
Motoko glanced back at her faintly a moment, she supposed she could have told her a number of things. But the concern was somewhat touching, admittedly as she gave a faint nod and lead her back to her room at least. It was probably what you'd expect form someone like Motoko Kusanagi, her bed was probably half of her room, and the rest was a wide closet, a desk with a computer and other random things that were related to her work and hardly seemed personal.

"Pushy for an Ambassador," she joked easily, unzipping her vest to slip it off her shoulders. Fake or not...her body was beautifully toned and designed to look muscular and shapely as she discarded the vest for now and took a seat on her bed. She wanted to see it, so she unzipped her bodysuit and slid her arm out. It looked rather nasty, as any gunshot wound would, it didn't look like it penetrated past the skin. The joys of a military grade body.
She actually made an amused noise at that. "Aren't all Ambassadors?" She asked Motoko. It wasn't as if she had asked a big thing... well maybe she did! It hadn't dawned on her that Motoko would be extremely body shy... but that quickly did not seem the case as her guardian shrugged out of her jacket and then the underlying body suit. It looked a lot worse than it was... as far as gunshots went it was pretty tame.
"I suppose it should not surprise me that you can take a bullet." She said as she peered closer at it. She was afraid to touch it at the moment. Her hand pressing against the skin delicately. "Did you deaden it?" She asked not remembering the right term for that particular action.

"I can get this out if you have some tweezers and gauze." She said after a cursory examination. "If... you want my help." She said realizing she was sounding pushy again...
"I shut off the nerves, yes," she chuckled faintly. "Check my counter in the kitchen, the first aid kit is still there." She could have removed it herself with enough time...but why not if someone was offering? Besides, she seemed almost...determined to help, and it was rather endearing.
"Oh." Jeanne said "Right, nerves." Murmuring almost absently. She listened to Motoko as she told her about where the first aid kit was, and after tightening her towel she moved off to go get it. Jeanne easily found the kitchen with Motoko's instructions, and found it rather pristine. Of course it made sense once again being reminded that Motoko was a full body cyborg and probably needed very little in that room...

She saw the box on the counter pulling it towards her she pulled it open and peered into it, mentally checking of the items she would need before closing it again and moving upstairs with it.
"I found it." She said in a rather youthful voice belying her total exhaustion.
"You should probably get some rest, you know," Motoko replied idly, glancing at her. "It's been a long day, Jeanne...I can handle it." She wasn't quite sure why she was so dedicated on helping her, but what was she supposed to say? She looked about ready to drop, but she was still going along just fine.
"I need to do this..." She said softly her hands pausing on the first aid box she set down. "Besides how would you get back there to get it yourself?" She wasn't sure how Motoko might could reach the wound herself.

She opened the box pulled out the tools she needed, and sat down behind Motoko to get to work. Though her senses were turned off Jeanne was as delicate as she could be. She not only pulled the bullet out, she flushed the wound, added some ointment and sealed it with a bandage before she was done.
"All done." She said in a soft voice her hand pressing gently on Motoko's good shoulder. She stood up and began cleaning up the supplies and wrappers she had used. Sterilizing the forceps before sliding them again into their place and closing the box. She finished cleaning up and stood up in her towel to go put the box back in the kitchen.
Motoko was silent for the most of it, but when she moved to put it away, she slid her hand into Jeanne's to stop her, turning around. Stubborn girl, but like she said...that was an Ambassador for you, wasn't it?

"Don't worry about it," Motoko smiled easily, pulling her closer. "Get some sleep, Jeanne. I insist..." she purred. PLayful, teasing...or maybe just a little worn out herself. It was hard to feel modest about exposing half her chest when she was still in a towel.
A spark of warmth shot through her stomach as Motoko stopped her by grasping her hand. She turned looking back at the Major and given her attraction to beautiful women it was inevitable that her eyes swept over Motoko's exposure... a look that darted away quickly because she wasn't sure what there was between them...

But she was no fresh maiden... and Motoko seemed to be making all the right gestures, giving her hints about her own sexuality... or at least that she wasn't disinterested in Jeanne. Still... being an American she didnt want to be overtly forward, other people already thought of them as second class citizens in a world where they had lost the status of Super Power. Then too there was the view that all Americans were brash, entitled brats who were rude and uncouth.

"W... where?" She asked softly unsure if Motoko was offering her a place there in that amazingly large bed, or if she were to be put some where else. If there was one thing she knew it was that she did not want to look like "that" American or even just like every other Ambassador; to Motoko... she wasn't yet sure why yet, but perhaps with time that would come.
She smiled easily, letting her fingers link with Jeanne's...well, her expression was quite clear where, but the other hand was slipping along the hem of her towel in a silent question.

"Well, your friend is going to be sleeping for quite some time, Ambassador..."
Heat rose to her cheeks as Motoko's hand pulled her in a bit, and her second hand came her towel. Jeanne pressed her lips together as for a moment her eyes rested on that second hand before she herself pulled the wrapped towel and let it fall from her person, it slid heavily from her body.

Jeanne was not a battle ready cyborg, but what grace her body held was through diligence and hard work. She had her fair amount of scars, soft visual texture more than a raised surface to her skin, war wounds of the battle she had waged and won... They were not thick or ugly, but visible down her right side where man made mechanics rebuilt her once crushed form.

She was a slender woman, one who worked out, more so to keep her body harmonious and strong rather than trim. But the end results were the same, full graceful breasts, not overtly larger or small, strong shoulders, straight back, flat but femenin abdomen, lush hips, she was strong but curvy. Graceful thighs framing a neatly trimmed womanhood that matched the white silver of her hair proving she was either diligent about the coloring, or that was her actual color.

She stood a moment longer before the Major, though with Motoko's level of technologically enhanced senses she was sure a second was enough for her to never forget what it was she saw. The towel slipped from her finger tips to the ground and she stepped forward.
Motoko rolled her shoulders out of her bodysuit, shifting closer as both of her firm, shapely breasts spilled out. Jeanne didn't get a slow burn, what she got was a topless woman leaning forward to kiss her. Her lips were powerful, and her arms slid around her waist.

Everything about Motoko's body felt muscular, but her breasts were every bit as full, if a cup size bigger than Jeanne's. She couldn't claim that there was a deep connection, but she thought the woman was beautiful and her spirit was more than admirable. But who knew? They just met, and Motoko wasn't the sort of woman to not take an oppertunity.
Slate eyes returned again to Motoko as she rolled her shoulders out of her suit and it pooled around her hips. She had a moment to enjoy the freeing of perfection when Motoko's mouth found hers, and she needed no prodding. She was admittedly exhausted, but she might have died in the next few minutes if this amazing, brave, powerful woman did not kiss her. Strong arms around her waist only intensified the sensation, and the pressing of breasts against her, and hers against Motoko. She groaned into the kiss, and moved in against the Major. Sliding a leg on either side of the womans hips and thighs on the bed as their mouths essentially battled for enough of the other in a hard, hungry kiss.

Her arms wrapped around Motoko's back, careful of her injury despite that area being deadened. It didn't matter to her that Motoko was a brain in a body... thats what they all were. Mechanical, bio chemical, creatures of thought and feeling held with in a mortal frame... some more mortal than others. The fact that Motoko was a full cyborg never even entered her mind as she leaned into the Major and drank deeply of her lips.
Motoko reciprocated with her hands sliding down, taking in a hungry breath as she teased her tongue. Her hands lazily slid over her pert, fit rear...and only broke the kiss to smirk lightly at her, licking her lips. She was a unique feeling...that stirred the Major in all the right places, she could tell the minute differences in weight that came from high end cybernetics attached to a wonderfully fleshy body.

"You're the tired one, Ambassador..." Motoko purred, her voice barely above a husky whisper as she leaned up to speak into that delicious neck, that she couldn't help but nibble. "And you're on top?"
She groaned as Motoko reminded her of her exhaustion, and warm lips fluttered against her neck. Her breath rattled in and out of her as she leaned against Motoko soaking in the feel of their bodies pressed together. For a long moment she didn't do anything, her desires for sleep and for carnal pleasures warring... she pulled enough away to gaze down at the woman below her and it was clear she had desire for the Major and that her decision to sleep or relent to other hungers was no small task.

No matter what she wanted though she WAS an Ambassador... and though one might say she had plenty reason not to go through the meetings tomorrow, she couldn't bring herself to just ignore them. She had to be an Ambassador to her people before a woman for herself... Having come to this realization she let out a long shaky breath and sighed.

"Hold me?" She asked wondering if Motoko would do that for her with out the promise of sex...
Motoko slid a hand across her cheek with an easy smile. The internal battle was clear on her face...and Motoko found her self control commendable. She shifted one of her hands down to tug at the zipper of her bodysuit, her boots coming off as she squirmed out of it through her legs and slid her arms around Jeanne's body, cradling her close.

"Get some sleep, Jeanne," she said tenderly, holding her close. "You've got a long day tomorrow." The both of them did.
The Ambassador leans into the caress ever so slightly before it is gone, her eyes following that hand as it goes to the zipper on her suit. A flush rises again on her features as she watches Motoko pull it down and reveal more perfection. She chewed on her lip as she slips off of the Major's body to the side and the final revelation is revealed.

She sat there on her hip watching, wondering what would happen, the Major was not exactly the easiest book to read, and she wasn't sure if her request offended Motoko or not. But her waiting finally ended as she was drawn in close against her, and with a sigh she melted into the Majors arms and body. She was almost asleep before the two of them hit the pillow.
Morning probably came too fast, even for Motoko. She had to admit, it had been a long time since she was really able to enjoy another body against hers. It was nice just feeling Jeanne against her, her hand absently slipping through her hair every so often. She was used to sleeping sporadically, due to her work...but this time, she seemed to get a full night's sleep, somewhere she had managed to pull the covers around them both.

As much as she wanted to savor it, she had work to do. Well before the sun even rose, Motoko slid Jeanne's arms gently back and kissed her forehead, barely making the bed shift as she moved away.

Ishikawa, what do you have? Motoko said, watching her sleep. It was a nice distraction, but that was over as she sat down in one of her office chairs, one leg folded over the other like some uppity businesswoman, sans clothes.

Nothing good, Major...Furinkazan was a minor political party before the Third War, but when the ‘Japanese Miracle’ happened, their numbers swelled. For the most part, it was little more than handwaving about Japanese superiority, but there’s some big bankroll these days. A lot of what they do is handled mostly by Section 1, a lot of graffiti, vandalism and threats of terrorism...but nothing really worth mentioning. A lot of their accounts are under some deep firewalls, and I’m pretty certain that a lot of the people named are aliases.

Motoko narrowed her eyes faintly in thought, cheek resting against her fist. Ultra-nationalist groups were a dime a dozen when you were a superpower in the world they lived in, after everything that happened in World War Three, there was no such thing as stability. Even America was split in two, and wasn’t on it’s best legs. Offering an Ambassador was a bold that was starting to flare up a lot of century old tension.

So they must have been waiting? Or maybe they just didn’t have the right target until now? She asked, glancing out her window. The sun was starting to come up,and it illuminated her naked body through the window. Even if she had a cyborg body, it was advanced enough to feel the temperature shift to give her synthetic skin goosebumps.

A lot of what they did was a lot of online posturing and minor political pressure, nothing that could be seen as outright terrorism, but like any group, there’s a few sore spots.They were labeled primarily as extremists, but their record isn’t consistent enough to be considered a true threat until now.’s possible that there are a lot of people, aside from Furinkazan that don’t want to see the Ambassador. It’s going to be hard to tell who funded what, and when...even if we did know, telling anyone could be more trouble.

I’ll talk to Aramaki, Motoko said, glancing back at Jeanne. For the time being, she’s safer here than in a hotel. And I doubt she’ll want to have her schedule changed… there was a minor sigh there, but Ishikawa thought it best not to ask. Why did she have to like the stubborn ones? If she showed any shred of fear, it’d be over.

I’ll keep you posted, Major. Togusa and Batou are already working with Section 4 to make sure things are clear. But it’s hard to say what could happen. Motoko smiled a little bit at that, watching Jeanne shift in her sleep. She was a beautiful woman, really…

I’ll make do, like usual. They had an assembly to attend to, after all.
Jeanne slept further though her companion vacated the bed to get some work done. She lay there under the speculation of calm red eyes as the Major went over things with Ishikawa utterly oblivious of the conversation that was taking place about her. It was nearly an hour more before Jeanne awoke, a quiet thing at that. Her eyes opening a mechanical hand moving to touch the bed beside her. The place where Motoko had slep was cool... she did not yet ascertain that the Major was lounging in her radiant glory just a few spaces away...

When she did she lay there on her side drinking in the image the Major made sitting business like in her unopressed nudity. It would have been a lie if she didn't admit she was once again aroused by this woman. Her coloring was unique, her body was amazing, and her attitude some how enflamed her libido even more. She could have drank in that exotic beauty for hours if not longer, but this was not a pleasure trip... she lifted her right arm and looked at the delicate white gold watch noting the time. Sitting up Jeanne lifted a hand to drag it through silver white hair shaking it behind her and off her shoulders.

Maybe just a minute more? She gave a faint smile and raised her eyes again to Motoko and imagined that glorious body pressing against hers, drawing cries of pleasure from the two of them as they burned away some frustration. Softly she groaned and turned sliding her legs off the bed. 'Thats really not productive...' She thought and forced herself into action. The blankets pooled at her hips as she let them fall away, she rose in her own undressed state and then paused as it dawned on her she didn't have a thing to wear...

It seemed silly to reach for the towel she had discard haphazardly last night in a rush of hormones and blind need... so she didnt.

Turning she strode around the bed to come to face the Major, she stopped at the end of the bed and threaded her fingers sliding her cupped hands behind her head hanging them there. She never really knew what to do with her hands while she was dressed, the need to do something, anything with them while she was nude was that much stronger. Not having many options she went with relaxed and confident rather than shy and uncomfortable. Shifting her weight and swinging her hips to one side she stood there looking like she belonged on a long stretch of sand on a hot sunny day rather than a nippy morning after a shoot out that could have ended in the extinguishing of her life...

"So.." She said a playful grin on her lips. "I was wondering if it would be safe to go collect my bag so I might be appropriately dressed for the morning meeting I have with your Financial Prime Minister. I wouldn't want to end his career prematurely." She said speaking of how her current state of undress might be his undoing.
Motoko admired her, every little movement, every little sway of her body...she had to admit...she drank in every sweet inch of it. Her crimson eyes trailed smoothly down her body in easy appreciation there it was again...that posture that radiated a casual confidence as Motoko slid out of her chair to saunter over. Her hands were surprisingly delicate on her thighs, considering how strong she truly was as she leaned forward, her lips brushing against Jeanne's in a faint smile.

"Just as long as I get to see what's underneath," she said quietly, it was hardly subtle, the look in her eyes. One of her pure and undeniable hunger, but she was still, was business. And she wouldn't get in the way of that.

...But it was fun seeing her squirm.
Slate blue eyes watched Motoko stand, because lets face it... to not would have been a mortal sin that Jeanne was not willing to spend the rest of her life paying for. They swept over her perfection and she chewed on the inner side of her bottom lip as images of what they could be doing instead of getting ready for their day; filled her head.

Strong gentle hands reached for her, holding on as the Major playfully told her the conditions of helping her. This got twin brows to rise as the full weight of her words settled upon the Ambassador, and her body filled with desire all over again. Heat colored her cheeks red, but they were not the only thing to flush with warmth at such a price. The heat crawled down Jeanne's neck and splashed across her shoulders and the upper swell of full breasts.

"A price I would gladly pay." She said with boldness.

While Jeanne's sexuality was not a public affair, she was by no means a demure damsel who felt tongue tied when propositioned. A private woman, yet one who knew the things she liked, and wanted.
"Good," Motoko purred, letting her hands faintly dip along her inner thighs before retreating. "You and your aide probably need breakfast," she said casually, heading over to the closet as if nothing ever mattered. "I've already asked for someone to recover your suitcases, they should be here soon." Just like that, she was back to business. But that radiant little flush to her, how much she wished she had the time to kiss it all away.
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