Hogwarts Horror Stories. (Malin & Darkangel76)

Ryan felt every move his sister made. Her hot breath upon his skin made him feel an odd sense of satisfaction, and while he often upheld the societal rules he had to admit that having Regan's hand upon his thigh, and just feeling her lightly press against him was all a guilty pleasure of his. He enjoyed keeping her, he knew that his sister was a little obsessive but at the same time she did her best for him. She was the one person he could always trust to not only hold up to his standards but also work with them.

Ryan took a bite out of the food, chewing softly, his eyes glancing over to the slytherin that was still staring at his sister. He had to agree it was absolutely pathetic to watch, but at the same time filled him with a slight amount of rage. He moved one of his hands under the table, brushing against Regan's hand on his thigh, and placing it under the school uniforms skirt, brushing it along her bare thigh, and then clamping down on his sisters smooth skin, griping her hard, and crushing down on her leg with more then a little force. When he spoke it was into her ear, and in a light whispering tone.

"We have talked about this Regan, not in public. As much as I enjoy your affections I won't risk my public image, we are prefects now." His tone was rather cold but his mouth was still against her ear. "And secondly, if you are going to risk being seen." He moved his hand all the way up her skirt, his hand brushing against her underwear, and touching her under the table. "don't be a tease about it." He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek as a small display of 'brotherly love.' then let out a small cough having taken enough risks for a moment. His fee hand grabbing a drink and taking it down.

"Today is gonna be a long one, The other houses are setting a bad example of what students our year are currently capable of. They are acting like horny rabbits, and it's not even spring yet. Hufflepuff needs to set an example." He said loudly addressing the entire table. "I'm not telling you all to keep it in your pants, but keep it too the shadows! If I hear any students from my house are in the positions of slytherin and ravenclaw, then I will deal with it harshly. We are students in a school so lets act like it, and have a 'safe' year." All the while under the table his hand continued to crush down on his sisters smooth thigh, leaving red marks along her soft sensitive skin in a place none would really be able to see.

Markus smiled and nodded, in his experience it always made sense to ask forgiveness first, and this time there was even a good reason they were cutting class. He could only guess that with Archer's approval they would have to accept that. It wasn't like they were cutting class to go fuck.. unlike two people from yesterday. He let out a long sigh, no Markus wasn't nearly as lucky as that, however he did get to spend the morning helping not only a prefect while cutting class, but also the person he has always had a crush on.

"So what is it you need to help archer with any way." He said turning away from the door and paying it no more attention. This issue was sorted for the moment. They would return later when they had the note from Archer. And he himself would need to go talk to the potions master as he was inevitably cutting out on his class to help the young woman. Not that he really cared about potions to start with. There was nothing fun about weighing ingredients, and memorizing what everything was for. Rather it was all just an odd form of math that was rather over taxing and kind of confusing.

Markus was a much better lock breaker, and maker then a student. His charms were second to none, and that was just the way of it. He had a talent for the subtle dextrous movements of the hands and fingers that charms took too make. It made him rather useful when trying to get into places he really shouldn't be, but also got him in a lot of trouble. He sighed lightly, wondering which task Winnie was working on. "So are you going out somewhere to find an ingrediant? Going into town maybe? hogsmeade?"

He had no idea what task would keep a prefect out of class, only that they did some times act as a teachers aid. So what ever it was that Him and Winnie were doing for Archer it was probably for class. At least that was his assumption. For now he didn't really know what they were doing except following the ravenclaw prefects lead. He didn't know where they were going after all. "And really following along with you is no problem at all." He said lightly waving happily.
Immediately Reagan's breath hitched, catching in her throat and causing her to gasp so softly that she was certain only Ryan was able to hear it. Her hand that had been resting gently upon his thigh suddenly moved and was gripping the edge of her seat, her knuckles turning white as she held onto it. She bit down on her lower lip when a tiny whimper threatened to escape her, something she had to stifle if she was to uphold the image her brother firmly believed was for the best. After all, what he wanted... she wanted. And Ryan always wanted what was best.

Reagan's breaths started to come easier, though her heart was pounding hard beneath her breasts. She was well aware of her twin's hand on her thigh, his palm hot against her bare skin as he squeezed and pressed, fingers sliding ever upward. The pain was exhilarating, letting her know she was alive, that everything was vibrant and real. Her blue eyes glistened before fluttering shut as she listened to his words, his breath hot against her ear. She shivered, though she tried to hide it. But it was impossible.

Slowly, Reagan felt Ryan's hand move further up her thigh, his fingers brushing against her sex—though the material of her panties barred the way—causing a tiny tingling jolt of pleasure to course through her. Without a thought, her legs spread, her hips tilted. It was an automatic reaction to his touch, one that triggered the craving. She sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes fluttering shut as she focused on his voice. The moment she did, she felt his hand bear down, the pain increasing as he squeezed harder, more forcefully.

Reagan had to stifle the smile as her head began to swim, her breaths coming shorter as sensations overwhelmed her to the core. By the time Ryan finished his speech, she was practically panting, breathless as she opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Well said," she stated. "This is why they look up to you." Her face flushed a deep shade of red. "It's why you're so respected and why I admire you so." She blushed even more and let out a soft sigh.

Back in the corridors, Winnie grabbed a hold of Markus' sleeve and dragged him away from Buttermere's office door. She swallowed hard and bit down on her lower lip as she led him further and further away.

"First thing first," Winnie said plainly. "We need to go to Ravenclaw dorms and check out some things there." Her face contorted a little as she thought about what she needed to do. "We need to search through someone's things to see if they have something. A vial." She sighed exasperatedly. "It's rather small and might not even be there, but it's a start," she said.

Winnie led the way toward the Astronomy Tower and the staircase that led up to the Ravenclaw dorms. She said the password and gestured that Markus join her in the common room.

"The stairs up into the girl's room is over this way," Winnie stated, pointing toward the stone steps leading further upward. "Rumor has it that Andromeda Sheppley might have been involved. So, we'll have to check her things first. Then, we can go up into the boys' dorms as well." She looked at Markus with a sheepish expression, her cheeks pink. "It's not much, but it's a start at least," she admitted. "Besides, it's the best lead I have right now." Touching his arm, she smiled. "I'm just glad you're helping me. I'm sure it'll make this easier and give me courage to get that pass from Archer later on." She giggled softly and pushed her glasses up her nose. "No doubt I'll need it," she stated.
Ryan could hear the short breaths of his sister all too well. He knew full well that his sister was probably loving the fact that he was squeesing down on her leg as he spoke. There was a certain thrill that came with being a hypocrite, but at the same time he wasn't lying. He had told the members of his house to keep their actions too the shadows, and his hand was under her skirt, well concealed by the shadows of her clothing and the table all around them. There was a twisted pleasure he gained in bending the rules and finding that special case where he could say one thing, and do another yet be completely justified in both.

There was also the fact that while he was hurting his sister, he knew full well that his sister loved every second of it. He could see that much from the blush on her face, and the pained sharp breaths. Regan was a little twisted like that, always enjoying her own little moments of pain, but then again he was the one who was providing that experience so really who was too blame in times like these?

As he ate breakfast he dug his nails lightly across her smoth flesh scratching her thigh. Seeing her panting he shook his head and finally pulled away from her, as he had given her more then enough for her mind to play with today. However he let out a coy smile. "I know exactly why all these people respect me." He said lightly, after he ate he got up from the table, and gave her a small knowing smile. Whispering under his breath so that only his sister could hear, "tomorrow leave those in the dorm." He said giving her a knowing nod and a half grin.

Walking out into the hall he let out a long sigh. "Come on now everyone get to class, I don't want anyone skipping." He yelled over the hussle of the other students, and left the great hall with his sister in toe.

Markus blinked entering the Ravenclaw tower. He was actually slightly astonished. This wasn't a place he was used to going, in fact he had never seen any of the other common rooms except for Gryffendors. The difference was actually rather staggering, there were bookshelves all around the tower, and the place looked like it was designed less with comfort in mind, and more like a study hall. blinking at the pristeen blue's and silver that made up the decor of the room he sighed taking in the air.

~It smelles like nerd~ Markus thought rather darkly.

However as he was dragged over to the staircase he stopped. In the gryffendor common room, the stairs were charmed to become a slide if a boy ever stepped foot on the girls staircase. It wasn't something that happened that happened all that often, but he had watched it happen to at least 1 boy during his time at hogwarts. and while he nodded at the fact that Winnie needed him, but he wasn't about to make that kind of mistake. "Uhm... is it safe?"

"In the gryffendor tower the girls staircase is cursed for when a boy steps onto them... How do I know these stairs aren't?" Godrick had done it becuase he didn't trust men to conserve a womans virtue. Rowena was a smart woman, she would have known that students no matter what would get down to the nasty, but surely she put some prevention measures on the stair cases. He let out a long sigh unsure if he should take that kind of risk. He certainly didn't want to be the first male to try it. Especially with Winnie already on the stair case, if he stepped on them and they turned to a slide then she would get hurt wouldn't she?
Reagan had all she could do to eat breakfast with a straight face. Though she managed. Barely. After all, both she and Ryan had images to uphold and she wasn't about to destroy that by allowing herself to break form right there at the table. Not in front of so many. Still, it was difficult as she felt his hot hand against her thigh, his nails digging at her flesh. The sweet sting was almost unbearable, beckoning for her to call out his name. But, she didn't. She held onto her composure, her panties soaking as he touched her so discreetly as only one such as he could.

After breakfast was over and Reagan got up to follow Ryan out into the corridors, he leaned toward her, his lips grazing her ear. Immediately she felt a flash of heat consume her, that special flutter that only he could instill, as he told her that next time... she was to leave the panties behind.

As Reagan waited with Ryan, she watched several students begin to exit the Great Hall so that they could head to their first class. Among them she noticed Simon and Felicity, both being eyed by Kyle and Andie. She shook her head and sighed. Rivalries. Every year there was at least one, if not more.

Meanwhile in the Ravenclaw common room, Winnie blushed as she looked over at Markus. She knew about the unfair enchantments on the stairs leading up to the girls' dorms while the boys' dorms were left unprotected. It was a funny quirk that still remained despite the changing times. Though, as someone who'd never really had any reason to bring a boy up to her room, it hadn't been on the forefront of her mind. Plus, most of the other Ravenclaw boys had automatically just used spells to levitate themselves over the stairs to get around the silly enchantment. She had to wonder why those in Gryffindor hadn't thought to do such things. Then again, they were bold and brash and brave. She supposed it wasn't their way to ponder such things.

"They are enchanted," Winnie began, her cheeks reddening a little. She then decided to let the game she'd been playing continue, to take on a darker more torrid tone in her mind. If only Markus knew the sort of things she was pretending just to make herself feel better, more special... he'd probably run away thinking her silly and foolish. "But..." her voice trailed and she reached for her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa," she stated causing Markus to levitate for a moment and then she let him drop back down to the floor. "See. A simple levitation will do the trick." She gave him a smile. "That's what the others do. I... I figured everyone must do similarly."

Winnie averted her eyes and pushed at her glasses suddenly feeling rather small, like she'd offended or worse. She hoped Markus wasn't and that he'd stay with her and continue helping her on her search.

Looking back over at Markus, Winnie smiled sheepishly, her cheeks burning brightly. "Still want to come up with me?" she asked, hoping he would and her mind still playing at the game she'd conjured up the moment Markus agreed to tag along. "I promise you it isn't that bad," she stated. "Though I cannot vouch for Andromeda's things." Her smile broadened a little and she giggled a genuine giggle, breaking the tension—at least for herself—a little bit, making her feel a bit more at ease.

Winnie bit down on her lip and put her wand away. She headed for the stairs and hoped that Markus would join her on the trek up.
"You have to ask?" Markus said still happy to be along on this trip. There was something that Winnie wasn't telling him that was rather certain, but he wasn't sure what it was. He wasn't exactly a mind reader, still he was with the person he had a crush on, and they even seemed to be getting along. He swallowed lightly, maybe if this went well then he could actually ask her out after a while?. It didn't seem impossible to him that it could happen. When she let out her giggle however his own laugh joined her lightly. It was rather cute to hear the Prefect giggle.

Markus felt his body be lifted up, and blinked. He had never actually thought about using the levitation charm before to overcome the fact that students couldn't step foot on the stairs. He would have thought something like a broom would have been better suited, but then again if you had someone willing to cast the charm then why not. For Markus that was as simple as a flick of the wrist and he was back up in the air. Though he had to wonder why Winnie was blushing. He followed along side her feeling like an oversize Balloon for a moment as he floated along using his wand to guide himself up the stair case.

When they finally got inside he set himself down, and let out a long sigh. "It's not all that different from the boys dorm in gryffendor." He said lightly looking around at the room. Honestly he wasn't against rummaging through a woman's things, Andie wasn't really a person he had ever really interacted with, but he had heard a few stories about the pure blood. She seemed to have a reputation for not being the nicest person around. Still why a prefect would need to find a vial inside another house members stuff, was rather interesting to think about. When it came down too it, it meant that this girl had stolen something from their potions master.

Setting himself down on the ground he put his wand away and let out a small sigh of relief. It really was as simple as a floating charm? why had no one in gryffendor actually thought of that before? The answer was simple of course it wasn't in their personalities to take an easy way out like that. "Okay so now that we are in here... now what?" He said lightly looking around the room. He was basically inside the forbidden holy land. Every male student had at some point wanted to get into the girls dorm, and spy on things. Now that he was actually standing here however... it was kind of lame. There were no girls in underwear, or pillow fights, rather it was just as military and foreign as the boys dorm. Beds stacked side to side one bunk each, with the chest and closet for clothing and items. It was in the end just a dorm, and he couldn't help but hide a little disappointment. Especially since he was here with a girl. "So which one is Andromeda's stuff in?"

Simon walked in line with Felicity, he fully intended on walking her to class, however something crossed his mind, as they walked the length of the hallway to the great set of shifting staircases to go to their classes. He held her hand as he walked, but as they left the great hall he paused for a moment stopping, and thus halting Felicity at the same time. Biting his lip for a moment he glanced about the hallway, and then deviated from what would have been their normally schedualed walk. Turning away from the great hall and going the opposite direction that they should have been. "Follow me."

Simon didn't speak, rather this idea was completely on the whim of what had happened over the last two days. Not speaking he pulled Felicity aside and kissed her lips, waiting for more of the crowed to dissipate and move on. He was also hoping that the harder he kissed Felicity the less protesting to the sudden change of plans she would make. Yesterday had been more then annoying considering how the two of them had ended up fairing, and then the fact that they hadn't been left alone for a second. However as the saying went the new day was full of new opportunities.

His hand lightly pressed on Felicity's shoulder pushing her against a wall, while at the same time kissing her lips heavily, his teeth lightly biting down on her lower lips as he hoped to squelch any chance she had of protesting. He knew how important it was to Felicity to go to class, and if she said those words, then he knew that he would have no choice but to take her to them. The wall he had pressed her against however was rather strategic, as his goal was only a few feet away from them. The thought had been sparked by something that Irie had said the day before.

~It's called the first floor girls bathroom.~

Swallowing lightly the crowed had passed, and he thought they had even managed to loose Andie and Kyle in all the people leaving for their first class. The only sound now was the heavy beating of his heart beat, and oddly enough the sound of crying coming from the bathroom they were just outside of. "Want to try again?"
Winnie's cheeks reddened as she looked over at Markus. He seemed to be glancing about, unimpressed by his surroundings. Letting out a soft sigh, she then gestured toward the one and only unmade bed of the bunch. Andie truly was unique among Ravenclaw. A clever witch to be certain, but in many ways, Winnie often wondered if the red head would be better suited for Slytherin. She had goals and ambition and there wasn't anyone she wouldn't step on to obtain them. In other words, the witch would hex you without thought if it meant climbing the proverbial social ladder and firming up a spot among the social elite.

It was despicable.

"Like I said," Winnie reminded. "We're looking for a vial. Archer mentioned that he was missing some Greyroot Juice. So it should be labeled that," she added with a slight nod, her mousy blonde hair falling over her shoulders as she knelt down on the floor in front of Andie's things.

For a brief moment, Winnie sat there and stared at Andie's trunk. She was hesitant to open the thing, feeling a bit guilty that she was about to invade a fellow student's privacy. She knew it was imperative to do so, that it was for the good of the school. But it didn't make doing so any easier. Biting down on her lower lip, she reached for the latch that would allow for her to open the trunk, but the thing wouldn't budge. Instead it rattled and shook.

"Oh no," Winnie mumbled, her lips turning into a frown. "Locked." As she let her hands drop away, the lock glowed slightly, an indicator that not only was Andie's trunk locked, but enchanted.

Winnie let out a puff of air and slapped her hands against her lap in frustration. She could feel her eyes pricking with tears, the feeling of failure trying to consume and devour. She looked at Markus and giggled a little, a means to cover up the fact that she was about to lose it and cry.

"Don't suppose you're good at breaking locking charms?" Winnie asked. But who was she kidding? Locking charms tended to be complicated. Typically only the one who placed it could break it. It was just the way of things, especially at their level of magic. Of course, there were exceptions. There were some students who had the knack. But she certainly had never had the fortune of knowing any.

Meanwhile, in the corridors, Felicity was happy to be walking with Simon, her hand firmly placed in his. Though she was tired thanks to Peeves' serenade and the lingering effects of the potion she'd consumed during class, she regretted nothing. All of it had gotten her and Simon even closer and because of that, she wouldn't change a thing about what had happened.

Felicity yawned a little, giggling slightly as she followed along with Simon, ready to head to class. As he led her along, he suddenly took a turn causing her to arch a brow. She figured he must have good reason for the minor deviation in course, though if they weren't careful, they'd both be late. However, because she was happy to be with him, to have that bit of time, she gave him a smile and followed, not questioning his reasons for going a different way than normal.

Just then, before Felicity had a chance to say anything, Simon's lips were pressed against hers, crushing them with their warmth, their heat. Immediately, her mind began to spin as a flood of sensations beginning to overwhelm her. She could feel that strange tingle—the same one she'd felt back in the Hospital Wing—and let out a small whimper. Just what was Simon thinking as he did this to her? Did he not know that they had class in a matter of moments? In vain, she pushed against him, but her attempt was half-hearted. Everything felt so good, so right. Another whimper escaped her, a mix of protest and longing. Oh, it was so unfair! She wanted more... but there was class!

So much heat rushed over Felicity's skin, her heart pounding harder, faster the longer Simon kissed her. Her cheeks burned red, her breath catching as she suddenly gasped the moment she felt his teeth graze her lips. She was aroused, her knees trembling as she stood there before him in a daze.

"I... I..." Felicity stammered though breathless pants just nodding her consent to Simon's question. Her steely eyes were glazed over, staring off at nothing in particular. "But class..." she then mumbled—clearly an after thought—as her eyes flitted back to look into Simon's emerald eyes. Her cheeks were bright red as she looked at him, but she made no attempt to move and all the while she continued her nodding. "You know you're a terrible influence," she said. "Right?" At that, she gave him a shy smile, her blush deepening as she bit down on her lower lip.
Markus was quick to pull out his wand. Stepping up along side Winnie he smiled brightly when she asked if he was any good with locking enchantments. It was really one of his best skills. Charms and enchantments were good for him, however at the end of the day his real calling was in magical lock making. "My father makes magical locks actually." He said lightly stepping forward.

He took a hard look at Andie's trunk and sure enough he was quick to pin down exactly which locking charm this was. He bit his lower lip for a second, as he took out his wand, Movements for unlocking charms like these were difficult, and it took him a moment to actually gather enough concentration that the enchantment faded, and a moment latter the lock click opened, unlocking and falling off the trunk.

Markus brushed a hand over his forehead feeling a small layer of sweat having formed, and let out a long sigh. "One lock broken as to your request. Don't worry I am pretty sure I can put the charm back on it before we go." He said lightly, but moving out of the way. As excited and happy that he was that he actually managed to make himself look cool, and as proud as he was for actually breaking a locking spell the last thing he really wanted to do was fish through a girls belongings. There were some lines men just shouldn't cross, and the only reason he had actually accepted to break that lock in the first place was because it had been Winnie that asked him to do it.

"Enchantments and charms are kind of my thing, stuff like this, it's all in the wrist really. It's hard to explain, but it's really the only talent I have. I'm just glad it's a useful one." He said lightly. It was certainly difficult to remove a locking enchantment placed by someone else, but it wasn't impossible. Andie's lock wasn't really the best he had ever seen, but it wasn't the worst either. If given the chance he would have wanted to ask where she learned to actually do stuff like this.

Back in the hall Simon's 'plan' had seemed to work. Felicities face was once again blushing adorably. Simon held her to a wall as he gave a rather coy smile. He knew full well that the ravenclaw had probably never skipped a class a day in her life, and yet here he was, holding her too a wall to the point where she could only call him a bad influence. It was something that made him smile. "Well I certainly won't deny it."

Simons hands slid under Felicities skirt for a moment, his thumbs hooking around her panties. They were still out in the hall, but as he looked around he didn't see anyone who was watching. Slowly he slid them down her legs, his body moving down slowly, and his thumbs dragging against the sensitive skin of her legs for a moment. As he knelt down his eyes cleverly looked up her skirt, and he gave a rather small blushing smile. Taking off her panties he quickly palmed them, and as if performing some kind of magic trick they disappeared. Simon held open both hands to show that he was no longer holding them. even moving his sleeves too show her that they were gone.

"Like magic." He said with a small happy tone, "and if you want them back..." He gave a small wink, and started to walk over to the girls bathroom jesturing for Felicity to follow him. Everyone was bound to be in class, and the only person they would have to deal with was moaning myrtle. He rolled his eyes, at the sound of crying as they entered the room. They had done a lot more in front of peeves, which had been stupid, so with myrtle... aside from the sounds she made he honestly didn't care about the girl.
Winnie watched in awe as Markus set to work on the lock, his face showing great focus and concentration while his wand seemed to be gripped firmly in his hand. She wondered how it was he came to know so much about such things. Whether it was first hand experience at breaking rules or some other thing that gave him the knowledge. Regardless, it proved useful given the situation, so she was more than grateful and more than impressed. A tiny smile tugged on the corners of her lips as she watched, her body leaning in a bit closer to get a better glimpse. She had to admit, it was rather amazing to watch the Gryffindor work, the magic weaving throughout the lock until it finally opened with a click and fell to the floor with a thud.

Immediately, Winnie gasped, her body jumping a little at the sound of the lock falling. She smiled and looked at Markus. "I'm impressed," she admitted softly before he explained how such things were his specialty. "And I'm sure you have other talents," she added.

Winnie's cheeks reddened a bit as she turned toward the trunk, realizing how her words could possibly have come off. But she didn't bother amending them. She was still playing her game in her mind and she didn't want it to end just yet since it was nice to pretend that she could be special. Instead, she just swallowed hard and carried on. After all, they had a mission and that was to find the missing vial. Biting down on her lower lip, she dared to reach her hand into Andie's trunk and start moving things about. On top were some books, but underneath...

"Oh... my..." Winnie whispered as her hands held up what she figured must be a pair of one of Andie's panties—if they could even be called that. "I... umm..." she stammered, dropping the black lacy thing back into the trunk. "That's not a vial," she squeaked. Her cheeks reddened more as she pushed the lingerie aside and there was plenty of it in blacks, purples and pinks. Just what kind of collection did this girl have? Apparently she had enough for an entire year! Giving Markus an embarrassed smile, she continued to rummage hoping to high and holy Merlin that she'd find the vial and not some other embarrassing piece of clothing.

Meanwhile, in the corridors, Felicity looked up at Simon with glistening eyes and reddened cheeks. She bit down on her lip as his hands slid down her body, the heat making her shiver slightly. He then reached up underneath her skirt, a coy smirk playing on his lips. Swallowing hard, she clamped her eyes shut in anticipation of what it was he was about to do, her breaths coming short and ragged. "A very terrible influence," she murmured.

Felicity could feel her panties suddenly sliding down her thighs, then down her legs. Without even realizing it, she just complied and stepped out of them, allowing him to remove them all together. She felt so exposed and vulnerable knowing that she had nothing on now underneath her skirt. But the only one who knew... Simon. Just Simon. She gasped as she watched him make them disappear. To where? She had no idea, an unfair trick to say the least! And oh how it made her knees wobble!

Simon was definitely toying with her. Felicity knew as much as she watched him walk away, gesturing that she follow him into the nearby girls' bathroom. She could hear Moaning Myrtle as she went after him, her cries muffled, but still rather loud even in the corridors. When she entered, the cries were even louder, but the ghost seemed occupied in one of the lavatory stalls at the moment.

Felicity bit down on her lip glancing about just in case. After what had happened in the Hospital Wing, she was nervous. No one seemed to be about and Peeves wouldn't enter with Moaning Myrtle wailing on and on. Besides, the bathroom was her domain anyway. Myrtle was rather possessive for ghost-girl who'd died at the age of fifteen.

"So," Felicity said, her cheeks bright red, Myrtle wailing in the background. "Are you going to tell me what you did with them? Or..." Her voice trailed. "Is the plan to keep me this way for a little while?" She bit down on her lower lip, her blush deepening as she averted her gaze to stare at the floor.
Markus gave a soft but not really mean spirited glare at her comment about having other talents. He didn't really know what she meant, and for some reason the words rang out in his head almost like the prefect was trying to tease him. Which was actually oddly enough something Markus didn't really mind. Winnie was actually the first person to ever really see or notice that he had a talent like this, and impressing her with it, was well worth the class he had missed. For once he was actually being useful, and that oddly made him feel better about his situation.

Markus couldn't help but giggle as he saw the black lace undies. Before he could even think really on the situation he cracked one of the worst things he could have possibly said in just about any situation. "I think they would look good on you." He said lightly looking at how embarrassed that her face was. From there he blushed hard, and fell into a short moment of silence. It seemed neither of them could really hold their own tongues once it came to one of them having an idea.

Markus let out a nervous cough, "Why not just use the summoning charm?" He said finally after a few moments of her searching through rather lacy things that he was almost certain would look better on the prefect than it would on someone like Andie. Who was a little too evil, and apparently easy. What did she expect to need a set of sexy panties to impress every single guy at Hogwarts. Actually now that he thought about it, that was actually on some level probably her plan. He didn't know much about her, but any girl with a collection like this was probably easy.

Markus found himself drifting slightly into a daydream, with Winnie just wearing the thin lace of these panties, modeling them for him. At the same time the reality of the situation was that Winnie was a prefect. he doubted there was a slytherin alive who could convince her to do anything like steal sexy underwear from a member of her house and wear it for an almost complete stranger. Even if that stranger had been your stalker for five years.... actually his blush deepened slightly as he realized that last thought only made things worse.

Down in the washroom Simon couldn't help but tease Felicity. After all she was at her cutest when she was blushing a deep color of red, and really it was well worth what ever price he was going to have to pay down the line. There was no doubt about it. Simon wasn't doing any of this to be cruel, and he knew Felicity knew that much about him to keep things separate in her head. Though they hadn't said it, there was a strong connection between the two now, and it was an enjoyable thing they had encountered. "What would I get out of just giving them back to you, and besides if I did that then I couldn't do this."

As he spoke he once again pulled Felicity closer, his lips pressing against hers in a heated, quick kiss. his tongue pressing entrance into her mouth, and enjoying every second of the close contact he had with Felicity. He had grown bold from yesterday which honestly may not be the smartest thing he could have grown. His hand slid under her skirt grabbing her bare ass and pushing her closer to his body, while his leg slid between her legs and brushed the course fabric of her skirt against her bare sex.

Pulling apart, simon had once again hooked his thumbs around a piece of her clothing only this time it was her skirt, which he pulled on, and pushed down to the ground. This time however there was no magic trick, instead he bent down lower, kissing her shirt as he went down, till once again he was kneeling only this time it was in front of her bare and exposed pussy, before he kissed it, and his hands moved to her thighs, holding her in place, and pushing her against a stall door as he started to lick her pussy.

It was clear from his motions that he honestly didn't really know what he was doing, but he was trying his best. Licking her virgin sex, his tongue carressed her folds for a moment, and even when the crying in the room stopped, and a curious ghost seemed to poke her head out of a stall his tongue didn't stop.

"What are you doing!" Myrtle was in hysterics. Things like this happened in her bathroom maybe once or twice a year, but she never liked it. After all she was a territorial spirit, and thinking about something like this happening in her washroom was difficult to accept. "Perverts!" She wailed, and yet still watching.
Markus' comment hadn't gone unnoticed by Winnie as she'd held up the pair of panties. Then, it was hard not to notice something like that when there was only one other person with you and everything was oh so quiet. She bit down on her lower lip, the game in her head taking a darker turn. She glanced over at Markus and smiled shyly, feeling so uncertain, yet strangely good. It was odd. A part of her wondered if some girls would've been offended by a boy saying such a thing to them so boldly like that, without a thought or care. But, she couldn't help but feel warm inside, the heat sweeping over her and making her skin flush a deeper shade of red.

"Thanks," Winnie mumbled very softly, the corner of her lips quirking up into the tiniest of smiles.

Winnie continued to rummage through Andie's trunk, her hands pushing the lingerie aside, causing things to move this way and that, leaving the trunk in complete disarray. As she looked at everything, she had to wonder about the red-head, though she also had to admit that she wished she was daring enough to wear some of the items she was seeing—especially the one pair that Markus seemed to favor.

After a while, Winnie was about to give up. At this rate, she'd have to tear apart the entire girls' dorm and then perhaps the boys' dorm. And such a task would take forever. But then Markus mentioned the summoning charm! She pushed at her glasses and sucked in a sharp breath.

"Markus! That's brilliant!" Winnie exclaimed, her hand reached out to touch his arm and her face lit up with a smile. Immediately, she took out her wand. "Accio vial of Greyroot Juice," she said.

Within moments there was a slight stir coming from Andie's bed something rolled out from underneath the pillow.

"Look!" Winnie shouted happily. The vial flew from the bed and right into her hand, the thing was empty. She looked over at Markus, her face beaming. "I knew it was right to bring you along," she said and she leaned toward him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, the boldest thing she ever dared to do in her life, but the adrenaline and emotional high at having succeeded in retrieving the vial had caused her spirits to rise. Nothing could ruin this day.

After Winnie pulled back, she realized what she'd done and suddenly bit down on her lip. She'd crossed the line in regards to the game in her head and she wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. Suddenly a wave of confusion washed over her, but she tried her best to hide it.

"I..." Winnie stammered, unsure if she should apologize, especially since she didn't entirely want to. She hadn't been sorry for kissing Markus on the cheek. "Well, I suppose I ought to clean up the mess I made of Andie's trunk," she said with a nervous giggle. At that, she went to work straightening things back up so that when she was done Markus could lock it back up once more. As she did so, she glanced over at Markus and when it seemed like he wasn't paying attention, she stuffed the one pair of black lacy panties he seemed to favor in one of the deep pockets of her robes, even though she figured he'd never see her in them. The idea of wearing them for him... Somehow, it made her feel special and like she could continue playing her game even if it had ended.

Down in the first floor girls' bathroom, Moaning Myrtle was less than happy. She scowled at both Simon and Felicity as they clearly up to no good in her bathroom. "You perverts!" she shouted. "Getting it on in my bathroom, are we?" she asked. "Having a little fun?" The ghost whirled around in her ethereal form about the two, wailing and moaning, her face contorted as she watched. "No one ever wants fun with me... poor, wibbling, moaning, Myrtle."

Myrtle's wails grew louder and she flew about the room.

Felicity's eyes grew wide. Part of it was due to what Simon was doing as his tongue lavished new sensations upon her body and another at Myrtle's shrieking and reactions. Her hands reached down as she touched Simon's head, fingers running through his hair and gently tugging on it as he worked her up. She couldn't help but gasp as her legs began to shake, her body reacting as his tongue licked and tasted.

"Oh but you're doing it all wrong," Myrtle went on flying down to be beside Simon, sniffling and hiccupping through tears. "Lick her there. She'll like that," she said. "For a pervert, you don't know very much." Again, she cried and whirled about the room.

Felicity just closed her eyes trying not to pay Myrtle any mind. She was too fixed on what Simon's tongue was doing. Never had she felt anything so good. Her hips began to buck a little, the want for more growing into an urgent sense of need. Just what was he doing and how? And oh she didn't want him to stop.

"A little selfish aren't we?" Myrtle then said flying down next to Felicity. "Tsk tsk, I could show you, if you like," she then suggested looking with a giggle, her eyes fixing upon Simon.

Immediately, Felicity's eyes snapped open, her jaw dropping wide open. "N-no," she said breathily, a whimper suddenly escaping her. "You can watch, but... no..."

Myrtle pouted. "It's always, 'you can watch, Myrtle,'" she cried, her moans growing louder by the second. "Watch, but not touch! Hmph!" At that, she flew up to the top of the room and began to cry, but her eyes remained fixed on the two as they continued to have their fun.
Markus gave a small sigh of relief hearing her say thanks. He had thought for sure that he had crossed some kind of line, however the rest happened so quickly, that he wasn't even sure that it actually happened. One moment they found the greyroot juice, and the next he had felt Winnie kiss him on the cheek. His hand went to his face for a moment unsure if anything had really happened, but sure enough he felt the dampness her lips had left on his cheek, and he felt bewildered. for a moment it didn't seem to make sense.

Markus had never actually pictured himself getting the girl, and yet she had just kissed him, and now that she was packing things up, he honestly didn't know what he was doing. It was less a sense of happiness and more along the lines of a sense of panic. Though he didn't think anything could have made him more happy then what was going on right now he could only really feel how his heart was beating inside his chest. It pounded through his head and ears. He didn't think he could have been more happy then he was at the moment however right now that was less what he was focusing on.

Markus opened his mouth for a moment unsure of what to say or do. Should he return the kiss, grab her and pull her close, should he just lock up the chest and not speak. It was so sudden and overwhelming.

After a moment Markus reached up and grabbed Winnie's hand, His grip holding onto her rather tightly. He looked at her with rather focused eyes. "Would you..."

Markus took a deep breath, preparing himself for rejection that was sure in his mind to follow. "Go out with me some time." His eyes showed serious determination, it took a lot but he finally mustered up his courage. "I've.. well actually I've been hoping to ask you for a long time... I just never had a good chance or the courage to ask you till now."

Down in the female washroom Simon was getting himself more acuanted with the taste of Felicity's soft virgin pussy. His tongue was becoming more adept at moving around the smooth skin, and when Myrtle suggested a place to lick he gave a small shrug, and used two if his fingers to better spread the area, his tongue finding the small bulb of her clit as he licked where he was told.

All the while Felicity seemed to be loving every second of this, which only told Simon that he was doing a good job. He didn't mind the critiquing from the dead girl, after all he had never done anything like this before. He could feel Felicity's hips moving against his face. and in truth he loved every second of this contact. though hearing Felicity being called selfish, part of him agreed. after all he was the one on his knees and it wasn't like Felicity could do anything to him while his face was between her legs, then again she had never asked him to do this, and in truth the horny part of his brain was telling it didn't matter who was doing what, after all he was loving the taste.

Moving back for a moment he looked up at Felicity with wide, but happy eyes. "You taste rather good.... Wanna try?" as he spoke he pressed one of his fingers lightly inside her pussy, drawing out her sexual juices and then lifting his now wet finger so that she could lick it off if she wanted too. However before he went back to work on Felicity's body he shook his head at the thought of Myrtle joining them.

"Myrtle your a ghost, you couldn't do anything to my body even if you wanted too, you can't touch anything, and I don't even know if ghosts can take off their clothing." He said lightly, before returning to his actual job, his tongue once again returning to Felicities pussy, licking her clit, as his breath came in short heated pants which fell onto Felicities pussy. "Speaking of clothing." He looked up at Felciity who was still wearing a shirt and presumably bra underneath it.
Winnie's head turned, her green eyes immediately locking onto where Markus had firmly grabbed a hold of her wrist. For a moment, she felt a wave of fear rush over her at the thought that the panties she'd swiped might fall out of her robe pocket and suddenly become noticed. Oh the embarrassment should he find out what she'd done! And what was more, if he realized that they were the very ones he mentioned would look good on her! The game would be over and she'd have to stop pretending. She'd have to let go of the tiny fantasy she conjured up in her head and drift back to the reality she truly lived in. How she wished she didn't have to. At that, her cheeks reddened and her face suddenly felt hot.

Biting down on her lip, Winnie looked into Markus' eyes, her tummy fluttering nervously that she was about to be found out for the silly girl she was. She could see the look of determination on his face, the way his eyes seemed to bore straight into her soul. Oh, he knew something all right! It was over now! All of it! She might as well give up the tiny charade in her mind and let it go while she still had some dignity left. But those panties... They were still in her pocket. And for the life of her, she couldn't let them go. She didn't want to.

Terrified, Winnie swallowed hard, fearing the worst...

Suddenly, Winnie tilted her head. Had she heard Markus correctly? Her eyes went wide and her lips moved into a small smile, which seemed to broaden with each passing second. "Y-yes," she answered, shocked and elated that the game in her head suddenly became a reality, her mind drifting to those panties hidden in her robes and how she couldn't wait to wear them because now, more than ever, she'd be wearing them just for him. "I definitely will." Smiling, she touched him with her free hand. "I... I'm glad you asked me." Blushing, she let out a tiny sigh and then quickly finished putting the rest of Andie's things back in the trunk.

Back in the first floor girls' bathroom, Felicity's mind was all but reeling. Simon was doing things to her body that she'd never felt before, causing her hips to buck wildly against his face. She could barely hear Myrtle as she wailed and carried on, though she wished the ghost would lay off and not insinuate wanting anything to do with her Simon. The very idea made her blood hot, though she wondered if it was Myrtle's way of getting back at them both for invading her territory.

"Ha! Look at you," Myrtle said. "I knew you were a pervert!" She flew down to be beside Simon. "I told you she'd like it right there," she giggled sweetly through sniffles.

Felicity gasped, her body writhing as her juices began to flow. She could feel her clit throbbing with each masterful flick of Simon's tongue against it, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. Whimpering, she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out. As it was, she was barely holding on. Just then, Simon stopped, his finger finding its way against her lips and then into her mouth. Her tongue swirled about his finger, licking it clean. She could taste her juices on him, juices that were a result of him getting her excited, heated and aroused. Instantly she blushed and whimpered louder, the thought that he could do this to her only exciting her more.

"Oh, see there!" Myrtle went on. "Now you've done it, you pervert! You've excited her more!" She let out a tiny cry and flew next to Felicity. "You can feel it can't you. You want him. You need him." More sniffles and wails. "But nobody ever wants poor moping, moaning Myrtle!" The ghost girl let out a shriek as she flew about the room several times finally coming back to Felicity's side. "Urge is strong, isn't it?" she went on. "Perverts. You want to be stretched! Admit it!" She eyed Simon, her own narrowing into slits. "Well?" she spat feeling slighted at being ignored.

Felicity's eyes were locked onto Simon's, her fingers deftly unbuttoning her blouse as Simon had suggested that she was wearing too much clothing. Her mind had gone blank and instinct and adrenaline were all that made her do anything now. The blouse fell away from her body revealing a simple white bra with a front clasp. Biting down on her lower lip, she undid it, the thing falling open and her tiny breasts exposed to Simon's full view.

"Look at her," Myrtle stated. "She wants it! I've never seen one quite so eager!" She let out another sniffle and then began to cry a little. "I never got my chance," she sulked. "I died before I got it on with Chester Biggins. Of course, he didn't even know I existed!" she exclaimed angrily.

Felicity looked at Simon and licked at her lips, her body exposed and so very aroused. Her breaths were short, her heart pounding hard.

"What are you waiting for?" Myrtle coaxed. "Give her what she wants. Let me see your snake," she giggled.
Markus couldn't believe his ears, there was a moment where he thought that he was dying, and in all honesty that still seemed like a very real possibility. He never would have seen someone like Winnie actually accepting his offer, not in a million years, and yet she had just said the single most important words he could ever have wanted to hear. He released her hand and smiled hearing that she was glad that he had actually asked her.

He gave her a kind smile, and nodded. "I should have asked sooner." He said with a small slightly weak voice, but still got up, well contented with everything, he set the lock back up, taking his wand he restored the locking enchantment with any luck Andromeda would never even know her stuff had been searched through, and even if she did he would have to guess that she would never know who actually did it. It wasn't like either of them had stolen anything from her right? He shook his head if he hadn't lifted anything from her why on earth would Winnie?

Markus smiled getting too his feet, more then happy to hear that he had a chance with Winnie. Offering a hand for her to hold if she wanted it. He was growing more bold by the second, with the fact that he hadn't been rejected. He let out a small sigh content with all they had done. "So now lets go hit up Archer, and tell him we found his vial." He said lightly. They had completed the quest, and that meant all that was left was to go down and find the teacher down in the dungeons. Nothing bad could happen on their way to go see the teacher, and clearly nothing was going to ruin his good mood.

Walking with Winnie he had all but completely forgotten the enchantment on the staircase, which was an unfortinate case when he took his first step onto it, and the entire staircase suddenly twisted down into a slide.

Back at the first floor bathroom seeing Felicity's hips move so eagerly against his motions, and tasting how aroused Felicity's body was certainly helped with Simon's own arousal. He was hot and hard for a long moment just hearing Felicity panting was enough to settle his mood, he wanted her about as badly as he coult think to wanting someone. He bit his lips and stepped back. His eyes admiring Felicities nude body, and the way she had sucked on his finger. He smiled brightly embarassed by everything, but also started to undress.

Every motion around taking off his vest, and shirt felt exaggerated, and stripping felt slow. He pulled out of his clothing and getting naked he stood before Felicity, Erect and just as horny as she was. Wanting nothing more then her body, his mind was more focused on what he wanted and how he wanted to take her, but at the same time as much as they wanted it, it was also rather difficult to take. Myrtle was right in a way, they should just go at it, but there was something about the tiled floor of a bathroom, that was just uncomfortable to think about.

Walking up to Felicity he touched her smooth skin, his fingers moving lightly around her body caressing her. as he thought about how best to do this. I mean he didn't really want to touch the ground all that much, but standing sounded awkward, this was a moment where it really didn't pay to be a virgin. He breathed lightly, and his hand went between Felicity's legs just touching her virgin body gave him an odd sense of strength.

"Maybe you should lay down?" He asked knowing that the tiled ground would be cold, once again having clearly not thought plans any further then take off her clothing and get naked. One of these days he would have to pick a more comfortable location.. preferably one that didn't have a dead ghost flying around to bother them.

"I was wondering where half the class ran off too." Kyle said quickly his tone laughing as he spoke. First Winnie had disapeared to god only knew where, and now once again Simon and Felicity were at it again. Kyle walked into the bathroom with Andie by his side. Looking at the two rather lude people in front of him. He actually really wanted to laugh.

"You know Myrtle is so loud half the school can hear what is going on right?" He said rather exaggerating everything. "So we come in here to check what all the commotion is, and look the idiot has a face about him like he doesn't even know which hole his dick is supposed to go in." He looked at Andie, and stiffled a small snicker. "You two make virgins look bad. Andie want to have the pleasure of cooling down the mudblood?"
Giving Markus a small nod and smile, Winnie blushed and stood up, ready to leave the dorms and head to Archer's office. They had a bit of a trek ahead of them since the wizard's office was in the dungeons. But, it hardly mattered since she'd be walking with him. Gone was the worry about having missed Buttermere's class and the fact that she'd have to face the witch later on about having done so. Someone actually thought she mattered and more than for just her prefect skills—skills she was beginning to doubt given all the troubles that seemed to be occurring in her house as of late and all within the first couple of days! However, with Markus by her side, none of that seemed to matter. He saw her as something more than a good student or a good prefect. He saw her as a witch, someone he wanted to know and possibly even as something more.

A warm feeling began to grow deep in Winnie's tummy and she couldn't help but let the game play on in her head. Sure, she knew that Markus at the very least was interested, but she couldn't help but let her imagination wander further. She thought about the panties in her robe pockets, how she'd wear them for him later even if he had no idea of it. The very thought thrilled her and made her cheeks redden deeply. A part of her wondered what he'd think if he knew she'd taken them because of him and what was more, what he'd think if she was actually truly wearing them. Would he like it? Would he think her weird? Would he be angry?

As Winnie's mind drifted over all the 'what ifs', she suddenly heard a shout, her mind snapping into focus. She stopped short and tripped just before she was about to step onto the stairs that had suddenly transformed!

Oh, Markus hadn't levitated back down the steps! He'd forgotten!

Sliding down the steps, Winnie's robes and skirt flew up slightly, showing off plenty of leg as she came tumbling down. With a hard thud, she landed squarely on her bottom, legs fully spread with her skirt hiked up about her waist. Blinking and half dazed, she shook her head and tried to gain her sense of focus over what had just happened. She then pushed at her glasses and let her eyes find where Markus had landed at the bottom of the staircase.

Back in the bathroom, Myrtle couldn't help but snivel and giggle as she watched Simon strip away his clothing. She looked at Felicity and then at Simon and then back at Felicity again. "Look at it! Look!" she shouted. "It's so big!" More giggles, her eyes fixing upon Simon. "I have to admit, I didn't expect it to be as much." She then looked at Felicity. "Lucky. I was never that lucky." Just then she let out a moaning wail and flew about the room.

Felicity bit down on her lip and took in the sight of Simon's naked body. To say he was beautiful was an understatement. Never had she seen anyone or anything so tempting in her life. More than anything she wanted to touch his skin and feel him firmly pressed against her body. Somehow she knew it would be heavenly and just... perfect. As her thoughts continued to wander, he walked toward her, her body trembling in anticipation. She let out a soft whimper at his touch, the craving for more ever growing. She wasn't sure what to do next, but she felt that need grow, the ache between her legs throbbing, pulsing, screaming for something.

"Lay down?" Felicity whispered back. She glanced down at the tiled floor. It looked cold and hard and so very uncomfortable. Was she supposed to do that? She didn't know. But if that was what Simon wanted, she'd do it, even if it meant discomfort for a while.

Before Felicity had a chance to move, she heard a familiar pair of voices. Instantly, her heart sank and she could hear Myrtle letting out louder wails of protest. "More people! A party in Myrtle's Washroom!" the ghost-girl shouted in disgust, though she stuck to the rafters and pouted.

Felicity felt her face get hot, her arms moving to try and cover up. She didn't want Kyle or Andie to see her as she was. For some reason the very idea of either of them seeing her bothered her. She knew both would use it as a means to torment and destroy. She heard Kyle talking about how so many Ravenclaw didn't make it to Buttermere's class and then he went straight into mocking Simon, her delectably gorgeous Simon! It was too much. She dared to glance over at Andie, the red-head smirking at her, a smug expression plastered all over her face.

Andie leaned against Kyle, her demeanor like that of queen looking down upon her lowly subjects. She gave a huff and smiled. "With pleasure," she stated. Quickly, she whipped out her wand. With a flick of her wrist the faucets suddenly turned on and the water splashed out into a stream of water hitting Felicity squarely in the face and chest. The dark-haired girl sputtered and coughed as the blast of cold water hit her naked body, making her shiver as the cool air of the castle swirled about her as she stood there.

Myrtle let out a shriek and flew about the room, her cries echoing off the walls until she finally dove into one of the toilets with a loud splash.

Felicity could feel her eyes stinging with tears and, though she was wet, she was grateful. Because at least no one could see the tears that were threatening to spill down her cheeks as a result of the predicament she and Simon found themselves in.
Markus wasn't able to control himself as he fell down the slide, and ended up twisting as he fell flipping by the time he hit the ground so that he landed sprawled out on his chest, As Winnie fell down directly infront of him landing only a few inches away from his nose. Winnie's panties and skirt were basically shoved into Markus's face. He let out a small grown as he moved to get up, though his eyes had certainly taken in as much of the sight as possible. His hands moving up and grabbing Winnie's exposed thighs as he tried to pull himself back on his feet.

To say that Markus had enjoyed the slide was a lie, however the landing had certainly had a unique perk. The story he had going on his head, about how he had been invited into Winnie's room, and how he had even gotten her to go out with him were all enjoyable stories, though considering what he had just scene he couldn't help but laugh a little. Winnie's panties were cute, but also rather plain, something he would have expected a prefect to wear, and of course he had enjoyed the site emmencely.

Getting to his feet he gave a soft smile and held out his hand for Winnie to take, so he could help her up. "Are you okay?" He said still in a small amount of pain himself. His wand had dug into his side during his fall, but nothing had broken. He was a little bruised up, but mostly it was just his pride. He wondered if it was safe to add something about what he had seen. Should he apologize? he didn't really feel sorry so he wasn't really sure if he should be, if anything he just felt a little selfish. Helping Winnie up he decided to pull a brazen stunt of his own, and as she got to her feet he pulled her close and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. A kind of repayment for all he had seen just a moment ago.

Down in the bathroom, to say simon was angry was a little bit of an understatement. This was the second day now that the two of them had been interupted, and Simon had been effectively blue balled, but what was more, and in a way what was all the worse was that this time it had been caused by the two people who were constantly on his nerves. Turning on his heels he left Felicity's side though after seeing her get doused with cold water it was the last thing he really wanted too do. He didn't bother covering himself, The anger had caused his mind to drift from the pleasures of a moment ago, and instead focus on just how much he wanted to kick Kyle, and Andie's ass.

Walking forward, he grabbed Kyle by the shirt pulling him closely so that the two were eye to eye. Physically there was about a 4 inch difference in height between the two men, with Simon standing the taller. It wasn't much but it made him that much more imposing even as stark naked as he was. "Listen Kyle, Andie I'm gonna use small words right now so you two morons can follow my logic. Leave us, the fuck alone."

Releasing Kyle he moved to look like he was going to go back to Felicity, but what followed was instead a powerful sucker punch to Kyle's left eye. The force of the punch knocked the man back on his ass. He turned to Andie, glaring at her. "The next time you even think of bothering Felicity, I will find out, and I will give you both a matching set. Now get out."

Kyle was holding his eye, scrambling backwards slightly, he had never expected someone who usually relied on his silver tongue to actually hit him. Simon had up until that point only ever used words. Turning and exiting with Andie he couldn't shake the pain in his eye, in fact he was almost certain it was going to bruise and swell over.

Simon turned back to Felicity, letting out a long sigh. The two of them would likely think twice before ever doing anything like that again. However there was a sad loss to all of this, As Simon looked at Felicity, the mood had kind of been ruined, however he didn't really want to give up on this attempt. Walking over to her, he placed a dry warm arm around her, pulling her close for a moment, and feeling her body press against his. "It's okay, they will be gone for a while."
As Winnie regained her senses and focus, her green eyes found where Markus had landed. Biting down on her lip and pushing up her glasses, she could feel a strange heat sweeping over her face and moving down her neck, her chest. His face was buried between her bared and spread legs, her skirt hiked up about her waist. She thought she might die right then and there at the embarrassment of it all! But what was more, she also feared that he'd be disappointed in what he saw—a girl with plain jane tastes, nothing exciting or pretty for him to see given the odd predicament they suddenly found themselves in after toppling down the stairs.

Winnie's one hand then discreetly went to her robe pocket to make sure the pair of panties she'd taken from Andie's trunk was still there—it was—and she let out a tiny sigh. With reddened cheeks, she took Markus' hand when he offered it, her thighs still feeling the lingering heat of his touch after he'd managed to get himself up from the cold, hard floor.

"I..." Winnie stammered, about to answer. But that was all she'd managed before Markus pulled her close and kissed her cheek... just like a Gryffindor!

Winnie blushed harder, her mind spinning, her tummy fluttering. Truly, this Gryffindor was brave and bold just like the lot of them. She envied them all for having such wonderful traits and couldn't help but feel a little bit special that this one seemed to think her worthy of knowing. It made her feel warm inside and allowed her to play her little game just that much longer and it also allowed her to hold onto a hope she never dared hold onto before.

"Thank you," Winnie stated softly, shyly. She couldn't help but smile at Markus' actions though she felt a bit silly and awkward and unsure. More than anything, she wanted to ask him 'why'. But her nervousness got the better of her. Smoothing out her skirt, her one hand fidgeting with the hem, she looked up at him. "Will... will you walk with me to Archer's and then to Buttermere's?" she asked, her face reddening more than it had already.

Winnie knew Markus had already implied as much, but she needed to hear him say it and she wasn't ready for him to leave, not when things were suddenly taking this unexpected turn as they were. Never in her life had she anticipated anyone taking an interest. Especially someone from house Gryffindor! Again, her mind drifted, darker thoughts invading it as she thought about what he might think if she wore those panties for him and realized that she'd also stolen them because of him as well.

Down in the girls' bathroom Felicity's gray eyes widened when she watched her normally so self-composed Simon suddenly punch Kyle in face. She blinked rapidly, a wave of heat washing over her almost instantly. She felt a burst of arousal at the sight of it and bit down on her lip as she continued to cover up as the scene unfolded before her eyes. She had to admit there was a sort of satisfaction to be had as she watched Kyle fall backwards, the typically smug Ravenclaw sniveling like a coward as he tried to get back up to his feet. And then there was Andie. She looked over at the pretty red-head, the girl most guys dreamed of going out with... and more. She didn't look so stunning as she stood there wide-eyed and ready to run for her life. It was plain that the girl could see that Simon wasn't joking, that he was quite serious in his threat. Andie helped Kyle, her arms wrapping about his.

"Let's get out of here," Andie whispered against Kyle's ear. "I'll take care of that eye for you before it swells more." Her words were clipped, short. And Felicity was certain she could hear a desperation in them as well. Without further hesitation, she helped Kyle out of the bathroom, leaving both Felicity and Simon alone once more.

Felicity looked at Simon, her face awestruck at what she'd just seen. She was shivering a bit, but all to soon she was engulfed in Simon's warmth as he placed a warm, dry arm about her cold and chattering body. It felt nice and right and she nuzzled against him taking everything in—the smoothness of his skin, his heat, all of it.

"You feel nice," Felicity mumbled against Simon, her head rubbing against his chest. "And thank you for getting rid of them," she added.

A tiny frown played on Felicity's lips for a moment, but she didn't want to dwell on what had come and gone. The fortunate part was that Simon had gotten rid of them. They were now alone. Together.

Felicity pulled away slightly and looked up into Simon's eyes and smiled. "What now?" she then asked, her smile broadened a bit and she pressed against him just a bit more causing her to make the tiniest of whimpering sounds. It was clear her body liked how he felt and there was the fact that she was still aroused from what he'd just done to both Kyle and Andie, though she wasn't sure if he realized his actions had invoked such a reaction from her body.
Markus smiled as he walked in toe with Winnie giving her a small nod when she asked if he would go with her to see the two professors. He was more then willing to stick with her at this point, and he was happy that he wasn't rejected by her from that kiss. He was still a little embarrassed after he had seen her panties, in all honesty he really didn't mind that she seemed to play it plain, in fact there was something cute and charming too it. However his mind still couldn't help but conjure at least one or two images of Winnie modeling in lace, and he rather enjoyed the image.

Walking with her he only smiled lightly. "Yeah I'm happy to walk with you actually." He said his hand lightly taking hers as he walked and holding it. They had a rather long walk ahead of them down to the dungeon, but maybe he could convince her of taking a detour? He thought about all the paths he knew through the school, all the ways to avoid others and be alone, but at the same time classes were just getting out, and they were actually alone still so none of that was really needed.

Walking down the astronamy tower. He gave a small laugh. "Next time I am gonna need to show you the Griffendor dorm room." He said in a light tone, walking with her down towards the dungeons, as they would need to talk to archer about everything first, his hand never letting go from hers as long as he didn't hear any protest about him holding her. He smiled lightly as he walked a few questions forming around in his head.

"Hey is it true Prefects have access to an actual bath tub? I miss those, really the feeling of being submersed in hot water. All the regular dorms have are showers." He asked before he even really realized what he was saying. Though there was a way he could always take a bath if he really wanted too, it was often times difficult to find the time to head all the way to the room of requirement just for something as basic as that. He let out a slightly longing sigh.

Down in the bathroom Simon couldn't help but feel a little aroused when Felicity seemed so oddly aroused. Had him punching kyle made her horny? It made sense in a very primal sort of way, but it was interesting too see how sensitive her body had become. It was a little embarassing but after all that happened he wasn't about to leave her alone just yet. Maybe though a change of scenery would do the two of them good? however... leaving the room would at the least require felicity to put her clothing back on, and he honestly didn't want to do that. Instead he focused on her question... what now?

The obvious answer was sex. He sighed over thinking everything. His hand pressed to her shoulders admiring her body for a moment. Leaning forward he embraced her into a passionate kiss, their lips locking as his hands went down to her hips. Raising her left leg for a moment testing how heavy Felicity's body was and at the same time seeing how high he could lift it without actually hurting her or getting a pained response.

When he determined that he could actually carry her for a moment, he twisted around pressing his back against the wall so he could lean a little better, and then Lifted Felicity up. His cock pressed against her soft pussy for a moment feeling the heat as he became more and more aroused with each passing second and searching for an entrance. Holding her thighs so that she was supported he let out a long soft breath. This was it. He was going to have sex. the tip of his penis pressed against her entrance and he let out a hot breath on Felicities skin.

Thoughts about safety hadn't even occurred to his mind at this point, though he had an odd feeling that it would be fine. Felicity was a master at brewing potions, and such things could be used as an after thought. Swallowing he looked into her eyes. "Ready?" He asked as he applied a little more pressure, but if she wanted him to take her, all she really needed to do was move her hips, and he would be inside her. It was an odd teasing moment as everything in his body just felt hot and hard. He had never felt so excited in his life.
Winnie bit down on her lower lip as she grinned, her cheeks warm and red. "You'd take me to see Gryffindor?" she asked, tilting her head a little causing her hair to fall over one shoulder. Her smile broadened a bit at the prospect of seeing the Gryffindor common room, all those reds and golds. And then... the dorms. "You know," she went on. "Those enchantments on the stairs. They only work on the way up to the girls' dorms." She giggled softly and shook her head, though she looked at Markus out of the corner of her eye. "Kind of silly actually," she said flitting her eyes away to stare at the ground. She then pushed at her glasses and cleared her throat.

The game in Winnie's head had taken an even darker turn. She knew Markus had interest and for that she was glad. It was definitely reciprocated. The warmth she felt growing deep inside said as much and how nice it felt for him to hold her hand and be walking beside her. But it was still hard to tell where things stood or where they were going. And she needed to know. Would he get her subtle nuances? It was hard to say, but she'd drop them nonetheless in hopes he'd catch on.

"And yes," Winnie stated her cheeks reddening even more. Her one hand reached into her robes pocket and she found the pair of panties she'd lifted, the lace soft as she let her fingers run over the luxurious material. "Prefects do have access to a tub. A rather nice one actually," she went on. "It's huge." She couldn't help but giggle just a bit. "I can show it to you sometime," she added. "That is, if you want me to." She bit down on her lip and let go of the panties in her pocket. More than anything, she wished she was wearing them right then and there, but she had to settle for the fact that such a thing couldn't happen, that she'd have to wait for another day.

Back in the first floor girls' bathroom, Felicity's eyes were locked with Simon's. Her breaths were short and her body pressed close to his. Never had she felt so warm despite being so cold only moments ago. She felt him manipulating her body, her limbs going pliant as he adjusted her, the want clear in her eyes and in her heart. The heat only seemed to grow though she shivered slightly, trembled. A smile played on her lips, her eyes drifting from his only for a moment as she watched him situate her body against him.

Truly they were two pieces of a puzzle slowly being fit together for the first time...

Felicity could feel her heart pounding hard against her chest and in her ears, her sex throbbing as Simon rubbed and teased against her entrance, her juices of arousal slowly pooling. Biting down on her lip, she gave him a nod, whimpering softly in consent of what they were about to do, something she knew she wanted more than anything in that moment.

"Yes, Simon," Felicity panted. "I... I'm ready." She'd worry about contraception later. She knew the potion backward and forward, the ingredients simple and easy to get, not to mention once taken lasted several months. Sometimes it truly paid to live in the magical world. Her hips bucked forward then, her sex hot and wet, ready for him and only him. Gripping his shoulders hard, she braced herself for what was to come... the discomfort, the pleasure, all of it. "For all of it. I want you."
Markus had thought that it just made sense to offer her the chance to see Griffendor, after all he had just been inside the Ravenclaw, and yet when she mentioned the male dorm he swallowed lightly there was something different about taking him up to his room. Then again he had just been up in hers, though she had never actually pointed out which bed she had used. Not that Markus could even sleep in a bed. ~Though if it was with her... I would at least give it a try.~

The moment the thought crossed his mind his face became more and more red, and that was when she offered to show him the bathtub. He coughed for a moment. It seemed so vulgar, and yet at the same time his mind immediately jumped into a situation in which the two of them were in the hot water. He didn't even know if that was what she was implying, but at the same time he swallowed lightly. Or was she simply saying that he could use it if he asked her nice enough. He wasn't sure about either of these things, and he bit his lip for a moment feeling an awkward yet selfish rush streak run through his body. Everything seemed so unclear, but maybe he was making this more complicated then it needs to be.

Markus let out a long sigh, he both wanted and needed answers that at the moment at least he felt like he wasn't allowed to have, but finally he decided just to throw caution to the wind. He wanted Winnie to be his, and his alone. It sounded a little twisted but he wanted ownership over the prefect, and now he had a chance to actually have her mutually. He swallowed knowing that he couldn't have the next part of what he was about to say sound like a joke. Rather he needed to make sure that she knew he was serious.

"Only if you would be willing to take a bath with me." He said allowed. The hand that was holding hers squeezed down tighter, he didn't want to let go cause now there was a fear that she was going to think he was crazy, or just awkward, which both of these things were true, but he wanted her, and his own mind had been playing a rather dark game ever since he had gone up into ravenclaw tower and started to walk with Winnie. He swallowed lightly and waited for her reaction from that alone. He wanted to know if she would be willing, but didn't want to give everything away, and also was already risking being slapped with what he had said already.

Simon let out a longing breath. He had wanted this for a while now, and he finally had permission to take it, His hips pressed lightly against Felicity's, and his nails dug into her legs for a moment as he held her, making sure that his cock pressed against her pussy she was tight, and it took a moment for Simon to actually manage to adjust and push his cock inside her thanks to the awkward position. Pressing against her virgin layer Simon pressed his lips against her locking his lips to help surpress any screams if there were any, as his cock entered her and they were finally joined as one.

Simon let out a small moan of pleasure. he had heard that this would feel good, but Felicities young virgin body was pretty much squeezing him, The position and the fact that he was carrying her weight meant he was able to push all of his cock inside her, and with how wet she was it helped him move and push against her body lightly. He swallowed as he started to move his hips, slowly at first watching Felicity's reactions. Gauging if he was hurting her, but at the same time his body wanted to be so much more ravionous then this. He wanted nothing more then to be brutal with her body, however he restrained these urges, and bit down on his lower lip focusing instead on the pleasure he already had.

"I'm not letting go." He said happily, in truth he had wanted her since yesterday, and now he had her. His hands were gripping her body so tightly that they were leaving red marks against her flesh. He had never done anything like this in his life, and all that mattered to him was that Felicity got as much out of this experience as possible. This was her first time as well, and he let out a short panting breath as he finally claimed felicities virginity, and the rest of her body was sure to follow.
Winnie's heart skipped a beat as her breath suddenly caught in her throat. She had all she could do to keep breathing, to keep herself from tumbling forward as her tummy fluttered with a sudden onset of nervousness. She felt Markus squeeze her hand and she let her eyes drift slightly so that she could glimpse over at him out the corner of her eye. She felt warm—no hot—and she swallowed hard, her mouth as dry as a desert. Licking her lips, she turned to look at him, her cheeks burning brightly.

"I..."Winnie stammered. She was well aware of Markus' hand, how warm it was, the pressure of his palm against hers as he held it. He was squeezing it harder than before. Each second feeling like the weight of air around her was bearing down more and more. "I... I think that can..." Her voice trailed slightly as she trembled. "Can be arranged." She bit down on her lip, her face hotter than ever. Without even realizing it, her free hand had found its way back in her robe pocket once again, her fingers absently running themselves along the lacy material of the panties hidden away in there.

Winnie let out a tiny sound and looked away quickly, her green eyes focusing on the ground as she and Markus continued on their way to Archer's office. Everything was moving so slowly and she was able to make out every single sound—the way their footsteps echoed off the stone of the floor as they walked, the way their robes swished with each movement of their arms and legs, the fact that there was no other sound in the corridors save them... they were very much alone. She had to wonder what hour it was, if classes were over or if the next set had started or... Shaking her head a little, she decided she was over thinking things. It didn't matter, did it? She was walking with a Gryffindor—with Markus—and he seemed interested, very much so, and she knew she very much returned the sentiment. She couldn't help that she was nervous, slightly embarrassed and he seemed to have this power over her she couldn't explain. Already she was doing things for him that she normally wouldn't do.

It both thrilled and terrified, made Winnie wonder just how far she'd go for Markus if he only dared push. If... if he only knew!

At that, Winnie let her fingers run over the panties in her pocket one last time and she let her hand drop to her side. She giggled nervously. "J-just let me know when and..." She swallowed hard, trying to work through the nerves that tried to consume her. "And I'll make sure it's all set up," she said, pushing up at her glasses, her eyes still quite fixed on the floor.

Back in the bathroom, Felicity sucked in a sharp breath, bracing herself for what was about to happen. She gripped Simon's shoulders, her gray eyes locking onto his green. She gave him a nod, her lips curved up into a small smile. More than anything, she was ready for this, wanted it unlike anything she'd ever wanted before. Her heart was hammering hard against her chest. Licking her lips, her eyes blinking rapidly as she felt him start to push, her entrance stretching... stretching...

Suddenly, Felicity's lips were captured by Simon's. She felt a searing pain as he penetrated her, stretching her wide as he entered her, taking her for the first time. A tiny shout was muffled by the kiss and her grip tightened, but she hugged him close, her legs almost trying to wrap tightly about him as he pushed deeper inside. The sensation was strange and uncomfortable and yes, there was pain. But she was with Simon. She was one with him! Finally! It was enough to bring her to tears. She could feel them pricking her eyes a little, so she closed them, hugging herself close as he supported her weight. His moan of pleasure reached her ears and she nuzzled against him, letting her body adjust to this newness. She could feel more dampness pooling and it made her smile against his lips, her hips moving slowly as they tried to see what felt right, what felt good.

Just then, Felicity felt something that sent a jolt of pleasure throughout her body. She let out a gasp and moved again, trying things out, seeing if the same thing would happen. Again, the same sensation only this time she moaned softly, a tiny whimper. Her smile broadened and she let one hand reach up to touch Simon's hair. "You feel good, Simon," she said breathlessly. "Don't stop."
Markus felt a moment of power surge through him. He was starting to learn that he wasn't being denied about anything he was asking for, and of course as with anyone who stumbles into power he had to wonder what would happen if he started to excessive his power over Winnie. Would she continue to say yes to his requests? could he get her to do just about anything? there were many questions he had but at the same time part of him didn't want to have the answer to that. If it did turn out that he had complete control in this situation then he was likely to go mad with some kind of power, however as it was having some sway with Winnie, and the fact that he was actually getting what he wanted made him happy.

He smiled as she awkwardly said that she would be willing to arrange such an event as taking a bath with him. He swallowed for a moment feeling his mouth go dry in all the excitement of the moment. His grip on her hand only seemed to increase as he nodded lightly. "Well tonight is not the best for me, but if you want..." He paused giving a small sigh going over his time table for the next few days. "lets try for tomorrow night okay?" He said happily. He was honesltly looking forward to this, and it seemed that with each moment that he wasn't really being denied that he was becoming more and more bold. As they reached the dungeon level and went more towards Archers office he twisted around for a moment.

Markus blinked and for a moment it seemed like time was standing still. His hand raised to Winnie's shoulder the other still holding her hand as he pushed her lightly against the wall of the dungeon and leaned against the wall taking a forceful kiss from her lips. He blushed and pulled back quickly. "I... Don't know what is getting into me today, but... I am happy that I came with you today, and I would like to stay around you. "

Down in the girls bathroom Simon moved gently against Felicity, when she told him not to stop he nodded and pressed his body against hers wrapping his arms around her tighter as his cock continued to move against her body. With each explorative motion he felt more pleasure coarse through him, and he could hear Felicity's gasps, and small moans which in return helped him to become more enamored with what he was doing with her body. He was enjoying every second of this close contact.

Walking while keeping Felicity wrapped around him, he lifted her for a moment careful to not accedently withdraw from her body while also putting her on top of a sink. His back felt a release in tension as he no longer needed to hold all of Felicity's weight, and while she was small and cute she was still a human being and thus heavy by design. He hoped that the cool marble sink was not too cold against Felicity's ass, but at the same time his hands were now free to explore her body. Tracing along her sides as he held her close. Simon's hips bucked slowly against Felicity's body his hips moving gently exploring the range of motion and making sure that she was comfortable while also heating up at the same time.

Simon leaned against felicity deciding that he wanted to bite her skin, his teeth grazed lightly against her neck while at the same time his nails dug white lines along her skin. Enjoying the sensation of his flesh rubbing against hers he let out small moans. His body couldn't ignore how tight Felicity was against his cock, but at the same time he couldn't deny how good this felt. There was no need to tell him not to stop, the fact was he wanted to make sure that this never ended. Feeling her hand against his hair he looked into Felicities eyes. while at the same time his hand slid down her body between the two of them, a gentle finger pushing against her clit. "Your so tight and this feels so good."

"Oh Felicity I could do this all day." He said through a slightly louder panting breath.
Winnie felt Markus' grip on her hand tighten causing her eyes to drift just slightly. She felt a warmth growing in the pit of her tummy, something she couldn't explain and she liked it. Again, her one hand found its way into her pocket, slender fingers tracing the lacy material. The corners of her lips curves upward into a tiny smile at the thought that she might be pleasing this Gryffindor she was walking with, spending time with. It made her feel things she craved to feel more of and with each passing moment it only seemed to somehow intensify. She let then let go of the panties in her pocket and licked at her lips, her hand moving to push at her glasses.

"T-tomorrow will work," Winnie answered, her cheeks reddening deeply. She turned her head and smiled shyly at Markus.

Suddenly the air was getting colder, the two of them finding themselves in the dungeons and thus closer to Archer's office. A pang of despair came over Winnie at the thought that her time with Markus was drawing closer to its end. After Archer's would be Buttermere's and... then what? He'd have to leave her. The idea of ending things seemed wrong somehow, though she knew they'd have to part ways eventually—if even just for classes and bedtime.

As Winnie's insides began to twist and knot over the prospect of having to be parted from Markus, this Gryffindor who was slowly changing things about her life—and all with the start of a game that had been so simple at first, though now it had taken the darkest of turns, twisting into a possible reality she hadn't ever hoped to foresee—he pushed her against the cold, hard wall, his lips finding hers in a powerful kiss, one that commanded and demanded. When he pulled away, her eyes were closed, her chest heaving—breathless—and a tiny whimper escaped her as if begging and needing more from where that had come from.

Winnie's eyes fluttered open and she stared directly back up into Markus eyes and swallowed. "I..." she panted, trying to catch her breath. "I'm glad you came." She licked at her lips, her eyes fixed upon his in dazed wonder. "And..." Her voice trailed, her cheeks reddening as she bit down on her lip. For a brief moment she looked away and she contemplated whether she should show him the panties she'd lifted just for him, but then worried he'd think it too bold, too weird. "I... I'd like you to be around," she admitted." Her eyes then looked back up at him through mousy blonde that had suddenly fallen a bit in front of her face. Oh how she wished Archer's room was farther away, that they had more time in the day... no classes, no obligations. How she wished she could change for him right then and there and show him just how glad she was he was there with her.

Back in the girls' bathroom, Felicity's grip on Simon tightened, her groans growing louder with each movement, each touch. He was deep inside her, his thrusts just right as he allowed her body to adjust and experience, to feel each sensation to its fullest pleasure. She bit down on her lip, so grateful that she was with the wizard she was—her Simon, her one.

As Felicity held on tightly, her hips bucking against Simon, she suddenly felt him moving. He was walking, taking them somewhere. A smile played on her lips and she giggled a little as she nuzzled him, her hips hugging against his as he moved and finally set her back down again. A tiny gasp rolled over her lips when her skin made cold contact with that of the sink. It was a stark contrast from before, though she had to admit, it was thrilling, exciting. There was something to this strange sensation—and even position—that enhanced things, made them... better.

"Don't stop, Simon..." Felicity panted. "Don't stop..." Her hands explored his body while his did their own exploration, causing her to shiver and moan encouragingly. She couldn't help but admire the way his back felt, his sides, his arms, everything. She honestly couldn't get enough of him and wanted to commit it all to memory, each and every angle.

As Simon reached down and rubbed at her clit, Felicity let out a loud whimper, juices pooling, making squelching sounds as he continued to thrust against her. The sounds only served to excite her more, making her want him, need him, everything swirling in a daze of lust and so much more. Her moans grew bolder and she leaned in to nuzzle him. Without knowing why, her teeth nipped at his shoulder, her hips bucking harder, more wildly. Never had she felt such sensations, such a heat! It burned deep and bright and how she wanted more! Her body was on fire as her clit screamed in bittersweet agony as it throbbed against his touches, aching in need as she got wetter and wetter just for him.

"All day and all night..." Felicity whimpered, biting down on her lip. "Every day!"
Markus smiled every passing moment he was starting to learn that Winnie was actually returning his affections and feelings. Things that he never actually anticipated her returning and feeling he was both elated and more then a little ecstatic. Of course the promise that tomorrow would be a very interesting day made his heart nearly skip a beat. He had honestly not expected any of this when he had agreed to go with Winnie and lend her his support for the morning on her tasks. He could feel the fact that he had a bit of power over Winnie, just from the fact that she not only seemed to accept his offer of bathing with her, but that she would do so tomorrow made him oddly happy.

Then when the kiss happened Markus had expected rejection, what he got instead was a look as if her entire body was craving more. He could hardly do anything more then smile as he saw her practically begging for more of the contact that he had given her. Even hearing her whimper he had to admit that it was rather attractive. He swallowed lightly his own body wanting her as he looked at how she reacted, though he had already set aside a time slot for the two of them.

Hearing her words and how she wanted too keep him around he smiled and leaned in towards her kissed her a second time this time all the more passionately. As he pulled away this time his eyes glanced around her as he smiled. "I want to keep you around as well." He said his voice light, as he was clearly enjoying the moment around the two of them.

However he was quick to snap to attention to the rest of the world when he felt a cold set of eyes on the two of them. His mouth going dry for a moment as he turned around, and proffessor Archer was standing behind them. His gaze was a mix of predatory anger and slight amusement. What was more impressive though was that even here where the floor was waxed stone and every step created an echo, he swore he never heard a single step, as if he had walked out of he had snuck out of his office and walked silently behind them.

"Ms weatherwax? Mr Harrow, I suppose you two have a better reason for missing both your first classes this morning. One far more responsible than the one I am currently thinking in regards to both of you." He said increasing his powerful gaze on the two of them. He wasn't giving them a death glare, but was certainly unimpressed by what he was seeing in regards to student conduct. ~Fifth years.~

back in the washroom every moment with Felicity was something that Simon couldn't help but enjoy. It was like his entire body was on fire. Feeling her get so wet, and feeling him as hard as he was he could have sworn he was about to explode. However everything kept persisting pleasure-fully. Every time Felicity spoke it was to urge him on further and at this point he could honestly say he had no intention of ever stoping he was going to go for as long as he possibly could, and push Felicity on ever further.

The smell of felicity's sweat and sexual aroma only served to drive Simon mad with a lustful motion, his hips bucking harder and harder as he pushed Felicity against him. Enjoying every single moment as his hand rubbed harder against her clit, he wanted Felicity to orgasim. his other hand that was holding her moved along her back and scratched her hard as he pulled her close, his nails digging white lines into her soft skin enjoying every second of the sensation. It didn't matter that they were in a bathroom the only thing that mattered was that they were together.

He could feel a strange heat all along his body. The harder he played against Felicity and his carnal desires, the hotter his skin became even though they were naked in a drafty room Simon felt like he was boiling his body was sweating and all the more he was feeling a bitter sweet agony along his spine, a strange tingling that ran across the entirety of his body.

His breath came in heavy panting against Felicity's skin as he pulled her close and kissed her hard enjoying the contact, as his tongue forced it's say into felicity's mouth. Needing the embrace and contact, his nails dug into Felicity's skin along her back and spine needing for there to be as little room between her body and his. He could feel that he was close to exploding. which made locking lips with Felicity instead of talking all the more important, Part of him really wanted to see Felicity driven wild, and as he got closer his hips and thrusts became more and like those of an animal, a wild part of him taking control as he got closer and closer to the boiling point.
A sweeping heat caused Winnie's face to flush a deep shade of red, the warmth creeping across her cheeks and down along the length of her neck. She could feel it washing over her entire body as Markus looked down upon her, his gaze so sure, so full of confidence. Her tummy fluttered and a shy smile tugged at the corners of her lips. It was nice as she looked up at him, finding a strange sort of solace as his shadow loomed over her and she took in the sight of his face. He leaned in again, his kiss even firmer than before, deeper, harder. She found herself getting lost in the dark embrace, her body somehow complying to every nudge he gave, no matter how subtle. Breathless and whimpering, she was snapped back to cold reality the instant he pulled away.

Winnie's green eyes fluttered open and she sucked in a sharp breath, panting as her body craved for more. She was on fire thanks to this Gryffindor, but behind Markus she saw the Potions Master standing there with a stern look on his face. Her cheeks reddened further and she felt so very small. She'd almost forgotten her task at hand as the dark game she and Markus had been playing had taken yet another turn, one bold and daring, even for house Gryffindor.

Biting down on her lip, Winnie gave Markus desperate look—one of longing, one of apology. She swallowed then and moved free from where she stood between the Gryffindor and the hard, stone wall. She pushed up her glass and smiled weakly. "Yes, Professor Archer. I... I apologize. It's entirely my fault. As prefect, I take full responsibility." She hung her head a little. "I'd asked Markus Harrow to assist me with the task you'd assigned me since I figured it would get done all the faster." Her smile broadened a bit. "And, honestly, my deductions there proved quite true. Indeed, his help was quite invaluable."

Winnie turned to look over at Markus and she smiled shyly at him, her cheeks still burning brightly. She then reached into her robes pocket, her hand searching for the vial she'd found in Andie's bed thanks to Markus. As she fumbled through her pocket, she frowned. Just where was it? Her fingers traced the lacy material of the panties she'd lifted from Andie's trunk... but, no vial. She gasped softly, her fingers searching deeper, pulling the panties to the edge of her pocket, but not quite out of it. She hoped no one noticed what was inside. She chewed on her lip for a moment and then shoved her other hand in her other pocket. A tiny sigh rolled over her lips the moment her fingers made contact with the cool glass, curling about the vial and pulling it out of her other pocket.

"See here," Winnie then said, letting the panties she'd lifted drop back deep inside her robes pocket, safe and hidden away for later use—so she hoped. She held out the empty vial of Greyroot Juice for Archer to see. "I found this in Andromeda Sheppley's bed. It was hidden beneath her pillow. It was thanks to Markus' quick thinking that it was located as fast as it was," she said handing the vial over and stepping back over to where Markus stood.

Down in the girls' bathroom, what had once been a cold and seemingly uncomfortable place had suddenly heated up, turning into a place where apprehensions and worries had all but melted away. All that existed now was Felicity and Simon and the pleasures that only he could invoke deep within her very existence. She bit down on her lower lip as she held tightly onto him, her hips rocking against his fervently. The way he rubbed and teased at her most sensitive places, adding to a delicious torment that pushed her further and further into a state she couldn't even begin to describe. There was a fire burning deeply within and it was ready to explode with every seething throb of her sex.

Felicity let out several moans, her juices dripping down her thighs as she felt an urgent need rush over her entire body. "Simon... Simon..." she panted, her breaths short and raspy as he pulled her closer, scratching along her back as his own need seemed to grow ever stronger.

White heat burned and consumed as the passion of the moment engulfed them both. Felicity was truly lost, feeling nothing but the pleasures that centered all about Simon. She hoped he was feeling the same things she was, the same intense need as her body writhed to his every action, his every touch. Her grip grew stronger, her nails digging into his seemingly flawless features as he pushed her, causing her to gasp, to pant, to let out a long and needy groan. His lips then found hers, kissing and exploring them to the fullest, causing her breath to catch and her moans to muffle.

Shaking her head, cheeks flushed red, Felicity just couldn't hold back. She let out what sounded like half a sobbing cry and half a scream. "Simon!" she shouted out. Her body shook and tremored, arching hard against him as her legs quivered and her chest heaved. "Simon!" she exclaimed once again, her sex pulsing, throbbing hard with every erratic beat of her wildly beating heart. "So good... feels so good!" she cried, tears running down her cheeks. She could feel the dampness between her legs, so much mess from what felt like such a short time. Yet still her hips moved, sweat dripping along her flesh. Again, she felt another burst, more sweet sensations overwhelming and consuming and again she let out another cry as her body shivered and trembled. "Merlin... more..." she begged, biting down on her lower lip, her voice almost unrecognizable to her own ears as she spoke. And how she hoped that he was feeling at least a fraction of what she was.

Whimpering, Felicity felt a small wave of pleasure take over her once again, her sex pulsing harder than before as she let out another scream of ecstatic pleasure. Burying her head against Simon, she nipped at his shoulder and trembled hard against him, her body racked with exhaustion and contentment and the wonderful feeling of being stretched and filled. Holding onto Simon tightly, she longed for him to feel satisfied, to hear him moan his pleasures and to know he'd been satisfied—and by none other than her and her alone. Smiling, panting, she kissed at his jaw line, happy that they'd finally been together, that they'd finally taken this step neither of which they could never return.
Archer couldn't help but supress a bemused smile as he seemed to have caught the two of them. However when Winnie was able to provide a more then fair and reasonable argument as to why Mr Harper wasn't in his potions class this morning then he let out a long sigh, and took the vial from her. He was happy to have the vial back in his possession and the ability to run his tests on it to see who the actual guilty party in the poisoning of Felicity was, but at the same time the thought of getting one of his least favorite students into trouble was also tempting. Still he hid his feelings like a professional and smiled for a moment looking down at the vial now in his hands.

"Thank you, this will go far towards solving many problems." He said lightly however his tone still had a warning edge, he would have to track down Andromeda Shepply, and who ever else had finger prints on this. Though he had to assume that it was her lab partner. Either way both of them would be in deep water by the end of today. "Still next time a teacher asks you to complete a task you should make sure to inform the staff of your absence. Mr Harrow missed his first potions class of the new year, but since he was with you." His eye visably twitched before he let out a calm breath.

"as promised I shall award your house one hundred points, however considering the state I found the two of you in, I shall deduct twenty five from Hufflepuff." He said happy to let the pair off with a stern warning about making out in the hallways during class.

"Oh actually." Markus said about to dig his grave a little deeper. "Could you provide a note for Winnie so that we can explain her absence from defense against the dark arts." He asked lightly considering the favor that they had just done for the potions master. He also shot a happy glance towards Winnie, though for a moment when she had been searching her pockets he could have sworn she had something... lacy inside one of them. It had looked so oddly familiar to him and yet slipped his attention completely until just that moment.

He shook his head for a moment he was pretty sure that he could sneak something out of her pocket a little later, but not in front of Archer.

Archer on the other hand was contemplating the hall pass request before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a card. "Hand this to Ms Buttermere. Consider it a get out of jail free card for the two of you, It's the least I can do." He said turning and walking away, now he needed to have Andie and who ever else had prints on this vial to his office so he could give them some kind of proper detention. He thought for a moment, maybe he could have them run some errands in the forest for him with the grounds keeper, he was almost certain there was some very small insignificant yet completely rare plant he could make a student spend hours hunting for, and if there wasn't... well he could always make one up. He smiled deviously at the idea, the hours he could force students to waist in detention.

Simon let out hot breaths onto Felicity's skin more and more now it felt like there was nothing between them. Any and all fear was gone and had been replaced with an almost animal like set of logic. He needed Felicity's body and he needed it now more then ever. He couldn't think of a single reason to ever stop. Hearing her call out for him was enough to set his body on fire, but what was all the more pleasureful was just how tight Felicity's pussy was. He enjoyed the sensation and the more he enjoyed it the more he craved it. Feeling her kiss at his jaw line he kissed her back passionately playing with her lips as he held her as close as he humanly could.

When he felt her orgasim rip through her, and her pussy pulsed it was as if her entire body was trying to suck his cock dry, and for a moment he couldn't resist. Simon's body seized every muscle tightening as he held Felicity tightly in his arms his nails digging into her like claws. "Felicity!" He moaned into her ear as he breathed heavily and felt his cock twitch inside her finally releasing his heavy load deep inside Felicity knowing that neither of them would have wanted it any other way.

For a moment Simon's body was still and stiff, but then after a few he started to move again his hips grinding against Felicity as his cock twitched and spilled his heated cum inside her with each new move. He took a deep breath. Nothing more then this moment could have made him happier then this. In truth he didn't think that anything could have been better. Feeling her lips on him he placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her lips lightly. They had just done something that could never really be undone, and he couldn't think of a better partner to have in that moment then Felicity.

"Oh Felicity." His voice cracked after a moment looking at her eyes. Feeling satisfied he stayed inside her for as long as she would allow him too however even once he did pull away he still wasn't 'soft', but he was a little too embarrassed to ask Felicity for what he wanted her to do. Embarrassed only by the request he was going to make there was a crimson flush to his cheeks. "Would you be willing too suck me clean?"
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