Hogwarts Horror Stories. (Malin & Darkangel76)

"Lumos," Melinda said shortly after Markus, so that her own wand also illuminated at the tip helping to add to the little light they had. She followed her friend and fellow Gryffindor through the dark tunnel that led underneath the school, her skin forming goose bumps as the air got cooler and cooler the further on they pressed.

Melinda smiled as she walked, hearing her own footfalls along with Markus', as they thudded against the stone beneath her. She rubbed at her arms a little, illuminated wand in hand, and took in the sights of the tunnel. It was dark, all stone and very damp. She listened to Markus explain about where they were going and about the passage in general, her blonde head bobbing in a nod as they moved on through the darkness. She made sure to note what tunnels led where, her smile broadening as her sense of adventure grew.

After a bit more walking, Melinda's blue eyes went wide and she pushed at her glasses. Markus had led her to a room. A very secret room, she had no doubt and the place belonged to none other than Professor Archer. She felt her insides flutter at how close she was to achieving her goal, or part of it anyway. Biting down on her lip, she let her wand-free hand touch the walls and then gently brush along the ingredients just beckoning for someone to use them.

"It might be how he does it," Melinda stated when Markus mentioned how Archer moved about the castle so quickly. Though that was hardly a thought that mattered to her. All she could think about was how she'd found a way she could get to him unseen by prying eyes. Even if Markus somehow found out, she felt that she could trust him with the secret. However, that would be a bridge she'd cross only if she had to. For now, it was her secret to keep.

Smiling, feeling rather accomplished, Melinda turned toward Markus who seemed ready to leave. It was then that she heard voices... Archer. She held up her hand, a gesture letting him know she wasn't quite ready to leave just yet. Swallowing hard, she moved closer to the wall in order to hear better as to what was being said. She covered her mouth, a tiny smile playing on her lips. But that smile soon faded and her brows knitted together as she turned toward Markus, her face blanching before it reddened and started to turn an odd shade of purple.

"Did I just hear things correctly?" Melinda asked out loud, though her voice was soft. Blue eyes blinking, she could feel her heart hammering hard in her chest. "Say, do you know any other passages down here? If you do, lets search them now. I'm suddenly not wanting to bother with classes today." She gave Markus a sly grin, one that said she was up to no good and up for adventure. "What do you say? You in... or are you out?"

Melinda just had to find out what other passages might lead around the dungeons. She had to find others that could get her to Archer and not just his classroom. Desperate times called for desperate measures and if he was part of a conspiracy, then she was going to call him out on it. After all, if she was going to crush on him and if he was going to give her signals, then she'd better be the only one!

Her blood boiled at the thought of conspiracy.

Melinda then crossed her arms and pursed her lips, the look on her face one of pure determination. Tapping her foot, her impatience becoming clear, she arched a brow. "Well? So you know," she said, thumping Markus on the chest. "I'm going to search, whether you come along or not."
Markus blinked for a moment hearing everything that the two teachers had said, in all honesty he could hardly believe it. Archer he could understand being in some kind of illegal activity like this. He was less open than other teachers, and tended to stay away from the light due to his condition. He was also a bit of a mystery around the school, and people loved to make their rumors about him. However Irie to hear the schools doctor was some kind of criminal, forcing himself on a student that was apparently some kind of sick gift to him by Archer.

Markus' mind immediately went to the darkest situation, and when Melinda gave him a heavy smack on the chest to bring him back out of his twisted day dreaming fantasies he let out a strong 'umph and almost fell over instead hitting against one of the many shelves. Nodding his answer to Melinda he opened the shelf that was the secret exit and quickly left the small enclosed room.

"What the hell was that? Are Archer, and Irie really running some kind of student prostitution ring?" He said lightly. His mind still wondering how Irie solved Felicities problems. Had they forcefully attacked a student? In all honesty Markus was about ready to contact the headmaster about all of this, but at the same time aside from overhearing a conversation that painted their guilt... they didn't really have any evidence. "Yeah I am kind of done with the idea of classes for the day. In all honesty this just got way more interesting."

Closing the passage behind them Markus made a quick exit towards the left, coming out at the staircase exit. "I know a few other ways around the dungeons come on I will show you." Markus said taking her around to the other side of the staircase.

"On second thought I have a better idea." Markus said lightly. "Why don't you name a location, like a room, or a place you want to go, I'll show you the fastest way to get there."

As Melinda and Markus left the potions storage room, Archer was just putting on a kettle to make some tea, using one of the students boiling desks for the heat when there was a slight bump coming from his storage room. For a moment he looked around and than gave a small sigh. "Jumping at shadows again. Still..." He shook his head lightly. "I can't believe Felicity, and Simon were dumb enough to try and have sex in the hospital wing. I thought for sure they both had some common sense." Archer said shaking his head and laughing at the thought it really did seem ridiculous.
Melinda's cheeks reddened slightly in the darkness when Markus said he'd go with her and cut classes for the rest of the afternoon. She was hoping he would so that she wouldn't have to search out the passage ways alone. Not knowing them, it would take her much longer to figure them out. However, with Markus along, she could learn them much faster and more efficiently. Not to mention, it was always better to go on an adventure with a friend as opposed to solo. Her lips quirked up into a smile and she grabbed him by the shirtsleeve, tugging him along as she made her way away from where they could hear the muffled voices of both Archer and Irie.

"Excellent," Melinda stated, her heart pounding as the thrill of adventure and the pursuit of the truth began to fill her up to the point of overflowing. "You have to show me how to get to Archer's room," she stated with an air of smug confidence. "Or at least close enough to it anyway." She finally let go of Markus' sleeve and gave him a look to beat all looks and crossed her arms. Her wand was still illuminated at the tip. "I'm going to find out what the hell is going on here or die trying. So help me."

Melinda looked at Markus as she muttered, the words spilling out of her mouth before she could stop and think before she spoke. She could only hope that he thought she was solely fixated on the conversation they'd just heard while hidden in the secret room filled with Archer's potions ingredients. That it ended there. Fortunately, the rest of the afternoon was relatively uneventful, though it proved most advantageous that she'd decided to skip classes and stick to the secret tunnels. Markus had indeed known a tunnel that followed along the dungeons and let out near Archer's room. When following the main tunnel along the dungeons, it eventually sloped downward, the air getting ever colder. At first Melinda hadn't thought anything could actually be below the dungeons. It was near the lake after all. But apparently, she'd been wrong. The tunnel continued its downward slope for several feet before it finally leveled off once again. She'd looked to Markus who'd showed her the exit to a new floor, something just below the dungeons.

Biting on her lip, Melinda felt giddy inside knowing this little secret. Though she had to wonder exactly how to even get where they were by regular means. Was there a staircase she hadn't noticed? No matter, she had the passage way now and that was all that mattered and all that she cared about. The moment she stepped out into the cold air of the sub-dungeon corridor, she knew she'd be heading down there later, especially when her eyes caught sight of a door, the one she was certain was the very one leading to Archer's room. Upon further inspection, she knew it was when she saw the nameplate, the wizard's name emblazoned on the metal fastened on the heavy, hard wood.

Smiling, Melinda gave Markus a playful shove. "Fantastic," she said before smoothing out her skirt.

It had been a slightly difficult trek back up to the main halls of the castle since the footing inside the passage way was a bit tricky. Having to climb a bit didn't make things any easier. But, in Melinda's mind, it had all been worth it. As she and Markus made their way back up, she mumbled about how she'd wished they'd learned more about what Archer and Irie were up to, but that she'd be sure to resume the search tomorrow. As it was, her mind was a bit preoccupied with Archer. She'd missed his class, though it had been worth it to find that gem of a passage way thanks to Markus. And she'd be putting it to good use in a matter of hours.

Melinda had decided to skip out on dinner and head straight to the passage ways after she and Markus had parted ways for the day. She'd waved him off and set to work, her goal—find Archer and find out what the hell was going on. She didn't waste any time and found the entrance to the passage way Markus had shown her earlier that day.

"Lumos," Melinda said, causing her wand to light up like a tiny torch. She then followed the tunnel up to the fork and took the one leading to the Potions classroom. After following that for a while, she moved past the part that would bring her to the classroom and on to the part that would take her down.

Down, down, down. Melinda followed the path downward underneath the dungeons. Once or twice, she felt her ankle almost give on her and twist, but she made sure to take her time. There was no way she was going to spend any time in the Hospital Wing when she everything inside her was screaming to speak with Archer. That look he'd given her, that nod! And then that conversation! She scowled and let out a huff as she pressed onward, her one hand balled into a fist while the other gripped her wand so tightly her knuckles had gone white.

Finally, Melinda came to the exit, the one that led to the sub-dungeon. She quickly exited and stared at the door up the way. For a moment, she felt her breath hitch, her heart stop. "There's no going back now," she said to herself.

The torches that lit the damp corridor were dim at best, but they allowed Melinda to see where she was going, her blue eyes fixed on the door that led to Archer's room. She swallowed hard as her heart hammered against her chest.

"Nox," Melinda muttered causing her wand to stop glowing. Her breaths short, she raised up a fist and pounded hard against the door.
Markus couldn't help but look at Melinda she seemed so focused on Archer's voice, and the look on her face... was something he was almost certain he had never seen from her. It registered only for a brief moment as they walked that he could pretty much feel Melinda's emotions coming off of her in waves. She didn't hide any of what she was thinking or feeling very well, but Markus was having a hard time figuring out if he was reading it correctly. After all the thought that Melinda the most desired Gryffindor in this year or any other for that matter could get jealous... It didn't seem to make any sense to him that was for sure.

The rest of the day had been rather uneventful. Markus had helped Melinda figure out as many of the passage ways around the dungeons and first level as he was comfortable revealing knowing he could probably avoid her if he wanted to sneak out for his own reasons. Reasons that seemed a little selfish even to himself, and yet at the same time he rather enjoyed. It was nice to simply have ways to vanish and reappear at will, and while he couldn't perform Apparition yet, and even if he could it would be useless within the walls of this castle he liked the illusion he could create using these passage ways. With them it was like he could.

When the two students had said their goodbyes, Markus had turned and vanished with little more then a good bye, and a 'you better get me my chair'. Markus may have been her friend but Markus never worked for free. Melinda would have to pay the price for his assistance just like any of the other students would have. And once he was gone, he returned to the open halls of the school Now that it was dinner and everyone was gathered, he started walking towards the west wing. He had checked all of the first floor's east wing yesterday, today he was going to make his way to the west wing gardens. and down every hall he was muttering to himself, "I need a place to rest." three times as he walked his eyes always watching the walls. ~I'll find it soon enough.~

Archer felt exhausted as he entered his home. He had been up since sunrise, and even gone out in the sun. His body was not designed to be up at these hours, and during the summer season he had gotten so used to his 'normal' nocturnal life due to his condition. It was only natural that his body felt burned out after all it was the first day back to working during the day hours. He placed an Ice pack on the back of his neck, which was slightly burned thanks to sunlight exposure. "I hate this job, and yet every year..." He spoke lightly to himself.

Every year it was the same thing. He was a potions master, but for the last 9 years he had felt trapped in this school forced to work in enviroment and on a time table that was just uncomfortable for him. Yet every year he accepted because where else was he going to work? He was lucky that he was friends with the headmaster, and that they were always willing to have him on staff, but job security was only half of the reason he was here. His reflection was interupted when there came a knock on his door. His eyes darting to the door. The rest of the students, and teachers should have been eating food already, the only reason he wasn't was because he was tired, and wanted to retreat to a place that was cold and dark. Somewhere more natural for him where he could feel at home.

"It's unlocked, come in." He was expecting someone more along the lines of Irie when the door opened, what he got however was Melinda... He paused for a moment wondering what this sudden visit was about. "What brings you to my office Melinda." He asked lightly, curious as to why she wasn't eating dinner with the rest of the student body.
Melinda wasn't even sure she knew what she was doing as her fist pounded against the heavy wooden door. Her blue eyes stared at Archer's name engraved on the nameplate clearly indicating that the room was indeed his. She shook her blone head, hair swishing over her slim shoulders as she felt a chill run along her spine. Just why in the hell was she even there? What if the wizard wasn't even in his room? She was taking a great risk by using the passages and so boldly and blatantly and then daring to knock down the man's door.

A soft giggle passed over Melinda's lips as she brought her fist back to her side, her mind reeling and wandering, her thoughts dark as she contemplated so many things. The conversation she'd overheard earlier in the afternoon had bothered her greatly and she'd have to ask Archer about it. Merlin knew if the wizard was indeed giving her signals then that had to stop. Right then and now. She wouldn't be able to stand it. Her one hand balled into a fist and she glanced over her shoulder letting out a soft sigh. Yes, she'd heard that the dungeons ran deep, deeper than most imagined. But she'd never actually seen it for herself with her own eyes. Not until now. It looked darker and felt much colder than she expected, but she supposed that was the way of things given how far underground she was, so isolated from the rest of the hustle and bustle of the school.

Just then, Melinda heard a muffled voice from the other side of the door. She gasped and brought a hand up to her chest. Her breaths came fast and she bit down on her lip in an effort to calm herself down. She then pushed her glasses up her nose and reached for the door handle, working the latch and finally opening the door. Immediately, her blue eyes found Archer's and a pang of guilt washed over her at missing his class earlier that afternoon.

"I..." Melinda stammered wanting to do nothing more than melt. So she gritted her teeth and attached her wand to a band on her hip. Her hands gripped the hem of her skirt and she walked over to Archer, looking up into his eyes. "I need to know what this talk is of a student in the Hospital Wing who might have been mistreated in your class." Her words were like venom as she all but spat them out, her body running on pure adrenaline and emotion. "Something about missing clothes?" she added with an arched brow. "Perhaps you recall the conversation."

With a smug look, Melinda crossed her arm, though her nails dug into the pale flesh of her arms as she stood there seething.

"I think explanations are in order or is my time better spent with someone like Doctor Irie? Maybe he'll be more willing to talk to me," Melinda said, her blue eyes flashing her anger as well as some hurt. She let her arms drop to her sides as she went to smooth out and adjust her skirt. "Yes, maybe that's what I should do," she huffed, giving Archer another glance.
Archer was puzzled to see Melinda at his door. She was glaring at him, yet she had been the one who had disappeared for half the day. Had she not skipped his class she would have certainly have heard what had happened in the hospital wing, the entire school now knew what had happened thanks to Peeves, and yet she didn't. He had a few guesses of where she had been back when he had been talking to Irie. The noise he had heard when he had been alone in his class, and the fact that a few things in his storage room looked like they had been touched gave him a strong indication that he knew exactly what had happened with her.

Archer slowly got to his feet, his eyes stuck on Melinda's he understood what she was trying to allude too, and it was a dangerous heavy little accusation. Not to mention completely unfounded and false. "You skip out on half the day, don't show up to my class, break into my storage room, and then come to me demanding an explanation over the dumbest thing possible." Archer shook his head, he had given her so many hints from the last year that he had been interested into her, and while her body had certainly became more attractive over the last year, it was a shame then that her brain hadn't developed nearly as nicely as her chest. For someone who wore glasses he had to guess she was just a usual blond.

"One of my students was poisoned, Her name was Felicity Steele, I sent her down to the hospital wing where she attempted to have sex with a slytherin boy named Simon Mycroft who was apparently sent down there this morning due too a teacher invading his brain." At this point his glaze became deathly upon Melinda, having explained himself. He took a deep breath. "They were interrupted by both Peeves and Irie so the entire school knows about them."

"Now then, you skipped out on classes, you come to my room afterwords too accuse me of nonsense you would have known had you not cut classes, and you invaded a teachers personal space." His voice became accusatory as he flipped the table on Melinda. "These are the actions of a vain little girl and I truly believed you were above them. I will give you one chance to explain this in a way that won't end up with you in detention for the rest of the month, and then some." Archer would have stripped her of house points, but her actions already showed that she didn't give any consideration to the other members of her house. No Melinda was much more selfish than that, but he could easily find work that would take her down a peg.

"Perhaps the grounds keeper can find some toilets for you to clean."
The moment Melinda had spoken, her blue eyes locking onto Archer's, she felt a pang of regret and the wish that she could somehow truly turn back time. Once again, she'd let her impulsiveness take over, her emotions getting the better of her. She stared into the wizard's eyes—eyes that seemed to see deep into her soul somehow, making her shiver and long for him to look deeper—and bit down on her lower lip. But what had been said couldn't be undone. She knew that and had no choice but to stand her ground. She could feel her cheeks redden as a wave of heat washed over her, sweeping over her entire body, consuming her whole.

Melinda had to resist the urge to break Archer's gaze. It was intense. Hard and cold as he looked back at her with what almost seemed disgust and distaste. Immediately, she could feel the bile rising in her throat, that bitter taste threatening to dance upon her tongue as she stood there feeling so small yet having to give off the appearance she felt otherwise. It was all she could do to stay standing. Her knees wobbled, shaking and in danger of giving way, causing her to fall to her knees before him.

But she couldn't let that happen. No. Melinda knew she was in the wrong, that she'd reacted out of jealousy and fear. It had been silly of her to do so, but...

Oh, she couldn't help it as she looked up into Archer's eyes. Melinda felt herself get lost in those eyes as they seemed to harden even more. A chill swept over her skin, goose bumps forming and causing the tiny pale hairs on her flesh to stand on end. She rubbed at her arms, her eyes finally looking away as she shifted her stance. But they suddenly widened at the punishment that rolled out of the wizard's mouth due to her brashness.

Melinda's jaw dropped open and she stared at Archer for a moment in a complete daze. "I... I..." she stammered, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Her cheeks reddened even more and her eyes glistened over, no longer able to meet his gaze. "That's hardly fair," she whispered, her face contorted into a pout. "I... I..."

Melinda could hardly tell Archer that she'd been jealous, terrified that others might have held more importance. Just what would he think of her if he knew? She dared a glance at him, but immediately looked away. Oh, what did he think of her now? Had she ruined her chances just like that after all the signals he'd given her just by one swift, impulsive act of jealousy?

Standing there, a horrific punishment looming over her, Melinda felt as though she had. It was mortifying and... it hurt. But what could she do? She'd yelled at the one man she longed for, the only man she'd ever truly wanted. And now... Now she only had one choice and she knew exactly what that choice was.

"But, I... I'll do it, if you think that's best," Melinda stated, her voice just above a whisper, her blue eyes still staring at the ground.
Seeing Melinda look like she was on the verge of tears, and how she looked like she was about to fall over if Archer didn't grant her some kind of reprieve, was rather refreshing, it was clear that she was regretful of her actions, but at the same time she wasn't defending herself. It seemed that in the end she was still very much a petulant child. It was a shame he had given her so many hints hoping that eventually she would show up on his doorstep wanting to learn what being an adult would entail, instead it seems that she was just as petty as most girls her age, and what was more she wore her emotions on her face. Maybe it was his many years of experience but he could practically read exactly what she was thinking because she did nothing to hide it as she failed to return his gaze.

Shaking his head he walked out of his chair and across the room, shutting the door to his office. Sealing the two of them away from the rest of the world. Turning towards Melinda he shook his head. He still wasn't impressed with her, and in truth he had every right to see her in detention for a very long time. But she was also right that such a punishment would be a little on the unfair side. Still he couldn't well give her anything near what she actually wanted. Not without feeling like he wasn't actually teaching her a lesson or worse encouraging her behavior.

"Honestly what am I supposed to do with you Melinda. I know you are smarter than this I have graded your papers. Yet you end up acting like an irrational child, what on earth drove you to do any of this?" He also wanted to know how she had come across his passage way in the first place. As far as he had known those were supposed to be a secret held by him and the staff of the school. The thought of someone getting inside his storage room. ~Note to self put a lock on that door.~ He thought darkly. He had hoped that wouldn't have been necessary, but now it seemed he needed an enchanted lock to keep students out of his store room.

"All the times I said you were free to come and visit me, and everything else I have said over the last year. I know your clever enough to play at being a real adult and understand what I actually mean. I can see it in your eyes that you knew what I was saying. Yet you come around throwing around shit like this, and it makes me wonder how I am supposed to trust you." Archer said biting his lip, even what he saying now could cause him to loose his job. He was already in a rather unique situation compared to his fellow teachers, one false move and he could wind up in much worse places than hogwarts.

Yes Archer had given her many hints, and alluded to much in his time with Melinda. Mostly because it had been fun at first. Suddenly there was a game he could play, something dangerous he could do that there was a chance he could get away with. He would lie and often say that just working as a teacher was okay, but in truth the potions master felt stuck in a castle like this one. Melinda presented a challenge, a game he could play and risk his job on, while at the same time having a sense of reward. It may have sounded stupid to others, especially considering that she had a following, but that hadn't been the reason this started. This had nothing to do with her blood line.

This had all started last year when Archer had caught Melinda's eyes on him, and returned the gaze, that moment she had selected to pursue him, and he had a game he could play in between his spouts of boredom and isolation from the others here at the school.

"What are you willing to give me, so that I know I can trust you?" If she wanted to play the game Archer was not stepping into a situation where she would give him away, or worse flip it around so that she was the victim in some situation. No he would not be some girls blackmail toy, she would need to surrender herself to him completely, and give over something he could use against her if she wanted to continue to play this game.
Archer's words stung deeply as he said them, cutting her deeply to her core. Her blue eyes fluttered shut and she could feel the tears forming, threatening to spill. Tears? Since when did Melinda Evercreech ever cry? Really cry! Yet there she was ready to lose it as this wizard spoke words that made her feel like the worst human being in the world, like someone so unworthy of attaining the one thing she ever truly wanted. And, when she thought on it a bit more, the one thing she truly needed.

Melinda sucked in a sharp breath having all she could do not to fall over and succumb to the emotions that were roiling just beneath the surface. Archer could read her, could tell what she was thinking, feeling. If that was the case, did he know just how much she was feeling right then? How much it hurt to hear him belittle the things she was feeling? To her this was hardly a game. This was the first time she ever felt anything for another person, had ever gone to any length or took any risk no matter the cost. She knew what she was doing could get both of them in trouble, Archer especially.

Archer especially...

Biting down on her lower lip, Melinda looked up at Archer, her blue eyes glistening with tears that were threatening to spill down along her pale cheeks. She pushed her glasses up her nose and tugged on some blonde hair that rested along her shoulder. As she looked into his eyes, eyes that seemed cold and judging, she swallowed hard. Her hands began to tremble as she thought about the only things she had to give that no one else knew... there were two: she was Veela and she could have feelings for another despite the Veela blood coursing through her veins. It was her jealousies that were making her lose her typical confidence, lose her way along a path she usually felt comfortable treading. But she'd never had feelings for another before and the possibility of losing him before even gaining him... it had driven her to do something rash.

And stupid.

"I..." Melinda started still looking up at Archer. "This is new for me." Her cheeks reddened as her face became hot. "I've never experienced feelings like this before." She bit down on her lower lip as the tears welled up more. It was hard saying this out loud, yet there she was. Her knees shook, her hands trembled, terrified at the idea that saying things out loud would somehow make it all vanish, make everything suddenly be a result of 'other' things. How she hated what she was with all her heart and soul! "I... I care for you and..." she paused, worried that what she'd said would make her seem foolish, and worried that the rest would make the rest melt into nonexistence. "Being part Veela has always made things easy in some ways, but it's never..." she swallowed hard, a tear running down her cheek. "It's never allowed me to get what I've wanted." She blinked and brought her hands up to her face. "No, let me rephrase that. What I need."

Melinda wiped the tears away and dropped her hands to her sides. But the moment her hands fell, she could feel more tears forming. What the hell was this? This wasn't how she normally was! But she couldn't help herself. Though as her eyes betrayed her with tears, the rest of her body remained still with the exception of her hands, which trembled from fear.

"Being part Veela means I never know who actually cares back," Melinda continued. "And now you know. You're the only one here to know." She let out a jagged breath wanting to give him more, feeling she owed it to Archer now. "And you're the only one I hope is not affected." She could hear her voice starting to falter. Clamping her eyes shut, she felt her muscles tighten, her shaking hands suddenly wringing themselves as she braced herself for rejection.
Listening to Melinda's words Archer was slightly impressed that she was willing to tell him something that she had never mentioned to anyone else. Hearing that she had such problems with trust he could sympathize somewhat due to his own condition. He never knew who he would trust or not and yet somehow this student was actually saying she cared about him. He blinked lightly seeing her cry, he felt oddly taken aback, but at the same time if this girl really cared about him then she needed to learn some harsh realities.

"If you really want this too work." He said motioning between himself and her. "Then you need to learn to loose your pride. It won't serve you well if get jealous of every teacher and student I talk too." As he spoke he walked forward placing a calm yet very cold hand on Melinda's cheek, his thumb brushing away the marks her tears left on her cheeks. He let out a long sigh. Melinda was a good person, but that didn't change the fact that she was also a very dumb childishly vein individual and none of those qualities were going to assist her through her life.

"Veela blood only effects the young, and weak minded. Those driven by hormonal instincts rather than their actual brains. I am not surprised to see that your fellow students are often so drawn to you." She was sixteen in a school that served thirteen through eighteen year old's and so it wasn't surprising too see how many people would flock to her, considering every single student is more likely too think with their cocks. However there were probably some exceptions.

Half of Archer wanted to deal with her misbehavior, and teach her a proper lesson, and yet the other half couldn't help but see a young vulnerable girl. However taking advantage of her now, wouldn't serve either of them very well. Rather instead he pulled back his hand.

"I will consider your offer however right now considering your state, I think you should go to your dorm, and sleep for now." He wasn't going to reject Melinda, but she needed to grow up, and prove to him that she was worth the risk that she was asking him to take. "Also Melinda, I will expect you to go to class. I have no intention of rewarding a girl who doesn't even obey the rules. I will think of a real punishment for you. After what you have said and done today, that I think is the least you deserve. However."

Archer smiled lightly drawing her a little closer, and giving her a small kiss on her forhead, his lips were once again oddly cold to the touch against her shaking skin. "I will consider everything you have confessed today."
Melinda's eyes stung as she opened them and reached up to wipe the tears away. This was so uncharacteristic for how she normally was. What would Markus say if he saw her now? What would anyone say? Surely the level of shock would be astounding not to mention the disbelief. But she hardly cared in that moment as she stood there in front of Archer, her biggest secrets revealed to him. Her heart pounded as her blood coursed hard through her veins. She dared to look into his eyes though her vision was slightly blurred from the tears that welled in her blue eyes.

As she stood there, Melinda listened. She listened harder than she ever had to anyone, letting Archer's words burn into brain as he spoke. Never had anyone meant more than this wizard did and now she'd placed herself in the most vulnerable position by having told him so. Now he held all the cards, had the upper hand and the advantage. It was a terrifying feeling knowing that she had to trust in him and, what was more, still prove herself.

It was harsh knowing that her words hadn't been enough. Then again, she couldn't fault him. She'd skipped his class, invaded his secret stash with Markus—even if they hadn't taken anything—and then came tromping into his room with jealous pride written all over her face. Melinda was a disgrace and the more she allowed herself to think on it, the more she knew she didn't deserve Archer. Yet...

Yet, Archer was going to give her a chance. Melinda's blue eyes closed when Archer touched her cheek—the gesture far too brief for her liking—and then again when he moved forward to kiss her lightly on the forehead. He was so cold, her body crying out to warm him. But she knew she needed to listen, to obey. Though nothing had been spoken out loud, in her heart she knew she was his. And given that, she'd do all she could to prove herself worthy of his time and affection.

Both of which were the only ones she'd ever craved...

Melinda nodded. "Thank you," she said softly through sniffles, the urge to reach out to Archer strong, but she stayed her hands somehow knowing she had to. Instead, she pushed at her blonde hair, fingers playing with stray ends. "And I'll go to class," she promised, knowing full well she'd keep it. "Also..." she started, biting down on her lower lip for a moment. "I'm... I'm sorry for saying what I did when I first came in here. That was wrong of me." She sniffled a bit more as her cheeks reddened. "I'll work on that," she said sheepishly. "It'll be hard, but... I will." She looked up at him and gave him a smile—one she hoped he understood was due to her caring. "But you're right. It won't serve me well." Her smile broadened a little as she looked up at him. "Anyway, I... thank you."

Melinda felt a wave of heat wash over her as her pulse quickened, the blush that had swept over her cheeks sweeping further along her neck, her chest. She knew she had to follow through. Everything depended on it. And being the Gryffindor she was, there was no way she'd fail, as it just wasn't an option.
When Melinda went away, Archer knew without a doubt that the girl would do her best to try and make today up to him. While she had said some rather dumb things, she had also admitted her problems, and given her word that she would at least try to work on her own feelings instead of being selfish. If she could manage to loose her pride than she would make a fine woman for him to play around with, until then however it was just too dangerous to go beyond the occasional flirt. He let out a long sigh now needing to focus on the other task of finding a proper punishment, but also he let out a yawn. As much as he would rather stay awake during the night, his job didn't allow for that, and he felt like he had already been up for days. Being out in the sun always took it's toll on his body, and after all that drama he was more then ready to sleep for the night.

Markus returned to the Gryffendor common room later than most of the other students. He had once again managed to find his home away from home the room of requirements, however that wasn't something he would be telling anyone about. That room was precious to him considering he needed it too work on his own master plan. Letting out a yawn he looked around quickly counting up the number of chairs in the common room, and he let out a long content sigh as he realized that one of them had indeed been moved to the upstairs. From there he was more then content to walk up into the male dorm, find his place, and let his body flop.

All around the castle night once again settled in, and everything was at rest. The night passed over the land and everything seemed normal and ready for when the students would awake. The morning started with a slow rolling fall fog covering the land, having crept up from the lake the nights before. it hung low to the ground and made the old castle seem less inviting than normal. Up above the grounds in the tall towers, the occasional foggy cloud seemed to pass low to the tower windows, but the ground below was almost entirely obscure.

In the Gryffendor tower Markus awoke early, changing and showering, before leaving the tower without even so much as a word. Today he seemed to have something else on his mind entirely. Walking through the tower he headed down into the great hall. Where only a few students were getting their morning start, above the sky was reflecting the same kind of eerily grey as the world around them. Everything was clouded and obscured, and there was an odd dampness in the air that felt like it clung right to the skin.

The castle was far from empty today, but it seemed that for the majority school life was starting to set in, and while the mood was far from somber it was slightly dulled by the fact that everyone was starting to fall back into their old habbits as students.
Morning came all too soon, the pale rays of sun seeping their way through the drawn curtains of the Ravenclaw girls' dormitory. Winnie was one of the first to wake, her green eyes blurred with sleep as she blinked and slowly sat up. She shivered a bit as the chill in the air kissed at her skin, causing her to immediately move to rub at her arms in an attempt to warm herself. Biting down on her lower lip, she then pushed at the blankets that had been keeping her body warm and swiveled her legs about so that they dangled over the bed's edge. Yawning then, she stretched, her spine popping a little causing her cheeks to redden and a tiny sheepish grin to play upon her lips. The pretty prefect sighed and reached for her glasses, placing them on her face and allowing everything in her sight to suddenly snap into crystal, clear focus.

Winnie ran her fingers through her mousy, blonde hair and slid down off her bed. The floor was cold beneath her bare feet and she gasped a little at the sensation. Looking about herself, she walked over to her wardrobe and began to rummage through her things so that she could get ready for her day. It was going to be quite an eventful one, she was certain. She had a mission—to find the missing vial of Greyroot Juice and hopefully the one or ones who'd pinched it. According to Archer, the vial had gone missing during her Potions class, which meant first period the day before. A lot could've happened to the thing between then and the present. But she had to find out what happened. It was her duty as prefect. She owed it to the professor who'd asked for her assistance, plus she owed it to Felicity... friend and fellow housemate.

As Winnie got ready, others began to get up. She noticed Andie and Felicity slowly rousing, though both girls seemed to keep themselves at a distance from each other. She supposed that wasn't too surprising given things. It had been the same every year, Andie taunted while Felicity avoided. She shook her head and sighed at how so much discord could occur in her very own house. But she couldn't let that distract her. She had a job to do and she wouldn't let petty rivals deter her from getting things done. Setting her jaw, she knew first thing first and that was getting a head start on breakfast. An early breakfast would mean getting an early start on trying to figure things out.

"Right," Winnie muttered to herself. She flung her bag over her shoulder and headed down to the Great Hall.

Winnie pushed open the doors to the Great Hall and entered. Her footfalls echoed loudly as she made her way inside the grand room and toward her empty table. Yes, once again, she was the first Ravenclaw to arrive. She glanced about the room, taking note of who had showed up yet and who hadn't. Her head tilted when she saw Markus getting an equally early start much as herself. It was odd to say the least and very unlike the Gryffindor. She pushed at her glasses as her eyes fixed upon him for a moment, lingering a bit longer than she had meant them to. When her eyes found his, she gasped and looked away, cheeks reddening in embarrassment. Biting down on her lower lip, she then looked back over at him and gave a wave.

As Winnie waved, she had to wonder what brought the usually less than punctual Gryffindor out and about so early. Perhaps he planned on taking this year more seriously since it was an O.W.L. year? She really wasn't certain, but it was all she could think of since he never seemed to show any interest in anything other than ditching class and taking naps. What could possibly motivate him at this hour? It was a question that was going to nag at her while she had to figure out what happened to the Greyroot Juice.

Trying to clear her head, Winnie set down her bag. She glanced from Markus to her table, food slowly starting to appear. Looking at the food, she felt an ache rise in the pit of her tummy. It was going to be a long and difficult day. How was she going to find one tiny vial in a huge castle? The odds... seemed impossible.
Markus couldn't help but smile when he got a wave from Winnie, and he waved back quickly and happily. He sighed, knowing that she was really only visible from afar, and that in all reality he was probably invisable to her as anything more then a casual rule breaker, but rare moments like these allowed him to kind of forget that for a moment. Still it was this one sweet moment that had been the entire reason for his early awakening. It was true that he didn't really concern himself with the O.W.L.s or even classes all that often, but when ever Ravenclaw was involved for the last 5 years he had made sure to at least be partly involved. The female student turned prefect had a power over him that she honestly probably never realized or ever even considered.

The only thing that held him back was oddly the one thing that no one in his house was supposed to have, fear. It was funny but for a member of Gryffendor in this one scenario he feared rejection. He was afraid of being told no, and he feared that his actions were only going to somehow hurt her. Markus was far from a bad student, he just lacked courage, which was a unique trait coming from a house that was supposed to be all about the will of the pure at heart. The moment the hat had been placed on his head it had shouted the house out. His father could never have been prouder, as his family had always been in Gryffendor, however he couldn't help but feel that he had been placed wrongly. At times he seemed more like a member of Hufflepuff or Slytherin.

He shook his head grabbing some food and feeling a slight wave of self doubt run through him. Gold and Red looked terraible on Markus, but if he wasn't meant to be in this house then he probably wouldn't have been placed here... right?

Across the way Simon a familiar Slytherin entered the great hall, and instantly he could feel a couple of eyes on him, giggling and snickering about the events of yesterday. It seemed that Peeves had continued his song through most of last night even when the two people it was about had been able to brush it off. The song may have been gone from the halls however the damage it had done to his name remained. Simon was recognized everywhere, and part of him feared a little for the sake of Felicity.

Simon had no problem being in the spotlight actually in truth he kind of enjoyed it, he was a class clown after all a few eyes were nothing to him, and if he really wanted to be alone then he could sneak away from people as a raccoon and go hide somewhere away from people. Felicity lacked those privlages.

Simon sighed doing the bravest thing he could think of and taking a seat at the ravenclaw table where he could feel more then a few eyes upon him, Felicity clearly wasn't here yet, though it was still early. Smiling towards Winnie he gave a small shrug. "You don't mind if I sit here right?" He said not giving her much of a choice even if she did mind. "Actually I wanted to talk to you, is Felicity okay? how was she last night? and also... I know I wasn't there yesterday, but Felicity seemed to think that her potion was tampered with." As he spoke he piled bacon and eggs onto his plate along with some toast which he spread some jam on. "I'm not in that class so I can't really watch out for her, but could you do me a favor, and just keep an eye on her for me while I can't? I worry about her being picked on by others." He said briefly, having said his piece he bit down on his toast.
Winnie let out a languid sigh, though her mind spun with a million thoughts—classes, culprits, O.W.Ls and more—and sat herself down at the Ravenclaw table with a soft thud. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Markus making himself comfortable at his own house table. For a brief moment, she tilted her head as she looked his way, her hand reaching up to push at her glasses. Smiling to herself she shrugged and began reaching for food. She was absolutely famished and would need all the energy she could get if she was going to tackle the problem she was facing in finding out who stole Professor Archer's Greyroot Juice.

As Winnie began to fill her plate, she noticed a shadow blotting out the gray of the sky illuminated from the ceiling above. Turning her head, she saw Simon Mycroft heading toward the table. She had to admit she wasn't overly surprised. He was probably waiting for Felicity and... her cheeks flushed when she recalled the songs Peeves had recited throughout the day and evening the day prior and that was nothing compared to what he'd done at night while they all had tried to sleep. Poor Felicity. The girl had to throw a pillow over her head to block out the noise.

"I don’t mind," Winnie answered, gesturing that Simon feel free to join her. She gave him a smile and tucked some blonde behind an ear.

Winnie listened to Simon as he spoke his concerns, ones that didn't surprise her given things. For a moment, she wondered what it must be like to have someone that fawned over you. She knew it was a silly notion, but she couldn't help herself nonetheless. It wasn't overly often she allowed herself the indulgence, her focus and drive always being her studies... never herself.

One day she'd remedy that... one day.

"Well," Winnie stated. "Outside of Peeves making it difficult for us to sleep... she's been fine." Her brow then arched when Simon mentioned that their potion had been tampered with, not brewed improperly like she'd initially accused.

Almost instantly, Winnie felt hot, stifled. A wave of guilt and panic washed over her at how she'd possibly wrongly accused Felicity, almost making the girl feel a need to prove herself by drinking down the contents of said potion. Like everyone else, she knew how well versed the girl was at potions. It was her passion, her calling. And she'd unwittingly backed her into a corner like a cat does a mouse.

Her! A prefect and supposed friend.

Wincing, though trying to cover it up by biting down on her lower lip, Winnie furrowed her brow. "Tampered with?" she said more than asked. "Actually..." her voice trailed, her thoughts thinking on what she'd learned from Archer, about her mission and goal. "That makes sense." She tapped at her chin, her green eyes darting about the Great Hall as she thought on who might have done such a thing and, more importantly... why.

More than ever, Winnie had to wonder who in their class would care whether or not their potion succeeded. As far as she knew, she didn't have any enemies. Not really. But Felicity? She heaved a soft sigh. The muggle-born girl definitely had her fair share. She was different, even for a Ravenclaw, and that didn't earn her any favors.

"And I'll keep an eye out for her," Winnie added, still feeling a bit guilty. "It's my job as prefect for Ravenclaw anyway." She tried to smile, but it felt forced due to how she felt inside, which was terrible. She was just glad that Felicity was all right in the end.

As Winnie tried to reassure Simon, the Great Hall began to slowly fill up. Students began to meander to their tables and she caught sight of a few faces—Andie and Felicity being among them. Andie was giggling as she looked at Felicity who had circles under her eyes, her dark hair a bit disheveled, no doubt from a bad night's sleep—thanks to Peeves and his nighttime serenade, which unfortunately lasted until the sun finally came up. Luckily, she knew a spell that prevented his chorus from reaching his ears after she'd had enough.

Felicity walked over to both Simon and Winnie giving them both a wave and a yawn. She sat down next to Simon and leaned against him, the snickers loud as she buried her face against his shoulder. She giggled a little mildly unfazed and reached for his hand.

Winnie pursed her lips together as she watched the two. Her thoughts pondering how nice it must be to have someone to care about and to care for you back. Just then, she saw Andie walk by, her eyes fixed on Felicity as she giggled. The look in the red-head's eyes gave the pretty prefect pause. Something just wasn't quite right.
Simon nodded lightly when Winnie agreed to keep an eye on Felicity at least when he couldn't. Hopefully that would be enough to make her life a little easier, although when he saw what had become of Felicity he couldn't help but feel at least a little responsible. She looked terrible. Simon let out a long sigh as he felt her rest against him, and smile as he heard her snicker. He couldn't do much more then hold her close, and take her hand when she wanted his. He looked at her lovingly, happy to just have her by his side even though she looked like she would be much better sleeping somewhere else.

Simon nodded his thanks to Winnie, but focused his attention more on his girlfriend then the prefect, making sure that she got all the food she needed to have at least some energy to face the day. Simon caught the look in Andie's eyes as she passed, and simply brushed it off. For as hateful as the girl was, Simon rarely concerned himself with her. If anything she was just a pest that Felicity would have to learn to deal with. In all reality his previous threat of turning her into a ferret was sounding more and more like a good idea with that girls every movement.

Turning to Felicity he giggled lightly. "I guess telling you to go lay down in the hospital wing would be a bad idea." He said lightly closing one eye, and giving her a small wink. He both meant it as a joke, and as a real suggestion. Felicity just looked painful at this point, and he really couldn't do much to help with that. "Is there anything I can get you that will help you through the day?" He asked his light tone calm and caring.

Across the tables Winnie was not the only one who felt a pang of envy when Simon and Felicity started showing off their PDA's Markus couldn't help but watch and wish for a moment that it was him and the aforementioned ravenclaw prefect. He shook his head knowing that his reputation would never allow that too happen, at least not while they were in school together.

Markus let out a longing sigh, how long was he going to just sit back in the shadows and hold onto his feelings? according to the school and the way they had been talking last night, Simon had only known Felicity for like two days and they were already inseperable. Markus had been in the background of Winnie's life for five years now and he couldn't even bring up the courage to say hello most days. He closed his eyes some times he wished he was just about anyone else.

Kyle had entered in with the rest of the ravenclaw table, and taking one arrogant glance at Simon and Felicity he scoffed. "Hey isn't there a rule about public affections, at the table? I mean come on Winnie they are sitting right next too you, give some of us other guys a break and Kick simon back to his own table."

As he spoke he shot a rather venomous glance towards Felicity, and Simon before sitting down next to Andie, a sly hand moving up and down her spine as he sat teasing her, as he had still yet to take her up on the offer she had placed on him, however he was not going to allow her to forget for some time that he was still waiting for a good time to pounce on her. Sitting down his eyes reflected a keen look between Andie, yet again it seemed the two would be playing their favorite game of how can they ruin the mudbloods day today.
Winnie forced a smile as she watched Felicity nuzzle Simon. Though she was envious of what the two had, she hardly wished either of them ill. Both were good people and as awkward and strange as Felicity was, she'd proven to be a decent friend in the past not to mention someone of keen mind. It was a pity that others treated her as they did and she knew that sometimes she probably should step in more as opposed to just stand back and let things go. But it wasn't always easy to stand up to others nor was it easy to worry about needless drama when your life depended upon your studies and how you fared at school. Adding in nonsense just distracted and caused issue.

Then again...

Winnie's thoughts wandered at how some distractions might very well be worth it if it meant having a significant other. For a brief moment, her green eyes flitted over to the Gryffindor table. They were drawn to Markus as he sat there quietly minding his own business, filling up his plate with food. She saw Melinda walking up to the table and setting herself down across from him and a pang of jealousy went through her at seeing how a small entourage followed her down to her seat per usual, yet she confidently chose to sit near someone specific of her choosing. Could she ever do that? Though why would she sit across as opposed to next?

Melinda flopped onto her seat and waved her onlookers away. She wished they weren't there, that none of them were. The only one she wanted to stare and glance her way was one who wouldn't give her the time of day unless she could make some changes. It was enough to make her insides knot up, her hands shake, throw everything off balance. She pushed at her glasses, her blue eyes darting to look at Markus who sat across the table.

"Sleep well?" Melinda asked him, hoping he found the chair that should've been waiting for him. She then bit down on her lower lip, her hands moving to her lap as she began to wring them together nervously. Her expression went distant as her mind wandered over what she needed to do that day to hopefully prove herself to Archer.

Back at the Ravenclaw table, Winnie glanced away from Markus and sighed. Only one envious glance was replaced by another as she looked over at both Simon and Felicity who seemed to be snuggling each other. Andie and Kyle sat not too far off, the two of them smirking and giggling as they scoffed at the display the two were making. In some ways, she couldn't fault them, then again those two were making their own display. As her cheeks grew warmer, her desire for returned affections growing, she finally stood up and grabbed her bag.

"I... I have some things I need to do," Winnie stated plainly, her eyebrows knitting together as she looked down at the floor. She sensed something off about Andie and Kyle. The two had it in for Felicity, always had. And it made her wonder some things. But she also needed to remove herself from everything she was seeing and wishing she had. At that, she turned on her heel and made to leave the Great Hall, hoping to get permission to be late to first class since she had a suspicion and had to follow her instincts.

Andie just giggled as Winnie dashed for the exit, her body shifting closer to Kyle as he rubbed a warm hand along her back. She shivered lightly in response, goose bumps forming on her skin. Biting down on her lip, she turned to look up at him with reddened cheeks. "You always did play my favorite games," she said giving him a coy wink.
Markus watched Winnie from a distance but his view was suddenly cut off by the arrival of Melinda and her usual entourage. He let out a long sigh as he started to eat. Stuffing his face lightly with food, he watched her usual carry on baggage phawn over her, knowing full well that not a single one of them ever stood a chance. He had his suspicouns about her after last night, however even if he was correct it wasn't at all his concern nor did it really mean that it was going to be harmful. He snapped out of his thinking for a moment when he was asked about how he had slept.

"Oh yeah thanks for that. It was really comfortable, and I'm sure it's gonna come in handy over the next year." He said lightly he was really greatful for the addition of the chair, as it meant he didn't need too sleep in the common room like he normally did. He still got the odd look from the gryffendors but at least this year he could sleep in a more acceptable location. It was kind of sad that none of the beds were comfortable. He could just never get used to them for one reason or another.

When he saw Winnie get up to leave he was still eating, and as much as he wanted to ditch Melinda and walk with Winnie Markus was still a little too hungry to leave the great hall, though he did pass an eye onto the table where she had been sitting, and seeing two different couples show off their affections for one another he let out a small envious scoff. "Disgraceful isn't it? Turns out what we heard yesterday was that those two ended up trying to have sex while a ghost and a teacher were watching." He said with a small giggle. "The balls on some people am i right?" As soon as he cracked the joke he could only wish that he had the kind of internal crocodile masculinity that it took to actually pull off what Simon and Felicity had tried to do.

Simon on the other hand rolled his eyes at the raven claw table watching as Kyle and Andie did their own PDA's, turning to Felicity he was basically done eating for the moment, and leaned in closer to kiss her lips. "Come on lets get out of here before they cause a problem." He spoke while squeezing Felicities hand lightly and turning to leave.

Markus scoffed as he watched the two love birds take their exit and returned all of his attention on Andie's body. He took the coy wink to heart, and smiled happily. He knew he could have her any time he wanted, but at the same time the longer he waited to take her up on that, the crazier he could drive her, and there was some part of him that enjoyed making fun of someone as powerful and influential as Andie.

Markus's tongue poked out of his lips teasing Andie. "It's only because you pick out the games I find fun." He said in a light teasing tone.

Outside of the Great hall a familiar dark haired hufflepuff had been standing at the door laying in wait for the female prefect, and the moment he spotted her he adjusted his glasses. Walking forward he stepped in line with Winnie, and adressed her rather formally. "Greetings." His tone more serious and more matter of the fact than usual. He smiled lightly as he walked keeping an eye out for his female twin.

"I've come with a bit of a warning, Ravenclaw seems to be hurting for points, and it seems to me that you are having a hard time controlling your house members. You shouldn't allow your house to become such a lowly brothel like you have." Ryan's tone was on the edge of anger as he glared at her, clearly he was unimpressed by all the rumors and stories he had been hearing about Felicity and Simon. But there was more to it, everything that happened in the last two days showed that Winnie lacked the ability to control her people, and if she couldn't control them then she was no good as a prefect.

"You should keep your eyes more focused on the people you eat with. One of them seems to not be who they say they are, and isn't worth giving you their trust." He said passing on his own his own cryptic message about Andie's and Winnie's actions, though his intense gaze was still upon Winnie. "If you don't tighten down the house, then the teachers will start dealing with more harsh punishments. Ravenclaw is starting to use up the only warnings you get at this school."
Winnie pushed open the heavy wooden door of the Great Hall and stepped out into the corridor. She adjusted her bag over her shoulder and was about to head off and see if Professor Buttermere would be all right if she was a bit late to class. No doubt the witch would be understanding that she had prefect duties to attend to, that it was a matter concerning the health of a student and potentially others. It also had to do with a promise made to another member of faculty so surely that would help excuse her, she figured. After all, Buttermere was reasonable. Or, so she hoped.

Setting her jaw, Winnie cleared her throat and set off for Buttermere's office. Her steps were cut short, as her path became obstructed by her fellow prefect—Ryan Duwitt. With a slight start, she let out a loud gasp and covered her mouth with her hand. Feeling silly after realizing it was Ryan, her cheeks reddened and she pushed her glasses up her nose.

"Ryan," Winnie whispered and she gave him a warm smile. As she stood there, her heart beat fast, her adrenaline pumping from the minor scare at being startled. She listened to Ryan as he spoke, her cheeks reddening with each word.

Winnie suddenly felt like the worst human being in the world. She truly had been clueless during Potions class. Felicity's protestations should've been enough of a warning that something was off, yet she just wouldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that anyone in class would pull anything on purpose. It was the furthest thought in her mind. But, she should've considered all the options. She stared at the floor, the stones so cold and gray beneath her feet. Just what was she doing? And what wrong with her? Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them back not wanting anyone to notice them.

"I'll take better notice," Winnie said plainly, her eyes still fixed on the floor. "I do know my house," she added, trying to make it clear that she wasn't totally useless. She'd just wanted to give benefit of the doubt... a silly thing and now, she was finding, a dangerous one. She heaved a sigh and looked up at Ryan, her one hand reaching out to touch his arm. "Things will get better, you'll see." Her smiled broadened just a little as she tried to think on her plan of action, on how she was going to head back to the dorms after she sought out Buttermere. She had some 'rummaging' to do.

"There you are," Reagan stated as she turned the corner and flicked her raven hair over her shoulder. She walked up next to Ryan to linked her arm with his, leaning her weight against him. "You got an early start," she added brightly. "One day I'll get to breakfast before you." Her blue eyes flitted to Winnie, scrutinizing the prefect as she stood there. She then gave her a smile. "Leaving?" she asked, still clinging tightly to her twin's arm.
Ryan smiled having given the warning he had needed too, as he walked with Winnie, seeing her flinch at his words, and seeing how painful this experiance was for her. Oddly though he didn't care, he walked along completely uncaring about her misery, and rather focused on something else. The fact that she had failed. She was of course promising to do better, and he hoped for the sake of her house that she would. Ravenclaw had somehow lost a hundred points in the flow of a single day, of course it was still very early, and there was time for her to work towards regaining all of that.

There was more importantly however the fear that the teachers may start to use Ravenclaws hedonism as a sign that the punishments needed to be upped. If one house made the others look bad than there was as always a chance that the teachers might end up breaking out more harsh punishments and detentions early. Which while he was certain that wouldn't effect Hufflepuff, as he and Regan already ran a tight ship where they held control over the other students in their house. It was bad for their reputation as prefects and would mark their reputation when they finally left the school and moved on to larger, better targets... like the ministry of magic.

When Regan came out and wrapped her arm around his, Ryan gave her a small smile his hand holding hers lightly as he tried to look friendly with his twin, at the same time he caught the glare she sent to the raven claw Prefect and shook his head. "I haven't actually eaten yet, I just wanted to make sure that Winnie understood her situation within the school." He said adjusting her own glasses. "Come on Regan, let's go make sure the hufflepuff students are doing as they are needed, and find some breakfast of our own." He said lightly too his twin giving her a smile as he walked away from Winnie and went to the grate hall, making sure to give the girl one last hard look before walking away.

Markus walked out of the great hall, feeling a small shiver as he passed Ryan and Regan on their way to breakfast. There was something about the way those two acted that just made his skin crawl. Maybe it was the fact that they were actual twins, but they always seemed just a little too close when ever they were together. Sure they weren't Simon and Felicity, but part of him had thought they wanted to be more like that. Which was just outwardly weird and made him want to avoid the two even more.

Swallowing his pride for a moment he walked up to Winnie, silently walking along side her, he bit his lip for a moment. "Hi...so uhm where are you going?" He asked actually thanking the fact that he had enough of a voice to speak in some way. He felt intimidated sure, but he couldn't let that stop him, he had to at least try to talk to Winnie today, it had of course been the entire reason he had gotten up so early.
Reagan held tightly onto Ryan's arm, her body brushing up against him, taking in his warmth. She was proud of him for speaking to Winnie—though the girl had overstepped, but she'd brush that off for now—for trying to make sure that all prefects did their jobs. After all, someone had to do it or else all of Howarts would fall into complete and utter chaos. She smiled and gave his arm a squeeze as they entered the Great Hall, the low murmuring rumble of voices of the students hitting her as they entered. She glanced around taking in the sight of everyone, how they milled about so haphazardly while eating their breakfasts. It was a cacophony of events as students chattered and walked, silverware clattering against plates and tables.

Slowly, Reagan found herself approaching the Hufflepuff table, her hand, which had somehow found her brother's loosening its grip so that she could sit herself down and eat the food that was suddenly appearing before her. She placed her bag aside and gave Ryan a smile, her cheeks a bit red. As she made to sit down, a student bumped into her causing her to stumble. She lost her footing and nearly tripped onto the floor, however another student managed to catch her, a Slytherin boy—sixth year—who happened to be walking by.

"Got you there," the Slytherin said as his hands held onto Reagan. He went to brushing he off, giving her a smile. Reagan's cheeks were still red though not from her stumble. It was a lingering effect from before.

"Thanks," Reagan said quickly, her gaze turning immediately to Ryan, seeking him out.

Meanwhile out in the corridors, Winnie looked over at Markus. "H-hello," she said shyly giving him a smile. "I'm heading off to see Professor Buttermere and see if it's all right if I show up to class late this morning. I have some things I need to tend to." She paused a moment. "Prefect things." She blushed a bit as she spoke, embarrassed that half the mess she was solving could have been avoided had she been more observant. "Archer set me on a task. I need to find something rather important and I'd like to try and find it before the day ends."

Winnie gave Markus another smile before biting down on her lower lip. She then adjusted her bag and pushed her glasses up her nose. As they walked along, she felt a nervous flutter deep in the pit of her tummy. It felt oddly nice walking with a boy, something she wasn't used to. Closing her eyes briefly, she could almost imagine that this one liked her and longed to hang around just because of her. It was a silly thought. Markus had a reputation and she certainly didn't seem to fit that reputation. But still and all, it was fun to pretend, especially since he'd be none the wiser to her thoughts.

"You're welcome to come along with me to Buttermere's office... that is if you have nothing better to do," Winnie offered, her green eyes fixed upon the floor. "Hopefully she won't mind I miss out a little. This truly is a matter of student safety, so I like to think she'll be understanding only I..." her voice trailed. "She is new and I just don't know." Her cheeks reddened. "I'm nervous," she admitted. "Nervous she'll tell me 'no' and I really cannot afford that." She let out a sigh and glanced over at Markus, still pretending things might be different just because it felt nice. She then stared at his house colors, envying the bravery of Gryffindor. "You're lucky to be Gryffindor," she stated. "Must be nice to be so brave, to just go out and not be afraid of anything." She let out a soft sigh. "Maybe... maybe you can help me? Just stay with me while I ask Buttermere for the time?" she asked, her eyes hopeful as she reached out and gently touched his arm.
Ryan watched the orginized chaos of the hufflepuff table. Everyone used their mannors, and asked for what they needed. Unlike the other tables there were no real signs of PDA or open affection. As he had made it rather apparent that it wouldn't happen at his table. He wouldn't allow it, and the other members had quickly learned that what he didn't allow was usually for the best. He was quick to enforce rules he liked, and as he took his seat he payed only a little attention to his sister, that was until she started to fall.

At first Ryan attempted to move, but already being seated it was clear from the outset that He wasn't going to be able to catch his sister, instead however another boy did. Ryan's blood ran cold for a moment, his glasses hazing over for a moment to hide the look of anger in his eyes as she was touched by another boy. A wave of some kind of envious anger washed over the male twin as she seemed to blush from the contact with a snake. As soon as he caught the eye of his twin he gestured for her to take the seat next to him. and send the boy far away. He wanted nothing more from the slytherin boy.

Ryan wasn't usually the type who got openly emotional, but Regan was his sister, his younger twin who had always been by her side, and there was an odd sense that he would rather see her hit the ground hard and be hurt than have her be saved by someone who wasn't him. It was selfish, and went against the persona that he let others see of the helpful student, and the keeper of the law, but when it came to Regan he was warry of her. He would never trust anyone else to be around her for very long. "I'm glad you caught her, but could you run along to your table now, I need to speak with my sister. Prefect matters you understand right." He said to the Slytherin boy while also still managing to do nothing more but stair daggers into the boy's skin. He wondered how long he would have to glare before the boy simply burst into flames.

Back in the hallways.

"Ah right ms buttermere." Markus let out a long sigh, remembering all that had happened yesterday with the deffense against the dark arts teacher. How she had clearly gone insane with power, and needed to be dealt with accordingly. At the same time while she may have been a prefect he had no idea if the teacher would react anywhere near the same way she had with Simon. With Buttermere it was honestly hard to tell how she would react especially after yesterday and how that had turned out.

"Well if it was Archer who set you on the task then you really shouldn't dilly dally, That guy hates people who lag behind." He said lightly scratching his head and feeling kind of awkward. He was actually doing it! He was actually holding a conversation with Winnifred Weatherwax! It was something like a bit of a dream come true, and while he felt awkward and couldn't help but feel a light blush across his features he walked with her, every now and then glancing up from the ground to look at her. He found himself grasping onto every word she was speaking and walking with her dispite not giving a reply to her question about joining her. It was pretty clear that no one was going to dissuade him from walking with her.

When she touched his arm however his ears burned and his spine straitened there was a physical jump to his step. "YeahIcandothat!" He said his words all trying to escape his mouth at once, creating a quick mix of things he said. Coming back down to earth he let out a long sigh. "In truth though it might be better for you to ask forgiveness rather than permission if your task is really important. I find that often having a good reason to do something, and doing it, is easier then simply going out of your way to ask if you can do something... ifthatmakesanysense."
A wave of heat washed over Reagan as she walked away from the Slytherin and over toward Ryan, anxious to be near him once more. She could feel her insides fluttering just a bit as her eyes connected with those of her twin's, causing her cheeks to flush a deeper shade of crimson than they already were. It wasn't often she got to see him show this side in public, that protective side. But she liked it, if she had to actually admit such things. It made her feel special, like she mattered above and beyond everyone else in a crowded room. As she took her seat at the Hufflepuff table, she flicked her black hair over her shoulder and just glanced up at the chivalrous Slytherin, his face one of quizzical concern. She smirked inwardly, shrugging it off and paying it no mind as her focus and attention immediately went entirely to Ryan. Another wave of heat consumed her, her hand reaching for his arm as he protectively waved off the confused boy, all but demanding he leave.

It was almost comical watching the Slytherin as he nodded his acknowledgment, seeming to understand that this just wasn't the time to choose a battle. Reagan knew he'd clearly lose. He just wasn't a match for Ryan, not when he was this way. Her smile broadened and she let her hand slide onto his leg underneath the table in approval. The Slytherin let out a sigh just then and shrugged, but before leaving he placed a hand upon Reagan's shoulder causing her to turn her head just a bit.

Turning back toward Ryan, Reagn smiled, her body relaxing slightly. She let her one hand fall away from his leg while the other began reaching for food. "And he's gone now," she started. "Good thing he listened."

Meanwhile, in the corridors, Winnie couldn't help but giggle a little as Markus told her he'd go with her to see Professor Buttermere. It made the terrifying trek that much more bearable not to mention she could continue her little game in pretending that perhaps there was something more between them and he was helping her for those reasons rather than out of kindness and Gryffindor bravery. It was a nice thought, even if it was a fleeting one that wouldn't last after the task was completed.

Winnie nodded and smiled, her one hand pushing at her glasses. "That does make sense actually," she said. "See, I'm glad you're coming along!" Her smile broadened and she touched Markus' arm once again. "I wouldn't have thought to do that if not for you," she then admitted. "Interacting with people just isn't my specialty, though it should be as a prefect."

A sigh rolled off Winnie's lips and she hunched forward feeling small and dejected, a failure. Ryan had been right to stop her earlier and speak so plainly to her as he had. The criticisms he'd had to say were helpful, ones she could stand to learn from. She was glad he'd spoken up and taken the time to warn and remind her of her actions or lack thereof. As she continued to walk along with Markus, she knew she'd have to thank him later.

"You know..." Winnie suddenly said as she and Markus ever approached Buttermere's office, the room not too far off. "You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Maybe..." her voice trailed and her cheeks reddened. "Maybe if Buttermere is okay with things, you can help me. That is... that is if you want to and are able." She bit down on her lower lip. "I don't know what your schedule is like."

Winnie couldn't believe she was asking Markus for help. But it seemed like a good idea. Part of her wanted to continue this fanciful game she'd conjured up in her head and another part was just enjoying his company. There was still another part that somehow knew he could be helpful. Though they hadn't seen Buttermere yet, his advice seemed rather sound and he was boosting her confidence. Not many could do that outside of academics.

"But if you don't want to, it's all right," Winnie went on. "I'll understand." She gave Markus a smile and suddenly came to a halt. Looking up, she saw that they were in front of Buttermere's office.
Ryan's glare only deepened as Regan was touched, for a moment his hand lingured on his wand, as if he was asking for a reason to curse his sisters attacker, and that was what this slytherin boy was in his mind, an attacker, and a moron who was daring to try and touch his sister. However as the moment passed it became clear that it was not necessary to undertake the final step in crushing this boy. He was still very clearly tense as his sister departed from the boy and came to sit down next to him as she should have.

Ryan couldn't help but set his jaw into stone at the moment. He felt his sisters hand on his leg, and that brought with it a sense of the familial and an off comfort that only his twin could ever provide him. It was an odd sense of safety and as she leaned against him he let out a long sigh. He couldn't agree more that it was a good thing that the slytherin had read into the cues properly and ran off back to his table too eat alone. No one else was trust worthy enough to take his sister away from him, at least no one that he had ever met anyway. For once he was oddly happy to have his sisters normally oppressive behavior focused upon him, as it reminded him that he wasn't alone in these... odd feelings.

"I can't agree more." Ryan said lightly happy that the other was gone, gathering his food he started to eat, looking around at the hufflepuff table. Years ago they had gotten odd looks and whispers thanks to his sisters behavior. When they had first started in the school many people had called their behavior weird in the way that they tended to gravitate towards one another. However nowadays no one even noticed it anymore. There was usually a curious first year, but most had accepted that the prefect pair were basically off limits.

"Next time you should be more careful." He said calmly. Though it was clear where he placed the blame for his sister being touched. She had been the one who had tripped and fallen over, which was an unfortunate truth at the moment.

Markus wasn't always the smartest when it came to the matters of a person in need, however seeing Winnie hunch over as if she had just seen a person being beaten up, it was pretty obvious something was really bugging her. Which only made him focus on what that could possibly have been the cause of her negative feelings. He was about to ask if he was the cause when she said something that actually surprised him.

"For you my schedule is always open." Markus spoke lightly having a small moment of clarity. enjoying something akin to responsibility. Usually he wasn't called on all that much. She seemed to want him around, which was refreshing, and somewhat elating, and he would honestly rather have nothing more than working along side Winnie. He gave her a kind smile, as they walked up to the office. She seemed rather adamant about talking with the teacher first though he still advised against it.

Looking at the office door, he swallowed lightly. "You really don't have to go in you know. I mean... you heard about what happened to that slytherin student yesterday right?" He said reminding her of the situation that happened with Simon Mycroft, and buttermere. "You can just come back after class and explain your actions then." He bit his lip slightly afraid of how this new teacher would react. Either way was probably worse then the other, but at the same time this particular teacher was a nutcase, and not one he wanted to trust.
Reagan smiled brightly and began to eat her breakfast, the ominous cloud that had been looming due to the Slytherin's presence lifting somewhat. She could see the boy staring over at her—at them—from across the way, but she made light of it. Let him stare, she figured as she went on about her daily business, ready to eat and face the day with Ryan by her side. She had to admit, she had no idea how others managed not having a twin. Without realizing it, she edged closer to her brother, her thigh brushing against his as her thoughts lingered on how nice it was to have that special someone since birth, that one where bonds stood the test of time and then some.

Shaking her head, Reagan knew the Slytherin was out of his league even broaching the thought. The very idea? It was laughable. No one could ever come close to replacing that one who'd always been with her since the beginning, the only one she trusted.

"He's staring," Reagan whispered before taking a bite. After she swallowed down her food, she reached for her glass, which had filled with pumpkin juice. "But I don't think he will bother us again," she reassured. Glancing over at the Slytherin, she could see the look of both concession and dejection written all over his face. And it made her feel special as well as powerful. Smiling, she edged even closer to her brother. "So," she then said, her lips very close to Ryan's ear. "You told him you had to talk to me?" She tilted her head, her one hand gently touching his thigh again from underneath the table. "Just what was it we needed to discuss?" she asked.

Back in the corridors, both Winnie and Markus stood in front of Buttermere's office. Winnie gulped as she stared at the door, her green eyes blinking furiously as she began to fidget with her hands. She looked over at Markus and bit down on her lip, her nerves bubbling up as she tried to decide what to do.

"You... you think it's best to just go ahead and come back later and apologize?" Winnie asked, trying to rationalize things out loud. "M-maybe Archer will give me a pass. You think he'd do that?" She hoped Markus would give her some reassurance.

Winnie had indeed heard rumors of what had occurred the day prior to Simon Mycroft. It had become known as the 'Legilemancy Incident' by some and the 'Brain Bruiser' by others. Again, she swallowed hard. The witch had a reputation for being quite skilled with the darker arts, a wonderful witch with a keen knack for hexes and counter-hexes. Truly she was an asset to the school. Some of the students already looked up to her, especially the younger ones. But the older students? There was an undercurrent of fear...

"Okay," Winnie stated. "We do it your way." Her voice sounded determined. "If she's as dangerous as you imply, then we'll just go on ahead. I'll get a pass and apologize for being absent later. No doubt an excuse from a distinguished faculty member will help." She let out a sigh and nodded, a small smile crossed her lips and she gently touched Markus' arm as a gesture of thanks.

On the other side of the door, Pandora stood there tapping her chin and clucking her tongue. She held her handled spectacles in one hand as she smoothed out her skirts with the other hand. "Pity, pity," she said softly. "Looks like one student will be absent." She giggled and walked to the back of the room and fetched a quill and some parchment. "Note that Winnifred Weatherwax will not be in Defense Against the Dark Arts today. Pity pity." At that the golden-haired witch merely frowned and set down the quill.
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