Hogwarts Horror Stories. (Malin & Darkangel76)

Winnie bit down on her lower lip, her hands shaking slightly as she watched Archer look over both her and Markus. She was glad that the Potions Master seemed pleased to receive the vial she'd been task to find and ever grateful that Markus had stepped up and inquired about the pass for Buttermere. Letting out a soft sigh, she dared to reach up and gently touch the Gryffindor's arm, wanting him to know of her gratitude. She then let her hand drop and edged closer to him, taking in his heat, staying within the cozy warmth of his shadow—something she could easily get used to. She only wished that somehow there'd been a way that Markus didn't need to receive any kind of penalties at all, though she figured she'd find a way to make it up to him.

"Thank you, professor," Winnie said softly as she watched Archer turn to leave. She pushed at her glasses and turned toward Markus. "And thank you, Markus." She blushed hard, her heart pounding as she looked over at this boy who suddenly turned everything upside down and all because of a simple game. "I... I'm sorry you had to lose house points on account of me." She hung her head a little, mousy blonde covering her face. She pushed it over her shoulder and shifted her stance, her one hand plunging into her robes pocket so that her fingers could brush against the lacy material of the panties she had hidden away deep within them. "I'll make it up to you. I promise," she added shyly.

Winnie then looked up at Markus, her green eyes glistening. She gave him a smile as the blush that had swept across her cheeks deepened.

"Though I'm glad you didn't get a detention," Winnie then said with a nervous giggle. Licking at her lips, she swallowed hard. "Will... will you go with me to give the note to Buttermere?" she asked, her cheeks reddening even more. How she didn't want Markus to go. He made everything seem better, gave her confidence, made her feel special. "I promise to make it up to you. All of... this." She made a slight gesture with her hands and waved them about. She bit down on her lip, her teeth grazing it before she licked at them again. "Just name what I can do and I'll see it done."

Down in the girls' bathroom, Felicity still hung on tightly to Simon, his body moving urgently against her own. Her hips hugged his as he moved, his thrusts fast and hard as she wrapped her legs about him. His moans were unlike anything she'd ever heard, a sweet and enticing sound that beckoned her deeper into a spell that centered about him and no one else. This wasn't wizarding magic, no. This was something better, something deeper and much more wonderful! Wanting him to feel as much pleasure as possible, she bucked her hips just that bit more, her body still shaking from the pleasure of her climaxes that he'd given her. Whimpering and writhing, she suddenly felt his body tense, every fiber of his muscles going rigid under her touch. At that, she knew he was cumming. Each moan and thrust causing her to hold on tighter, wanting him to go deeper inside of her.

When Simon finished and he kissed her, a part of her was sad to let go of the moment. She was still wrapped up in the intensity that was him. She looked deeply into his emerald eyes, his words reaching her ears and she nodded. Licking her lips, she kissed him again and gently pulled away. She didn't care about how she felt some of his cum dripping down her thighs—it felt heavenly knowing what they'd done, what they'd shared.

Kissing her way down his chest, Felicity just let instinct take over. She pushed her dark hair away from her face and looked up into Simon's eyes as she worked her way down. Her steely eyes locked onto his, unblinking and transfixed. She was mesmerized as she kissed along his chest, his abdomen and finally was on her knees before him. She let out a hot breath as she looked down, her eyes fixing themselves to stare at his still stiff cock. It was slick with his cum and her juices, glittering in the odd light of the girls' bathroom.

Gently, Felicity reached out a hand and took a firm hold of the shaft at its base. Her other hand moved to join it. Licking at her lips, she moved forward and finally let her tongue swirl about the tip of Simon's cock, slowly bring the head into her mouth, slurping up the cum and pussy juice into her mouth, her tongue cleaning him as she brought him deeper into the heat of her mouth until she finally gagged the moment she felt him touch the back of her open throat. But that didn't stop her, she moved him out slightly, finding a more comfortable position and let her tongue move over him, tasting and licking, her hands slowly starting to explore.
The loss of points for his house was Archer going easy on him. Markus could tell that from a mile away. He wasn't all that afraid of the potions master and in truth he had only gotten off so easy as to not have any kind of detention for himself by luck for the most part, and the fact that he actually had a responcible person with him to defuse the situation. Shaking his head he hardly felt upset about the loss of house points, he was certain that other people would make up the points for them in the long run.

Once Archer was gone to perform what ever ritual was needed to do on the vial he was quick to turn his attention to Winnie as she seemed to be hiding behind him. He would have to remember that in the long run, after all she was the prefect in all reality he should have been hiding behind her. It wasn't that he minded being a hero he just didn't like it when the position was forced onto him like some sort of honor tittle. He blinked when Winnie said she would give him anything in her power to give. Considering they had already kissed that was a tall order and he blinked his mind going vacant for a moment.

"Yeah i'll go with you." He said more out of reflex though his body wasn't moving. His mind was a giant blue screen trying to process what he had just heard.

There was suddenly an odd pressure all through his mind. He hadn't even thought the points were that big a loss, but she had just said that he could pretty well name anything within her power to give, and she would make it happen. Did he want anything? The situation he had already asked for the bath they would eventually share tomorrow was of course the first thing that popped into his mind, but there was more to that. He bit his lip for a moment taking the weight of what he could ask, and seeing what he truly wanted.

"I..." He said trying to find the right words, and reboot himself so that he could finally get to walking. "I.. want..." He only got one request, but he wanted more then that, he hardly even knew how he could be putting it forward but after a moment he gathered what ever courage was inside his cowardly mind and his vision cleared up after a long awkward pause. "I want to own you." The words sounded a touch awkward even as he spoke them, but it was the best way he could have put it. He wanted to dominate Winnie, wanted her to be his, and his alone, so much so that he wouldn't have let anyone else ever touch her.

Down in the Girls washroom Simon hadn't really expected her to go with his suggestion, however feeling Felicity kiss him as she trailed down and go down on her knees he stayed rather hard enjoying the feeling, and even letting out a surprised gasp when he felt her hand touch the base of his cock. Her skin was warm and hot, but for some reason it still sent a powerful shiver up and down Simon's spine. He swallowed for a moment feeling anticipation as Felicity licked her lips and stood back when her tongue licked at him. "Ah."

Simon bit his lower lip for a moment feeling the pleasure run through him His eyes eyes were locked on Felicity staring at her eyes and the rest of her body as she knelt down before him. His cock twitching inside her mouth. His flesh reacting to the touch by heating up again as if he had never really finished before. The more she explored his cock with her mouth the more he was willing to let her work on him, and the more he let her explore his body. When she gagged he found it more then a little attractive, he hadn't even thought of himself as that big, but then he also never looked at other men to compare, so hearing that his cock was enough to make her gag was hot to him.

The tension in his spine relaxed more and his hands had nothing to do for once so instead he simply reached down and ran his hands through her hair as she cleaned him. His cock becoming hard in her mouth. He ran his hands through her hair but at the same time also started to push her a little more. Making it clear that while he didn't want to hurt her he also didn't want her to stop either. "Ah, Felicity that's great." His mind on fire for a moment as he breathed heavily enjoying Her motions, as he tried to keep himself from thrusting or being too heavy against her.
A smile played on Winnie's lips when Markus said he'd go to Buttermere's with her. The very idea of facing the witch terrified her since she felt absolutely guilty for missing the class even if it was for good reason. Her cheeks then reddened a little as he replied and her gaze drifted down to the stone floor. She'd already asked him about three times if he'd go, something she'd wondered if he'd noticed. If he did, he didn't seem to let on and she was rather grateful for it. Though she figured the reason he was playing it casual was to spare her the humiliation of coming off rather needy. But she couldn't help it. She was a perfectionist, striving to do things right all the time and fearful of coming up short... and typically doing so—at least from her own perspective. The fact that she'd been scolded by Ryan Duwitt the day before was only firming things up in her mind as far as all that was concerned and she was beginning to question so many things, even as to why she'd been chosen to be prefect of Ravenclaw in the first place.

Being chosen as prefect had come as quite a shock to the mousy blonde. Winnie had been utterly elated at the proposition, accepting it immediately and without hesitation. To think that Head Master Evert thought that she was right for the job made her feel special and she craved to feel as much, to know that she could make a difference in the lives of those at Hogwarts. She loved her school, her house and she wanted to touch their lives in some positive way. Knowing that people believed in her, thought she could do something as challenging as be a prefect, then she'd do her best and take any criticism to try and improve herself.

Winnie's green eyes widened suddenly as Markus stated what he wanted; giving reply to the offer she gave him. Sucking in a sharp breath, she gasped a little, her tongue darting out to lick at her lips, which had somehow gone dry. She tilted her head, a hand reaching up to push at her glasses before moving to push at her mousy blonde hair. Her heart hammered hard as her breathing quickened.

"O-own me?" Winnie asked. She let the concept roll around her mind a little. It certainly wasn't something she expected to hear nor was she certain she fully understood what Markus had meant. However, the moment she mumbled the words, she knew the game they were playing was over. A nervous flutter began to grow in the pit of her tummy along with a glorious ache between her legs. Blinking, she looked up into his eyes and bit down on her lower lip and swallowed hard. Before she knew it, she was nodding, and her words were spilling out—light and breathy. "All right," she mumbled softly. "I'm... I'm yours. You own me, Markus Harrow."

Down in the girls' bathroom, Felicity was on her knees before Simon, her eyes staring up at him as she held his cock between her tiny hands, her mouth engulfing him as she gagged and tasted him. She pulled out a little, her tongue swirling to lick and taste everything they'd done together as it had spilled all over him. She could taste his cum, her juices... all of it mixed together on his heated, salty flesh. He was stiff, getting harder and bigger by the second as she sucked and slurped, her saliva dripping down her chin and she went down on him.

Felicity looked up into his eyes, her own starting to water slightly as she gagged just a bit each time she brought him deeply into her mouth, causing him to strike the back of her throat when she noticed the reaction it caused each time it seemed to occur. It only made her long to please him, to make him feel like the most wanted wizard in all of Hogwarts! And to think that he was sharing this time with her, that he wanted to share it with her and her alone. It made her feel warm inside and the desire to please only grew.

Tiny whimpers escaped Felicity as she licked Simon's shaft, licking and sucking, her hands suddenly exploring him with each thing her mouth did. The slickness of saliva and cum only seemed to make everything feel more heated, more exciting. With slight urgency, she couldn't help herself and she dared to lick up the underside of his shaft and let her tongue gently brush against his balls. Her hands gripped his thighs for support, nails digging his flesh as she licked and explored. Truly, he was remarkable, tasting so wonderful upon her tongue.

Felicity then gently suckled on Simon's balls, her hands moving over Simon's thighs, his hips, his ass. She wanted to touch every plane and angle, committing it all to memory as she continued to taste and clean him. She gave his balls another lick and moved up along his shaft, her hands moving to find the base again and she brought her mouth to the tip, forcing it into her mouth a bit harder than before. She could hear his words, his moans—all of it encouraging. The way he gripped her hair, urged her on with subtle nudges... she couldn't get enough. Whimpering, clearly wanting more, she sucked harder, slurping as more saliva dripped down her chin, her chest.

"You taste good," Felicity panted before gagging a little. She then sucked up the saliva mixed with cum and pussy juice that threatened to spill from her mouth and giggled. "I can taste us... mmm..." Immediately she went back to sucking on him, her eyes watering as she sucked, licked and tasted.
Markus blinked he had been holding his breath for what felt like minutes always expecting rejection in someway or another. How could he have just asked to own another human being? how was that even going to work? did he really expect to actually use her like a slave? well the truthful answer to that question was that yes he did plan to use her like he owned her, but even as he thought about it there was something dark and twisted to it which he couldn't help but fear as a little bit unnatural.

Then came the moment that she repeated his answer back to him. He blinked dumb founded for a moment when she finally said that he owned her. He swallowed so it really was that simple? He owned her now? What was he even going to do with her. Well of course he had some ideas about that he had more then a few actually and that was what disturbed him. It was difficult enough to figure out that he had wanted to own her in some way what he was actually going to do with her was another matter entirely. It felt so strange and gave him an odd floating sensation to hear that she was his now. There was a line they had crossed, and there was no going around it.

He owned her, and he liked that. Before even moving another foot towards Buttermere's office he pounced towards Winnie, his hands grabbing her shirt and pulling her close to him, while at the same time pushing her back against the nearest wall, his kiss came hard against her lips, his tongue quickly asked for entrance into her mouth and he tasted her saliva. He gave a quick breath before kissing her with as much force as he could. In truth he was almost certain that if he had kept it this way he would have broken some part of her.

When he was sure that he had tasted her saliva for long enough, he pulled away smiling. "Tomorrow, we are going to take that bath together, and I am going to truly claim you as my own." He said looking into her eyes telling her exactly what he was going to do to her. He had every intention of taking her long and hard tomorrow night. Sadly however tonight he had another thing he had to focus on. He leaned forward his tongue ran lightly across Winnie's ear as his hand snaked along her waist pulling her closely. Whispering exactly what he wanted to do to her in that tub.

As he pulled away he let out a small amused look, and then glanced down at what had been in her pocket moments prior. The black lace panties, were oddly familiar to him, and after a moment he blinked knowing exactly what they were. He giggled slightly, "Put them on." He said handing them back towards her, and checking around the hallway. Everyone was still in classes. "And give me your old pair."

Down in the girls bathroom Simon couldn't help but watch as Felicity seemed to understand what his body needed, and how she licked at him. He let out a rather loud pining moan as his hands tangled further into Felicity's long dark hair. He panted slightly as he felt her mouth move around him and watched her gag on him. Everything she was doing felt wonderful to him, and he wanted more.

As she said that he tasted good, he winced slightly. It was not something he had ever expected anyone to say and yet the way she said he knew that she was telling the truth. "nnm" His reply was stiffed as she went back to work on his cock and he bit his lip to try and not give out too loud of a responce. His face was bright red, and all he wanted was for Felicity to continue doing exactly what she was. "Your too good at this. Keep it up and I'm gonna cum again." He said wincing slightly as her tongue moved over a sensitive patch of skin and he felt her suck on him.

His hips wanted to move, and his hands were already pulling Felicity towards him, making sure that she couldn't really get away from him. Every moment this connection continued was this unique mix of sweet agony. The heat of her mouth and the look on her face just making him want more from her, but the risk that taking her mouth as he had with her pussy would be painful too her. Even so as she sucked on his cock he found his hips moving lightly thrusting into her mouth as he held her by her long hair. "feels so good."
One moment, Winnie could hear herself breathing—tiny movements as her chest rose and fell—and the next, she was being kissed, hard, by her new owner. Markus Harrow. How that name took on new meaning as it rolled around in her mind. He was the center of her everything now, a new focus, a new reason to just 'be'. It was funny how a single Gryffindor could change everything so very drastically with such a simple statement, a request so deep and impacting, that she wondered if either of them truly understood just how deep it truly went. Or... could possibly go.

A shiver ran down her spine just then, shuddering through her body and settling deep within her core.

Winnie could feel the hard stone as it pressed against her back, though the warmth of Markus was all she could focus upon. His mouth claimed hers as his tongue sought its entry, claiming and exploring every inch that now belonged to him. His. Such a profound concept as she stood there, his body pressed firmly against hers, while he kissed and sampled and the wall just pushed back with merciless force. She felt her breath get lost as her mind spun, her heart beating hard as time seemed to somehow stop. When Markus pulled away, she blinked her eyes, panting, almost whimpering as she looked up at him. There was an odd sense of loss as the space seemed to grow between them, the cold air swirling, causing a heavy weight to bear down upon her heaving chest as she tried to catch her breath.

Suddenly, Winnie's cheeks reddened further, the heat that swept over her face running over her body and causing the ache between her legs to grow with arousal. She bit down on her lower lip as Markus' words registered, as everything about their situation registered. He noticed what was in her pocket, had somehow found the panties and taken them as he kissed her. She felt so vulnerable, so embarrassed. But he wanted her to put them on, to switch into them right there in front of him... in the hallway.

Swallowing hard, Winnie just looked into Markus' eyes and nodded, her delicate fingers brushing over the lace as she held the thing after he'd given it back. She hooked it about her one wrist as she slowly hiked up her skirt, her thoughts going wild... what if someone found them, what if Archer returned... But Markus wanted her to do this, he'd demanded it. And... she was his. Mouth dry, eyes glistening, she pushed her skirt up that much more and finally reached up underneath and hooked her fingers about the material of her plain-jane panties concealing a now very wet sex. She closed her eyes as she pulled the panties down over her thighs, the material damp from her arousal at doing what she was for her new owner. After a few moments, the white cotton was about her ankles and she stepped out of them, picking them up and hooking them about her free wrist.

Not once did Winnie's eyes leave Markus'. Not once did she look away. Licking at her lips, she took the lacy panties she'd lifted from Andie's trunk and began to slip them on, slowly bringing them up her smooth legs. Trying to stay calm, though her breaths were short pants as she stared into Markus' eyes, her thoughts were all over the place. Again, she worried about who might show up, who might catch them... so many what ifs. But for now, at least, things seemed quiet enough.

Down in the girls' bathroom Felicity couldn't help but smile a little despite her ministrations to Simon's cock. Knowing he was enjoying things, that everything felt so good and that he thought she was doing a good job of everything, made her happy and boosted her confidence. As she continued to suck and lick at him, her hands stroked him, caressing him with great care. Her tongue swirled about his tip.

"I taste you and me," Felicity said plainly, her hands stroking Simon a bit harder as she licked him a bit more urgently. "And... I want to taste more of you," she admitted, her cheeks turning red. Just then, she felt a tiny gush of arousal pool between her legs. The very thought of Simon cumming again, only this time tasting it all and drinking it down. It made her skin ignite and the nub of flesh between her legs scream in bittersweet agony. "Can I? Taste you?" she then asked between sucks, her tongue furiously licking along his shaft, kissing and suckling like she couldn't get enough of him, of his taste. "Please?" she begged looking up at him as she reached between her legs and began to rub at herself, whimpering slightly before going back to work on his cock with her mouth.
Markus swallowed at first he had assumed his task had been a bit unreasonable and yet she went on with it. It felt like time slowed down as she pulled up her skirt and then pulled down the white plane panties. For a moment before her skirt covered he could see Winnie's pussy, and he felt his own arousal grow with the moment. His mind was racing across the field it was impressive how quickly his heart was pounding inside his chest.

He watched as she put on the lacy underwear, and he took up her regular underwear feeling the wetness on them and instantly knowing that she was just as aroused as he was. There was a moment where he contemplated pouncing her but at the same time remembered the promised bath that was supposed to happen tomorrow. His entire plan was to claim winnie's body at that point and Markus didn't want to ruin the image he had in his head. Placing the wet panties into his pocket he smiled leaning into her a bit as his mouth came to her ears. A faint whisper as he held her shoulders to the wall. "I told you those would look good on you." He said pulling away and keeping a devilish smile.

He turned smiling as much as he wanted to do something more then this, they had places they needed to go. He took her hand and started to walk up to the main hallway. Heading to the stairs that would take them all the way back to the Buttermere's office. He liked this feeling of control it was stronger than he knew. In fact it was actually rather invigorating, the simple fact that he owned her and thus could get her to do anything, there were ideas here that he rather enjoyed, and oddly none of them had anything to do with the schoolwork. She may have been a member of Ravenclaw but for as lazy as Markus was he honestly wasn't about to make her do his homework. That said he would certainly end up using her in the long run.

"Come on we have work that needs to be done." He said lightly god he wished he had a video camera that could work in hogwarts. there was a sad fact that electronics didn't work all the way out here. Which made recording devices a sad thing that only his muggle father had. Still his mind replayed the image of her taking off her underwear a hundred times with each and every step he could take. Loving every second that he got to act as Winnie's owner and master.

Down in the girls bathroom Simon let out a soft moan feeling his entire body shiver with pleasure as he was being licked and touched, but it was when Felicity started to play with herself that things took a sudden shift. Simon had been holding himself back struggling for a moment on how to deal with his lust, but seeing Felicity outright play with herself while sucking on him shifted things around.

Simon grabbed onto Felicity's pig tails pulling her hair to force her to take more of his cock into her mouth. Suddenly he got violent with his hips, thrusting his cock hard against her mouth and using it as though it were her pussy. Suddenly his cock was being forced down her throat hard and he wouldn't have had it any other way. Simon was panting as used Felicity's mouth hard pulling her hair to make sure that she couldn't back away or stop him from hurting her. He knew his actions were painful towards Felicity, but he also needed this. Her mouth felt great even as he forced himself down on her. He didn't know how she would react just that he physically needed too do this to her.

His breath came in small shallow gasps now as he pulled on her hair his cock thrusting wild against her mouth as he forced her to take every inch of his cock pulling her mouth right to the base of his body and feeling is cock dip down the back of her throat. Pulling back only for a few seconds before thrusting her down again every motion was pleasure for him, violent enough that when he pulled back he felt himself cum hard. He rubbed his cock against Felicity's tongue as he felt it twitch, each move letting out a surge of hot cum out into her mouth for felicity to drink all keeping his cock inside her mouth until he was sure she had swallowed at which point he would release her.
The ache between Winnie's legs was strong, her cheeks hot as she stood there before Markus with her green eyes fixed on the panties she'd just handed over to him. She swallowed hard knowing full well just how wet they were, betraying her arousal, the excitement she was feeling as he made his ownership known. She pushed at her glasses and then at her mousy blonde hair, biting down on her lip as the tension that hung in the air only grew in its intensity. It was like a weight bearing down on her chest, causing her breaths to quicken as she tried to suck in precious air while her mind tried to process just what exactly was happening between herself and her owner.

Owner. It was a dark concept, dark and wild and wonderful. A shiver ran along her spine when Winnie realized that the game truly was over, that she really was wearing the panties she'd lifted for him, for Markus. She was his. Her eyes went wide at the thought and then came his compliment, the praise and words of approval. She blushed almost instantly, her eyes still fixed upon the stone floor as she let out a soft sigh of contentment. It was accompanied by a tiny gush between her legs causing the new pretty panties to dampen slightly. Blushing more, her legs locked at the knee awkwardly and a soft, nervous giggle escaped her. She wondered if he noticed, if Markus could tell, if...

But as Winnie's mind reeled and spun, Markus grabbed her hand. She blinked and nodded. "Yes," she answered. "We have to see Buttermere." Her fingers entwined with his as she moved to be a bit closer to him as they walked along the corridors, making their way to the witch's office. Her tummy fluttered with nerves at the thought of seeing the witch, knowing that she'd missed the class and then there were those rumors from the other day about the student who'd ended up in the Hospital Wing. Thankfully, she had the pass from Archer. But still, having to face a professor and explaining an absence... even an excusable one... It was enough to make even the most responsible student nervous and afraid. Fortunately, she had her owner with her. The bravest Gryffindor she knew and one she'd trust with all that she was. After all, he hadn't failed her in making things 'all right' all day long. So, as long as he was with her, everything would be fine.

It had to be. It was just the way of things.

Meanwhile, down in the girls' bathroom, Felicity was letting out tiny whimpering moans as she sucked and slurped on Simon's cock. It tasted so good as it stretched her lips, filled her mouth. Her one hand continued to stroke him, every so often brushing gently against his balls while her other hand began to rub at herself, trying to appease that bittersweet heat that was beginning to roar between her legs as she tasted him. She could feel her excitement growing, her heart pounding as her fingers kneaded against the tiny nub, which had hardened into a small fleshy pearl—round and hard and screaming for release as her tongue swirled and licked.

Suddenly, Felicity felt Simon's grip on her hair tighten, his hips thrusting hard against her face in a rough motion of heat and passionate frenzy. She struggled at first, trying to breathe, gagging as a reflex causing her one hand to grip him harder, stroking, caressing, touching. Saliva dripped down her chin and along her neck, a small rivulet mixing with beads of sweat that had formed on her chest so that it could run between her tiny breasts. She moved to be on her knees, her face taking the brunt of his thrusts as her body bounced on the floor in front of him. Her fingers worked more furiously on herself, rubbing and teasing, pushing herself to the edge. She felt that want for more, to be filled and stretched. Without realizing it, a finger slipped inside herself—first one, then two. Over and over again, she pumped, her thumb rubbing the bundle of nerves that begged for release as it craved for more attention from her fingers.

Felicity could hear the wet squelching sounds of her juices as her fingers pumped her sex, her wetness dripping down her thighs, causing her to moan between gags while Simon face fucked her. Groaning, whimpering, she longed to taste him, her tongue demanding he fill her mouth so she could drink down every drop he had to offer. Just then, as if he knew, his cock spilled heated, sticky cum into her mouth, down her throat.

"Mmm... mmm..." Felicity moaned, her fingers still pumping her sex hard. As she drank down every last drop, swallowing everything down, she let out a loud moan of pleasure, nearly screaming out as she fell into the blissful void of orgasm. As her sex pulsed about her fingers, she thrust her hips against her hand, her mouth kissing Simon's cock with heated urgency, licking up the last drops she might have missed. When he pulled away, she brought up her fingers wet with her own juices and licked once, blushing slightly. "I... I was messy," she admitted shyly. "And... and you taste so good." She squeaked softly, her face turning so she could bury it against his thigh as she giggled.
Markus let out a soft breath as he walked with along side Winnie. He felt fantastic, really it was as simple as that. Nothing had the chance of spoiling his good mood. In one hand he held Winnie tight, his fingers intertwining with hers so that there was no chance of her slipping out of his grip, and the other hand was tucked away in his pocket feeling Winnie's wet panties as he walked along the school walls. Walls that he knew so many passages around, and so many ways to evade others that he had an odd confidence that if they wanted to disappear the two of them would never really be caught.

The best part of course was the fact that Simon now owned Winnie now. His head felt high with the kind of power that meant, it wasn't just that Winnie was a prefect and thus could get away with so much more then the average student, or the fact that he had held a crush on the raven claw girl for almost three years. It was the fact that as they walked she was beside him, and he owned her. There was nothing better than that moment of realization. It gave him a strong if slightly arrogant glow of strength around him, and allowed him to enjoy the air as he walked.

Simply put he couldn't be higher than he was right now. The universe had suddenly dealt him all the cards in the world and as long as he held onto Winnie then nothing would go wrong. Even as they walked up to buttermere's office nothing could ever really go wrong. Standing tall and proud he didn't even bother to break the contact he had with Winnie as he knocked hard on the Defense against the dark arts teachers door. Suddenly her treatment of the slytherin boy from the day earlier was completely lost on Markus. He turned back to Winnie giving her a swift but joy filled smile.

Markus would have to think of so many ways to justify his owner ship of her. There was the immediate things he wanted to do with her of course, but with the tittle like owner it seemed to him that he really needed to come up with some special and unique treatments of Winnie. Make every moment of her servitude count. He shook his head trying to focus on the hear and now, while also knowing that she was wearing the special lace panties. It felt like the entire world would know about them soon enough. "Ms Buttermere?"

Down in the girls bathroom, Simon breathed content and happy for a long moment. His hand brushed Felicities hair as she pressed her face into his thigh. He felt happy, and just a touch tired at the moment. Leaning against the wall for a moment he let himself slowly slink down and sit on the tile floor of the bathroom. His hands still brushing along Felicity's long hair.

He smiled his face turning bright when she said he was delicious. "You taste great as well." He said happily remembering the taste of her pussy, and how all of this had started. He smiled not sure if he wanted to get dressed at the moment or not. Instead he pressed a hand along Felicity's back and pulled her gently towards him so he could cuddle against her body. He didn't want to let her go, under any circumstance.

Simon blushed slightly and looked over Felicity. She had been a little messy, but something about the mess and all they had done together had seemingly never made her look better. He swallowed wanting to her to tell her that maybe she could have been a little more messy, an image of him cumming on the young witches face instantly forging in his mind. Instead he shook his head he had nothing left in him at the moment. "It's okay there will be other opertunities for us to do stuff like this, and maybe in the future.." Instead of speaking what he had in mind his hand trailed down Felicities Spine and touched her ass grabbing a hand full of her cheek and spreading it slightly. "We could try down that side too?" The question came off as curious to see what her reaction would be.

Simon laughed awkwardly and genuinely his eyes locking on hers for a moment, it was so clear that they both needed to go clean themselves up, but they wouldn't get the chance too, the next set of classes was going to start soon meaning that they would both be walking around looking like this for the rest of the day, smelling like each other. He wouldn't have had it any other way. "If only there was a way to savor this moment forever." He said lightly under his breath as he looked at her. "You look so good right now."

Down in the medical bay Kyle had finally arrived to see Doctor Irie. The good doctor took one look at the man and had started to 'very unprofessionally' laugh. It wasn't rare for students to get into a fight, but usually that meant he had to deal with curses. Students who were puking up slugs, and stuff like that. This on the other hand? this was something rare. Something he had to savor when it happened because when it did there was a primal brutality to it that was just energetic about it.

"You got punched in the face like a muggle!" He said in a light giggle. Trying to contain his actual excitement for his job as he looked over the student who's left eye was starting to swell. "Well I'm sorry to tell you, but." He leaned back into his chair still chuckling. "I have potions here designed to regrow bones, and fix joints. I know spells for reversing curses and hex's all day long, but when it comes to a bruise your shit out of luck. Fact is magical medicine isn't something people can or should use on the little things. Paper cuts, and black eyes are something you just gotta deal with."

He took out a cold pack, the magic made sure that the ice never melted. "Put this on your face and ask one of your female friends about make up. The swelling will go down in a day or so, and there shouldn't be any permanent damage to your eyes. If that's all please feel free to go to your next class, and also make sure to lodge a complaint with your house representative about who ever punched you." Irie said quickly dismissing Kyle who only seemed to grumble obscenities under his breath.
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