Hogwarts Horror Stories. (Malin & Darkangel76)

Simon's body shivered as he heard noises around him. He really did not want to wake up or move at all, but when his head was touched he knew he had to open his eyes, it was probably some attending nurse or something like that. He blinked his vision blurred as heard a very familiar voice. At first he thought that maybe some amount of time had passed and she had come to check on him, but one look at her, and the smell of sickness told him that she was here because she needed to be. Simon moved, pain shooting through his weakened body as he tried to sit upright and instead got a hell of a migraine for his troubles, his ears buzzed with a loud tone that almost drowned out Felicities concern for him, and he placed a hand over his for head trying too cool himself down.

"I had a teacher in my brain." He said trying to make light of the situation. Looking over at Felicity he moved over a little and gestured for her to take the same bed. It was a little unorthadox, but he was in pain, and wanted something familiar near him, and besides she probably needed to lay down just as badly as he did, and while these beds weren't the most comfortable with two people it was manageable. "I'll press charges against her later right now I'm just... drained." He said not even having any real strength to truly take advantage of the situation or grab Felicity.

"What happened to you?" He said with long breaths in between his words it was clear that he was very tired after the long walk to this place. there was no doubt that he felt ill, but she actually looked far more sick then he did. Her face was pale and her body felt chillingly cold, for a moment he hoped it wasn't contagious at all, because if it was than he was probably going to get it just from being close to her, and having no natural defense at the moment. He made room for her so that she could collapse onto the bed, and his arm affectionately wrapped around hers.

"We... are a pair for sore eyes." He said lightly this was the last place on earth he had expected to see her again, but at the same time even though she must have been in the same amount of pain and suffering as he was he couldn't help but be a little bit greatful that he wasn't alone anymore. He had her by his side, and that while it didn't make his mind feel any less violated, or better, made his heart feel a much better.
"A... what?" Felicity said, showing clear concern despite her condition. One hand reached for Simon while the other tried to steady herself. She couldn't believe what she'd just heard. A teacher had actually invaded his mind. It was absolutely ludicrous and one of the worst things she'd ever heard of anyone doing to another, especially on purpose. A shiver immediately ran down along her spine at the thought to be violated in such a way. It made her own little experience she'd had down in the Potions classroom seem like nothing as she thought about someone flitting through her head and extracting her thoughts against her will.

Felicity tilted her head slightly, her dark hair slightly tangled from running and having to quickly pulling it back twice in order to get sick. Defense Against the Dark Arts. That was the class Simon had come from and that meant his teacher had been Professor Pandora Buttermere. She was a new teacher this year—a seemingly typical thing most years for that particular class as it was rare for a teacher to last more than a year, let alone several. Though she'd heard that there had been a few here and there that had managed the feat. However, during her own time at Hogwarts, such at thing had yet to come to pass.

"I..." Felicity began as she hopped up onto the bed to be next to Simon, the heat of his body most welcome. She had to admit it felt nice to be next to him again. Nice and... right. "I've been poisoned," she said sheepishly.

Felicity's cheeks burned despite her pallid color, clearly embarrassed about her sickness and the scene she'd created down in the dungeons. What must Professor Archer think of her now? She was his prized student! More than anything, she wished to press onward into Advanced Potions and score well on her O.W.L.s this year. Surely he'd see this blunder as a poor display and it would count against her. Even if she managed an O, even an E in her final scores, he'd never want her in his class next year now.

Tears began to form in Felicity's eyes. "I don't know how it happened. I had everything right. I know I did. But Winnie said I'd messed it up. She warned I did." She sniffled a little. "But I didn't listen and drank it anyway. I just didn't believe her" As a tear fell along her cheek, she brought up a hand to wipe it away. "What made it worse was that both Andie and Kyle were watching and laughing at me and Professor Archer deducted house points." She shook her head, confused, upset. "I just don't know how I could've made a mistake. "I know I had it right. I've gone over the list several times in my head as I've run up here."

At that, Felicity heaved a heavy sigh and lied herself down next to Simon. She nuzzled against him much like she did earlier in the gardens, relishing the warmth of his body and his closeness. Everything about the moment felt right, so perfect. After several moments, she pulled away slightly and looked up into his green eyes, which seemed to shine like bright jewels. She gave him a soft smile, wishing there was something she could do to make him feel better and ease his pain after his own dealings with Professor Buttermere. She supposed it was this feeling that made her long to become a Healer. Though perhaps part of it—and she knew she had to admit it—was because she'd completely and utterly fallen for him.
Simon was more then happy when Felicity took the offer to share the bed, and his arm slowly coiled around her stomach holding her body to his. He was tired, and burned out, but at the same time there was something to holding her body against his own, that made him feel much more calm than he should have. He could hear the concern for him in her voice, but focused on what she had too say. She had poisoned herself with a faulty potion? Something about that story didn't sit right with him. Felicity had told him already that Potions was her passion, they were the thing she was best at hearing that she managed to screw it up added some confusion to his already tired mind, but hearing the distress in her voice was rather clear.

Simon chose not to speak at the moment rather his arms enveloped Felicity into a powerful hug trying to comfort her without talking, that was until he heard about Kyle and Andie laughing and giggling the entire time. "Wait... when did they start giggling?" It was a question that immediately popped into his mind. He looked somewhat shocked for a moment. Why would they be giggling? The obvious answer was that they disliked Felicity for her linage as a muggle born. "Actually the better question would be... Did you ever leave your cauldron unattended?"

Simon really wouldn't have put it past the two of them. If Felicity said she had no idea how she could have made a mistake than there was no way she had made any mistake at all. He trusted her, and well he knew she was far smarter in terms of potion making than he was. Just as he hoped she would trust him if some similar situation were to pop up only in a ground where he was more confident. "In all honesty you may have actually been poisoned. Still drinking any potion Felicity even one you brewed yourself is pretty foolish, you should always get someone else to test it."

Simon gave a small smile and leaned into Felicity's back his chest pressing against her back as he took a small breath in taking in Felicity's scent. He enjoyed being around her. Being with her, and really even though the circumstances were a little crappy he was more than happy to be with her. Holding her close a shiver ran up and down his spine for a moment, and he let out a long yawn. Still feeling very tired. He smiled lightly "are you feeling better now?" He said lightly he was feeling better just knowing he had the ability to hold onto her. It helped him relax for a moment as he laid beside her his eyes closed, though still awake as he felt the rise and her breathing with his arms.

Part of him knew that this was a huge breech of the rules, and that the moment the nurse or anyone else came into the hospital wing to check on them there would probably be more of a headache than anything else he has had today but he also knew that this moment was wroth any amount of a head ache the nurse could throw at him. Besides as tired and broken as he was right now there was no way he could really take advantage of the girl next too him even though he hardily thought about it in such dark terms.

"Still... I guess there is one good thing to come out of our problems. we are housemates for the day..." He said with a low smile as he nuzzled against her neck. He yawned as he tried his best to make a pun come to his mind. House oh god it hurts? house sucks to be here? His mind quickly gave up and quickly hugged Felicity even tighter not wanting to let her up unless she had to run away from him.
Simon's words buzzed through Felicity's mind as she snuggled close to him, her body fitting perfectly against his. He was right that she should have had figured out another way to test her potion before being so bold as to drink it herself. Especially since Winnie had claimed the thing was somehow wrong. Yes, she knew her own skills in the art of potion-making were near impeccable, practically flawless, but... there was always room for error. As a Ravenclaw, she had to concede that. Moreover, it had been foolish not to think outside the box and consider other possibilities of error. Her mind swiftly went to that of both Andie and Kyle, how the two laughed at her misfortune. Was it truly possible that they'd known all along as Simon was alluding? That they'd been devious enough to sabotage the contents of her cauldron?

As Felicity thought about the events of class, she knew it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. It would be like those two to try and damage her reputation as a potion-maker. She heaved a heavy sigh, resigning herself to the fact that she'd twice blundered. Once for not paying attention to her surroundings better and again for being so foolish as to not consider Winnie's warning. Though the warning had come off as an accusation against her own skill, she now knew it the truth of it whether or not Winnie knew the same. In the end, she supposed that part didn't matter. What did was that she let her own pride get in the way and it could've cost her more if it hadn't just been classroom setting.

"They laughed the entire time," Felicity sighed against Simon. She knew his thoughts were right somehow, though she had no way to prove it. "I think your deductions are right," she added. "They got me good." She tried to make light of it, clearly bothered by what had happened but not wanting to dwell on it too much. Instead, she nuzzled closer to him, just relishing the fact that they managed to be together even if it was in the Hospital Wing.

Felicity had to admit there was a bit of an excitement about being so close to Simon as they were even if they were innocently lying on the bed. She knew they'd get into trouble and receive a warning, not to mention lose house points. But it was worth it and she was so tired.

"It's nice being your housemate," Felicity stated with a soft giggle, a hand reaching up to push at her dark hair. "I think I could get used to this." A soft sound rolled over her lips just then and she allowed herself to enjoy the moment. After all, who knew how long she had before a nurse or another student walked in. "Simon," she suddenly drawled out. "This has been quite a first day back." She could feel her eyes growing heavy, her hand moving to rest on his chest. "We'll have to make it up..." she continued, her words drawing out longer as sleep started to consume her, the effects of getting over being sick taking their toll. "Somehow. Perhaps at dinner..."

Felicity smiled, a finger gently tracing circles about his chest as her eyes fluttered closed and she moved closer still. Never had she felt more at ease, more comfortable than she did in that moment with Simon. Everything was just right and as it should be.

"Slytherin and Ravenclaw... make me want to... BAWHAWHAW!!!" Peeves shouted from the rafters.

Felicity let out a squeak as her eyes shot open, her tiny hands clutching onto Simon tightly while her cheeks burned a deep shade of crimson.
The general calmness of the moment allowed Simon to start drifting himself. He felt at peace with Felicity next to him, and while the conversation topic they had chosen may have been a little depressing with all things considered Simon couldn't help but drift off as she touched his chest. His eyes closed he was listening, but at the same time he was also slowly falling asleep. Feeling her hand on his chest only added to the comfort. If he was a cat right now he would be puring rather loudly just because of the comfort he was feeling.

He nodded they would be missing out on a bit of work. "I'm sure we will be fine." He said his voice a soft low purr as he pressed his forehead lightly against hers laying in the bed. He was about to say something else when something rather unexpected happened. Peeves' voice may as well have been an airhorn in his ears for how Simon's eyes had opened, His hands digging into Felicities side like claws scratching her due to the shock, and pain of it all. "Sorry." he said not sure if he had really hurt her or not, just knowing that his hands had dug into her flesh for a moment probably leaving a couple of red lines under her shirt.

Simon's head was already hurting not to mention sound sensitive. Peeves who was now rolling around with his insane laughter all because he had caught two students cuddling was certainly doing a number on Simon's ears. However Mycroft responded not by giving the ghost any attention but rather placed a calm hand on the side of Felicities face making sure that she looked at him, and not the rather loud and annoying poltergeist who rather simply just wanted attention. In all his dealings with the spirit he had never known him to stick around too long.

"Just ignore him." He said lightly trying his best to ignore the ghost himself. Though in a way he was kind of grateful to the ghost, it had been a while now since he had seen Felicity's cute blush, and with her face practically becoming crimson it was almost worth having the taunting spirit around.

For a moment Simon wondered if he could make her blush even worse, looking at her eyes, and the flush that had come across her face he smiled. "You are really cute when your embarrassed." He said with a small slightly devious smile, though in truth he didn't want to take any joke too far with how she was feeling.

Simon wanted nothing more than to at this moment kiss her while she was already so embarrassed but thought better of it. He wasn't sure if that would give the already annoying spirit more ammo against them. Though in truth he thought that Peeves could make an insult at just about anything. As she clung to him he did his best to reassure her.

Peeves on the other hand was making the task of ignoring him ever the more difficult. As his rolling laughter had changed into taunting. "Face like a match stick! How bright can it burn. Oh little raven try not to get bit by a snake while you sleep if you catch my meaning!"
Felicity swallowed hard, her stormy eyes clamping shut for a moment as Peeves' voice rang out in the rafters. She could feel her heart thumping hard beneath her breasts as her breaths began to quicken. When she opened her eyes, they locked with Simon's immediately and she was more than aware of the heat of his hands as he touched her face, gently forcing her to look at him. All of her attention focused on his face, the way his eyes sparkled like gemstones in the strange light of the Hospital Wing, how his hair fell along his brow. She even took note of how the shadows played against his features, allowing her to take in every slope and angle of his beautiful face.

A small breath caught in Felicity's throat, her cheeks burning brighter as Simon smiled and teased her playfully, sweetly. For a brief moment, her eyes flitted away, but her head was held fast, so the connection was lost for only a moment before she had to look back into his eyes once again, knowing full well it would only mean a brighter heat would sweep across her cheeks. She could feel the warmth spreading, moving along her neck, her chest. She had no doubt that if Simon had been inclined to look further, he'd have noticed her blush ran along a fair portion of her upper body.

That thought alone only made Felicity blush more.

Felicity squeaked, her teeth biting down on her lower lip to stifle the sound. She whimpered knowing that there was a possibility that Peeves would overhear and torment her some more. It was the poltergeist's way to taunt and tease. He lived for it!

"I..." Felicity stammered, feeling totally tongue-tied.

Peeves' words were still swimming in Felicity's mind, so hard to ignore. Though she wondered if part of the reason as to why it was hard wasn't because she was being tormented, but because there was a darker side that was curious—curious about being bitten by the snake. With rosy cheeks, she looked into Simon's eyes, trying desperately to block out Peeves' and focus on the Slytherin staring back at her. Her heart pumped harder, faster. Peeves' laughter continued to echo.

"I..." Felicity tried again, desperately wishing the words would come. Swallowing, the tip of her tongue darted out from between her lips and she attempted to wet them. Her mind had gone blank and all she could think about was 'biting'. Closing her eyes, she tried to calm herself down. "Th-thank you," she finally said in a voice far huskier than she'd meant it to be. Letting out a tiny gasp at how she sounded, she giggled nervously, wishing she could bury her head against Simon so as to hide her face. But such a thing was impossible at the moment. "I'm so embarrassed," she squeaked, her hands clutching him tightly, not wanting to let go.
Felicity was becoming so red that Simon himself was starting too feel affected by it. A light blush was spreading across his cheeks just watching her. There were many unique curves to Felicity's body that he wanted too see more of, and part of him really did want to explore her body with a hand. However he wasn't too sure about it considering that really the two had only known eachother officially for about a day and a half. Still it had been one hell of a day and a half, and now his eyes were tracing over her body. Seeing how she looked laying next to him, and taking in all of her body, and face.

"Your welcome." Mycroft's voice cracked a little as he spoke, just from the unique tension that was building up between them. He wasn't sure why, but Peeves had put an idea in his head that felt right, but at the same time he knew it was wrong. Still Simon couldn't help but imagine Felicity in a way that he had never really thought of anyone else. And he swallowed lightly unsure of what to say, or even why she had thanked him in the first place, he couldn't help but wonder what she had been trying to say as she had been rather tongue tied, and he was pretty sure at this point Felicity could have told him anything and he would have clung to it like gospel.

As Felicity clung to him, he held her, in a tight embrace, all the while Peeves was laughing and hovering over them making hoot's and callers down at the two, calling out names such as love birds, and saying how they would be "Putting on a show for the castle before long!" Simon did his best to drown out the ghosts words but that sentence in particular hit him like a ton of bricks, because honestly He didn't really care if they did put on a show, though he was sure that house points would be the least of his concerns if they did do something like that.

Simon swallowed hard for a moment trying to refocus his mind, and instead tried to focus on Felicity. "It's okay there is no need to be embarrassed... I'm the only other living person here, and you can tell me what ever is on your mind." He said trying to hide the fact that his own mind was taking a dive through darker waters, he bit his lip trying to get rid of the images that were slowly crawling through that, and his hands gripped Felicity's clothing ever tighter. His heart felt like it was pounding a million times a second.

Simon's eyes were still locked on Felicity's lips for a moment, and finally already holding her tightly he didn't care about Peeves anymore the ghost probably wouldn't get bored but he wanted a kiss, he embraced her and pushed his lips against hers stealing a very passionate heavy kiss as his lips stole hers for a moment, his tongue lightly trying to invade her mouth with how aggressive a kiss it was, it was a bit like a cobra lashing out and taking it's prey. His teeth bit her lower lip and his arms pulled her closer.

Peeves gave a hooting call. Laughing and clapping his hands together this was like Christmas in July for the spirit. "Snogging students in the hospital wing!" He cried out loudly. "They are gonna ruin the beds if they keep this up!"
Felicity gazed into Simon's emerald eyes, completely transfixed as her cheeks burned and her heart thudded in her chest. She licked at her lips and smiled awkwardly, happy to be so close to the Slytherin who'd captured her heart and attention. To think it all started a day or so ago on a train, the ride bumpy and both of them soaking wet from the rain. And now, the two of them lied side by side, wrecked from debacles in class, but somehow brought together as they were seemingly meant to be. She drowned out Peeves' laughter, his taunting torments as he prattled on and chortled in what seemed to be victorious glee.

Instead, Felicity focused on her Simon, the one man who deserved her attention in its entirety. The one man for whom she knew she'd do anything now as he held her close and looked at her in a way no one else had ever done. Somehow he was looking past the awkward appearance, the clumsy demeanor. He saw her. She felt her body inching closer, pressing into him as his arms wrapped tighter about her slight body, the heat growing more intense as the tension grew thicker, denser, more.

Felicity's breath caught, her steely eyes drawn to Simon's mouth as he spoke his reassurances. But she could only nod, her voice lost as instincts began to take over, raw emotion bubbling up to the surface as all the peripheral noise faded into the background, lost to a seeming oblivion. Just then, her mouth was suddenly pulled against his, her lips captured by his and wrapped in a searing heat. A soft sigh escaped her, her lips easily parting as his tongue pushed against hers, determined to explore and she all too eager to comply. She felt his teeth graze her lip, the light bite making her tummy flutter, her body responding in ways she never fathomed. Just then she whimpered softly, her hands clutching tightly as a statement of wanting more.

Peeves voice resounded throughout the room, but Felicity could barely register the words or even the sound. She was too lost in the kiss, in the moment. The heat and the passion consumed her whole as her body molded against Simon's, acting on instinct as he held her close. Having never been in such a situation, she was unsure of what to do next, but her body definitely seemed to know what it was feeling, something it would certainly be craving from that moment on out. He'd unleashed something with that kiss, awakened something from deep within that had been dormant and it was spreading throughout her body and settling deep within her core.

Breathing harder, Felicity let out an audible gasp as she felt herself suddenly get excited, her body reacting as Peeves only laughed harder.

"We have a first timer here!" Peeves shouted out. "First timer!"
Simon felt hot, his flesh was burning with each passing moment, and hearing Felicity's gasps and seeing her in a new light was trigguring something entirely new in the Slytherin. He had never actually done anything, and while he knew that Peeves was screaming about Felicity this was as much his first time as it was hers. He swallowed feeling nervous about the entire ordeal, and just noticing how his clothing felt all too tight and hot against his body. He wanted nothing more than to strip out of them, and then.. He glanced around aside from Peeves they were alone.

"Undress?" As soon as he said the word out of his mouth, his hands had released Felicity, and were starting to work on his own clothing. At this point he honestly didn't care if they were caught together or not, He couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't want to be wearing clothing anymore. Not to mention an all to familiar tightness was occurring in his pants that always felt annoying. Schools fault for having the unifrom include the most uncomfortable trousers one could imagine.

Even as he dropped the black robe to the side he felt some releaf in just having his arms free. As he stripped off the shirt and tie that bore his house markings he felt the cold draft of the castle on his skin. It caused the many smooth hairs along his skin to stand on edge, as his body shivered. Simon had rather smooth skin cream like skin, and no real scaring. His upper body was toned, rounded. if someone pressed down on his sides then they could have felt his ribs though they were not visible directly. His chest was still smooth, and he quickly scrambled to get off the rest of his clothing tossing his shoes and socks he glanced over to Felicity for a moment a heavy blush on his face. They really were giving Peeves a show the bastard didn't deserve but at the same time the breeze of the castle felt so refreshing against his flesh.

Pulling off his trousers he felt a bit of freedom as he got rid of the the tight constricting, and slightly uncomfortable pants sitting next To felicity in only his boxers, he didn't think he could even feel embarrassed as long as it was Felicity. Honestly now that he was sitting here in his underwear clearly still aroused as the outline of his cock was apparent through the boxers he had no idea if what he was doing was at all smart. The nurse would be back at any minute, Peeves was litterally watching them.

Peeves of course took this as an opportunity. He had been cat calling since they had started this, but now he "He's got stage fright! It's two virginities for the price of one! God do you even know what to do with that thing or which hole it goes in?" He said with a rather shrill laugh.

Simon was about as excited for this he could get, and if he knew a spell to transform a loud mouth ghost he would have, but at the same time, he blinked looking over at Felicity, and slowly took of his shorts, his fatigue from earlier having left his body entirely, and over come with this new energy. He wanted Felicity, he just really hoped that Felicity wanted him as badly, as he sat there naked, his entire body was on display for her to take in. He breathed out a relaxed sigh, he felt less hot than he had a moment ago where his skin had just been boiling away under his clothing, and he had most certainly drowned out their observer in his head.
Everything was happening so quickly. Yet at the same time, everything felt so very right. The way Simon looked at her, Felicity truly felt beautiful. Not like the awkward Ravenclaw everyone else at Hogwarts seemed to see. Right there in his arms, his eyes scouring her still clothed body, though seemingly hungry to see more—what lied hidden beneath—she was something special, to be treasured and admired. She was precious and desired. Wanted. Swallowing hard, she gave him a nod as he began to undress himself, stripping off layer after layer of clothing until finally all that was left barring the way was his boxers.

Felicity blinked her stormy gray eyes several times as she took in the sight of him. He was beautiful. Flawless, like some angelic being that had somehow come from another dimension or world just for her. Her cheeks burned at the thought, making not only her face hot, but her entire body. The heat spread over her flesh like liquid fire and she bit down on her lower lip as she felt a longing grow deeply within. But she couldn't help herself. Simon was too beautiful to not desire in all ways and the way he touched her, kissed her. Everything...

Peeves laughter only grew louder, the roaring bellows reverberating off the stone walls. He whistled and hollered, clapped and stomped as he rolled about the rafters. But despite his efforts of distraction, Felicity was lost in all things Simon.

Breaths short and hard, Felicity shyly bit down on her lower lip and began to peel away her own layers of clothing...Simon now stark naked before her causing her to gasp. She pushed her dark hair over her shoulder as she let her robes fall away first. Then, her slender fingers went to work on the buttons of her blouse. Deftly, they began to unbutton each button until finally her blouse was open and her tiny breasts spilled out. For a moment, a wave of embarrassment overtook her.

What if Simon didn't like how she looked?

Felicity's eyes clamped shut just then as a pang of fear and worry consumed her. She knew she wasn't like the other girls with their voluptuous curves and larger breasts. She was smaller. Waifish. And suddenly she felt so very afraid. Despite it all, she kept her eyes closed and continued to let the blouse fall from her body. Once off, she reached around and unfastened her bra, her teeth biting hard into her lower lip such that she swore she tasted the metallic tang of blood. Blushing hard, she then shimmied off her panties from beneath her skirt.

Peeves laughed even more, staring intently at the two below.

As Felicity removed her panties she was surprised by how wet she'd become, how aroused she was feeling. Every nerve ending felt like it was on fire and every one of them screaming for Simon. Finally, she dared to open her eyes once again, her eyes staring at Simon—so perfect, she thought, when compared to her own. Face bright red, she gave him a smile and brought her arms up to cover herself slightly, but then dropped them so that he could see her. It was hard as the fear coursed through her. Terrifying. Swallowing, she looked at him with uncertainty, hoping she met his approval as her body yearned for his and she felt a slight dampness pooling between her legs.
Simon couldn't look away from Felicity his eye's were transfixed on her body, and there was a nervous kind of energy about it all that made a chill run up and down his spine. One thing was certain though she was gorgeous, he had never been this close with another woman before, and actually seeing Felicity get naked, even though they had a rather obnoxious audiance at the moment he felt more relaxed now. He had to admit that everything was moving a little fast, but he placed a calm hand on Felicity's cheek, and bit his lip.

"Your beautiful." Mycroft's voice was light as his hand moved down from her face and lightly pushed against her shoulders guiding her to lay down as he adjusted himself over top of her.

He could see everything about her body, and it was amazing, he had little to no experiance, and could feel his heart pounding a thousand beats a second. He leaned down and kissed her his lips brushing against hers lightly, while his hands moved to explore her, touch her body. Simon wanted nothing more than to touch her, he wasn't even sure if going any further than this was smart, but she was wet, and he was hard, he breathed heavily for a moment Peeves's laughter echoing so loudly in the room that it really was a miracle they didn't have a larger audiance, but at the same time he didn't think he would have cared.

Simon was over top of Felicity now her bright red face more then attractive as he looked over her body, taking in small nervous breaths trying to contain how excited he was, when there was a loud knock at the medical wing door, and it started to open.

Even while Peeves' laughter was still booming, Simon may as well have been deaf for all he could hear. They were naked, deffensless and completely caught. Simon panic'd and in that moment did the only thing he could think of, whispering to Felicity. "Cover up." He practically through the bedsheets towards her, and in the time it took for the door to fully open, Simon was gone. Rather where he had been was replaced, with a smaller, rather bushy tailed Racoon. Simon's green eyes replaced by a black set, surrounded by black and grey fur.

Doctor Irie walked into the room slightly confused, even as Simon jumped into Felicity's lap and curled up laying on her legs, his full body weight replaced by only a few pounds of agile animal furl. He let out a soft purring sound trying to let Felicity know that she needed to pretend he was her familiar.

"What is with all this racket? Peeves, you should let injured students...." He was about too say rest when his eyes came over what Peeves was hooting at. He was just returning from his break because he figgured no students would get injured yet, and there was a young woman and a racoon in one of the beds... surrounded by clothing. "Rest."
Felicity gasped loudly the moment the door opened and Simon's body seemed to all but disappear, the welcome and wonderful weight vanishing so quickly as a bunch of sheets flew at her with a soft whoosh. She instantly grabbed at them, pulling them up snuggly about her almost totally naked body. Swallowing hard, she knew that Simon was curled up on her lap, transformed into his animagus self and, for a moment, she envied the ability. Her eyes glistened slightly as she looked from her lap and then to the door, which had opened, her eyes finding those of Dr. Irie—Hogwarts' respected in-house Healer.

"S-sorry, doctor," Felicity began. "Peeves has been making it difficult to... to do just that." Her cheeks were red and she bit down on her lower lip. The moment the words spilled out of her mouth, she found she couldn't even hold the doctor's gaze for fear he would know she was telling a white lie.

Peeves just laughed at the situation, pointing fingers and clapping. "Difficult?" he bellowed. "I was enjoying the show!" He roared and rolled about the rafters causing Felicity to hang her head a little, one hand tugging hard on the sheets while the other clutched tightly onto Simon and held him close.

"I... I was poisoned in Potions, doctor," Felicity continued, trying her best to ignore Peeves.

"Nothing a snog—or more—won't cure, eh?" Peeves taunted from up above.

Felicity just kept her head down, cheeks burning, eyebrows furrowed as she sat there. "The room got a little warm and... and Peeves is bothering me. I... I'm s-sorry," she said. Her hands went to work nervously petting Simon in his raccoon form, cuddling his now small body close to her own. She could feel him purring against her as she let out a shaky breath, her own hands trembling slightly. Swallowing hard, she dared to glance upward to where Peeves was, the poltergeist shaking his head as he looked down upon her.

"Blame Peeves. Blame Peeves," Peeves droned on in the background with a sing-song voice.

Felicity knew that things looked bad and would probably only get worse. There was no denying it. She heaved a heavy sigh. "C-can I just rest, please?" she asked, her voice hopeful, though she knew deep down it would be foolish to expect that there was anyway she was getting out of this one. However, she hoped that at least she could retain some dignity and redress before points were deducted and that somehow she could ensure that one of them—her Simon—would be safe from losing points from his house. "I'm really tired after what happened in class." She petted Simon once again and made to look like she was snuggling up under the sheets as if ready to go back to sleep. Though as she did, her eyes flitted briefly to Dr. Irie and she gulped silently. A wave of panic washed over her, though she did her best to hide it. And as she clamped her eyes shut, her one hand petting Simon in animagus form, she knew she could only be so lucky.
Irie glared up towards Peeves. "Leave the girl alone, and go find someone else to bother." He said lightly, "I saw a couple of 1st years in the east wing who are completely and helplessly lost... go help them."

Peeves glanced down at the two, one naked and one raccoon letting out a long sigh now that a teacher had arrived, and he could end up being forcably removed. "Great show while it lasted." He said lightly and then headed through the wall, on his way to make someone elses life just as miserable.

Irie sighed walking over to Felicity he put a hand over her forhead and sighed, she was sweating, and certainly warm to the touch, and there were still vague signs of poison. He did believe her story if a little odd that she felt she needed to remove everything... while there was a ghost and a raccoon in the room. Then again this was a rather shy and meek ravenclaw girl. He nodded. "Let me get you some~" His words were cut off when he tripped over a pair of male trousers. Looking down at the ground he could see that there were clearly two sets of uniforms, but only one occupied bed.

He didn't see any other human, but there was a raccoon being cuddled.

Simon's breathing was starting to speed up a little, there were no lies he could manage from his current form, and nothing he could say would explain their current situation except the truth. As much as he wanted to avoid all of that. He could feel her petting him, and honestly it did feel rather good her hands stroaking his fur down, was an enjoyable sensation. ~This must be why cats want all the attention.~ He thought lightly.

Irie pulled out his wand. "Homorphus." as soon as he spoke there was a burst of white light that knocked Simon out of the bed his body his claws still clutching the sheets as he was tossed aside taking them with him as he demorphed. This time the transformation was seemingly painfully and ungraceful. His body twitched as his bone structure re adjusted and he once again became human.

"Ow! Fucking ow! Do you have any idea how much that stings!" Mycroft spoke as he got up, still naked, though not aroused at the moment. His hands now still clutching the removed bed sheets from Felicity's body his hand not yet willing to let go due to pain that still worked around his joints. "Your a doctor aren't you supposed to like cause no harm or something!"

Irie shook his head as he palmed his faced. Both of these students were so busted. This wasn't the first time a set of students had tried to use his hospital wing as some kind of love motel, they were however usually smart enough to wait till night time when his shift had finished and he had left two sick or broken students alone. Still the humiliation they would suffer from Peeves having seen everything they were doing before he came in... they would probably never be able to live this down. He looked at them both, wanting to hear what they had to say for themselves before he pressed the gavel down on this case.
This did indeed go from bad to worse just as Felicity knew they would. Yes, Peeves was dismissed. That much was a relief. However, she knew there was no way Dr. Irie would be fooled for very long, not if he was going to do a proper job and check her out and determine the state of her health after her ordeal down in the Potions classroom. After all, she'd been poisoned and was sick enough that she'd had no other alternative but to head straight to the Hospital Wing and miss classes. Surely, he'd have to check her out and see how she was faring. It was standard protocol.

Trembling slightly, Felicity just cuddled Simon's raccoon form close to her body, her hand stroking him gently as the doctor finally approached and tripped over the articles of clothing strewn upon the floor beside the bed. The puddle of clothes made her wince and before she hate knew it, Simon was ripped away from her grip, his body transforming back into its normal shape. His hands reached for the sheets to help cover himself seeing as he was fully naked with nothing to cover his exposed flesh.

Felicity felt her cheeks burn hotly as her eyes averted and fixed upon the floor. She was mortified, though glad to have Simon by her side in his human form once more. The strange thing, however, was that she didn't regret what the two of them had done, or... had nearly done. In fact, she'd probably do it again if the moment proved to be just right. For some reason Simon made her feel safe and comfortable. Not an easy feat for anyone.

Biting down on her lower lip, Felicity managed a quick glance over at Simon. Her cheeks still burned and she held onto the sheets to keep her body concealed from sight. As she remained quiet, Simon went into a burst of chatter, showing his anger at being transformed against his will. Her hands began to fidget with the edges of the sheets as the tension grew along with just how awkward she felt. Sitting there, she waited for Dr. Irie to interrupt, to deduct the standard 25 points a piece for indecent exposure or inappropriate conduct... as most of the professors tended to call it if any student had been caught doing anything considered unsightly in a place not deemed appropriate. Sure, everyone knew things happened between students. It was foolish to think otherwise. But there were times and places and it was expected that students would use their judgment.

Felicity knew that neither she nor Simon had used any. They'd both let their emotions and hormones take over completely.

"It... it's not his fault, doctor," Felicity then stated, not knowing what else to say or do. "He had a nasty time of it in Defense Against the Dark Arts." Her voice was desperate as she spoke. "Perhaps you and the rest of the faculty should speak to Professor Buttermere and tell her to stay out of her student's heads!"
Irie blinked hearing the protest coming from Felicity in defense of Simon. He walked up to the nude male, and quickly checked his head. Sure enough the boys forhead was still ice cold, and there were signs that he had his mind at least partly tampered with. Both students had the right to be here he could see that, the fact that they had chosen to spend their time here in this manor however was unfortunate. He would have to speak with both their commanding teachers who had sent them down here. This was going to spread like wild fire no doubt about it.

Simon's own cheeks were on fire. His head ache and body slowly starting to return to where he had been when he had collapsed on his bed. There was a lot serotonin and adrenaline of a new experience could do to cover up the pain, but at the same time, he hadn't slept, and he hadn't eaten anything since his mind had been tampered with.

"25 points, from both Slytherin and Ravenclaw." He said finally, while also giving a light forward chop to both their forheads. "Use your brains, no matter how tampered with they may be. I would normally take more from you, but you two basically put on a show for the most loud mouthed spirit in the school. You two are going to have to deal with a lot more than one night of discomfort." Irie shook his head, he couldn't believe the shit he had to deal with, and this was only the first day back from summer vacation. It was going to be a long year.

Simon shrugged, his reputation would fix it's self in time, in truth he wasn't worried about anything on his side. Both he and Felicity were already varying levels of outcasts when it came to the rest of their house, so a few more rumors and snickers here and there wasn't anything really meaningful. In truth like Felicity he really didn't regret anything that happened. It may have been a little irresponsible to 'put on a show' like they had, but it had actually been kind of hot. Having a witness or two, if given the right atmosphere he honestly wouldn't have cared.

Irie on the other hand shook his head. "You two can't stay here. I'll get you something for your stomach, and you." he pointed at simon." I have some tonic to restore energy, take them, get dressed and get out. I am going to have a talk with both Buttermere, and Archer. as well as your house heads." He said harshly going away and getting the potions. One anti venom to help Felicity's body settle, and a potion that was actually more common used for Hang overs, but it worked wonders on restoring a head to working condition.

When Erie returned and handed them the drinks he turned his back so that the two students could get dressed. "Honestly you two... if you don't care about ghosts it's called the first floor girls bathroom." He said still a little annoyed that they had chosen to use his medical wing instead of any of the other many hiding places this school had.

Simon was quick to start pulling his clothing off the ground and getting dressed, pulling on a shirt, and finding his boxers. while also passing Felicity any of the clothing he could find that wasn't already on the bed. Then when he was almost fully dressed he paused for a moment and stole a quick kiss from her lips, his hand lightly grabbing a feeling from her smaller breasts before the two had to run off. Giving her a quick smile. Their next class was more than half over by now, so really there was no point in going to it, and while the moment had certainly passed for the two of them to restart what they had tried it was a good opportunity to get an early lunch.
Felicity let out a tiny puff of air when the house points were deducted. No doubt she'd hear about it later on from both Andie and Kyle and... her cheeks reddened at the thought of how the two would give her such hell after Peeves' words hit their ears. They'd surely have a field day with that information. She then let out a sigh as she began reaching for her clothes, quickly putting on her panties first followed by her bra and then her blouse. She made quick work of buttoning the thing back up, though a part of her was saddened that things had been interrupted so abruptly, so quickly. Her mind drifted for a brief, fleeting moment at how wonderful things had felt with Simon—his weight, his touch, even the way he looked at her.

A smile suddenly played on Felicity's lips as her mind wandered. But she was soon snapped back to the reality of the situation. She glanced over at Simon who was dressing just as quickly as she was. Meanwhile, Dr. Irie had been going on about choices and how theirs hadn't been the wisest. Of course, she knew that, but then when you found that right someone, you were willing to take more risks. Weren't you? Willing to be more daring just for them because it was with them, for them and because of them. Again she smiled, her stormy eyes glittering a little as she buttoned up the last button, letting out a tiny gasp when Simon stole a kiss and managed to brush her breasts with his hand before she fully concealed them from view.

Felicity looked over at Simon with reddened cheeks, embarrassed at being caught, but clearly happy at being with him. She gave him a smile as she reached for her robes and then moved to stand close to him, her hand reaching for his. She'd taken her medicine—a vile drink when it first touched her tongue, but it sweetened the more she downed. She coughed a little when she finished, her free hand covering her mouth as she did so. But she had to admit she started to feel better after she drank it. After setting the empty cup back down, she looked at Simon, a bit relieved that they only received a tiny slap and a 25 point reduction on their houses. It could've been far worse, though in some respects she knew it was now that Peeves was on the loose.

"Lunch?" Felicity suggested in a soft whisper, though she was uncertain if she'd be able to actually eat anything just yet. But it hardly mattered since she'd be spending her time with Simon.

Meanwhile back in her classroom, Pandora Buttermere had long dismissed her fifth year students and was engaged in a class full of first years—though the class was more than half way finished. She flounced about the room, her face bright and full of life as she smiled at everyone, telling them about the basics of the darker arts of magic and some of the nastier creatures out there lurking in the Forbidden Forest that surrounded the school grounds. Her golden hair shone brightly in the dim light and her violet eyes sparkled, clearly drawing all the first years into her lecture as she all but danced about the room. The students watched her in awe and wonder, mesmerized by movements, her smiles and giggles. The woman definitely loved what she did, her skirts swishing and swirling as she twirled about the room. Students whispered about the pretty professor in tones loud enough for her to hear.

"She's amazing," one student said. "How does she know so much?" another asked. "I've heard she's the best," boasted still another.

Pandora couldn't help but smile, her cheeks reddening as the first years listened on and nodded, their hands gripping their quills as they scribbled and took notes.
Simon drank down the energy tonic with a disgusted face. For a moment he seemed completely repulsed that anything with such a taste could have been curative and yet it was. Simon blinked for a moment as his mind cleared, and pain faded away. It would be back by the end of the day but at least then he would be able to curl up and sleep for a time, and move past all of the events of the day. Even though if he was being completely honest and truthful he really didn't want too move past anything. He wanted to remain inside his head, and fixate on felicities body, and how she had looked with everything happening. The unique tension that had over came them, and the energy he had felt in their first kiss.

He was only snapped back to reality when Felicity took his hand, and mentioned the idea of lunch. He smiled and nodded and the two made their way away from the Hospital wing feeling genuinely better. Simon was content, and more than willing to walk alongside felicity. He couldn't really describe the feelings he had running through him. He was excited, and all too happy, perhaps a little too happy with all things that were considered. After what had happened between him and Felicity, and the fact that they had done so without care or tact, there was bound to be a rocky adjustment period to what everyone would say about them.

Simon walked along side Felicity her hand held safely in his own, though he was a little embarrassed it wasn't what was making him hold his tongue. Rather the silence was a product of a feeling that he didn't need to talk at the moment, rather every now and then he would simply glance towards her and smile, giving off a small giggle every now and then. While the two had been stopped from consenting, Simon didn't feel all that ripped off since he still had a few extra hours that he was able to spend with her. When they reached the tables, he blinked for a moment, he didn't want to let go of Felicity's hand but their tables were different. Their houses were different.

"Would you... like to sit down at the slytherin table for lunch today?" He said lightly, he wasn't even sure if they were actually aloud to invite students from other houses over. It happened on the rarest of occasions, but this was likely a situation where it would be acceptable, though it certainly would not help with the rumors that were going to crop up over what happened. He also would have happily jumped at the offer to sit down with her at the ravenclaw table so long as he didn't have to let go of her hand. "Also... I don't know if I should say this, but I want too." He paused the next words out of his mouth felt bigger than normal, but not exactly hard for him to say. "Felicity..." Simon said taking another breath. "You are now my girlfriend." His face slowly becoming red. His silver tongue failing him as usual, and he ended up sounding blunt and demanding.

Irie stripped the bed that Felicity and Simon had used, finding the wet marks from where the girl had sat in the bed and been apparently very arroused. He rolled his eyes as he tossed them in a laundry hamper at the far end of the room, and then a new clean set of bedsheets simply appeared onto the one he had stripped. Shaking his head, he went down. His first step was certainly going to be going to see Buttermere. If what the two had told him was true she had actually commited a pretty heavy crime against a student and this was something that needed to be investigated. Even if the students themselves hadn't handled their situation at all appropreately.

The funny part was if the two had just gone to sleep in the same bed, Irie probably wouldn't have woken them up. His experience in matters with sick students usually taught him better, as during his time as a doctor he had seen things that far outranked students sleeping together. Still he walked forward, and found the classroom run by the defense against the dark arts teacher.

Irie waited until the first year class was dismissed. While what he had to say was important it was not worth interupting students when they actually seemed to be learning something. Walking into Buttermere's classroom he let out a soft cough. "Ms Buttermere? I have received a rather serious complaint from a set of students down in the hospital wing, and I have come to check up on their story." The rest of what he had to say about Simon and Felicity could wait for now he just wanted to confirm the story he was told.
The air seemed so cold the moment Felicity exited the Hospital Wing, though the feeling of her hand in Simon's made the contrast of cool and heat feel wonderful. She glanced his way and they immediately set off for the Great Hall and the early lunch that awaited them. They walked in silence for the most part, a nervous giggle or two escaping them every so often to disrupt the quiet that hung over them, though it was hardly awkward. In fact, Felicity never felt better despite the fact that she'd managed to poison herself and lose several points for her house. She was with Simon and, in that moment, that was all that mattered.

When Felicity saw the doors to the Great Hall, a tiny flutter of nerves washed over her. She knew that all too soon they'd be making a statement, entering a common area where students of all houses got together to eat, study and just mingle. Yes, they were a bit early and would have it to themselves for a bit before the other students were dismissed from class, but it wouldn't be long before they all gathered and saw them. Together. And what would that mean now? What would that make them?

Felicity held Simon's hand tightly and could feel his lovely heat against her hand. It made her cheeks redden, her lips quirk into a smile. Biting down on her lower lip, her eyes flitted from table to table—Ravenclaw, Slytherin... Where to go, did they separate, sit together? As if knowing her worries, Simon had the answer, his question making her smile broaden. Immediately, she nodded and they began to make their way toward the Slytherin table. His next words caused her to stop in her mid-step. She looked into his green eyes, her own steely ones glistening.

"Okay," Felicity answered shyly, cheeks burning brightly. She gave his hand a squeeze and moved even closer. Looking up at him, she smiled and then dared to give him a kiss on his cheek followed by a kiss on his lips. Her arms went about his neck and she hugged him tightly, her body pressed hard against his. "I don't think anything could make me happier," she added.

Meanwhile back in her classroom, Pandora Buttermere was finishing up her lecture on the darker creatures that inhabited the Forbidden Forest. It was custom to teach the first years all about the nasties that resided there in hopes to deter them from venturing too far into the forest without supervision or after hours. After all, being young witches and wizards they were ill prepared to deal with such beasties on their own and the barrier that protected the school only extended so far. So, it was her job to get them both aware and trained.

As Pandora wrapped up her lecture, her lithe body dancing about the room like some fluttering fairy, she noticed Irie standing in her doorway. Her violet eyes caught his and she gave him a tiny smile and nod of acknowledgment. When the bell finally tolled and she dismissed her class, she walked over to him with reddened cheeks as several first years gave her whispered praises upon exit.

"A complaint?" Pandora asked, arching a golden brow. Her full lips went into a small frown. "I can't imagine why. She tapped her chin with her free hand, her other one holding her handheld spectacles. Her wand was attached to a band at her hip. "It must be serious, if you're here," she continued, her expression going thoughtful. Blinking a few times, she let out a sigh. "Ah, is Mr. Mycroft all right?" she then inquired. "He did indeed have to be sent your way." She clicked her tongue in a tsk'ing manner. "That boy hardly pays attention in class and I'm afraid he got a nasty run of things as a result. A most unfortunate accident that could've been avoided."

Pandora giggled just then and clasped her hands together in front of herself. Her skirts swished and her corset shifted just a little with the movement causing her chest to heave. Her cheeks reddened slightly and she dropped her hands to her side, though she reached up one hand to gently touch Irie's shoulder.

"I'm sure you know how it is to have students disregard you?" Pandora asked. "To think that what you do for them doesn't matter?" She tilted her head for a moment and then let her hand slide away from Irie, her fingertips grazing along the upper part of his chest before falling away.

Pandora turned around, her back to Irie as she walked back into her classroom.

"Though, I assure you, what you do is quite important," Pandora said, her voice flat, serious. She turned back around and flicked her golden hair over her shoulder. "This school couldn't function without you."
Simon felt the kiss land on his cheek and felt his body relax, by the time her lips had pressed against his own he knew they were making the right choice, and when her arms gripped around him Simon honestly could not have felt more happy. For some reason Felicity seemed to accept him. She was the first person to ever have really done that, and there were many reasons not too. He often didn't think about the consequences of his actions like with the hospital wing, and he was impulsive, perhaps often too impulsive for his own good.

Simon hid his insecurities well, he had a gifted tongue that often let him get past the people he needed too, and he could think well on his feet, but planning things out was difficult. More so his study habits were a mess, and the worst one of all he was lazy. Ambition he had in spades he knew what he wanted and would take the steps to achieve it, but Mycroft was lazy when it came to things that didn't interest him. however in the arms of Felicity he felt ecstatic, he felt accepted, and for once he didn't feel lazy at all, he wanted to do anything he could too keep her smiling, keep her happy. It was a wonderful yet confusing feeling. "Thank you, I don't think I could be more happy to hear that."

His arms returned the hug squeezing her lightly in his embrace and then selfishly grabbing hold of her ass as he gave her a small guilty smile. When he separated from her and took his seat Mycroft let out a long sigh, looking around at the slowly filling up tables around them. Even though she was a ravenclaw sitting at the slytherin table no one really seemed to notice. Felicity only got a few glances, one or two people saying hi to her.

then Peeves came in, and during the time that he had been away he had clearly been working on a new song to sing. With a voice as loud as they came Peeves started to talk and sing praise to Simon and Felicity, thanking them for the show they had put on for him. Calling attention to the two virgin's sitting at the table he pointed and laughed, and got a few of the other students to laugh with him. Simon bit his lip.

"and I can die now." Simon said his face as red as they came.

Irie was having no luck with the new teacher. He blinked and nodded at first wondering if the story the two had given him had been some sort of cleaver bluff, until she mentioned mycroft by name. Then he knew that he was at least somewhat confirming the things he had heard. "Ms Buttermere." He started, though the way she carried on about how the school needed him... he felt a soft shiver running up and down his spine.

"Are you threatening me?" His voice light. Something about the way she had spoken her last lines, were darkly geared towards him. Irie couldn't help but feel like his life was in danger just by talking to this woman. It was a dark set, and it gave him a creepy chill up and down his body. Snapping back to attention his usual no nonsense demenor returned to him.

"Are you saying Ms Buttermere that you used Legilimency on a student, simply because he was not paying attention to your class?" Irie could pretty much guess why the boy hadn't been focused. Some men think with their brain's other with their cock, Simon from what he had observed was one of the latter category. Irie's hand trailed down to his wand for a moment. Feeling the need to touch it. One thing was for sure he was not at all happy about this situation.

Archer was on the prowl, moving around through the castle he was looking for the vile of poison. Something was wrong with what he had seen so far, and he wanted a good explanation. He wanted to know what had happened to one of his best students, and now that his lessons for the morning were done he was all too ready too find someone who could give him answers.

"Winnie." Archer said when he finally found the ravenclaw prefect just leaving her second set of classes, and probably on her way to lunch. "Do you have a moment I need to talk with you."
As Peeves' song filled the Great Hall, she couldn't help but wince. Her steely eyes clamped shut and she let out an audible sigh. The grand room was already filling up fast and she could swear that she felt every single eye—Andie's and Kyle's included—looking at both she and Simon. But despite the horrible singing, the awkwardness of the moment, she held tightly onto Simon's hand. When her eyes fluttered open, her cheeks hot and her heart pumping hard, she stared back at him and couldn't help but laugh. She laughed out loud at how crazy and spontaneous they'd been, at how they'd shared a moment and been through so much, at how they still had so much more in store and now—officially—they'd be sharing it all together.

"Not without me," Felicity stated through her fit of giggle. "Not without me." As she reached up her free hand to cover her mouth, she saw food begin to appear on the table, the gazes of their onlookers unwavering, but she hardly cared since she was happy just knowing she was Simon's girlfriend. "Besides," she then continued, her lips turned upward in a smile. "We have important business to attend to later." She gave him a knowing look. "We have O.W.L.s to prepare for." She giggled a bit harder and then moved to give him a nuzzle. "And other things." At that she just began to hum, not caring who looked their way or who didn't, her one hand holding onto Simon's as her fingers interlaced with his.

Back in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Pandora smiled sweetly at Irie. "Oh, that's hardly a threat, Irie," she stated. "It's fact." Her smile broadened and she let out a tiny giggle. She then fluffed her skirt and went over to her desk so that she could put her things away. "I can't think of a better Healer for Hogwarts." She flicked her golden hair and picked up her stack of parchment.

Pandora smiled brightly as she made her way back to Irie. The man seemed on edge though she couldn't quite understand why. Then again, perhaps he just didn't realize the true value of the Healing arts and the gift he possessed? It was possible. Most underestimated themselves. It was why several tended to fail when it came to the darker arts of magic. It was a pity really. A real shame.

"As for the Legilimency and Occlumency?" Pandora continued. "Well, that truly was unfortunate. "Mycroft is quite bright and quite capable of blocking the tiny nudge I gave him." She smiled sweetly. "And don't worry, Irie, I didn't pry into the boy's mind. I hardly saw a thing." She giggled and reached out to brush the wizard's shoulder as if dust had somehow gotten on him and then went to work adjusting his coat. "But, he's also rather lazy. You see, I want to make sure my students are prepared for anything," she said, her eyes suddenly glistening over. "Anything..." she said again, her voice a whisper. Blinking several times, she then smiled warmly at Irie. "Surely, you can understand the want for that?" she stated more than asked, her tone taking on its usual lyrical manner.

On the first floor in the Green Houses, Winnie was gathering her parchment together. She'd scribbled enough notes to create a small book, but then she'd been known to try and write down almost everything she heard in a lecture—even in a more hand on class like Herbology. She shoved the parchment into her bag along with her quill and looked up.

How typical. Winnie was, of course, nearly the last one to leave. Andie and Kyle had already up and gone and no doubt had been the first to leave the moment the bell had tolled. They weren't the best role models as far as Ravenclaw went. As she looked around, she was a bit surprised to see a couple Gryffindor still hanging about. She arched a brow as she glanced their way, but she figured they wouldn't pay her much notice. So, she grabbed her bag and pushed at her glasses. As she began to leave the Green Houses, she was suddenly stopped short by none other than Professor Archer.

"Hello, Professor," Winnie said, giving the wizard a quizzical look. "Umm, I was about to head off to lunch. But, if you need to speak with me, I am free," she said giving him a nod.

Across the way, Melinda looked on, watching Winnie speak to Professor Archer. Her heart stopped for a moment as her breath caught in her throat and she could swear that her all the blood suddenly went to her face considering how hot she instantly became. The wizard's unexpected presence definitely threw her off her game. She just hoped that Markus didn't notice. She'd never live it down... Melinda Evercreech crushing on Professor Colm Archer, Potions Master! And what was more? Potions was by far her worst subject ever!

Blue eyes wide, Melinda tried to keep herself calm and—for the love of Merlin—breathing. She licked her lips and flicked her blonde hair. Pushing her glasses up her nose, she looked over at Markus. "Ready?" she asked him, giving him a knowing look, one that said that they wouldn't be heading to lunch. She just hoped that Archer didn't realize what their plans were as they walked by.
As Felicity started to giggle Simon couldn't help but join in, for as embarassed as he was, and how red his face was, he couldn't help but feel good. Just having her sitting next to him, and the obserdity of this situation, made him laugh. He couldn't help but feel happy even with with all the eyes that were judging him what did it matter? They had already exposed themselves to one person and compared to that every eye in the school looking them on hardly even mattered. Simon laughed as loudly as Felicity did, showing that honestly he didn't care anymore about his outward appearance people would talk for a little while but like anything else it would be forgotten latter in the year.

Simon nodded and nuzzled her back lightly kissing her neck and smiled. "Oh yes there is much prepreation we need to go through." He said lightly. Knowing that it wasn't just the O.W.L.s she was talking about. Giving her a smile and a light nudge he couldn't help but feel at peace as her fingers interlaced with his own. Turning towards the rest of the Slytherin table there were snickers and nods, one or two males were nodding their approval, not that he seeked it out. Simon simply went to work taking what he wanted from the plates around him, and forging a well balanced lunch. He could still feel his cheeks burning sure, but as long as he had Felicity next to him nothing else mattered, and honestly he doubted they were being actually judged by anyone except maybe the two purest Ravenclaws they had met so far.

Down in the classrooms the Irie couldn't help but watch Buttermere. She didn't seem to understand the box of things that she had opened. Though at the same time he did feel a little worse for sending Simon away now that he knew the full truth, however that was his job. The two lost their right to be in the room after having abused it.

That however did not forgive Buttermere and her treatment of a student. While Irie did take pride in his work as a healer, it wasn't really the only thing he could do. He was skilled at healing yes, but he had other intentions aside from that right now. He grinded his teeth lightly, shaking his head, and letting out an imbittered sigh. "Fine, however Headmaster Darwin will hear of this." He said lightly. "Legilimency, is not a punishment to be used on a student. It is a lesson to be taught. It doesn't matter if the student does know how defend themselves against it or not, and this... does not end with me Ms buttermere." With that he paused for a moment.

For a moment he was going to talk to her about Felicity, and the actions of one her ravenclaw girls. How it had been inopropreat for her to act in such a way, and perhaps other measures needed to be included in her punishment. However after speaking with Pandora himself, any punishment this woman devised would be far too harsh on what amounted to just another horny teenager. "That will be all, Pandora."

Archer ran a hand through his dark hair. Outside in the daylight his skin looked so pale it was like it looked like he was going to burst into flames just from standing in sun directly. It was lucky then that the man carried with him a small umbrella that he was using even on this rather sunny day. Most people knew that Colm had been born with a photo-sensitivity disorder which was why he spent all of his time in the dungeons, and rarely came up to eat in the great hall except during dinners, when the sun had gone down. He always seemed more healthy during the night. Though he carried a flask of potion that helped him focus when out of the daylight, it was not a cure, merely a prolonged preventive.

"Thank you." Archer said lightly his voice light as he walked towards the shade. His eyes crossing to Melinda, and locking on her blue eyes for a moment seeing her mild discomfort at the situation he simply shrugged it off. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me out. It seems someone stole a vile of Greyroot Juice during the potions class this morning. I don't care for the contents, but I demand that my vile be returned to me it's rather expensive if those things get lost or broken. If you find it for me I am willing to give your house 100 points."

He paused for a moment. "Of course I will be making the same offer to the Slytherin prefects as well, but I wanted to come to you first." He didn't know if she knew what the ingredient would mean for the potion, they had created, but he was trying to downplay the contents as important. After all if she did find the vile, it was going to be empty.

Markus gathered up his books and was more then ready for a long break, looking at Melinda however she was clearly uneasy for some reason, and he had to wonder why the light sensitive teacher would risk coming out into the daylight like he was. Shaking his head he disregarded the odd vibe and instead focused on the thing he hadn't been able to take his eyes off during the entire class.

Winnie. damn she had an ass, and those glasses. He couldn't help but find the ravenclaw prefect attractive, if even a little. Shaking his head, he walked lightly with Melinda. He didn't have the courage to ask Winnie anywhere. As much as he wanted too, he knew that the prefect probably didn't even know he existed, and if she did it was only because he was a problem causer. "Yeah sure I am. Where would you like to go?" He said lightly. "Lunch... or somewhere else." He said the lower part in a slightly hushed voice though there was no good way to say it. They were still in earshot of Winnie and he did not want to ruin her chances by making her think that he was off the market, but still wanted to know if Melinda was intent on exploring the school now or later.
Peeves grew bored as he watched both Felicity and Simon laugh at his antics. He huffed and pouted and finally darted through the nearest wall to perhaps sulk elsewhere. Clearly the Great Hall was no longer going to be any fun for him if the two he'd planned to torment weren't caring or being affected. He'd have to find better prey. Though that didn't mean the two wouldn't be careless later on and allow him a peep or two or ten... or so he figured.

Felicity just shook her head and laughed, her hand interlaced with Simon's. She sat close to him, her dark head resting against his shoulder as she smiled. No, not even Andie's and Kyle's smirks would ruin this day. Not even the fact that they'd possibly tampered with her potion either. None of it mattered. Not that, not that she'd lost house points. She was with Simon and they were together, a true couple. And that, right there, as reason enough for her to smile and carry on with her day, her face donning a dreamy expression.

Meanwhile, Pandora's violet eyes narrowed as Irie left her classroom. The man was an asset to his art! Did he not understand this? Perhaps he needed his own memory nudged. The very thought made her giggle slightly as she held her items close against her chest and lightly bounced out of the room, her skirts swishing and billowing behind her. As she made her way down the corridor to her quarters, she could hear a few straggling students whispering in awe of how she'd handled herself in class.

At least some of them appreciated her methods. It was refreshing to see such bright young minds so eager to learn.

Pandora smiled at the students who passed by, giving them a warm smile. After she was out of their line of sight, her expression went serious. Irie needed to learn that his role was an important one in the school. It was imperative that he know that and that he realize that she had everyone's best interests at heart. She heaved a heavy sigh, coming to the conclusion that it was her job to make the wizard realize his true potential and worth.

Back at the Green Houses, Winnie gave Professor Archer a nod. "I'll certainly look into the matter, Professor. Greyroot?" she said. She bit down on her lip, her mind going over what the plant could possibly be used for, but she was drawing a blank. However, she knew a bit of research could more than likely remedy the questions flooding her mind. Her thoughts then flitted to poor Felicity. She hoped she was all right as she'd never made it to Herbology. "If I find it or the culprits, I'll be sure to let you know straight away," she added.

Winnie then turned to glance over at the Gryffindors who seemed to be staring at she and Archer. She recognized them both—Melinda Evercreech and Markus Harrow—as she made it a point to know all the fifth year students by name and house. Both seemed a bit uneasy, but she tried to pay it no mind. Instead, she gave them both a warm smile and then turned to look back at Professor Archer.

"You're welcome," Winnie stated.

Melinda looked at Archer and swallowed hard. The wizard seemed so distant in the way he looked over at her and it confused her. She could've sworn he'd given her more clues at the end of the year the year before, but now? Now she just wanted to scream! To scream and yell and carry on right there in the Green House, not caring who watched or heard. After all, no one would be bothered, they'd all still line up later on anyway. She bit down on her lip as she tried to swallow down her pride, her cheeks going red as she glanced Markus' way.

"Somewhere else," Melinda said curtly, feeling quite put out. She felt angry inside and wanted to punch something, yet at the same time she knew she needed to follow through and take the chance at all costs. She wouldn't give up just yet. It wasn't within her to do so.

Winnie smiled up at Archer and nodded, "Well, if that's all you need, I'll be heading off to lunch then. I'll be sure to do my best to find the Greyroot vial for you. And the culprits who might have taken it." She let out a soft sigh and turned to see both Melinda and Markus readying to leave. Her green eyes focused on Markus for a moment and she gave him a tiny wave. "Have a good lunch, Markus," she said. "You too, Melinda."
Irie went along his way, he had a few quests now that he needed to go for still. Finding Archer's classroom it was empty with no one around, and so he had to start looking for the Potions professor in the giant school where anyone could be anywhere. It was a rather tedius search, and ever longer he seemed to focus on Buttermere's words. While he didn't feel like she was threatening him, he had to admit that it was rather difficult to guess exactly what was on that teachers mind. In truth he could hardly tell what her deal was.

Irie couldn't help but fixate for a moment on a teacher who was so willing to just use such dark magic. Even if it was to try and teach a student how to block out the dark magic he didn't really agree with her teaching methods. Irie let out a long sigh, looking around the campus of hogwarts, he slightly shook his head. The teacher was a half blood, and couldn't help a darker thought every now and then when he was trying to find someone else in this giant ass castle.

"This is why I keep telling the other teachers we need cellphones." He said discouraged. Muggle devices had their uses in day to day life even if the roaming costs, and enchantments to actually make them work inside hogwarts would be a bit much.

Archer was grateful for the assistance in this matter, and nodded. "Do take care of yourself Winnie, it would be a shame if anything happened to you over such an endeavor." He said lightly, He doubted any student was dumb enough to actually keep the vile, but if he got his hands on it, he could extract exactly who had taken and used it through magic, and considering he wanted that vile as soon as possible if Winnie were to get hurt it would kind of suck for him.

That said his cold eyes watched Melinda go. He had said enough to the girl last year that he was confident she could work out what he wanted from her, that said they were playing a risky game, and so rather then spell anything out for her, he merely gave her a small nod towards her, as he left the room. If she wanted to take him up on what he had for sale, than she needed to come down to his office and say so. Otherwise she was a student and anything he attempted to do would be highly illegal. Still from the dark glares she had been giving off, he couldn't help but think that it might be fun to set the student in her place for once.

Markus was quick to return Winnie's wave. capturing the motion as quickly as his crush would allow. There was no doubt that he craved her, in a very different way than he was used too with most other students, and just the fact that Winnie seemed to know him, be it by reputation or some other means made him extremely happy to be alive in that moment. With that encounter done however Markus was quick to walk away and gesture for her to follow him. "I'll show you a shortcut." He said offering, one of his many paths.

Looking around they were basically alone now out in the open, and so he didn't mind really walking towards the gardens he was almost certain no one was following them. Coming to an old statue, he looked around again slightly nervous. "This was one of the first passages I found." He said lightly, "But I should warn you. these passage ways... aren't for people who can't take a bit of dirt." He didn't know how Melinda was about dirt, and dust, but most of his paths were full of it. Moving up to the statue, he tapped it, hearing a familiar hollow ring, and stepped back, the statue of a man, bowed polightly, and then the base moved back to reveal a staircase. "This one leads into the dungeon. near the Slytherin dorm... and honestly I don't think I am the only one who knows about it. I often see foot prints around here, but I never actually see anyone... it's kind of creepy."
The trek to her quarters seemed endless, but eventually Pandora made it to her room and was more than happy to have some time to herself. The morning had proven to be rather eventful what with what she'd had to do to Mycroft in her very first class of the day and then Irie having to come and speak to her about it afterwards. Of course, she hardly faulted Irie for the inquiry, but the wizard needed to understand that what she'd done was in fact quite minor.

Not to mention in the best interest of the Slytherin!

Pandora heaved a tiny sigh as she sat down on the edge of her bed, her hands moving to loosen her corset she donned. She had a free period after lunch and decided to spend some time by herself mulling things over before facing the fray once again. Her full lips pursed into a small pouting frown and she wondered just what she could do to make Irie realize how important he was to the school and how what she'd done wasn't intended to harm anyone, but to help.

It wouldn't be easy. She sensed that. But, it had to be done.

The witch let her tiny body fall backward onto her plush bed with a soft thud, her golden hair fanning out underneath her upon the blue satin sheets. Tiny giggles erupted from her as she lied there and stared up at the ceiling above. She knew she'd find a way to make that wizard see just how much the school needed him, the students, the faculty. Her. It was a goal now, a mission. And she never gave up once her mind was set on something. Not ever.

Back at the Green Houses, Melinda watched Winnie leave, the pretty prefect giving both her and Markus a nod and a wave as she left. Wanting to be polite, yet wanting to scream her head off, she just lazily waved back. Her blue eye flitted to Markus who seemed a bit dazed. She rolled her eyes figuring the guy was lost in thought about the adventure in which they'd embark unless... No, no. She wouldn't pry. She promised herself she'd leave that alone.

Melinda glanced back at Archer while Markus seemed preoccupied. The wizard gave her nod, a look that almost resembled the ones he'd given her the year before. Her heart all but stopped for a fleeting moment before it resumed its pounding against her chest. She sucked in a sharp breath, gasping slightly as he then turned and walked away. Immediately, she balled her hands into fists at her sides, her nails digging hard into her palms.

Looking over at Markus, Melinda let out a loud sigh, once they were alone and gave him a look letting him know she was ready to go whenever he was. It didn't take them long before they were finally about to enter the first passage way. She had to wonder just how many students knew about them and how many of those actually bothered to use them. Tilting her head she also wondered if any of the faculty bothered to use them. She tapped her chin as she mulled that one over, her cheeks reddening slightly as her thoughts turned darker, more lurid. Trying to clear her mind, she knew her goal and she wasn't about to waste the opportunity these passages might hold. It was a risk, but she had to try and find out. She'd regret it if she never even bothered.

"I can take dirt," Melinda said with a smirk. She playfully shoved Markus as she followed him into the first of what she hoped would be many passage ways to come. "I can take a lot of things," she added. "Remember what house we're in."

Melinda laughed then, the sound echoing a bit as they entered the tunnel-like expanse. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as they forged on ahead and into the tunnel, her mind reeling at how it led down into the dungeons. That meant several things to her—Slytherin, Potions classroom... Archer.

"Let's go!" Melinda exclaimed grabbing a hold of Markus' hand, dragging him along as she pressed onward into the passage way, eager to see if this first secret passage would prove as useful as she'd hoped. If it did, she knew what she'd be doing later on.
Markus let out a long sigh. He couldn't really put his finger on it, but something seemed rather odd for Melinda. He could have sworn he caught some sort of glance between her and Proffessor Archer, but in truth he had no idea what it was. Archer was a teacher after all so of course there were going to be sharp looks in the direction of a student. However there was something a little different about the way Melinda responded. Something he had never actually seen from her before, and it confused him.

~Why is she so tense?~ He thought oddly before getting to his feet. When Melinda pushed him towards the staircase he almost lost his balance. The playful shove turning into something almost dangerous due to Markus' absent mind, and poor footing. The ground here was almost always dusty and kind of wet. Most of the passages that lead into the deeper parts of the school were like that. He always kind of guessed that was because they ran along the piping. As the two walked down into the darker tunnel, the statue resumed it's original place, and the two were placed into a tunnel of almost complete darkness.

"Lumos." With the singe word the tunnel was filled with light extending from the tip of of Markus's wand. He walked along hearing his foot steps tap against the slightly wet stone. "It may sound loud." He said with an echo. "But I swear this hallway must be soundproofed or something. I mean when I first found this place, I fell down the stairs, and screamed about as loud as I can... No one even noticed."

Walking down the hallway there was a slight chill in the air. They were now in an underground part of the school, the tunnel it's self was carved stone, and aside from the stairs everything was rounded and smooth. There was no indication of anything, just a solid direction for about 20 feet, and then it forked into three different paths, one to the left and right and one strait.

"If you take the path to the left it comes out closer to the Slytherin dorm behind a suite of armor. The one down that way, leads to a door hidden behind a painting... don't know who it the person in the picture is never home, and the right... Well I'll just show you." He said lightly Turning walking down the path on the right. The path didn't take long at all, before it came out into an even colder, and some how darker room. They had to move a bookcase just to get in, from the tunnel, but once they were in it was clear what this room was.

"I present Professor Archers, private stash of potion supplies. This place comes right out into the potions room storage closet. It actually kind of makes sense if you think about it. Archer gets sick in direct sunlight, so why not use a tunnel that goes from the storage room to the botany room? it's silent you can use it at night, and it would let you get most of the stuff you need without being in the sun for too long." Markus said lightly. He didn't think that Archer would be anywhere around them considering they had just passed him.

The thought of stealing one or two ingredients had always been close to his mind when he had found out about this place, but he shook his head. "My guess is the other exits are how the guy moves around so quickly." He said with a slight puff to his chest. Of course that was assuming that it was archer who actually used this tunnel and that there weren't other people who knew about such things.

"Anyway we should~" Markus stopped cold for a moment hearing muffled voices get clearer and louder on the other side of the door.

The door to the potions classroom opened as Archer returned back from his escapade in the sun. He felt boiling hot, and for a moment wanted nothing more then to just sit in the shade. Taking out his flask he took another drink. He shivered for a moment, his skin partly red from being out in the sun for too long. "Damn it." He said breathing lightly. He was in a bit of pain, but nothing he wasn't used too he had been a teacher for years after all. "Sorry Irie, but could you don't mind if we talk in here do you? I just want to be out of the sun for a bit."

Irie walked in behind Archer having finally caught up with the second of the two teachers he needed to talk to you. "I needed to ask you about a student you sent me earlier today? Felicity Steelie."

Archer nodded and gave a small sigh. "Unfortunate turn of events with that one. But I hope you helped her sort out her problems."

"Well once she put her clothes back on she was fine." Irie said with a laugh having already told Archer about how he had found the two students about to have sex in one of his beds. The two let out a rather humorous laugh.

"Yes, well youth and love you know how it is. Anyway, I can confirm that she did in fact ingest a little bit of poison. She was warned against it but some students need to experience a bit of tough love in their life." Archer said with a light shrug. "I hope there are no long lasting side effects."

"no I made sure of that, any way thank you again for sending her too me as quickly as possible." Irie said quickly turning and leaving the potions master in his classroom alone.
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