White and Blue Moons Bleed Black (Krystal_Atems_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Rubeus smiled. "True but you don't want to do it to the same people too much if you can help it. It might erase more than you want."

Serenity sipped from her glass, looking at him with love in her eyes. "Well, let's dig in."
Rubeus chuckled. "So how many times so far have you had to wipe people's memories?

Serenity smiled and took a bite of food, watching him to see what he thought of her cooking.
Rubeus rolled his eyes and sipped his drink. "You definitely haven't changed a bit then."

Serenity smiled happily. "I'm glad you like it."
Krystal chuckled. "In some ways i have. But you still love me anyway." She said, giving him a light kiss. She was so glad to have her ruby prince back.

Diamond smiled. "I do. Its really good."he said, spinning his fork.
Rubeus kissed her back. "Of course I do. Don't you dare think otherwise."

Serenity smiled and continued eating before taking a sip of wine.
Rubeus held her close with a chuckle. "That's your dreams. I also mean in reality." He playfully teased before kissing her forehead.

Serenity lost herself in thought as she ate, thinking of how the other senshi were going to take the news of her and Krystal facing Diamond and Rubeus alone even if it did end in their favor.
Krystal smiled and relaxed into hef love, giving him a soft kiss. "Either way love, i'd be crushed. I love you to much to ever have to watch you die again." She daid, cuddling close.

Diamond wss also lost in thought, though his reasoning was different. He was wondering how to defeat wise man. Now that he had his bunnykins bsck, his only wish was to be happy with her this time around.
Rubeus cuddled her. "So let me get this straight, because you love me too much, you'd let me die alone even if I asked for you from my death bed?" He joked.

Serenity smiled softly as she looked at him. "Penny for your thoughts, love?"
Krystal shook her head. "I would at least try to heal you. If it didn’t work i'd be sad. Not sure what I'd do." She admitted, yawning. She was tired.

"Trying to figure out how to defeat Wiseman." He admitted, shrugging.
Rubeus chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry about it Krys. It'll be a long time before it happens." He gently scooped her up into his arms. "Come on now. Let's get you to bed."

Serenity looked at him. "Oh Dia, my love. We'll find a way to beat him and take him down for good."
Krystal smiled, giving him a light kiss on the lips. "Well good. I love you, ruby." She said sofy6ly, snuggling into his arms ad she started to fall asleep.

Diamond nodded, taking a sip of wine. "I hope so, sere." He said small smile on his face.
"I love you too Krys." Rubeus murmured as he laid her in the bed before laying next to her and holding her close.

Serenity sipped her wine. "We will. He messed with you and Rubeus. That's a dumbass move where Krys and I are concerned. He won't be getting away with that."
Krystal smiled, snuggling up close to him in her sleep, letting out a content sigh. Her clothes changed to pajamas, and she snored lightly, glad to be near her love again.

Diamond chuckled. "Yes, that is true. That will be fun to watch." He said, knowing his fiancee and her sister were ruthless when it came to their men being hurt.
It wasn't long before Rubeus fell into a content and happy sleep next to Krystal

Serenity smirked as she set down her fork on her now empty plate, stood up and walked over to Diamond. "Oh Dia, if I didn't know any better, I'd say the idea of watching me kick Wiseman's ass is turning you on." She purred as she stood behind him and slid her hand down his chest. "Not that I'm complaining. What could be more sexy than your pissed off bunny in a miniskirt kicking Phantom ass?"
Diamond let out a small sound of pleasure as she ran a hand down his chest. "It is turning me on. Nothing could be sexier bunny. You are my everything. Watching you kick ass is a bonus." He admitted, nuzzling her slightly. He loved her so much.

Krystal talked in her sleep, dreaming of their son. She missed him dearly, even if she had rubeus.
Serenity grinned at the sound of pleasure before lightly nipping Diamond's ear. "Is it the mini skirt, knowing I'm yours or that your bunny has a slight darkside to her?" She asked as she slid his chair back slightly from the table before walking in front and straddling him.

Rubeus nuzzled Krystal in his sleep and pulled her tighter against
Diamond let out another pleasurable sound at the nip totge ear, gasping as she straddled him. He could feel himself hardening at just being near her. He let out a soft breath. "Its everything sere. Every bit of you just makes me insatiable." He let out breathily, blushing.

Krystal snuggled close, snoring lightly as she dreamed of their son.
Serenity leaned forward and nipped his ear again. "Well then, maybe we should get started on trying to keep you taken care of in that aspect. Can't have you practically ready to pounce me just as I'm going badass." She grinned.

Rubeus just continued to keep her close, dreaming of their future
Diamond raised an eyebrow, though he let out another sound of pleasure as she nipped at his ear again. "Yes, that wouldn't work very well, we should." He said, looking curious about whst she wanted to do. Earlier she'd said no to sex.
Serenity chuckled as she pulled back from teasing his ear to look him in the eyes. "I do know about that little package you conjured in the bedroom earlier. Lack of that little box of items was one reason that made me say no before. Add the fact that you didn't try to push and the idea of knowing just how much you want me and I can't help it if I'm a bit frisky. Just means you need to help your bunny out." She leaned forward and nipped his earlobe again. "So, are you gonna help your frisky bunny, Dia?" She purred while dragging a finger down his chest.
Serenity smiled. "I know Dia. It's something I love about you, that desire to be courteous." She chuckled and pulled her finger away. "So what are you waiting for? Unless you want to chase me? I have no problem accommodating that if that's what you want."
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