White and Blue Moons Bleed Black (Krystal_Atems_Girl x Blakkatt07)

"I won't, and I haven't. I just know her." He said with a smile, cuddling into her.

"Alright then, I shall." She said with a smile, going into the kitchen to prepare steak, mashed potatoes and cheesy Spinich dish. She knew how much he like that. When a everything was in the oven, she sat back down with him, kissing his cheek. "Sere's gotten better. She's still not as good as Lita or I." Krystal said with a chuckle, kissing him softly.
Serenity smiled. "It's so good to have you back Dia. Good to have you home."

Rubeus chuckled. "As long as she can cook decently on her own now, I can relax. Means she won't be coming here all the time to eat or subjecting Diamond to take-out all the time."
Diamond smiled. "Its good to be home, my bunny love." He said with a smirk, noticing it was now pitch black. He kissed her softly. "My princess, care to join me out on the balcony? I have something important to ask you." He said, smiling at her as he picked her up, brought her out to the balcony, set her down on a black metal chair, and got down on one knee, Opening the inbox to reveal a hear shaped moonstone and diamond engagement ring. "Serenity, my love, will you marry me?" He asked, eyes hopeful.

"Krystal laughed. "Yes, she's a good cook now. Just not as good as me." She said as the oven beeped and she took everything out, plating it up. She smiled at her good handiwork, snapping her fingers to change into a pretty blue and red harlequin dress she bought with him in mind. "Dinner is served my crimson knight." She said, coming out of the dining room.
Serenity giggled when he picked her up. She didn't mind that he hadn't waited for an answer before he'd picked her up. She did enjoy when he carried her anyway. Her eyes lit up when she saw him get down on one knee. She gasped when she saw the ring and the hope in his eyes caused her own eyes to water. "Yes! Absolutely Dia!" She held her hand out so he could slide the ring on.

Rubeus laughed. "Someone's gotten cocky over time." He teased. "Long as you don't grow one, we're good." He smiled at the sight of her in the dress. "Krystal...you didn't have to go that extra length to impress me." He went to her and kissed her. "The food smells good love, but not as good as you."
Diamond slipped the ring on, smiling happily. She was all his again. He kissed her deeply and picked he up again, setting her back on the bed, and climbing in next to her. "I love you more than my life, my moon goddess." He said, kissing her again softly.

Krystal laughed. "You're the one that said you coils see me with one." She teased right back, wrapping her arms around his neck when he kissed her. She blushed at the compliment. "Maybe I want to impress you?" She said, smirking at him. She hated that he made her want it so badly, and then denyed it, but she kept her emotions off of her face and eyes, showing only the love she feels for him.
Serenity giggled and kissed him back. "I love you more than mine Dia." She snuggled against him, happy to have him back and all hers once more.

Rubeus chuckled. "Not if you're gonna use it on me." He smirked. "Maybe I might've added a little twist to my version of the so-called male fantasy of two girls doing each other." He teased. "And like I said, you don't need to. Because you impress me enough on your own without trying."
Diamond smiled stupidly into the kiss. "My bunny." He murmurs softly, making a package of condoms appear. Now they had them, should she want to. He wouldn't push. They had lots of time. He had a feeling they would have forever this time. He stroked her hair softly. Just him and his bunny. Diamond loved that thought. Him and his bunny, together forever. It sounded absolutely euphoric to the black moon prince considering how much he loved her. There was nobody in this world he loved more.

Krystal smiled and laughed. "Oh yeah? Me and who else? Princess Amara might be hot. Though, she's definitely more of a bottom. Oh, Princess Michelle then? It'd be a blue haired sex fest." She said with another laugh as she lead him to the table, which was made up very romantically, complete with candles. She wanted to spoil her love a little, as that was what she had always done best. Spoiling had always been her specialty, even back in silver millennium. She spoiled their son Charoite rotten. It was a wonder he wasn't a brat with the way she had spoiled him and would do again.

Krystal smiled once again, sort of sadly. "Maybe I'm afraid I'll loose you to some kind of accident? Any of the ones I have loved or dated died. Blake was the most recent. He died in a plane crash on his way home here. We were engaged, and would have been married by now. I suppose it works out so that I could be with you, but it still hurts. He was a very close friend." She said, her eyes showing sadness for only a moment before it cleared. She squeezed Rubeus's hand and kissed his cheek. She was so glad to be with her crimson knight again. It was the best feeling in the world to have him back. She could hardly believe her good luck. She had finally found him after a millennia.
Serenity smiled and blushed before snuggling against him. "Oh, are you hungry Dia? I could make something."

Rubeus chuckled. "As tough as Amara is, to call her a bottom would be calling you one as well love. And no, a blue-haired sex fest would be you with shy Ami. Michelle's hair is more of a teal." He pulled her close for a kiss. "Stop thinking so negatively love. You did that on the moon too. How Serenity's optimism never rubbed off on you baffles me."
Diamond smiled and cuddled into serenity. "I am a bit hungry, yes. What did you have in mind mi'love?" He asked, assuming Lita and Krystal had finally gotten around to teaching Sere how to cook. He chucked a little, remembering her attenpts to cook back in silver millennium. She burn everything, even water! To this day he wasn't really sure how exactly you could burn water, but his love had done it. Such fun times, and now they would have forever again.

Krystal chuckled. "I guess your right love. " she said cuddling into him and pecking his lips softly. She couldn't help think a little negatively, seeing as her life had been very tragic. Anyone she wanted to love died. She prayed to god her ruby prince wouldn't die on her. She couldn't take that pain again. Not ever. He was her soulmate after all, and no one could ever change that.
Serenity smiled. "I was thinking a chicken alfredo with some white wine. I have everything I need to make it. And it won't take too long to do. Longest part would be boiling the pasta."

Rubeus held her close and closed his eyes in thought. "Stop thinking negatively. I didn't read your mind, but you radiate it big time."
Diamond smiled. "That sounds delicious, bunnykins." He said as he kissed her head, hugging her. He admittedly didn't want want to leave her arms, but knew he had to in order for her to make dinner. He was simply amazed to be with his love again. It was the best thing in the world.

Krystal smiled. "I'm trying not to my crimson knight, but I've been dreaming about you dying lately. I couldn't take that. Not again." She told him, taking a sip of her Margarita.
Serenity giggled. "I'll call you when it's about ready." She got up and headed for the kitchen to start cooking. Once she was in the kitchen, she began grabbing everything she needed to cook, starting the pasta to boiling right away before cutting up some seasonings.

Rubeus chuckled and sipped his drink. "Don't let your heart focus on the bad and you won't dream of it. Easy fix. Otherwise...I'll start to feel as if you actually want me dead." He pouted teasingly. "Supposedly a dream is a wish your heart makes."
"Alright my love." He told her with a smile, kissing her before watching her leave. He then turned on the TV, pleased to see the sailor moon anime was on. He watched curiously, laugh. "Wow, this is just drum. Sere and Krys are nothing like that!" He commented, still chucking.

Krystal smiled a little. "I will try, my ruby prince." She told him, chuckling as he pouted. He seldomly did that. She kissed him hard. "You know that's not true, nor will it ever be.
"Hey! If you want to eat and not be forced to spend the night with Krys and Rubeus, you'll turn that crap off!" She called out, having heard the sounds from the TV and recognizing it.

Rubeus kissed her back. "Then stop letting your heart dream it."
"Oh, right, sorry bunny!" He replied, chuckling a little before changing the channel, happy to see that a re run of full metal alchemist was on. He chuckled at Edward as he watched, amused by the concept of alchemy. He wondered if he could do it.

Krystal sighed. "I'll try mi'love." She told him softly, kissing him with passion and lust.;
"Not unless you wanna be stuck in a month long research session with Ami!" She called out as if she'd read his mind even though she hadn't. She had the seasons cut and was sauteeing them along with some pre grilled chicken in a skillet while the pasta had finished boiling.

Rubeus chuckled and kissed her back. "Let's not get carried away love, remember?"
"oh, i see. that would be. scientific." he commented with a laugh, continuing to watch. it was still an interesting concept, too be sure. He wondered if Krys had ever tried. She was a metal bender, after all.

Krystal pulled away and pouted slightly. "You're such a tease, Ruby. you kiss me like that and then you tell me no. They have this new device now, its called a condom. You know what it does? It prevents pregnancy." she said, laughing a bit and smirking.
"Ami's one for a lot of 'little projects' as she calls them. Though they're never exactly 'little'." She grinned as she mixed the seasonings and the chicken with the pasta and added the sauce.

"Uh-uh Krystal. Don't pin it on me. You kissed me like that and I'm telling you no. And I do know of condoms...I wasn't born yesterday. But I haven't had a need to carry them and if you tell me you have a stash, I'm gonna start looking for any toys you might have around hidden too." He smirked. "But it has nothing to do with if we have them or not tonight. I already told you that I'd prefer to do it when you're not just wanting to jump my bones out of excitement for having me back."
Diamond smiled. "You're right. She does love her projects. How are Haruka and Michiru? Haven't seen them in ages. Haruka would probably pound me if she knew what I had had planned before you saved me." He said nonchalantly, wondering about wiseman and how they would defeat him. He had no clue, but he knew his serenity and her sister Krystal would kick his metaphorical ass. They were rather good at that.

Krystal sighed. "You're right as usual, ruby. But it wasn't just me. Besides, you should now me well enough to know I always want to jump your bones. Just back or not." She said, smirking a bit as she cuddled into him. "I love you my crimson knight." She whispered in his ear, cuddled close.
Serenity giggled. "They're both just fine. They look after Hotaru. Both of them would probably try to pound you to be honest. But Hotaru....she's the one you should be afraid of. The quiet ones are always the scariest." She then dished up two plates and carried them out to the dining room table. "Dia, can you grab a bottle of white wine from the holder in the next room? It's in the corner in there."

Rubeus chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I know. I just want to enjoy having you back. Plus, I also know how bad you are at hiding such a thing from Sere. If we did it, both she and Diamond would know from one look at you. And you know Sere probably held him off too. As much fun as it is to watch him beg at times, I wouldn't be able to stand watching him beg her for that after seeing that tell tale glow on you. I'd end up begging her to go ahead just to get him to shut up." He grinned. "Believe me, just as Diamond is afraid of pissing you off, I'm just as afraid of pissing Sere off. And the joint begging from me and Diamond is bound to piss her off and land him in the dog house staying with us for a week at least. And you definitely wouldn't get sex then."
Diamond smiled. "That's good to hear, and yeah, they probably would." He said before he chuckled and nodded, going to get the bottle of wine as asked before pulling her chair out for her. "Looks delicious, Sere." He commented, smiling at her.

Krystal chuckled a little as she cuddled into him. "So basically you're telling me you won't have sex with me because you're afraid of my sister?" She said, raising an eyebrow. While she knew her sister could be very fearsome when angry, she was mostly very mellow.
Serenity smiled. "Thank you. I hope you'll find it as good as it looks." She sat in the chair he pulled out for her and waited for him to sit too.

Rubeus chuckled. "You've mostly seen her cheerful side Krys. Granted seeing you pissed is scary, but she's got one of those really evil glares. There was this time on the moon, when Diamond had snuck up behind her to teasingly scare her. He spooked her so badly, she fell off the bench she was on. But the glare she gave him..." He shuddered in memory. "I was watching from the bushes and that glare was scary enough to make me damn near wet my pants. Now that I think about it....I never could get him to reveal what she'd done in revenge."
Diamond smiled. "I'm sure its delicious." He said with a smile as he gave her head a kiss before sitting across from her.

Krystal chuckled. "Yeah, her glares can be pretty scary. I've never been on the receiving side, but , I have seen her glare at darien a few times. He used to try to get her to marry him a lot." She ad emitting, sipping her margarita, and flipping on the TV, chuckling at what came on. "Oh look, Atem's show is on. You know, they put me in this as his his girlfriend. Yuck. He's like my brother." She said, making a face.
Serenity smiled and poured them each a glass of wine, handing him his. She raised hers. "A toast to us."

Rubeus chuckled. "Be happy they don't follow you girls too closely. You can't exactly fight off humans like you do monsters."
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