White and Blue Moons Bleed Black (Krystal_Atems_Girl x Blakkatt07)

Serenity smiled and kissed him. "Going to carry me everywhere then?" She teased.

Rubeus smirked. "Are you sure you weren't supposed to have been a boy, love? I sometimes wonder if you think about sex more than I do." He chuckled and got out the car. "I'm not spoiling you all the time. I may have missed you, but not that much to risk my back." He teased knowing she'd been hoping he would carry her like Diamond did Sere.
"Only if you want me to." He said with a smile, setting her down.

Krystal laughed. "Oh yeah, like you could see me as a boy. You like my breasts to much." She teased, but then pouted. "I'm not that heavy, ruby." She said as she got out of the car, her heels clicking on the pavement. She couldn't deny she was a little disappointed that he didn't want to carry her over the threshold. He used to carry her all the time when they were together in silver millennium, so why not now?
Serenity giggled. "I think that would make doing some things difficult Dia." She pulled him in close for a kiss after he set her down.

Rubeus laughed. "Okay fine, are you sure you shouldn't have been born with a dick as well as a pussy? I could see you having one." He chuckled. "I know you're not that heavy love. Still not going to spoil you so much. And by the way, you've clearly forgotten that most of those times I carried you in silver millennium were because you usually either asked or didn't really give me a choice."
Diamond kissed her back, and pulled her closer. "Bunny.." he said softly into the kiss, arching into it. He loved kissing her, and couldn't get enough of it. Couldn't get enough of her. She was his beautiful bunny and he'd never get tired of being with her.

Krystal pouted, blocking him out of her thoughts. "Stop that." He was starting to make her mad now. She didn't like it when he intruded on her private thoughts like that. Her mind wandered to their wonderful son, and she was saddened slightly. "So, I've been dreaming about Char a lot." She said as the elevator stopped and she stepped into her penthouse apartment, looking around. She already knew which room would be his, and she couldn't wait to cuddle up with her ruby.
Serenity smiled into the kiss. "Dia..." Without breaking the kiss, she carefully pulled him towards the bedroom. Once there, she allowed herself to fall back onto the bed, pulling him with her.

Rubeus looked at her and stepped into the apartment. He pulled her close so she was facing him and gently cupped her cheeks. "Stop what? Looking into those beautiful blue eyes of yours? I didn't read your thoughts love. They were on your face and in your eyes as I've always seen them." He pressed gentle kisses to her forehead, nose and mouth. "Missing him a lot, are you? Trying to hurry him along again?"
Diamond was startled when they feel to the bed, but continued to kiss her, trailing the kisses down her collarbone. He ran his fingers through her hair, kissing her again softly. "You know, I've always preferred your hair down. But you look beautiful either way, bunny." He whispered into her ear.

"Maybe love. I do really miss him. He was my sweet boy." She said, kissing him back and cuddling into his embrace. She had missed him so much. Everything about him she missed, her ruby prince, her crimson Knight, her soulmate. "Rubeus... my ruby. I've found you again my love." She murmurs softly into his chest, then looking up at him. She loved him with all her heart.
Serenity tilted her head, her eyes closed as he kissed down her collarbone. "You're the only one who gets to see it down my love." She snapped her fingers and the ties holding her hair up disappeared, letting the long locks fall loose.

Rubeus chuckled. "For a tough girl, you sure love cuddling." He nuzzled her neck and gently nipped it. "I know you miss him love as do I. But lets not be in such a rush to have him again."
Diamond smirked. "Perfect." He said, loosening the jacket he was wearing. He smirked at her. "So bunny... should we do more my moon goddess?" He asked, love and lust over a thousand years old burning in his eyes for her and only her, his bunny.

Krystal let out a tiny moan and her eyes closed as he nipped at her neck. She knew he was teasing her, but she couldn't help but arch into his touch. "Ruby.. I-I'm not. Its just these dreams I've been having make me want to have our little boy in my arms again. I can't explain it." She sort of studdered out, the nips to her neck making her weak in the knees.
Serenity blushed at what he was implying. "I want to Dia...but I'm not ready for that whole possibly getting pregnant thing...And I don't have necessary precautions either."

Rubeus chuckled against her neck. "I can. I believe the phrase is; A dream is a wish your heart makes. You've been missing him so much, your heart is wishing for him. And it's translating into your dreams. There. Explained. Why must you complicate things, Blue?"
Diamond smiled. "Alright then dear. Maybe another time then." He said, manifesting a moon rose for her as he pulled her into his arms so they were now spooning. He kissed he head softly. "All things in good time my noodles goddess" he whispered, cuddling close.

Krystal giggled and raised an eyebrow. "You, quoting Cinderella? Now that's something I thought I'd never hear." She teased as she pulled him over to the Couch, turning on the large plasma scrrn TV. It was playing reruns of the sailor moon anime. "Ruby, how come bunny gets to be the star? I'm just as important!" She pouted, smirking playfully. She couldn't do what she really wanted to.
Serenity smiled. "Thank you Dia. For being so understanding." She snuggled close into his embrace.

"Actually it's more like that movie quoted the Venusian princess, Mina. She told me that once...when I told her I was falling for you." Rubeus eyed the show in half amusement, half amazement. "Because you're her shadow protector. Admit it, you put her before yourself."
Diamond smiled. "Your welcome my moon goddess" send he kissed her head.

Krystal smirked and cuddled into him. "Let me guess? She told you to go for for it, knowing I felt the same way, huh? What was I, like 10 when we started being more than friends? I remember how you told me too. In that treehouse on nemesis. I still have that bracelet." She said with a smile as it appeared on her wrist. She was glad to have him back. Her ruby.
Serenity smiled. "Dia...do you think Krys is a bit more dominant between her and Ruby?"

Rubeus smiled. "Yeah she did. " He rolled his eyes. "I think I spoiled you way too much back then." He gently tickled her sides.
Diamond looks contemplative for a moment, and he smiles. "In some cases. The ruby of this time is less of a pushover then he was in silver millennium though. When you meet his father, you'll see why. Guy's a masoganist pig. Krystal's gonna whip his ass when she meets him." He said with a chuckle before adding. "Why do you ask bunny?"

Krystal raised an eyebrow. "I think you only did it because you we're afraid you would loose me to someone else." She said simply, kissing him lightly. Krystal smiled when she saw which episode came on next. It was the one where Krystal was kidnapped by the evil Rubeus in an attempt to lure Sere. "Ruby, my favorite episode. You look good in anime." She said with a smirk, kissing his cheek.
Serenity smiled. "You make it sound like he was a complete pushover back then. He just gave in a lot to Krys. And I just got this feeling that she's more aggressive." She sighed. "A misogynist? As one of those...women belong in the kitchen types? He better hope then that it's Krystal who gets to him and not Amara. Amara would probably kick his ass then drag him outside and run him over with her car then run him over with her motorcycle a few more times." She giggled at the thought of Amara doing just that to someone.

"Maybe the first couple of times. But by the time we had our first time in bed together....I wasn't afraid of that anymore." Rubeus eyed the anime and shook his head. "I think I need a drink."
"Yes, you're right about about that. Though, get your sister angry enough and she'd run him over with her car." He said, laughing a little at the thought. He smiled at the thought of seeing all the girls again. "It'll be nice to see everyone again." He added, kissing her head.

Krystal looked at him with worried blue eyes. "Everything okay ruby?" She asked, cuddling in closer before smiling a little. "I could order us both some champagne?" She added, knowing he liked the taste of it, though she wasn't particularly crazy about it. Krystal still cuddled close, wondering what her ruby prince could possibly be thinking. She was a bit worried at his reaction to the anime.
Serenity giggled. "I still think being run over by a car and a motorcycle after a physical beating would be worse."

Rubeus smiled. "Everything's fine. And I think I'll need something a little stronger than champagne if you want me watching that with you."
Diamond nodded. "Its never good to get amara mad about something like that. She'd be worse than krys., and that's really bad." Diamond stated simply, kissing her head. He shuddered at the thought of both of them angry at the same time.

Krystal smiled back, still unsure. "Alright then love. I'll make some margaritas. Strawberry or watermelon?" She asked, moving out of his arms to get the tequila out of the cubbord, followed by the blender, ice, the two fruits, and two star and moon printed glasses, which she set aside so she could make the drink.
Serenity giggled. "She's still overprotective of me too. I thought Krys was bad....Amara is worse." She shook her head remembering how badly Amara had scared one of her classmates.

"Strawberry. Never did like watermelon." He shook his head. "How anyone would want to make drinks out of such an annoying fruit, I have no idea."
Diamond laughed. "It's only because she loves you and wants to keep you safe bunny. Just like Krys. We would all hate to see you get hurt. Especially me." He said as he Nuzzled into her neck, kissing her cheek softly.

Krystal giggled, putting the watermelon away, cutting off the tops of 6 strawberries, adding the Margarita mix and the tequila and setting it to blend. A bout a minute later, she handed him a Margarita. Krystal took a sip of hers and smiled, laying her head on ruby's shoulder as she cuddled back into him. "So, why do you need a drink to watch this? Worried about it being based on true events?" She asked, genuine curiosity in her eyes.
Serenity giggled. "I know. Doesn't mean she had to make the class nerd almost wet his pants, even if he did claim to have stolen a pair of my underwear to sell on the internet."

Rubeus took a sip of his drink. "Is any of it based on true events?" He eyed her out the corner of his eye.
Diamond laughed again. "Sounds like something amara would do. What did Krys do?" She asked, curiosity in his dark eyes as he cuddled her close and kissed her head. He noticed the box set of DVD's on the table and picked it up, inspecting it. His eyes narrowed when he saw she was paired with Endymion. "You have your own anime, and you never bothered to correct them on who your true love is?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the box set a bit more. He had to see this anime for himself.

Krystal took another sip of her drink. "Some of it. I bought the whole set on DVD when it came out cause I find it endlessly ironic. Bought Mina the sailor v anime on DVD too. This part is only half true. You kidnapped me in it, and then I kissed you and... implied sexual actions happened. The manga is pretty sexual too. This episode is probably edited out of the american anime. Dic dubs suck." She said with a laugh, cuddling into him. "You should see what happens with Sere. For some reason, they pair her with prince Endymion. I mean could you imagine? Yuck." She added, grabbing the DVD sets from the shelf next to her. She admittedly would watch this episode a lot, as it has him in it. She took the booklet out of the box set and showed him the pictures. She could never for the life of her understand why toei had decided to pair Sere with Endymion. He's such a tool.
Serenity shrugged. "Guess they thought I was the type of girl who dreamed of a 'tall dark and handsome' lover. Ask Krys and she'll say he's a tool. But I owe him. He's saved me quite a few times in the beginning." She sat up. "But if you noticed, the plastic wrap is still on the set. I never watched it. It's bad enough Mina has a Sailor V anime too and has gotten a big head from all the fame cause of it. I honestly would rather let Rei set it on fire and I did try. But damn if Krystal didn't plan ahead and put a spell on it to protect it. She watches it and insist I do. If you wanna watch it, might as well go to her place. She watches the anime all the time."

Rubeus chuckled. "That romance factor Krys. That's why. It's supposedly a stereotype thing for women to want a guy who's tall, dark and handsome. Sadly, Sere got pulled into that."
Diamond smiled. "Maybe sometime. I think we should let ruby and Krys some time together. She's been waiting a long time to be in his arms again. Just like I've been waiting a long time to be back in yours." He said softly, smiling as he cuddled into her.

Krystal laughed. "Ah, I see. She goes so much better with dia though. Endymion, while he's a good guy, and has saved her multiple times, is very easily brainwashed. At least dia has more resistance." She said as she took a sip of her Margarita, smiling. "So, what would you like for dinner, my crimson knight?"
Serenity giggled and softly kissed him. "Don't let her get the impression that you've been reading her thoughts though. She'll have a hissy fit."

Rubeus took another sip of his margarita. "Since it's you cooking, surprise me. But if it was Sere...unless you've finally managed to give her lessons."
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