Learning How to Fly (ClearSight x Vawnie Bear)

Fang said she could do slow, and Lighting wanted slow on the most base level, but there were serious doubts about both of those. Could both of them really control the desires that had initially brought them together? Lightning wasn't completely sure she could, but she was going to try regardless, even if going slow only meant slowing down from where they had started, taking a step back, though part of her couldn't stop thinking about the shower and how little that had done to satisfy her and how much it had done to inflame her desires. Still, while those desires were one thing the relationship they were finally embarking on, though still new for Light, was entirely different. As a couple certain activities would become part of her life, going out on dates, getting presents, even simply getting to know one another. Plus their were displays of affection that differed, and Light wasn't entirely sure she was ready for all that, especially not at work where they would both be side by side but where Lightning also needed to keep her image a professional one.

It would all work itself out however, a balance would be struck and they would shape out the relationship together, even if it took some time. Then again they would need to do it quick, the desires weren't going anywhere. Not that she expected everything to change, she had done all of this knowing exactly what kind of person Fang was, that there was no way her personality would shift completely, and she didn't want it to. She found herself attracted to the dominant playful woman who laid with her, the strength that hid away a loving person. She needed that person, she needed who Fang was, and she wouldn't want her to change in the least. That would bring with it certain things surely, nights of passion where Fang wanted her and she didn't want to resist, days where Fang would play with her in public and she would resist but in an effort where she didn't truly want to escape. The shower had been like that, Light had resisted but she knew she didn't want to escape, she wanted Fang to growl and bite and pin her against the tile and take control.

Fang had her own desires though, to be close, and while Lightning would never have dreamed of being close to someone in bed intimately she didn't want to say no, even if it was her first instinct. So she took a moment, settled herself, and let out a long breath before turning her head to look at the beautiful creature laying next to her. She didn't say anything and instead she turned herself over, resting her head on Fang's chest and wrapping an arm around her, a dark deep blush on her cheeks and her eyes looked down to avoid the embarrassment of what she was doing. To her it was unthinkable and utterly embarrassing but in the theme of the night she was pushing that aside and trying her best to show what she really wanted, to be with the only person who felt right to be beside in such a long. So just like not being able to let her walk out the door Lightning couldn't bring herself to ignore what she really wanted, at least not for that night, even if the next morning brought about more of the same old usual Lightning.
As the pink haired soldier settled in against her chest, and into her arms Fang sighed. This is what had been missing from the last time they had been in bed together. The feel of her lover against her body, the soft pulse of breath against shoulder or neck, and an arm about her middle. She drew her arm down around Lightning a soft expression in green eyes.

"Thank you." She murmured. "Sweet dreams, Lightning."

Sleep was a while in coming, the huntress of Oerba lay there wide awake, her body on full alert, not for arm, but her excitement made it pretty hard to just nod off. Her eyes kept opening to gaze down at the crown of pink hair on her chest and that smile returned once more.

She didn't know when she finally fell asleep, there in Lightning room, wrapped around the soldier. But she woke up feeling pretty good, no better than that! She felt AMAZING! She woke early to find her companion still there. No slinking off in the middle of the night as before to get away...

For Serah, the night was filled with shock and awe... she had been noticing changes in her sister, but never had she guessed they were this far along yet. She stood in the hall way staring at Claire's door expecting any minute the grinning playful L'cie to come running out protecting her head or some other important body part as her sister rampaged at her, but it didn't happen...

She didn't know how long she stood there dripping dish water as she waited expecting the usual from Claire. As time stretched on she paced between hall and kitchen returning every few minutes to see how things were going, but still it was calm and quiet on the other side of the door. She smiled as she went to finish cleaning up, and locking up the house.

Claire longed so much for a partner, she fought hard against her own needs... maybe she finally found what it was she had been waiting for. Found what she needed in Fang...
Serah went to bed with a giddy grin on her face.
While Serah stay awake for some time expecting the worst, Lightning was busy sleeping after a surprisingly exhausting day, though perhaps it was to be expected seeing as she rarely experienced so many emotions. Yes, it had been enough to wear Lightning down and the moment she laid her head on Fang she had been out, eyes closing and mind wandering off. Her dreams were darker than the happy day she had however, in which she found herself revisiting old memories she had been repressing as best as she possibly could. Emotions were something Light locked away for a reason, she had been hurt and locked herself away to keep herself strong. That meant, that as strong as Light was, she had never resolved any of her issues, never faced her demons. Her parents, the hardships with raising her sister, and the pain of being left by people she had opened up to. It all swarmed in on her when she was sleeping and sometime in the middle of the night she startled awake with a cold sweat on her forehead. She slowly untangled herself from Fang and sat up, breathing heavily and looking around the room to remind herself where she actually was, though it all still seemed strange when she looked over at Fang.

Panic set in at that point and her first instinct was to run or violently wake Fang and toss her out, the usual reactions she would have to such a situation. Light managed to keep herself together though, taking a long deep breath, wiping her brow, and after a moment curling back up and letting herself drift off again. It wasn't exactly sweet dreams after that but the nightmares went away and the next time she woke it wasn't scared or in a panic, it was with a small smile playing at her face and a deep yawn. This time when she sat up she did so slowly, making sure not to wake Fang, turning and hanging her feet off the bed in order to stretch her almost always sore body out after being curled up all night. While her body was still waking her mind was already off full force, thinking about her dream, about Fang, and especially about what she had done having Fang stay over last night. It was a lot to take in and more than anything else Lightning found herself happy, even if it was all a bit nerve wracking when she thought about it, mainly her having someone close enough to hurt her again, which Fang definitely was.

Light's mind didn't linger for long however, she didn't want to psych herself out, instead she let her body tell her what she should be worrying about, and it told her three things. One, she was hungry, which was not surprising seeing as her body burned through food at an insane pace. Second, she was well-rested, and that was something Light rarely achieved, perhaps due to sleeping alone or trying to carry every single burden on her own, whatever the reason she was feeling good that morning, better than she had in some time. Third, and perhaps the most alarming and difficult to ignore of the feelings, was arousal. Now Light had just decided to take things slow, Fang had agreed, but there was no doubt that just looking at Fang turned Light on and after being together she definitely had a desire for the way Fang alleviated her lust, so it was hard to ignore. Still, Light hoped she could keep herself under control for a bit, or at least stop Fang from noticing what would surely cause the playful huntress to snatch her up and start to play, which would be a disaster if Serah were to hear. Light would never be able to look at Serah again if her sister heard her crying out so early in the morning, because in all her years raising Serah she had never once let her sister hear her in pleasure.

A sigh escaped Light's lips, and after a moment she turned her head back to Fang, deciding to leave her sleeping as long as she wanted, starting to get up, wondering if Serah was awake yet and whether she should try to get breakfast started if not, though perhaps waiting for Serah would be a good idea, Light had never been the most skilled chef.
It seems while Light went through the gambit of her emotions in private reflection Fang began to awaken, so that when her Pink haired soldier moved for the door she turned and caught her hand.

For a moment the sensual dreams that had danced the night away in her head clouded her actions, and she reacted under their influence pulling her newly minted girl friend back towards the bed. She would have pulled her onto it and rolled onto her kissing deeply if not for a remembering a certain agreement to take things slow. This left Lightning's hand caught in hers a step away from the bed, and several from Fang, the space hanging between them heavily.

"Good mornin." She said in a husky voice, her eyes focused on their joined hands as she fought herself, afraid of what would happen if she looked up with that hunger in her eyes. She had promised to take things slower, dreams be damned. It took effort but the Pulsian huntress forced her fingers to open and release Lightnings smaller hand. She cleared her throat and drew her hand back sliding it into her thick unruly mane, taming some of those luxuriant waves and giving herself a second more to squash the hunger inside. She could be good... she would be good. Heck she wanted to be good... to do all those things couples did that did not require sex... amazing or not.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked after a moment, verdant eyes rising to teal blue.
A hand grasping her own caused Light to turn and face Fang and immediately her heart began beating quicker, a small smile rising to her features. Yes, as much as it all made her nervous the slightest touch filled her with joy. Then came the husky voice, a simple good morning but laden with more than Fang may have intended, enough to make Light aware of just what her lovely girlfriend was feeling that morning. Perhaps it was easier to ascertain because Lightning was having very similar desires, or just because that sound was oh so distinct with Fang's sexy voice from the start. Regardless it instantly had Lightning's mind wandering to such wonderful places and the slow relationship idea played in her head. She had asked for something slow, a relationship without pressure or anything she found uncomfortable until they both felt ready. Yet as Fang laid in her bed and that husky voice hit her ears, she couldn't help but want something that was denied to those in a slow or normal relationship, at least at such an early stage. It was a difficult thing but Light had known from the start that their relationship wasn't going to be normal, no relationship with Light ever was. She was a stubborn and rather difficult woman to be with and with Fang it had all started with a one-night stand and progressed quickly to a point where Light knew she wanted to be with her.

Really their relationship was unlikely, so few days between their first night together and a feeling of belonging between the two. Of course they had known each other longer, even if it had not been intimate, and Light had always found the huntress attractive, but still it had been an odd way for a relationship to form. That being said, Light wanted Fang, her own body begging for what was laying right in front of her, for her to give that husky voice what it was it desired. For a moment Light thought about pulling away and making some excuse to escape the room and calm herself, let Fang wake and get some control of that lust so obvious within her. Yet she didn't, Light didn't want to leave Fang's side and she smiled gently when asked how she slept. "I had some unpleasant memories arise during my slumber but it was honestly the best night of sleep I've had in a very long time..." She didn't say it but having Fang next to her that night had been a comfort, a comfort she hadn't had since childhood and one she was looking forward to having again. To make it simple she just wanted to be with Fang, if last night hadn't made that clear the night with her had, being next to her felt right.

Of course what she did next was something else of her own accord, another move by her to show Fang she wasn't in it alone, much like asking her to stay, something neither of them expected. "Fang... Last night was wonderful because of you, not just the sleep but I know it's not easy to deal with how I can be..." She swallowed, crawling back onto the bed without releasing Fang's hand and moving near her, eyes locked with Fang's as she leaned in and stole a kiss from the woman's lips. "Just know... Despite how difficult I can be, I know this is what I want, you are who I want..." She had trouble saying it, allowing that vulnerability to present itself, but as she bit her lower lip she went even further, "And I don't think I can take everything slow... You've already made me unable to take care of something very important myself." She kissed Fang again, a small moan as her tongue played at her partners lips, and then once more she pulled back, her strong eyes waiting for Fang's reaction, still unsure of herself.
Fangs heart skipped a beat as her soldier held onto her hand. A gesture misplaced and perhaps unwanted turned into something more as Lightning refused to allow their hands to part. Warmth filled the huntress, a mix of emotions she was sure she would experience again and again as they grew acquainted with one another. It heartened her that a small smile rose to those lovely lips rather than something more negative for her already forgetting... It drew a smile of her own onto full lips, one that only grew more as her soldier confessed that sleeping together had been good for her.

"I'm pleased ta hear it." She had worried some that her presence would put the tightly wound soldier in a worse tizzy than her usual. Being in her own right, a soldier, she knew how sleep could be fleeting, and when your circumstances changed it made sleep all the more difficult. She sort of imagined their first night to be full of up's and down's but it seemed Light had a pretty good night. Of course there was that one time she woke up, but Fang had remained half asleep through it all...

Her contemplation of sleep ended rather abruptly as Lightning closed the space between them, and her lips found Fangs. It wasn't a long kiss, but definitely a pleasant one. If Lightning was hoping to go slow this was certainly not the way to go about it. She made a soft brief noise of appreciation as Lightning pulled back and continued her the best morning wake up call she could have imagined...

"...you are who I want..."

What came next drew that sexy grin onto her lips, a fact she was very proud of... ruining Light to her own ministrations... the implications were endless and sexy as hell to contemplate.

Another kiss... this one longer, hinting at the lust tangling in Lightning this morning as it incited her own desires and fanned the flame of her healthy libido. A hand came to the small of Light's back a few fingers finding skin beneath her shirt as she caressed and leaned into the kiss, following her girlfriend forward as Light leaned back. She mirrored that pleased sound that rolled from Lightnings mouth but embellished on it as want filled her own soft moan.

They looked at one another as their lips parted, the Huntress and Soldier from different worlds who were meant to be together...

Fang licked her lips and swallowed some of that curling passion. "You are the one for me." She reiterated her words from last night, reenforcing that she believed them to be true... and that she still stood by them. Lips parted as she tried to control the racing of her heart. She looked down to their joined hand and shifted her fingers until they interlocked with Lightnings.

Fang wanted to say something to show she had heard and recognized the gift that her partner had presented her this morning, she was no poet... but she would spend the rest of her life trying to express how wonderful and how special, and how amazing she found her partner...

"Thank you." She murmured in that husky voice, but her tone was reverent and gentle filled with all those things she did not yet know how to express. She would have to work on that, words were not her strong suit, but action was... as if to prove it she leaned forward and caught Lightnings lips in a soft kiss despite her raging hormones this morning.
Words had never been Lightning's most skilled form of communication, not because she couldn't be articulate but because she didn't express emotion in her words, or at least it was a rare thing if she did. In fact the only Serah received that special part of Lightning, or at least that was all who had in a long time. Fang was quickly falling in to the category but there was still a way to go on that communication front, Lightning wasn't confident or willing enough to completely open herself up and speak her feelings. Fang seemed to be the same type, Lightning had figured that out quickly enough and honestly it was a comfort to know she wasn't the only one who found words a difficult medium for communicating the thoughts and emotions she was feeling towards the woman. However, they both had another way to get their feelings across, a way they seemed equally skilled in using to communicate, action. Lightning had always been a woman of action and Fang was the same way, finding the doing easier than the saying, finding actual proof in action more powerful than promises and explanations in language. So when Fang gave her that soft gentle kiss she knew exactly what it meant and a smile appeared on her face.

Lightning had been coming on to Fang, not throwing herself at her but enough to make it clear that some things weren't going to be so easy to make slow and steady, that she needed more than a peck on the cheek to be satisfied and that her fingers no longer cut it. Still, Fang managed to control herself through that, and she was a very impulsive passionate person, and that meant a lot. It was proof that while she was horny, that he feelings for Lightning were stronger than her urges for sex. Now, while that made Light happy, while the smile on her face was warm and joyful, it didn't give her what she found herself wanting. So after leaning in and reciprocating the gentle kiss she leaned back and chewed on her lower lip, looking into Fang's eyes as if asking whether or not there was more, whether or not she would be suffering for the rest of the day after spending a night next to a woman who inflamed her lust to rather ridiculous levels. She didn't want that.

As further proof, in the only way either of them truly knew how, action, Lightning leaned in once more and once again kissed Fang in a manner that expressed more desire than romance. Not that the two were mutually exclusive but there desire was the main point. More than that a hand had slipped its way between them and was fondling Fang's breast, squeezing and kneading through fabric, at the same time her other hand moved down and gripped Fang's thigh, leaving her body pressed up against the huntress. As the kiss ended her lips moved towards Fang's ear, a gentle nip at the earlobe as her heavy hot breath spilled against the woman's flesh, "Fang... I want you to take me..." Nothing elegant or articulate, no playful jesting or words that required decoding, it was a straight forward desire and while it seemed almost unfathomable for Light to have sex with Serah still in the house she just couldn't help herself, she wanted Fang too badly and she was just hoping she could keep her voice controlled and Serah ignorant while still getting what she needed.
A wave of searing desire flooded Fang as Lightning leaned back with that silent question on her face. Goddess she wanted this woman... wanted her in every sense of the word... to have and to hold now and forever was in there as much as her hunger for the pink haired soldier. When Lightning kissed her, she leaned into it barely needing further urging as her body ached for Lightning this morning...

Large strong hands came to the soldiers hips and pulled her into her lap, more than that she pulled her against her own scantily clad hips and leaned in for another kiss. A hungry kiss that was passion and heat, and desire, expending and yet creating more of the same thing between them. It both fed and was fueled as she took the soldiers mouth with all those hungry needs and drank deeply.

There was no prolonged foreplay, no working up to the good stuff... she rolled her girl under her and slipped her hand between them pausing only when her hand found Lightnings neat trim sex with sensitive fingers. She tore her lips away from the kiss and groaned softly her delight at the treasure she now touched. Her mind going through a list of ideas about what she wanted, and how best to have her soldier...

There was a reigning in of her own hunger as her fingers slipped the lips of her lover and tested her desire getting painted fingers. "Mnh, you feel so good... so ready for me..." She crooned in that playful sexy voice, low and growly this morning. She kissed Lightning again, a soft press of lips, and slow play of tongue as if to say "thank you..." And she slipped into her lover and gave herself over to all those desire she had awoke with.
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