Learning How to Fly (ClearSight x Vawnie Bear)

"Fang do you have a memory problem?" Fang couldn't help the smirk that slid across her lips. Asking her not to wear it at that moment would have been to tell her not to breathe. There was something viscerally satisfying to slip under that cool soldiers skin and rile her up. As if touching those soft places reminded her that humanity existed under that stone surface. "No Ma'am." Fang said rather jovially. She set her lance down on the walk and leaned against it. A casual gesture that maximized the muscles in abdomen, shoulders and arms. Fang KNEW she looked good, and she KNEW lightning express it or not, enjoyed that view… She had caught her peeking one too many times not to notice. "Are ya saying I dress inappropriately?" She asked raising a dark brow. Lightning seemed exceedingly stiff this morning. Her very speech was something crisp and formal, while it should have annoyed the huntress she rather found it amusing. The more she got under that lovely silken skin the more Lightning seemed determined to hold her at bay.

"Pshh. People think o me as a dirty Pulse L'Cie, they probably think you're a saint for haven ta deal with the likes of me, my clothing don't even make it into the picture before they judge me. I can dress my self, thanks." She ran a hand down her side it continued down her hip and thigh before rising to settle on her hip where the low tails of the front of her chemise rested at the waist band of her britches.
"And you can pretend not to enjoy my current state of dress, but we both know how much you really like it." Fang said, effectively challenging the look Lightning had given her only seconds ago. There was little the huntress did not challenge when it came to Light. When Lightning said she was going to start training for the unit Fang nodded shifting from the previous subject with out much fanfare. She picked up her lance and followed after the Sergeant to the training room where the team was gathered.

Jenkins was the first man off of the weight bench and onto his feet when Lightning entered the building. He stood respectfully to attention. "Good morning Sergeant Farron, Fang." Fang grinned and gave a casual wave. The other men stood up too, there was less disrespect in their eyes today, and a hunger to be better. They wanted what she said they could have… that status as a team who was considered elite. They had gotten a taste of what it was, and it appealed to them. Fang set her lance aside so she might be able to work with them.
Oh how Light found herself wishing Fang was another fresh recruit who had a proper understanding of rank and respect. Not that she didn't believe Fang was respectful but she didn't have the same form of respect as the usual soldier, it was a respect shown without ceremony and difficult to notice unless you understood the subtleties between two powerful warriors. Still, if she was just another greenhorn Light could use her personality and position as a commanding officer to keep her in line. Actually no, that wouldn't work, Fang was too damn relaxed, she could handle what her personality brought her way. No, there was nothing she could do to keep her in line and she knew that, better than most after the few situations she had found herself in with Fang. Not to mention just standing there, while she was attempting to get Fang to act more like a soldier, she instead only got an eyeful of a body that had haunted her dreams. Hard muscle flexed and her body remembered what having that body pressing up against her felt like, how she squirmed in ecstasy when her motion was inhibited by Fang's perfect figure.

She managed to keep her gaze averted and ignore the body displayed before her, scoffing as Fang called her bluff. She focused on the men gathering before them, showing both herself and Fang respect that they had no displayed previously. Light gave a small smile before resuming her stoic temperament and looking at each and every one of them, not speaking for a moment as they all kept themselves composed. She then looked back to Fang, who had already made herself ready to help as if she wasn't simply doing community service but an officer alongside Light. Not that it really angered the rose haired soldier, it was interesting how well she fit the role, but it was rather odd that the group of soldiers would give her such respect. She was glad though, being a Pulse L'cie was difficult, she liked to think that it had changed at least in that unit, for those men who needed to know they could trust the two of them in order to survive. That was a good thing, and she knew it would only help what was to come, that they could take instruction from her and from Fang as well.

"Okay soldiers, today we are changing gears a bit. We are going to continue our same training regime, perhaps more intense in some aspects, but there is a major change. From now on we focus on strengths in this unit. The generic weapons and tactics are going to be cast aside and like myself and Fang, as well as those of my previous unit, you will all be evaluated and given weapons that suit your skills." She paused, looking back to Fang before walking towards the soldiers, looking intently at each one of you. "So first thing is first, half of you are with me, the other half with Fang, we are going to see what your basic aptitudes are. Strength, speed, agility, eventually marksmanship and some different weapons depending on your body types. Now get to it, you guys with Fang, the rest with me."
Fang motioned the three men that Light had handed off to come with her. They found a space in the training room and she set them through their drills. Standing and not just observing as they went at one another but acting as that fourth man and instructing them through example. She helped refine their knowledge of battle tactics, and refreshed their knowledge on over come enemies who were bigger and stronger.

Montgomery watched his Sergeant working with her men, he saw great things in her, and knew there would come a time when the fact that she was Pulse L'cie would not matter. He flipped the cameras with a press of his mouse to the far side of the training center. Oerba Yun Fang… a surprising character to say the least. He smirked finding her brash, carefree attitude and approach refreshing to the more rigid form of the Corp. A perfect counterpoint to Lightnings own style. Already he had seen changes shifting his Sergeant by her presence. He threaded his fingers and rest his chin on them as he watched both women with their small group of soldiers.

Lightning commanded with an honest, and forthright form, she was strict but fair, much like a true Drill Instructor. Her eye to detail was that of some one twice her age. She grilled and informed, and demanded your finest… Fang was more fluid, charismatic and playful, she shaped her team by challenging them rather than demanding. There was hardly a time where a smile wasn't pulled onto her features. The thing both women had in common was that people were moved to greatness in their presence. They hungered for acknowledgment and acceptance now that they knew what it was they had in their presence… He may have continued to watch them for a longer time but his phone rang. Montgomery breathed a deep sigh and shifted to answer it. The powers that be had come to know about the anomaly that was Fang, and now they were trying to remove her from under his care. He knew it was only time before they realized what he had. But he was determined to keep her for as long as he could and so gird himself for battle.
"Captain Montgomery…"

Fang grinned at Aagen "Thas fabulous!" She said. He lowered the lance down with a sigh and grinned back. Of her three she had a lancer, a sniper, and a strategist who could second as a close combat second. A second could never survive the place as a first, one who drew the enemies eye and stood in the rain of their power, but they were not worthless either. It was the seconds who whittled down the enemies defenses and health. "It will flow with you, but it takes practice." She told him, he wiped at the sweat of his brow and nodded back. After having watched Fang battle with her lance he knew what it was he wanted to do… and he would apply all of himself to learning the art from the master who had inspired him.
"Lets see what your Sergeant has." She said after some time had passed. The four of them moved across the training center to find Lightning working with her group.

Fang stood back respectfully and watched the pink haired soldier. Her beautiful face a mask of grim determination. A small smirk came to full lips. As Lightning watched with a critical eye, the men under her tutelage, Fang watched Lightning and the subtle movement of that gorgeous body that was hers. Dark green eyes sweeping over her grace as she thought about holding her in her arms, their bodies pressed together, water falling against them… the soldiers voice, beautifully pitched as Fang drew cries from her parted lips. That small smirk grew into something more intimate.
Lightning's take on training and command in general was one of strictness, where her experienced and abilities demanded respect and compliance. It was fair and there was no deception but it was sometimes too blunt and took some time to get use to. So now that the units under her command had found a respect for her that they hadn't had before things went much more smoothly. In fact Light found herself having the easiest time she had ever experienced with the new group and it was an amazing experience. She used her eye for detail and understanding of people and combat to watch and begin thinking about what styles would suit each of her three. It wasn't going to be a short process, she was sure a few of her initial recommendations would need to be tweaked or changed, but she was already getting ideas, though marksmanship would tell more, as those with an incredible accuracy would be capable of providing the most effective support. She just hoped one particular soldier had a skill for ranged combat, he would make a decent strategic commander like Akira, not quite as skilled as her but he was intelligent and learned quickly, not to mention he had a personality that could inspire, an while Light adored Akira she as a cold calculated type, Crim inspired.

Luckily he ended up being a marksman, so a ranged support with the ability to inspire with some tactical know how, it would work. Of the other two one could wield a sword rather nicely and the other could shoot quite well, though not sniper worthy, perhaps a more heavy suppression ranged support. Regardless it would work and as her rather elegant form of instruction continued she found herself enjoying it. Not that Light would ever show that she was enjoying something, no that was too much. She kept her face stoic, barking orders and moving around with the soldiers, and by the end they were already being assigned the primary styles to focus on, to see if everything would fit in well. Each of them seemed drawn to Lightning's tutelage, watching and hanging on her every word. They wanted to be like here even if it was only in a small way and so as she gave instruction they showed rapid improvement and accepted their new styles by her recommendation alone, even if they thought another more intriguing.

Light was so involved with her group that it took her a while to realize that Fang and her few had wandered over, though she still didn't stop immediately. She let her men continue their last set and went over to give them all a few more pieces of advice before turning and walking over to Fang, letting the men all convene, excitingly discussing their new roles within the unit. While they did that Light found herself next to Fang and they were a sight to see, just the way Light held herself around the woman hinting at a change relative to the way they had been at the beginning. "I see your soldiers have some new weapons. If they all stick with those styles I think we would have quite the unit, a good mix of close quarters and range, and then there are a few bright guys among them as well. Once they have the weapons down tactics will be next, but I imagine it will take some time until that is ready." The way she was talking to Fang made it seem like she was expecting Fang to be around for quite some time and while she attempted to remain stoic there was a small hint of relaxation as she was comfortable with Fang, even if she didn't want to be.

Yet as astute as Light was when watching the soldiers train she failed to notice the look on Fang's face when she had turned to her and she was still as oblivious as ever to what the woman was thinking. She tried to remain professional, didn't think about what she knew Fang wanted, and did her best to avoid looking at the body she so yearned for but it wasn't easy. "I'll probably make them each a custom daily regime to work on their strengths with a general physical fitness portion built in. For today they are still tired so some light training and some independent research on their weapon types would probably do well enough. However I still want to watch them for today. Anything I need to know about your group?" As boring and professional as always but as she waited for Fang to respond there was a look in her eyes, not lust or anger, not an attempt to hide anything, it was respect and she truly wanted to know what Fang had seen, as even Light knew what she had in Fang being part of her unit.
A smile grew bigger on her lips as she sensed the pleased emotion beneath that calm stern face. When they were alone she would have to gently tease about lights face growing old before its time due to the constant mask she wears. But for now she let it go, now was not the time... she didnt want to upset that delicate emotion that Light was feeling. That and the pride she no doubt felt as they stood back and watched her men show each other some of the new things they had learned. When asked about what she had she nodded to each man in turn. "Lancer." "Sniper." "Close combat second." As the men did a bit of play now that their own routine was through fang mentioned. "Idesh seems to have a good mind for thinking ahead of the situation." She waved her hand back and forth a bit. "His close combat is sloppy his range is even worse, but with proper training he could manage Second. I am duly impressed with Kantar's range with a long shot weapon. And Specialist Aagen has shown great initiative in the lance. It is not every day some one can catch my attention with my own weapon. He's a bit stiff, but the fluidity will come."

Fang shifted planting her lance in such a way that her hip brushed Lightnings. A casual touch barely of note as she settled a bit. "What of yours?" She asked Lightning. Jenkins had been in Lightnings group, and he seemed pretty enthusiastic about what they were learning... The men looked like children with new toys, and the delight in their eyes was the knowledge that everything in their life was going well for them. It was heartening to see the shift in them, not only did they better respect Lightning, but also one another.

There was a comfortablness about the entire situation that pulled on the huntress from Oerba. It felt good to make a difference, and to be able to share progress. Progress with the men, progress with Lightning... it was a great day though all they did was assess, practice, and learn.

After her community service was over, Fang actually did not hang around today. She had errands to run once more. One of them being the collection of food for her place. Which meant shopping... Fang rather enjoyed shopping believe it or not. It always surprised her to see what things they could manage to collect together, package and offer to the public. It was very different. Oh when they were little they had a market in Oerba, but nothing like the grocery store that the seaside town of bodhum had.

Fang was standing in the meat section perusing the cuts of meat. Her body said she was relaxed, but the quirk of her brow belied that easy grace. She was trying to decide if she had enough gil to get the expensive behemoth chuck or if she had to settle for something less. It was an odd thing to her how they got the price of the meat... in Oerba it only took a trip out to the Stepp and she could have fresh meat from there. Her cart had a few things but thus far not so much. There were so many things to choose from she wasnt sure what half of the items were... but she was undaunted.
Lightning found herself enjoying the conversation with Fang, now that her foul mood towards the woman was being kept at bay and embarrassment controlled. It had been her own fears and distancing that made it awkward and with that gone, well she honestly enjoyed speaking with the other Pulse L'cie for numerous reasons. One of which was how personable Fang was, as well as the fact that Fang knew her in a different way than most had the opportunity to and it allowed her to speak in a slightly different way, without having to hide everything, even if she still did hide some. It ended up doing her good to put some trust in Fang, on comparison of their groups she learned that they would have a sniper, a ranged tactical unit, and a heavy support for their long ranged units. There was also a lancer who Fang seemed interested in since he shared a like for her own weapon, Jenkins seemed to have a bit of talent with a sword which was Light's area of expertise, and someone with a decent head that could train to support in close quarters. It was a pretty good group and on her own it would have taken Light much longer to identify their strengths, it would also take her longer to train them when that started, but with Fang, well it made things seem easier before they even started.

Just like what the soldiers were going through, accepting Light and Fang, Light was also making progress on accepting Fang and that was a giant step forward for her, much larger than a repeated sexual encounter. Yet there was still a difference. When the regular day was over Fang headed out, just like the others, and Light found herself back by herself, trying her best to cope with the stresses of command, and one of those stresses was paperwork. She had a pile on her desk a mile high and after discussing some plans with the men in her unit, advising them on some daily changes and even promoting a night of relaxation after training and their mission the day before, she got to work. Of course they had invited her to come along but she had declined, she didn't want to drink in front of her subordinates and she had a good deal to do. By the time she would be done it would no doubt be dinner time, if not a bit after. Serah was always prepared for her to be late though and she would be waiting as usual with something ready for Light, even if she went ahead and ate. Sometimes Lightning felt like a burden to her sister.

- - -

Serah never thought about her sister as a burden, in fact she felt like the burden and one that Light had dealt with admirably for her entire life. So every single thing she could do for her older sis was done with gusto, and that included making her meals almost daily. They were always home cooked as well, and that meant shopping often. For that night's dinner she hadn't formulated a plan yet, she was just going around looking at all the different items in the store, having shopped there most of her life and still feeling overwhelmed at times with the magnitude of what could be purchased. "Hmm..." She tapped a finger on her chin as she inspected meats. She had already gotten the sides, some vegetables and a bit of rice, and she had also grabbed some stuff to make Light something sweet. There was only meat, and she could get something a bit lighter or the more expensive bit, though Light always told her not to worry about price now that she had a senior position she always did, always wanting to save Light some trouble. Sure she had her own money but that was out of the question, Light always had a fit if she didn't save her money for items for herself or the future, just like an older sister.

It was a minute in to her starting and contemplating random things, zoning out as it were, to notice she wasn't alone in doing so. She turned to see a rather large but beautiful woman doing the same, glancing from meat to meat but with even more confusion than Serah. She looked very out of place in fact and she squinted for a moment, staring with some unknown thought bubbling at her mind. She felt like she had seen or recognized this woman from somewhere but she couldn't place it and after a moment of staring she took a breath and tilted her head. "Hiya, I'm not sure I've seen you around before." She had a sing-song tone to her voice and a friendly smile on her face. She was adorable really and there was a look to her that was incredible similar to Lightning, many of their features matching, but there was also a spirit no doubt imparted from her older sister. "Did you just move around here? Don't see too many new faces around." She was still smiling and then she fumbled on some words and tried to remember her manners. "I'm Serah by the way." A small laugh escaped her lips, looking up to Fang and tilting her head, she had a presence similar to Light, a strength that wasn't all so common.
Fang wasnt sure how long she stared at the two cuts of meat wondering if she could simply find a behemoth and slay it for... what her tiny fridge? Green eyes shifted when some one addressed her. The rose from her two choices to find a familiar pink haired face before her. She unconsciously stood taller. Perhaps seeing something of the woman she was chasing in this younger version of her. "Hey." She replied casually and nodded with an easy grin. She lowered the two choices down as she took in the whole that was this younger version of a certain angry soldier. The lines of her body sleek trim, gentle... she lacked that hard edge, that refined form that was what she dreamed of night and day... There was a tentative soul, a gentle creature, nothing like the woman she knew. She guessed right off this was Lightnings kid sister, and suddenly all the pieces fit...

"I am new." She said and grinned, she totally did not tell Serah she probably saw her showing off all her yummy bits on the tube just a few days ago... "I just got in town bout a month ago." She said easily. "Been settling in and what not. Nice place yor town." She said as if it were not her own. "Shoppin be a bit confusing... I come from a small place." She said and set one of the cuts of meat back, tucking the more expensive one into her basket. "Names Fang." She said. "So, Serah... yor having trouble too?" She asked and here she was amused, because if she guessed right, the Farron girls were established members of the Bodhum community. Why Serah was having trouble picking out her groceries was a mystery to the dark haired huntress.

"Are you shopping for dinner?" She asked and when Serah affirmed her guess she grinned. "How d'ya find all the stuff your lookin for? There's so much." Serah giggled, it was a cute girlish sound, it made Fang wonder if Light had ever made such a sound, and when she might have stopped making such a sound... Serah became Fangs guide, they went through the store together, talking about Bodhum, favorite recipies, and the best way to cook Behemoth steaks. "What ya gotta do, is soak em ova night ya see. Lets all the juices soak in, and then ya cook em slow ova an open flame, searin em just right." Fang's words were soft consonats and round vowels, drawing out the sounds in such a way it was easy for the younger Farron to know she enjoyed cooking.
"I should invite ya ta my place some time for the perfect steak!" Fang said. Then looked thoughtful. "Have ta get a barbi first but thats no problem."
Serah was all smiles as she talked with Fang, she was incredibly nice and friendly, just easy to get along with really. She even mentioned a way to cook the Behemoth steaks and mentioned having her over to eat, it was all very welcoming and then a perfect idea came to Serah. Since Fang didn't have things set up to cook that well, and seeing as the bigger steak would have to marinate, she should invite her over. She didn't think Light would mind, plus Fang was so laid back, even Lightning should be able to be sociable with her. So she looked with a smile and waved a piece of meat at Fang, "Hey, I've got the best idea~" She sang, putting the meat in the basket and giving just the sweetest smile. "How about you come and eat with me and my sister tonight. It may take a bit longer to prepare but she is always late anyways so there shouldn't be a problem." She giggled looking into her group of ingredients and nodding, "Yeah we have plenty. Now come come, follow me." Once again that sweet smile appeared on her face and suddenly there was a bit of Lightning in her, it was in the determination, how she didn't seem to be taking no for an answer, and how strong she seemed beneath the easygoing surface.

- - -

Lightning had just finished doing all the backed up paperwork and done her rounds to make sure everyone was gone, it was time to head home. Light wasn't particularly tired, a bit frustrated after being cooped up in her office writing reports but it wasn't too bad, nothing one of Serah's home cooked meals wouldn't take care of. That was what she was looking forward to as well, to get a good meal and talk with her sister, those were always the best nights. Serah was such a sweet girl, no doubt she would be waiting even though Light was so late, over an hour in fact. That being the case she made her way home quickly, moving as fast as she could down the street, ignoring anything that got in her way. It was only when she got home that she could smell food cooking as she opened the door. It smelt amazing and it meant she wasn't too late, in fact as she entered into the house she could hear cooking still going on and Serah was giggling. Light assumed it was Snow, or perhaps she was just enjoying herself, Serah was happy enough to giggle on her own.

"Serah, I'm home!" She smiled, Serah's voice coming back with a "Welcome home, we have a guest for dinner tonight so clean up and come to the kitchen." Lightning sighed but it wasn't an upset sigh, as it was probably just Snow and she had become use to the guy, plus Serah loved him so she dealt with it, anything for her baby sister. "Will do." She said moving to her bedroom, placing her weapon to the side and going towards the bathroom splashing some water on her face and looking up into the mirror. She leaned her neck to the side and pushed some of her clothing to the side, running a finger along her skin where Fang had marked her, not feeling it but knowing it had been there. She shivered, just remembering it had warmed her cheeks, what that woman could do to her was unmatched by anything else the soldier had ever experienced. She still wasn't comfortable or sure of just what the hell she was doing but there was one thing she was sure about, when Fang took her she felt more pleasure than she had ever felt with another person, and that was hard to ignore. "What am I going to do..." She sighed, a bit more herself at home with Serah.
Fang found Serah impeccably charming. A perfect mixture of Lightning and her own playful naivety. What ever had shaped her elder sister into the soldier had not left the same marks upon the younger Farron girl. She was playful, seemingly carefree, and quite jovial. There was that determination that drove Lightning, the one that insisted with out arguments that she be a good little guest and agree. She was sort of grateful for Serahs tenacity, life in Bodhum had not been one of social graces, she worked, searched, protected, slept and started the process all over again the next day.

The Farron house like the girls was a mixture of sturdy and charming constitution. Fang instantly liked the space... at least from the outside. She stared at the face as Serah handed her a bag of groceries. She shifted it to one arm and offered another as her eyes drank in the cultivated yard and well maintained home. To say she wasn't curious would have been saying she learned how to live with out breath. They entered the home and it was filled with things that rather surprised Fang. Gentle memories of a life that had once been... A smiling family and happy smiling girls. Fang paused in the entry hall looking at the first photo that you noticed upon entering. The Farron family, Husband, Wife, and a little Lightning standing beside her papa, a smile on her face, in her mothers arms the little bundle that was no doubt Serah...

She followed Serah slowly pausing to slip out of her shoes so as not to track in the dirt from outside. Their house was warm in color, and looked like it held love... Further down the hall towards the kitchen the photos showed the girls growing, intimate candid shots with mother or father... and then suddenly the happiness was gone... Fang paused at the first photo that held neither parent. Serahs graduation, both sisters standing side by side. Lightning in her uniform looking like a blank slate as Serah held onto her. Diploma in one hand, flowers in the other. She stepped back down the hall and gazed at the last family photo, there was quite a bit of time between it and the graduation picture. . . Fang moved into the kitchen setting down her bag of groceries.
"Now tha only way this is gonna work is if ya give me somethin ta do." She started unpacking the bag. As she did she thought about those pictures on the wall. That space of time that had elapsed between the two images... it said a lot. The change from the happy young girls to the grim faced soldier... Lightning had once been like her sister. Once been brilliant and bubbly perhaps... Green eyes shifted to Serah who turned on her and put a hand to her hip.
"You are a guest." Fang smiled.
"Perhaps, but ya cant keep me in a kitchen and tell me not to cook... its not fair." She swayed her own hip out much like Serah had and placed a hand upon it giving that same easy attitude back to her hostess. Serah laughed and pulled her hand off her hip. "Well in that case, why not wash our vegetables and I will get you a cutting board and knife. You can work on them while I get the rest started." Fang worked with practiced ease. The hand of a woman who knew her way around cooking, more than that she enjoyed it. A nice pass time. They talked about cooking again. Fang shared that it was something she loved to do. Food made people happy, and she enjoyed making others happy when she wasn't busy saving the world. Serah laughed. "Now you sound like my sister." There was a lot of that too, little revelations about the absent soldier. Fang felt as if the true Lightning was taking shape at last in her mind.

"I hope some day you can meet my sista, Vanille. She is playful and bubbly too. Loves to talk." The way she said that made Serah think that perhaps Vanille liked to do it more so than her elder sister, and thus far Fang had not been a feather weight conversationalist. She was fluid, and rolled with the changes in conversation with an easy step. Her laugh was unhindered, and her witty repartee was refreshing. They were verbally sparring when Lightning entered the house. Fang challenging the school teacher in word games that left her laughing. "Serah, I'm home!"

Fang fell quiet as the younger sister told her bigger one they had company. Fang smirked and imagined the soldier giving a soft sigh, as if Serah was always having guests... she seemed the type. A social butterfly who flourished with dynamic companions having lively conversation at the dinner table. She could imagine Light sitting at the table with her unreadable mask firmly in place and some how Serah was able to juggle around her sisters lack of conversation like a champ. Fang reached across snagging the long neck bottle with deft fingers. Drawing it to her lips for a long draft before setting it down again.
"So, school teacher..." Fang said getting a grin and nod from Serah.
"Mhm." Serah was working on the desert, a spoon in one hand and a bowl in the other.
"Had lots of practice with moody temper tantrums?"
Serah laughed shaking her head. "My kids are generally older than that." She said.
"Hm..." Fang murmured as she went back to slicing rolland berries. Her fingers were stained a deep hue of red from slicing the fruit for Serah, who had noticed how very good she was with a knife when it came to slicing vegetables.

Fang was standing in the kitchen, her back to the door, her dark mane of hair pulled back with a band from Serah, some strands of her luxuriant dark hair falling free around her face. She had a black apron folded in half so the bib was tucked under, and tied about her hips. Framing her perfect ass with dark drawstrings. She was in her socks, and looked totally at home as she talked with Serah and helped finish their meal. She felt totally relaxed, even though her stomach had a whole flock of butterflies in it. She felt giddy, and was sipping her beer slowly so she was not overwhelmed by the high she was already channeling. She hungered to see Lightnigns reaction to her presence in this... her sanctuary, with the singularly most important person to her in both of their worlds.
Light didn't spend long in her room, company or not she wanted to spend some time with Serah, and she was also quite hungry. Light usually ate a very small lunch and while Serah tried to give her large breakfasts those didn't last long with her level of activity and metabolism. So by the time she got around to dinner she was always ready to eat, it was no exception that night. In fact she was hungrier than ever as delicious smells wafted through the house, causing her stomach to rumble quietly, pushing her onwards towards the tantalizing smells. "Serah, it smells great, I can't wait to see what you made tonight." Her voice was lighter as she approached the kitchen, obviously relaxed in her own home. That's how it was though, not only because being with Serah and away from the rest of the world allowed her to drop her masks a tad, but because she had so many memories in their home, memories of before she and Serah were alone, back when she was young and everything was happy. She didn't actively remember those memories but they influenced her still, making certain places more comfortable and allowing her relaxation under some conditions.

Yet being without parents for such a time had caused Light to develop with needs that many didn't have. A need for someone to take some of the load from her, to take control, and it also made it more difficult for her to accept change because change had never been a good thing while raising her sister. However as she walked into the kitchen that was precisely what was in front of her and her eyes. Light's eyes narrowed, fighting the urge to focus in on the sexy fucking image and keep her mind on what exactly it was. That proved difficult considering what Fang was wearing, it constantly took her attention and where she should have reacted immediately it took her a few moments, took her until Serah turned around and noticed her standing in the doorway. "Light~" She squealed gently, moving through the kitchen and wrapping her arms around her sister who hugged her back, unable to stop herself when it was her sis. "Serah... What is she doing here?" Light's voice was rather demanding and it was clear that she knew who Fang was.

"Huh?" Serah let go of Light, looking up and seeing an expression on her face she hadn't seen often, one of mixed emotion. Light was usually blunt and straight forward, there was no confusion or mix of anything within her, but when she looked at Fang that was precisely what Light had on her face. That allowed Serah to put the dots together quickly, about who Light had been with, who had been making her act differently, and most of all that Fang had to have known who she was if her and Light knew each other or at least have an idea. She almost grinned but stopped, no she would remain calm and let herself see what happened between the two. Oh it was like Christmas, the fact that someone wanted to come see Light knowing how she could be, that Light had someone who was influencing her, and she was thrilled. "Well, I suppose you two know each other, however, that doesn't ruin dinner does it? I mean Fang was kind enough to help... Besides, you two don't seem unfriendly" She smiled, innocent but there was plenty going on behind that facade. Light just looked across the kitchen at Fang with her eyes narrowed, almost ignoring Serah, though her voice was softer and more controlled. "Fine, dinner, but then she leaves..." Light wasn't excited about Fang being there for many reasons and perhaps most of all because she wasn't sure she could keep her desires for the woman hidden, and for some reason letting Serah see her that way was no acceptable.
Serah turned and happily cried her sisters name. Fang paused a moment reaching nonchalantly for her beer. The one she had been nursing all afternoon. Turning slowly she faced the sisters. One temporarily perplexed, the other displeased, or something close to. She leaned back against the counter and smiled that sassy sexy grin to Light and lifted her beer to finish it. Lifting her chin she downed the rest of the drink. Her eyes swept over Lightning once again drinking in her beautiful form. She seemed totally undeterred by the soldiers demanding and not at all worried of her current place in the house. The tawny she cat slunk forward after setting her bottle down and circled the sisters. Her hips brushed against Lightnings as she circled around behind her and spoke in a softer voice, a sensual teasing causing it to husk.
"I met yor sista at the market and when she invited me for suppa I couldn't say no." Her hand teased the soldier as she slipped in behind her, caressing ever so softly against her hip and the small of her back before her hand disappeared.
"I thought it a perfect time to learn where you lived. Considering I still have ... something... of yors." She returned to stand in front of both sisters a chagrin on her lips. She teased the soldier, pressed her forward, incited emotion, begged for a response, and grinned through it all. Lightning was more than any other woman she had ever met before. Her passion was like a fire that her self control kept int the smallest flame. It burned hot and deeply, and she wanted to know everything about her. How was she able to resist when this opportunity to know Lightnings home dynamic arose? She had told Lightning she wanted her… and that meant everything that was her…

She grinned pleased as Lightning grudgingly agreed to allow her to dine with them. Fang was thrilled though that smile never faltered.
"Good, cause we have been working on a magnificent dinner." She said and turned breaking her stare. She moved to the stove in her chemise, jeans and damn apron strings. The sensual line of her spine was exposed to both sisters as she picked up a wood spoon to stir dinner. Lifting the pan she tipped it, and tossed the sauteing meats and vegetables flipping them over, she slid the pan back and forth again and their meal continued to churn. She looked very at home there in Lightnings house. As if she had always been there… and that someday she would soon be again.

Fang was polite, and playful, she talked with Serah about what she was doing with Lightnings crew, though she didn't mention how she got there, and how the men were starting to change after their big fight. It was clear she was really excited about those developments. She mostly behaved herself, but every now and then something clearly playful slipped out. Her green eyes shifting to Lightning, pausing to observe the soldier who was eating with them.
It was already hard enough for Light to keep herself calm, even with Serah asking her to do so, but when Fang brushed up against her it became all the more difficult. She knew Serah hadn't seen, she hadn't reacted, but Fang had to hold back a small moan, mind instantly slipping to how incredible her touch could feel. Instead she grit her teeth and looked at Fang with a menacing face, but the words she was so close to saying were shoved back down her throat when Fang mentioned that little something of hers she had left behind. She swallowed, thinking about her panties and what Serah would think, and she kept her mouth shut, almost snarling. "Let's just eat... I'm tired and so ready for this day to be over..." She had multiple meanings for sure, wanting to get Fang out of her place so she could relax, not be on edge with each touch or word from Fang's mouth, not having to worry if Serah would find out about her fling with the woman so casually moving around their home. Fang looked comfortable too, she moved through the kitchen and stirred dishes, all the while seeming completely relaxed and acclimated to the house, and there were mixed emotions.

On one hand it was almost nice to have her there, as much as this moment had interrupted her day and invaded her private life, she wasn't as opposed to having Fang around as she would have been several days ago. Not that it would have been her choice but part of her figured that at the very least she could be civil, or at least try to since Fang seemed slightly intent on pressing her buttons. As they ate Fang didn't let her off the hook, she made herself even more comfortable and had a rather spirited conversation with Serah, the young sister eager to chat with the woman who had an effect on her sister. Yet there was more than friendly conversation, there was flirting and playfulness that slipped between normal conversation and more than a few times did green eyes shift in her direction. Light would merely look back, remaining silent unless asked a specific, though her eyes really said enough each time they connected with Fang's, as if warning her not to do or say too much in front of Serah, even if she wanted to continue being a flirt.

It wasn't until the meal began to come to an end that things changed for Light, Serah getting up with a playful smile as she hopped to each of the others and grabbed the plates, "Go ahead and take Fang to the living room Light, I'll bring some coffee and maybe some dessert as well." She smiled again, giving Light a small look with just a hint of 'be nice' before moving towards the kitchen, leaving Light and Fang alone. Light sighed before standing up and looking over at Fang, "Well come on..." She almost muttered, walking out of the dining room and towards the living room, stifling a small yawn as she led Fang to a room with a couch and a few chairs, Light going and sitting in the middle of the couch, as if claiming the entire piece of furniture for herself. She was tired but more alert than ever, watching Fang and waiting for her to sit, never sure just what the woman was going to do. If she was lucky she wouldn't have to deal with much more, it wasn't easy resisting or keeping her desires and noises under control, not with what Fang did to her. She hoped Serah would hurry up, the sooner the coffee and whatever dessert she found was finished they could call it a night, Fang would go home and Light could get some sleep.
Fang wasn't overly flirty, but there was enough there that Lightning KNEW she had the power in the situation. But not once did Fang misuse that power. Dinner was really good to the huntress. Serah was a great conversationalist, and they even got Lightnigns input on a few things… when she wasn't glowering at the huntress. It made a certain tension between them, a tightness that Fang rather enjoyed especially when blue eyes met hers, and she felt that spark sizzle between them again. She smirked when Serah got up and got their plates. Setting her napkin down she stood up and followed Lightning. It was difficult not to touch her…

Her rose haired soldier took up a seat on the couch, and she did so in such a manner that it appeared as if a silent dare… A dark brow raised as Light looked up to her from the couch, and that delicious thrill they had been exchanging all night ran through her again. Should she behave?
"You look as if you are expecting something to happen, and I am unsure if you will be disappointed if I don't make a move on ya, or if I do…" She admitted to Lightning as she stood before her looking absolutely scrumptious in her revealing bodice and perfectly fitted black jeans wearing that easy going ever present smirk on full lips.

Green eyes met Lightnings teal blue and slowly traveled down her body. A lazy caress with those green eyes. She could read the fatigue in that body… and though she may be tired she was very much on high alert. Something she knew was her fault… it was a tantalizing power over this woman… It did delicious things to her body that likely would have been inappropriate with Serah there in the house… She stalked forward as if hunting her prey until her legs brushed Lightnings and she stood there before her, with confidence and sensuality… She made it clear to Lightning she KNEW the soldier was attracted to her on a level even Lightning could not quite squash… And when it was made clear she again gave her space… because while she wanted to keep Lightning on that edge she didn't want to force her over it in either direction. Neither into her ever present always accessible anger, nor that bubbling hunger that resided between them. She did have some class after all… if it had just been them though all bets would have been off… her dessert would have been the soldier…

Fang settled in a chair across from the soldier rolling her hips forward as she sat back and drawing one leg up over the other. For a long moment she simply watched Lightning with that damnable grin pulling on her perfect lips. "Today was a good day with your crew." She said after some time, letting the soldier off the hook… if she were disappointed … all the betta.
Lightning had a feeling when Serah left, that things were about to get a hell of a lot more difficult for her and that Fang was not one to let an opportunity go to waste. What struck her more than anything was a comment Fang made though and it was something Light wasn't quite sure of herself, and it was rather confusing to think about how unsure she was whether or not she would be pissed off if something happened or disappointed if it didn't. There was no denying what she had made so clear with her moans the few times Fang had taken or touched her. Light enjoyed being touched and beneath Fang, she didn't want to speak it out loud but she wasn't so stubborn as to deny herself, well actually she was but that hadn't worked. Yet what was stronger, her desire to keep herself in a shell and separate from the world, avoid all vulnerability and thus chances to be hurt, or her desire to let loose and enjoy some more intimate time with the gorgeous and seductive woman before her.

Her face showed no signs of the inner debate and she merely looked over at Fang trying her best to stay alert to whatever it was the huntress planned to do. She was wary but that also meant she was more reactive than ever and the gaze she received made her shiver, body reacting to the woman's eyes upon her, imagination running wild about what it was Fang imagined. It wasn't but moments later that Fang showed her understanding of the soldier, that Light could hide it but she wouldn't forget how much she effected Light. Then it was there, as it all went away, as Fang settled into her chair and nothing really happened, the disappointment poked its ugly head. Light swallowed, sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to think about how the hell she was supposed to keep everything under control when the lack of Fang's aggressive desire disappointed her and yet she rebelled and feared anything actually happening. It was madness and there was nobody to blame but herself for the outrageous dilemma.

She wasn't about to debate that with Fang speaking to her though, that would be more ridiculous than her own hypocrisies. "Yes, it was a good day. There is a lot of work to be done but at least there seems to be a cohesion and direction forming. With time they could really become a strong unit..." Lightning paused and then said something that went well with her inability to decide what she wanted, after an entire night of avoiding as much conversation as possible she gave out a compliment. "You are a big help with them Fang. I'm not exactly the easiest person to get along with and your disposition makes things easier... More than that..." She paused again and when she spoke it was once again closer to the soldier, "You are strong and experienced and it helps to have another soldier to help me teach a group of new recruits." It was at that point Serah walked back, having taken her time trying to give them some time together. She walked over with coffee and handed a cup to each of them, not having dessert which was proof of her taking longer than needed. "I have some cookies if either of you want but I figured we all ate quite a bit, might as well just drink some coffee unless one of you really wants something else to eat." She smiled as Lightning shook her head, motioning for her sister to sit down. "So what were you two talking about?" Serah asked grinning, looking to Fang for an answer, she knew well enough that Light wouldn't say a word of useful information.
Fang nodded, the growing sense of belonging to something that could be great was pulling the unit closer together. They had at last come to respect t heir CO if not have an outright love for her… Jenkins though a happily married man, was currently enamored with Lightning… she didn't blame him. Fang found herself quite taken with the pink haired soldier… and she wasn't even resurrected by her.

She listened as Lightning spoke of their day, and the men, and smiled and nodded when she were complimented. It made her heard thrilled that Lightning had recognized her value. It was hard to miss of course, but the determined would miss much… Lightning could have remained stubborn and silent… they had come a long way already from their first day. She felt pretty confident that she was witting down the soldiers defenses, it was down with hard work, honesty, and tenacity… not to forget quite a bit of charm… She smirked to herself. Light was mostly charm proof, so largely it was her follow through that was touching the soldier… only that would truly breach Lightnings shields. Even a scale beast could be shelled of its armor with follow through… And what sat before her was the strongest personal shields she had ever seen.

She was thinking about that through smoldering eyes when Serah returned. She raised them to the younger Farron sister and sat up a bit accepting the cup of coffee. She raised a hand as if to stave off the idea of more food. "This is plenty, thanks." She settled back against the seat once more and sipped the pipping hot beverage before answering Serah. "Just that there was progress today at work. Lights crew seems ta be common together at last. They have seen their potential and are hungry for it." She smiled and nodded very pleased.

It turned out that Fang did not get dessert, what with more conversation this time about Lightnings work, where she was a bit more forced into the conversation. Serah laughed at some of the things Fang had witnessed from the men, and her perceptions of Lightnings original crew. Serah was very pleased Fang liked them, they were sort of like family to them, especially Crimson who to this day had social interactions with them.

"Fang, help me package up some of these cookies for later." Serah said after Fang said it was getting late. She followed Serah into the kitchen where a bowl of cookies was already packaged. It sort of surprised Fang they were in a calls storage bowl. She showed her perplexing. Serah grinned. "Now you have reason to come back." She said to the dark huntress. Fang stared down at the bowl a second before grinning up at the younger Farron girl. "Remind me neva to get on yor bad side." Serah made a face that was reminiscent of Lightnings masked angry stares. "You really don't." She said to Fang. The huntress paused as all that dynamic energy that was Serah drained away leaving only a calculating mind to be seen. She shuddered and told herself she really didn't want to meet that creature… But she would brave that world for the help of the dynamic school teacher, to get her pink haired soldier for more than casual night flings. Fang nodded in understanding, and the happy bubbly young woman returned. Again Fang's skin crawled… the Farron girls were a strange lot… and goddess help her she wanted to be right in their midst… from now and for ever…

She breathed a sigh and thanked Serah.
"Light could you walk Fang out?" Serah called from the kitchen.
"I'm going to get started on these dishes!"
"Good night, a nd thank you for the wonderful evening." Serah smiled.
"Oh, here." Picking up a pen Serah turned Fangs arm out and scribbled down a series of numbers before turning it back. She gave an impish grin to the dark haired Oerbian L'Cie. "Her cell number…" She said as dark brows raised. Fang smiled that crooked grin and chuckled. She shook her head and moved off to find Lightning for the final good night, and head off to home. . .

Fang couldn't take it any more… Lightning standing at the door looking wary with her mixed emotions shielded poorly to the huntress… Fang stopped in front of her as she held the door open their bodies so close it would force Lightning to stand straighter so as not to touch her. . . and she leaned in her body pressing against Lights as she dipped her head to capture those pressed lips. With a hand on the wall beside Lightnings head she kissed her hard, and deep, pushing past her weakened defenses. The kiss was slow and deep, like their first kiss but more… everything Fang hoped and dreamed she poured into that kiss… and it all had to do with Lightning. Her free hand slid just under the hem of her shirt and the palm of her hand caressed Lightnings stomach, rubbing gently as their lips were engaged. Fang ended the kiss with them both breathing deeply and she smiled that playgirl grin... "Sweet dreams~." She said melodically, chuckled and strode out of the house as if she owned it...
Lightning could see that Fang took pride and joy out of being part of the unit, Light had been in a position slightly similar to the one Fang was in now. She had been without a place to belong and the Guardian Corps proved to be the place she belonged, gave her a purpose and allowed her to provide for her sister. The corps allowed her a great deal of joy and an amazing feeling of belonging and seeing even a bit of that in Fang made Light a tad happy. However as Serah came back and conversation began again Light did her best to disappear in the background and let the other two discuss various matters, only speaking when she was directly addressed or where her opinion was needed, such as when she had to change topics to get either Fang or her sister off something revolving around her, it was uncomfortable and she spoke up to end it. The two of them together really made Lightning nervous and as they spoke that feeling only grew, an obvious friendship having formed in the little time they had been together that day, no doubt due to Fang being interested in her and Serah always trying to set her up or get her to look for 'her own happiness' as her sister put it. She was nosy, sure she meant well but Light couldn't help but feel a bit screwed if Serah gave Fang her help.

Then it came, the night was winding down and Serah took Fang off to the kitchen to get cookies, and by that point Light was slightly paranoid. She couldn't help but wonder what they were doing in there, though when Fang brought out cookies she tried to calm herself. There was no telling what Serah would say to Fang that she wouldn't say in front of Light though, and with Serah she knew everything since Light and her shared everything. However Fang said nothing, which made the walk to the door almost awkward, but it was better than having her spill secrets Light could imagine Serah telling her. It really was the last thing Lightning needed. It was already hard enough for the rose haired soldier, her mixed feelings on the matter, her inability to decide if she wanted more with Fang and would open herself up, or if she should simply do what she always did and push against anyone getting close to her and shut down. She wasn't sure where she was leaning at that point, though she knew one thing, it was very difficult to push Fang away.

Of course Light believed that figuratively but as Fang moved in on her at the door it became a literal difficulty as well, her hands moving up and pressing against Fang's stomach, though she provided very little real resistance. A nervous whimper leapt from her lips before the kiss connected but once it did any strength in those powerful arms of hers was gone and her body reacted, eagerly kissing back. There was something about that kiss and Light released a small moan as it continued, deep and slow, it drew Lightning in and took full advantage of her lack of resolve from conflicting feelings about Fang and what the woman obviously wanted from her. As a hand connected with her stomach she could only lean back against the door, completely under the control of the huntress as she made no attempts to pull away, her cheeks flushing by the time the kiss ended. She was rewarded with that damn grin, the grin that made Fang think she could have her pick of women, and yet here she was doing so damn much to change Lightning and win her over.

It took a moment but by the time Fang started walking away Lightning let fury appear in her eyes and she couldn't help but letting out a little bark but it held no real bite despite her seemingly endless need to keep distance. "F-Fang! Stop doing whatever you please!" Serah who was watching from afar had to hold her hands over her mouth to avoid bursting out in laughter. Not only had Fang made her sister show quite the interesting expression but her little outburst was more cute than anything else, at least in terms of Lightning. Serah could tell all the subtle differences, how the fury in Light's eyes was more frustration and pouty than angry. It was adorable and she knew she had made the right decision, Fang wasn't like the previous cowards who had eventually given up their pursuit of her sister because they didn't have the guts or intelligence to push past her wall and know that in the end it would be worth it. No, few people noticed how incredible her sister was, she had nothing but love for Light and she wanted someone else to see it as well, someone to be by her side and not run away when it became difficult.
Fang stopped at Lightnings outburst, and pivoted swaying her weight from one foot to the other as she shifted her bowl of cookies. She stood there a moment bathed in unnatural moon light from Phoenix, her dark hair looking silver in its glow. She was assessing the soldiers false bravado and genuine discomfort. She took a step forward, her motions sensual, exaggerated... as she stalked forward on Lightning.
"You can fix it..." She said, her voice a soft murmur, her words lost to the younger Farron in the kitchen. "Invite me to stay... let me in." She said softly as she came back to the door just inside Lightnings personal space. "I can help." The way she said it seemed to imply that she wanted more than just the night... more than sex... albeit amazing sex. She wanted in, she wanted to be with Lightning, to claim her with the surety that Lightning claimed her back. She stopped just inside of Lightnings personal space and stayed there, not teasing, not touching... she waited for an honest to Goddess answer...

The huntress did not expect to be invited in... not for play, and especially not for a place at Lightnings side... But she would use every moment that presented its self to let Lightning know she wasn't just in it for the game.
Light swallowed as Fang got even closer, she felt boxed in and unable to move. Knowing Fang was stronger than her, having conflicting feelings about Fang, hell even the respect she had for the woman was making her attention all fall on Fang. She took a deep breath, the offer didn't seem tantalizing at first but her body was reacting powerfully and she simply looked at Fang, thinking about those words. She wasn't asking to have another one night, she was asking to be invited in after a dinner, after getting to meet Light's sister, and when she knew Light was having trouble pushing back. Fuck, it wasn't flirting and it wasn't teasing, this was serious and Light couldn't simply get angry or say something to dismiss what she was saying. That made it harder to just toss aside and ignore and she remained silent for some time, not saying a single word. In fact she opened her mouth once but she still didn't speak, voice lost among a midst of thought, thoughts that had her speechless and confused. Serah had made the scene her business once again, eyes locked on the two and mouth on the verge of being agape as she noticed Light struggling to find an answer.

Serah wanted Light to take the risk but she could only watch and wouldn't get involved, though that didn't stop her eyes from being glued to what was going on. Light on the other hand wanted to close her eyes and hope for it all to go away, so she could both not say no to what she wanted for some reason, and also not have to allow someone in when she feared what could happen, after already having been through it before. Yet when words finally came out of her mouth it as the exact opposite of what her mind was leaning towards, as if her mind didn't have the control and it sent a small panic through her, "Stay..." She gulped, her mouth suddenly dry and nervousness taking over as she realized what she had just said, so caught up in the plethora of possibilities now flowing through her mind to notice the gasp and excited squeal that came from Serah before she rushed back in to the kitchen. Then it was just Light and Fang, and Light was biting her lower lip, not knowing what exactly she had just done and it was written all over her face.
Fang felt a pull in her chest towards this woman... she knew what pain was... she knew the devastation of loosing loved ones... she was an orphan too. She was one of two sole survivors of their entire village... awaking from her crystal stasis to find Oerba a desolate waste felt like the worst day of her life... so she was intimately familiar with pain and loss... and still she wanted to seek her place at this amazing, beautiful, strong woman's side. She wanted a partner who complimented her in ways she did not yet know or understand... and Lightning was such a woman. She was just coming into her L'cie skills... and had so much already to offer. Fang wanted so much more from Light than another one night stand... they may have known one another only a short time but Fang knew on a level that was not words that she wanted forever with Lightning... a gift or perhaps curse for services rendered. She stood before Lightning that playful playgirl grin gone, truth in those deep green eyes, and honesty on her face.

She still did not expect to be asked to stay, and it took a few heart beats for that one word to translate into something she could comprehend. She opened her mouth to reassure the soldier that she wouldn't just give this up when Serah's squeal of delight drew her eyes up.

The Oerbian huntress peered into the house then back to Lightning as the words dawned on her slow to accept senses. Her mouth dropped a little and the urge to ask "really?" filled her. She pulled her mouth closed and she quietly smiled and nodded. She drew a hand up slowly, and it came to brush not against her breasts, not any where to devalue what Lightning had just given her, but to her cheek. Calloused, slender fingers caressed her cheek and jaw softly.
"Thank you."
There was something more to Fang than other people, not her abilities or even her personality, but a similarity Lightning could feel from the woman. It was as if Fang could understand what she had gone through, it allowed the huntress to speak on an equal level and truly understand why she was how she was and not run from the cold shut off woman Lightning had become over the years. Yet that didn't make things easier for Lightning, she was still scared of opening up and being tossed aside, of losing someone she loved again and finding herself losing control of a life she had finally obtained control over. In fact the only thing it did was make it possible, it was up to Lightning to let the persistent Fang in and that was proving difficult. Yet it blurted out, as unexpected as the word was it had been the one to prevail, it had beaten out that wall she had built up after so many years. She had asked Fang to stay, and as surprised as Light was it seemed Fang was equally so, her jaw dropping and a look of utter surprise on her face which only made Light chew on her lip further, almost expecting Fang to run for the hills now that she had made it through.

Light turned her cheek into Fang's touch, nervous, almost shaking as her one real fear was looked at dead in the eye, she was opening herself up even if just a little. She didn't respond to the thank you and only reached up and took Fang's hand in her own, vulnerability completely overtaking the soldier and while there was still fire in her eyes it was clouded by other more rare soft emotions. She turned, going back through the door with Fang's hand, dragging her along and pushing the door closed behind her. She led the woman slowly to her room and without a noise and when they were inside and the door was shut she turned around and pressed her body against Fang's, leaning in and kissing her. It was an incredibly gentle kiss, hesitant but it got her point across. She pulled back a moment late and looked into Fang's eyes, her own unsteady. "Fang... Why are you so sure about this..." It was the question on her mind, why Fang was so determined, to quell her own uncertainty and to move forward with letting someone into her bed, even more so for actual sleeping and not a worthless fling, that was the most difficult part.
Fangs heart lurched in her chest as Lightning looked up with those emotions in her beautiful eyes, and the hand that gripped her heart tightened as Lights hand rose to take her own. She was meek and followed her soldier as they walked back into the house. She didn't make joke of it, or play with Serah she kept her eyes on Lightning, and followed her to the room that was hers.

There was a feeling she had no words for as they entered lightnings inner sanctum... a place she most likely reserved for just herself. She absorbed Light as the solder turned and pressed into her, strong arms rising to wrap around her lover, offering silent comfort and support. The kiss was ever so soft, a silent acknowledgment perhaps of what Lightning felt... Fangs lips responded in the most chaste kiss she had given Lightning on her lips. "Fang... Why are you so sure about this..." How could she explain? Fang was old by human standards, most of her extended life time was because of her crystal stasis... and the eternity that she was looking into as an L'cie made you take stock of what you had, and what you wanted... she had spent a very long time trapped after her compulsory service contemplating just that. "I believe there is a person in these worlds for every one... they are what we need. What ever it is we need... that is what they are" She pushed off of the door and moved to stand in front of Lightning her hands coming to her lovers arms. "A perfect compliment necessary to fill in the gaps of one another... like pieces to a puzzle, no two pieces alike, but complimentary." Fang's hands lowered down those strong graceful arms, crossed under her breasts and reached for the buckle to the belt cinched there. She wasn't making moves on Lightning, but she was going to begin undressing her... There was a poignant pause as she pulled the leather from the belt buckle and let it slip down against the belt loops that held it in place. "I have waited this time for you..." She murmured softly.
A single person, only one in the entirety of existence for each person. It was a big idea, the chance that those two people would ever find each other being astronomically small. If that were the truth Light had an overwhelming feeling that most of the time people would have to settle for whatever came along and miss that single person. That was just Lightning though, she was a bit of a pessimist and tended to believe that what could go wrong would go wrong, or in this case that few people would find that special someone in the vast sea of people that were alive. Yet in that moment she couldn't help but feel that Fang was that person for her. She had loved a few people, most of all Crimson, but those relationships had been labored, she had always felt out of place or had a difficult time fitting in and while her relationship with Crimson had been the most intimate she had ever become with someone there was not a harmonious feel to it. With Fang, despite her resistance to having any sort of relationship at all, it felt right. There was a feeling that Fang could give her everything she needed even if she didn't want to admit that truth.

She looked down as her belt was undone, biting her lower lip before looking back up into Fang's eyes. "I'm not sure if I'm your one but... I hope I am..." She could barely believe she was saying it but she had finally opened herself up enough, even if it almost seemed random, and allowed Fang to see the desire hidden beneath her exterior. She didn't want to be hurt again, to have to lock herself away, because Fang had barely made it through and it was not likely for someone as strong-willed and determined as her to come along again. In fact Light had never met someone like Fang and she couldn't help but think that if Fang hadn't come along or if it all failed, that she wouldn't find anyone else again. It was a dreadful feeling, as if everything rested on Fang, but it was also freeing and as she helped remove the belt she swallowed, not sure how easy it would be to adjust but at least knowing for that night she had already allowed Fang into her room and there was no going back. So she slid out of the rest of her clothing next and let it all drop to the ground, her underwear the only bit left and as she pulled Fang over to the bed she kissed her gently, only pulling back after letting some of her lust seep from her lips to Fang's.

She took a deep breath, summoning her courage and spoke, her voice nervous but still as level as ever, not a single quiver despite the tone. "Before you get in this bed with me tonight be sure... I need you to be absolutely sure." She moved back, away from Fang and sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at Fang with eyes that begged her to be sure, she needed Fang to be sure and she wanted her. Her nervousness was rather cute but the look in her eyes, the fire burning behind the hesitance still present, was full of fire and hope. No doubt Serah would be ear against the wall trying to hear but Lightning didn't give a damn in that moment and only cared about Fang and what was to come.
"I hope I am..." Lightning said, and Fang had to bite her lips as her lover set herself down on the bed and looked up at her with those wanting eyes. "You have to be sure." While she wanted to rush it and tell Lightning she was, she paused, not for effect, but to truly be what her partner needed... sure.

The Oerbian huntress knelt down before her soldier, and reached for her smaller hand. She looked at it in her own. Small, creamy colored, calloused, and strong. Setting it in her larger one she held them up before Lightning as their fingers slid together, one of Fangs between each of Lightnings. Green eyes rose to teal blue and she stared into them still silent, calm, confident...
"I couldn't be more sure... you are the one for me." Stretching herself up she pressed her lips to Lightnings, a hand coming to her lovers cheek as their lips met. "and I am yours... Lightning Farron." She whispered and licked her lips. "so I have been, and ever will I be, only yours." She said with out a hint of hesitation, or fear. She had waited a long time to meet her other half and she simply could not be more sure that Lightning was the one she had waited for.

Setting back onto her knees she drew Lightnigs hands once more into hers, sliding down her arms and drawing them around her own body, to the laces and latches of her chemise. Her eyes stayed with Lightnings, she had nothing to hide from this woman. She had no secret agenda, nothing she would not give or share with this woman...
Romance, it wasn't easy to let in and part of Lightning hadn't expected anything of the sort from Fang. Yet here she was speaking of a singular person for everyone and more than that she was confident that Lightning was her person. It was all overwhelming but in the best possible way. Fang didn't seem to want the fling, nor did she want to tiptoe around, she wanted a committed relationship, and more than that she had the ability to deliver on her promise. It was all confusing, not through complexity but due to the choice it was pushing upon Lightning, whether she would be able to move past the barrier she had built, move past the pain she had experienced, and open herself up to the beautiful creature in front of her. She had already taken the first step however, she had brought her back inside and up to a room that nobody got to visit. That was a lot from Light but it was also a point of no return. Sure she could say no, get cold feet and change her mind, push Fang away and solidify her barrier once more, but Fang would know now, know there was something in Light that wanted her as well and not just for the sex.

No, that was no longer a real option, because Fang was relentless enough before. So she accepted it, and the moment she did there was a wave of joy that spread through her which had been missing for so long, something inside of her knowing the right choice had been made. She didn't acknowledge it aloud instantly though, instead she looked into Fang's eyes and let her hands speak, helping Fang remove her chemise. Only when she had Fang out of her clothes, skin against skin, did she speak, and her voice held its usual confidence again now that a decision had been made. "I'm still not sure about the one person, or about how you can be so confident, but I want to be with you... I want to be happy, and you can do that for me." She swallowed, nervousness eating her back up the moment her confident statement ended, but she didn't let that bother her, she smiled soon after and leaned in to kiss Fang's neck, tongue caressing her skin and moving from her neck to her jaw, a slight nibble on her chin and a playful laugh before she pulled her face back, not going in for the kiss quite yet.

"Let's take things slow though Fang... I don't want you think you will be in my bed every night... This is special. I couldn't let you leave tonight." She was blushing furiously, trying to convey that after their night together, the night Light felt like it would all fall apart if she let Fang go, that they should fall into a more casual rhythm. It was unreasonable really, to say, here take me tonight and then tomorrow we go to the dates and really getting to know one another. Not that Light really felt like she needed to get to know Fang, the woman had stated something before, that they matched what the other needed and Light could feel that, Fang was what she needed and in that sense she knew her well, but there were small things to get to know, details, and while their activities together were a bit out of order and even strange she didn't mind. Besides, even if they took things slow Light had come to realize, even before her feelings jumped out, that the sex between them was far too good to resist, and they were both highly physical creatures.
The feel of the pink haired soldier beneath her was etraordinary, her body trim and fit and yet soft in all those lovely places. She lay upon Lightning her weight distributed over her, some taken off of her by the arm on the bed holding her up just a bit. She gazed down upon her with an overwhelming sensation of hope that made her grin that sexy playful smile. It made breathing in even breaths difficult, and the joy it created felt like it might actually burst from her chest. "I can do slow." She said bridling her tongue, so all those silly things she thought or felt didn't pour out of her mouth unchecked.

Honestly she was kind of looking forward to some of it. Things only a confirmed lover could do… the silly things people took for granted. Things that made you lovers and friends. Picnics and playing, she may never get to hold Lightnings hand on a date, but she could bring flowers when she came back for dinner… Or small gifts. Lightning might fuss over them but she kind of was looking forward to that too. The sex, was amazing… it really was, but Fang hungered for more. She longed for a true companion, the other half of her being caught in the body of another. It may have been a romantic notion, but it was one Fang firmly believed in. It was one she felt body and soul... one she felt complete in Lightning.

She reached up her hand up and brushed pink locks aside, revealing those amazing teal blue eyes.
"I want to know everything." She murmured as slender shapely fingers caressed the perfect shell of Lightning's ear and tucked hair behind it. What she said was absolute truth. It showed in her face, and brought with it, its own type of hunger, to come to know and to be known by this woman in all manners.

But tonight wasn't about revealing it all, it was about comfort, and completion. It was about acceptance… and it was a tentative thing; this hope that she saw in her companions eyes, and heard in her voice. A fragile beginning, but a beginning none the less. She remained for a moment more perched above her partner before she slid off to the side. She would take it slow, even though she knew her lovers body, and understood her fleshly hunger... because she wanted something deeper from Lightning, and that would take time. Finding her place beside Lightning she settled there but was not sure how close she was allowed to be. Rather than pressing herself upon the recluse soldier she asked.
"Would it be alright if..." She bit her bottom lip a moment it slipped from her teeth and she finished. "...if I held you tonight?"
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