Learning How to Fly (ClearSight x Vawnie Bear)

Lightning could relate to not always thinking about the things she did, she often acted on instinct and while it served her well in battle it did not do so well in social situations. Her treatment of Fang was proof of that, she reacted based on her gut, a part of her that told her to stay as distant as she could from everyone to avoid getting hurt. Yet that wasn't the correct reaction and she was trying to go against a gut still telling her to cut the small connection established and run, keep Fang at as large a distance as she could, because that same gut told her that Fang was a different breed from most women, that she was something spectacular and not just due to their night together. Her mind drifted though, thinking about how Fang had just called her important, further proof last night had been far more than a one night stand. That urge to run and push against even the slightest apology grew but Lightning kept her calm, practiced the attitude she was so well known for, and just nodded as Fang gave her a normal thank you. There was no flirting and she seemed serious which made Light slightly more comfortable.

"I suppose, I don't know exactly what I'm going to do, perhaps go home, maybe train... It's not usually such a short work day." When Fang dismissed herself, telling Lightning to have a nice day, it brought the soldier an unexpected feeling. She felt disappointed, having expected flirting and that playful attitude that Fang always seemed to carry with her. Yet she got none of that, Fang seemed more sombre and serious, which brought the illusion of anger to Lightning, though she could never be sure with her lack of social understanding. Yet she said nothing, this was how it was supposed to be, how she wanted it. Right? She wasn't so sure and that made her nervous, so much so that she just swallowed and delivered a small "Yeah." Before turning and walking away, not looking back as she moved swiftly though a crowd of people and headed in the direction of her house.

When she got home Lightning started to finally feel relieved, comfortable back at her abode. She took a moment as she walked towards the kitchen, her stomach reminding her that while her hunger had faded that it was back and she needed to nibble on something, which wouldn't be a problem as smells wafted from the kitchen. Serah had no doubt cooked something for her, knowing Lightning's cooking skills were less than extraordinary. Luckily it seemed Serah wasn't still sitting around, she must have gone to see Snow and get lunch with him. That meant the conversation about that morning would get to wait for some time and she needed a moment to decompress as her emotions were mixed over that last talk with Fang. Things seemed so confusing, she felt two conflicting needs and only one of them seemed acceptable while the other was tugging more powerfully than ever. "Goddess help me..." She muttered, pushing it aside for the moment and going to grab herself something to eat, Serah's home cooking always scrumptious.

The rest of her day was spent in a rather boring way, Lightning shifting from activity to activity, reading on her bed, training, going over some reports for work. It was all quite dull and it allowed Light's mind to stew over what to do about Fang, and the only thing she could think of was to just try to be friendly. Not that she came up with that on her own, when Serah returned home the story of her previous night, with as few details as possible, was forced out of her and after her sister's skillful mental prods Lightning had begun to realize that while she didn't want to open up to anyone she needed to. That making an effort was difficult but Fang was probably about the only person she could do that with, another L'cie, a woman strong enough to take her rough personality, hell Fang was probably the first person who had seen right through that harsh exterior right away. Most of that was Serah's insight, Lightning's mind practically refused to imagine such truths, but once they were out there it was impossible to ignore them, to hide them away and Lightning's every moment of that day was full of it.

Even as her day began to wrap up she couldn't forget the many points Serah had made, things only her sister knew her well enough to say, and she couldn't deny a damn thing. As if that weren't enough as she stripped to take a shower she got to see all the marks on her delicate skin, each one a reminder of a night before. Lightning's hand brushed over several of the marks, shivers running through her as she closed her eyes and relived the incredible sensation of teeth marking her flesh, of Fang's claim. She had pushed her away but the part of her that had found being taken by a strong woman invigorating was making an appearance, as her shower began much longer and louder than it usually was. Yet as loud as her shower had been, as much as she had tried to bring herself to a peak of some sort, nothing came of it. Lightning found herself unable to find completion and by the time she gave up and stepped out of the water her skin was pruned and her frustration was at a level she had never experienced before.

It was one thing to go without sex or release, it wasn't so difficult when the sensations and experience was far from the mind, but after a night like the one she had with Fang, after that level of pleasure, it was impossible to ignore and she found her body throbbing with desire. "Damn it..." She growled, wrapping a towel around her athletic body and grabbing another to dry her beautiful rose hair which currently clung to her gorgeous face, still as beautiful as even despite the frustrated scowl. The repeat attempt later that night after some tossing and turning was just as futile and thus when she finally fell asleep her dreams were a mess of horny frustration, a state she didn't enjoy any more than the average person.
It was an hour or two before dark when Jonah said he was going to head home "to the Mrs." But both Fang and he knew it was his wife who was his Mistress... for his boats or his craft was clearly his first love. She did as he asked before settling down for the night and went about the warehouse lingering around the corners where she could get a good look at two different angles. She slummed a bit around the door just in case any one was watching, and then locked up for the night. She flicked on the outside lights like Jonah had showed her and headed up to her room. She looked at the space and her meager supply of personal items. She reached for the box that held her things and peeled it open to begin what might some call unpacking. Besides the bed there was a lounge chair, a small table, with a television set, and a kitchen like chair. A tiny fridge that had seen better days by the looks of it, a five drawer dresser and a bed side table with a lamp. It was the dresser that she put her personal effects into. The top drawer for her folded lance, the second drawer her change of clothes.

The other two items in the box she stared at them with mixed emotions. With a heavy sigh she sat on the bed and let the box on the floor at her feet. She stared at them a long moment contemplating what to do next. With a frustraited sound she got up and began undressing. Lightning was like no other woman she had ever met. Her very presence was an unexplainable opposition. Her attitude was distant aloof, abrasive... by all rights Fang should be attracted to her in the least and yet... Fang threw her shirt onto the hard back chair, quickly adding her bra. She kicked off her borrowed shoes and slung her belt and britches onto the back of the chair before walking absolutly nude into the bathroom. She didnt even bother with the bay of windows that made up the face of the loft into the working room of the warehouse. She had secured the place herself, and she was pretty sure if there had been some one there she would have heard them breaking in. The naked huntress looked down at the box again or rather the contents left with in it. A thrill ran through her body. "Why couldn't she find a simple woman attractive? A creature with less issues to comitment and intimacy? Why Lightning? Green eyes slid closed as goose bumps rose along her back and abdomen tightening the muscles there. She couldnt be happy with a simple girl... a woman who would eventually fear her. Fear her power... fear her strength... or fear her sexual apetite... Fang reached down into the box picking up the carved ivory case. She opened it and looked at the dark toy nestled with in. Some one had to have known what the box was and put the two pieces back together because she had not done that yet when they came to get her. That meant some one had touched the dark phallic. Fang pulled it from its soft silk bed and closed the box. She carried it with her into the shower. It as well as she would need a good bath... and then she would use it again... her body tingled at the excitement she felt just thinking of those not so soft noises that issued from perfect lips the night before.

Fang fell asleep content if not fully satiated. Her body flushed with the afterglow, her mind filled with delightful images of her desired companion laying as spent and pleased as she, if not a little grumpy... because that slight pout to perfect lips was strangely endearing...

Come the morning Fang appeared early on the Guardian Corps grounds. She had already returned the bag and container that Anders let her borrow and thanked him. He commented on her good mood and she just winked. He laughed and shook his head. Lightning's cold routine was going to get a serious run for its money with that playful she devil... "Go get em kid." He murmured as she sauntered herself out of the cafeteria.

She was at the company door leaning against it when Lightning came on shift. There was a slight quirk to full lips and a dangerously familiar twinkle in the huntresses eyes when she spotted Lightning. She looked amazing dressed in her blue sari with the peeking of black undergarment, and hints of some of that amazing body Lightning had been tormented with the last day and night.... and her perfectly mussed mane. The tawny cat smiled that damnable grin that seemed just meant to annoy Light... "Good mornin... Sergeant." Fang said with a slight pause before she said Sergeant as if she might slip and say "sunshine".
The morning was greeted by the frustrated groan from a sleepy soldier, her entire body throbbing and begging for what had been on her mind the entire night. Sleep had not been an escape from the want and needs of her libido, it had just made it worse, and while she couldn't remember the damn dream she woke with enough frustration to know the subject matter. When she rolled out of bed, in a mere large t-shirt and her underwear, looking quite worse for the ware. She was tired, hair messy and shirt wrinkled and riding up just enough for that absolutely sexy stomach of hers. She walked out of bed and moved to the bathroom, rubbing her eyes and groaning again as she looked at her reflection. It was going to be a shitty morning and she had obviously woken up on the wrong side of the bed. While her mood didn't improve quickly her appearance did, her natural beauty making it rather quick for her to be ready, just a little doing on the hair and a change in clothes and she was her usual tidy self. By the time she got downstairs, wearing her uniform and toting her gunblade, she could already hear Serah moving around.

Serah didn't have to be up as early as Lightning, she was a teacher and could sleep in a little longer, but Serah had acclimated herself with Lightning's schedule since long ago. Her little sister had always tried to get up and make her breakfast or spend time with her sister, always putting in the extra step to have a few moments with the sibling who had always taken care of her. It was clear to anyone who saw the two together that they meant everything to each other, that Light would do anything for her sister and that Serah felt the same. It also meant Serah was one of the few people who could see the real Lightning whenever she wanted, knew what to say and how to pull Light around however she wanted. That morning it was simply waiting as she heard Light heading to the kitchen, leaned against a counter and smirking. "Oh hi sis, have any interesting dreams?" Light just sighed, shaking her head and going over to the table, plopping down and eating what Serah made her, responding with a "My night was... Fine..." And not being convincing at all.

After talking with Serah for a bit, doing her best to keep her sister away from the conversation involving her late night out, Serah pushing to find out the secret woman's name. Light managed to escape with secrets in tact and she headed straight to work, making her way to the Guardian Corps grounds earlier than most, though apparently not earlier than all. She was more than a little surprised to see Fang standing there waiting for her, a slight raise of her eyebrow as she approached signalling her surprise. The look Fang was wearing made her nervous however, full lips her eyes couldn't shake and a twinkle she hadn't seen since the night they had been together. She swallowed hard, her frustrated night mixing with memories of her night with Fang and she found her body throbbing once more, making itself heard and leaving Light to hiding the sensation as best she could. It didn't help that Fang was in her sari, it was a gorgeous piece of clothing and did more justice and complemented her body more than the previous days attire.

Lightning's eyes managed to pull from the assets Fang seemed so proud of, and she had a definite right to be, and to her eyes. She was definitely not in the mood to be friendly but she was trying her best, the hints of a rough night and morning playing at her features but her neutrality and calm demeanor would fool most. "Good morning Fang. Surprised to see you here early, this assignment is community service for you after all." There was no malicious intent behind what she said, no lack of civility. Light was really bad at small talk however and she began to walk past Fang, only knowing one thing they could do before assignments came in and the unit got its day planned out, which would be a full day no doubt. "Come, we can do a bit of warming up while we wait for the Captain to come by with the missions assigned to us." She went to the gym again, not really asking Fang if she wanted to, and jumped into the ring, not going for wooden weapons, "Come on Fang, just a half-speed sort of thing."
Fang felt heat from those eyes as they gazed upon her. A dark brow raising in silent question as their eyes met and Light managed a good morning. Fang wondered if she imagined that... but managed a casual eloquent shrug. "I was told not ta be late so here I am." She spread her hands before Lightning. Fang followed Lightning to the sparring room where she seemed eager to get into the ring with Fang one more, but a strange thing happened... Lightning did not go for any weapons. Fang leaned against the rails as Lightning called her up onto the mat watching her move that delicious slender body with pent up fire... Fang ran her tongue over her lips thinking how much fun it would to grapple the sexy soldier... Her hands finding all those right spots as she forcibly held Lightning down under her larger stronger frame... 'Goddess does she even know she is doing that?' she wondered her head cocking to the side. She set her lance aside as she rolled languidly into the ring and up onto her feet.
"You don't have more sexy lingerie in that pouch of your to interrupt us do ya?" She asked rather glib. A reminder of the day before when she could have shattered Lights arm with the blow meant for the strength of a sword rather than the bone of a body. She flashed an easy smile and rolled her shoulders and neck. Their spar was suppose to be half speed or half strength, but it didnt feel that way as they started. Lightnings leg shot out with such force and speed Fang almost missed the chance to block it. Both arms rising to stop the blow and absorb the energy. She shifted on her feet and their dance was on. From the side lines it would have been something to see. Lightning was sleek speed, striking with a whip like motion thrown into every punch and kick. Fang blocked, absorbed and redistributed that energy against her partner. She had perfect defense that surly infuriated the soldier even more. As if the Oerbian huntress were reading Lightning before she even knew the thoughts herself. Fangs sentinel abilities were not just passive. When she was able to she uncurled from her defense to egg Lightning on. "Some ones frustrated this mornin." "That all ya got?" And every time Fang summoned her vanguard Lightning would feel it like a warm wind against her skin. The more Lightning used her L'cie abilities, the more Lightning seemed to be growing attuned to them. As if exposure gave her a hint when Fang was behaving herself or being naughty... in retrospect Light could feel good about knowing Fang had needed to summon such superhuman abilities to defend herself from her attacks... if she had presence of mind to think about that... but Fang seemed intent on keeping her off her game as they sparred, and their bodies did more than brush one another. Light seemed to have caught Fang in a hold, but did she really as something saucy and playful fell from full lips flushing the soldier. When Lightning tried to put Fang down to the mat the Huntress rolled out of it like liquid and reversed the pin so that Lightning found herself face down on the mat very quite suddenly... the hard silk of Fangs body pressed against her... Fang purred in her ear. "Don't fight it... I know you like this..." The way their bodies were stretched one against the other left Lighting unerable in several ways, and the aesthetics of the pin was not lost on her partner. Fang swallowed hard her breath coming a bit fast from their prolonged "warmup"... "Goddess it would be so easy..." Fangs hand caressed an exposed thigh so very near the throbbing center of her partner. "I could help ya relieve some of this tension..." She murmured in a deep throated voice. Neither of them saw the small group of men and women or heard them as they entered. It wasnt until some one started clapping. Green eyes flew up her hand shifting away from a warm silky thigh, their game no longer private... She had two ways of getting out of this with Lights dignity in tact, and neither of them bode well for her own personal safety after she had egged her own, riled her up and all but put the gun in her hand... Fang had seconds to sigh and let her body appear to grow suddenly weak. Lightning was well aware of weaknesses.... her mind zeroied in on them and when she was backed into a corner she used them. Fang's larger form hit the mat, hard... her head snapped back even though she tried to absorb the impact.
"Hot damn! I told you no one gets the better of the sarge..." A large bald man held his hand out for payment from a smaller man who was frowning.
"Sarge don't take this the wrong way but the day is coming when some one is going to get the better of you."

Fang laid on the mat under Lights hands her own hand coming up to rub at the back of her head. Their eyes met and it was clear Lightning knew what had happened between them... Fang sighed as the soldier got up off of her. "Damn..." She murmured and slowly sat up dropping her hand as she took in the handful of men and women in different attire than Light and her crew.
"Sarge, whos this your schooling?" The bald man asked as he pocketed his new stash of gil.
Lightning was stretching, her toned body being shown off to Fang as the woman made her way into the ring, though Lightning had no such intentions. "There is nothing to distract me this time Fang, besides, it's a friendly warm-up, no assessment or competition." Lightning had meant it at first, she started below her maximum threshold, launching swift precise attacks, mostly kicks which were Lightning's specialty when it came to close-quarters-combat, that and submission grapples, though against Fang she was going to avoid any ground fighting or grappling. Yet as the spar continued and Fang kept proving herself capable of defending against each of Lightning's attacks she grew quicker and faster, launching stronger attacks. Despite each attack becoming stronger, until they were going full force, Fang didn't relent and continued to block. Lightning was not one to back down however, she watched and began to grow use to Fang's blocks, felt her L'cie power and even started using some of her own, which showed how into the sparring match she was with her usual phobia of using those powers at all being cast aside.

Yet there was no element being used, she simply increased her power with the addition of some of her power, looking for an opening. By the moment she was growing more impressed with Fang however, a small smile rising to her face as she truly began to enjoy it, battle being one of the few places Lightning let her instinct take over. The best part for her however was being able to fully go at it, Fang was perhaps the only person in the entirety of the Guardian Corps who could handle Lightning's true strength and it showed on her face how long it had been and how much she needed someone who could keep up, a person who could allow her to not feel alone, where she didn't feel like some monster. Fang was that person, and while that was far from connecting in Lightning's mind she already knew it was something incredibly enjoyable, the stress and frustration not being wiped away but in context of the fight she was growing less concerned with her futile night of pleasure seeking and more in the moment. "Yeah, I'm frustrated, but you better not let your guard down Fang, I'll put you down."

However the moment Lightning found that opening, as soon as she exploited it, Fang made a counter play. Fang used that opportunity to get the better of Light and before she knew what was happening she found herself face down on the mat and Fang's body pressing against her own. Instantly Lightning's body reacted based on that night together, a shiver running up her spine and a small blush. Fang's voice purring in her ear caused Light to squirm but she melted as a thought crossed her mind 'By the goddess I do like it...' and yet she was not going to be admitting a damn thing. It was hard to keep her voice contained as that strong hand touched her thigh and that seductive voice offered her a hand, Light's frustration begging for the soldier to accept the offer. However as much as she desired that touch she felt the drop of Fang's guard and in a moment she landed a blow and reversed the situation, only noticing the onlookers after she made the switch, mounting Fang with a hand on her shoulder pinning her down. It dawned on her quickly and her eyes went from her former unit to Fang and there was a fury unrivaled by previous looks she had given Fang and her fist hit the mat next to Fang's head as she leaned in, "How dare you fucking pity me..."

Her voice was scarier than ever but she soon rose up from Fang and walked over and jumped out of the ring to her old unit's side. "You would like that wouldn't you, if someone finally got the better of me." She paused for a moment nodding and greeting the soldiers who knew who she really was, respected and would put their lives on the line beside Light any time. "That is Fang, and you guys missed it, she technically won her assessment match against me yesterday. Landed the only blow in our entire fifteen minute match right before it came to an end." The bald man laughed, "Oh damn sarge, I think I'd of liked to see that match, it's quite impressive to think anyone could hold a candle to you." However a snort from behind him broke the mood, a small girl, no taller than 5'4 walked around the big obnoxious man. She was cute, long red hair up in a ponytail and spectacles complimenting her cute face. All in all she was adorable but there was a sense of cunning to her as she shifted her glasses and beamed a smile up at Light. "It's good to see you Lightning." There was no sarge, sergeant, Farron, it was Lightning to this woman and the small laugh that escaped Lightning's lips showed that was normal. "Akira, it's been awhile. Still keeping these dullards on task?" The unit all gave Lightning a look but it was nothing but affectionate before they started laughing, Akira not seeming to be as amused as she responded with an "Of course."

As Lightning engaged in conversation with a few of the men Akira looked over at Fang, her of all the unit noticing just what the undertone of the sparring match was, how Fang touched Light, the mood. She also noticed the odd reaction of Lightning to the touch and she was no amused. She stared at Fang, intense green eyes staring at the woman before she gave a little smirk to her, almost challenging the woman to try and take what she had been eying for so long. She walked over beside Light and looked up at her, "It really is good to see you Light, I've missed you." Yes, she really was cunning, giving the soldier a cute little look from below, a smile on her petite features as she pushed herself up against the woman for a minute, "We need to keep in touch." Lightning nodded, "We do, definitely." She paused and then looked at the large bald man, "So what are you guys doing here anyways, it's unusual for you guys to go out of your way and come over to the greenhorn unit." Her chuckled, "Well today there is some big business, got to take down some big ass monsters and when trouble is afoot there is nobody better to call on that Lightning Farron, and apparently the new girl if she is as good as she seems." He let out a loud uncalled for laugh, the rest of the unit looking distraught at his annoying habits, though there was not a single one of them that didn't seem absolutely respectful of every other member, they were a real team and Lightning seemed more a part of them than her current group, the new group who thought badly of her due to her powers.
Fang didnt even flinch as Lightning punched the mat so near her head she felt the force of that blow. Lightning was a complicated soul... and so help her she wanted to figure her out... Fang sat up with a long breath escaping her lips. Her body was all tingly from that amazing match. She hadn't had that much ... fun... in forever in a spar. So many didn't have a chance in Valhalla of keeping up with her, and those who might never tried... But Lightning... a different beast all together couldn't let the challenge that was Fang stand and it made her hot to as they say... cross swords with her. She sat for a minute on the mat letting her senses simmer down as she took in the new people who had interrupted their foreplay... A burly bald man who looked at Fang with more than a hint of appreciation in his burnt umber eyes. Fang caught his interest and she knew it immediately... a dark brow raised but her eyes searched for the one who snorted. A smooth confident voice that came sashaying her way out around the human mountain. Fangs eyes swept over her and the second brow rose up to that of the first.

She instantly didnt like her as she brushed against Lightning. Her small petite frame, so neatly compact, delicate, and fang had to admit rather delicious... and she was comfortable with Lightning, and Lightning with her. Fang decided it was time to get up off her ass and get down onto the floor to meet these people... she rolled out from under the ropes and onto her feet beside the flesh mountain. He gave her a viable playboy grin, but Fang was busy assessing this new threat... She watched Lightning as the red head came into her personal space and again pressed herself against Lightning. Green eyes narrowed as the conniving she devil looked back at Fang to see if she were watching.
'Bloody hell...' Fang thought and the skin between her brows puckered as she let this villainess know through her shielded expression that she wasn't going to be a good little girl and roll over for her. She had claims on the woman Akira was snuggling up to... Akira gave a small laugh not quit so disturbed by the Captains new pet L'cie...

"Fang. Names Braylor." The mountain of flesh said but as Fang turned to give him a proper greeting he gave her his own playful sexy grin as he took her hand in his and shook it tightening his chest muscles and pulling his uniform shirt tight. "You can call me... any time." He said rather aggressively about his liking her. It was unavoidable... her eyes dropping to those overly large chest muscles that did amazing things in that uniform.
"Goddess..." Fang said and with her free hand she poked his pecks. "How long did it take ya to get so... big?" Fang asked and she emphasized the BIG. Braylor laughed and released the muscles. "A bit much?" He asked and she flashed an easy grin. "Nah, some people just go for what they want." Fang said but as she said it her eyes moved to Lightning. Braylor followed her gaze and his own hairless brow raised the other quickly following. "Damn..." He shook his head but he wasn't sore about it. Lightning who had spent years with them was a woman he respected... and though he just met Fang; he too had respect for those who had the balls to go for what they wanted...

"Fang. Names Malak, and I would like to shake the hand of the woman who can bring down our tallented Sarge, its not small feat." He said offering his hand. Malak was a more natural sized human male. He stood shorter than Fang but only by an inch maybe two. He had an easy smile and was just as friendly as Braylor was with out all the sudden sexual innuendo. Fang reached out a hand and shook his. He gripped her hand hard, and Fang suddenly tightened her grip. As she did, he did, until they were crushing one anothers hand. He released first and shook his out. The last member of the party was Crimson. A tall woman, about Fangs height and build. She walked with a no business sort of approach to things, and when she saw Lightning her lit up. "Pinky! It has been a Crystal Age." She moved up too and passed Lightnings personal space boundaries and wrapped the woman in a bear hug. Fang waited her turn to meet this last person that made up what she deduced was Lightnings old unit. She was a bit envious with all the cuddling of her soldier but she grinned an bared it, at least for now.

"Whos the whelp?" Crimson asked when she spied Fang. She had not been the building when the two had been sparring, instead she had been finishing things up with the Captain. All the paper work was now in order for their group effort on the hunts they were going to be taking.
"Whelp?" Fang asked.
"Eh, don't take it personal, Crim here is a fourth generation Guardian, were all whelps." The man mountain Braylor said with another loud chuckle. Malak's brows drew together and he reached out a hand backhanding the giants stomach. It all went down hill from there, because it seemed Braylor was an equal opportunist flirt, and not even Malak was safe from it when he told him to do it again and tightened all that muscle in his stomach. Fang suddenly felt like she was in school again where all the boys use to tell her to punch them in the guts. After the first try no one ever asked her again... She smirked watching them. It was kind of refreshing to watch this unit. They had a unique and comfortable place each one of them in the heart and mind of the other. It was like watching the dynamics of the family...

"Enough play..." Crimson said getting every ones attention. By now even Lightnings rooks were entering the space, and they all stood at odds with the old team, that which now seemed to include Fang because she stood in their midst with out contest from any one but Akira.
"Lets go over the logistics and then deploy. The common folk are counting on our best." Crimson said gathering every one around with her firm and commanding voice.

She split the entire group into what Fang would guess as equal as it was possible. An A team and a B team. One would be the initial attacking force. They would engage the enemy enthrall it, enrage it, and then the second team would come in after wards. The rooks were not all on one team, and the vets were not all on one team. Crimson had done her homework, she had read the reports of Lightnings rook team, and was able to best place them, she also knew what it was they were hunting, and went over its weaknesses. They put Fang in one team and Light in the other... Akira got the lucky straw... and pulled her spot with Lightning. They would be in the advance team... no matter both teams would end up in the same place though not at the same time. She quietly clenched her teeth and tried to focus on the briefing.
"Lightning is in charge of battle, you will obey her as you have come to expect. I will be leading the second team, if you cant handle it, let me know now and we will leave your sorry asses behind. Figure out how to stick it out and you will all be going home with a handsome reward... Screw up... and I will take the bones from your ass." No one seemed ready to complain or contest Crimsons sharp crisp clear words.
"Sergeant, your men." Crimson said after the briefing. She fell into a stiff posture with the others and let Lightning have the floor.
As Fang joined the group Lightning looked over for a moment, still pissed but the presence of her unit calmed her mood and kept her in check, especially as she looked down to Akira smiling up cutely at her. When it came to Akira she was rather oblivious, because while she had thought time and time again that Akira was cute she had never found cute attractive. Cute could not handle tough situations, cute couldn't cope with the things Lightning did or who she was behind everything, cute hadn't kept her and Serah going when they were growing up. No, to Lightning Akira was simply a close friend, something closer to family than anything else, as were the rest of the people who surrounded her and it was a feeling that could be sensed from outside. However there were some things that Lightning was catching on to and understanding more than she would usually care to, and it involved Braylor. The big guy was always hitting on whoever came into his field of view, Lightning had beat it out of him towards her early and while he still flirted with most her no longer did so to Lightning.

What really irked her was Fang flirting back, and while she tried to lie to herself, saying it was disgusting or annoying, the truth was in there and she knew deep down that something about seeing Fang and somebody else flirt pissed her off. "Dammit..." She muttered, Akira looking up at her with a confused glance to which Light just smiled and waved it off. Under the surface she was still steaming however, mostly from their spar, her emotions running high, but there was a tinge of jealousy and it was an emotion Light hadn't felt for a very long time. Hell after last night she was having trouble not staring at Fang, and what happened in the ring, she was on the verge of finding her body betraying her, it seemed lucky her former unit showed up.

The last member of the party was Crimson. A tall woman, about Fangs height and build. She walked with a no business sort of approach to things, and when she saw Lightning her lit up. "Pinky! It has been a Crystal Age." She moved up too and passed Lightnings personal space boundaries and wrapped the woman in a bear hug. Fang waited her turn to meet this last person that made up what she deduced was Lightnings old unit. She was a bit envious with all the cuddling of her soldier but she grinned an bared it, at least for now. Malak's presence brought her back to her regular self, he was always trying to prove himself, a normal sized guy in a unit full of big personalities and talented soldiers, not that he was highly skilled himself, in fact he was quite the marksman and quick on his feet, unlike Braylor and Akira, Akira not even physically capable. That was how the unit worked though, each person had their talents. Braylor was the muscle, Malak was their quick sharpshooter, Akira was the brains, and as Crimson walked in it all came together, the balanced reliable leader, Lightning's mentor and someone she had so much respect for.

As Crimson hugged Light she didn't do her usual push away or emotionless act, she smiled gently, affectionately, and hugged her back, though only with one hand and she didn't get overly emotional. However that little bit was enough to say something about how special Crim was to her. Akira looked away huffing and while there didn't seem to be any sparks flying there was a comfort that the rest of the unit didn't quite have with Light either. However it ended quickly enough and she got to business after questioning the presence of Fang but mostly because she had a scary power of observation and she had her eyes narrowed for a brief moment looking at Fang. As others filed in they seemed to know of the group Light and Fang stood among and it seemed the presence of the group meant big business.

After groups were assigned Lightning was given the floor and she stood up in front of everyone, not being the type to enjoy being the center of attention, but she never flinched. Light's voice came out strong and confident as usual. "Okay. Reaver's are serious business, they are tough to take down and have an offensive ability that is of the highest class, especially after they shift forms. So we will be going in with me at point with the rest of the unit to support. The back line will be commanded by Akira, listen to her and make sure to work together like in training. Remember what you have been practicing and you will be fine and everyone will get out harms free." She paused, taking a few steps back and looking over at Crimson. "Team B will come in after the form shift from the flank, taking advantage of the time it takes for the creature to swap forms and setting up a chance to stagger. Fang will take point from behind and the rest of the unit will support with Crimson and Braylor ready to come in as close-quarters backup if needed. Keep in mind that when form shifts it will stand, ensure you are shooting upwards at its head not to risk crossfire. We don't want any friendly fire. Now let's move out." Lightning took her job seriously and this was proof, as everyone went to check gear the last time she turned to the main players, her former comrades and particularly Fang. "Don't pull your punches." It was obvious what she was talking to for Fang, but her true meaning was not what the others were thinking, though she didn't sound as venomous as she could, it was almost friendly in fact and while her feelings about Fang were damn complicated she trusted the woman's abilities.
Fang was checking the tension in her lance when Lightning came up to her. "Don't pull your punches." Green eyes raised to teal blue and she gave a bare tip of her chin. She knew when it was time to go all out... but having Lightning tell her that made her skin tingle. Green eyes followed the soldier as she went to check her own gear.

Gray green eyes watched from a distance, their owner perceptive to the minutest detail especially when it came to Lightning Farron. Not many knew that she had a personal invested interest in the up and coming soldier. Crimson tightened her pack strap and called out.
"It's time… the horrors we face wait for no one…" The two groups moved out to catch a transport to their designated hunting ground. Fang rode quietly thinking about their quarry. The Reavers were not the same as other behemoth types. Their ability to raise rampant and refill their own vitality was an intimidating task in its self, but their hide was like armor, riddled with blades and bone protrusions… They were fast and agile and had above average intelligence when it came to combat. She contemplated how much of her role would be support on such a task. She wouldn't just let the men and women in her temporary crew die, even if they didn't like being healed by a filthy Pulse L'cie…

Finally Fang could not take those eyes boring into her her any more, she raised her own to find those slate green eyes watching her again. She didn't challenge the woman but she gave her a silent question with the quirk of her brow. Crimson stared a moment or so longer before casually redirecting her gaze, and when Fang followed it landed on the sensual conundrum that was Lightning. She looked younger, less weighed down in the company of old friends. Fang observed her for a brief time. She wondered why they made Lightning become the CO of another group… was it because of her status? Was it part of her growth in the Corps? Fang didn't pretend to understand all of their protocols and how things worked on Cocoon or in her two respective lines of defense both external and internal… But Lightning seemed so much better amidst these people than the new kids… Fangs eyes shifted away from the Sergeant to the greenhorns. They sat spaced out amidst some of the vets and so sat respectful and quiet. But if it had just been them would they have had the same regard? She doubted it.

They had a sort of awe for the fourth generation Guardian. A prodigy in their midst made them excited about their service. Something Fang felt they should have carried regardless if they were truly dedicated to their job… like Lightning who was very obviously dedicated… and Crimson… who seemed to command respect from all present.

"We're approaching the engagement zone." The driver said back through their linked com sets.
Crimson reached back rapping the brass knuckles of her gloves against the metal hull."This is good." She told the driver. "When were clear head back, no need to risk you." As the driver pulled over the door to the back of the carrier fell open. "Go!" Crimson commanded, and every one unstrapped, fell into line and double timed it off the transport. Group Alpha took point, weapons at the ready, eyes scanning. The monster left a path of destruction that tore at the land, uprooting trees and moving large boulders… They were not usually creatures that hid, but as Alpha team crossed into the destruction the beast was no where to be seen.

Crimson stood at full attention as she waited for the signal. The only way this was going to work was by following the command and structure they had set up. The rooks needed to depend on those who knew what they were doing, but the vets needed to know that the rooks would do what they were told as well. Her team waited… as they did her eyes found that dark haired huntress once more. Crimson had seen the looks the huntress had cast in Lightnings direction. Silent signals that said there was more there than the general interest. She shifted off to stand beside the Yun warrior. Settling there as if she were simply finding a fresh place to stand. Fang raised her eyes up and that dark brow asked that silent question again.
"You had best know what you are doing…" Fang shifted her lance onto her shoulder and for a moment thought they were speaking about the operation. Then Crimson added. "… she is special." Light dawned in green eyes and she nodded. "She is also vulnerable emotionally." After a long baited pause she growled softly. "Don't break her heart…"

The voice of Lightning came across the coms "Keep alert." Crimson turned away from the huntress and motioned for her team to move forward, following her direction they began to fall into position to out flank the beast. Fang was left with her own musings about who the hell Crimson was…and what she meant to the pink haired soldier.
There was a difference between Light and Crimson, perhaps not from the vets who had as much respect for each and every person in the unit as they did their leader, and perhaps especially so for Lightning. Yet with the new soldiers, the greenhorns who though themselves greater than they were had little respect for Lightning and yet an obscene amount for the rest of the vets and Crimson, the fourth generation Guardian being seen as a hero. It was rather odd that they didn't make a connection between the respect and affection shown by that hero to Light, how they still looked at her without the proper understanding of who she was. Yet this was their first big mission and while their attitude wasn't appropriate in that moment there was no doubt they would change their mind after seeing the young Sergeant in action. It wouldn't be long either, gear had been gathered and they had already jumped on to their ride, approaching the drop zone. There was a real difference between the units though, on one hand Lightning's unit was solemn and quiet, watching Crimson for orders, whereas the vets were still joking around and having their fun, even Lightning seemed less intense than usual, though she was the most serious of the vets.

When Crimson gave the order to move out Lightning was the first off, jumping and moving a few steps, motioning for her unit and not saying another word to Crimson, putting her trust in the woman and leading her group in silence. What she soon found wasn't expected though, there was no Reaver waiting, it was gone but its destruction remained and that was odd. Reaver's usually stuck to claimed areas, fought off whatever came around, but this one had not and she didn't like that. Lightning knew what she was doing and let her troops, making sure they knew to be ready, "Keep alert." She had to be vocal with her group, it had a few vets but she still had some first-timers who hadn't been in actual combat, they needed reassurance, though those in her group seemed less than thrilled about being under Light's command as opposed to Crimson's. Malak and Akira had her back and that was enough, so as she moved through the ruins of what once was she kept her eyes peeled, going a few yards in advance of the rest of the unit.

It was lucky that she had chosen to be ahead of them, as when the beast came out it did so with such speed and destruction that only a few would have been able to dodge it, and of course Lightning was one such person, doing an elegant back flip over its swiping arm and landing with her weapon drawn. "Okay, Group A is engaged. Akira, Malak, provide tactical support, Crimson, I'll call out when the shift begins." Crimson smiled, "Of course, we'll be ready." She turned to Fang after that, just giving her a once over and hoping the faith Light put in her was well founded, and also thinking over what she had seen earlier, wondering if she had said enough, her feelings for Light and desire for Light to be happy were far stronger than she had put them across as. She didn't have a right though and merely decided to hope for the best, hope that Fang knew what she was doing and hope she didn't open that door and then abandon Light, she had done that and there wasn't a day that went by that she didn't wish things could have been different, that no matter what had happened that she could have avoided hurting the rose haired soldier.

Lightning's skills were soon on display, she blocked and dodged every attack the big swift Reaver tried to deliver, dishing back attacks of her own that held nothing back, each blow holding her L'cie powers and proving enough to compete with the monster. While her L'cie power usually disturbed, scared, or angered the men who served under her they had never been close to a Reaver before and they seemed in awe, only kept going by Akira and her harsh tone at the slightest mistake or hesitation. Then it happened, as Lightning battered away the creature stopped moving and she was almost late on the call as she got caught up in the heat of combat. "Group B! Come in, the shift is occurring!" With that Crimson stood, "Let's go, everyone support Fang as she flanks, myself and Braylor will move forward if it turns into a full frontal assault. Keep your minds clear, do your job, and we will make quick work of this beast." Her voice was calm but it demanded attention and as she led the charge Lightning could be seen in her glory, fighting with a grace that came naturally and made her shine like a Goddess. Each swift strike slashing through the thickest of armor, L'cie powers or not she was incredible to watch, the Goddess of Battle, it had been a name her former crew had called her when she wasn't around, and seeing her in action, without holding back, it certainly gave that impression.
They double timed it into place as the timing had to be just right. Fangs first order of business was not to attack, but to summon support for Lightnings elegant and effective blows. She cast Powerchain to strengthen her attack and use of Ruin and build their stagger faster. For Lightnings group of vets she gave them and their team captain Adrenalin to hit harder, the rookies didn't get it. For herself she cast Blindside before she launched into a purely physical attack... and if any one noticed, as time went on... she was rather enjoying it. Fang reached out as she fought and felt the energy around her. The weak embers that were the rooks, trembling and faint but goaded by the voice of their line man that was Akira. The strong but small light that was each and every one of Lightnings old team. Steady like a heart beat, firm, determined, forceful... And then Lightning a bright luminary that could cast the sun into darkness as she summoned forth that edgy power. She could taste it, breath it in... feel it crawl across her senses... and as she synched herself with this woman so that she played counter point to Lightnings lead the battle became this orchestrated dance of death. The beast fell under their assault and Lightning would shift, and with her Fang... the ever changing chameleon who's reserves seemed unnaturally deep.

Crimson watched the two as they became one and felt awed by the ballet that they performed. What ever it meant to be L'cie Fang knew it, she owned it... it was something Crimson in all her years had never seen. A creature like that... the creature that Lightning was becoming the longer she was exposed to it. While they the back of of the two fumbled around dodging attacks at a slow pace these two were swift and agile. Sensing as if before it happened how to dodge or counteract it. Gray green eyes swept the battle field, it seemed she was not the only one... the rooks were too busy trying to stay alive to notice what was happening before them, but Lightnings old crew saw it too... and Crimsons heart felt pain and joy all at once for the creature that was Fang.

Fang drew upon many of her individual paradigms, shifting her mind as often and as quickly as she could summoning spells mid battle to draw out the creatures vitality and strength. Hurry his demise, empower her companions. Defend his crushing attacks. A light sheen of sweat appeared on her body as she fought the Reaver her L'cie finger always on the pulse of her companions power to hasten the battle and take the brunt of the damages away from the rooks and other mortals. Letting them focus on their job... wearing down the beast.

Akira watched with growing envy. Through the eyes of her head gear she saw the pulsing shift Fang did as she shuffled through her different paradigms though she was not sure what it was she was seeing... no L'cie who she had ever worked with before had such a vast base from which to pull from, and she had little of her own to even begin understanding what it was Fang was doing. But she saw and felt the outcome as spells were cast upon them, buffing them against enemy attack and giving them extra power to do more damage themselves as if imbuing physical items which had a set amount of damage to cause more with out destroying the weapon or the user. Her skin crawled the the liberal caress the dark haired huntress so casually cast upon them with her power. It was becoming clear to her now that if it was power that drew Lightning... she didn't have an ice cubes chance in hell of competing with Pulse L'cie.

It was towards the end of the battle that was the most critical, the monster they fought was enraged beyond all means of control, and the fighters were coming to the end of their line of strength... so many things could happen then... and this was no exception.

"Watch that attack!" Crimson called to one of the rooks dragging her eyes from the battle to try and aid the man who had gotten too close. "DAMMIT!" She cursed as blood other than that of their enemy flowed.... The mans body crumpled up against a tree with a sickening crunch like the sound of a bug under foot. He cried out piteously the screams of a man who was dieing... like a child who only wanted help when they fell down and scraped his knee he reached out towards his group with his faltering life that look of pleading in his eyes that ware quickly going dark. Crimson saw him fading and moved to render aid but she already knew that it was too late.
"EYES ON THE FIELD!" She told the rooks who peeled off to help their fallen comrade. It was a hard call when one of your friends fell, but they had a window of opportunity to help... after the beast was slayed. Crimson returned to the fight amongst monsters and Gods knowing the man's last sight was that of his team rushing to help him... Even the illusion was enough to help the fallen recover from their ordeal whether it was actual truth or not...

Akira watched as Fang dropped down to the ground in front of the great beast.
"Are you trying to die!" She asked Fang through their headset. There was a shift in the huntress and she stood challengingly before the beast. Her lance in hand and she defied the creature. Her challenge guttural as she raised her hand up to the enraged monster and it turned from its attack being parried from Lightning to Fang drawn by her otherworldly power. She called it forth as a Siren might an unwary soul all its fury and all its rage on her, and when Akira thought she might be utterly obliterated. Fang took the blow her feet skid amongst the bloody field but her arms and body did not waiver as she caught that great claw with her lance. She held its thrall with words that felt ancient and dark... the Pulsian tongue as she fouled the beast with her words and opened the field of battle for the Goddess of Battle to strike the killing blow.
Lightning and Fang together was something to see, it was a spectacle unlike any that the soldiers had seen before, even the vets were in awe of what could be done when Light had someone of equal level to work with. Each time a brutal attack came down one of them shifted to defend and the other shifted to support or smash the creature with a devastating attack. While Fang gave buffs to the other soldiers Light took opportunities to sabotage the Reaver, weakening its defenses, lowing it's speed and the punch it packed, the symphony proved just how well the two complicated one another. There was no gap in their skill, no challenge they seemed to be worried by together, and more than anything in that time, while they were fighting, they seemed to be able to communicate without saying a word. Each shift was done together, it was beautiful to watch and while the other soldiers managed to keep their heads in the game there were moments that they couldn't help but just watch, Akira's envy for Fang crushing to her chances to ever be with Light, she knew that she couldn't be what Fang could. Everyone seemed to understand what Fang could be with Light, even if the rose haired soldier herself had yet to realize.

Lightning was in the moment, fighting without hesitation, fluid and elegant in a way only someone who was at home in battle could be and there was not a moment her concentration failed her, until one of her own was cut down. Light stopped, barely avoiding being hit herself as she turned to face the man, but unlike those who paused and hesitated, freezing, something else happened to Light. She suddenly moved faster, the next blow that came her way not even coming close to hitting the soldier and the look on her face was one of anger but also complete concentration. "Akira, pull all the support back and launch attacks only at range, their concentration is compromised, we don't need more soldiers down." Her voice was calm, confident, and demanded obedience and Akira did exactly as she said, and Crimson followed her her own troops, a hail of bullets reigning down on the creature from afar as Light and Fang continued their assault, though Fang seemed to have a different idea about what to do, shifting and going to challenge the creature.

Lightning didn't try to stop her, in fact she wasn't confused or stumped by Fang's actions at all, instead she jumped back and shifted as well, drawing up all her power, her eyes closing as she concentrated and finally it came, a skill Light had never used before but it came out in the moment, draining all her reserves as she ran at the beast and jumped into the air, launching a series of fast blows with more power behind them. Before it was even over the creature was staggered and while it's attention had been focused on Fang its fate had been sealed by Lightning, the Goddess of Battle earning her unknown title as she soon crushed the creature with one final blow that for a moment appeared to cleave the creature in two. Yet it had not, instead the creature went crashing to the ground, the earth shaking beneath it and a feeling of awe washing over those watching, not only at what Light had just done but the way Fang had opened that possibility, how she had known Lightning could end it if she only took the brunt of its attacks, and how she came out still unscathed.

Yet something else was on their minds and as the adrenaline began to slow they all turned to look at the man against the tree, the young inexperienced soldier who had stepped a hair too close. Yet as they watched they could see Light slowly walking over towards the man, her skin covered in a light sheen of sweat and her chest heaving as she caught her breath from that final attack. At that point she should have been exhausted but Lightning had never succumb to what normal people would, and while few understood there was no doubt Fang was the same way. When she made it to the man she knelt down before him and reached out, a hand touching his head and in the moment she began to shin, a white aura surrounding the rose haired soldier, the appearance of an angel elevating her beauty to a level that took the breath from those looking, and then moment s later as if the soul had returned to the body, the light enveloped the dead man and his wounds closed. There was no scream of pain, no convulsing, it all seemed like true magic and soon his eyes were opening and a deep desperate breath escaped his lips to fill his lungs once more.

It was then she stood up, helping the man to his feet and taking him over to the rest of the troop, allowing his fellow rookies to take him and head towards where the transport would be coming. The Light turned to Crimson, "I would appreciate it if you could take care of the collection of the creature, I think my men need to get back, this may have been a bit much for their first mission. Crimson nodded, a small smile at Light but she felt further from the woman than ever before, now that someone like Fang was around to compare herself to. Lightning nodded back, taking a deep breath before going over to Fang and reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Let's go Fang..." The look on her face was obviously one of approval, without Fang it would have been much more difficult and of course Lightning had felt a little of what was possible with the woman, she was still processing it though, figuring out what fighting with another L'cie was like.
There was no sense of triumph to the fight though it washed over Fang like a battle should. She felt pelased at the outcome even though Jenkins died... she was sorry for the blow she had not been able to stop, she was sorry he had to go through that pain and terror... but like Crimson she knew he was not utterly gone from them. She sighed rubbing at some of the spatter that had caught her during the hail of bullets. Having the soldiers shooting had seriously impaired her overhead attacks, but she had managed with out so much air time. Green eyes watched as Lightning moved towards her downed soldier. His bent and twisted body half wrapped around the tree. His comrades gently moved him, and while they expected some one to procure a phoenix down Lightning shifted her paradigm once more and drew from that reserve with in. Her body cloaked in white light. Fang dropped her eyes respectfully as Lightnings very essence called the soldier back to life. The men watched in awe their eyes dazzled by her brilliance. And when Jenkins arose from that terrible twisted and broken form a whole man... Fang couldn't help but feel her heart feel drawn to the soldier.

Crimson was quiet too as she felt this power in Lightning, a gentleness that was always hidden beneath her cold walls... in that moment it was hard not to feel love and loss all over again... She bowed her own head to gather her frayed emotions before every one moved back into motion.

Fang lifted her head up when Lightning came and placed a hand on her shoulder. The men were quite a bit more respectful to both of the Pulse L'cie. But more so to Lightning. As they rode in the transport Fang guessed each of them had their own sort of crush on Lightning now. It wasn't sexual by any means... she remembered the first time she had experienced some one raise another... and she had been just as moved as these were. Jenkins especially seemed humbled by the experience, his eyes shifting again and again to Lightning... his savior. What she had done would not heal his psychological wounds, but it went a long way to helping with them... as did it towards their animosity to their commanding officer. The men seemed in a better mood going home than they had on deployment. A profound shift in them that felt something closer to a family unit though they had a long way to go. "I feel like celebrating." Jenkins said.

Green eyes raised to him, he would feel pretty great, but he had just died... she hoped Lightning told him in no uncertain terms to get his ass to bed... but it was not her call. When the transport returned home Fang was still quiet her eyes taking it in. She had observed the men, and her pink haired soldier whom she felt extremely proud of. Lightning had pulled out all the stops... she had even felt that little burst of triumph when something with in Lightning broke open and like a flower blooming, offered up to her a new skill that she had used with amazing determination and agility. They filed out of the transport and lined up before their commanding officer. Fang though not part of the unit gave that respect to Lightning and fell in at the end of the line for the after fight debriefing... Captain Montgomery had been informed of their return and was there waiting, watching having heard from Sergeant Major Crimson a few of the details as he had asked her to do.
The return back to the base was an interesting experience, it was the first time in Lightning's stent as the leader of her group that respect was shown all around. She was not much different from her usual self, sitting at the back with her legs crossed, eyes closed for most of the trip but somehow she could still feel what was going on around her. Light was no physically exhausted but mentally she felt like that Reaver had beat her into the ground. For Lightning, a woman who avoided her L'cie abilities, using them so much had a bit of an impact, especially her final ability and the resurrecting of her fallen soldier, they had drained her and she had a pounding headache. So for her the only thing on her mind, despite the happiness of finishing the mission without much trouble, was a shower and perhaps some time at home in her bed comfortable and relaxed. Though that wasn't always so easy. Regardless, she was well aware of the eyes on her and a few times she turned to look at those looking at her, though they always turned away embarrassed, partially due to the fact that they were 'caught' but also by how they had treated her previously.

Light was simply glad they seemed to respect her, that these soldiers were starting to accept her as their commanding officer. She was the CO though and as Jenkins mentioned celebration she opened her eyes and looked over to him. "Jenkins. I know it has got to be wonderful to be alive, but you need to rest. You all need to rest. Because while today was tough it only proves how much we need to train in order to protect those we live to serve. So for tonight go home, relax, rest, decompress. Celebrate tomorrow after a quieter day." Jenkins nodded, "Yes Ma'am." And without hesitation they began planning not for that night but for the night after, they were still going to celebrate but they were going to do it as Lightning suggested, something they would not have done before that day, another acknowledgement of respect from the soldiers who now had a growing respect for Light. That made the rest of their ride more bearable and while Lightning said nothing else she was still listening, and just once a small smile appeared on her cheeks, happier than she had been in quite some time.

On arrival to the base things changed however, Lightning was forced to gather herself up and move with her troops inside to their gym, where all of the soldiers, including Fang, lined up before her. Captain Montgomery was there as well but he didn't say anything, giving Lightning lead to speak to and dismiss the troops, who had earned the rest of the day off, though some time had passed and it was quite the long day already. "Today was good guys. I know it wasn't easy but it was the first real test of what we are and can be. Now while I was in the front lines I got to see what each of you were capable of today and I must say, there is some work, we are still a new unit, but for our first time out together I was impressed. Each of you showed you have what it takes to grow and become a unit enviable by others." She paused, walking over to Jenkin's and standing in front of him. "You need to take care of yourself Jenkins. I know you feel great but today was hard." He smiled, beaming as Light spoke to him and even as she walked away he seemed to understand.

"Now, all of you, tomorrow we work hard and soon will be your aptitude exams, read over what they are sometime in the next week if you do not remember. Dismissed." She nodded to Fang, signalling she could go home if she wished as well, and then moving over to the Captain, exchanging a few words and then allowing her to go, knowing she was probably more exhausted than she wanted people to know. Lightning did not head directly home, instead she moved away from the Captain and directly to the changing area, moving to her locker and removing her clothing. She was dirty and covered in sweat, evidence of combat all over her and as she took a deep breath she wanted nothing more than to feel the hot water on her skin. So she grabbed a towel and sat it on the bench inside the shower before moving over to one of the shower heads and ensuring it was on a nice and hot temperature before stepping under, an immediate gratified groan escaping as her muscles relaxed under the hot water. She just stood there, her head placed under the stream of water and traces of battle washing off her, leaving only her gorgeous body and marks left by Fang remaining, and while she hadn't given it much thought she believed it would be a private shower, one where she could release the burden that day had built up. Her eyes were closed and she just let it all fade away, senses dulled and body melting under the water, hair matted to her skin and water causing her skin to glisten.
Fang spent a few minutes with the men. They had a different view of her now, humans usually did when they saw her. She was pleased that, that new view was not one of absolute fear. "Hey Fang, you gonna come with us an have a few bears tomorrow?" Jenkins asked. Fang smirked. "Ah might come." She said and he gave her a grin. "Good, at least its not a no, though we deserve it..." She put a hand on his shoulder, but her eyes rose as their CO moved off from Captain Montgomery. "No harm no foul." She said rather forgiving. He bowed his head and nodded. "Thanks." He said feeling rather ashamed of himself. "Go on now... go hold yor wife." He blinked at her. She rolled her eyes pulling them away from Lightnings form as it disappeared into the girls showers.
"I know that long blonde hair on your uniform every morning isn't yours." She raised a hand and fluffed his black short bangs. He laughed."Yeah. I think I'll do that." He said and clapped her on the shoulder. She waved him off and saw some of the others off before she was drawn towards the girls room. She tasted the water before she even opened the doors, her senses still burning on high... a lingering effect of her battle training. Pushing into the door she slipped inside with minimal sound and extended her senses into the room before her. Lightning was there... and she felt her life force like a pulse against her skin, a heart beat in her mouth...

Fang was a different breed of a creature... she knew she was no longer human and did not define herself that way. It afforded her abilities usually left unknown to others of her kind. She was drawn forward, as the taste of battle was washed away, leaving water caressed skin of a woman who enraptured every one of her senses. Fang pulled at the blue sari as she listened to the beading of water against the rose haired soldiers skin. She swallowed already tasting the water against Lights skin. Her sari settled onto a bench, her black sports bra following it. Green eyes turned towards the shower catching the turn of her soldier, and all the rest was forgotten. The closer she got the more she could feel Lightnings fatigue, not of body for that was still strong, not of spirit because it burned like a flame that drew her forward whispering her to come... but of mind, Fang shifted from soldier to healer, it would have been a warm wave over Lightning's skin but otherwise she had not given herself away. The power gathered in strong gentle hands. And when she reached out she already had that spell ready. Fang moved slowly as Lightning turned into the water. As Lightnings arm came back through her hair Fang reached for her wrist. It was best to subdue her prey with as little struggle as possible... the rest she knew was going to follow... It was damn presumptuous... but after the day she had, had... she was pretty sure of herself. She turned Lightning feeling her tense up, but as she did Fang stepped into her and suddenly the soldier found her body pinned beneath a larger one... The stood under the hot pounding water hungry eyes meeting teal blue.

Pinning Lightning with her hip and thigh left her one hand, it was with this hand she centered it over Lightnings abdomen several fingers below her navel, and the slow healing spell she pushed into Lightning touching her sexual power... "Let me..." She whispered in a husky voice as she leaned in and pressed an open mouth kiss to Lightning forehead and that power pushed in over her mental powers... revitalizing her soldier in two of her major centers of energy... one for Lightning to push away the head ache and fatigue of her thoughts... the other for herself and awakening that already tumultuous energy that Lightning had been holding back.
Lightning felt amazing but the mental exhaustion wasn't so easy to get over, as relaxed as her body felt she still had a pounding headache as her body punished her for using a power she usually chose to hide from. It was a bit of a wake up call, how she had to accept herself a bit more or it could be detrimental, but that wasn't what was really on her mind, she just wanted to relax and as she stood under the water she knew she was off to a great start. She was so involved in enjoying the sensation of hot water against her skin she didn't catch the feeling of Fang's mind until the woman was right behind her, the feeling of a strong hand against her wrist occurring at the same time and a gasp of surprise escaped Light's lips. She felt herself get pinned by Fang's larger body, being pushed back into the wall behind the shower head, cold tile chilling her back. That chill didn't register though, her eyes peering into Fang's as the woman's body pressed against hers, and the hunger of an unsatisfied and wanting body began to swell up in her, Lightning's desires already pounding against reason.

It didn't help her self control as Fang pressed a hand below her navel and kissed her forehead. Soon power was washing over her and she found that mental fatigue gone and it made her feel lighter, more at ease and she was completely relaxed, her body that had tensed to Fang's touch relaxing in her embrace. When it was over and the healing stopped Light looked up at Fang, her reaction not as violently opposed as it would usually be, though there was a look of fire in her eyes. "Fang... You just don't give up do you? I mean did I not state that our encounter would be a one night deal?" There wasn't venom in her voice like usual and as she looked up to see Fang's hand holding her wrist and then looked down to see where her body kept Lightning pressed up against the wall. It was strangely satisfying and while she didn't make that obvious she did look back up into Fang's eyes, an unsure look on her face as she took a deep breath, her eyes scanning Fang's body. She felt closer to Fang than she could remember feeling with another woman, the way she could feel the woman's presence, it was all conflicting with her most built up response to getting close to anyone, to push and run.

Light's body moved slightly as she leaned in, her face near Fang's and hot breath spilled from her lips over Fang's skin, "What do you want from me Fang?" She didn't wait for a response as her body throbbed and begged, instead she shifted herself and attempted to push Fang off of her, though she was unable to summon such strength, Fang was stronger and the part of her that wanted what was happening couldn't do much to change the tides. However she grit her teeth and growled, a weaker growl than normal, she was nervous to even try and accept what her body wanted. "This really isn't funny Fang..." She paused, her face moving in closer to Fang's and she snarled, but it died down towards the end, Lightning had a feeling Fang wasn't going to let her get away, she couldn't get away, and then she accepted that she really didn't want to get away. So finally she shoved her lips forward, colliding with Fang's in a passionate intense kiss, and when she pulled away her teeth pulled on Fang's lower lip. She leaned back, her body pressed flat against the wall. "Whatever it is you want... How about you take it." It was like her saying that she wanted it without confirming it, unable to bring herself to say she wanted Fang but too full of lust and desire to say no, and as she was pinned up against that wall her eyes burned passionately, looked into Fang's with reckless abandon, a first for Light.
Fang was not so easily deterred... Lightning... she breathed her in, and knew she hungered too...
"Fang... You just don't give up do you?" Fang nuzzled Lightnings lips drawing her own across the soldiers. She wanted that mouth... wanted to fill it with her own. Her tongue flicked across Lightnings lips as she spoke. "... I mean did I not state that our encounter would be a one night deal?" A smile crossed those lush sensual lips seen for a second before the drew across Lightnings cheek and sucked in her ear love for a sensual bob or two between agile gifted lips. She could sense her weakened resolve and so pressed forward, drawing those hungry lips down lightnings jaw kissing at stray water drops pressing against her chin... How could she say no to Fang? Fang knew she could but prayed to the Goddess she did not... prayed she was weakened enough to allow what was between them to happen yet again. "What do you want from me Fang?" Her lips brushed Lightnings again, beckoning... As Lightning pushed, Fang pushed back and a soft growl of excitement left parted lips.
What did she want? She wanted Lightning to want her, to hunger for her, to need to breathe her in, drink her down and feel their power combine in a totally different way... She wanted nothing but total and complete surrender of this woman unto her... but she would gladly take slightly pissed, sexually frustrated, and hungry as hell just as easily. It was still another nick in the soldiers defense. Fang waited... waited for Lightnings response and it was well worth the wait, as her breath pulsed against sensitized lips, it was the answer she had been waiting for. She groaned into that all consuming kiss. And ground her hips into Lightning as their tongues dueled and they starved themselves for air because at that moment they needed something more important... Fang already had her answer... but Lightnings off handed invitation was still delicious to her senses. She turned Lightning away from her only a hair breadth between them and Lightning found her breasts and hips pressed against the wall, Fangs hands on both of Lightnings holding them up above the soldiers head as she held her against the wall. A powerful thigh sliding between the soldiers own against her aching throbbing center and Fangs mouth found her first mark. Lightnings shoulder was subjected to a new mark as Fang claimed Lightning, but she did something different before she bit. Something Lightning would have felt across her skin like a cool breeze before Fang dropped a hand down over Lights hip and claimed her womanhood with a large calloused hand before she literally shoved her power up into Lightning, filling her it poured up into the soldier like nothing she had ever before known. It went beyond what her center could hold, spilling into her abdomen, crawling up into her chest, and issuing from her throat. It was deep and it was highly sexual touching her in all the right places... places one might not even know was sensitive to sexual advances. Fang held Lightning tightly against her body and took her just as Lighting said she could...But to be sure she did not loose her soldier to all that amazing pleasure she bit her, hard,sinking teeth into the strong muscles of her shoulder and neck. Still it was amazing what the body could manage under such circumstances and that pain and that pleasure coalesced through the soldiers body with only the dark haired huntress as her sole anchor to the solid world of sanity...
Fang seemed able to read Lightning better than she could read herself, see the hints of what she wanted before she made it clear with the kiss. Yet that kiss was something, it didn't end until lungs needed air and it left both of them gasping when it was over, and Lightning had felt that even though she had initiated the kiss that Fang had once again made herself the predator in their game of primal lust. As she was turned around she growled but it was playful and full of desire and Lightning's nipples hardened from the cold tile and excitement combination. Nobody treated Lightning like Fang did, nobody had ever simply taken her and having the strong huntress taking control of her in such a manner unlocked something inside of her that couldn't be handled by anyone lesser than the strong woman currently pinning her hands above her head. Fang was back holding the strength that would topple most even as she pushed back against her, growling and struggling just to have Fang suppress her, fighting against Fang's dominance just to have the huntress be harder and more firm. She wanted to be controlled and while it had never been a desire in her life previously it was something she couldn't help but desire from Fang.

A wanting moan escaped her lips as a thigh slid up against her throbbing center, but that was nothing compared to what came next. Lightning didn't know what was happening as a sensation began to fill her, every sense reacting to a foreign presence filling her entire body, spreading throughout and bringing with it a pleasure the likes of which the rose hair soldier had never experienced. Parts of her that would never provide such sensations caused her to cry out, her voice carrying through the open room and her head tilted back as she found herself quickly approaching a point she couldn't reach on her own in hours or trying. Then, as the pleasure seemed to have no end she felt the sharp pain of teeth sinking in to her soft delicate flesh, bringing with it another layer that made the odd full feeling of pleasure even more intense, and if Fang hadn't been holding her the convulsions would have sent them both to the floor. Yet it did not stop her from feeling as if she were going crazy, pleasure shaking Lightning to her very core as she pushed back against Fang, and then without warning her body exploded, a single orgasm hitting her, after the previous night she had so much desire, such a need to find release, that just that one crescendo was more satisfying than any other climax in her life.

It didn't end so quickly however, the pleasure that filled her, the contrast between the pain of the bite, it didn't cause a single wave, it brought with it a series of mind shattering crescendos as a symphony went off inside the soldier. Even as it ended she was still quaking with pleasure, her body sensitive to every touch and breath and when it ended she found herself limp in Fang's arms, putty, and she turned her head back, looking at Fang with eyes full of further desire. She wanted Fang to do more to her, take more from her, as if it was continuing past that single night she wanted everything, every ounce of pleasure Fang was able to promise her. She let the throbbing of her body from both the pleasure and the pain of where Fang had claimed her sink in. Lightning knew it was only the beginning and as she felt the throbbing where those teeth had left a mark she felt oddly okay with, and she felt completely ready for me. "Fang... More."
The huntress shifted her half nude body against the soldiers as Lightning bucked and fought her. It wasn't the type of fight where Lightning wanted free because there was no venom no anger but this need rose between them, where Lightning needed her power in adverse contrast to Lightnings smaller frame. Fang kept her wedged between the wall and her body with the skill of some one who had done this before... and she forced that mind numbing pleasure up into the soldier until she thrashed with it, bucked against it, threw her head back and that husky hard voice cried out in orgasm. Not one but many. Fang cushioned the trembling and protected her lover from the worst of her bodys convulsions until Lightning found her voice again and those amazing teal eyes begged for more. Fang felt her body tighten at her throaty request, and she rose to the occasion. Her hand shifting to slide up into her soldier with three fingers. Sliding up through all the soldiers moisture and claim her once more... Fang the invader... Lightnings senses were burned through, her body raw to every touch, and the very feel of her lovers penetration would slide as a ripple effect into her body, but Fang held her with a powerful arm as she took her again.

A strong thumb caressing a throbbing clit as fingers drove into her lover again and again razing the soldiers senses. Fang cried softly in Lightnings ear, huskily whispering to her the things lovers do. How good she felt deep with in her, how sensual, how hot, how much she wanted her... Fang let the words fall from her lips in endless praise and sensual goading for the soldier who needed very little at this point. Fangs body was hard, powerful and yet deliciously sensual. Her breasts pulsed into Lightnings back with each thrust, the sound of their joining was its own primal perfection. Lightning wanted NO needed Fang to take her, and take her she did. The cold wall against Lightnigns body, the hot water against her sensitized skin, and the dark huntress was her very own sensual banquet of sensory input. Like the creature in the field who held nothing back. Fang took it all, her mouth leaving love bites across Lightnings neck and shoulder, a nip even to her jaw and a bite to her ear... Her hands working, her mouth hungry ceaseless in its hunt for a new hold of flesh as the huntress played all of Lightnings senses like an artist. And when her body rushed to its release she commanded. "Cry for me... just for me."
Fang's powerful embrace sent shivers throughout Lightning, a feeling of comfort that she simply had never experienced. It was that feeling of security, that she wasn't taking everything on herself, in fact she felt that with Fang's arms and body pressed against her that she didn't have to take things on herself. For Lightning, who had taken everything upon herself someone who could stand with her, right next to her with an equal strength and desire, she couldn't help but find herself wanting that person around. She had denied it at first, that first night not able to pound it through, but what Serah had said to her and after that battle, she could just feel that Fang could be someone that stood beside her, even if only as a friend and to satisfy the desires they shared towards one another. For the moment however Light's mind was more focused on the immediate pleasure and she leaned back against Fang's strong body, pressing her smooth back against that lovely woman behind her. Her panting, each labored breath, held a desire for more, and Fang was not denying her any of it.

As a thumb caressed her clit, as fingers invaded her tight slit she cried out, a rasp to her voice as she listened to the words being whispered to her. She craned her neck, pressing her ear against Fang's lips, her soul needing more of the praise she always denied herself from others. The mass amount of sensory input flowing in was numbing Light's usually sharp mind, heat and cold, skin against skin and the pulse and throb of her own body as well as Fang's. Hot breath against her ear added to the sensation overload, and each bite on her skin caused a shiver that pushed Light closer and closer to yet another moment of bliss, pleasure a constant promise when Light was in Fang's arms. Then it came, a command from Fang, a command to cry for her, a possessive demand that touched the part of her that wanted nothing more than to submit to the larger more dominant woman. She held herself back, didn't do as she was commanded, resisted and did her best to suspend the rising wave of ecstasy. It was a futile attempt, as she soon found back arching, pushing back against Fang and causing part of her body to shove against the cold tile as she cried out, a sharp loud sound of bliss.

Fang played her body like an instrument and there was nothing she could do or wanted to do to stop her. However she found herself asking a similar question in her mind, 'What did Fang want from her?' It was an important question because Light, while having finally found a reason, a person, to open herself up to just the slightest bit, she wasn't capable of simply risking it all, pulling down those barriers on her own. It was no simple task and she found herself wanting to challenge Fang in some way, to make sure some distance was kept even if it wasn't quite what it had been before that day. So she turned her head, eyes peeking at Fang and speaking in a voice that conveyed more than she meant it to about her worries, but also challenged the woman she had all but begged to ravage her. "Tell me Fang... Do you now believe that I am yours?" It was as if saying she wasn't that while she wanted what was happening, while she admitted that a one time thing was no longer in the cards, especially with Fang near her each and every day to wear away at her self control, that she did not have her yet, that there was still more of Light that the huntress would not be able to capture so easily. Deep down she want it though, wanted Fang to press on and take what was impossible for Light to simply give up to another person. She needed a woman of such strength, and perhaps it was merely part of the trial that was Lightning Farron.
Fang brushed wet hair away from Lightnings neck and kissed it as Lightning was held in her arms her body thruming with pleasure at the huntresses hands. "Tell me Fang... Do you now believe that I am yours?" Fang groaned her hands sliding over Lightnigns body caressing all those wonderful places that brought them pleasure. She wanted to say yes... but two rounds of really good sex did not a relationship make... but she would not let the moment pass.
"I want you to be mine." She admitted in a husky voice her lips caressing Lightnings jaw. Fang backed away enough to turn the soldier between her and the wall. Her mouth falling to Lightnings neck, and breasts. All the previous marks that she had left on the soldiers body were now gone. They had been wiped away with Fangs power play. Strong hands slid down Lightnings arms, her mouth caressing, licking her collar bone, she grazed teeth over it before kissing down between lush sensitized breasts.. It seemed the huntress had aim to bring her soldiers cries to the full once more... The huntress knelt before Lightning, kissing her thigh, sucking that heart shaped birth mark into her mouth, caressing it with her tongue as she bit softly into the flesh. But her goal wasnt to remark all those delightful places, but to draw Lightning at least once more into bliss.

Dark eyes raised up to teal blue, her breath pulsing against lightnings womanhood. Her tongue slipped to trace the line of her slit... and it was all down hill from there. Fangs mouth was determined, she sucked and nuzzled. Licked and dipped there was not a place Fang let go unnoticed before she thrust her tongue up into lightning.

. . .

Crimson sighed as they made it back to base. She was hot and sweaty, the scent of death clung to her, and blood from the kill was spattered over her person. Even Akira who stood back to assess and command had blood in unusual places.
"That was a royal mess." Akira grumbled. "I have never seen a more incompetent cleaning crew in my life. I swear it was like training children." She growled. Crimson smirked as they both headed for the showers. But something made her draw up short a hand resting on Akiras shoulder. The sound was faint, but it was getting stringer they were still a few chocobo lengths from the girls locker room and it dawned on her she knew what those guttural cries were... or more importantly who they belonged to.
"Is that..." Akira asked. Crimson made a gesture, gray eyes hardening. "Report to our company station."
"What? But..." "Specialist you will report to our Company Station on the double!" Crimson said in a hardened voice. Akira snapped to attention, about faced and marched off. Crimson sighed as she watched her communication specialist march off as she was commanded. She felt a sense of pride that Akira had obeyed despite her curiosity.

Those beautiful cries drew her mind off of Akira to Pinky once more. Crimson felt her body flush. "Stop that..." She growled to her body before moved forward. It was not that she wanted Lightning, quite the opposite, she was a happily married woman, with children and a wife. But some sounds just did that to you. You cringed at the sound of pain, and you felt aroused at the sounds like what was coming from the womens locker room. Crimson sighed opened the door and shouted with in.
"WRAP IT UP LADIES!" She knew who would be the one drawing those cries from her friend.

Fang drew her mouth back turning her head as that voice came through the door on the other side of the wall. She growled softly but knew they were on borrowed time. She leaned in licking Lightnings neither lips, giving her a final kiss. She rose up capturing the soldiers mouth before she could pull away or push Fang off. "We will continue this discussion later." She said in a soft growl, her hands rising up Lightnings sides. Before Lightning could just walk out on her, Fang turned giving the soldier her back. Her wonderous half clothed body moving for her top and sari. Fang pulled her top on, grabbed up her spear and walked out soaking wet. Crimson was already gone...
I want you to be mine. Those words resonated through Lightning and she found herself panting gently against Fang. So many people admired Lightning from afar, she wasn't so blind as to not notice the stares and realize what people were whispering about when it pertained to herself. She knew that as far as beauty was concerned she caught the attention of both men and women alike. Yet she had never cared, and nobody had attempted to capture her heart in quite some time, hell nobody had even tried to spend a night with her. Not since Crimson, not since her personality locked down tighter than it had ever been. Not that Light had ever been the sociable type, she wasn't one to run about smiling and laughing, but she had changed and people only observed. That was until Fang sprung up in her life, an unshakable woman who didn't just want Lightning but had the strength and determination to try, to approach her and flirt, to keep pushing even when Light hurt or berated her. She had the strength to do so and she made it clear that what she was after was not a mere night together, that she wanted more than Lightning had dared hope anyone would want from here again.

That didn't make it easier for the soldier though. She had been hurt and when you relied on yourself for everything it became quite difficult to let anyone help with anything, much less become a major part in your life. She had tried with Crimson, in a time where she had already taken everything on her own shoulders. She was taking care of Serah and while it had been tough she had managed. Then Crim came along, beautiful and skilled in every way imaginable. Light wanted to be her, and over time she found herself drawn in by the woman, allowing someone else to finally help her, to enter in to her life. It was magnificent and Light let her guard down completely around the woman. Then it ended, a crushing moment for a young girl, she shut down. That would be with her forever. Even though she understood why years ago it couldn't be, and while she had moved past it, that pain and moment had shaped her, made her an even more stoic person than she would have become otherwise.

Yet some of that shifted, as Fang touched her the huntress took control forcefully and made Light open up, even if just the slightest bit. Light found herself enthralled in the pleasure and her mind was full of Fang, full of another person as she took a step forward, asking Fang to pleasure her, to help relieve her tension, and abandoned her stand on their relationship being but a single night.

- - - - -

For Light that was a big deal and it meant allowing the pleasure to take hold and releasing more control than she did in any other aspect of her life. It was what she needed, what she had needed for some time, and what Fang was taking from her. As she cried out yet again, Fang's further assault on her sensitized body driving her mad, she found herself not wanting the feeling of connection to end, and it was a scary feeling. It was scary to think that a mere couple of days had her wanting Fang to such an extent. It had been so long though and Light had never been with someone as capable of keeping up and enduring her personality, it was a perfect storm of conditions to make her desires inflame. Luckily, before Light's mind could become more muddled by the endless torrent of orgasms and pleasure, Crimson's voice came from the outside of the shower, telling them to wrap it up.

Light's face flushed red in embarrassment, the one person who would recognize her cries had to be the one person who had come and heard them. Crimson. At least she knew that was the one person who wouldn't say anything, as while they were no longer lovers they were as close as family. She was about to attempt to push Fang off when the woman rose up, planting lips against her own, the taste of Light's own juices playing at her lips and she flushed with a mix of anger and arousal. Yet she said nothing, almost tamed as Fang made a dominant decision that their time together was far from over and it would continue later, a feral growl causing Light to bit her lower lip. Furthermore she could only watch as the woman walked away, sliding down the cold wall behind her until she was sitting on the floor, eyes glued to the mix of feminine beauty and muscle that tantalized the rose haired soldier so.

Light did nothing for a moment, letting the water wash over her, every part of her sensitive to the lightest stimulation. It was only after she felt herself starting to cool off that she rose up, water long since becoming cold, hardened nipples and pruned skin her punishment for waiting so long. She dried herself off, stiffing a moan as she rid her body of water. Then she tossed on her clothing and walked out, deciding to go straight home, her mind full of thoughts but no answers. Fang had left Light thinking and god did she make a good point.
From a distance Crimson watched the dark haired huntress step out of the showers. They way her skin glistened she expected Fang stepped out after something passed between them with out bothering to dry off. The Pulse L'cie ran a hand through dark hair shaking out some of the water before she moved on tying her Sari as she went. From her position she could see the pensive look to handsome features. She wondered what was passing through that mind… was it just desire? Was it the conquest? Was it something more? From their brief exchange of words earlier it had to be more than just the first two didn't it?

Fang ran a hand over her face as she schooled her features. Her body felt like some one had dropped a lightning spell into her bath water, and the flavor of her soldier was a tantalizing torment that made her skin even more sensitive. So caught up in how Lightning made her feel like a sex goddess she almost missed the feeling of being watched. She paused at the corner and let her eyes sweep the quad between her and the rest of the compound. She didn't see any one lurking, but she had a guess who it might be. After a more careful wringing of her dark locks Fang moved towards the front gate. There was a certain swagger to her hips… and why not? Lightning made her feel like a Goddess, an unstoppable force, so that her mortal lovers whims fell before her. She felt manic as she left the Guardian Corp grounds, totally forgetting that Anders had a meal set back for her dinner if she but stop at the mess hall to pick it up.

The warehouse was still in full swing when Fang returned home. A full crew of rough looking types… well most of them any way. There were a few pretty boy faces in there. Those who had yet to earn their craggy faces. Jonah was once again sitting on a 55 gallon drum with his gain cigar caught between his teeth.
"Afternoon Lass." Fang raised a hand and gave him a smirk.
"Good catch today?" He made a judgment face and motioned it wasn't so bad by a tip of his hand. She nodded.
"Boys are still inside workin." Fang cast a glance in and more than a few faces peered out at her. Curious faces, set in steely reserve. Not one of them could stand in her park and play ball but so it was a tad amusing that they tried to look tough.
"Hard workers?" He gave a nod to her question.
"Thats all we employ here at Jonah and Sons Fishing and Canning." Fang smiled. "Ya got any room for one more?" He gave her a long stare shifting that cigar in his mouth.
"You know how to handle carv'n a fish?" Fang smiled.
"I'm a daughter of Oerba." She said as if that answered it. Bushy eyebrows shifted but he nodded. "I might have a bit o space if ya have a hankering. But you'll have to earn your own spot with the boys." From his belt Jonah pulled his fishing knife, it had a gut hook and scaler on its spine. Jonah watched as she accepted the tool, a glimmer entering green eyes. She nodded, thanked him and went to play with the big boys.

The work was not particularly hard, nothing an experienced fisher could manage, but the fish were not small. She endured the rough talk, the good natured ribbing about her being a girl, the pot shots about her being L'cie, and the crude humor because of her presence. She dished it as well as she took it, and proved herself to be just as skilled as they were with the tool Jonah had given her.

By the time she crawled into bed she was pretty done in. It had been a long day, and while when she got home she had been channeling a lot of energy it was now all gone, and she needed her rest. She laid down on the bed and was asleep before she had time to worry about the lingering ache between her legs.
Lightning's departure from the changing room was not the one she expected. People were supposed to be gone, she was supposed to be alone, but there was Crimson, leaning against the wall and watching her with those beautiful and all-seeing eyes. She gulped, Crim was one of the few people who could see through her and knew exactly what was going on in her head despite how she tried to hide everything. The woman said little though, she simply stepped forward and put a hand on Light's shoulder, a mixed emotion smile on her features as she looked at Light. "It's okay to let someone in Light... Don't deny yourself forever, we both know you're not as much a loner as you like people to believe. So be happy." But that moment soon became more comfortable as Crim retracted her hand and giggled, "And maybe find some more suitable places for love making, a public shower may be exciting but it's not exactly the most safe of locations." With that she turned around and began walking away, not wanting Light's rather shy self to explode in embarrassment, though she did wave over her back and say one last piece. "Oh and one night you'll have to come have dinner at my place, you can bring along your new friend as well. See ya Pinky."

Light could only stand and listen, unable to say a thing as Crimson said what she already knew but didn't want to accept, that she wasn't the type to be alone even if she wanted to act that way. She had never been alone actually, as much as she was independent and took care of Serah she had always had her sister. Then Crim helped her and all her friends in her former unit had given her a hand. She had never truly been alone and she didn't want to be. She needed someone but she still wasn't sure about romance, it had never worked out. Was being friends not good enough? Could she not simply enjoy what Fang and her had, a chemistry she had never felt before? A physical relationship with a decent professional and friendly side as well? She took a deep breath, releasing the air slowly before nodding and walking towards the exit. She wasn't sure what she could have or even what she wanted but it wasn't going to be answered any time soon, Light had learned enough to know her instinct always led her in the right direction and she would rely on that once again, just let it all happen and enjoy it as much as she could.

Then again Fang would no doubt make her own decisions, she made it clear they weren't anywhere near done with what went down in the shower, but by the time Light made it home she had pushed such thoughts out of her mind and greeted her sister with a small smile and a warm hug. "Sis, kind of affectionate today huh?" Serah's voice was happy, she loved when Light showed the love she knew was there, made it a bit more clear despite it being so obvious in many other ways. Light simply nodded, "I guess so, it's just been an odd day." Serah giggled, taking Light's hand and leading her to the kitchen where plates were sitting out, still steaming and no doubt just finished before Light walked in. "Come on and eat, and while you do tell me all about it. Was it this mystery woman again? Because you've been a bit different as of late." She wanted all the details and while Light was not about to give her any she didn't deny it as fervently as she had the previous times Serah had asked about Fang. Instead she simply began to eat and had a nice meal with her sister.

When it was over, and with her managing to give very little away, Light went to her room and crawled in to her bed with a book. She was sitting there, in comfortable clothes, her glasses on, and literature she had started but never finished. Usually she worked even after work, but Fang exhausted her and worked more tension out in that shower than Light could get with an entire day of training. So she curled up for with her book and sat there for hours, reading and enjoying some quiet, letting her body rest. She was still a horny throbbing mess however, Fang had worked her up and while sating her desires hadn't completely satisfied that hungry libido of hers. No doubt that night would be full of dreams with a sexy guest appearance, she just hoped her mind didn't torment her too much, she wanted to have some tolerance the next day when she saw Fang.
Morning… Fang lay there staring at the ceiling her body heavy from sleep, her mind mulling over the day she had, had yesterday. It drew a smile to full lips "Oerba Yun Fang… yor a bad, bad girl." She murmured before forcing herself up. There was much she needed to get done before reporting to community service. One of which was to check with some of her contacts wether they had heard anything about her sister… and as much as she hated it. Reporting to the L.Cie processing center to see if Vanille had passed through there yet.

She was early again this morning. Captain Montgomery caught sight of her casually leaning against his door. He paused looking to her as she flashed an easy smile.
"You look like the Lobo that ate the Chocobo…" He said in a gruff voice. She chuckled. "What can I do for you Yun?" She pushed off his door as he moved forward.
"I have come to ask about my days here." She said. He raised a brow.
"I have handed your sentence over to Lightning, she will keep you until she thinks your debt is paid."
"I was just wondering how long a sentence like mine usually lasts."
"It's only been two days. What could be more important than serving Cocoon?"
"I wasn't trying to get out of it Sir. I was wondering about how much time it would last that was all." The door opened and he stepped inside setting his leather case on his desk, and moving about to open the window shades and windows to let the cool crisp morning enter. When he was done he sat in his chair and motioned for her to sit before him.

"I know you got handed a bad hand, with good behavior we can probably have you shipped off in two weeks." He watched something pass in those green eyes, that he had not seen since his days in the field. He couldn't say he understood women, they were a complex creature and each as unique and different as the next. Fang wanted something from him, that much he could tell, but she wasn't quite sure how to go about asking for it… or perhaps it had to do with the reason why she was here in the first place. Going from a gut feeling he hedged forward, clearing his throat puling her from those deep heavy thoughts. "In all honesty, we don't get big hitters like you often. Especially ones as amiable as you are. It would be a shame to loose you so soon." Light glimmered in those green eyes.

Montgomery breathed out a breath, that was it… in all his years at this job never once had he met a person or persons who wanted to extend their stay in community service. It really was a thankless job. No pay, no benefits, on call every hour of every day. Fang was gifted, he knew from Crimson and Lightnings reports she was an asset to them… more than that she seemed willing to work with Sergeant Farron. Something he had never seen since they promoted her to her current position. She was a hard woman, and misjudged by the stats of Pulse L'cie which was forced upon her. She was a damn fine soldier, and an up and coming star. "You work hard, keep your nose clean and we will see what might happen after your two weeks of service… but I don't stick my neck out for just any one. You better prove to me your a sound investment…" Fang sat straighter.
"Yes sir." He chuckled and shook his head. "Get outta my office your CO just passed by, you don't wast in on her bad side…" Fang rose up and darted out, then peeked back in.
"Thank you." She said before she disappeared again.
He heard her call out to Lightning.
"Good mornin Sunshine!" He shook his head again, if he didn't know any better he would say she wanted on Lightnings bad side. But that was just suicide…

Fang looked good in her black leather chemise. Silver latches holding the simple top together at the small of her back, exposing all those glorious muscles in her back, and jeans were made to fit. It was hard to tell if she showed more off this way or the outfit she wore yesterday. What ever the case, she wore it with a casual grace.
Light snapped out of sleep late in the night, a light sheen of sweat glistening on her skin, Lightning still sitting up with a book on her lap and her glasses still on. She had fallen asleep while reading, but discomfort was not why she had woken, it was quite the opposite. Fang, Fang was in her damn dreams, and it hadn't been anything she could speak aloud. Her eyes were wide as she mouthed disbelief, unable to figure out why the fuck she would dream something she wouldn't ever allow to happen, not realizing her real desires weren't as pure as she always tried to believe they were. She reached up and took her glasses off, sitting them on a bedside table and pushed the book to the side, leaning up and holding her head in her hands. In her dream those hands had been pinned above her head, she was stomach down over a long table and Fang was behind her with whatever the hell she had used that first night. Lightning remembered pain, a rough near violation of her body, but the pleasure dwarfed the discomfort and she had been screaming out, completely unable to do anything.

"The hell..." She muttered, whining a bit before letting herself fall back, pillow cushioning her head as she looked over at the time. She still had hours of sleep to go but it wasn't going to be easy to slip back in to dream land, not with her body throbbing with want. When she finally got to sleep however it was not relief, a dream as intense as the previous one and when she woke again she was practically thrashing as she tossed the sheets aside, immediately sober and furious. "Guh!" Her feet hit the ground as she turned and sat on the edge, taking several deep labored breaths. Light was not the type to have such passionate dreams, even when they were sexual, she had never been getting taken, she had never had dreams so vivid. It was all Fang's fault and the scowl on her face as she rose to her feet to get ready for the day didn't seem to ever go away, not through breakfast and not as she made it to the compound. No, Light's day was a frustrated one and the first soldier who crossed her path was made to regret it.

So when Fang shouted out to her she turned around, a small sadistic smirk on her face but it was gone by the time she faced the woman, a stoic expression of her usual manner. "Fang... Do you have a memory problem? It's Sergeant or Sergeant Farron. It is not Sunshine." The seriousness in her voice didn't have a single tremor to it and she walked over to Fang, looking her up and down and for a moment it looked like she was admiring that gorgeous body, which partially she was, but she didn't get caught up in it and sighed after a moment, "And perhaps requisitioning a uniform would be a good idea, that is unless you can find something more conservative to wear, this is a government unit, and while you are working with us it would be nice if you did as much as possible to keep our reputation a professional one, something I myself seem to be in need of remembering recently." She shook her head and straightened her own uniform, which was actually just a custom set of the Guardian Corps uniform and completely within regulation. "Regardless, we have practice today, I'm even planning on starting custom training for this unit after the previous mission, we need to focus on strengths."

With that Lighting turned around and walked towards the gym where the soldiers would be waiting if they didn't want the extra irritated Sergeant to crush them after what had been a good day. Of course Lightning wasn't nearly as composed inside, her mind would be thinking about Fang's outfit for some time, about the embarrassment she felt at being called Sunshine, and about the day before, but she was oddly pleased about how she handled herself, how it was her usual self, and that kept her in the going.
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