Learning How to Fly (ClearSight x Vawnie Bear)

The seedy part of town...People didn't look at you like you didn't fit in. They wondered what your business was, what they could get from you, and how best to go about getting it. Despite what sheep thought... these parts of town were a necessary evil. A single destination for the vices of a city to be kept under careful watch from the shadows, and for the population to blow off steam. These places were usually filled with beautiful women, plentiful booze, and a rockin hard beat... all three of which Fang was on the prowl for. If not the former than certainly the latter two. She checked her image in the ratty mirror she had only minutes ago wiped a decade of dust from.
"Damn, ya look good." She told her reflection, her own words drawing a salacious smile across full sensual lips. She ran a hand through the unruly mane of her hair and moved to pick up her leather jacket with its crimson arm band on her left upper arm.

A train and fifteen minutes later she was a block and a half away from The Dive... and already she could feel the beat of the music like a pulse on her tongue. It drew a wolfs smile across her lips as she stepped out from the shadows and sauntered her way up the walk, she passed the end of the line with its office women come vixens.
"Ladies, lookin' hawt." She said and gave a hearty chuckle as some one scoffed. She didnt pause to find out if it had been male or female. Coming to the hefty front guard she stopped in front of him pulled her jacket back to reveal the skin tight muscle shirt clinging to her person, and the broken and shattered brand of a L'cie.

He nodded to her and unhooked the chain that blocked admittance into The Dive.
"It's full tonight, so behave yourself." He said to her as he had said to ever one of the L'cie who had entered the club tonight.
"Hey... we been here two hours man." The bouncer clipped the chain and crossed meaty arms over his mostly nude chest.
"You know how it works, Freaks get a free pass." He said to the disgruntled man. "You go in when there is room, not until."

Fang thought about seeing what would happen as the man made a rude gesture but the heavy pulse was too seductive tonight... it throbbed like a lovers caress against her skin... and she wanted to bathe in it tonight. Ducking inside she paused at the door way as her senses were assaulted.

The Dive was a mixed nightclub, it played heavy raw music just the way she liked it, and traded waved entry fees and half priced drinks to draw L'cie so that normals could get their rocks off with the "dangerous crowd". Fang laughed at that the first time she found out, because not all L'cie were inherently dangerous, or gifted, like a muscle their abilities took practice, use, and purpose... A very LARGE percent of L'cie were non combatants and no more dangerous than a normal person. Their abilities and focus having nothing to do with violence, but it didn't sell space in a seedy nightclub if you were told you were bumpin' with coordinators, gophers, and glorified lost and found clerks...

As her eyes adjusted to the darkened atmosphere and unnaturally colored lights she saw that she was not the only one who had this restlessness driving her tonight. As the guard at the door said... it was full. The rooms energy was amazing, and it only fueled those hungers that rattled around in the Pulse L'cie. Green eyes scanned the room, before she started heading for the bar. Her rout took her through the chaos of the dance floor, a dangerous place for any one who was skittish, or had a large rigid circle needed for personal space; for Fang... it was just a sensory appetizer.

Sliding up to the bar she flagged a busy tender down flashed her brand and slapped down some gill ordering a double shot "Pulse". Aptly named though she doubted it was dubbed thus for the hot flush that raced through the body shortly after consumption. Anything that was considered "hard", or "dangerous" had Pulse in its name some where... after about two weeks of Cocoon... she could use some Pulse.

The tender was pouring the smoky liquor into a glass for her when she caught sight of a pink head. Fang leaned back trying to get a better glimpse of the owner of those rose colored locks when they finished.
"Make it two." Fang said and after a pause for the exchange of Gill, her bar tender poured a second one.
Fang sauntered through the milling crowd as if the world moved under her command... and perhaps just a little bit it did. When they saw the lobo smiling dark haired L'cie they paused, stepped back and let her pass. Not so much as a drop of the smoky liquor was spilled as she set it down in front of the pink haired soldier sitting all alone in the overcrowded nightclub.
"Ya look like you could use some company." Fang said as she straddled the seat across from Lightning Farron, Soldier of the Guardian Corps and fellow L'cie.
Another day of subordinates looking at her with eyes full of disgust as they made their reservations about working under a L'cie known. Of course they didn't say anything aloud, she was still a rather decorated superior officer with a reputation that made her a favorite of the higher ups, but she could see it and that was tiresome enough. Silent disrespect and hushed tones were often more infuriating that anything else, especially to someone like Lightning, someone who liked to take things in a head-on manner and confront those she had a problem with. For her silence and private conversations were less tolerable.

Yet that was the reality, the life she had been assigned by higher forces, a Pulse L'cie. It wasn't without its perks, gifts that allowed Lightning to become more fearsome than she had been before, but it also put her in the minority and a hated one at that. She was forced to be part of an exclusive club and the world hated her for it. Things had been so much simpler before. Then again Lightning had always been a loner, a soldier and a protector, looking after her sister before herself and not wasting any time making friends or cultivating relationships. In her profession her life was seen as perfect, it made her a more reliable and trustworthy soldier, dedicated and untethered. Yet when that loner lifestyle had become mandatory, when the entire world started pushing her away even as she retreated naturally, well it felt lonelier than it ever had before.

Lightning didn't give a damn though, she powered through it all, made her own way as she always had and didn't let a single person stop her. Some days were worse than others however, and as time had passed she had turned to a particular comfort to help her on those days, and as of late nearly every day in between to some extent. Alcohol. Lightning was someone who could control her emotions and desires rather well, she prided herself on that matter. Yet drinking changed that, and while Lightning hated losing even an ounce of her ironclad control she needed the comfort a stiff drink could provide.

The Dive provided her a place to do this, a place L'cie were welcomed, if being used as a marketing ploy could really be considered as such. It was a place she could always get in to, where she could get a discount on drinks, and that let her avoid a majority of the bullshit she received most other places. So she had done what she usually did after a long day, left and headed straight for The Dive, arriving before it began bustling with the night crowd, though not much before they all crammed inside, and found her way to a seat that was practically reserved for her most nights. She had been sitting there drinking for awhile, several empty glasses having been taken away, Lightning sitting listlessly as she tried to ignore the nauseating music and noise around her, finding the feel of the music to push against those walls of control with her usual solitude weakened by the booze.

Nobody hit on Lightning at that point, she had been going there for awhile and after months of attempts and failures, some ending rather painfully for that occasional idiot, people had stopped trying. Hell people avoided her all together, letting the rose-haired beauty sit in peace and drink. And that was what she did, almost always in her uniform, blade and all. Her night was coming to a close however, she was inebriated enough and prepared to call it a night and head back to her home for a deep dreamless night's sleep.

Yet a familiar voice called her attention and she turned to see Fang, a troubled look hiding just behind her features, the usual skill at which she hid her expressions dulled with the amount of beverage she had already consumed. "Company? I'm quite sure I've done just about everything I possibly could to make it clear that is the last thing I want." Despite the intoxication Lightning still sounded level and fine, though her uncharacteristic gesture of frustration hinted otherwise. "Besides, I was going to be leaving soon..." A sigh escaped her lips, being cut off quickly before she looked back to Fang.

Fang was a rather impressive woman as much as Lightning hated to admit it, a L'cie like herself and one of the few she believed strong enough to consider an equal. Of course she would never admit it, Fang's personality would bring with it too much trouble if Lightning ever fed her a compliment, as if she would in the first place. Then again, despite refusing to vocalize anything she had fought with Fang enough to have a slight admiration for her, as a fellow fighter, and she didn't mind her as much as she tried to make it seem like she did. In fact she found her eyes following Fang occasionally when they fought together, watching the odd grace and strength displayed.

Light swallowed hard before cutting off her thoughts, shaking her head gently before taking a deep breath and trying to bring her senses back to a useful level, not an easy task in her state. She didn't get up though, regardless of what she said and had intended to do prior she didn't get up and leave Fang, instead she looked over at her, as if expecting something profound to spill forth.
"Really?" Fang said as she settled in. "Everthing?" She asked raising a dark playful brow. She had spent time with this particularly cold soul. A well of emotion held at bay so as to make a wall that was solid, intimidating and honestly frigid... but she saw all of those things as a sort of challenge. Kind of how animals always were most friendly to show who disliked them most. She gave a furtive glance around and noticed how people seemed indeed aware it was in their best interest to keep their distance. This only drew that lobo smile across full lips anew. "Well, seems ya did a right fine job of it Sunshine..." She fingered her double shot glass and licked her lips as she dipped fingers into the smoky alcohol before drawing them to her mouth and licking the flavor from them. "...mostly." She said dipping her fingers for another taste.

It had been an instant favorite of hers, the Pulse... not just for that heated flush it created with in her, but the flavor, the aroma, and the way people watched you as you drank it... The Pulse was a drink that stood out above the others, people "knew" what you were drinking if they saw it... and for this and the notoriety that brought with it, made it a perfect beverage for the saucy Pulse L'cie.

Hooded green eyes watched the pink haired soldier as she sampled her drink several times with the casual play of long slender digits before she brought the drink to her lips and drank it... not in a single gulp, but a slow play. Everything she did was to lure in the beautiful firecracker before her. From the casual caressing of her glass and sample of drink to the slow passing of the smoky liquor from glass to lips. Fang knew her body, she understood its power, and had on more than one occasion seen this woman looking when she thought she could get away with it. She found her enigmatic, standoffish, and cold as hell... You didn't get a personality or a reputation like Lights over night, despite all these things she would bet a King Behemoths pay that she was worth seducing. All that tempered emotion had to go some where and if it was in bed... well lets just say Fang wanted to find out. She set the empty glass down, her tongue chased smoky liquor across her mouth, before teeth raked over a full bottom lip. Green eyes looked not to Lightning to see how she was doing, but to the second glass.

Steady hands reached for it setting it now before her, her middle finger tip slowly tracing the narrow rim of the glass before this too ended up in her mouth. Just a flash of her pink tongue caressing the pad of the finger as lips encircled it but for a moment before she returned them to settle around the second glass; only then did desire darkened eyes raise to the woman across from her daring her to be brave enough to stay and see what happened .

One thing she learned quickly in this woman's company... talk was cheap, and all the better... Fang didn't often say things that ended well for her in Lights company, so she let her body do the talking for tonight...
Something about Fang really prodded at Lightning's composure, even under her normal guise of completely cold soldier she found it difficult to remain calm in the company of the woman settling in beside her. She narrowed her eyes as she looked over after the 'Sunshine' was spoken and referring to her. Lightning had never been fond of being spoken to so familiarly, the only person she allowed to speak to her with little pet names or any sort of playfulness at all was Serah, though Snow often pushed his luck by referring to her in different ways. Snow was an enthusiastic guy though, he cared for her sister and while Lightning often found herself dumb struck there was a more familial meaning behind his gestures of closeness, as unwanted as they still were. With Fang there was something more predatory about what she said and it sent every finely honed sense of Light's into a defensive frenzy.

She said nothing however, a pensive glare that was more show than containing any serious thought, showed on her features. She was however watching Fang's actions, observing as the woman played with her drinks, the Pulse, a drink Lightning had never tried but seen enough times to know few people drank it regularly, and enough to know nobody drank it in the same manner Fang was going about the task. There was something titillating about the entire process, longer slender digits playfully dipping themselves into the liquid before passing it through those ever teasing lips. Lightning barely caught herself staring, eyes fixated on Fang's lips as she licked and finally partook of the drink as a whole. The process was mystifying, especially in Lightning's current state as her repressed interest slowly drifted to the surface.

A heat was rising up in lightning, from her toes to her cheeks and when Lightning finally turned to her only then did she snap out of her trance of sorts, head muddled from her alcoholic pursuits but at the same time why she was looking stood out above the fog. She cursed in her head, fighting herself with every intention of getting up and storming out, pushing at the ever lingering curiosity that begged to be unleashed. Her pale-aqua eyes gave hints at which side of her arguing conscious was winning as they looked over Fang slowly, soaking it in even as she resisted still. Rationale thinking would not win out, Lightning was already too intoxicated for that avenue of thought and before she knew what she was doing, without thinking things through, she looked towards the bartender and ordered another of her usual drinks, a strong dry drink that fit her personality quite well.

It spoke towards her intentions well enough, that she was going to take the challenge Fang had initiated with her gorgeous eyes, and gorgeous being the word that passed through Lightning's head had her concerned she was in over her head. Yet she was too stubborn to reevaluate, to think about her current condition or deny the budding attraction she had for Fang, and so she turned to look at the woman, eyes locking to Fang's as she held her drink up to her lips and took a long slow sip. Lightning's mind had made a decision, almost without her knowledge, and as her eyes peered into Fang's she inadvertently signaled an interest she had done so well to hide previously, or at least an interest she had believed to be unknown to Fang.

As she finished her newest drink, several elongated sips with her peering over the glass at Fang, her eyes drifted downwards, back to those salacious lips. Images of that playful pink tongue dotted her mind and she found herself swallowing as heat surged through her body, as more than pent up attraction began to bubble beneath her beautiful skin. "I'm not very social and it's been awhile since I've had company... You're going to have to help me re-acclimate to it." She spoke in an almost coy manner, not betraying the little mysterious ruse they were playing at but her understanding of the situation was clear enough and in her current state she had been tempted enough to probe Fang and pursue her curiosity, follow those bubbling desires. Besides, after her day, and many days previous, Lightning was rather desperate for company of some sort, even if she had ignored it for as long as she had.

A finger traced a circle around her empty glass as her eyes averted from Fang's for a moment, a hint of embarrassment peaking through before her calm strength returned and her eyes met Fang's again, once again giving Fang the reigns, Lightning still refusing to give up on the guise she had going, the last remnants of the rebellion against her decision. Oh how difficult of a situation it was for Lightning, luckily her multitude of drinks, and her most recent one, were helping her every step of the way.
Fang shifted in her chair, conscious or not it too was for her table partner. Releasing the drink in her hands she peeled her leather jacket off of strong bare shoulders, one shoulder at a time letting the jacket slide onto the back of her seat before she lifted her head up to the neon lights and ran a hand through errant locks. Part of it was due to the warm atmosphere in The Dive, some of it was the alcohol's unique reactions to her body, but the largest part was those secretive glances by a poorly hidden, but interested soldier. Being desirous was a powerful feeling, and she knew that she had Lightnings interest... no matter how much the rose haired woman tried to keep it under wraps. She sat back in her chair with that casual grace that she owned, and met teal eyes.

They held for a moment and then her companion signaled another order on her tab. The drink was delivered and they spent a few minutes speaking with every thing but words... that is until Light broke their verbal silence. "Love to..." Fang rumbled, and her tongue and teeth passed over full lips as she fought the urge to flash that playgirl smile that Lightning always seemed to draw out of her. But if Lightning was talking about actual conversation, the Pulsian had nothing to say. Her seduction was a silent one. The move of her body, the meeting of hooded eyes, the caress of a tongue over her lips. Even the shifting of her hips as she settled deeper as it were into the chair. A subtle play over the soldiers senses, and fingers caressed her glass, fingered the smoky liquid. Her second double went very much the same way as the first, as did her third... and she was feeling good.

After Lightnings last drink she shifted in such a way she made contact with the soldier, to see if she was going to be defending herself from bodily harm or sealing the deal for the night. With a lazy sprawl in her chair she had systematically covered the space of the small square table her hand having slowly crossed the space as if by accident until her knuckles brushed Lightnings hand. When this bore no sudden moves from the soldier she shifted from caressing her glass to Lightnings hand. A slow exploratory play of long digits on the back of the soldiers hand. Reaching for those sensitive spots... her wrist and the back of her thumb, and avoiding at least for now the reactionary zones... her grasp.

Those green eyes worked to be spell her table companion, holding her as she knew Lightning took direct contact as a challenge and used that to her advantage. For a long time Fang held the solders glance as her hand worked against warm skin and sensory hairs, her touch was ever so light as she caressed. Fang figured if she could keep Lights eyes off of what she was doing the part of her brain that would object could not formulate such a reaction...
The Dive was not truly a comfortable place for Lightning, if anything it was rather uncomfortable, the music and flow, the throbbing atmosphere and smell that matched the name. None of it appealed to her, but one thing it provided was an odd sense of isolation. The volume and clutter of bodies allowed Lightning to sink away within it all, hide from her problems within a crowd of people and the blast of music, and while she didn't enjoy any of it there was a purpose being served. However in the moment it was providing something else, something more profound, insulation. The bustle around was causing Lightning's senses to drown it all out and focus intensely on Fang, on the playful lips, the smooth bare skin that came into view with the removal of the woman's jacket, on the gentle caress of a finger on her hand. All of it came to the forefront, almost enhanced and magnified by the surroundings, and in no little part by the drinks she had been ingesting all night.

The feeling of warm skin against her own did not send Lightning into a frenzy, there was no violence or angered expression, no sudden movement or slow retraction, there was only stillness. Her hand remained in place and ever so slightly she chewed her lower lip between her teeth, grinding the sensitive flesh with pearly whites. Her body throbbed, a deep aching throb that held more desire than anyone should ever let build up and as Fang's eyes challenged her she simply answered the challenge, her own eyes locked on Fang's, her body still as it grew warm and began to react to the slightest touch. There was no doubt, Lightning had been caught up in the tide and Fang was slowly pulling her in, but she didn't struggle or thrash about, there was no attempt to escape or to launch a fist, though somewhere in her head the urge to react defensively and start a fight was doing its best to be heard.

Lightning couldn't recall a time when she felt like she currently did, and she had a feeling the next day would have much of a memory of it either, her head swimming from alcohol as much as it was lust. Yet she was not to be slowed or halted, instead her free hand moved up and moved atop Fang's, her fingers gently brushing down the flesh of her hand, not prying or pulling but caressing of her own accord. It hadn't been a decision Lightning had reached to make such a gesture, no, in fact she hadn't realized what she was doing until her fingers had already connected to Fang's hand. She pulled back soon enough though, the hand moving away and her other hand, the one beneath Fang's moving with it, not a full retreat but an almost cute shy gesture, though the expression on her face tried to hide that as much as it hid everything else.

Once again Lightning was cursing herself, asking what she was getting herself into, asking why and most importantly if she was really considering doing this. She knew it was too late to back down now but that didn't stop doubts from cropping up for a brief period of time. That was until they were crushed by the desire already too inflamed to put out. She turned her eyes back to Fang's connecting them once more, aqua orbs alight with intent of a sensual nature, and despite her lack of seduction know how Lightning's look was enough to drive most people wild, her natural beauty and grace combining with the effects of both lust driven desire and alcohol to create this near perfect specimen with eyes that asked for more than Lightning could ever bring herself to speak out loud. Lightning was getting swept up in whatever the hell was happening, and as her hand placed itself near Fang's on the table again she was practically offering herself up to be devoured by the tantalizing woman who seemed to have set her sights on what was now being offered from the very beginning.
Fangs pulse quickened when Lightnings hand came to her own, there was a fast beat that raced the music before settling some as her hands disappeared. She licked her lips as the war passed in teal eyes. Gorgeous eyes... fang thought as she willed Lightning to let go of the fight... When her hand returned Fang took it and rose up. Reaching back for her own jacket with the other in a smooth fluid motion.
"Lets get out of here." She breathed huskily and though her words may have been lost to the sultry pulse of music, her meaning was not at all. Fang ran with that decision and pressed on it as if using it to gather momentum. . . a fast glance at her phone as they made the door told her if she hurried they could shave about five minutes of waiting off her their time and catch the in bound train. 15 Minutes might break the bank, but she had a good feeling her soldier girl was wound tight enough now that she could manage 10. If something arose between that time, she could be very convincing...

"Hurry." Fang murmured when they were far enough from The Dive she could be heard with out shouting. Her hand was warm in Lightnings, strong, firm, determined... She led Lightning quickly hoping to keep her busy with her desires rather than all the reasons why they shouldn't be doing what it was they were. They just barely made the train, Fang paid the Gil for two people on the fly over paying the machine and leaving a bit of Gil as they passed through. She fast palmed the two tickets just breaths passed as the doors began shutting and they slipped through. Thankfully the rail was pretty empty at this time of evening. Every one home getting ready for or already in bed. The car was mostly empty... Fang didn't pull Light into a seat but instead reached for one of the hand rails. Guiding their joined hands up to a rail she released Lights hand so that she didn't feel uncomfortable in public.

What ever company they had in the car began moving away when they glimpsed the brand and red marks on Fangs jacket... an uncomfrtable scuttle to the far end of the car away from them. If the cars had been interconnected they surly would have left them utterly alone in the rail car... with how much her body was aching she wouldnt have minded that either... A glance to her teal eyed soldier and green eyes rolled closed.
'This is it...' Fang thought. Part way through the ride Fang shifted around Lightning her hand pressing against Lightnings lower back as her body brushed against Lightnings. A reminder of the good that would come if she but stayed the course... another distraction... hopefully in her favor.
Lightning swallowed hard as fang took her hand and rose up, a small urge to pull her hand away that she managed to resist. Something about the tone in Fang's voice had helped her keep her nerve, to continue to go along with the incredibly beautiful woman leading her out of the bar. It was something sensual, that foretold what was in store and spoke towards Fang's current desires. Lightning couldn't bring herself to resist, knowing those desires existed within Fang made pushing her own aside almost impossible, or at least difficult enough for her to not question as they walked down the street and made their way to the train. In fact she only watched Fang from behind, the slightly taller woman's strong hand holding hers as she led the way. It took quite the woman to make Lightning feel feminine but here it was, buried beneath the passion the slightest hint of lightning feeling vulnerable and it would be the tipping point.

Yet once they were on the train it all slowed down and Lightning was given a moment to catch her breath, to think, and to look around. As usual anyone who noticed what they were moved away, leaving her and Fang isolated in their little part of the train car. She looked at Fang, hands having already disconnected but the warm feeling of Fang's flesh against her own lingering still. Fang was gorgeous in every way, a grace and strength attracting Lightning to the woman even above her incredible features, though as they stood close Lightning found her eyes wandering to places she had never truly had a good chance to look at and her body heated up in reaction, desire building ever higher. Though as she felt Fang press up against her things changed.

Lightning's body throbbed, a small little whimper, barely audible, escaped her mouth and her teeth bit at the lower of the two perfect lips. She looked up as she felt a hand on her lower back, causing her back to arch slightly which served to push particular parts of her body up against Fang all the more. This feeling, as incredible as it was, as much as Lightning wanted it, was also incredibly unfamiliar to Light. She had been with others before, laid with several women in her years, but none quite as awe-inspiring as Fang, and none in quite some time, since before she became a L'cie. So she was struggling with it, with the fact that if the night continued to progress in the fashion it was that she would be with Fang, pressed up against the woman and it freaked her out.

That's when it happened, she didn't fight, not hit nor suddenly turn into an angry ball of resistance but instead she looked up at hand, gently pulling back to create just enough space between them, and spoke in the most normal voice she could manage in her current state, alcohol and lust pushing against anything to do with reason. "Fang..." She paused, taking a moment and looking into the woman's eyes, and where one would expect complete and utter seriousness there was instead something less convincing, hesitance. "This isn't a good idea after all... I'm drunk and..." She started to say something else but stopped, as if she really couldn't think of another excuse and it all crumbled, as she turned her head away, "Let's not do this... It's a bad idea." Her voice was calm but her mind was still stuck on thinking of viable reasons not to pursue Fang and the rest of the night she had been so sure of moments before. Nothing she could think of made sense and thus she was silent, truly unsure whether she wanted Fang to let her off or not, head a mess and her usual barrier shattered and nowhere to be seen.
Dark green eyes looked across to unsure teal and a smile pulled on full lips. This was going to be her protest... Fang thought and sure enough it was though it was hardly one at all. More like a request for Fang to make her sure again... and she was ready for this. Okay... she wasnt perhaps quite so, the shifty eyes at the end of the car were going to get a thrill because she expected to at least make the landing before her partners protest. But Fang shifted again standing now in front of Lightning her hand on the open ring to Lightnings left shoulder. They stood face to face, now, an unsure soldier burning with her unfamiliar emotions, and a sure huntress who had already caught her prey... Fang purposefully invaded Lightnings space catching those unsure eyes with her own. She held her soldier once more captive as thighs and breasts brushed against one another.

She could see Lightnings hesitation and need and knew which one was greater... and Fang reached for this need with a tip of her chin and the feather brush of lips against Lightnings. Fang kept her hands to herself as she tipped her head into the kiss and brushed Lightnings bottom lip with the very tip of her tongue and lips drawing that thinly veiled desire forward and drowning out the frightened rational side of Light's brain. A snowball on a steep hill was all it took to make an avalanche... and Fang got the ball rolling. Her lips returned again caressing more of Lightnings mouth, and to hell with the handle... her hands came down and encompassed the smaller soldier, drawing their bodies flush against one another as they expressed those burning desires through the meeting of their mouths.

Fang was more ravenous than she expected... and she wanted... no needed to feel Lightning pressed against her as much as Lightning needed to feel Fang. Fang moaned none to softly as she slipped Lightnings meager defenses and delved deeply into her eager mouth.
Lightning's protest, if that was what it truly was, was quickly squashed by a more sure warrior, Fang, she knew what she wanted. Lightning couldn't move, or more precisely felt a desire not to, to let whatever was coming happen as her aqua eyes peered into Fang's, getting a peek at the desire within the brilliant green orbs. She wanted Light and for someone who felt so alone there was a certain comfort out of knowing somebody wanted her, and with Fang, with this ridiculous woman who always said what was on her mind, Light knew it was genuine. So even before their bodies touched she was sinking deeper and coming more under Fang's area of influence, eyes quivering slightly. Then it came, powerful thighs against her own, incredible breasts pushing up against hers, the heat of another person warming her body. She could do nothing but swallow as Fang moved in, lips brushing against hers and a small moan escaping, muffled as Lightning attempted to stop it but the noise still escaping for Fang to hear.

Yet when Lightning expected it to end it did not, the kiss in fact became deeper, that tantalizing tongue danced across her lips and hands initially raised to keep some distance between them instead lost strength and clung at Fang's clothing. Lightning wasn't sure how long their bodies pressed up against one another or how long the kiss lasted, the only thing she knew was that it stopped when the train came to a halt, the voice over the intercom causing Lightning to pull her mouth from Fang's and she was panting with a rather adorable flustered expression as she tried desperately to regain some composure as onlookers snickered and stared on their way off the train. At that Lightning pulled away, slipping from Fang's grasp but not running or showing regret, instead she moved towards the door of the train and then turned around, looking at Fang, her bosom still heaving as she caught her breath, waiting and obviously having made up her mind amidst the extended lip lock.

Of course there were still conflicting emotions swirling around the soldier's head, thoughts of how much could go wrong, that she would be putting herself in a stupid situation by being with Fang. Hell she was even thinking about the amount of time it had been since she had been kissed like that, to which she came up with one answer, never. Lightning wasn't terribly experienced, she lived for and raised Serah, she kept herself closed off, and to match her cold and sometimes cruel attitude she had been called frigid by more than one impatient person. Light wasn't open to love and caught in the crossfire she had found herself retreating from contact all together, which had only become worse with her L'cie status. So with that kiss, and the passion and desire behind it, Lightning was on a path she couldn't deny she wanted, though neither would she admit it. Simply, she wanted Fang, she needed what Fang was offering her, she needed contact and Fang was pushing her way through the tough exterior to get at what was inside. Perhaps she knew what others seemed to doubt, that there was something worth the trouble lying in wait. Regardless, she was already getting a peek, a Lightning with her mind made up standing at the door of the train, waiting for Fang to join her.
Fang licked her lips tasting Lightnings dry drink on them as the train conductor bid them all a good night. Teeth visited her bottom lip before she wiped her lips with a finger and sucked the last vestiges of their kiss from it. Goddess but that was amazing. . . and she wanted more. Lightning moved with a certain sensual grace that drew green eyes to her as she stepped off the train, and the soldier turned and all that hunger met her in those amazing teal blue eyes. Fang swallowed a groan and stepped off the train, stepping into Lightnings space once more and her lobo smile slowly returned.

Later she would think back about their trek from the rail way to the room in a meager little inn where she had a space all her own and have to admit she didn't remember much about it. Didn't remember more than the hunger they shared. Fang pulled Lightning to the door and pressed her up against it, sliding into her space as their mouths met again... she had waited long enough and if Lightning had been having any doubts about entering her room, she put them all to rest then and there as all that desire was unleashed. Fang slid the key into its slot, twisted and and back walked with Lightning into her room their mouths barely breaking. She kicked the door shut and threw her jacket and keys down on the dresser. When their mouths finally did part, Fang dropped her hot mouth to Lightnings neck, reaching for the zipper of her vest.
When Fang moved into her space once more Lightning didn't feel the hesitance she had before, that had passed and she found herself biting her lower lip in expectation. That kiss had done more than erase worry from Lightning's mind, it had caused her to want more, to consciously look forward to what would come. In her mind the want for Fang was greater than it had ever been, the seduction had been a complete success and she couldn't help but stare and wonder what would be coming next. Lightning's aqua eyes glimmered with want that she seldom experienced and truthfully was a look that hadn't touched her features in a very long time. She still had her usual charm to her though, Light's strong demeanor still as powerful as ever in the moment where Fang wasn't doing something sensual to shove it aside, and really she was just beautiful, a graceful woman and it was all a truth that gave her a rather mysterious charisma despite her usual cold attitude, and even more so in this rare moment where situation and alcohol helped shed some of those otherwise impenetrable walls.

This was her state all the way to Fang's place. Silent, a strong desire tugging at every fiber of her being as they had walked to the huntress' house. It was building an anticipation that had Lightning quivering and she didn't speak a word as they walked, in fact she couldn't even remember her surroundings or how long it had taken them to arrive, as the usually alert and observant soldier had a mind flooded with so many thoughts and ideas that trying to process any outside information was impossible. The only thing she remembered was the arrival, when Fang finally touched her again, her skin warming to the slightest touch and lips hungrily reciprocating when Fang made her move, Light's back up against the door but her hands were clinging to Fang's clothing once more, though this time she was holding the woman close instead of trying to put some space between them.

Lightning never did anything half way, as soon as her mind had lost it's hesitance and she had given in to the attraction she had hidden and kept distant from for so long it was all in. They moved into the room without breaking the kiss and Lightning didn't both looking around, she wanted one ting and that was the woman whose lips were still locked to hers. So she moved her hands away, letting Fang toss aside her own jacket, a small moan escaping her lips as her neck felt the touch of hot breath and perfect lips. Of course Lightning was still herself, despite the passion and eagerness displayed in certain aspects of her being she moved with a precision that was odd under such circumstances, not ripping at her clothing or becoming flustered but instead almost calmly tossing aside every piece of clothing on her upper half. Her every piece of clothing from her jacket to her gloves was tossed in a pile on the floor, leaving her with but a bra covering her chest, a hand moving up and covering them horizontally out of slight embarrassment.

There she was, a sight to behold in front of Fang, a prize sought after by many but never won, at least not in recent years. She was presented like the perfect present, nearly bare before Fang and yet a few pieces still clinging to her body, leaving the full image to the imagination for just a short while, leaving Fang to move forward and finish the puzzle, to remove the sports bra lightning no doubt wore purely for comfort at work, to remove those weapons and pouches that gave her an intimidating look to most people but probably just a sexy look to Fang, her shorts that left little to the imagination, and her boots which did little but block Fang from seeing all of her smooth leg and beautiful feet. That was on Fang and as Light looked up at her she had a feeling her company for the night wasn't going to have a problem tossing all of it aside.
The methodical revelation of her partner did not in any way detract from the vision before her, and the wonderful flush and shyness only made her all the more beautiful to the dark haired huntress. Strong calloused hands came to bare shoulders, Fangs own undressing pausing as she reached to draw hands down sensitive perfect skin. Traveling from Lights shoulders down her strong but sensual arms.
"Let me see..." She whispered.

Fang stood in her jeans, and boots, her own shirt already divested from her person, her belt pulled open but forgotten for the pale goddess before her. Strong fingers curled around Lightnings wrists and gently guided her hands down from her chest. Stepping even closer she drew the backs of her fingers up the inside of Lightnings arms to the straps about her chest, gentle probing fingers caressed the flesh around it dipping under the chest strap, green eyes finding teal blue as she began raising the dark fabric, releasing Lightnings chest from the last bit of cloth. Their eyes only broke for but a moment as the bra passed between them and up and over Lightnings head, it fell uselessly to the floor with her other clothing.
"Did ya know how beautiful you are?" She asked in a soft murmur, her eyes not yet falling to the perfection that was Lightnings exposed body.

There was something about looking into Lightnings eyes, something that reached out and grabbed the Oerbian huntress and held her, it took effort to draw her eyes away, too much effort. Her hands slid down Lightnings sides, and found her hips, tracing the line of her belt and pouches, until she found the buckles. The weight was released from the soldiers hips, and Fang drew her weapon around setting it on the dresser with her keys. Her hands returned to the undressing of her soldier, the shorts and underwear she rolled down off Lightnings hips and slid down slender legs. It was only then with a step back did green eyes drop to Lightnings exposed body.

She swallowed hard as strong shoulders softened into full breasts and slid down into a sleek abdomen, her breath caught at the lush swell of hips and the graceful perfect pink brush of hair over her womanhood. Fang knelt down before Lightning, her eyes following their path back up the soldiers body as fingers reached for the latches of her boots, and with a coordinated shift she pulled the boot from Lightnings foot. They did the same for the other. Fangs fingers gentle, sure, caressing all those erogenous spots. A caress against strong thighs, the sensitive back of her partners knee, a brush of the pad of her thumb against her inner ankle. The final revelation was the removal of Lights undies and shorts now that her boots were gone.

After a long moment of appreciative observation, Fang had no trouble removing the last vestiges of her own clothing. Nor did she have any trouble ramping things back up with her delving kisses, and eager caresses. She wanted to know, to explore the soldiers body. To become intimately acquainted with her perfection... After settling Lightning onto the bed she kissed her way day her neck, and caught a dusky nipple in her mouth and rolled it with her tongue. Her hand sliding down Lightnings hip and thigh down to her knee before drawing back up her inner thigh.
Fang's hands on her skin sent shivers down Light's spine, her skin reacted to each sensation with a joyous sensation of bliss and as Fang whispered to her she looked at her with a different type of hesitance. Yet as Fang guided her hands away she let it happen, a small hue of pink on her cheeks but no attempt to stop anything happening. In fact as her bra was tossed aside she merely chewed on her lower lip, looking nervously at Fang but showing enough trust to allow Fang to go on, keeping eye contact the entire time. Lightning's eyes only turned when Fang posed her a question. Lightning had never been good with compliments and usually that just meant she would displace any comment sent her way with a cold stare or aggressive action to make it clear she was not interested, though people who got to know Lightning eventually found out that her cold attitude was more of a defense mechanism and beneath was something truly special. Few people got to see it and nobody got to that part easily, though Fang was the exception it seemed, catching Lightning in the perfect mood, attracting the woman, getting her with downed defenses.

"Shut up..." Two words, it was all Lightning said in response and it wasn't angry or hostile in any way, in fact it was cute coming from Lightning. As she looked back at Fang she also found a hand going up and brushing along revealed flesh. Fang was an impressive woman, she was gorgeous and strong, the only type of woman that could have truly attracted Lightning. As everything else was slowly stripped from Lightning she found her eyes taking more of the huntress in, hands brushing along the woman, feeling the muscle beneath that perfect skin, finding herself impressed by the warrior as much as she was the woman in those moments. For a moment she opened her mouth to give a compliment back to Fang, to express her desire and appreciation of the woman's form, to address that Fang was stunning, but she couldn't, Lightning was still herself despite the uncharacteristic decisions she had made.

When Lightning was finally nude however she began to pay more attention to Fang's actions, watching as her body was taken in, in it's entirety by the woman. Light had little competition when it came to beauty, her feminine form was near perfection with a strong body which provided perfect contrast to her soft feminine curves. Touches from Fang's strong fingers brought gentle moans out of Lightning and she looked down at Fang as if begging for the taunting touches to be done with, to stop teasing. She said nothing but as her body was caressed further noises began to slip past her lips. A hand went up to stop it, muffling her voice as embarrassment once again took over where her usual calm and cold nature would take the reigns. The bed made things more difficult however, soon Lightning had to move her hands back onto the bed, to keep herself up and her voice began to spill out, moans as perfect lips enveloped her pert and apparently sensitive nipple.

She looked down at Fang, a hand going up and running through the woman's hair before she let herself fall back onto the bed, comfort second fiddle to the sensations being placed upon her by Fang's mouth and hand. It was obvious Light enjoyed it, though her thighs closed around Fang's hand, a slight wetness indicating her arousal but she was not entirely comfortable, though it was no fault of Fang's. In fact she finally spoke again, her voice a little higher than it would normally be, a soft, "It's been awhile" escaping as her head tilted so she could look Fang in the eyes. She was asking Fang to be careful, making it clear she was feeling vulnerable without actually saying anything about that.
A smirk crossed playful lips at Lights two word reply. She bit her bottom lip but soon found other uses for her mouth, and the beautiful symphony that poured from the usually cold and silent soldier was wonderful. Her lips drew from one breast to the other until Lightning gave her pause. Her hand stilled between closed thighs and the sensitive bud between her lips was released as dark eyes drew up to her play mate. She thought about those words, she imagined it was not especially easy for Lightning to allow herself such vulnerabilities... sex could be sex, but it also required a certain surrender. She nodded letting it be known she heard, and understood.

Gentle fingers caressed Lightnings womanhood, and though she felt the moisture she did not just invade. She saw the unsureness in teal eyes, and the way that Light looked at her begged her to be gentle... It was a delicate look upon the soldiers features, not something seen on a daily basis. NEVER seen while she was all work and no play... Fang turned her lips to Lightnings shoulder and pressed a full open mouth kiss there, spooning her tongue into the depression of her shoulder as she continued to draw sure but gentle fingers against the moist line of her neither lips. . . she could be gentle. At least until Lightning was ready to completely surrender... or showed her she was ready to be pushed... as it were into surrender. Considering who it was she was with, it would probably be the latter, and Fang could do that too... She could be the one that said "It's okay, I got this..." The trouble with strength and holding onto it like Lightning did, that when it came to releasing it she may have forgotten how... or not have the courage to let it all fall on Fangs shoulders... and like Fang urged her to make the decision to follow her from the train station to home... she would do that now with Lightnings release.

'Goddess I want to see that happen...' She thought as her next kiss was pressed to the hollow of Lightnings throat, she again spooned her tongue, her fingers never stilling in their teasing caresses. She alternated between the caress against damp trembling skin to just brushing her fingertips against trim sensitive hair. Fang did her best to read her companions needs. Giving more when Lightnings body burned for it, and retreating when that unsureity returned. She rose herself up on the one arm and drew herself up to kiss Lightning, it was much like her caresses. A gentle brush of lips, a tease to ready lips, as her breath pulsed against her lovers skin. Her tongue teased until Lightning was arching for her mouth, only then did she dip into the hot secret of Lightnings mouth, and the kiss was worth the teasing.
The playful smirks, the teasing touches, the shimmering eyes that gave her as much attention as she was giving, it was all driving Lightning mad. Her lust was building and the control she so valued was ever dwindling. That was what had to happen though, a normal person would never capture Lightning's attention, never have a chance at being with her, because Lightning was the type of woman who needed to be completely seduced to find herself in the throws of passion. The reason was that surrender, giving any of herself to any person, especially in a sexual way, was more difficult for lightning than most anything else. In order to let someone else take control, to let herself be caught up in something she would have no influence over, it had to completely overpower her, and while Fang had a little outside help her seductive actions had done most of the work, bringing Light to a point that she desired only one thing that night, to be with Fang and to experience the promised pleasure.

Still, resistance remained, and Lightning found herself struggling against it as lips and tongue playing at her shoulder brought forth a moan, cute a sharp as if unexpected from such a spot. The move to her neck was a big one, those perfect lips and Fang's skillful tongue were soon on her throat, the soft flesh smooth and beautiful, reacting to the onslaught of the playful mouth pushing her ever further towards a blissful experience. Between the mouth and the dancing fingers below, sensation swapping between her tight little nether lips and the trim above, Lightning was quickly spiraling into what she had wanted to approach head first to begin with and the momentum was certainly approaching the point of being unstoppable. The tipping point came with a kiss however, a kiss that had started with Lightning whimpering slightly, wanting more, and ended with her almost ravenous for the woman who had started it, the perfect tease with the most intoxicating kiss she had ever received.

As it began to end, which wasn't a short duration with how Fang was taking things, she panicked in a sense, not wanting to let it go and her body reacted automatically, her legs having opened up and given Fang room sometime during the deep sensual kiss. Instead of letting the kiss end Lightning deepened it, her own tongue playfully batting at Fang's, her arms wrapping loosely around Fang's neck and a hand gently pushed up into her hair. She still wasn't completely sure, that was most likely impossible, but with each stroke and kiss Lightning's desires continued to overtake everything else and she was giving in to what her body wanted and pushing her rationality aside, with plenty of help from her companion.

When the kiss did end, which was when Lightning felt the need to have a breather, she looked into Fang's eyes, her strong aqua orbs peering into the immaculate green orbs looking back at her. A small nod of her head signaled that she was ready, or at least ready enough for Fang to make her move, to take that precious control and lead the way for the inexperienced soldier. As she nodded though her arms tightened a bit, just a small gesture that she was taking a leap of faith, at least in her mind, and solidifying the obvious assumption that for her giving up control, being vulnerable, and generally having sex with another person was difficult for Light, and no matter how badly she wanted it there was no clear way for that to go away, though it was nicely counter-balanced by the burning flame of passion that had been stoked, those tightened hands exploring the muscles in Fang's back, eyes never leaving the woman's face, She was definitely in over her head.
Heat like none before shot through Fangs body as Lightning shifted from recipient to active participant. Her skin tingled and senses sizzled as strong arms slid up around her neck and their kiss became something she likely would never forget… it was the kind of kiss by which you judged all others… Fang groaned, seduced by the energy that they shared in that sensual embrace. It took all of her attention, and for a moment her hand stilled as their tongues battled, broken and stuttered breaths as they tried to breathe past the all encompassing kiss. When Lightning tore her mouth away even Fang drew in a ragged breath.
"Goddess…" She whispered, but she did not specify whether she meant Lightning was one or if she were drawing strength from a higher being…

Green eyes met swirling teal and her jaw tensed as a small nod came from the soldier. Fang never would have guessed the sense of power such a simple gesture would give her, or the mix of emotion that flooded her system. That playgirl smile flashed briefly and she dipped her lips for another kiss, it was relatively chaste compared to their last one. It was a way to say thank you, and let things get started between them again. With the soldiers permission she slid agile fingers past those moist lips into the wet silk of her womanhood and stroked the eager little cluster of nerves. Fang watched her partner as she slid past the last defenses of Lightning's body, following the natural line of her soldiers body she slipped agile fingertips to circle the tender flesh where Lightnings excitement welled from. Her touch was firm and sure but not the blunderings of an inexperienced lover. She didn't rush it even though Lightnings body blossomed under her touch. There was power in anticipation, and Lightning was the type who needed it all … and she would have it.

Instead of penetrating the writhing eager soldier Fang drew her experienced fingers up again and circled the hood of her clit, a smile returning as her lover trembled at her touch. Yes, it was a good thing… and while she ached to dip into all that heat and claim her prize, she drew it out for heartbeats longer watching the need and desire play across Lightnings face. Desire for her… for her touch, a longing to know… and if she never saw it again… she wanted a firm memory of these emotions on this beautiful woman's face.
Lightning's kiss did more than just show her interest, it served to stoke her own flames even higher, bringing a heat to her own body that made her more aware than ever just how eager her body was for Fang's touch. This was a realization that quickly sent her down the rabbit hole, as once it was noticed it was impossible to ignore, Lightning wanted Fang more than ever and the woman soon assaulted a part of her that hadn't received attention in far too long. Lightning's back arched instantly, a loud cry escaping her lips and hot breath spilling from her lips as her eyes locked with Fang's and made it all too clear how long it had been, her fingers digging in to Fang's back as Lightning tried to acclimate herself to the feeling she hadn't experienced in so long, pleasure. Of course it was only a taste, an appetizer course, and with the strong reaction and feelings Lightning knew it was going to be a whirlwind of a night, that the first few touches were only a pleasant prelude.

Her defenses being down was a rare chance for Fang and she was taking full advantage, slowly playing at her body and bringing sweet and somewhat agitated sounds from her lips. She seemed rather innocent for a moment, that was until she looked down with a gentle growl as if threatening to bite or get upset if the teasing occurred for too long. Of course as each new pleasure shot through her that look was pushed away, Light's face turning back to a pleasure filled expression. Of course after enough time it turned to whimpering and the threatening strength that had been shown before had melted into an almost begging expression, begging for Fang to just take her, to stop what felt like torture. Of course it was the best form of torture imaginable but the feeling of pleasure without much of a promise of anything more... She wasn't sure how long she could take it and had already moved on to wanting more, her body quivering to Fang's touch and her moans becoming more pronounced and desperate with each passing second.

Finally she growled once more, a frustrated growl but not one with an ounce of hostility, though animal lust was not out of the question. "Dammit Fang..." She moved a hand down, slipping it between then and letting her fingers explore Fang's nether lips as well, giving a little back of what she was getting, though as Light found that sensitive nub of nerves her touch was far clumsier than Fang's. Lightning learned quick though and as her fingers began to play with Fang she had a few ideas of her own to force Fang to take more of an offensive and stop just teasing her, one idea of which was to take the bundle of nerves in between her slender digits and focus her attention quite enthusiastically. Then again Fang could tease her in other ways, Lightning was aware of the fact that she could be getting herself in more trouble with her rather challenging action, asking Fang to take her, though her concentration wasn't perfect, she was still buckling under the teasing.
The plethora of emotion crossing Lightnings face was worth that lusty curse. She couldn't help the manifestation of that playful smile, but she was surprised to feel Lightning try to force the issue. Her hips jerked as Lightning went straight to the point. Fang groaned wiping that playful smile away with a needy expression in passion dark eyes. Fang said nothing as she shifted her body. Reaching for the Soldiers hand she pulled it away from her own aching clit and pushed it up by her head pinning it down. Something feral tracked across Fangs dark eyes as she stared at the visual of the soldier beneath her strong grasp. Her raised hand reshaped her lovely breasts, and exposed tender ribs, and an unguarded side.

That darker soul peered for a moment out at Lightning, a creature who liked things rough. One who didn't recognize pain the same way a sane person might… Fang leaned in breaking their eye contact and drew a long breath against Lightnings neck, cool air crawled across hot damp skin as Fang breathed in her scent.
"Is that how you want it?" She asked her in a voice low, raspy, trembling… with what? effort? desire? It was hard to tell and the danger that rolled off of the huntress would trigger alarm bells in the soldiers head. But her fingers had returned to their work. Where there had been but one, there was now two. They stroked the path from Lightnings clit to her entrance, fingers dipping into her pleasure, slipping just deep enough to pull at the delicate veil of her center, testing if their foreplay had opened her enough, before pushing into her her. Strong sure fingers pushing past convulsing muscles, muscles that had almost forgot what it was like to be invaded…

Fang was beyond the play. She licked lightnings throat, grazing teeth against soft flesh, as she did what Lightning had hoped for… or perhaps a bit more. She didn't wait for Lightnings answer as she took her. She knew the feel of a woman who was more than ready… and though Lightning may have not had much experience, or time to play be it personal reasons or work… Fang knew she was more that capable of enduring her penetration. There was no acclimation as Fang drew her fingers out and pushed them in once more. Lightning was her prize… she had won her… and now she would have her. That isn't to say she stopped reading the soldier, but her responses changed… it wasn't about drawing Lightning any more… it was about having her. Pulling the pieces together and letting them fall where they had been cast, as Fang gave the needy Soldier just what she wanted… only Etro knew if it the Soldier knew what it was she had asked for...
At first Lightning's counter attack had been more to get herself into the game, to do something and try to convince Fang that more would come if she stopped the teasing and gave something more fulfilling. Yet what she really caused became obvious quickly, and it was something she should have expected with what she had seen from Fang before. The slight competition, the attempt to overtake her and push things her own way, it caused the woman to react and become more predatory than she had been previously, her attitude changing to what Lightning should have known was lying in wait. A gulp escaped the gorgeous soldier as her hand was pinned above her head, the strength displayed by her companion for the night enough for her to know had the situation been serious she would have a hard time escaping, it was a warrior's strength and it got Lightning going. She found it absolutely irresistible to know that the woman looking at her and grabbing her was strong, enough that she could probably outdo Lightning herself in pure physical strength and Lightning couldn't think of anything sexier than being pinned by such a woman.

Then again Fang seemed determined to make her wrong as she something of a dominant side came seeping to the surface, and all personality expectations aside Lightning found herself thinking a resounding yes to Fang's question. The sound of her voice, the situation as a whole, it flipped a switch in Lightning and she panted gently, her entire body wracked with desire, want and hunger laden on her voice as she spoke moments later as Fang slipped fingers inside of her incredibly tight entrance, an entrance that rarely welcomed anyone and had been protected from the touch of others for some time. "Fang..." But she was interrupted, all she got was a name before tongue and teeth grazed across the flesh of her neck which brought a sharp gasp from Lightning, like prey being taunted by a predator's teeth at their neck. It provided some sort of feeling that Fang could do whatever she wanted and Lightning groaned in delight, unable to hide the satisfaction that feeling provided.

So despite Lightning's wants putting her in a situation she hadn't expected she was burning with more lust than ever, wanting Fang to do more. Finger's that moved in and out were gripped by her hungering nether lips, soaking them with arousal as her lips released the moans that increased with frequency slowly, threatening to spill past the walls of Fang's room as they grew louder. Lightning's eyes looking at Fang almost challenging her to do more, her real form of begging as her hips began to buck gently, trying to keep those fingers inside of her for as long as she possibly could, the hand not being pinned down slipping around and feeling the muscles on Fang's back, tracing the lines upwards before wrapping around her shoulder. Nails dug in as a particularly powerful wave hit her, which would no doubt leave a mark of their night together past the night itself. A futile "Nnnn" escaped as she found herself suddenly fighting against what Lightning would find to be an embarrassingly quick loss to Fang's 'attack'. It had been far too long and Lightning was finding herself outclassed in this particular area, her body had longed for release for such a long time and it didn't seem to want to wait long, even if Lightning was actively holding back, the effort of doing so showing on her face as an adorable and desperate attempt to hold back pleasure.
Lightning reaction to her more aggressive behavior was not at all expected. She fully had thought the soldier would fight back... but what happened was better. Fang caught corded muscle in Lightning neck between her teeth and suckled rolling the muscle by working her jaw. A sound drew her eyes upward and she pulled back to see the distressed look on Lightnings face, a determined tensing and she felt her body pull back, a breath as her rose haired soldier tried to to hold back. Fang growled that feral sliding onto her lips once more. "Fight it." She said her voice was commanding. She rather enjoyed watching this battle play on Lightnings features, especially since she had no intention of stopping her assault. Leaning forward she drew her tongue along the shell of Lightnings ear and murmured huskily. "Don't think because you find bliss, I am done with you..." And as Lightnings body tightened, she pushed past it taking every delight from the soldiers body she so wished. This included her slowing the pace for but a moment to hold Lightnings release back from her. There was a reason she did this, not simply to show dominance over her, but to make her release all that more amazing when she finally drove her too it.

Fang drew the soldiers sensitive ear into her mouth and suckled as she pushed past her lovers defenses a second time returning to her unrelenting pace, a pace that was her pleasure not Lightnings... though by the sound of it Lightning didn't know any better. She pulled on Lights ear letting it slip from her lips before she found her next bit of flesh, the upper swell of lightnings breast met eager teeth, a bit more than a graze as she bit her lover. It was a calculated bite, a bit of test to see how Lightning would react to this part. She held lightning in her mouth and slowly but surly applied pressure taking Lightning to her pain threshold the closer her body got to her release.

Fang didn't just bite her, she read her, and drew the soldier along that fine line where pain and pleasure mixed. Releasing her breast she left a perfect set of teeth imprints, no doubt it would blossom into a wonderful bruise later... perhaps a memento of their coupling... unless Fang had ideas for something better later... She was nothing if not resourceful.
On the usual day Lightning was completely in control over everything, she was a soldier and truthfully a control freak, keeping her world in order and keeping herself a safe distance away from others to help do that. It was how Lightning kept everything in order and managed it all, and while there were exceptions to this, including those times when she drank and the one she was currently in, they seldom led to her giving even an ounce of that control go. So when Fang decided to make a power play Lightning was the most surprised to find herself craving more of the dominant huntress, despite what that meant for her, an utter lack of control. It was not something Lightning would ever have considered, yet there it was, as Fang spoke in a commanding tone Lightning's lust merely grew and she whimpered gently as she attempted to do precisely what was demanded of her. Even as things took a more definite turn and Fang made it clear she was the one in control Lightning couldn't help but find it thrilling, exciting, and completely sexy.

Fighting it wasn't easy however, her need for release matched her lack of tolerance for pleasure. She wanted to let go, to feel the bliss she sought and Fang mentioned. Her body screamed for it, begged her to release with throbbing and the dripping of arousal, yet Lightning refused. She struggled against her sensitivity and Fang's skilled touch. Her ear seemed to be a particularly defenseless spot and a mere suckle of the flesh brought an elevated moan from her lips and she the hand still pinned had managed to get a handful of bed sheets, gripping tightly at the fabric as her other hand once more dug short nails into taunt beautiful skin. "Gods..." Light spoke breathlessly, gasping soon after when her breast was made the next target of skilled mouth. Yet something changed from the move down, it wasn't as gentle and the teasing was definitely over as teeth grazed over supple flesh and she moaned softly at the first calculated bite, an odd pleasure shooting up her spine and it showed on her face with a mix of surprise at the sensation.

Yet a small bite didn't end it and instead the pressure increased, the slight pain becoming more and more as teeth dug into her soft flesh but for Lightning pain wasn't the same as it was for most people. In fact Light was so use to pain that it took quite some time for it to began coming out in her voice, the sound of pain escaping but as it grew louder so did the hints of pleasure, something within Lightning causing the pain to enhance every little bit of pleasure. The dual onslaught made fighting it impossible though and as the pain reached its peak so did the pleasure, Lightning suddenly unable to stop and her body began to ignite beneath Fang, her tight nether lips tightening and convulsing around skilled fingers, her back arching and pressing her breast into Fang's mouth, and her body struggled against Fang's weight.

The free hand dug in to Fang's flesh and drug down her back, nail marks being left across Fang's back, and the ecstasy seemed to never end, Lightning's voice crying out and "Fang!" spilled from her lips. Nobody had ever done anything of the sort to Lightning and she was completely overwhelmed, every sense lit up and overloaded. She didn't even realize how long she had been up before it all came crashing back down and even then the residual high was mind boggling and she lay there panting, her skin quivering and a few strands of rose colored hair strewn across her face.
On a day when she wasn't deeply with in a certain pink haired soldier the claw marks over her shoulder and down her spine would have been intolerable, but in the case she found herself in now, it was welcomed. She found a certain kind of delight in the markings of her lover... probably because she had every intention of leaving her own on this perfect creature... A woman who played her role magnificently... it touched Fang on a carnal level and she found she wanted more... More of those mixed sounds of pleasure bubbling from the Soldiers parted lips, spilling as benedictions upon the Huntress. She wanted more of this woman…

Fangs head bowed to Lightnings shoulder as her nails dug into her skin and trailed across shoulder and back, payment for a job well done… a payment that was out done by the simple but amazing cry of her name from Lightnings lips at the peak of her pleasure. For a moment Fang lay there deeply pressed with in Lightning, her passion expended, her body rocked and the cheeky huntress had no words to say… What did you say to the ultimate compliment? It took a moment for the huntress to recover from the shock and emotions that flooded her system. The pleasure that curled with in her threatened to explode at the perfect uttered word… She let out a trembling breath and licked suddenly dry lips. Lightning would know by the curling of that smile across full lips that the huntress had returned to her mortal form… and if that grin was any indication… she still hungered.

Fang fluttered a series of kisses against Lightnings parted lips, a gesture reminiscent of her more delicate play at the beginning of their night. Those kisses trailed down Lightnings throat, the huntress paused to pay homage to the beautiful line of Lightnings clavicle. Tonguing salty sensitized skin until her mouth covered the mark of her teeth, she nuzzled the brand, her tongue following the perfect impression. She growled softly, and the fingers that had to this point been still deeply with in her play mate were slowly and heavily dragged free… and like war paint, those passion wet fingers traced the brand… Green eyes rose to Teal and she looked into those eyes, conveying with the play of that predatory smile that she was not yet done with the gasping, tingling, passion high soldier. She held the soldiers gaze as she lavished that wet release over sensitized skin and very slowly lowered her mouth once more to that mark. Rather than taking the sell of Lightnings now wet breast into her mouth, she paused only centimeters away, and inhaled deeply, drawing a breath across the soldiers skin. Cool air would tingle across Lightnings breast, and over the drying mark she had painted on bruising skin.

Sure that Lightning was watching she opened her mouth as if she might take that mark once more into her mouth and paused, oh it was teasing, but the best kind… She was expertly drawing Lightnings libido up once more while she gave her unpracticed amazingly responsive, and delightfully tight body a moments breath. It was clear in those green eyes she had every intention of having this woman again.. and when it was clear to her companion she was good even on her unspoken promises… Fang took the soldier into her mouth. . . but that was only the beginning…

Fang couldn't help feeling drawn to Lightning, and wanting more of her, the sounds were exquisite, her unbridled surrender unto her own desire was breathtaking… and she needed to see more. While she had the opportunity, Fang was going to learn every little secret of her soldiers body… what made her gasp, and convulse in pleasure. What made her cry out… Fang needed to know it all and so set herself to explore. With her hands and mouth, she mapped Lightnings skin. Blazing a trail against her hyper aware partner. Pausing at points of interest… she finally released Lightnings arm. But when it came down she paused in her exploration to push it back to the bed above her head. She also left her mark there on the lower muscle of Lightnings shoulder only exposed when her arm was so raised… It was a sensitive cluster of tendons and muscles, and Fang bit into them until a new mark was left upon Lightnings skin

She tongued her naval and flicked the soldiers sexy as hell belly button ring grazing teeth against new delicate skin before blazing her way down Lightnings loins. She again scented her when she made it all the way down her body to where trembling neither lips waited pensively for more attention… by now aching for such once more. She caressed stiff hair gracing Lightnings womanhood with her tongue, enjoying the contrast, and as Lightnings back no doubt arched, and he legs spread the huntress moved into place. Sliding a broad shoulder up and under one of Lightnings legs. She pushed her shoulder into that powerful thigh and forced neither lips to open, revealing their hidden bounty. But it wasn't this that drew Fangs attention… no it was the mark on Lightnings inner thigh. How perfect it was, the shape more than a little resembled the stylized heart. A kiss was pressed against it, and she lavished it with tormenting attention until the sounds of her partner drew a smile across silken skin. She bit it then, pressing teeth into muscle and tendon claiming that heart as her own . . . Down the sensually nude line of the soldiers body, dark eyes raised meeting fevered teal. Fang braille her lips across the short distance from that blessed mark to Lightnings once again aching center… and she certainly did not disappoint.

Fang used her own body as an anchor for the soldier, pressing up against her thigh as she devoured trembling flesh.

Lightning was a beautiful unique creature with a deep well spring of emotion locked behind intimidating and near impassable walls but as she took her again she realized one night would not be enough. . . not enough time,.. not enough of this magnetic woman who climbed in under her skin one baited breath at a time.
Lightning was not the type to become caught up in situations easily, a calm and calculating mind gave her the edge in most situations, but with Fang she was caught in a moment and her usual logic was lost in the translation. By the time any semblance of rationality returned she was panting beneath Fang, her expression that of sexual satisfaction and minor exhaustion from the incredible orgasm that had just shook her entire being. Of course rationality or not the moment she looked up at curled lips and hungered expression she felt that same desire creeping back into her, want not long from her body despite having just been driven to the point of climax. It wasn't strange really, Lightning never let anyone touch her and after so long a skilled woman such as Fang could do things to her and make her want things the like of which she had never experienced. These were things she needed and more than anything else these experiences, the pleasures Fang was so intent on delivering, they were what Light wanted, more than she cared to admit.

In fact she wouldn't be admitting anything, familiar stubbornness still alive beneath the surface, the part of Lightning that was still in tact after she was caught up in Fang's seduction and pace. She hadn't quite escaped it yet however, soon kisses were planed against parted lips and a softness that was soon squashed by the marking of teeth on her clavicle and Lightning gave a soft growl, though it was more submissive and pleased than the intended aggressive challenge. Further destroying her attempt at strength as Fang's fingers were finally withdrawn she let out a long deep groan, her body still highly sensitive to the touch as she looked into Fang's eyes. As out of her depth as Lightning was she had an urge for more, and she actively thought about taking advantage of this night, to go for it now that she had given over to her desires and scrape as much from it as she could, Light already knowing the next day she wouldn't be as open to Fang's advances.

Still, for Lightning it was not entirely that easy, even if in her mind she had made the decision to enjoy the one night to its fullest. Reflex made her hesitant but Fang was there to push her forward again, her ability to stoke Light's flame was incredible and it didn't take long for her cheeks to feel the heat of desire once more, body quivering and dripping with arousal. She felt her libido shoot up as her arm was once more lifted above her head and yet another mark left on her sensitive flesh, another reminder of what had been done to her, another reminder that she enjoyed every damn touch. Out of reflex her other hand moved up, both hands above her head as glistening eyes looked up at Fang, and while Lightning hadn't meant it to be that way it was perhaps the most complete act of submission she had given Fang that night. Yet even if she had realized it she wouldn't have given a damn, Lightning was completely infatuated by the woman currently in control of her and the dominance she never would have expected any woman to have the strength to do to her.

People didn't often have the courage of confidence to take on the challenge that was Lightning, she had grown use to people giving up quickly. Fang was not that way and she was causing something to stir in Lightning that had never been felt before and she couldn't help but whimper and squirm beneath the woman as she advanced in a manner nobody else would have dared, taking complete control and moving down to Light's well guarded womanhood once more. This time however her mouth was taking lead and from what it had already done to her she could only guess the pleasure she would soon be experiencing, though she didn't have to imagine long. Skilled tongue was soon playing at her most private area, her back arching gently as moans began filling the air once more, though they were more surrendering than the previous bought, more honest. There was no strain of Lightning trying to hide it and she probably wouldn't have been able to if she wanted. No, it was just her voice, beautiful and feminine despite her usually tendency to lend a more sure and confident tone.

All of Lightning was not buried beneath her desire however, as she was once more marked by Fang's teeth she let out a louder growl than previously, fingers digging in to the sheets above her head as she looked down at Fang. It wasn't that she didn't find some strange pleasure in the pain, which she refused to even try and figure out as she lay there, but the thought of having so many teeth marks on her body, even if they would all be covered thus far, made Lightning a bit resistant to it, the woman feeling a bit of an urge to give back just a little of what she was receiving. Yet the urge to submit was even greater, especially with Fang's body keeping her in place and unable to do anything about each sensation her companion decided to give her, even her hands stayed above her head, as if they were bound by more than Fang's dominance in their current situation. "Fang..." Her voice seemed out of place, between moans as she got a chance to breath, silent until once more she found a break in the pleasure to speak again. "I can take it..." Four words but the meaning was clear and while Lightning wasn't entirely sure what she was asking for she had a deep feeling that was exactly what she wanted and her instinct was seldom wrong.
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