Burned Bones and Broken Souls {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Elvira stopped and looked to where she heard the voices, falling silent and frowning heavily. "I take it they aren't your friends."
"Far from it, actually.." She murmured. Tabitha shoved Meadow lightly, "Answer my question, Grove." "Its Meadow...and I wasn't talking to anyone...just myself..." "Got crazy voices in your head?" Marge taunted. Meadow made a face, "Sometimes I wish I did.."
Elvira stood perfectly still, clenching her fists. "Stop it." She said darkly. "Leave."
Meadow glanced at her and frowned, "I need to go..." "Actually, you should stay...! We missed you at school today." "I'm sorry, but I really need to-" Meadow grunted when she was pushed down into the curb
Suddenly Tabitha stumbled and doubled over, swaying slightly before straightening up so fast it seemed inhuman, then she swung at Marge, eyes rolled back in her head so only the whites of her eyes showed. "Grab your stuff and run! I'll meet you at the house!" Elvira spoke through Tabitha, knocking Marge on her ass and turning to hit the other girl.
Tabitha's head turned in a jerking motion, white eyes staring at Marge and her head tilting. "Oh honey, Tabitha isn't here any more, and it's time to play~" Elvira wasn't actually hurt them, but it wouldn't kill them to scare them shitless, she just needed to give Meadow enough time to get home.
Tabitha dropped to the ground and Elvira jumped from her body, grinned before disappearing, heading back to the house.
"Why wouldn't I?" She blinked. "They hurt you, they deserved what they got. And I didn't hurt any of them."
"Sure they do! Now you should show me what you do for fun and I can pretend I'm doing it with you!" She grinned.
"Ah, well I haunt houses and rattle chains in my spare time, and on weekends I like to make the lights flicker." She said jokingly. "What do you like to write about?"
"Oh. Sorry personal things." She rose her hands. "I won't peek, not that I could though."
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