Burned Bones and Broken Souls {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Elvira blinked and shrugged. "Alright. Don't worry, just grab what you think you'll need and we can head out, I just wish I could help you carry things.."
Meadow nodded, walking through the forest until she found the road that lead into town. She took a nervous breath when she walked into the residential area, heading over to her house and climbing in through her bedroom window with a thud. She grunted and looked around, "Ok," She whispered, "Maybe mom is out getting dru-" "Meadow!!" "Dammit..."
"I'll see what I can do." Elvira said, disappearing through the floor and moving over to the angry looking woman, taking a deep breath before moving forward and entering her body.
Meadow hurriedly garhered her things; pillows, light and heavy blankets, two sleeping bags and her favorite stuffed bear. She pushed them out the window as wel as a duffle to carry them before climbing out, "Vira, c'mon!"
There was silence before a loud thud was heard and Elvira appeared from the floor. "Let's go." She said. "She won't be out for long."
"Nothing! When I posses people they lose consciousness after I leave their body! She's perfectly fine!" She said, hurrying along with her.
Elvira nodded. "Alright, lead the way." She said, floating beside her, too lazy to walk anymore.
"Clothes these days are really odd." She said, looking at the large racks of clothing. "They're all so complicated and bright." She said, following her around.
"For a second there, I thought you were going to say too revealing." She muttered as she looked thrufh the clothes, grabbing a few shirts and jeans as well as some sweats
"Well I suppose so... But it just..." She studied a neon yellow shirt with a leopard print heart on it. "Bright..." She made a face. "It's odd... We never had anything like this."
"It does hurt my eyes.." She muttered and moved back over to Meadow. "What do you like to wear?"
"I wish I could just change my clothes. Well at least they don't get dirty." She shrugged.
"Well they are my night clothes." She chuckled softly.

((Meadow should run into a few of her school bullies~))
((Himt hint~?))

Meadow grabbed her bag of clothes and headed out, "It looks good for a night gown." "Who are you talking to, Grove?" Meadow froze and turned, seeing a group of girls moving over. "Tabitha, Marge, Destiny...what do I owe this misfortune of your presence to?"
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