Burned Bones and Broken Souls {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Well I used to be a witch. And those stories where witches eat people or are mean and ride brooms is fake. We can't fly and we eat normal food, well, ate. Also we don't work naked." She said, laying down on the ground.
"Eh...I guess you have a point..." She muttered. She sighed, "Alright...I'll show you how bad it is...but don't try to tell me to go to a doctor, they'll just call the cops and then I'll get beaten to death..."
"Alright alright... But at least get some aspirin?" She asked, sitting up and crossing her legs.
"Yeah, yeah..." Meadow removed her jacket and tossed it aside before pulling off her pants, leaving her in a tank top and boy shorts. Her arms, legs, shoulders and what could be seen of her back was covered in dark marks and cuts
Elvira scowled and stood up, looking at all of the dark marks, some purple, some older ones green and yellow. "Why do you go back?"
Elvira made a face. "Stay here..! You can stay here as long as you like." She said, moving over to grab her hand, but her hand simply passed through Meadows.
If Elvira's cheeks could heat up, they would've, instead the windows rattled slightly. "I don't usually leave... It's better here."
"Its secluded with a nice view..." She said. She made a small face, "If its alright to ask...do you know what happened to your lover...? Did he stick around after you died?"
"I guess I'll have to talk about it sooner or later..." She let out a breath. "I didn't just die, I was murdered, burned at the stake. That's what they did to witches, and when word got out that I was a witch, well... They formed a mob and stormed the house, tore me from my lover and burned me in front of my own house. They made her watch... Nora was devastated, a-and she tried to stop them. As she watched me burn alive, they bludgeoned her to death." She said softly. "They wasn't going to live anyway... When they found out we were lovers, we were both sentenced to the gallows." She said softly. "My death didn't happen for hours after though... The fire didn't burn all the way and I was only burned half to death... They left me up there and let me stare at Nora's body... I died the next night, I'm just glad they didn't burn the house."
Meadow felt her heart break, "Oh, God...Vira...I'm so sorry..." She said softly. She wanted to try and cheer her up, "What was Nora like...?" Maybe good memories would make Elvira happy again.
"She was great, she did all the jobs I couldn't, she was my pillar. She did the hunting and I took care of her when she was sick. She was strong, not only physically, but spiritually and mentally." She smiled sadly. "She tried to teach me how to hunt once, the only thing I can hunt apparently is trees." She laughed.
"It's nice... We married in secret, but she still gave me a ring..." She perked. "The ring! My ring should be on the property... In the front somewhere... My book, however, is somewhat of a different story, but that's not important. Everything else was destroyed, but I think my ring made it, or at least I hope so, could you maybe find it for me?"
"Sure." Elvira stood and floated after her, her feet just above the ground. "There's a shed out back, I dunno if anythings there though, maybe you can find a shovel?"
Meadow nodded and moved downstairs and outside, moving to the shed and maneuvering around the lethal spiders to grab the shovel against the far wall and going back to the front, "Ok, where should I start?"
Elvira thought for a moment. "Try by that big oak tree just behind us." She said.
Elvira watched her closely, looking in the dirt to see if her ring was there. "Try closer under the roots."
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