Burned Bones and Broken Souls {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"You can lie to everyone else who sees those, but you can't lie to me." She said. "I'm a ghost who's been here a very long time. Please humor me? At least go get some aspirin from the drug store a mile down the road?"
((She got shot!?))

Elvira scowled, gripping her nightgown. "Fine... I couldn't do anything anyway."
((No! But remember when Shizuo was shot and makise was all like "don't they hurt?" every time she fukken saw him...!?))

"You wouldn't understand..." She said quietly, "And I don't want to try and explain..."

"I'm a ghost, my death wasn't a natural death nor a peaceful or quick one. Please?" She asked. "I'm not here to judge."
((I remembered that when Meadow said "they don't hurt, I'm fine"~))

Meadow frowned and looked up at the mirror, "My dad beats me and my mom wishes I was never born. They're forced to care for me by law but they don't do a very good job at it. They call me names and demean me; sometimes I even go hungry. This isn't the first time I've run away, and I'm sure it's not the last...I can't stand living there anymore...I want to live with someone who gives a shit...but I have no one..."
((She's a liar~))

She frowned and moved to touch Meadow's shoulder, only to remember she couldn't touch physics things. "I'm sorry... You're welcome to stay here as often as you like.. Not many people come here, it's kinda a crappy house."
((Meadow when she says she's not in pain~))

Elvira smiled softly, looking around the room. "I built it, my lover and I. We did it all by hand together." She said.
((Physically, no~ emotionally, hella~))

"He was really lucky to have such a beautiful home with someone who sounds so pretty..." She said softly
There was silence for a moment before soft laughing could be heard. "Yes.. I suppose so."

((She's totes withholding info~))
((Ya don' say~~<3 ))

Meadow made a face and sighed, "Well, the air is thick with sadness and depression, I've lived with it long enough to hate it with all my being...let's lighten up the mood, shall we?"
"Alright, take a seat... You can ask a question about me, then I'll ask a question about you." She said.
"Right here in Massachusetts." She said. "Alright... Harder question, what are you running from?" She asked.
"Hah..." She smiled sadly and chewed on her hair. "I wasn't careful enough... Things were very unfair when I was alive, I died angry so I guess that's why I'm still here." She said. "Why are you running from your dad?"
"He's drunk and angry so he needs something to beat on to relieve stress...namely me.." She answered. She looked up slightly, "What do you mean by 'not careful enough'?"
"Well, it's a bit difficult to explain... How do I put this...? When I was young I got into some things... And said things got me in trouble... You don't seem stupid... So I'm assuming you've heard of witchcraft?" Elvira asked.
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