New Secrets, New Love {MellowYellow and Sweetnothings}

"Ah I can imagine. I never really give myself much time for social events, save for important dates like this one," the tall male remarked. Noatak continued eating, slowly and careful to remain mindful of his manners, but he was clearly admiring Korra whenever the opportunity arose. "How has your training been? I've always wondered what bending training is like, could never do any myself." Well that one was a lie in more ways than one.
"Exactly. It seems like every hour of the day I have to train to face Amon. Some times I would like a day to myself. No training and not have to worry about the Equalists." Korra had to smile at the thought. No Equalists. She didn't have to worry about chi blockers or being attack on the street by citizens who felt like they were being oppressed. "Training? It's pretty fun. I got to do this thing where I had to weave in and out of these boards like an Airbender." Korra explained before she went back to eating her food. She was careful to eat like a civilized person.
"Ah, I can imagine it gets rather difficult to put up with at times," Noatak remarked. He was sure it would only get rougher for her in the future, considering all he had planned out for this city. He'd lead the Equalists to victory, soon enough. he soon finished off his meal, and then lazily placed the money for their bill in the centre of the table "I'm sure you don't mind me paying, right?" he asked with a wry smile on his face.
"Yeah. There's always the danger the Equalists could come and attack Air Temple Island or the like. It gets frustrating at times." Korra murmured. She didn't want to seem like a chatter box to him. She really liked him, so the thought of turning him away scared her. She finished her meal soon after him. She looked to see him put some Yuans on the table to pay for the bill. "I don't mind. Next time, I'm paying." She realized she sounded too hopeful for a second date. "I-I didn't mean to suggest another thing like this."
"You worry too much," Noatak replied, letting a suave smile come to rest on his handsome visage. "I'd be more than happy to go on a second date with you Korra, you've proven to be a beautiful and fascinating young woman." He rose and helped Korra to her feet, and with her hand resting in his he started walking out of the restaurant with her. "Shall I walk with you to the ferry? Or did you have somewhere else you wanted to go?"
"Worry?" Korra was a little confused. Why would he say that? Did she sound worried? She was concerned that he thought she was already too clingy. When he started to talk, her face took on an expression of relief. "Thank you, Noatak. I was worried you wouldn't want to go out on a second date. I really enjoyed this one." She said sincerely. She stood up, taking his hand with ease. She intertwined their fingers with one another as they walked. "We can walk around for a while. I don't mind it."
"Ah is that so? Well,I am a gentleman that likes to make his date happy," Noatak replied, starting to walk around with her through the darkened night time streets. "You are quite a beauty my dear," he said, smiling as a streak of moonlight seemed to set half of her face aglow. "I'm honestly shocked a woman of your caliber would want anything to do with a commoner like myself," Noatak added.
"I have no reason to lie. It's been a while since I went out here for a date," Korra was quite happy she managed to get a date with Noatak. Someone like him taking a risk to go out at night with the Avatar. There always was the threat of danger around her. She blushed softly when he complimented her. She squeezed his hand and laid her head on his shoulder. "Why not? I broke into your house by accident, and you offered me to go out for tea. I would want to go out with a commoner like you for taking it so well," She replied.
"Well, I could hardly turn down a chance to be with someone like yourself. I can't remember the last time I had a date, but whoever that last woman was, she had none of your grace and beauty," Noatak explained. He welcomed her warmth, the feeling of Korra pressed tight to him... in some ways it was rather nice. For just a moment, he could ignore the fact that they were supposed to be mortal enemies. He took a turn with her, starting to lead her through the lush city park- even more beautiful under moonlight.
"The same goes for you. I couldn't turn down a chance to have date. It's been too long since I've been out of the confines of Air Temple Island. I just needed to be out here in the city. This is the best way to spend a night out here. Thank you for giving me a chance," the Avatar replied quietly. She shivered slightly in her dress. She now regretted not bringing a coat with her. It would turn cold at night like this. Without asking him, she held her free hand up and had a small flame of fire rise from the palm of her and. She held it close to them. It was enough to provide warmth without burning their clothes. She smiled up at him and kissed his cheek as they walked under the moonlight.
Noatak winced slightly as Korra conjured some fire up from thin air, both out of a slight disgust for firebending as an act, but also out of worry that a stray spark would catch his clothes. "You could just ask to borrow my coat if you're that cold, silly," he replied teasingly. he leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "You're so pretty, my dear Avatar. How you were single before now is beyond me..."
Korra didn't pay attention to Noatak's reaction to her fire. It was an innocent thing. Plus, she thought it out. It wouldn't catch his clothes. both of theirs wouldn't catch fire. This was a perfect idea. She was an independent woman who wanted to do her own things at times. She looked at him and giggled. "I didn't want to ask for your coat. I like doing this anyway," she told him. She kissed his cheek and continued walking. "Well, I guess being an Avatar makes people stay away from me some times."
"Hehe... well maybe they're afraid of you kicking their ass for getting on their bad sides," the older male said. Noatak gave a sugary sweet smile and tickled under Korra's chin with his other hand, just to show her some kind affection... even if it was an act for the time being. "Not that I would ever do something like that to you... I'm too nice a guy to ever want the Avatar mad at me, after all," he remarked in a low erotic purr.
"Really? You think guys are scared of me kicking their asses? They should be at least. If they get me on my bad side, then yeah, they should be afraid," the Avatar commented. It was nice to just go out and talk to someone without having to worry about being asked to help someone with this or that. Korra managed to giggle as Noatak tickled under her chin. "Ooh. So now you're being like that?" She asked, taking the flame out and pressing her body closer to his. She wanted to suggest going to his place, but it didn't seem right to ask to go back to do who knows what.
"Well, I know better than to get myself into trouble," he remarked. Well, if the two of them were going to be in a relationship, Noatak supposed he would have no qualms about drawing on the proper benefits. He may have wanted to destroy her, but he couldn't deny he found her very attractive. "You know, my apartment isn't too far from here. If you aren't expected back at that island, we could spend some time there. If you want to..."
"Of course you do. Someone like you know should always know not to mess with the avatar," she added. This was going off better than Korra expected. She actually thought he would want nothing to do with her again after tonight. Maybe he saw someone who would get him killed because of her works. Obviously he didn't care about that. He was different. A grin found its way to her lips as he spoke. "Now that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I would love to go over to your apartment. I'm not needed tomorrow. It's like a free day."
"Ah is that so? Well good to know." He could kill her right now, so easily when her defenses were lowered. Or just give her a simple touch to put a blood-bending block on her bending... no no, not yet. Noatak needed more information from her. Yes, of course. That was it entirely. His apartment was unchanged from the other day when Noata opened the door and flicked the lights on, leading Korra inside "Welcome back I suppose," he said, before leaning down and pecking her soft lips.
Now that it dawned on her, Korra was having the most fun she had in a long time. Between Avatar duties and practicing, going out on a simple date like this was the best thing that had happened to her in a while. She was glad she had managed to accidentally managed to break into Noatak's home. She walked inside of his apartment with her hand still laced with his. She smiled softly, looking around to get a better look. She took off her shoes by the door before turning to face him. "Thank you," she whispered as she returned the quick kiss. The temptation of pulling him to her and kissing him again was strong, but she was able to resist it for now while she turned and took a seat on his couch. "What were you looking to do in your apartment, Noatak?"
"Oh you know, standard gentlemanly things. I certainly didn't have anything lewd in mind for a lady as attractive as yourself," Noatak said playfully, grinning and then walking toward the couch. Ah... this was actually rather enjoyable, being able to have the affections of a lovely lady, something he had been missing out on for some time now. "Well... that is, unless you had a rather naughty idea in mind Korra," he said, smiling wickedly.
Korra had to raise an eyebrow in a playful manner. She certainly wasn't surprised that someone as nice as him would have such thoughts. Of course, being the avatar could make him think otherwise. She was looking for some fun tonight. Nothing more than probably a make out session. She curled her legs under her and leaned against him. She laughed softly and kissed his neck softly. "It isn't that naughty," she murmured, playing with the hem of his shirt.
"Aha, I knew you had a dirtier side to you," Noatak joked. Honestly it was to be expected given how repressed the fun-loving Avatar had been for almost her entire life- wanting to have as much fun as possible in life now in her teenage years to make up for lost time. He let Korra press tight to him on the couch, and he claimed her lips a quick kiss... and that lip lock also intensified quickly, his tongue probing into the depths of Korra's hot and wet mouth.
"What made you think I didn't?" Korra teased, her fingers playing with the loose ends of his hair. All those years being kept away from the world was worth it because she was out here, about to do something she always wanted to do. This was finally making up for the time she lost. Noatak was the perfect man to do it with. She leaned up and returned the hot kiss, her tongue pushing against his. Slowly, she made her way into his lap where her arms wrapped around his neck. She groaned, moving her hips slightly as she lightly nipped on his bottom lip.
The older male's eyes widened when he felt Korra's firm butt come to rest in his lap, feeling their bodies press together into a mutual heat. Noatak's hands moved over and gripped her by the hips, his large cock hardening and pressing into her despite the tight fabric doing its best to constrain him. "I don't mind at all..." he replied in a soft purr, his hands then reaching back to slowly undo the bindings of Korra's dress. Ah this was going to be fun, toying with his own nemesis like this.
The action of moving into his lap elicited a moan from her mouth. As the warmth spread through Korra's body, easily stopping any shivers that was still in her, she ran her fingers down his chest while she kissed him. This was the perfect way to end an evening. Honestly, she was looking forward to it. She felt the bulge pressing against his stomach. She grinned, clearly knowing it was. Even though she was isolated for so long, she was naive. She moved her hands down towards Noatak's pants, her fingers slowly undoing the buttons. Tonight was good night not to wear a bra. To her, he was still the gentleman who took her out on a date.
"Mind your wandering hands dear, you never know what you may find," the older male remarked in a playful tone. He kissed her brow and then let Korra worked away at her leisure, letting her pull his fly down and let his large cock spring upright. Noatak was quick to return the favour however, reaching around and undoing the zipper of her dress and letting it lazily fall down her body. It was clear he was eager to glimpse her fit and rather legendary body.
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