New Secrets, New Love {MellowYellow and Sweetnothings}


Nov 14, 2012
Korra was getting ready to go in on her own. She had to admit it was a stupid idea. She didn't know who she would meet. Most likely chi-blockers and the men with their electrical sticks. No one knew about this except for two people. They were her secret informants. They told her Amon was going to be alone for an hour. It was her chance to get what she wanted. She wanted to know why he was doing all of this. Why he was taking away people's bending. It was becoming a problem for Republic City.

The young avatar stared in the mirror to make sure she looked all right. She had a satchel over her shoulder which carried a mask and other things for her to use while she invaded his residence. As a practice, she kicked things up into the air with her earth bending, lighting them in fire, then dousing them out in water. She couldn't wait until she had air. That would make everything better, but until, this was all she had.

She nodded to herself before opening the window up in her room. She crawled out of it and began climbed up to the roof top. She began running from roof to roof, eventually getting to where Amon lived. She knew there would be other people in the house. She began climbing down the face of the building before kicking opening a window and jumping in. She raised her arms around, ready to fight anyone. She walked through the hallways. She came to a door and opened it slowly. In that room, she saw someone, but she wasn't sure if it was Amon or not.
As was often the case with revolutionary leaders, Amon (Or Noatak as he had been known when he was born) was a remarkably clever man. There were several areas that he called is home throughout Republic city, usually unassuming areas that anybody could afford to live in. Whenever he went about without his mask on, well he made sure his real face was known about. Other Equalists would see him in their various hotspots as a janitor or the like, someone who couldn't possibly be their enigmatic masked leader.

At present he was alone in the modest Republic City home, dressed in simple dark trousers and a white vest. He was a tall and well built man, and undeniably quite handsome with nothing covering his face. The dark-haired male turned and tensed when his door opened, and it took him a moment to realise he had an act to put on- as whoever this woman veiled in darkness was she couldn't know his secret.

"H-hey! D-don't hurt me! I don't have much money or anything but... well just rob what you want and don't hurt me!"
Korra wasn't sure what to expect. She was hoping she would see Amon without his mask on. Of course, she didn't know what he looked like underneath the mask. She was thought he would have multiple scars lined up on his face from where he was burned. She would do anything to get the truth, even if it meant putting more burn scars on him. Normally, Korra wasn't like that. She didn't resort to that kind of violence, but Amon was a different person. He had taken people's bending away. He would deserve it.

She stood by the window, staring at the figure in the dark. He didn't sound like Amon. He sounded...afraid. She quickly realized she got the address wrong perhaps. "O-oh. W-wrong house." She pulled off her mask and sighed. "I'm never going to get him." She growled frustratingly. She kicked a chair, sending it to the wall with a breaking sound. She looked at the man. Who was he?
"Ah..." he again pretended to be awkward, until this figure removed her own mask. Aha... the young Avatar. Inwardly he was grinning, knowing she had come his way on some information half expecting to catch Amon. Ah if only she knew who he really was, but she has no idea what to imagine behind that mask. Slowly but surely he reached for the gaslamp on his desk and turned the dial, illuminating the room to reveal his handsome face.

"Holy smokes, you're the Avatar!" he said in awe "I heard about you on the radio, you're the star player of the Fire ferrets!" he said. Ugh, he hated pro-bending with an immense passion... but he had to play along. A plan was quickly forming in his mind, and he would need her fooled for it to work. "My name's Noatak... why are you here in my house?" the handsome male asked.
She clenched her fists in frustration. Here she was in some innocent man's house because she relied on false information. She knew who to blame. It was her informants. They obviously lied about the place. She should punish them. But how? She looked at the man behind the desk as he reached to the gas lamp. She was on edge, thinking he was going to throw it at her. She was relieved when he only turned the light up. Her eyes were immediately on his face.

Korra was starstruck. He was so handsome. She tried not to stare at him for too long. She blushed softly and smiled at him. "Yeah. I play for the Fire Ferrets." She replied. She was amazed just by his looks. "Well, I'm Korra. Yeah....sorry about that. I have some people that said this was the residence of Amon. I've kind of been chasing the guy for a while. I was hoping on doing a one-man mission to get him to talk. Obviously I'm at the wrong residence." The young Avatar said a little awkwardly.
"Ah, I see. Well I'm not an Equalist, I'm a big fan of yours actually," Noatak replied. He was a damn good liar... he did find her quite attractive however, perhaps that only fueled his obsession with her. He stood up, looming a few inches over the tomboyish Avatar, and then smiled her way "Well, while you're here, how about some tea? You seem a little troubled, and you could probably do with a good listener," he remarked. Oh yes, he would certainly listen to every detail.
"Really? No offense, but you don't seem the type to be a big fan of me." Korra responded. Not that she actually minded. He was handsome. He was attractive. She didn't know what was wrong with her. In this situation, she would freeze him in water then leave. That wasn't the case now. She peered up at Noatak and grinned at his smile. "Tea sounds nice. I guess it would be nice to talk about my problems," she shrugged and smiled at him. "Lead the way, Noatak." She liked the sound of his name. She wanted to have him in her life.
Noatak gladly led the way through the wooden corridors of the house, approaching downstairs where he kept his teapot. "So I hear you're from the southern tribe? I'm from the Northern water tribe myself," he said, starting to boil up the water. That was evident from Noatak's darker complexion, the kind you'd never really see on an Earth or Firebender. He pushed some dark hair back and then smirked her way, trying to appear sweet and innocent.
Korra was fond of the decorations. The wooden hallways. It was different than Tenzin's house. There were mostly relics of Avatar Aang. She didn't blame him. He wanted to preserve his father's legacy. She looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah. I'm from the Southern Water tribe. The Northern Water tribe? That's nice." She was trying her hardest to be polite. He was really attractive, and she wondered if he had the same feelings for her. She smiled at him. "What tea do you have?"
"Ah... only oolong tea I'm afraid. I hope that's alright," came his reply as he finished heating the water up. He filled up two ceramic cups with the steaming liquid and have it a little time to brew fully. With that he took both cups of tea toward his kitchen table. "I'm a little surprised you're this determined to catch that Amon guy, but it's certainly admirable that you have that passion," Noatak said as he sat across from her "You're a fascinating young woman."
"Ooh. I haven't had Oolong tea in a while. That's all right with me." Korra replied. She pulled out a chair to sit down at the kitchen table. She took off her wrist bands, but kept her hair up in the pony tail. She smiled at him and took her cup from him while he talked. "Well, he's evil. Honestly, I respect his opinion, but the way he's getting it across is not acceptable." She told Noatak. She was a little taken back by his compliment. She blushed deeply, and she brought the cup up to her lips. She blew into it before taking a small sip. "Thank you. I'm afraid I haven't known you long enough to give you an equally nice compliment."
"Ah, of course, that's not a problem at all," Noatak said. He didn't seem to mind his alter ego being called 'evil', as he sorely doubted that Korra would be Amon's biggest fan for obvious reasons. He took a long sip of his own tea, not minding the heat in the slightest "Well, perhaps we could spend more time together in that case." The dark-haired male shrugged his broad shoulders "It wouldn't have to be a date, per se, but I would like to get to know you better."
Korra wasn't being cautious at all. She didn't know Noatak's views on the Equalists. For all she knew, he could be working with Amon, but that didn't matter to Korra. She was in the presence of a really handsome man. She kept on lightly blowing into the tea to make it warm enough for her. She took a sip while spoke. She was lucky she didn't spit it out. "T-that would b-be awesome," she calmed herself down before she started to say something stupid. "Yeah. I would like that," the Avatar smiled at him. This was going way better than she expected it to go.
"I'm glad you think so," Noatak replied politely. Ah this would be wonderful- he could learn a little more about his enemy and maybe cop a feel if he was lucky enough. He took a long sip of his own tea and then once he had emptied it out he set the cup down on his table. "I know a fairly good spot- the Ivory Dragon noodle shop. I'll meet you there at eight PM tomorrow, how does that sound?" he suggested, giving her a warm and sweet smile.
Korra mentally scolded herself for sounding so nervous. As a very famous person in Republic City, she often got asked out a lot. It wasn't the same, though. This was a man Korra found very attractive. She drank more of the tea from her cup, finding the taste really good. She looked at him after she set her cup down. "Sure. Eight sounds great," She stood up as she put on her arm bands. "Sorry about your window. I again apologize for that. Well, I'll see you then, Noatak." She blushed slightly and walked back to the room. She went out the way she went in. She climbed up the side of the building and ran on the rooftops.
"Hm, sweet girl," Noatak remarked once she left, heading out to the broken window on the upper floor. He'd still have to destroy her though, that was part of the whole... crusade he was leading. Once he was sure he was left to his own devices, he headed upstairs and then quickly covered the window with a plastic bag to keep the wind out. He gave a long yawn and then headed to his room. He'd need his rest for what was to come tomorrow.
Korra to admit she was pretty excited. She woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and energized. She did her daily routines: practice, meditate with Tenzin, then come up with plans to get Amon. It all seemed pointless now, but she had to do these things. When there was 30 minutes left until she had to meet Noatak, she started to get dressed. She put on one of her water tribe dresses. She grabbed a necklace and clipped it around. She smiled softly and slipped on her shoes. Tenzin asked her where she was going, and she told him it was none of his business. She quickly walked out, getting a ferry off the island and to the mainland. She took a cab to the Ivory Dragon. She stood by the door, looking inside then looking around the sidewalks waiting for Noatak.
Noatak rounded one corner, dressed in a dark navy coat with a collar that covered the lower portion of his face. His ebony boots clacked along the pavement, and his baggy dark brown pants acted as a perfect shield against the wind. "Well well, colour me impressed," he said as he let his eyes rest on Korra "I always thought you were supposed to be a tomboy," he said playfully as he opened up the front door of the restaurant for the attractive Avatar. Well, stage one was underway. Earn Korra's trust and then gradually pluck information out of her that would aid the Equalists.
As Noatak approached her, Korra started to worry if she maybe overdressed. It wasn't like her to dress up this fancy for a casual date. She hoped he would like the dress. It was a gift from Katara. Her hand went up to her necklace, gripping the chain. She smiled at him and playfully twirled. "I know. I just thought it would be a good night to wear something nice for someone so handsome." She complimented Noatak. He certainly looked casual. She followed him inside the restaurant. "I haven't been here before. Is the food here good?" She asked him as she pushed a strand of her hair out of her eyes.
"Very nice, I'm sure you'll love it," he said politely. A server was quick to approach them, leading them then to their own booth to the right wall of the restaurant. Noatak had to admit, he always had a fondness for Korra, finding his teenage enemy so... enticing to look at... that dress only added to her beauty. He placed his order for a cup of sake and then added an order of chop suey for his main course. "I usually swing by here for food after work, it always fills me up."
"I bet I will. Out with someone like you at a restaurant, the food has to be good." Korra replied. She was trying her best to compliment him and make him feel good just as he was for her. Her eyes went to the server who approached them almost immediately. She already like the service here. Anxiously, her hand went up to her hair to make sure it was still nice and neat. She decided to get the same thing he got since she didn't know much about this place. "Really? If it turns out to be really appetizing, I might stop here after training with Tenzin myself."
"Ah, well it will pay off I'm sure. Tenzin is the airbender, right? I heard about him on the radio and how he's your teacher," Noatak said. Made sense- most of the city knew that the Avatar herself was housed over on that famous island. Their server left them to brig their orders to the kitchen, and with that opening the tanned male gave Korra a handsome smile "So what's it like? The air temple I mean? I read about the old ones in history class, they sounded pretty dull."
"Yes. Tenzin is an airbender. On the radio, they make him out to be an excellent person because he was Aang's son. But in reality, he can be so frustrating. Though, I understand why. He just wants to prove to himself he's like his father." Korra finished her statement a little quieter. She just now realized why Tenzin could be so rough on her. She smiled softly, proud of herself she made a revelation unintentionally. Tired of her hair up, she reached up and pulled out the hair tie, letting her hair fall in loose curls around her face. "Air temple island? It's a beautiful place. It's nice being surrounded by the bay. I can't think of another place where I would rather live. It's...spiritual."
"Oh..." Noatak said. He seemed unable to look away when the water tribe girl let her hair down, the sight making for something incredibly arousing and enticing. "Well... that's interesting. I hear the Order of the White Lotus is there now too though, I'm sure they'd make things a little harder." By then, their food arrived and Noatak slowly and carefully ate his food, making sure he didn't drip or stain his clothing.
It was rare for Korra to have her hair down. Normally, it would get in her way while she was training. She couldn't have that when it came to the real thing. She looked at Noatak and smiled. She couldn't believe she was talking to a man from the Northern water tribe. It was so cool. "Yeah, but it's nice having friends around." She looked at her food and began eating slowly. She didn't want to show him her true side when she ate. She ate like a pig some times.
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