Repentance the Sin-(Avengers) Moon/Addie13

he blinked a little at her, his head tilted a little. "what are those little red disks?" he asked, poking at them. "they look like summer sausage." he admitted, his head cocked to the side a little. "frozen? why would you freeze your food? does it add to the flavor?" he asked, blinking at her a little, his head cocked to the side. more than a little baffled. "i do like Potatoes though." he admitted with a smile. "i don't see why these are so unhealthy for you. it's not like you drop them in grease." he pointed out. "like french fries." Clint, or one of the other people who had helped Loki take over the world had probobly explained how french fries where made. he watched her slide the Pizza into the oven, his nose twitching a little as he examined the cheesy goodness. "so it's so it doesn't go bad... interesting." he mused with a smile. "i'll have to remember that. does it only work on tubers?" he asked curiously. "or does it work on fruits and other vegetables as well?" he asked curiously before he was distracted by the kiss. "hmmm you're such a wonderful kisser." he murmured with a smug little grin. "i was... wondering." he admitted, looking worried. "will you get in trouble? for... for being with me? i could take you to someplace else... not Jotunhiemer, it's too cold for you, and there's not enough oxygen... but we could, go to Nifelhiem maybe? i'm permanently locked out of certain places in that realm, but we could hide there if we had to..." worried about her safety.
She looked him over, brows raising. "God, Loki, slow down! You're throwing way too much at me at once," she said with a laugh. She wasn't able to keep up with it. "Uh... These are pepperoni, they're meat, uh... And these are supposed to be deep fried..." She paused now, looking up at him as he held onto her now. She was quiet, listening to all that he was saying. Would she get in trouble? Oh hell yes she would! But she wasn't afraid of Fury. She had Loki on her side and she had her own powers. She would take them down if they even tried to do something about this. She would try calmly talking to them first, and hopefully get them on their side. She shook her head now, arms wrapping around his waist. "I appreciate the concern, Loki, but I'll be alright. Trust me. I'll figure it out... And if we aren't, then we can leave." Smiling now, she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Now, relax, okay? We'll have food soon, and then we can do whatever you'd like tonight."
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