Repentance the Sin-(Avengers) Moon/Addie13

Ana's brows arched. "Offering help does not make me stupid. It makes me kind hearted and caring." She shook her head and leaned back against the chair, occasionally glancing down at him as he spoke. She wasn't sure if she should mention something else she saw in his memories, but she wanted him to know that someone did understand him... Or could. "You spoke with a strange hooded man there, someone who was insisting you do all of this. The one who found you, who helped you get the army you used against all of us. I can see now that you did not do this of your own free will... And I believe you. I will offer up my help as much as you need it, and... When you leave, should you need me, I will be around and I can help you as best as I can." She offered a small smile then held out her gloved hand. "Even those that have sinned terribly deserve a friend." She couldn't believe she was offering this up to him, but, she was starting to uncover the mystery that was Loki. It was only the very beginning of a long adventure to learn about him, but she had already gotten farther than any others had. "Midgard isn't all that bad, though, trust me. It's actually kind of nice..."
he huffed a little. "kindness is for the weak." he stated, as if repeating something that he had been told since childhood. "kindness is only for those who need to be coddled and made exemption of." he stared at her, his eyes narrowed as he examined her. "i must have spoke more than usual..." he muttered before sighing. "he did not 'help' me anything. the Army was his, and i but his pawn." Loki stated simply. "The Voice liked him well enough, and he had the means to give The Voice what it wanted most. war. The Voice did not care that any time i so much as spoke out of line i was tortured for hours. sometimes it even caused me to speak out, just so 'it' could enjoy my pain." he admitted, grinning viciously. "but i have always been in pain, and they could not break me, and The Voice could not silence me." he stated, pride in his voice now. "because i am stronger than Them, all of them, and no one shall ever break me again." but that indicated that he had been broken once. "...oh, no it might not have been my entire Will, but part of me wanted it." he admitted after a moment. "part of me always wanted revenge. that's how The Voice got in, in the first place." he admitted. "i regret everything i did, but part of me wanted it, and that is why it had such control for so long." he admitted with a shake of his head before he stared at her, as if she had suddenly started speaking another language.

"freind?" he asked, looking confused. "...i wouldn't know what to do with such a thing." he admitted after a moment. "i've never had one before. the Aeser Children where warned away from me before i ever even made an appearance at their playing grounds." he admitted as he hesitated before taking her hand and letting her help him back into the couch with a grunt. "i suppose i could give it a try... friendship, it can't fail any worse than my attempts at a romantic relationship." he muttered with a wrinkle of his nose. "don't ask." he ordered as he squirmed into the couch, studying her. "so... how does one do freinds?" he asked curiously. "i mean... do we have to give each other gifts or is there a ceremony? an oath of some sort?" yeah, Loki needed help, and it wasn't all due to the crazy train in his brain either. he was very clearly highly socialized. well if he was telling the truth about having never had any freinds anyway.
Ana laughed and shook her head. "No, kindness isn't. Kindness shows strong character," she said simply, helping him sit back down. She slid into the seat next to him now, her eyes looking him over. The way he wrinkled his nose was kind of cute, honestly. She offered a small smile now, letting out a small laugh. "No, there's nothing to do to become friends. We just say we are. Besides, I've helped you, that's a way of showing friendship." She nodded then shifted on the couch a little. "I have never had much luck with romance either, I kind of gave up on it. Even though, and I know it's ridiculous but... I love those fairy tales, you know? Where the damsel is saved by the prince? Or forbidden love stories.... I'm a hopeless romantic, but I'll never let myself love again." She'd done it once before, and it blew up in her face big time.

Clearing her throat now, she turned to look at him once more. "You are actually cool, I like you," she said, nodding once. "I mean... In a twisted sort of way. You're really weird, but I like that too. Different than the norm is always cool." She smirked a little then leaned her head back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "I don't really have many friends.... I always manage to push them away." She sometimes talked with Jane, they were still close, but they didn't talk often. Tony was the only one who really checked up on her often.
Loki rolled his eyes but let her have her delusions. she was a weakling who needed kindness apparently. "nothing at all?" he asked, looking confused. "i do not understand." he admitted with a sigh before he stared at her and finally, for the first time, he offered her an honest smile. "where do you think the term 'true love' comes from? it certainly isn't a human sentiment, considering women where not but property until recently." he pointed out. "every Primordial being has a Fated love." he admitted. "unfortunately, most of us never find them." he admitted. "so we settle for lesser, but equally enjoyable emotions." he admitted. "some will even mate, simply for the political reasons." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i do not know if Humans have Fated love, but i can't imagine the Fates leaving you out of their equations." Loki admitted. grateful that she had not asked about his very bad romances. " what does my body temperature have to do with anything? are you sure that it is not you who are insane? you speak of such silly things." he complained, frowning at her. "cool, honestly if you think i am chilled, get me a blanket, there's no need to be so insulting." now that sounded like the Loki they had once captured. only not as biting and cruel. "i was never given the chance to make freinds. if it wasn't the parents of the children, then it was Odin keeping me away from them..." he frowned. "Thor was never all that nice to me either. he followed the minds of everyone else. only my mother, Frigga, showed me a kindness." he admitted, smiling softly. "she used to sneak into my rooms after i was punished, usually for things that where not my fault, with a drink and a story." he admitted. "until Odin found out and forbade her." he growled, scowling a little before looking at her. "you still have freinds though? will you tell me about them?" he asked, curious.
Ana looked him over, brows raised as she did so. "You like to talk," she said with a faint laugh. "More so than me, which is really saying something. If you knew me, I mean really knew me, you'd know I'm a loud mouth." She laughed again and wrinkled her nose, brows arching. "Why do you want to know about my friends? It's not that important, you know." She sighed and leaned back against the couch, looking up at the ceiling. "It's only a matter of time before I lose them too... I can't hold onto anyone for too long, you know. I think I'm cursed.... Well, I am cursed, but in a different way..." She looked distant for a moment before turning to look at him. "I'm surprised you talk of soul mates... I've always wished for one, you know? That one person who would understand you and want to be with you... But it's a silly notion, I think."
Loki shrugged. "i do enjoy listening to myself. i have dulcet tones, my voice is simply glorious." Loki stated, his lip twitching as he faught back a smile. "there is not one thing more beautiful to listen to, than the sound of my voice. why, i make women melt with the faintest of whispers, and make men tremble in fear with a stern word." he flashed her a smirk. "i can even make babies cry, though that might be because i take their candy." do Loki was familiar with a few earth sayings at least. "i don't know. i guess i'm just curious about humans interact with each other. i'm certainly not going to trust what i learned of affection from asgard. i highly doubt offering a person the head of a newly slain beast is going to garner a positive reaction." he pointed out dryly. "cursed? i wasn't aware that human's had such magic." he admitted as he examined her, a faint tickling sensation spreading across her skin. "i can't feel any curses attached to you. must be hereditary then. if it's an internalized curse i'm afraid i can't do anything about it." he admitted with a sigh before he chuckled. "ah, but you see, that is the way we where made. our souls are meant to bond to other souls. Soul Mates do exist, they are just very hard to find. especially with how many people there are. and if you take into account the Nine realms as well..." he shook his head. "but, the good news is, is that even if you don't find your Soul mate now, you will be 'reincarnated' i beleive humans call it. you will be reborn again and again until you find your soul mate, because one cannot truly die without the other." he admitted. Thor has found his Soul mate in Jane. when they both cross over, they will stay crossed over, or they might choose to be reborn as Twins, that happens sometimes." he admitted. "Soul Mates do exist, and it might take you twenty some lifetimes to find your mate, but it will happen."
Ana laughed and wrinkled her nose. "Yeaaaaaaah, if you were to give me the head of a beast... I'd probably smack you." She nodded now then lifted her gaze up to his, brows raising. "And I know you have a wonderful voice. Everyone who has met you, even the Avengers, can all agree on that. They all hate you, but... They think your voice is sultry." She was hiding the fact, however, that she liked it a little more than that... But what he didn't know, couldn't hurt him. When he moved onto the topic of curses, however, she looked down at her skin as the tickling sensation came over her. She nodded now, having known this already. "It is not exactly hereditary it's... Well, maybe it is. I'm not sure, I don't remember, but it most certainly a curse." Oh, she was saying too much. She felt way too comfortable around the God that killed many. That was REALLY saying something.

Wrinkling her nose again, she looked back towards him, head tilting to the side. "Well... I am not sure if that is true or not. I mean, if that were true, then I would have been born with the ability to touch my lover." She shook her head now, and looked down at the ground. There had been many attempts she'd had at falling in love, at trying to gain someone's favor... And they all just wanted to use her in the end. She knew, of course, by touching them. Everyone just wanted the opportunity to sleep with the nerd. It was more than a little upsetting, quite honestly. She wanted someone who would value her... "Not to mention, I'm a bit high maintenance. Mood swings and witty come backs and all. I'm a bit of a smart ass. People don't always like that." Except for Tony. Tony liked that about her, which was probably why he still tried to pursue her.
he chuckled a little. "se, that's what i mean, it's considered a great honor to be given the bloody lifeless head of some poor unfortunate creature in Asgard." he admitted with a shake of his head. "the avengers wouldn't admit it aloud." he corrected with a grin. "i have a sexy voice. i make women orgasm with just a whisper." he teased with a chuckle. "i was always a favorite in the Beer halls to sing the lovely songs." he admitted. "anyone can sing a drinking ditty, but most Asgaurdians don't have the vocal tones to sing the love ballads or the exciting tales." he admitted with a smile. "not all curses show in every generation. some curses can actually skip thirteen or more generations. i know of one, where a person turned everything he touched into Gold, that skipped an entire fifty three generations. poor Midas. it was an internalized curse, so i couldn't do anything, but i did get a very lovely gold dove from him as a thanks for trying." he admitted with a smile. "he was a lovely fellow, even if he couldn't touch anything."

"ah, but you see, while you have a Soul Mate, this is probobly not your first life. if you can't touch people for whatever reason, then it is likely that the Fates desire you to learn a specific lesson in this particular lifetime. every Life has it's lesson to learn. and some chosen few are actually chosen to bear certain gifts, or curses in order to help others or to punish for past wrongs. you might have been a child slaughterer in a past life, or you are in the best position to help a favorite of theirs, or you yourself are a favorite." Loki admitted with a smile. "you are not high maintenance, you are simply true to yourself. not many people can claim the same. you think i like being an asshole?" he asked with a grin. "i am this way, because i won't lie to myself, or others. i won't hide parts of myself and i won't pretend to be something i'm not just to make a freind who will abandon me later. are you not the same? you won't hide parts of yourself, or pretend. that does not make you... did you just say Tony? as in the insufferable man who never shuts up, as in the man with the incredibly ugly glowing blue tower with the tacky red and gold metal clothes?"
Ana was trying to listen to what he was saying, but she didn't know if she believed in any of that. Though, he was a God, more or less.... If anyone would know, it would be him. She merely nodded now before looking over at him with a wide eyed expression. "Wha.... Did I just say Tony?" She had thought she'd internalized it instead. Shaking her head, she shifted a little. "Uh, yeah... We uh... Had a one night stand." For some reason, she hadn't been over loaded with all the information from him. But, she didn't want him. Looking over at him again now, her brows raised. "He isn't all that bad, you know... I mean, he's... He's a... Special man." She wrinkled her nose and shook her head before looking up at him.

"So! How are you feeling?" she asked now, wanting to change the subject. "Do you think you're able to move yet or would you rather just lay there?"
he chuckled a little and nodded. "you did, at least i think you did. i heard you say it in any case." he admitted with a shrug. "whats a one night stand? sounds uncomfortable, why would you stand all night?" he asked, looking confused at her again. "he's awful." Loki complained, looking amused. "oh yes, very special. so special he needs to be with a mind healer." he commented simply. "he's more special than even i am, and i know that is saying something." he pointed out with a small chuckle. "i'm feeling tired, i hurt, and my head aches. i'm thirsty too but i don't like that stuff they kept trying to make me drink." fruit juice probobly. "it's too sweet." he grumbled, making a face. "don't suppose you have any water? or maybe some mead?" he asked, blinking at her, studying her. "i would rather lay here, i can't make it back the bedroom at the moment and i imagine your about as tired as i am at the moment. " he admitted with a smile. "and i'm sure that one eyed man is going to be bothering you soon." he admitted. "he's not going to like that i 'escaped'. he'll probobly question you a lot." Loki sighed, closing his eyes. "i'm just going to have something to drink and then take another nap." he admitted. "my magic is working very hard to repair my damage... if i'm honest, and i am always honest, except for when i'm not... i could have found a much better way to try and join the lands of Nifelheim." he admitted with a grimace. "i've really no idea what i was thinking."
Ana looked him over now and offered a kind smile. "Well... Sometimes things happen for a reason," she said quietly, eyes studying him curiously before she cleared her throat. "Anyways, we don't need to talk about Tony... I'll go get you some water." She stood up now and headed into the kitchen now, going through the fridge to find a water bottle. Bringing it out to him she opened it and helped him drink some before sliding down to sit next to him. She hesitated a moment before reaching out to carefully brush aside some of his hair, not really paying much attention to what she was doing. "Just try to relax, okay?" Though, she had to wonder.... A long time ago, she'd stolen someone's pain and took it in as her own.... would it work with him? To let him feel at least somewhat better? Pursing her lips, she slid her glove off and put her hand on the back of his neck now, attempting to do so. If it worked, it worked, if it didn't, it dind't.
he smiled a little. "all things happen for a reason, it's just that sometimes people don't much like the reason." he pointed out with a smile. "i won't insult Tony anymore if it upsets you so much." he promised her, a little bemused that she liked him so much, but not about to upset the only person on earth willing to at least give him a chance. he gratefully gulped down the water, and nearly flinched away from her touch, looking uncertain as to why she would want to touch his hair, or him for that matter... but even the smallest of touches made him feel... wonderful. he sighed gasped a little as she touched his bare skin with hers and he shuddered. this time when she touched him, she could feel his fear. fear of The Voice returning, and controlling him once more. Fear of all the people he had hurt while under the control of another. Fear of his father, who he didn't understand and was certain was using him for some purpose that Loki wouldn't like. Fear of his brother, because he was certain Thor hated him. Fear of being helpless and weak, and Fear of Ana, who was acting so oddly, so opposite of everything that he was used to. he wasn't sure if she was being nice because she had something evil planned, or was being nice because she honestly felt he deserved a second chance. still he sagged, relieved as much of the pain bled away, and he fell asleep, looking fair and fragile, and yet still powerful somehow. this time, he slept without dreams, and didn't even twitch when she started making Lunch, though the smell of food seamed to rouse him. "ugh..." he groaned, managing to flop an arm over his eyes. "that blody thing... stupid Sun, how i hate you. why can't you just go and drown in the ocean like a proper sun?"
It had worked, and she felt God awful. Her head was hurting terribly, her wrists extremely sore and now having slight marks, as she'd taken away some of his injuries and taken them into herself. His were still there, but not as bad as they had been. When he fell asleep, she closed her eyes and tried to relax, before falling asleep next to him. It wasn't much longer before she woke up and decided to start working on lunch. She could barely stand and the pain was intense, but she ignored it. As long as he was feeling better, she didn't care. She hated seeing others in pain, after all. She was making macaroni and cheese, seeing as how it was pretty simple. Hopefully he would like it and wouldn't throw too much of a big fit over it. She had to take breaks now and then, closing her eyes to fight through the discomfort. Hearing his mumbling in the living room, she chuckled a little and shook her head, continuing to work. When it was done, she brought it out to him and sat on the couch with him. "Here," she said, holding it out. She had bandaids on her wrists now, to help with the slight bleeding she had earlier. "I think you might like this, it's one of my favorites. Macaroni and cheese with ground beef."
he blinked at her as she walked into the room, his nose twitching a little as he slowly sat up, looking amazed as he flexed his fingers. "i don't hurt so bad..." he muttered, his head cocked to the side, baffled. and why wouldn't he be? as far as he knew, what she had done was impossible. "...Mac? what is mac? and Gurned beef?" he asked, looking curious as he carefully accepted the plate. "i have some of my strength back, i can feed myself." he muttered, sounding both delighted, and a little sad, no doubt wondering when she was going to kick him out? he paused, fork halfway to his lips when he noticed her wrists where bandaged. "what happened? are you hurt?" he asked, worried. "did you burn yourself on those nasty mortal cooking things?" he demanded, gently taking her wrists in his hands, his fingers touching only cloth for once and he pressed a tiny kiss on each wrist, warmth spreading from where his lips touched to encase each hurt area, which then went numb. she still have physical marks, but the pain was gone. "i can't do much more than Numb. men are not to be healers." he admitted with a shake of his head. "never mind that a few male healers on the battlefield might save more than a few lives." he grumbled, rolling his eyes before he picked up his plate and took a bite and paused, chewing slowly as he examined the plate. "i love earth food." Loki admitted after a moment, scooping a much more healthy amount into his maw. at least Loki wasn't in the least bit picky about what he ate... or what he wore. or where he slept.
Ana laughed. "It's noodles with a cheese sauce and ground meat." She smiled a little then looked down, startled, as he looked to her wrists. She was completely taken off guard by his kisses, but thankful for the numbness. She sighed and pulled off the bandages, revealing marks identical to his, only less severe. "I sort of... Took in your pain and injuries," she said, clearing her throat. "So you would feel better. It worked, right? As you said... You feel better." She smiled a little then started to eat again, feeling much better now. "I am glad you like it, though. But... I suppose with you feeling better, you will be wanting to leave?" She wasn't asking him to go, in fact, her tone sounded quite the opposite. She was enjoying his company. But, now that she told him what she did, she was going to have to explain herself to him now.
he looked a little startled by her explanation. "noodles? why would you put your meat on the ground? that can't be sanitary." he complained, eying up his meal with suspicion. "you..." he looked so stunned it was almost funny as he examined the marks on her wrist, gently tracing one with his finger. "why would you do that!? you've hurt yourself." he accused, looking upset and worried. "i do feel better, but i would rather it not be at your expense." he complained softly. "no one should feel the pain i feel. i deserve this, for trying to take the cowards way out... promise me you won't do it again, not unless it's someone who actually deserves your pity and kindness." he pleaded. "there are some in this world who do not deserve your attention Ana." he muttered softly before he hessitated. "...i... have nowhere to go.." Loki admitted softly. "unlike Thor, i was given no assistance when i was dropped here..." Loki admitted. "i have no house, i have no money, i have no clothes..." he indicated the borrowed pajamas he had been in since she'd 'rescued' him from the hospital. "i've no idea what they did with what i had on, but i can't say i'm sad to see it go... i've been on the streets..." he explained, swallowing thickly. "i will leave, if you want me to but i... rather like it here... with you, i mean... i.." Loki paused as a knock sounded at the door before the door opened. Loki was hidden from the door, thankfully enough. because only one man would have the balls to just walk into Ana's house.

"Ana!" it was Tony Stark. "Ana are you here?" and he sounded worried. "i just found out that asshole Fury sent you to check up on LOKI of all people! he didn't do anything to you did he!? i cannot beleive that he's back here on earth! i'll kill the bastard this time!" like always, Tony talked, not waiting for a reply. "oh! i brought you flowers!" he chirped happily, offering her a bundle of flowers, which she probobly didn't like. he was terrible at remembering who liked what, despite the fact that the only people he 'liked' was Pepper and Ana. "oh, and i brought you chocolate... are you really alright? Loki didn't do anything to you? Fury called me because Loki's escaped the hospital he was in. some pathetic tall tale about how he tried to kill himself. i don't beleive it for a second!"
Ana blinked in surprise and smiled a little, leaning in as if she were about to kiss him but she stopped soon after, having heard the front door open and the all too arrogant voice of Tony Stark. Blinking now, she jumped up and quickly ran out to meet him, eyes wide. "For God's sake, Anthony Stark, what the hell have I told you about just barging in like that?!" Grabbing the flowers now, she looked them over before huffing. "I'm just fine, really. Don't worry about me, okay? You need to go. I'm busy." She wanted him gone. If he found out that she was harboring Loki, she would be in a lot of trouble. That and... She didn't want Loki to get killed. "Besides, don't take your anger out at all, okay? Loki's not... A threat right now and I don't think he was before.... Anyways, just forget about it."

[short, sorry. Dx]
Loki blinked a little, looking just a little bit worried when she leaned forward, not afraid, but concerned about what she might do. would she slap him? hug him? do something equally unpleasant? he blinked at the door and watched her move across the room, feeling strangely disappointment. "I forget." Tony teased with a grin, leaning down and stealing a kiss from her, which he was sure would earn him a smack or two, but it was so worth it. "you're not fine! when are you ever fine?" Tony accused. "you need to get out more, you're a beautiful woman, you need to strut, show your stuff. licking Fury's boots don't count either! do you even have any proper food in here?!" Tony demanded, worried about her dietary habits. he didn't know why, she could cook a hell of a lot better than he could. he couldn't cook at all anyway. "...what do you mean don't take my anger out on Loki? for god's sake Ana, he tried to kill us all!" he complained before suspicion bloomed on his face. "let me see your eyes!" he demanded, grabbing her chin in one hand and pulled open her left eye with the other hand studying her normal colored eyes. "oh... well, at least he doesn't have command of you, he's just brainwashed you." he glanced at Loki who was sitting there, calm as calm could be, looking rather amused.

"hey Loki... son of a bitch!" Tony was moving before anyone could do anything and struck Loki twice across the face, the God hitting the ground with a pained sound as Tony took a step back and readied himself for retaliation. "...what the hell?" Tony asked as Loki struggled, and failed to find the strength in his legs. Tony grabbed Loki by the bandaged wrist, causing Loki to cry out in pain and struggle against Tony as the Man of Iron ripped off the bandages and gaped at the marks there. "oh my god, the rumors where true..." Tony stated, dropping Loki back to the ground where the man groaned. "you tried to kill yourself." "would have succeeded..." Loki groaned. "if not for infernal healers." he complained, cradling his wrist to his chest. most of the external damage was fixed, he wasn't about to start bleeding all over everything at least, but the internal damage was still there. torn muscles, cut bones, damaged tendons, and Tony had just gripped them very tightly. very painful. "Ana..." Tony stated, narrowing his eyes at her. "your going to explain this to me right now, or i'm going to make sure the little half pint can't so much as wipe his own ass for the rest of his long life." well, at least he trusted her enough to give her a chance to explain.
Ana didn't like him going into the kitchen, because she knew all of this would happen. She wrinkled her nose, already forgetting about the kiss due to this new installment of her apparent soap opera life. "ANTHONY STARK!" she snapped, running over to the fallen Loki. She looked him over now, running her fingers through his dark hair. Turning up to glare at Tony now, she shook her head. "He is very weak right now!" she said, the cuts on her wrists clear. He knew her power, so it wouldn't be hard to put two and two together. "I felt exactly as you did... At first. I watched him talk about paying for his sins and I honestly thought it was all a God damn trick again. But... There was something different this time, and his eyes... They're green, not icy blue, you know. I knew something was different, and there is. He was being controlled...."

She paused now then huffed and crossed her arms. "I touched him," she said, hoping he would understand that she saw into Loki and knew the truth now. "He is very... Disturbed and needs help. I offered to give it to him, and I do not want Fury finding out about this. If you tell him, Stark, I will go into your home and I'll be taking Dummy with me and I WILL reprogram JARVIS." She wasn't as brilliant as he was, but she knew tricks of the trade in terms of programming. He'd figure it out eventually, but it would be a pain in the fucking ass.
Tony winced when she called his full name. usually, that meant he was about to suffer in some untimely way. sometimes it was little things, like disabling his phone, sometimes it was big things, like giving him an ass whopping, but it was always something. "you have no idea how long he's wanted to do that." Loki stated to her, still looking amused as he touched his bloody lip with a chuckle. "between the Man of Iron, and the Hulking beast of Green, i don't know who more to be afraid of." Loki admitted as Tony stared at her wrists, gently taking one in his hand, glancing at Loki's wrist and wincing as he realized just how bad the Damage had to have really been. "Jesus... you need to bind these Ana, you'll bleed." Tony protested before he jerked, stunned as Loki looked away, ashamed at having been controlled so easily.

"..." Tony said nothing as Loki adopted a confused expression. "you make it sound so perverse. what does touching have to do with anything?" Loki demanded, realizing that his idea that she was a Seer was probobly wrong. but whatever she was, he'd never come across one like her before. "disturbed? how disturbed? like he's going to be a danger to others, or just himself, or just has a shitty ass attitude?" "...i doubt if i could ever kill so much as an insect again, Stark." Loki admitted, his eyes glassed over with pain. "i am a God, we where not made to kill mortal men. it hurts us much differently than murder hurts a human." he admitted and Tony grimaced a little before sulking at Ana. "don't take Dummy! i need him! and you leave Jarvis alone! he's still acting funny from the LAST time you messed with him!" Tony whined. "i won't tell Fury. i won't even tell Pepper or the other Avengers..." he studied Loki. "Thor doesn't know he's here Ana." Loki just winced and seamed to curl in on himself at the mention of his brother. "things are gonna hit the shit when people realize he's here." he warned, studying her, looking... sad. Tony was many things, but stupid wasn't one of them. how could he compete against a suicidal god?
Ana looked them over as they spoke and shook her head. "I'm fine, Tony. They won't bleed." They hadn't in awhile, anyways. Looking them both over now, he held Loki against her carefully so he would have something to lean against to save his strength. As Tony spoke again, she wrinkled her nose. "Look, it'll be fine, okay? I promise. I'll take full responsibility. We need to make sure no one finds out he's here, okay? I want to help him." It would be obvious to Tony, however, the reason she was doing this. At least, part of the reasoning she had. She felt broken, and her life was very similar to his. If she couldn't fix herself, she could fix Loki and give him something she could never have.

"Now, be nice. Both of you," she said before huffing. "Do you want something to drink, Tony?"
Tony shook his head. "you should bandage them anyway, if someone else sees they might think your suicidal too." he pointed out,Loki grumbling. "she is entirely too much of a 'Happy' for that to be a plausible theory." Tony had to snicker at that. "i beleive the word your looking for is optimist." "whatever." Loki stated with a shrug as he touched a hand to his bleeding nose, looking almost surprised. "you made my nose run..." he muttered, startled. "i did not know the nose could bleed." "...really? you've never been hit in the face before?" "oh yes, but i am frail and weak. it was always with an open hand." Loki admitted as he leaned into Ana, too tired to manage sitting up on his own for long. Tony handed Loki a napkin and the god stemmed the flow of blood as Tony shook his head, feeling entirely out of sorts and angry. "fine. fine, i won't tell anyone." he promised, crossing his arms. "but i don't like it and i don't like HIM." he growled. "i don't care if he was under control of the funny glow-stick of destiny..." "Ugh, don't CALL it that." Loki pleaded. "there was no 'destiny' about it. if anything call it death stick or the stick of war but anything that makes it sound good or pleasant." he ordered. "i need a nap..." Loki complained. "since you where so kind to put me on the floor, you can help me back on the couch. i'm afraid i haven't the strength to do much more than sit up for short periods of time." Tony rolled his eyes, but carefully hauled Loki onto the couch by the armpits. he knew better than to be rough with the chaotic bastard or Ana would have his balls. "yes, i would like a drink... need a drink, definitely need a drink." "oh yes, by all means, give the drunk a beer." Loki stated, Tony wheeling around to glare at the god. "you should be lucky i don't throw you out of my tower!" "your just mad because i blew up your name." Loki paused. "that was actually the only fun thing about it, was blowing up your name. and you didn't bother to replace it either. so i don't see why your so angry with me." "your a mouthy little shit!" "pot, kettle." Loki intoned, Tony making a frustrated sound. he wasn't used to people besting him in verbal spars. let alone with such little effort.
[This is beautiful. LOL I'm laughing so hard. xD]

Ana just stared at them. She wasn't used to anyone besting Tony either (aside from herself, of course). She was grinning at this now, finding amusement in their word sparring. They were evenly matched, they really were. "You know, I don't see why you two have to argue. You do realize the both of you are somewhat similar, yes? You could even be friends." She gave a small nod at this before coming over to Loki, tucking him in on the couch with blankets before pressing a kiss to his hair covered head, as to miss his skin. "Now.... You sleep, I'll be in the kitchen with Dina over there." She smirked a little then motioned for Tony to follow her into the kitchen now. She pulled out some Bourbon and poured him a glass before sitting down at the table. "I really do mean it, Tony. Do not tell anyone... I really want to help him." She always had to help those in need, even if they were universe renowned killers and super villains. "He needs his rest, and he needs our help. He is not a bad guy... He's actually pretty nice, I think. Well, when he's not being an asshole. But then again, you are quite familiar with that, aren't you, Tony?" she asked with a smirk now.
Tony offered her a sulky scowl. "don't grin at me! he's cheating!" "it's only cheating because you are a sulky child who is loosing." Loki stated sleepily. "now shut your mouth, i'm trying to rest. i'll put you in the corner if i have to." Tony sputtered in fury at the idea of being punished like a child. "i will never be freinds with a narcissistic, childish brat!" both Loki and Tony said at the exact same time, which caused them to stare at each other in utter horror before Loki snorted. "well, how about that, maybe she was right." "she's not." Tony complained dryly, Loki jerking, shocked as she pressed a kiss to his head, examining her suspiciously before realizing that she hadn't been attacking him and relaxed again, Tony lifting an eyebrow.

"...i won't tell, i'm thinking he actually needs the help. i've never seen someone flinch at a kiss to the head before. he's not used to physical contact is he?" he asked, narrowing his eyes as he considered everything he could about what was happening. "Loki, he's... different." he muttered. "i had the most contact with the evil little bastard, i think. save maybe Thor. he's not... the same. you're certain he's not screwing with you?" he asked, examining Ana intently, wanting to make sure she was really sure. "i am not an asshole!" Tony complained, sulking at her. "well, not ALL the time..." he frowned. "Loki was messing with me, wasn't he?" Tony had a sinking feeling that Loki was actually enjoying the verbal spar. if Tony's theory was correct, Loki wasn't used to positive attention, so trading barbed insults was probobly something Loki was very used to.
"Tony, I touched him. I know. I felt it and I saw it. He is being controlled by something. Well, he was... He keeps calling it the Voice. He said it's what controlled the others too. I think he really needs help, and I'm glad you agree." She offered him a small smile and a sigh now, leaning back against the seat of the table as she sipped at her own drink. She didn't know what was going on with him but she was trying to figure it out. It would probably take awhile, but she'd find out. "I actually... Really like him, Tony. I'm enjoying his company and I like how he is. He's very, very... Different and I really like that." She shifted on the seat now, trying not to let him think it was a crush, even though it was.
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