Repentance the Sin-(Avengers) Moon/Addie13

She laughed and waved her hand. "Nah, I'm totally fine," she said. Though, of course, her body acted to contradict this by causing her to fall to her knees. She was still weak and in pain, but not only for that, due to the fact of something else having happened due to their union the other night. She didn't know this, of course. Swallowing hard, she held a hand to her head. "Hmm... Maybe I should go lay down again," she said quietly, crawling towards the bed again before she nuzzled into the bed. Her belly was ever so slightly swollen so it wasn't noticeable. Not saying anything more than what she had, she snuggled into the bed to relax. "Perhaps some food would be good....." She said now, brow arching as she looked him over curiously. Why was he going to put up with Stark for her?
he snorted as he shook his head as he watched her half collapse and he helped her back into the bed. he himself was very aware of his own condition very suddenly. being a magical, god, such things did not happen the same way humans did, and he suddenly wondered how well Anna was going to handle this. "oh dear." he muttered softly to himself as he headed into the kitchen, setting a hand on his stomach. there was no swelling there, no outward sign, but there didn't need to be. he could feel the magic inside his stomach, he could feel the body forming. "...Stark is going to kill me." he muttered even as he picked up the phone and looked through the contacts for Stark's number. soon he had explained to the man that Anna seamed to be sick, and that Loki did not know how to use mortal cooking equipment. after a long argument about neither of them knowing how to cook Stark finally agreed to bring over some hot soup from a restaurant.

"Anna? Reindeer Games says you're not feeling well." Tony stated as he knocked on the bedroom door and then headed inside with the Styrofoam bowl full of steaming soup. there was enough there to feed three people. "i'm kind of shocked he knows how to use the phone. it took us months to try and teach Thor." Tony admitted with a shake of his head. "Loki's taking a shower, he doesn't seam to be feeling all that well either." Tony admitted. "i brought him some soup too before you get annoyed with me... and i managed to get some information out of Thor regarding Loki too... it's... really horrible." Tony admitted, looking faintly sick. "i'd really rather not tell you, i don't know if i can say it aloud without being ill. the worst part about it is, Thor doesn't even know what he's done to his younger brother."
Ana did feel funny. She was very in tune with those around her but not enough with herself to realize what was going on. However, she did feel two extra presences than normal, which confused her more than ever. Leaning back against the bed now, she moved her hand to her stomach to rub it, as it felt a little tight. It was then, however, that she realized where the source was coming from... And it was just as Tony came walking in. Looking up at him now, she blinked a few times before shaking her head. "I don't want to know from you, I want to hear it from him if he ever wishes to tell me." She nodded then leaned back, pursing her lips. He knew when she was pregnant before, her typical craving... Which was something that didn't stand out to her, even though she felt the extra presence. Being with child was the last thing she'd think of, if thought of at all.

"You know, I don't really want soup," she said simply. "I would really like a peanut butter and cheese sandwich, with a side of fried pickles and ranch... That sounds really good right now, don't you think?"
Tony nodded. "alright. i imagine he's already told you some pretty disturbing things anyway." Tony admitted with a shake of his head. "i actually find myself feeling really sorry for the guy..." Tony admitted, looking rather horrified at the idea. "...uh... Ana?" he asked when she spouted out her request, looking stunned. "maybe you should go to the doctor..." he commented before nearly leaping out of his skin as Loki came in. "i don't think she needs a doctor to know what's happening." Loki stated before offering Anna a very ashamed look. "i'm so sorry anna. i.. i didn't know Jotun and Humans could breed..." he admitted, biting his lip. clearly terrified that Anna was going to be angry with him and Tony stared at Loki.

"you... you got Anna pregnant!? it's only been a DAY!" Tony complained, Loki grimacing as he nodded. "i know... Jotun have a different gestation than other species... and it's... not just Anna whose pregnant..." he admitted, setting a hand to his stomach. "...your a guy." "no, i'm a Jotun. that's Frost Giant, or Ice Elf depending on who you're talking to." Loki explained before sighing as he sat down on the bed. "alright... if you MUST have 'The Talk'..." Loki grumbled. "there is no females in the Jotun. there is only the Male type A, and the Male type B. now there is only one Male type A in the Jotun communities at one time, and they are the 'kings'. Male type A generally have fifty to a hundred Male type B serving them. Male type B cannot impregnate each other, they need a Male type A for that. or, they need a male Aeser... like Thor, or Odin or anyone who lives in Asgard. though Aeser females can offer the needed genetic material for a Male type B to get pregnant." here he hesitated. "i wasn't aware that human females where compatible with Jotun enough to... swap genetics, as it where." he admitted, biting his lip. "i didn't know that i could get Anna pregnant, and Vice Versa or i would have worn some sort of protection... humans have that sort of thing i'm told. i didn't know i was going to get you pregnant! i swear it!" clearly terrified she was going to throw him out for the oversight, he was practically groveling.

"so. let me get this straight. you can get pregnant, and both you and Anna ARE pregnant. because you didn't know that you could impregnate each other... i need to sit down." Tony groaned, sinking to the floor. feeling dizzy and confused.
Ana looked confused for a moment but in all honesty, she soon started to smile... And while Tony was cross and Loki was pleading, she started to laugh. Biting her lip now, she shook her head, looking up at them both with bright eyes. "Do you know how sad I was to have lost my first child?" she asked quietly. It had only been a few weeks that she'd been pregnant but it was still sad. "Now I can have another... And not just one, we get two!" she said excitedly now, bouncing up and down before sliding out of the bed to come over towards Loki, ignoring Tony at this point. "You don't need to be so concerned, Loki. I actually find the idea appealing." She smirked then looked down at him, pressing her hand to his stomach. "I mean... it is a little odd for a man to be pregnant, but I understand that your race is different." Giving a curt nod, she shrugged then leaned back, eyes studying him. "It'll be alright... Okay?"
Loki and Tony both stared at her as if she was insane when she started to laugh, and then Tony started to sulk, annoyed because he knew that Anna was NEVER going to get back together with him now. "so, you're not angry?" Loki asked, stunned. his last... 'lover' had gotten furious when Loki turned out to be pregnant and Loki had to hide in Nifelheim or risk loosing the babe to the furious Rapist. of course, he'd had to give up the babe after anyway, damn Odin. "well, i suppose for humans it must be a bit odd.." he agreed with a small smile as he watched her. "your showing already. you'll have a gestation much more similar to a Joutun. due to the Magic the babe has, it develops about three months in a few hours, and then slows. being that both babes are half human, there's no telling how long development will take. a full blooded Jotun baby only takes three months or so to fully mature within the magical womb. but when a jotun/Aesr baby is born it takes a full nine months to develop." Loki admitted as he stroked his flat belly. "considering i'm still rather flat at the moment, i would assume that it will take a long while." he admitted, touching his belly and examining it critically with his eye. "i beleive my pregnancy might last longer than yours. or maybe it's because you have an actual womb, instead of a magical... i should take notes on this." "yeah." Tony said, rather weakly. "me too..."
Ana laughed at this, not paying any attention to it at the moment. All she heard were the necessities before she tuned out, feeling the child kicking from within her. Smiling to herself now, she wrapped her arms around him, eyes studying him curiously. "Thank you," she said quietly, pressing her lips to his gently. "For giving me this. I'm very happy that I will be able to get this second chance." She pulled back now, waving at Tony to get out. She wanted to talk to Loki alone, about his feeling she was picking up on. It was odd, though. She felt them now, without fully touching his skin... How strange. She didn't understand where it was coming from, or why it was happening. She felt something strong with him now, something she hadn't felt before... Huffing now, she moved towards Tony and started to shove him out herself. "Go! I need to talk to him, okay?" she said, huffing and puffing as she struggled to get the larger man out the door. She was very tiny and now that she was pregnant, she was exhausted as well. She usually would have been able to drag him out by his ear as usual, but it wasn't working this time around.
Loki stared at her again, feeling uneasy and confused, but happy too. very happy, overjoyed. he was going to have two babies, and no one could take them away from him! he would raise them, and love them, and teach them right from wrong, protect them, everything a good father should do. he would let no one touch his babies, ever. "i'm happy too." he admitted softly, his arms curled protectively around his belly, as if expecting someone to try and attack the unborn babe. it took her a lot longer to get Tony out the door than it should have, and that was because Tony seamed to be in a state of shock, and didn't even seam to realize he was being shoved out the door. finally he seamed to realize what was happening and headed out to get Anna her nasty craving food, Loki watching with unconcealed amusement at the whole thing. "you're really not upset?" Loki asked finally. "you won't take them away right? when they're born? you have to Promise me! Swear it!" he demanded suddenly, curling around himself even more possessively. if she didn't swear, then he'd leave. one baby, was better than none. he wouldn't let anyone take his babies away again.
Ana was surprised by his reaction, but she supposed it made sense with how he'd lost his children before. She shook her head, putting her fingers against his cheek with a small smile. "Loki... I'm not going to go anywhere, and I'm not going to take them from you. Why would I? They're just as much your children as they are mine." She nodded then bit her lip, looking down at her swollen belly. "You aren't going to leave me, are you?" she asked now, looking up at him. "Or take them from me?" She had the same concerns, it was no wonder the two of them got along well. She wrinkled her nose now, nuzzling into his neck for a moment. "I really am happy... I always wanted a child, and now you're giving me two... And you get to have two as well." She was beyond ecstatic over this, she really was. It was a beautiful time right now.
he stared at her, suspicious, but hopeful as he examined her face for any hint of a lie before he relaxed and shook his head. "no, i won't leave. your family now. my family." he stated softly. "i could no more take your babies away from you, than i could let you take them from me." he promised softly, leaning into the touch, letting the strange... feelings, wash over him. what was that?... joy, it was joy. he was going to have a baby with a woman he cared a great deal for, and he was happy. it was a strange feeling, but a good one. he liked it. he leaned into her, savoring her contact, her touch, and her scent as a knock came through the room and Tony came in with food, the food that Anna had requested. "...well isn't that un-appetizing..." Loki muttered, wrinkling his nose at the meal that Anna had requested. "it really is." Tony agreed, mirroring Loki's expression. "what about you Reindeer Games, any cravings?" "...hmm. Clay." Loki admitted with a shrug. "Clay is not a food." Tony complained, looking rather stunned and mortified. "i know. it's a mineral, or maybe a type of soil... but i still want some. Red Clay..." Loki muttered and Tony blinked at him for a moment, clearly wondering when Loki had lost his mind.
Ana's brows arched. "Hey! It's not gross. It's really good, actually. Fried pickles are really popular!" She wrinkled her nose and huffed. "I know people who eat peanut butter and cheese together too..." She looked towards Loki now, brows raising as she heard his request. "Wow... Clay? Huh.... And you said mine were weird! Don't you turn your nose up at my wants if you're going to go out and ask for that!" she teased, poking his nose playfully. She turned towards Tony now, pursing her lips. "You do not breathe a word of this to anyone, do I make myself clear?" she said, eyes studying the man. "Or I will see to it that you never, ever, EVER have children even if you some day decide you want one."
Loki wrinkled his nose at her. "what is.. fried?" he asked, his head tilted. "they look like clumps of cat litter." he complained, examining the fried pickles. "and cheese i am familiar with, but not the thick... mud? on them." he admitted, poking at the slices of cheese, Tony stuffing his hand into his mouth to keep from laughing hysterically at Loki's astute comments. "many of my people eat certain earthly elements to get the needed minerals and vitamins." he stated simply. "i probobly need calcium or potassium. the Kaolanite in it is usually good for upset stomachs too." he admitted with a shrug. "granted, i wouldn't suggest that a human eat it, i doubt your digestive systems are made to handle dirt, clay and other earth materials." he admitted as he prodded a piece of cheese with peanut butter on it before popping it into his mouth and pondering the taste. "it's alright i suppose." he decided as Tony held his hands up in a defensive posturing at Anna's growls. "easy, i already promised i wasn't going to tell anyone!... you do know it's going to get out though, don't you? as soon as people find out you're pregnant, Fury at the very least is going to make the connection."
Ana huffed and rolled her eyes. "Fury is stupid. He's an idiot, he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. Can't even man a flying base." She rolled her eyes and started to angrily nibble on her food. She glanced at Loki now, having taken his comments into consideration. "That makes sense," she said now, after a bit of thought. She smiled now before sliding onto his lap, leaning back against him. She was really happy with him at the moment, and content with Tony as well. She was enjoying this moment, despite the repercussions it would have later. Tony was right. They would find out and then shit was going to go down... It was not going to be a good time for either of them. Looking up at Loki now, she smiled a bit before pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Do you show then?" she asked curiously, pressing a gentle hand to his stomach.
Tony stared at her and then. "now you're just deluding yourself. he's no idiot. he knew you and i slept together after all." he pointed out. "he never said anything to you of course, but i got my ass chewed royally... at least i think i did, i wasn't exactly paying attention." he admitted with a shrug. Loki tensed when she settled into his lap before he relaxed when he realized she wasn't going to try and strangle him, or something equally unpleasant, and wrapped his arms around her, relaxing into the contact. "yes, i'll show." Loki admitted with a smile. "while my Womb is magical in nature, it is still inside of me." he admitted, patting his belly. "i'll show just like a woman will." he admitted. "by tomorrow i'll be rounded like you are, if not more so." he admitted. "the babies are both feeding off my magic, and since my magic is a little bit weak at the moment so they didn't get as big as they would have. you're much smaller than me, so you're showing more than i am, that's all, they are both growing fine. just slowly." he admitted with a smile as he nuzzled her neck, Tony looking curious. "so you can feel the babies?" "of course. my Magic has connected me to them, and through them, to Anna. if anything goes wrong, like if Anna or i develop complications, i will know immidiatly, and i'll usually be able to fix it. still births are extremely rare in magical." he admitted with a smile. "because so long as one or the other isn't dead, we can fix almost anything." "that's a relief." Tony muttered, looking pleased. after all, what would human doctors know about half jotun babies?
Ana laughed and shook her head, eyes studying him curiously. "Yes... Showing. That will be adorable." She would have fun with that... Seeing a pregnant man. Smirking now, she pressed a kiss to his neck before relaxing into him as well. Turning towards Tony, she nodded with a sigh of relief. It was nice knowing that he wasn't getting as upset over this, and seemed happy about the no chance of still borns. She would have been upset about that, should she lose the child again. "....So, are you going to stay here and stare at us all day or do I get to have some alone time with my man?" Ana asked, hand playing with Loki's as she looked up towards Tony with a scrutinizing gaze.
Loki huffed a little. "why do you seam so pleased by the idea that i will be well rounded? probobly even more so than you yourself will be?" he demanded, lifting a perfectly groomed eyebrows at her. "you are not, by chance, thinking such silly, untrue things about me EVER being cute or adorable are you?" Tony bit back a choked laugh, because he had been thinking about how cute the rather feminine god of mischief would look too. he wondered if he was still in shock, thinking such outrageous things. "...i think i need to see a therapist." Tony agreed, shaking his head a little before he pouted at her. "you couldn't have even tried to be with me?" he complained, sulking as Loki snorted. "Tony, you have the Ego of ten men. she probobly couldn't handle your high maintenance." "hey!" Tony complained, wondering just how he'd been insulted. he was a brilliant man to be sure, but he wasn't the most socially adept. "i guess i should get going... Pepper will skin me if i miss that meeting..." he paused. "at least, i think there's a meeting today... i hope it wasn't yesterday..." he muttered, adopting a panicked look and darting out the door, already rehearsing his apology speech. " he always like that?" Loki asked, making a face. "in any case, make sure you take in more calcium." he ordered, nuzzling her. "you're a little low, your bones will get thin."
Ana huffed at Tony. "No, you don't know how to commit to a relationship," she said honestly before waving him off. Turning towards Loki now, she grinned and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I think it will be adorable... A baby bump... We'll be big together." She giggled at that before closing her eyes, offering a small nod at his words. More calcium. Good idea, she'd need that. TUrning to look at him now, she played with his hand. "Yeah... He's usually like that. He's a lot like you, in that aspect," she said with a smirk. Relaxing again now, she closed her eyes before trying to relax a little more. "What shall we do now?"
Tony huffed. "i do too!" Tony complained even as he winced because he knew it was true. he was more loyal to his work than he was to women, but she hadn't even given him a chance! he'd have tried, for her. "humph! i am anything but adorable! i am a feared Dark Sorcerer!" he growled playfully, smiling at her a little. "i am nothing like that soulless cur." he grumbled, glaring at the door as if daring Tony to come back in. "he's going to be back isn't he? often..." he grumbled. "i still don't like him... but it could be useful to have someone to run about, getting the things we want... i still want Red Clay." he grumbled. "i should call him and tell him to get me some. and some creek water." he muttered, licking his lips as if he was describing a feast. "we could take a nap. i'm still a bit exaughsted. mostly healed, but exaughsted." he admitted with a sigh. "i should be back up to full perfection within a couple of days at least." he mused happily.
Ana laughed and nodded. "Yes, he'll be back often and will undoubtedly keep trying to win me over." She wrinkled her nose now then stood up, moving to her craft bin. She rummaged through it for a moment before pulling out red clay, tossing him the large bag of it. Coming over to him now, she sat near him and grinned, rubbing her belly gently as she felt the flutters. Eyes studying him now, she pursed her lips and sighed. "I am sure you'll be just fine.... I am tired too, but also still hungry."

[Sorry, slight writer's block since a friend is over LOL]
Loki rolled his eyes. "Tony is good for stud, but not for relationships." he stated simply. "he does not know how to be a mate. he had a bad role model as a child i don't doubt. or it was simply a way to get attention when otherwise he wouldn't have had any, and the habits stuck. he'll get better as he matures. i was much the same when i was his age." Loki admitted. though, to be honest, when he was Starks age, he was still stuck at home with an abusive, and neglectful father, so maybe it wasn't the best comparison. "oooh! Clay!" he chirped, delighted as he ripped the package open and sniffed it to make sure it wasn't that nasty fake stuff that they gave to children. Pay-do was not tasty in the least. once he was satisfied that it was proper, he started to lick at it, like it was an ice-cream cone. "thank you very much." he chirped happily as he snuggled her. "well, lets make lunch and then take a nap." he decided. "you can show me how to work the microwave."
Ana laughed and nodded, looking him over as she moved into the kitchen. "Clay tastes pretty gross, in all honesty. I licked it accidentally from my fingers." She wrinkled her nose and continued towards the kitchen. She was going to make some pizza. It was pretty good sounding at the moment, after all. Letting out a faint breath, she started humming to herself as she worked, a small smile on her lips. She looked over the options for the pizza before starting carefully. "You are right about Tony, you know, but he's scared. He lost his parents, he is a little insecure I think."
he chuckled. "it's just a little salty and earthy." he pointed out, still licking at his Clay, humming along with her once he caught the tune. "Tony isn't scared, so much as repressing." Loki stated simply. "from what i understand, he was never really shown how to express emotions other than lust and anger." he admitted. "he doesn't know how to love someone, and he doesn't really know the emotion that goes with it either." he admitted. "a good round of ten with a therapist would help him, but he doesn't realize, or want to admit, that he needs help." Loki admitted. a lot like Loki was, only Loki had experienced Love. he was betrayed in the end, but he knew what love was, and how to express himself. well, mostly. to people he liked. Loki was very sweet when he wanted to be, but he was as cold as ice and as blank as paper to anyone else. he had barely warmed up to Tony, and if that was warm, how would he treat someone else? "what are you making? it smells wonderful." he admitted, setting his clay down, tongue stained red but teeth still perfectly white.
Ana laughed and shook her head, wrinkling her nose. "I know that," she said simply. "But, there is fear. I've felt it." She knew it was because he only knew those feelings, that he was scared of exploring love and everything associated with it. She continued to cook now, listening to him hum along. It was strange to her, that they were together like this now. She really should have thought things through, but at the same time, she wasn't upset in the slightest bit. Everything happened for a reason. She cared about Loki, and Loki seemed to care about her... Despite the past she had with him, full of near death experiences and anger. She was finding him as a different man now, and she was enjoying getting to know this side of him. When he asked what she was making, she grinned and looked up at him. "Pizza... And tater tots on the side. I felt like having them." She let out another laugh and wrinkled her nose, continuing to cook now. "Do you want to come help? Wash your hands first, though."
he nodded. "i'll take your word for it, i can't imagine what he would be afraid of though." he admitted. "silly man. i always knew he was a bit of a coward." he stated, shaking his head. "he can look death in the eye and make jokes, and yet he's afraid of women. well, commitment anyway." he mused before humming as he examined a newspaper. "Pee-tsa?" he asked, fumbling over the strange word, scowling a little. "what are taytor tots? are they something that was once alive? because i don't like eating things that where once alive..." and it was true, Loki would eat eggs, milk and honey, but he avoided any kind of meat unless there was no other choice. most Sorcerer's where vegetarians. and after the massacre he had committed, Loki was even more reluctant to cause harm to anything. he hopped to his feet and washed his hands and examined the tator tots with open curiosity. "are they a vegetable?" he asked, looking baffled by the odd shape and nearly broke a tooth trying to eat one. "their ROCKS! you can't eat rocks!" he complained, staring at her in horror. not familiar with the process of freezing something. sure on the land of the frost giants, there was ice, but the food there didn't freeze because of the warming magic that was layered on everything. and Asgaurdian's didn't have freezers either. they did not store food, because it was so plentiful. they just ate as they pleased.
Ana paused immediately, having already put pepperoni on most of the pizza. Quickly now, she pulled some off and put the rest away, leaving half covered in it. Turning to look at him now, she raised a brow. "Don't try to eat them frozen, silly! That'll hurt you! They're meant to be cooked. They're potatoes. Just... A little more unhealthy for you." Wrinkling her nose now, she huffed and closed her eyes, not saying another word. She moved back towards the pizza now, putting it into the oven before coming towards him, having put the tots in the oven too. She looked him over now, hands trailing down his chest. "It's frozen so it can keep better." She smirked then pressed a kiss to his cheek. Seeing him so confused over everything was very amusing to her, she had a lot to teach him it would seem.
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