Life at Sato Manor {Sweetnothings}

Asami was literally praying that he wouldn't do anything stupid. Not today. The uncertainty of being pregnant and after puking this morning, she wasn't in the mood for Zhao's crazy driving. No more tricks until they were certain she was pregnant or not. With a sigh, she laced her fingers with his and squeezed his hand. Asami was a little worried she wasn't freaking out over this. Maybe it was because she was with Zhao. If anyone else happened to be the father of a child she might be happy, it should be Zhao. She smiled and walked inside, saying hello to the receptionist. "Dr. Huang is ready to see you," she said, gesturing towards the back. She nodded and began to lead Zhao to the office in the back.
"Thank you miss," Zhao replied, giving a small bow of respect and gratitude toward the receptionist. He continued following Asamis lead, still surprisingly calm and happy despite the potential gravity behind what might happen. He opened the door up for his lover so she could step inside "Ah, hello Doctor Huang," he said in greeting. "I trust you already know what we're here from after the message we sent?" Zhao asked.
If Asami was nervous, she was doing a great job hiding it. No one could see that she was so scared right now. After years of learning how to hide her emotions from her parents, she was pretty good at it. Plus, she didn't want people to see the esteemed Asami Sato scared. She smiled at Zhao and walked inside the office. Dr. Huang smiled at the couple. "Yes, I do," she said, gesturing for them to sit down on the chairs. "So, Asami, you woke up this morning nauseated after you've had unprotected sex with Zhao, so you thought you were pregnant?"

Asami blushed slightly before nodding. "Yes. Being himself, he thought it would be best to come here and find out."
"Well that felt like the wisest course of action to me, you know. I mean ah... I was surprised the symptoms developed so quickly after one night, but I didn't want my Asami to be worrying," Zhao explained. He stood back so Huang could do his wok, testing and examining Asami to test for pregnancy as he did for any other female patient. He stood back, looking as stoic as ever as he waited to hear the results of this test.
Dr. Huang nodded. "With symptoms such as hers, they usually start appearing ten to twelve hours. It's a good idea to bring her here," he told Zhao and Asami. He didn't want to tell them just yet that there was a high chance she could in fact be pregnant. He had Asami get on the table and pull her dress up to just below her breasts. He did the normal examination he did with others. After writing some things down, he smiled at the two of them. "Well, it seems to me she's pregnant."

Asami's eyes widened. The feelings boiled up inside of her. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be sad, angry, or happy. Shakily, she turned her head to looked at Zhao, wanting to see how he reacted as she sat there in shock.
Zhao's reaction was a mildly surprised "Oh," when the doctor gave his diagnosis, eyes widening slightly. He smiled then and approached Asami "Heh... well it looks like we're gonna be parents," the older male said. Honestly, he didn't mind. Zhao was around that age when Fire Nation men were expected to start their families anyway... "Mm... well we should consider marriage too. I do have to do the honourable thing and take responsibility... and it would be pretty amazing to be your husband."
Asami's was trying to sort through her emotions until she found the right one. Joy. It made sense. She was pregnant with Zhao's child. She looked up at him and returned the smile. "It does. You and me," she whispered, taking his hand and squeezing it reassuringly. It helped that he was here with her. "We have nine months, Zhao. We can get married any time. We just have to do it before," she kissed him once before sitting up. "Thank you Dr. Huang. I'll come in in about....two months?" she asked then standing up when he nodded. She leaned on Zhao and walked out the door, sighing softly. "A family. I'm kind of excited."
Zhao gave a small nod and then smiled at her "I'm sure we'll have more than enough time to prepare anything we need to," the older male said. Well they were hardly a pair of stupid teenagers with no money- Zhao was a mature kind of guy who knew to take responsibility for his actions, and Asami was wealthy enough to afford anything they needed. Plus he couldn't deny how much he felt for this woman. Zhao opened the satomobile door for her and then smiled as she got into her seat "So Asami, what shall we do now?" Zhao asked.
Asami was practically beaming now with the thought of having a child with Zhao. "Of course, of course. Nine months is more than enough time," she whispered mainly to herself while rubbing her still flat stomach. In time, it would grow, and she couldn't wait to see what she would look like in the later months. Plus, she would have a husband to watch her grow. She still couldn't wrap her head around that Zhao was willing to marry her to keep her reputation up. He was perfect. Asami put her seat belt on with a smile. "We could start planning out, but it seems too early for that. There's always the pool. I think it would be fun to be in the pool again."
"Ah back to the pool eh? Want to reminisce on our first hook up already?" Zhao asked teasingly, giving her a warm smile "You naughty woman." Zhao turned the ignition on and started driving, leading the Satomobile through the web of roads that comprised Republic City. Marrying Asami was still an interesting idea to wrap his head around... while there was the pragmatic reasoning of maintaining the honour of his employer, he supposed he would rather like to be a father and a husband.
Six months flew by so quick. It was about two weeks before a bump started to show for Asami. From then on, it grew to what it was now. During the six months, there was much planning for both the wedding and their baby. They came up with a plan: Find out the sex of the baby and get married. About two weeks ago they did, and she was having a baby boy. Today was the day of the wedding. Asami couldn't be more excited. She stood in front of him, tears running down her cheeks as she gripped his hand. She couldn't believe in just a few seconds, she would be his wife. "Do you, Asami Sato, take Zhao Xu as your husband?"

She smiled briefly, looking up at him and nodded. "I do," After the man asked Zhao he said the final words, "I now pronounce you husband and wife." Asami leaned up slightly and kissed him, smiling brightly against his lips. This was perfect.
Those six months had been a hectic state of affairs, dealing with what was essentially one of the largest weddings Republic City had seen. There had been quite a few problems too, many journalists wanting to cause trouble over Asami marrying her bodyguard... but a skilled firebender was always good at shutting people up, quashing any issues that could threaten their marriage.... and then the wedding day itself came about, and he found himself saying 'I do' almost as soon as the question was laid out to him.

That night he found himself sitting on the edge of Asami's bed, kicking off his shoes casually while his hands slowly undid the buttons of his wedding robes, while his pregnant wife was busy 'freshening up' for their wedding night. "Asami dear? Everything okay in there?" Zhao asked, letting his robes slide off to reveal his toned chest.
Before the night came, Asami had made a plan. She was going to surprise Zhao. It was more like a thank you for all that he did for her over the six months. He always made sure she was comfortable and that journalists weren't getting in their way. Now, she was standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror naked. Her hands went over her body before stopping at her breasts. She grinned and opened the door a little. Then, she walked out and sauntered over to him, slightly blushing. Tonight was a night to be happy. "I'm fine. Are you all right, Zhao?" Asami asked as she took his hand and kissed him softly.
"Just checking in. You know how much I worry about your safety..." Zhao replied. Officially he wasn't employed as her bodyguard anymore, especially now that they were married, but he'd still gladly lay his life down for her or the baby growing inside of her. He welcomed Asami's soft lips on his own, and he slowly pulled her into his lap so she could rest her feet after a rather busy day. "So..." he said, his hand rubbing at her growing baby bump "What's on your mind?" Zhao asked in a soft tone "Anything special planned for tonight...?"
"Aww. You're being too sweet," Asami smiled softly. She couldn't get enough of his protective nature. Now he could protect her around the clock. It was perfect. She absolutely loved the feeling of having his arms around her. She blushed slightly and rested her head on his shoulder after kissing him. This was going better than she thought. She rolled her shoulders slightly before looking up at him. "Oh nothing. Just a little something to start our night," she whispered, finishing the buttons to his suit jacket then pulling it off slowly.
Zhao helped his lover remove the remainder of his clothing, their naked bodies pressed together then, sharing a mutual heat. He leaned in and took in his wife's scent. Everything about her was positively addictive... "Well tell me more," the older male replied, grinning excitedly at her. There was something so spectacular about his wife being in her late teens, that she was so much more liberal with trying new things sexually. "I'm very open minded..."
Asami was already thinking of things they could do. There was one thing she wanted to do. It had been a while since she last had Zhao's cock up her ass. Perhaps tonight would be a good night for that. She teasingly stroked his face, kissing around his neck and his jaw. "We could do a lot of things. How about we try it in a different place?" Asami asked, rocking her hips slightly though it was hindered by her stomach. She grinned, feeling her pussy start to moisten from the anticipation. She groaned and started to kiss his neck as she moved her hips a little faster.
"Mm... well I am able to take a hint..." Zhao replied, groaning softly under his wife's touch as her lips teased at his jawline in the same loving manner she always gave him. Over the months they had done plenty of experimenting when it came to sex, so Asami was already able to take it up the ass well enough. "You remember the safe positions, right?" he asked, dipping his hand into one drawer and plucking up a tube of lubricant, squeezing some out onto his outstretched palm.
Asami grinned at her new husband, her thumb running over the head of his cock. She just loved touching him in any way possible. Her tongue occasionally touched his skin where she kissed him. She was grateful she was pregnant. During the past months, they had used a different way to have sex. "Of course. You know the one I really like," she mentioned, pulling away and laying back on the bed with her legs bent. "I can't believe I'm married," she whispered as she smiled at him.
"You and me both. It was a little bit of a whirlwind, but it's all worth it," came Zhao's reply. He carefully smeared his shaft with the clear lubricant to make the first few thrusts easy, and then he moved closer to his lover "Okay... here goes..." he murmured as the head of his cock pressed into her tight pucker. Zhao paused fr a moment, the pressure against her backside steadily increasing, and then with a small push of his hips, the head of his cock was left moving into her tight backside.
Asami nodded at Zhao's reply. Given all the drama that came with planning the wedding, it was all worth it. Her eyes were on his hand and his member as he smeared it with the lube. It had been a good month since they last had sex, so she knew it was going to hurt a little. She wrapped her arms around his neck to prepare herself. She took a deep breath and groaned slightly as he started pushing into her. Asami lightly dug her nails into his skin, but took a deep breath and managed to ignore the pain right now. Instead, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his in a heated kiss.
"Mmngh... definitely tighter than I was expecting..." Zhao said in a low grumble, continuing to press his hips forward and steadily sink his cock deeper and deeper into Asami's tight pucker "Damn... feels good though," he murmured against his wife's lips, slowly humping his hips back and forth in steady, shallow thrusts that gradually loosened her up. "Just gotta brace yourself..." he said, cock sinking deeper in all the while.
Asami silently complained in her head. She didn't want Zhao hearing and having to stop. To be honest, the pain really didn't bother her. She was more than used to it by now, but it hurt after not doing anything for a couple days of not doing anything. She lightly dug her nails into his skin, letting out a low moaned as he pushed in further. She pushed her hips down, wanting him to go in further and faster. "It does feel good. I can't believe we waited so long to do this again," she told her husband. She arched her back slightly with a gasp of pleasure and a surprise.
"Well you're the one who wanted to go the traditional route and not let me see you before the wedding..." the older male remarked. Zhao shrugged his shoulders then and gripped Asami by her widened hips, continuing to sink his pregnant lover further down his lubricated cock. Zhao gave a low groan again and then with a final push f his own hips he had buried every last inch of his dick into her tight and hot rear "Phew... a damn fine start..."
"I didn't want any bad luck. It's not my fault I believe if the groom sees his bride two weeks before the wedding, it brings bad lucky. At least you allowed me to do that," the pregnant teen stated. The one thing she wanted to do was honor what her mother did. This time Asami tangled her fingers in his hair as Zhao finally pushed his whole cock inside of her. She moaned and rocked her hips. "Oh, Zhao...fuck me," she whispered hotly before resuming the kissing on his neck.
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